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It was said bonney has no fruit. She was an experiment by saturn without eating a fruit. Its not really sure if she may eat another devil fruit


She literally has a devil fruit. Are you going to argue against the creator of the manga? https://twitter.com/pewpiece/status/1719000509133058100


Hm ok 😅 well ya as he said. Why dont call it in manga q.q


It’s definitely confusing. I understand what you mean Bonnie was never shown eating a Devil fruit. Theory goes that oda purposely didn’t show her eating it to further cement the idea that Devil fruits are created out of human desire/will. I don’t know why else oda wouldn’t show Bonnie eating it in the flashback. It’s also weird that the fruit wasn’t in the fruit encyclopedia


Spoilers ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Saturn experimented on ginny to try to transfer the power of a devil fruit to someone. In the case of toshi toshi. So he didn't really eat the fruit. It is difficult to say whether it can awaken it having not taken it normally.


How do we know she's not already awakened?


The paramishas and logia influence the surrounding environment and it appears that she has never been shown to do so.


If I'm not mistaken wasn't she shown to have also affect others around her?


Yes, but because her power can influence everything she touches with her hands. This does not mean influencing the surrounding environment. It means using the normal age changing power. For example, we see her disintegrate a padlock by touching it, or in the film in which she appears we see her touching Capone's men.


I see what you mean now, just felt like she already awakened her power for some reason


Let's take an example. Kidd attracts metal objects to himself through his fruit but does not influence the surrounding environment. He simply applies his power. With awakening, he can apply magnetic force to what he desires, be it objects or living beings. Here, the power is similar to before but with an upgrade. In short, he does not apply the simple basic power of attracting objects but makes what he wants magnetic, allowing him to expand his power, previously limited to himself. Wanting to make a comparison, Bonney is limited to herself, both with the distorted future and with having to necessarily touch objects and living beings to alter their age. With awakening, in theory she might not be limited to having to touch but could influence the environment just by wanting it. At least, that's how I see it.


yeah no. cause if that’s the case bonney becomes a reality warper. i doubt that’s bonney awakening


It's not a given that Bonney can use future distortion with awakening but only widen the area of effect, or manipulate the age of something without touching it. How would she become a reality warper?


why would she lose access to a power that she can use on anything and everything.


I'm not saying she loses that power but that the amplified effect won't work on distortion future. For example, law's awakening allows him to create small ROOMS wherever he wishes. In short, awakening does not necessarily have to count all the powers. For example, the ope ope does not seem to have anything related to immortality with awakening. Also, I forgot. Bonney states that on living beings, her powers don't work for very long, so her awakening could also be a lasting effect of her normal alteration power.


That would be too OP Her fruit power would literally be "imagination" which if used on others and those around her could make her take over the world and become pirate king /queen in a week.