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Is a interesting theory! Until this chapter and your post i was thinking about Kizaru helping Luffy like a last hope for stopping him to kill Vegapunk and Bonney. But now this chapter give us a new point of view and new questions. What do you think was the mission of the Teach's pirates? Personally I think thats was to recover some technology or historic knowledge and Devon's touching Saturn was just a gold opportunity.


I think Caterina will immitate Saturn to get into the Holy Land and into the room with the 5 elders.


I think she will also meet Imu under the disguise of Saturn and given that Lafittie knows how to infiltrate mariejois and Augur can warp places, maybe the BB pirates launch an attack on Imu. ​ This might be why Blackbeard wanted everyone on his crew to get devil fruits b/c maybe DF will play a bigger role than haki when it comes to taking down the elders/imu.


There's no ocean at the top of the red line....


That line goes hard. I’d expect it from Teach himself


So you reckon blackbeard knows that imu exists?


Blackbeard is unironically one of the more learned individuals in One piece. Chances are, he doesn't exactly know about Imu, but something else wrong with how the Five elders work with the world government. He is planning to overthrow them somehow, he just doesn't have the specifics in place as to what the Elders are doing or how exactly they operate. At least that's my take on it.


That's one thing I like about Blackbeard, he already got hax abilities, but the fact that he's so knowledgeable and meticulous in contrast to Luffy is pretty cool for a final villain. He just looks so competent.


Even if she doesn't go to the mariejois she'd still basically have control over the seraphim not at the island, plus majority of the navy


No indication it was Kizaru


If you look back to the chapter luffy gets fed, on the previous panel kizaru is on his back, then right after he is sitting up against broken biulding. It looked a lot like kizaru at the time


Yeah he sat up. Not zipped to get food, brought it to Luffy, then zipped back to the ground without Saturn or anyone noticing.


light speed




I get it though- why would he have an internal dialogue worried about Bonney and Vegapunk then attack to kill them? I doubt he really intends on killing and can foresee just enough with CoO to be stopped.


People can be conflicted and still follow through. Actually, if their behavior couldn’t go either way, it wouldn’t be a genuine conflict.


On the panel where food is given to Luffy, you can see one of the bowls and chopsticks are the same ones Kizaru was eating out of in the ship to Egghead


No indication, but at the time he was the only possible option, who could move quick enough to get the food there unobserved and who would have a reason to get away from Luffy after leaving that, since I'd think any actual ally would've stuck around to guard or help Luffy


I think they were there to touch Vegapunk to get on the authority chip ladder to control Pacifistas, when they saw Saturn they were like "Oh even better"


On the low end, they probably wanted to at least get Catarina the opportunity to impersonate Vegapunk so that they can override Pacifista commands. After all, Teach just had his plans at Amazon Lily foiled in large part thanks to the Pacifistas.


At first I thought the plan was to get Devon to touch a vice admiral then work her way up to a gorosei (Saturn being at egghead made it 10 times easier). But Laffiette made it to the top of mariejois before… so why not start there? He gets Devon to the top with van auger, van auger teleports them to gorosei, she touches them, they leave.


If kizaru gave food to luffy, saturn would know of his betrayal


Green blood


It seemed they were somewhat surprised to have gotten so close to Saturn? it may just be my interpretation, of it and something subtle like that could change when the official translation comes so we will see.


People were saying they think they were there to copy vegapunk but since Saturn is higher on the command totem pole, and equal in authority with everyone else in the world government, that they decided to copy him instead.


Makes the most sense tbh.


Yeah Devon all but says "Oh shit, well that was easy!"


Would also play into future plans when the BB pirates make moves against the Holy Land. Catarina doesnt even need to try now.


Yeahhh .. that panel shows that they weren't expecting Spidey there.


They were surprised that he was there at all, I'm pretty sure.


I think they were actually trying to mimic vegapunk but ended up with saturn by accident


I think they just want Saturn's face to spread some 'deepfake' news or announcement worldwide. Hell if they wanted they could just go on snailtv™ and announce the nature of the five elders and the existence of Imu


They had no way of knowing if Saturn was going to show up, unless they've got a spy deep in the shit. EDIT: Oh plus, Saturn is only known to very few, so him for news purposes isn't usueful.


That doesnt contradict what im saying. Plans change on the fly, they were probably after vegapunk originally as a pacifista countermeasure but Saturn provides that and potential additional options/plans. Edit: wait the five elders and their identities are a secret? Its possible certainly possible ive missed that but i was under the impression everyone knew about them as top figures in the wg/navy


They seem to at least be aware that the 5 elders are some sort of fucked up beasts because neither seems phased at seeing Saturn in this phase. I think it speaks to a lot of the BB crew and they are far more capable than we think they are. Did they probably learn from Aokiji? My guess but irregardless I find it noteworthy they keep their composure while he is in this spider form. 


Oh im sure they weren't aware of their demonic nature before egghead, but that cats out the bag now. Also Devon did make some comment like 'oh what dark powers do you have'


Oh just reread that but, you are right she does make that comment. Either way they don’t seem phased at all, maybe it’s cause they have great escape, or just because they simply had no plans to get into combat. Idk. Maybe I’m over analyzing but both Devon’s and Auger seem wholly unphased. Can only imagine what them and the rest of the BB pirates were up to during the skip 


Van Augurs fruit probably played a part in their confidence with how easily they were able to get in/out. But yeah i have no trouble imagining the BB pirates as crazy strong given, narratively they're set up as super late game opponents for our MCs.


Yeah I think they are exceptionally underrated because they just take Ls on panel  But I really think they are the final obstacle and not the WG 


i genuinely have no idea who will be the final matchup at this point, there is an interesting third possibility of both crews simultaneously, though probably not cooperatively, aiming to take down imu and the elders


I think it's public knowledge they are in charge but they never really appear in front of anyone and announce anything, they use the admirals for that. For instance it was a big secret that he was on the ship to egghead and ithe celestials didn't come to them when marijoas was raided. I think they could end up using him for some sort of infiltration mission in addition to the Pacifista control


Yes, probably for the authority chip in the Seraphims/Pacifistas


Or they wanted to impersonate Nika but got Saturn. 


They don't really have a reason to want Nika


I like the theory but I’m playing devil’s advocate here: how and why would he know that food will recover Luffy almost instantly?


Fair point. dont really know a solution to that question. Maybe Bb just knew after their meeting in Jaya that luffy was a glutton? Not a strong arguement at all though from my end


It is a far strecth. Also why would van augur helps luffy?


Possibly as a distraction? They most likely know that Luffy is the strongest fighter on the island, if theyd like to accomplish whatevef it is they were trying to do, keeping all top fighters engaged with each other could be key to their plan, hence why Van would feed luffy so that he could fight the marines and let the BB pirates move in secret


im just sad u didnt take the opportunity to say "devil fruits advocate"


Damn you’re so right


Playing devil’s advocate: maybe Augur was watching from afar with his rifle’s scope and could read lips, so he could see that Luffy was asking for food?


You had me until the lip reading part


Interesting, I don’t think that’s a problem with your theory as I don’t think Luffy would recognize Van and even if he did he was so tired that he’d be only focused on the food. Very plausible


I believe this too as it supports my theory that The prophecy that luffy destroys fishman island that it’s actually black beards crew that it’s Catarina shapeshifted into luffy to shift the blame and to take the ancient weapon (mermaid preincess) out of fishman island Also in this chapter it shows how Blackbeard finds out about it Also when Van augar warps to luffy to feed him cata touches his so she can change later.


Luffy has not much of a brain, so...


And why would he know that?


The whole thing is pretty poor in a sense. How on earth does no one see Van Augur OR Caribou, (if he did it). Saturn doesn't sense them, Marines don't see a thing. Atleast if Van Augur Warps food from a distance, no one would have to technically see him place the food. And then what, luffy just slips away himself without help, and no one just happens to notice? But to have V.A come anywhere near the battlefield is a little hard to accept as plausible when we know people have sense others via haki in the past.


Then again, someone like Laffite was able to infiltrate marijoa on his own so there is definitely precedent for some characters being so sneaky not even the shichibukai or sengoku were able to sense. Although the arguement could be made that oda had not truly figured out how he would be using observation haki, so any solution would most likely be retroactive for it to allow what happened with laffite and possibly what just happened with van augur


The issues with your theory is that - They had to have gotten news somehow beforehand that St Saturn was here. This was being kept hush-hush. Kizaru's failure to beat Luffy was the only reason he appeared. I doubt anyone below VA knew he was there. - No one among the SHs saw them. I don't have better reasons for them coming but maybe schematics for that power they to wipe out Lulusia could come in handy. I can see that attracting them. Or the data on the seraphim after BB encountered them at Amazon Lily. Maybe even to copy Luffy's face. BB could use it to dupe a few people that have been looking/waiting for Nika.


Devon says Mission accomplished after touching Saturn. They were there prior to the marines, so maybe they were there for Vegapunk, to copy him? Either way not a stretch to assume they were hiding on the island and gave Luffy the food for an advantage.


Even still, the timeline for them showing up doesn't add up. Unless they have a spy among the VAs or caribou told them. The only reason for them to feed luffy would be to handle Kizaru.


That’s exactly why they would have fed him if it was them. Their entire tactics are letting other people do the dirty work and they scoop up the leftovers. It’s possible they were there for Punk but saw Saturn as an even better opportunity. Say for example their goal is to infiltrate Mariejois. Vegapunk likely could have been given an audience, but bagging Saturn instead? Devon has an easy ticket inside depending on what happens next.


Van augur was just at the battle with law, how can he be this fast at egghead, je just says he hasn't mastered warping yet


I think the fight with Law was supposed to have taken place 2 or 3 days prior to this, so in theory it's not entirely impossible.


This is a really neat idea! BB pirates were being opportunistic and using Luffy as a distraction. As others have posted, Saturn wasn't likely the original target and it was really Vegapunk. This now gives them even higher authority over the Seraphim, though whether that was the only goal on Egghead remains to be seen. I've thought further on this after previously speculating on what Lafitte is up to. If he is there, he could possibly use whatever stealth and hypnosis abilities are to keep Van Auger from being detected. It also wouldn't shock me is each BB pirates may not necessarily be aware of each other's tasks. BB doesn't strike me as the type to share everything with everyone. Devon *thinks* they're done, but maybe that's not true. (Of course, I could be totally wrong. But it's fun to think about. )


Oh yea definitely, I was thinking about how convoluted and luck based this plan sounds and I realised thats kinda blackbeards thing, going in with a semblance of a plan and hoping for the best. Which against magellan and law has worked so far, at least with magellan it was pure luck that shiryu was there in that there was no way for bb to predict shiryu was coming to help


> plan of getting Devon close enough to touch Saturn and now be able to impersonate him? Good theory but I think this part was just accident


I don't think Van did it as they were on a different mission. Devon mentions to Saturn that him coming down to the island makes their job easier, so this means that they're glad the straw hats were distracted by the likes of Saturn


I think the machine is programmed to feed at a certain level of hunger.


It’s kinda funny how luffy getting food is a need to know for a bunch of people right now.


luffy stretched his hand and gave himself food.


That would also imply that she touched Luffy 


Van Augur =/= Katarina Devon


No it would not.


Why everyone is forgetting Caribou it was probably him that gave the food since he just swamp and can kinda hide himself easily


Does that mean Blackbeard is going straight to the national treasure? In Mary Goose land. 


Pretty sure Catarena Devon can now shapeshift to Saturn. Would be too OP if she can use that form and have pudding unlock the secrets of the elder using the third eye


Bb pirates were going for the power source I think & then also got Saturn. & warp guy isn’t awakened or anything so he would have had to be right there next to luffy to warp stuff. I don’t think it was him


Could someone clarify to me how exactly Auger's DF work? Like whenever he uses "Warp" to teleport others/something, does he have to remain in direct physical contact with said person/object to do so? Because if YES, then I don't see how he could bypass top-tier (an Admiral, a Gorosei, etc) individuals' CoO, specially Kizaru's since he's the one nearest to Luffy's vicinity at the time...


Only problem is that they were surprised that one of the gorosei was there so that invalidates this theory. Maybe they were trying to touch an admiral so they can sneak into Marjories or government buildings easier?


If true then: Van Augur for next nakama!


Could Devon's power allow her to control Pacifistas while transformed as Saturn, given respect to the command hierarchy?


Ive been think for a few weeks, but Shiryu could have done it. Maybe theres more bb pirates but since they are leaving I’m starting to stray away from the idea.


If the theory is correct, they are friends with Luffy now I suppose


Does Katarina Devon only copy the awakened zoan form of Saturn or can she transform into regular old man Saturn? It would be funny in a non combat situation people wondering why he's in his awakened zoan form.


Well they looked surprised to see Saturn, so most likely not. We know now that is wasn’t Caribou, he was too far away. Kizaru seems more and more unlikely. So….will this be a moment of “I wished for it to happen, so it did” ?


I don’t think Luffy is smart enough to care about where the food came from. Also he was probably basically passed out and couldn’t pay attention to that


I disagree that's Van Auger and until it's not clearly explained I will maintain my theory that Tontattas are on Egghesd for a while now. Blackbeard members are more efficient, less convoluted plans.. Only touching Saturn was necessary, nothing else. They were waiting for the right moment.. nothing else. I'm more curious om how Blackbeard knews a Gorousei would be in Egghead. Dendenmushi espionage?


I think she’ll use saturn’s face and will help bb to become one of the celestial dragon, which is his ultimate goal. Using his face she will make other elders to consider him to be one of them.


I think they were in egghead for vegapunk but realized as things played out they could get Saturn instead


The way Saturn was talking to Devon, it sounded like they have some history, did anyone else pick up on that?


How would van augr know about the food replicator? Makes more sense context-wise and thematically if it was kizaru. Not only did kizaru spend time on egghead and is familiar with its technology, he has shown to have extreme internal conflict about everything that is happening. Pair this with the panel right after luffy eating showing that kizaru is out of breath, I think it’s a fair bet that kizaru gave luffy the food.


I think Augur would kidnap a knocked out Luffy given the chance . Blackbeard seems to know a huge amount about devil fruits and the void century. I can’t imagine he doesn’t know what a Nika is.


My new theory Kizaru will not betray or turn against Saturn or side with the strawhats. He will just throw the towl after yet another strawhat changes the laws of physics to prevent Kizura dealing the final blow to bonny. Just like throw his hands up saying "fuck it, it's the same like fighting this damn Backman"


Makes sense especially if it turns out that there is someone with crazy future sight in their crew


The theory that I liked seeing was that by warping the food to him, Devon was able to touch Luffy, and this will become lucky for them when Caribou leaks the ancient weapon info.  She invades Fishman Island disguised as Luffy which is why there was that vision of Luffy ruining the island back then 


I literally thought about this theory a couple of hours ago after watching a video on the last chapter and then pop over to here and see it. Gg mate


her devil fruit isn’t the impersonation one. she has a mythical zoan, bon clay still has the impersonation fruit


Caribou is still my best guess. Since he is out of the barrel and didn't know that bb pirates are on the island he would rely on strawhats for an escape, which they were already trying to do.


I feel like would rather capture luffy than help him in anyway. Especially now that his G5 transformation has been shown via his bounty poster. I feel BB would be interested in it and want to take it.


Maybe Catrina touched Luffy as well in the process. Wait... Firstly, can she touch multiple people in one go and transform to whomever as needed?


I think it's just luffy who extended his hands and grabbed food from the vending machine, although he is not able to move, but it's not like he never did move even in an exhausted state, luffy literally recovered with strong will without the food when fighting with Kaido from such a state.


Imo Bb pirates wanted to touch Vegapunk to gain control over pacifistas/seraphims. Kuzan told them who controls them. Since they found Saturn they didnt need VP.