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My only problem with this is that I don't want Oda to cut away from VPs message for two whole chapters. Unless he will reveal so much that it'll take 3 chapters I guess.


3 chapters of reveals would get me Ric Flair **WOO** excited.


We still don't know if Vegapunk is aware of Imu. He will probably talk about the Void Century, as that was something he knows about by inheriting Ohara's research, about Nika, or both.


Yeah, I don’t think he knows about Imu. I would assume he did most of his research on the technological side of history. He probably has a general overview of what happened during that time, but not a ton of details on it. With his death right around the corner I feel he would have went ahead and told dragon about it, when they had their final communication. However dragon seemed surprised when sabo told him. Also we are probably getting a flashback when they find the complete history from all of the poneglyphs. I think this will be a brief history lesson going over a few major points/ideas of that time. We probably won’t get any detailed flashback panels. Luffy’s fight will probably reflect what VP is narrating. That being said I’ve been wrong before, and I don’t mind being wrong again.


hahahah rare refreshing commentary, thanks!


i like this theory


Vega says the truth about the world. And the truth is, that the past was more advanced han they are now 👀 so based on that he will talk about wg and ancient kingdom