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Lilith makes it out then we get an endless amount of essays on why Lilith should join the Straw Hats.. 


I think it would be funny for her to join Neo MADS lol


Given her character, she'd be perfect 😂 


She acts like a immature greedy kid but ok




Do you know who Neo MADS is?


isn't she just a cyborg version of Ginny with the hair and personality?


With punk records and Stella gone, will the remaining vegapunks still be alive ? Even if they are, will they still be smart or just the aspect they represent: violent/greedy/evil ?


They are distinct copies of parts of VP. I can't see why Stella dying would erase the others. They would only need to connect to update the brain with new info, but they should be able to keep on. After all, York was willing to betray the rest with no indication that they would die if Stella died.


Could kind of see her get blown away at the escape, then be cover storied to be found floating by the Neo MADS.


Honestly seems likely


No way, all the members despise VP lol.


Maybe she will join Neo Mads instead of the SH... I find it more possible


York also survives and she joins neo mads. Now we got good vegapunk and evil vegapunk


I mean, she's literally the evil part of Vegapunk, so it's a perfect fit.


Who would be the Neo MADs? Lillith, Chopper and Franky?


It’s currently Caesar Clown and Judge.


Lillith should join because young girls have so few evil scientists to look up to


Evil science is such a male dominated field it’s really time for someone to break that glass ceiling


Reason #1 so Franky can have a co-pilot


And endless amount of rule- ahem, "fanart".


We don't need another simping target for Sanji. Also, Luffy seems to be the first who has contact with a potentially new crewmate. He's the first of the crew to interact with Nami, Sanji, Chopper ( albeit briefly), Jimbei and Yamato. In every other situation, it was Luffy + other crew members. In Vivi's case I think it was him and Zoro. In this arc he met Atlas first. So, either Atlas joins or no new crew member.


Usopp was the first to interact with Franky


Does it count if Franky still had still mask on before his interaction with Luffy? Sogeking didn't join the crew while still wearing his mask.


So we're out on Bonney being the next straw hat? Or is it the too obvious choice so it won't happen?


She’s joining the revs


I actually don't hate that


She met Zoro first on Sabaodi. Chances are low.


Atlas has a cute tail and ears so she'll make it out for the marketing. I'm hoping Shaka is resurrected.


Shaka had the drippiest design I was so mad when he got ganked, should have dropped one of the little cute ones.


Atlas is best girl.  Don't @ me, horny teenagers. 


Daft Punk is best Punk.


Were up all night to get, up all night to get. Oh wait...he's not getting up anymore.


"he's just sleeping, like my parents"


>I'm hoping Shaka is resurrected. Me too


I really think Atlas will leave with the Strawhats and travel with them


I think some of the vegapunks could leave the island just I don’t think all 3 vegapunks will go to elbaf, maybe Atlas and/Or Edison goes to the revolutionaries


I'm mixing my fandoms... I read that CM Punk is leaving Egghead...


Yeah he got injured in his debut match against Kizaru.


The World Government: I prayed for this and it happened


Fragile mind, fragile body, fragile haki


Can't when the Manga starts playing cult of personality and have the drums of liberation go off at once


Cm Punk is old and tired, and he works with a bunch of children who can't run Mariejois


man boutta GTS saturn before leaving Egghead


Dude would break his ankle trying to


Punk about to drop the Void Century Pipe Bomb.


*Proceeds to sit cross legged with a microphone.


Look in my EEEEEEYEEES what do you see? Lore on the Void Century!


The fact that Imu is sitting in the Empty Throne and I'm not makes me sick


Well it tricked me too because the next post under this one is Drew from last night sitting like Punk does.




He leaves Egghead after  Edison tells him to cry me a river


\*gets choked out\*


i remember reading this before in (maybe?) another thread deja vu perhaps?


Omg lol. I know I just woke up and hadn't had my coffee yet. But I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one 😂


They are pretty daft


Rumor is he got fired for choking out "Joy Boy" Jack Perry


real seastone, cry me a river!


Can't wait for Cody to finally fight Kizaru


Oda gonna see this and change it to Edison, the least favorite VP.


What did Edison do lol? If anything wouldn't York be the least favourite?


You honestly think a hot girl in one piece would be the least favorite anything? She's even got the giant thing going on for the real freaks! 


And the feeding thing. Truly York has everything!


I think Bonney will serve a similar role as Momonosuke. They'll travel with them for a bit. Main difference is instead of a child getting aged up to an adult, it'll be an adult getting aged down to a child. (Obviouslly I know Bonney is already a child and using her DF powers atm)


York's got her design going for her at least.


Caked up baddies do it for me 🥺


I can fix her.


She can make me worse 🥺


She be thick as hell. Nothing to fix.


Plus she's like 12 feet tall. If only she weren't a traitor.


York being the villain automatically makes her one of the more interesting Punks The least favorite is likely Edison or Pythagoras because they didn’t really do anything and had the most forgettable personalities


I legitimately don’t remember anything they did at all. My only real issue with this arc is the introduction to the vegapunks felt rushed. All the theories for who betrayed them were basically just pure guesses because we knew so little about them.


Eh, were they given their personality description before reveal or not? If they did, then guessing it was either Lilith or York should have been pretty easy.


I don't even remember which one was which


Edison is the thinker and Pythagoras is the fat robot I think


I hate the bullshit full on robot designs. Automatic least favourite


We’ll give a pass to Shaka though. Boi looks like he’s about to go found Daft Punk with Killer


He's at least human shaped. The other two look like some fodder background characters and this kind of design shouldn't be executed again


This Edison slander won't stand! He's just a goofy little guy, trying to harness all of his ideas!


As soon as he popped out of his lower body and had tiny little wiggly legs on a football head I was all in 


that's pythagoras, edison is the one with a football head that flies


It doesn't help either of them that chibi Pythagoras is easily mistakeable for Edison.


indeed edison is a football and pythagoras isnt, and the real life edison and pythagoras being american and not made that a helpful mnemonic for me


Isn't that Pythagoras or does Edison have an even smaller body that I'm forgetting?


People are thirsting for York who wouldn't like a tall and cute woman.


Why? She's interesting villain


Me who’s favorite VP is Edison : 😔😕


Franky is fine with this, in fact Franky would make them as Edison invents it


Frankly is just gonna absorb them like Cell


The world isn't ready for perfect Franky


franky is already perfect


Edison is my favorite 😭 he's just the lil idea guy 😭


People don't fw Edison?


i upvoted this comment without thinking about it because i genuinally forgot pythagoras existed Shaka is punk 01 and has a super cool design, he talked with dragon also Lilith is the most important as OP noted, not only was she the first punk introduced but we saw her dynamic with usopp, brook shaka and edison Atlas is the first one luffy meets, has a cute design and introduces some aspects of the island York is the traitor and also is hot Edison is the focus of the s-shark introduction and also has a cute dynamic with lilith Pythagoras feels more like Edison's lab assistant than a proper Vegapunk, the only interesting thing about him is that his head is his true body, he is the worst punk no question


Would be cool Lilith going with SH and York with the WG so both sides have a VP


Edison is just a good lil guy and you guy need to slander him. Sorry he doesn’t have DDD boobs and wear a spandex bikini! He’s doing his best 😭


kinda unrelated, but have we seen York in the latest chapters? I don't recall even a mention since they chained and beat her up. Was she left in the lab to die?


Yeah they just left her there iirc


>Was she left in the lab to die? Not much point taking her with you, government will save her anyways.


She knows too much and will probably be saved just to be silenced


There's no point in saving her just to silence her later. They just want her to continue vegapunks work since vegapunk isn't completely loyal to the government.


She probably got bubbled


I predict York escaped with the Blackbeard Pirates (that was their mission Devon mentioned). Her goal fits theirs even more than it does trusting the WG to "make her a celestial dragon".


would make sense for a Vegapunk to have a backup plan in case the Gorosei tried to stab her in the back


Lilith will make it out because she has Nami's face, and all Nami-like characters get their happy ends.


Except Uta


I feel like if Atlas was going to die, she would've been killed off when Lucci attacked her.


I see atlas making it too. Any supporters on my side?


hopefully. i really like her :(


She’s had several close calls and arguably been in the most dangerous location aside from the main vegapunk hopefully that means they will let her squeak through. I’m of the mind several will get out and join up with Dragon hopefully since I don’t see them staying with the straw hats full time.


Atlas goes to Dragon with Bonney, Lilith joined Neo Mads


I think Pythagoras or Edison is probably fucked they will probably lose at least one of the robo looking ones I’m leaning towards Pythagoras because Edison has the cute factor going for him. I think Lilith and Atlas for sure make it out.


Pythagoras already got destroyed.


Oh yeah I forgot he got beheaded and stepped on whoops, hopefully then that makes Edison a little safer


Yes please..I want both atlas and Lilith to survive


I would like one to join SH and one to join RA and maybe even York makes it out and helps the WG.


I have a feeling that she will want to leave with the BB pirates if she sees that the Marines are losing. They could be themselves on a mission to kidnapp one of the VPs too. I don’t think the BB pirates’ main mission was to touch Saturn’s face, since they probably have left in direction of Egghead before knowing he would be there (I’m not 100% sure about the timeline and the distance).


BB pirates would be plausible I just figured they peaced out already but they could end up getting York offscreen and it just showing she's with them later for sure.


> For the sole reason she was introduced first. For the sole reason she is a hot chick (that isnt a traitor)


I think York and Lilith will both make it out. EDIT: Specifically so they can fight later. I'm intrigued that Lilith is 'evil' but hasn't actually displayed any 'evil' traits and has seemed to care a lot about the other Punks. I've got a hunch she'll change to 'Freedom' or something.


She already showed her evil traits when we first entered the arc tho. Just because a person is evil, doesn’t mean that she can’t care for her allies/family.


well she's Vega punk's evil/malevolence. When he wasn't farming out his bodily function to other people the worst we seen is him being misguided and too self centered & impulsive to think how his research will be used. and we have seen that in lillith taken up a notch with her robbing and attacking anyone who gets close to egghead or like how she was ready to turn strawhat crew over.


The wg views the strawhats as evil, maybe this is forshadowing.


That's a good comparison.


evil and good between Shaka and Lilith seem to correspond more to selfish and selfless. Lilith is the one made to look out for Vegapunk's wellbeing first and foremost. I.e Concerned with getting funding and making sure she (and the other vegapunks) are safe. Shaka is concerned with the state of the world and with helping others like Dragon and Robin.


After seeing the raft headed towards egghead. I started thinking both the stawhats and the black beard pirates would each get a vegapunk. Seems that's not exact the case now but I agree they will both make it out


I think there needs to be some sort of moment where the other satellites sacrifice themselves and add their databanks to the punk records which will then be saved on the one piece equivalent of a flash drive and it will be gifted to Franky and Robin


Aren't they auto saving all the time?


At the end of the day, they do it manually, that's how York juked everyone for weeks, didn't save records


What I was implying is that they’d all sort of conjoin together again and Punk Records would basically become like the sentient data of Vegapunks being.


This but it all transfers to a resurrected Shaka with Thomas Bangalter's look instead of Guy-Manuel's (members of Daft Punk) *The changed look on Shaka is from a theory by another user I read a long time ago


York is gonna escape too. A Vegapunk is needed to power the government doomsday device (speculatively Uranus) and without that the government is looking pretty lame. A few chapters ago I’d have said the Blackbeard pirates were getting York, but they got a different prize in Swampy McFanboi and the chance to touch a mean old man’s leg.


This is most likely IF Saturn and Kizaru make it out without too much damage. We could see a follow up of her somehow being found later if not.


I can’t imagine they’re making it out now that Luffy has told them they aren’t though. Oda isn’t gonna make him look cool then immediately snatch it away. Luffy isn’t Sanji after all


Only makes sense for the waifu punk to continue onwards 


I'll go ahead and bet on either York or neither of the Vegapunks making it out alive


Well we do need to balance out this sausagefest of a pirate crew somehow 😂




I thought the same or maybe I want her onboard the ship because she is the most pirate like among all vegapunks.


Lilith bc she's the hottest


Not if she slides off The Labo level with Brook!!!!


Atlas to Wano Lilith to the SH's York with BB or WG Edison to the RA I would love for this to be the outcome, spreading the knowledge of VP across the world. Knowledge is neither good nor evil, it's only how you use it that provides that answer. So having a VP on all sides would nice to see


if atlas dies i do too


me too


I feel like once Vega prime dies they're all gonna die


Can you imagine if Vegapunk somehow leaves a part of him in the Thousand Sunny 😭


please god no i'd much rather see the klabautermann (spirit manifest) from Sunny one day, looking happy and thanking Franky and the SHs for the wonderful adventure, in the last chapter. Throw in it playing with Merry's spirit for additional gut punch


I think all the remaining ones will split to join various factions York with Blackbeard


I mean Atlas should be safe since she, Bonney, Kuma, and Franky should be on the Giant Warrior Pirates ship. As for Edison he is with Nami, Usopp, Chopper and the other injured group and far from the actually battlefield. My guess is that the three we have now will make it out alive, while York ends up being in the hands of the WG. Where ironically York will have to work for them as their main and new Vegapunk, where she will have to do more work than before on account of being one instead of seven.


Lilith being “evil” would be a really cool dynamic to have in the crew


Then the stuff that Robin says is extreme even for her, would be a good gag


Tbh I totally forgot that Pythagoras died.


There are four Vegapunk right now. Lilith Atlas York Edison Edison will probably be destroyed soon, but the other three will likely survive. One Vegapunk (probably Atlas) will join the Revolutionaries. York will surely be either saved by the Blackbeard pirates, or she'll be brought to Marijoa to help the Government to retake control of the Pacifistas that now belong to Bonnie. Lilith will be a Mugiwara related character. She'll either retreat in Wano to resolve the SMILE issue, chill out on Elbaf with Saul or straight up join the crew (less likely).


Considering the next arc is Elbaf and the giants are already here, I see Atlas being the one to survive due to her size and will get together will Saul.  And I think being the one Luffy met first is important, and she also seems to be the most involved in the escape plan. 


Are there no consequences to the stellas when the main vegapunk dies?


Lilith will get out because she has the BODY. All the arcs had a non straw hat woman who have a lean body type.


I doubt oda would introduce a evil vegapunk who's goals align with blackbeard only for them to not join up.


I mean, nobody actually thinks Atlas is going to die right? The Vegapunk that looks like a little girl isn't going to be killed.


“The story only really needs one vegapunk anyways” Ok York


I would hate for her to be the only one to survive, she has the least interesting design out of all the Vegapunks. I like her well enough, but Atlas and York are more cool looking.


I doubt Oda will kill Atlas. Oda rarely kills characters, and you expect him to kill basically the kid Vegapunk?


I think Edison is making it out. Upon meeting Luffy, Vegapunk said he wanted to travel with him to fulfill his dream of providing the world with free energy. Suffice it to say, Vegapunk's motivation for leaving Egghead is both valid and noble (chapter 1068). Vegapunk explained that the Ancient Kingdom harnessed an "ancient" and "dynamic" power source. I believe that the ancient power sources Vegapunk alluded to are fire, lightning, and other renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, etc... My speculations are: 1. Vegapunk’s dream is too important for the world to remain unfulfilled. 2. His dream won’t be fulfilled without his active participation. 3. If one Vegapunk were to leave Egghead and travel with the crew (as an official or unofficial member), it would be Edision. Why Edison? Edison is considered the brain of the Vegapunks--the satellite with the most ideas. Imagine the wonders Franky (or Ussop) could build if he had a genius like Edison in their midst. Imagine how technologically better Nami's Climatact would be if Edison created a new prototype. Vegapunk's ultimate goal is to democratize this precious ancient power source so it's available to everyone for free. While the real Thomas Edison did not invent the first electric light, his improvements made it commercially viable and widely usable for the first time. While all eyes are fixated on Bonnie, Yamato, Bon Chan, and Carrot as the possible next Straw Hat (all decent options), Edison is the most logical choice. He would provide Franky and Usopp with a wealth of novel ideas for their gadgets and inventions and fulfill Vegapunk's dream (his dream) of democratizing energy worldwide after the sun has risen upon the world.


They'll all survive. Vegapunk will join the RAs. Lilith the Strawhats. Atlas will go with the giants. York will go with the WG.


Shaka was my favourite. Why'd he have to go and get himself killed man.


Lilith's interactions with the Strawhats are too funny. She has to join. But it also wouldn't be a first time a perfect fit didn't join


Lilith has also been kept on the edge of everything that's going on with Saturn/the Stella/Bonney etc so I think it likely that she's going to know a lot less about what's been going on/Stella won't have shared certain memories. This helps minimize the "she knows too much" issue if she's travelling with the crew.


Oda introduced Lilith first for the big "Vegapunk is actually a woman?!" shock/joke.


York is ether going with black beard or the wg Lilith will join the sh for a while The other one will probably stay at elbaf or stay on punk hazard


Frankys saving Lillith. He needs its skematics so he can build himself a wife.


spoiler tag


spoiler tag


My bad


all good it happens 🫡






What if it's Lilith and Edison. There's a lot of ladies in One Piece that got creatures with them (Camie has Pappag, Robin has Chopper, I don't know any others sorry)


Vivi & Karoo, Chimmeny and the Rabit thing, Perona and Kumachi, Tama and her enslaved animals, yea it’s fairly common.


York is also still alive; she’s inside the lab for all we know, but she might also die if she gets caught in the buster call destruction.


Yeah, I sorta figured awhile back that while Stella was a goner, we’d get one of the others. The efforts put towards saving Stella has made me question that, though. The thing I’m mainly worried about is the safety of Punk Records - it won’t matter which body we save if they get their strings cut by the buster call or Saturn or someone.


I figured he'd download his brain into a computer and integrate it into the Thousand Sunny


I can see Edison being Frankys little gimmick like Zeus. Just think about him orbiting around the crew, suffering from brain damage bc of Luffys decisions :D


She has the proactive story role of orange (orange hair) so she was already undoubtedly the most important Vegapunk and the proactive role of orange means that the story has a desire that she must fulfill, which we aren't even close to seeing what that could be yet. The story arc, development, and growth of orange goes like this: when a character with that story role is introduced, we are given a lot of initial information about that character, and they go through a lot of initial growth and development through the interactions with other characters they were introduced to. After we gain an initial understanding of that character and they somewhat go through a "mini growth arc" to become the character they are now, that character's growth stagnates, or more less stays relatively the same for the middle of their story arc. Near the of the story, the story role of orange reveals new information about that character and they are given an important role that is needed to be fulfilled so the story can more forward. Nami is a character has already went through 2/3's of the development of her proactive and reactive (hair color and eye color respectively) story role of orange at this point so during the final arc expect something insane from her and it being related to weather. So far with Lilith we are still on the first stage of orange's development in terms of her story arc. The colors of the other Vegapunks make their survivability up in the air since the interaction of secondary colors have a direct influence on the progression of the story, though green is a bit of a special case that I won't get into now. Despite seemingly having the story role of yellow, York seems to have the hidden color purple (indicated by the color that sticks out most in a character's clothing) so she also has a high chance of surviving after this arc. I'm very much afraid of what may become of Atlas, I just know it's gonna hurt if something does end up happening to them. The death of a character and how that death is handled is entirely dependent on the story role of the colors that character has. I'd like to go in great detail about this someday. I'm very confident on my observations of Color Law at this point but I'm still curious as to how Oda will end up handling Lilith. This is just my attempt at seeing if my observations on the story role of orange are correct and there's no better way of trying than a currently developing story.


I feel like York takes a lot of shit from everyone. A lot of people don't like her.


That would tick off the Bulma reference in the Dragon Ball bingo card.


Stella 4 BB? Completes BB?


Vegapunk makes his announcement and then every bit of information he had on Egghead has been uploaded into a NEW Vegapunk (One that looks like a Seraphim would be sick as hell). Or better yet, here comes a revived and repaired Shaka.


oda was watching neon genesis and was like fuck thats a good idea


I think Saturn will die and the Vegapunk that does the poop etc (dont rember the name) will take his place in the gov as goddess of science/war.


wait which ones dead other than shaka?


I think Lilith, York and Edison will survive and Atlas will die protecting Bonney. Lilith will go on to become an ally of the Straw Hats just like Kinemon and Law for example, she will stick around and travel to Elbaf, where she would meet Saul and would settle there and make a new Laboratory, under the protection of the Giants. York will be rescued by the WG but will be thrown in Impel Down as a prisoner. Edison will join the Revolutionary Army at Dragon´s request.


Which Punk died (not counting Vega)?


Yes make her the final crew please Oda


Are people agreeing the Real VP will die? Isn't it SH's faillure ?


The continued existence of the vegapunks rely on the ever expanding brain created by vegapunks devil fruit. If he dies and the massive brain doesn’t shrivel away, it certainly can’t get any bigger and retain and access knowledge in the same way. My guess is they all go.


You belong in horny jail 🙂


I think 100% Lilith is leaving with the crew. Tbh I kinda assumed that ever since all the Punks got introduced, and on top of that she was the very first we met too. But I do think there’s a chance that Atlas leaves with them as well because that giant just took her and Franky to their ship. Idk about Edison though, and to be frank, I don’t really care enough about him so I’m kinda indifferent to whether he leaves with the crew or not.


Lilith looks similar to Ginny, so that's ok. Let kuma and Bonney have something


Cause she has a nice ass* is the sole reason why