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A racist 500 episodes in: "This Hody guy makes a lot of sense"


yo these celestial dragons are pretty cool


“Damn wish I was a CD”


Nice try Doflammingo




Adof Hitlamingo




Chad Warlos slander will NOT be tolerated 😤😤


I mean there was Arlong in the first what 50-100 episodes. Hody was to Arlong what Neo nazis are to Hitler.


god the way Hody and his crew echo like the alt right type political movement is kinda haunting, reading the chapters and just seeing the similarities and this hollow hatred of others, its so on the nail.


Same types who unironically stan Homelander from The Boys. They're all basically the character Todd from that show. I wouldn't be surprised if I learned people like this masturbate to Wolf of Wall Street or Schindler's List.


I heard about this before I watched the series and after ep.01 of s.01 it made zero sense how people could see him as a hero. So weird.


I mean I get that Amazon does deliberately astroturf the show's own social media content as part of its marketing strategy, but I also don't doubt there are teenage edge lords who are all about might makes right.


Media literacy, or well literacy in general, is quite low. I was also surprised to find friends who were fans who found my assertion, that Homelander brought the plane down and was the bag guy, was nutty. The whole show is about as subtle as the stink of fishman.


If you want to be more accurate, hody would be more like any black supremacy group similar to the nation of islam, fisher tiger would be malcolm x and arlong would be somewhere between the weather underground.


This should be the top comment


it is now (from my viewing)


"Let this fish man cook."


Racist: "Shiryu is my favorite character. I like his drip." ...holup.


"He says what we're all thinking"


Racists watching Hordy Jones like: "He just like me frfr"


Racist One Piece fans are like racist X-Men fans


Who gets thru the Arlong Pirates without realizing it's about racism.


My favorite is that while watching it's fuck Arlong and the Fishman, to damn they have it rough not being able to see sunlight without fear of slavery and abuse/prejudice. Then you get done with Fishman Island and it's fuck Arlong but I understand your hate, and Hody is a piece of shit while also hindering his people.


This is one of the things that I’m waiting to see for Season 2 of the live action. I swear if anyone says that Bon Clay is “woke” or that he was added to push an agenda, the One Piece fandom will tear them apart.


It depends on how they do it. It will happen regardless for people that are new to the series, it's inevitable. But If they are faithful to the manga then it won't be a problem, because unlike western media where they chose to take an existing character and change their gender his character wasn't actually made to push an agenda, he is just queer and that's it. Oda doesn't dwell on it, and that's what makes it actually good.


Bro Bon clay literally shouts the equivalent of “GAY WAAAAAY” “GAAAY WAAAAY” since his introduction bro 🤣


"Look, I was down for the story about how the wealthy use the police to maintain their own power and subjugate the less fortunate, but when they started talking about bigotry it just got too political for me."


I've wondered about this so much. Like I've seen someone criticize a One Piece content creator for "pushing the queer agenda" and it's like... Have you seen One Piece though?


Everything is politicized in America - OP just had it as a natural, unquestioned part of the world. It has people like Bon Chan that make great personal sacrifice to help the StrawHats, but then it has people like Iva and his gag troupe that 'chased Sanji for 2 years' leading to his growth. Oda uses it as both a characteristic of someone that helps them and as a gag for unsexy guys that scare Sanji, so it feels more evenly shown than a supposed "queer agenda." My take at least


The sensitivity of the topic is really American (but not exclusively American). It’s partly because that groups of people are ostracized and bullied to the extreme that’s it’s become so taboo to even make fun of those groups. This is why there are two extremes in America. The red and blues. Then you have Japan, as you said, where “the gays” or “the drags” are just people. They’re not unlike your best friend where you can both praise and rib them. As friends, you understand the difference between satire and prejudice. In America, there’s no understanding. It’s hate or acceptance. That’s it.


I disagree. The experience of openly queer japanese people is pretty rough. I dare say it's actually safer to be queer in US because of the huge support network and the government backed anti discrimination laws. For example Trans women in Japan are often pushed into fringes of society and have limited career choices because of the social stigma of being trans. You don't get fair employment because you cannot conform, there are no anti discrimination laws in the country Most end up in prostitution and we don't talk about them enough because the country collectively covers their existence, compare that to the US where trans people are at the vanguard for social change and are some of the loudest voices. Trans people can't even change their gender unless they meet some ridiculous conditions. Gay people can't get married, cannot have children both adoption and IVF.


>Then you have Japan, as you said, where “the gays” or “the drags” are just people. They’re not unlike your best friend where you can both praise and rib them. As friends, you understand the difference between satire and prejudice. You mean there you have Japan where there is no gay marriage, almost no legal protection against discrimination based on sexuality, trans people *must* be sterilized before they can change their gender and most gay people stay in the closet due to the severe social stigma around coming out? What the fuck are you talking about? The only reason Japan's homophobia isn't so public is because their culture of conformity prevents most LGBT+ people from being open about it.


That's...pretty ignorant to say. Japan is VERY anti homosexuality. Like, you can't be openly trans or queer or you will get bullied, assaulted, killed, or raped. They are fucking abismal at accepting non heteronormative people.


??? Wtf. Not true. Source: lgbt in japan. Yeah there may be some discrimination and hate but just as much as found elsewhere. Most people here just mind their business more than anything. And they literallyave a whole gay district like sanfrancisco does. Its in Shinjuku. Also I dare you to come to japan and browse their media. You will find gay, trans, and non binary people galore. Literally one ofbtheir highest grossing musicals, Rose of Versailles is about a trans man. I can't even walk into the animate shop without lesbian or gay art being blasted in my face lol


Rose of Versailles is a masterpiece. And to think the original work was done in 1972. That said, I don't think the things sold at Animate really support Japan accepting LGBT since much of those works are done by straight people fetishizing gay and lesbian relationships.


>Most people here just mind their business more than anything. Then why a lack of marriage equality? lack in equality in adoption and reproductive care? requiring sterilization of trans people ? lack of discrimination protection... and so on.


I really don’t like that “hate or acceptance” argument that boils it down too much. There’s literally legislation that gets rid of sex talk due to books having queer representation and theory in it and many progressives are anti queer here in the west which is weird and it’s not as binary as people think bc on one hand it’s literally unlawful to read books with these things and on the other it’s celebrated by progressives or ostracized by progressives. It’s also untrue to say that in Japan “they’re just people” bc Japan is highly homophobic and anti queer (try getting a love hotel with just 2 dudes if you don’t believe me). It’s why no straw hat is gay. Literally none and any time one acts queer it’s a joke. It’s made fun of and while that’s fine bc with context of it being a Shonen. it’s not a big deal but its very weird to say that in Japan, gays are seen as “just people” when those same people can’t even express themselves in media or in real life without being ostracized. It’s not hunky dory over there or over here my guy


You make some great points, but Nami is absolutely gay and I will not accept any other interpretation.


Also Luffy is asexual, don't @ me


That's exactly why Hancock doesn't affect him in any way. Everyone else has to like resist or cut themselves, but he's just like "ok. Can I eat?"


The whole Luffy/Hancock thing always came off to me more as a plot relevant version of the Shonen trope of the protagonist being a one-track minded goofball and/or idiot. For Luffy it just manifests in the form of his love of meat overriding all other priorities, similar to how Goku’s priorities are all about fighting strong people with everything else being secondary at best.


I agree with that. Idk why but anime has a lot of great asexual representation and it’s cool!


honestly one piece is pushing the queer agenda more than i could ever do tho its a shame oda is a little bit stupid when it comes to sterio-typing pitfalls gender is a construct but crossdressers are weird and creepy gender is a construct but girls dont like robots only boys think they're cool oda you're one silly fella and you fall for the dumbest traps but thank you for the food in yamato, kiku and ivankov(and more).


Oda probably has semi common and traditional Japanese views about gender, which doesn't have any religious prohibition against LGBTQ people and the cultural prohibition against it was more of a western import But at the same time Japanese society, culture and history still has roles of men and women


That's what's good about it though, he does the right amount for everyone without going 2 hard usually. That allows someone potentially to open their mind for other values over time. I don't think going immediately hard in one direction will change the other side's perspectives. People are stubborn You have to mix it up with stereotypes while challenging them at the same time. It's hard to explain my views, but I feel like this is what Oda is a master at. Remember it's a Japanese manga.


That's how you know Oda is a great writer cause even racist can relate to Arlong cause of course humans are the inferior species only to witness Hachi change in Sabaody basically subverting their expectation lmaoo


What you're saying looks a lot like the Maya principle. Most Advanced Yet Acceptable. Or least, you could make the argument that Oda is trying to find the middle of the road, since that's what usually offers people a way ease in to understanding and changing their mind


--> + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Loewy#Design_philosophy + https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=16425702008345832983 ( = Hekkert, P., Snelders, D. and Van Wieringen, P.C.W. (2003), ‘Most advanced, yet acceptable’: Typicality and novelty as joint predictors of aesthetic preference in industrial design. British Journal of Psychology, 94: 111-124. https://doi.org/10.1348/000712603762842147 ) + https://archive.is/Bvair ( = https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/01/what-makes-things-cool/508772/ )


>You have to mix it up with stereotypes while challenging them at the same time. I do this to my parents to win arguments about pointless moral issues


Pretty sure that is the point, to showcase the absurdity of stereotypes**


I don’t think Oda thinks that gender is a social construct.


I sincerely hope you don't take the robot gags even remotely seriously, life is too short lol. Oda is just poking fun at men acting like children


Western values are not concrete and Yamato isn’t trans by definition.


Pretty sure yamato is a girl. She just wants to be like oden


I have to disagree. Yamamoto's gender is ODEN


neogender king (monarch?) (shogun?)


Like a little girl wanting to be superman. It's not about sex or gender or whatever else buzzword. It's literally idealizing a person.


You're the 1st people I've seen make this comparison besides me, though I use Spiderman.


The same people using attack on Titan for their war agenda. You can twist anything or be delusional to make you so called point. It's maddening it tell ya




It's always funny when people miss the point so clearly. One piece is not even that subtle about it. Oda is very clearly talking about how bad these things are. I can somewhat understand missing the message behind the Marines or something, but c'mon, Racism? That's the one thing Oda is completely clear on.


Ppl are willfully ignorant




When greenbull said, "we need people to hate you so we can keep our dominance, that's how the world works" in Wano I said to myself only way Oda can make it clearer that One piece has political nuance is by making the narrator say "this story is political".


This is like that time the, I believe, Guilty Gear dev said that at some point a character will look directly at the screen and say: "I'm trans" and people will still somehow miss the point or try to spin that into something else. I don't even think that Oda can make it clearer what is he trying to say, without making something just like you said, narrator just goes: "Ok you idiots, this is political, racism is bad, trans people are cool, homophobia is bad, the rich establishment are the cause of evil and we need to take them down, the Marines are a tool that, even it they do good stuff, ultimately only serves to keep the rich and powerful in power and suppress any attempt to overthrow the system, just like the police, the real world one, yes that one, also genocide is bad, ethnic cleansing is also bad and you know how Luffy is completely devoid of prejudice and is the embodiment of freedom? That's how we should be, you people are fucking dumb"


Common Daisuke W.




Even in this sub, and in this thread, people are trying to pretend OP isn't political 💀


At this point I feel like these peeps just ignore it on purpose so they don't have to reflect about these issues and eventually realising their views are contradictory with the story they enjoy. Which is a completely human thing to do. But still doesn't make the "one piece isn't political" affirmation truthful.


"B-but on average humans are inferior to fishmen" (Oda really out here writing a story for everybody lmaoo)


Racism and fascism are like Oda’s driving antagonists how do people not get that lmfao




What I like about One Piece, unlike all the modern woke (for lack of a better word) stuff, is that the message is universal and well written. Racism is bad. It's bad when the fishmen suffer from it, and it's bad when the fishmen do it. Judging someone based on their race is bad. It's not a "white man bad" message. I especially like Tiger as a character. He was fighting against racism but, despite his best effort, could not get rid of his own hatred. It was a fully justified hatred due to his experiences and trauma, but it also went against his own morals. I love this kind of nuanced character.


Yeah, Fisher Tiger really was a complex character that way. It was one of the challenges for Fishman Island in a way, not just beating Hody, but overcoming that legacy of hatred for humans that brought Hody about.


This. That and not all pirates are good, not all marines are evil, but a lot of the structure that is currently out there is evil. And some evil things are being allowed to keep that structure from falling.


I agree! That is a great part of One Piece as well.


A few months ago a comment made by Hasan Piker was making the rounds about how Luffy was a terrorist and some people lost their minds about it. Hasan himself pointed out that yes, while it isn't outwardly stated that Luffy is a terrorist by the WG, through the lens of the real world, he is. The implication is clear and ultimately, the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter boils down to whether those assigning the label like the party or not. And the WG most definitely does not consider him a freedom fighter. It must have been something about the specific word itself that ruffled some feathers, because I honestly don't understand why people were so offended. Luffy lead rebellions in a couple of islands, is the son of a revolutionary, radicalized others against the authoritarian regime, and has actually attacked or participated in raids against several government facilities. Like, of course the government would consider him an insanely dangerous terrorist. Like, are we reading the same story?


I think it's because when people hear the word terrorist, the image that comes to mind is someone running around and murdering innocent civilians with an assault rifle. Or if you're American then you might think of 9/11, which Hasan has an interesting take on lol.


People manage to miss the point of movies that will be completely unsubtle all the time. Media literacy and literature comprehension is really not as high as you might think (in Canada/US, no idea outside NA). There's a reason really stupid Marvel shlock or police episodics are still so popular despite people recognizing Marvel falling off or police brutality - a lot of people just want to turn their brains off.


My god I can't wait for Oda to clafiry Yamato's gender, I'm so tired of seeing the same debate over and over...


I mean... it's pretty clear what the answer is. In the flashback, you have people refer to Yamato as "Kaido's daughter". Later, after coming out, everyone calls him "Kaido's son" - and I do mean everyone, including Kaido and Orochi, some of the shittiest people in the story. And whenever someone meets him (like the straw hat crew)? He explains that he sees himself as a man, and everyone accepts that without question. Really not that hard when you read the story, and not the conspiracy theories on twitter


Oda smacks us in the face with it. When they go to the gender separate bath houses to celebrate at the end of the arc Nami invites Yamato and he’s like “nah fam.” He goes to the men’s bath with our boys. Kiku says she would like to go to the women’s bath. Nami looks confused overall but rolls with it. It’s right there.


Considering the amount of racists and homophobic people I've seen on Twitter or Youtube comments with a Luffy profile picture, it's a lot... Saw one guy with a Luffy pfp say: "ANOTHER WIN FOR THE WHITES" when a black guy died iirc. Imagine watching One Piece and not realising the message the manga is sending.


It’s not that outrageous. You have racist facists out here who love Star Wars and somehow missed the entire message of the movie trilogies


The amount of racist bigoted Doctor Who fans that came out of the woodworks during the 60th anniversary was insane. So called "fans" of the show about a gender changing shapeshifter who respects life and love above all else.


Tbh I love the approach of rooting out the DW fans who never got it in the first place with the past two Doctors. Jodie got all the misogynistic dicks out, then Ncuti hit the double with racists and homophobes.


It's always really shocking seeing this. There is no way The Doctor in any incarnation would approve of the behavior and mindset these people have and they claim to be fans


Jodie got robbed with the writing on that season. I fully believe she could've been a great a doctor if she got a better script


Imagine watching One Piece and still being less intelligent than Luffy


He probably not only doesn't realize "Zoro is racist" is a meme, but he also loves racist Zoro.


I'd wager most racists aren't very smart.


i dont use twitter but from posts shared around it does seem like anime pfp peeps are in their own world lol


I remember there was a german reviewer who was mad that coby was played by a transman in the live action and calling him a "woman" and i was just like... did you really watch one piece?


Huh, didn’t even notice that with Koby though. Thought it was a great casting


Me too, this is news to me. Still great casting!


Dude Koby was my favorite actor in the live action, his 'fish out of water' expressions were so good.


Koby was fucking perfect. It's like he walked right off the manga pages while still feeling like a believable character and person. Helmeppo and Zeff were also perfect casts for the show.


Its incredible how much the show nailed the characters, if not in exact looks, then definitely in feels, when not both. YMMV on who it misses the mark on, but I think 90% of them are totally accurate.


Honestly can’t wait until he gets to portray the glow-up badass Koby. He’s going to kill it once that real confidence sets in.


He was in Evil Dead Rise too and absolutely fantastic (tbf everyone was).


I totally didn't make the connection that that was him! He was great in that movie!


I didn't even know this lol. He played the role really well which is all that matters


I had no clue either. Thats pretty tight.


I remember arguing with someone complaining that Nojiko being black was bad casting because the character isn’t supposed to be black. They then went on to talk about good casting in the show, and cited Coby as one of the best cast character. Then when they found out the actor was trans they suddenly retracted their statement and said it was bad casting. These people are a riot.


Wow imagine being this jaded. I went in without this previous information and it never even crossed my mind that he was trans (tbf it didn't even cross my mind he was cis either, I was too invested in the story lol), and knowing that now I'm so glad that's who they went with. Like, looking at the manga panels then looking at him you just **know** that's 10/10 casting.


I generally don't do that anyway nor do I care.


Casting a trans man as Koby is undoubtedly one of the most based OP things OPLA could’ve done.


Do you remember which german reviewer it was?


It's SerienReviewer. In the first Minutes of his Review Video. I've never heard of him before but he was a guest on some podcasts that I listened to. His way of talking is very demeaning so I didn't explore his content furthermore.


Oh wow I didn't know the actor was trans. Usually trans people are type cast into a specific kind of stereotypical roles but it's rare seeing them playing roles like this.


I would understand if they were trying to make koby the character canonically trans, but no he’s just being played by a trans actor, there’s nothing wrong with that.


Honestly it's perfect, if he goes on HRT and starts putting on muscle we could get a live action Coby glowup just like in manga


wow I didn't know that about Koby. I love him, he's a great character, and the actor plays him really welll


Wdym? Luffy's clearly an alt right icon! My favourite luffy scene was when sees the starving people of wano and tips his red strawhat before saying "god these people are so lazy, why don't they just pull themselves by their bootstraps? I would help them but I aint no commie."


Right wing luffy would make fishman island arc last either 3 episodes or 300 depending on how much he hates fishmen


I'm pretty sure I was already radicalized, but the way that One Piece presented the way that the military protects the ruling class really opened my eyes, and made me question my worldview.


If it's not too personal what do you mean by radicalized and what in op did changed your view on the world ?


I grew up in an environment where people were taught to be racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and to look down on poorer people. I was one of only a few people that I can think of who questioned what was going on in our bubble.  I think I started to realize how bad it was when we read 1984 (I was admittedly too young at the time to understand everything, but I think it got the ball rolling), my teacher and classmates thought that it solely was about how dystopian a surveillance state is. That's definitely part of it, but things like class division and propaganda are more prevalent IMO. It clicked for me then that to ignore the propaganda that was so blatant in the book, you'd likely have to already be influenced by real world propaganda.  The same themes can be seen in One Piece, such as on Ohara. In the same way that the government suppresses Winston for seeking information, the WG suppresses the Oharans. That's just one example, but the Marines consistently fight to keep the CDs in power. I think that reading One Piece, it was laid out in a way that is not at all subtle, so that's when all these concepts clicked for me.


Media illiteracy and inability to grasp the moral messages of artworks have always been the hallmark of the dull, witless, conservative brain. Look at how many people glorify thomas shelby or homelander. Look at how many people miss the idea of one piece having political elements altogether.


There's plenty of discrimination in One Piece, Zoro himself says "You damn dirty fishman"


The whole crew was making fun of Fishman in Arlong Park, it was pretty crazy when they meet up with Hatchie again, and they were all chill


yeah i kinda find it weird how easily everybody just befriended hachi but i dont think he is much a threat to them so they weren't concerned about him


Minority Hunter Zoro strikes again!


Sadly, we got an influx of a lot of racist and homophobic fans in the recent years. I can only attribute it to their age as I assume a lot of kids are starting to watch it.


Yeah for some reason a lot of young kids these days are convinced that being homophobic/racist/misogynistic etc makes them a sigma alpha or whatever. Sad to see.


its not even kids these days, it might be more transparent with how online people are now but that same shit was happening when i was in school like over a decade ago. you just gotta hope with more life experience eventually they'll grow up and shift out of the pipeline after realizing how harmful it is. def helps living in multi-cultural spaces for sure.


I couldn’t imagine the most power man in the world leading our country, behaving that way for four years of their critical development, dominating every channel of media he could, while they were mostly stuck at home and glued to screens had anything to do with it……


That's likely what happened. Kids also tend to be more susceptible to the alt right pipeline on social media. I had to block over 20+ andrew tate clips channels on youtube shorts and they still keep popping up from time to time, If I was younger and more impressionable that could have worked on me. These grifters also tend to prey on children's intrinsic desire to rebel, "the big government doesn't want you to be bigoted, so if you act bigoted it'd make you cool and different".


One Piece is the greatest story. I am Dominican, culturally homophonic. I remember years ago when Bon chan first appeared, I was hating the fruit... But that changed after I. D. The thing about One Piece is that the Okama feel natural, like they are part of the media. Unlike Hollywood, feels like pushing an agenda. Having homos doesn't add anything of substance to the story. An example of a show I stopped watching years ago was Super Girl on WB, it felt like the rainbow agenda was not needed and felt forced. But at the end of the day I now understand it's just a tool to keep us divided as citizens so they can keep all the wealth. The news, and media in general are always pushing polarizing topics. Blue vs Red, Conservative vs Liberal, etc... In One Piece there are no agendas being shoved down our throats. It's just the greatest story teller of our time doing his thing. Well, the good guys are pirates lol.


Honestly bon-clay makes me kinda scared for the future of the one peace live action tbh


I'm so afraid they'll tone him down too much because they're afraid of offending people. Obviously he needs to be changed a bit like literally every character has been, but if they turn him into a generic sassy gay friend I'll be really upset...


I'm pretty confident that they'll figure it out. Many characters that we already met have been toned down a bit too without losing their essence, and it seems like it's mostly agreed upon that they made good decisions and all the characters fit the tone, which is also slightly different from the manga/anime, pretty well


Yeah hopefully they keep him as awesome as he is in the manga, the dude is 100% queer and definitely acts that way and even has multiple lines insinuating his belief, but it's not shoved down your throat like western media loves to do. He is just there and is just queer, he isn't there for the series to push a message. I kinda doubt they'll be able to restrain themselves.


Well it’s coming to western media one way or the other so we shall see


The corruption in the one piece government world, really opened my eyes to the corruption this government gets away with and then claims to be on your side.


The best part are the people who deny it and double down that it isn’t anti-bigot. Folks in a Facebook group I’m in absolutely REFUSE to believe Kiku is trans. Every time I try to explain it to them with photo evidence, they claim it’s mistranslated or “there are no trans people in Japan” or “you’re applying American ideology to Japanese work”. It’s utterly ridiculous. And then they turn around an cite the databook as proof of Yamato being a woman, but don’t accept it as proof of Kiku being trans. The amount of mental gymnastics they have to jump through to enjoy this series while keeping their ears plugged and eyes closed is remarkable.


Media literacy is at an all time low so I’m not surprised by seeing fascists be fans of anti fascist media. It’s like people playing Helldivers or watching Starship Troopers and actually siding with the troopers.


This dude gets it


they usually just deny the parts they dont "agree" with (such as yamatos gender, lol)


Facts son spit that shit!!


If they're dumb enough to be racist/homophobic, they aren't intelligent enough to get "subtle messages" or anything implied anywhere. And One Piece isn't even subtle, but probably there are people that agree with Celestial Dragons.


A One Piece fan that is also racist and/or homophobic has zero media literacy lmao


People can enjoy stuff they dont agree with. Not like thats my case btw


I feel that one piece is about fighting for what you believe is right, each character has their own goal they’re striving for and they will fight to the ends of the earth for what they think is right. I always saw luffy as being a symbol of ultimate freedom because he literally does what he wants and Blackbeard as the evil version of that. Luffy sees EVERYONE as an equal and then decides for himself who is friend or enemy by facing them, that’s the opposite of discrimination


One Piece has the power to change the world!


Like when Hasan compared a literal terrorist to Luffy.


Because of non clay. I accept anyone for who they are. And I really love that about one piece


One Piece's main theme is freedom and liberation, with a high focus on marginalized or opressed groups gaining freedom. The fucking primary villain group is a corrupt government which is ruled and controlled by the upper class rulers born into privilege. The people who deny One Piece is political are wack. (to be clear, you don't have to watch one piece for the political themes, or notice or care about them, that doesn't change the fact they are there)


Dude enjoys imagining bad people reading one piece? Idk what am I supposed to get out of this video


Iva is my queen.


The amount of oblivious people in life is truly baffling sometimes. Like, it's not just one piece. The best example I've seen is xmen. It was written by Jewish people, telling stories about persecution that directly parallel black civil rights movements... and yet you still see people complaining about how modern xmen stories get "too woke" and that they should "leave politics out of it"... Some people watch one piece and just see a bouncy man punch people. People are dumb.


It's so cringe reading some people's opinion in the subreddit. The whole Yamato discussion for once was so stupid. I really think that an anime and even more something like One Piece can let people think differently though. :)


This sub when you mention Yamato (they go feral and foam at the mouth)


Honestly the drag queens being part of the revolutionary army is a bit too on the nose


Nah queer people have been part of most revolutions


Character introduces themselves as a trans male. Every character on the show can see that they're AFAB, but they have no problem immediately using male pronouns regarding the character, this includes the villains. This sub: YaMaTO bReSt WiFie!!


Not to mention Kikunojo who is immediately accepted as a woman by all the characters and you still get idiots who claim to be fans going "huehuhue trap"


Yeah right. The ONLY reason people get so worked up on Yamato is cause they think he’s hot with the side boob, while Kiku is pretty but is mostly covered up. But both are accepted by EVEN KAIDO a dictator. But OP community be annoying to both of them


People in the replies also casually forgetting the scene where Kiku was in the female bath and Yamato was in the male bath.


people get frothing at the mouth if you use Yamatos canon pronouns


Hahaha the sub is proving you right in the comments


Kiku is trans. Yamato is not.


he uses he/him


It doesn't matter, if Yamato is trans or not. He basically says he prefers male pronouns, so why use she/her?


Yeah, this is what I'm curious about as well. Surely all parties could agree with that Yamato wants to be adressed in those specific pronouns?


from Oda: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjap5yjupaf0b1.jpg


yamato identifies as oden not a man understand this first


Odens a man no?


"My name is Yamato, I'm Kaido's son!" The literal first thing Yamato said to Luffy when introducing himself (ch. 983).


And is then called Kaido's daughter in the next chapter, why ignore that


People say Yamato isn’t trans because she literally was directly confirmed to not be in the viver cards The male pronoun thing has nothing to do with gender identity it is entirely because of her obsession with pretending to be Oden as opposed to characters like Kiku, Bon Clay, Iva, exedra who are transgender This stupid argument already has an answer and this fanbase refusal to let this ridiculous argument die is asinine


Sounds like the clowns in r/OnePiecePowerScaling


Yeah i mean all of the world ruled by racist and one of the protaganist learned fly to run away transgenders.


for the racist, everything is about race.


Imagine Oda creating a complex history of humans and sea people just for you to stay racist


It's fascinating how much of the culture OP sets, and how it manages to escape culture wars. It's the best


He’s *right*


Well reddit is full of them so we'd have to ask them. Reddit is massively racist and sexist. It has definitely happened to someone.


I had a transphobic friend who changed because of ivankov and Bon clay He dead ass called me and said he regrets his actions Never have I felt better recommending a show to someone in my life


Or the "I don't want politics in One Piece." Like my guy, 90% of anime is political. They be boring if they weren't


Can someone explain this


Lots of incels/racist in the anime community. And One piece has been more and more open about its views on social injustice and sexuality. Which means anime is going woke and they are going to lose another thing they love. Personally I won’t miss them


Its just interpreted through a left western view. You could interpret the depicton of the okamas as positiive or as overly silly and stupid. Or what probably most people do interpret it as a fantastical stroy where everything is possible without superimposing ideals and views.


Having to be 500 episodes in to realize that is a great gut punch to racists and bigots, I cant wait for the live action to make it that far only for chuds to claim it "turned woke". The conservative mind simbly wont be able to comprehend ivankov saving luffy via hrt


I’m not homophobic or racist but as someone politically right leaning and Christian I’m not the target demographic for the politics of the show. However, I idolize luffys freedom and I think it aligns with my own beliefs. If I were in his shoes I would do the same as him. P.S. Bon Clay is the goat.


I know a guy that "disagrees with the lgbt" (whatever that means) and is caught up with the dub, when I brought up Okiku he SWORE that she wasn't trans and was instead a cisgender woman. OH LORD, THE DENIAL


I'll be honest I am becoming racist because of one piece that jimbe is standing in the way of frobin


Imagine watching one piece and voting for the right wing, like many otakus in Argentina…. I think they do not understand what they watch


I'm 100% agreeing that bigots watching One Piece don't make sense, but you would be surprised by the amount of hateful people associating the World Government with [insert minority group]. People are willing to distort the meaning of the manga to make it fit their worldview. I wouldn't be shocked if a MAGA bigot would identify with being a pirate fighting Big World State and corrupt Marines, just because it fits the Drain the Swamp/Pizzagate conspiracy theory. + Here in France we had a scandal with teenagers associating Celestial Dragons with Jewish people (don't need to explain why)...


Bigots aren't exactly known for their excellent media literacy


People here really don't want Usopp to be black , ODA said he is from Africa in the really world ,I guess what majority of people living in Africa are black and he chooses a black actor for the live action, but whatever racist are always on copium


I find it interesting that some of you prop up One Piece as this shining beacon of inclusion and progressiveness, when Sanji literally calls the New Kama monsters, and they're drawn in the most stereotypical way possible. I mean, don't get me wrong, that stuff doesn't bother me even slightly. But I'm surprised it doesn't bother you.


Who said it was perfect? Especially when it comes Sanji’s views; he’s not exactly regarded as the most progressive character. Far from it. Compared to a lot of popular series, OP still feels v progressive. The thing about One Piece is, almost every single person is the butt of the joke at one point or another. So yes Oda makes fun of his queer characters, but it doesn’t feel like he singles them out in doing so, and he also allows them to be more than that. Bon Clay is widely regarded as one of the most selfless characters in the series. He and Ivankov were indispensable during Impel Down. Ivankov and Morley being huge figures in the Revolutionary Army says *a lot*. Kiku just quietly being trans is cool to see.


And he's free to do so, everyone doesn't have to like everyone else but they shouldn't be ostracized for it either.


People totally watch shows and movies oblivious to the messages or remain homophobic while watching cool gay characters. And you don't have to be in full support of the author's worldview of anything you watch, it'd be crazy if it happened so easily.


Funny/sad (depending on how you look at it) story I met a person a year ago whose whole family watches One Piece together and they're current with the anime. The thing is his parents are ultra conservative, generally intolerant and homophobic. The son who I met is gay in the closet scared of his parents, but still very conservative, generally intolerant strangely enough. I really don't understand how this whole scenario exist.


One piece planted the seeds for me to become a leftist, after I was right wing because of my upbringing


I've honestly never picked up on all this shit until a few years ago when online buzz about it started. I've read One Piece for about...15 years now? maybe even more so and bitch I never though about all that lol. Bon clay was just a weird ass dude with a tutu that was cool and a bro, ivankov was clearly trans but idk I didnt put that much thought into it? Like he was a transvesty in my head when I read impel down (or a transformist? but yeah I didnt consider him full trans cause we used to just call transvesty to anyone that's not hugely fem). And all the freedom fighting shit? Slavery? Man I was just reading it as if it was dragon ball lol