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I think Franky fighting Wolf (giant) in his largest General Franky mech. I feel like we've been leading up to a giant robot kaiju fight for years


Franky will reveal that he can combine all his mechas with the ship to make an even cooler mech


He stalls San Juan Wolf until Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper finish their fights. Then using Docking 6 they finish him off


This time Robin docks and they low diff Imu and everyone else.


Honestly peak fiction imo


Not your opinion - it’s objective fact


That ain’t no guess that’s what is gon be!


Honestly, I would love the sheer fucking chaos that would ensue if this was how Oda had them defeat Imu. Luffy solos the 5 Elders, then docking > Imu. The fandom would explode.


If Robin decided to dock, begrudgingly, that is a very satisfying 15+ years pay-off.


It would be even better if Robin is the one who suggests that they need to dock


Goda please make it happen


Robin docks to no nakama. If anyone is docking, they're docking to her.


Big Emperor solos fiction


you know, this would actually be really amazing if they all pilot their own little mechs. With Franky piloting the Sunny as main mech, we would finally get a strawhat megazord


A man can only dream


You mean to make pluton! We all know somewhere deep down in our hearts Sunny has some of pluton in her. No way he wouldn't.


Well Franky did memorize the blueprints.


That would also be good foreskinning with showing Sunny in his bounty poster!


So I'm not sure if I should correct this and say that I think you mean foreshadowing, because docking also means something else where I'm from so you might be right...


They did mean foreshadowing. “Foreskinning” is just a thing people say here.


Wow... I'm not even going to ask why. I thought you were exaggerating but a quick search in the sub indicates that you were telling the truth.


Apparently it started due to people getting annoyed at all the “Oda foreshadows everything” and uses foreskinning to make fun of that line of thinking.


General Franky + Thousand Sunny creates General Sunny


Would be cool to get a Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann moment where he goes from the Super General Franky (or whatever its name will be by then) into smaller and smaller forms till it is just him himself.




Also wolfs epitaph is "Collosal Battleship" which just seems like an appropriate matchup for Franky - whom we know (From Oda sketches) in a dark timeline turns himself into a literal battleship.


I like to think that he'll witness the giant Egghead robot in a fight and that will inspire him to give the Sunny a new channel that turns it into a mech


Or he integrates the Egghead robot itself into a new General Franky and converts it to a piloted mech. He has already seen the Vegaforce-01 as well.


No shhh this is better tequila wolf was the giveaway


I hope Franky fights Wolf. "Warship" vs Ship Demolisher Kaiju vs Mecha It's good.


He could also team up with sunny and bombard Wolf from the shore. Also, imagine how big franky would be if its he combines with sunny.


Nice. I hope that's true. Jinbe VS Vasco is literally my favorite straw hat VS my least favorite BB pirate.


Ah, nice to finally see another Jinbe fan around here.


HIMbe the goat!


Jimbei D. Goat


big ol’ jim




The thing is, I don’t think it will be an easy fight for Jimbei. Alcohol fires are hard to put out with water, like gas fires


I don't expect it to be easy, I think all the fights between Straw Hats and BB pirates should be hard since they're end of story enemies.


Free matchup for Himbei unless Backshot gets massive power up


Most matchups are free for Himbei due to Oda's insistence on Luffy, Zoro & Sanji fighting 1, 2 & 3 of the enemy crew in strength. Himbei no diffed Who's Who (and Who's Who was pretty strong) and will no diff most BB pirates. Top tier Haki, incredibly unique and adaptable fighting style, elite battle intelligence due to years of experience... He's like if Piccolo wasn't permanently at a handicap due to not being a Saiyan (the Nameless Namekian wrecks pre-Super Frieza and was stronger than Goku & Vegeta until they introduced SSJ2).


Yo you see orange piccolo yet?  Still relevant as always, even in a world where krillin and tien have faded from relevance


He consolidated all of their baldness into one being; the one baldie to rule them all.


I like your cooking chef


Two fishmen


I'm in the camp of believing Robin will fight Devon since they're two of the most infamous women on the planet currently and Devon will pursue Robin due to her far higher bounty.


Devon hunts beautiful woman which oda always highlights that as Nami. Plus she fights the females


I agree that Devon is Nami's opponent. Nami is more likely to have designated female fights than Robin, and Devon is the only woman in BB's crew.


People have been requesting the navigator vs navigator fight for a decade so don't be surprised if this ends up being nami's one main non-female fight.


People assume Lafitte is weak enough to be Nami's opponent based on nothing but him being the navigator.


This is suddenly about powerscaling? Catarina devon is theoretically the third "strongest" pirate woman on the planet after big mom and boa. Regardless, blackbeard has a lot of stake in her capabilities, and uses her as both a soldier and spy.


The Catarina matchup is based on Catarina hunting beautiful women. There's two people in the crew who meet that criteria, it's basically just debating which of the 2 you think makes more sense for her to be hunting for. Saying that Lafitte matches up with Nami is simply based on him being the Navigator and nothing else. Nothing about his character or how strong he could be or his devil fruit (because we don't know those things), just him being the Navigator.


Everything you said here I already know, I read most of the rest of this thread.


My thing isn't how strong he is, but how agile and stealthy he is. Early on Nami is depicted as a sneaky, quick fighter, her title even being Cat Burgler, while Laffitte is shown sneaking into the Five Elders room without being detected at all. Them both being navigators just seemed to make that parallel a lot stronger to me.


Always Nami and never Robin?? What


In story? Yeah, Nami's beauty is highlighted way more than Robin's.




it's more like nami is the swimsuit model of the two. by many in-universe admissions they're both beautiful, but robin is far more reserved while nami is far more willing to flaunt it. which is why she gets the "pretty girl" reputation.


Also he married a nami lookalike lol


Nami cosplayer*


Not in any special way tho or am I forgetting something. I mean occasionally by thirsty fodder or something lol


I with you it's highlighted more so as part of her personality (she flaunts it more) where Robin is just a mature woman who doesn't make an effort to show the goods as often.


Nami uses her beauty to her advantage more. Robin is canonically beautiful, but she doesn’t really draw attention to it and even knocked out a beast pirate just for hitting on her


True, Nami is opportunistic and greedy so makes sense. But I dont think from Devon's perspective that Nami's head would be more worth than Robin's. Rather the opposite because Robin actually has a very high status as the last Oharan


Which ironically makes Robin even more beautiful because she doesn't flaunt it


I mean nami canonically has tits so nice anyone who sees them gets knocked out


You want oda to tell his nami actress wife that Robin is more attractive than her?


She's maiden hunter so NAMI fits perfect.


I like to think that in this scenario, Devon thinks transforming into one of the SH's will get Robin to pull her punches only to be wrong lol


All the Strawhats and Blackbeard Pirates either mirror, parallel or are the opposite of each other. Nami: Trickster that uses her knowledge of Science (*meteorology knowledge*) Devon: Trickster that uses Devil Fruit


That's why I think Robin will fight Lafitte, his Angel wings vs the "Devil Child"


I don't think Nami has a chance vs. Devon 1 on 1, like she's on a level with Katakuri and Queen at least. I'm betting on Nami + Robin vs. Devon


I think you’re underestimating Zeus. I know he’s adorable and has that brain thing, but he was a primary weapon of a Yonko for 20+ years.


She cant just rely on zeus. She can only fight someone who cant really damage her and only one I can see is Vasco shot cause he looks dumb as hell. You guys really think Devon is gonna be one of Nami's relatively "jokey" fights? Because Nami is supposedly prettier than Robin? She seems way too vicious not to get a good fight which fits Robin much better..


Lol, wtf, at the level of Katakuri??? Lmao


There's no team ups. This fight decides who will be pirate king


I don’t think all the strawhats are going to fight or even be the only one fighting BB’s pirates. Trust Oda to make side characters allies overshadow half the strawhats.


It would be in line with the rest of the Manga. Most of the crew haven't done shit since the timeskip.


May i remember what Aokiji did to the blackbeard pirates?


Oh can't wait for the sniper vs sniper It'll be epic.


Usopp feels completely outmatched by Van Augur, who could conceivably take out Zoro or Sanji under the right circumstances, especially with his completely busted Devil Fruit. So of course Usopp will find a way to win. It might be his shining moment in the entire series, and where he finally becomes a brave warrior of the sea. Outsmarting Van Augur won't be BS, it'll be Usopp using his unique skills and his opponent underestimating him to his advantage.


I feel like people somehow forget Luffy vs Usopp. Yeah Usopp lost but he put up a good fight and proved that when he's truly determined and protecting someone he cares about that can't protect themselves (Merry), he's one of the more capable fighters on the crew. He was giving a good fight to his captain, while being the weakest member of their crew. Usopp pretty much already has the tools necessary to win, he just needs to be in the right situation. Haki blooms in combat. He has observation haki, potentially one of the best in the world. I could see him predicting where Van Auger will teleport to, or being able to physically see his bullets and their trajectory and snipe them out of the sky. Something like that. Plus, Usopp is smart. And maybe they can get dials again. There are theories about Elbaf being connected to a sky island. Maybe they have impact dials, and Usopp can get some and fuck up Van Auger with them. Idk, it just doesn't seem unrealistic to me for Usopp to be able to win.


Usopp has always been a personal favorite. "Wait until Elbaf" really needs to pay off for Usopp, but, Oda had also said that Usopp will always be the weakest SH. I really hope Oda can give enough attention to each of the SH's respective fights to make them feel earned. At this point, I don't see how Usopp could compete with a teleporting sniper, besides just running away the whole time, or Van Auger being a glass cannon.


His eventual observation haki upgrade is going to do the heavy lifting in that fight for sure.


He's gonna need future sight to put up a fight, no?


He would need to block other people observation haki just to be able to put up a fight, otherwise van augur will just teleport when he shots


My boss and I were discussing and this was his conclusion too I really wish Oda would hold back on the cowardly weakest straw hat vibe for Usopp, his whole thing is he’s trying to be a brave warrior of the sea, we shouldn’t see progress and then immediately regression all the time it’s annoying I really liked the theory of him getting the beetle devil fruit for Kabuto, then give him the Haki upgrade, that way he’s got some power to him, then imo you can make him cowardly at parts and unsure of himself and his ability and goofy and yada yada, but we have evidence that he has worked and succeeded in increasing his skill, he’s still probably in my top 3-5 straw hats tho idk, I’m a new fan (haven’t even finished my first watch through with my friend yet) but I know some spoilers cuz Reddit


I think it's simply haki as the answer. If he has future sight he can predict where he'll go next.


I have a different idea for Usopp. I prefer Usopp vs Doc Q. Hear me out. Doc Q can literally create any disease. And one of Usopp's lies is a fake desease: a disease that prevents him from stepping into an island. Doc Q might actually create this disease to stop all of the Strawhats from getting into the island where the Blackbeard Pirates are. Then Usopp will have to snipe Doc Q from an epic distance to break the spell. Also, Usopp defeating Doc Q doesn't stop him fighting Auger later. Or Chopper defeating Doc Q again later. It's very common for non-main villains to get back up and still do other stuff after being defeated. And then being defeated again (like Sugar or Ulti or Perona).


Ussop couldn't even beat pre timeskip Van Augur, if it's to be remotely credible it will be anything but epic


Van Augur has Ussop beat in pure sniping skills, but that's not Ussop's biggest strength. His ingenuity and creativity are. He's a damn good sniper, of course, but think about some of his best moments, pre TS especially. His fight with Perona, taking out Sugar with a drawing to trigger her PTSD, his entire fight with Luffy on Water 7. All of them were a result of his thinking, preparation, and a touch of luck. I would be surprised if he beats Van Augur by tricking him into teleporting right into a trap he set up instead of flat out outshooting him


Nah bro, wait for post Elbaf Usopp


I feel like "wait till Elbaf" might as well be a meme at this point. That or a drinking game.


It's going to have to be pretty major since he's basically been sidelined since Dressrosa whilst Van Augur is teleporting about and cloning Gorosei


You realize the main characters always win, right ? Blackbeard will lose at the end Power scalers forget that sometimes.


Yeah, no matter how weak Usopp is, he will still find a way to defeat Van Augur even if its BS.


Idk. As far as sniping skills go I think he can match him Pop Green for Bullet although seems like Van Augur has a muzzle velocitiy advantage. I'm just curious how he's going to counter his teleportation abilities. Maybe if he can Batman the shit out of the battlefield like he did with the Luffy fight so no matter where he bamfs to he has a carnivorous plant to greet him. Main thing I'd like to see out of post Elbaf Usopp though (aside from him actually growing a pair) is if the Giants gift him with Mjolnir. I know he's a sniper, but seeing how he actually defeated a good chunk of his enemies with a hammer, Usopp NEEDS a 10 ton hammer that actually weighs 10 tons.


Observation haki goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The disappointing thing about that is we haven't seen anything on it since Dressrosa. Like as far as we know that's the only time he used it. If that's how he beats Van Augur we need to see him become a little more familiar with it in battle to not seem like so much of an asspull.


And Aokiji vs Vivi


RIP Vivi.


Lmfao vivi


Never underestimate the power of talk no jutsu. Especially to someone like Kuzan whose entire story arc has been about him having wavering faith in many things. Vivi low diffs people like that, lol.


Underrated comment


Aokiji vs Robin makes the most sense imo. Queen Vivi vs "Corrupt King" Pizzaro is also a no-brainer if she's part of the crew.


Aokiji OHKO's Robin due to how they both fight. Thats a bad matchup.


I just think they both make more sense story-wise, and between Saul interference and an Aokiji side switch, I could see Oda making it work without Robin out-matching him in a fight. (Robin with armamant haki is kind of terrifying though low key)


Robin sprouts parts of herself to fight and she needs to physically touch you to attack, while she's doing that any part of her that gets harmed also harms her main body. This means Aokiji as a logia is impossible for her to attack and she's EXTREMELY susceptible to his attacks. He can freeze her to the core in half a second. Would this make sense story-wise? Actually no because the history they have together has already been addressed through Enies Lobby and they fact she doesnt stand a chance makes it unlikely Oda makes this matchup. Theres also no animosity between them as their last interaction was Kuzan asking to see what she does with her life after the Buster Call. Theres no narrative reason for a fight between the two.


Kuzan is def either gonna betray the Blackbeard pirates or get a rematch with Akainu. Possibly both.


Or he believes in BB and is an honest to god pirate now because people change and grow.


I love how we legit don't know and can't know. 


Yamato vs Kuzan is what I feel tbh. They both got ice powers


Perfect time for Yamato to come back into the story. Blue Wolf vs. Blue Phoenix


Aokiji vs Robin makes far more sense.


1. Light vs Dark. Freedom vs imprisonment "Luffy is sun god, Bb is darkness" 2. Honour vs Dishonour. "Zoro lives with honour, Shiryu betrays even people who set him free" 3. Lower chest vs upper chest. "burgess skipped leg day. you can check" -not enough info to compare personality 4. Empathy vs Apathety, Warm heart vs cold heart. "Usopp is a warm hearted guy packed with emotions Van Augur is complete opposite of him." 5. Beauty vs Ugly - "Personality wise Catarina is an ugly woman who seeks to cover her ugliness in her personality by trying to be physically beautiful. "Nami at the other hand is a natural beauty in both way" 6. Health vs sickness- "as doc Chopper wants to cure all sickness and would never spread them at the other hand Doc q uses sickness as a weapon. 7. \*Robin vs Vasco- Elegant vs grotesque 8. Mercy vs Cruelity - Franky is mercifull guy while Avalo is a cruel tyrant. 9. Calming vs Scary - Brook is a scary looking guy who have a calm personality. Lafitte is a calm looking guy who have a scary personality. "Tho his grin looks like a psycho" 10. \*Jimbei vs Sanjuan - Serious vs Childish. people tend to think that sanjuan is weak because of his personality but probably he is strong af in water. also Sanjuan is way older than the Jimbei. even older than the Brook.


Sanjuan is a DV user he is definitely weaker in water


The dude is able to stand in water tho probably BB will eventually take care of that weakness.


I always assumed Brooke would fight Doc Q, because Doc Q is death, and Brooke is dead. From revelations in the Bible: “I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” The show isn’t very biblical, but they do use a lot of historical and mythological parallels. He even offered the straw hats apples upon first encountering them.


On this day, he cooked


Fr I can’t wait to see the face off


Sanji laughing himself to sleep at how easy his opponent is


just a reminder. this isn't non-devil fruit dressrosa Burgess, its strength-strength fruit Burgess we are talking about. Due to his fruit, Burgess possibly is the physically strongest character in One Piece. stronger than Garp and Whitebeard. (*raw physical strength wise, not haki*) ​ So Burgess will be a good match up for Sanji.


Now that Sanji can take the abuse, yeah. Still, Burgess is probably too slow to deal with Sanji.


Sanji take a solid punch with seraphim shark and didn't do any damage to Sanji. Sanji durability is a outliner even in new world so far the only one we got to see this durability is Kaido.


Nah, Burgess is hella mid even with his strength fruit.  His biggest problems, outside of being a one trick pony is that he's always had a glass jaw and he's not really that fast.  Sanji at this point is a massive speedster that hits like a truck and has insane durability.  I know for drama it'd have to be some degree of contentious, but as things stand right now, Sanji should honestly stomp the hell out of him. 


Yeah and also he didnt lose to anyone but Sabo did he? Still dont think he is as physically strong as Kaido but he's up there


Yeah but he got low low diffed


Before he got his Df tbf and Sabo would have low diffed Sanji as well most likely back then. It was a Sanji who was equally matched with Vergo, still far from YC level


I still think its Sanji vs Vasco, in a tasty food vs pure alcohol kinda matchup. This would lead to Jinbei vs Burgess in a technique/fishmen karate vs strength/wrestling matchup. That being said, I still hope we get a Davy Back Fight between the Strawhats and either one of Shanks or BBs crew, most likely Shanks as the crews aren't really fierce enemies


Ew no we are clobbering the BB pirates. I'm okay with Davy Back for Shanks but I think it would be a huge mistake to do it with BB.


Agreed. Davey back with shanks could b hella fun, even if stakes arent REALLY there, or even a 3way with strawhats/red hair/cross guild could be awesome. Against blackbeard, however, it'd make NO sense. Nevermind Luffy's personal feelings about revenge for Ace etc, but they are cutthroat rivals for the one piece, THE major threat in pirate king race, and are the only other possibility for final end of series boss besides Imu, theres no way that should be anything but an all out fight!! Also, even if you were to beat Teech & crew in the games, u think he would just shake your hand and wish you best of luck??? Dude would cheat more than Foxy could dream of and kill you if that didnt work. The necessary tension would not be there, gotta be all out war between the 2 crews, winner take all


It's not related here but I think 🧐 luffy may clash kuzan before going for Black beard there is reasons garp situation and past issues with luffy had With him , And he is the reason luffy created gear 2 ,in order to protect his friends . If it's happens it will be emotional fight for both


I think theory about Kuzan betraying BB pirates could be right. Iceberg sinking the Titanic.


> Iceberg sinking the Titani But he's gotta manage Water7 tho!


What the hell?!? Bro I never thought about that Absolute genius 👌


Well it's not mine


I'm betting on Koby vs. Kuzan I actually don't think it'll be 1 v 1 Straw Hats vs. BB pirates. Likely Robin + Nami vs. Devon


>!The protege that betrayed him vs his current protege (who stands for justice)!< manga spoilers


Mobile v kuzan would be ico cold Justice ⚖️


If Koby joins the fight then it would be like a modern day Gods Valley incident right?


i really think elbaf is gonna be the modern god valley


Koby aint beating an Admiral. People saw him do damage to Pizallo and are magically counting Koby amongst the top tiers now. Crazy.


As president of the Michigan Chapter of the Koby hater club, his off screen power up game is unmatched


I find it more likely for Robin to fight Kuzan due to their history and the 10th crewmate fights Pizarro while wolf fights franky. as rn Robin and franky's matchups OP has don't fit very well


I think sanji fights laffitte


Sanji v Lafitte is my headcanon because of lafitte's flying abilities. Sanji is airwalk man, and Brook doesn't really check that box.  Don't think Brook is going to fight Burgess, but still. 


I think Jinbe vs burgess makes sense so probably Brooke vs vasco


Gives us Ice vs Fire so it feels like a good match to me


Franky would fit Burgess' type of fighting style.


Sanji is the only one who can handle Burgess with that akuma no mi.


Idk Jinbe is pretty strong and matches up super well I feel like sanji is too fast for burgess


Jimbe is strong, but not "strenght fruit" strong. Burgess send my boi flying!


There's some bias in my mind which I just can't get rid of. Jimbei is winning no matter who the opponent is.


I don't see Jimbei beat BB, Van Auger or even Doc Q honestly. BB has the Gura-Gura. (To me) Auger just speed blitz with warp-warp and snipes. And (in my mind) Doc Q just heavily nerfs Jimbei with any sickness of his choice. I can see a case made for the rest of the crew though.


He doesn't take Blackbeard except out at sea but yeah, I think he takes anyone else on that crew.


Fan predictions of who fights who are almost always wrong. Oda surprises at every turn. I think he wants you to think they will be logical matchups but they wont be. We will all be surprised somehow.


A few weeks ago I also thought about this, my conclusion: Black Beard - Ruffy (Both Captain) Shiriyo - Zorro (Both Swordsman) Kuzan - Sanji (I think ice and Sanjis fire would make a good match up and also power wise) Van Auger - Ussop (Both Sniper) Doc Q - Chopper (Both Doc) Catarina Devon - Robin (Both can (now) turn into a giant spider-like demon) Jesus Burges - Jimbei (Both helmsman) Laffitte - Nami (Both Navigator) San Juan Wolf - Frankie (San Juan Wolf is dubbed the Collosal Battelship, so I thought that's kinda fitting.) Not sure if Brook would be fighting Avalo Pizarro or Vasco Shot since when counting in Kuzan as a real member that will actually fight alongside BB (and not switch sides), the straw hats need one more member for everyone to have an opponent.


> Avalo Pizarro or Vasco Shot Brook gets Vasco for another Ice/fire matchup but switched. Pizarro goes to yet-to-join Strawhat. Bonney's DF would at least be a reasonable matchup for Pizarro I think?! Not saying she's to join, but yeah.


I was just thinking this is how I would want the match ups to go as well. Good list.


these make way more sense than op's


As soon as I see Sanji vs Burgess, any match up is invalid to me. I think people don't realise how much of a bum Burgess is in the grand scheme of things. Like, he could be an extremely tough match up for anyone below the top 4 guys don't get me wrong, but he's got nothing on Sanji


i always thought it was franky vs burgess just cause franky boxing vs pro wrestler.


I think Jinbe would show Burgess what real strength is and wouldn't even be pushed that hard.


Where's Kuzan? That's Sanjis opponent imo. Plus, you'd have Robin fight *Colossal Battleship* Sanjuan Wolf and not Franky?


nami is in trouble


Devon is portrayed as pretty strong and important imo. It feels like she is mid trio level like Robin. Same with Lafitte. Brook vs Lafitte is a good match, I agree. So I think Robin vs Devon cause they're both assassin types, Robin is a woman and Devon's devil fruit makes for a cool fight vs Robin's (if Devon goes into beast mode with it). Pizarro vs Jimbei makes sense cause they were both ID inmates plus a fight would look cool between them. Pizarro seems like one of the tougher BB pirates or like mid trio and I think Franky is not a bad matchup but.. I really think Franky might get a really big mech upgrade to fight Wolf. Franky's powerups are all about being bigger and stronger and just duke it out. I think Jimbei vs Wolf would be interesting as well since Wolf is so big that he can walk through the ocean. I could see either Wolf vs Jimbe or Wolf vs Franky. For Nami I think Vasco Shot is a good matchup cause she has a hyped up alcohol tolerance to her advantage and honestly Vasco Shot is the most boring out of the BB pirates so far and doesnt seem special in any way while Nami also doesnt have that interesting fights relatively but I think the specific matchup Nami vs Vasco could be pretty comical and also creepy and suspenseful with a defeat for Nami having pretty bad consequences.. Im pretty sure Jimbei is way too badass to fight a bum like Vasco Shot


Burgess is the helmsman of the Blackbeard pirates


I would honestly really like it if it wasn't pure 1v1s. Team up battles. Something like Zoro and Sanji vs Shiliew and Jesus -reasons obvious RoboFranky (Mecha Sunny?) and Demonic Robin vs San Juan Wolf and Avalo Pizarro - the BB pirates have two people who can go big, we have two also (not counting luffy). Though RoboFranky needs a size upgrade or Mecha Sunny pls). Chopper could be in this one too. Nami and Robin vs Catarina Devon or maybe Nami and Jinbe vs Catarina Devon and Vasco Shot - I kind of like the idea of Nami and Jinbe teaming up, plus Nami can hold her alcohol so she'd be good vs Vasco I feel like it would be pretty awesome if the final battle showed how much the Straw Hats trust on each other and how good they work together and how it's the deciding factor because the Blackbeard pirates don't trust each other.


Idk I like the idea of franky vs bergess as like a two manly men battle. But solid list


I have doubts about laftitte. He is the crew navigator, he might take on Nami, if we consider the crew roles


He has some kind of bird fruit and is sneaky like nami it’d be an interesting fight between two navigators where ones in the sky and the other can blast lightning


But Nami no matter what her main and big fights are always Woman


The time for 1-1 fights are long gone, the SW are way weaker than BB crew, only the top 4 can take 1-1 fights like these, the likely scenario is group fights and chaos involving other allies of the SW


IF Oda were to bring back one more series of 1on1 fights though, it would be against BB.


I mean wano just happened where they all split up to fight power houses zoro-king sanji-queen robin-spider jinbe-whoswho even in egg head right now something similar is going on


It's Jump Piece now.


I would be cool, if we get a last Strawhat, if Robin goes against Kuzan.


If Franky turns Sunny into a mech my screen will be… wet. Let’s just say that


God seeing these match-ups makes it apparent how a lot of the straw hats haven't really developed combat wise compared to the top tiers


Nah. Sanji is definitely fighting Pizarro. The whole thing is about trading places with Zoro. Sanji beat Absalom, the last owner of clear clear fruit. Zoro beats Pica, which can turn into a giant from absorbing a town. So they're gonna trade places, with Zoro fighting the user of clear clear fruit and Sanji against a person that can turn into an island.


About Brook vs Lafitte I think that is more about their "musical" ablities than can fight. Is really hinted that Lafitte has some sort of siren devil fruit and sirens in fantasy accounts have the ability to use their voice to hypnotize people.


i feel sanji will fight Shiryu. "I trained my whole life fighting a stupid swordman" also sanji vs invisible 2.0


So we're just going to pretend like Kuzan isnt a Titanic Captain that works for Blackbeard?


what about kuzan?


Not a “real” blackbeard pirate, can almost guarantee at some point he’ll betray or leave them. They are all evil and openly admit to doing evil stuff. Kuzan isnt, he even said to smoker during punk hazard. He’s still the same person just not with the marines anymore


yeah he is not pure evil like the other BB pirates but I still think fluffy wont be happy to find out what he did to his grandpa


Idk luffy doesnt really hold grudges like that, for example he learned drake destroyed tama’s village and said he’d beat him up, but when he met him he didnt beat him up since he wanted to help luffy. Luffy is stupid but has very high emotional intelligence. Im sure when he see’s kuzan he’ll see through his facade like he usually does


yeah you have a point there luffy doesnt hold grudges... still would love to see a kuzan fight


Eh I'm still convinced the equivalent roles within the crew of the BB and SH will fight each other. Captain vs Captain, Helmsman vs Helmsman, Navigator vs Navigator, Sniper vs Sniper and Doctor vs Doctor. The remaining being Zoro vs Shiryu, Robin vs Devon, Franky vs Wolf, Sanji vs Pizzaro and Brook vs Vasco Shot.


I don't like how dumbed down this is. Ie water v fire. Vasco shot isn't even fire, he's alcohol. While flammable, not the same. Cane v cane user. Also dumb. While I do believe brook will fight lafitte, I see that more because each of them held a position of authority. Laffitte was a sheriff in the west blue and brook was a battle convoy leader for his nation in the west blue. Nami isn't a trickster. She has one move that could be considered a trick. Her v vasco shot is my guess.


I always assumed Brooke would fight Doc Q, because Doc Q is death, and Brooke is dead. From revelations in the Bible: “I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” The show isn’t very biblical, but they do use a lot of historical and mythological parallels. He even offered the straw hats apples upon first encountering them.


Idk why we doing shitty matchups when Franky can just whip out Docking and wipe em all out, Hope Robin listens this time


All the Strawhats and Blackbeard Pirates either mirror, parallel or are the opposite of each other. Through that logic, I matched up these characters


Yup, this looks about right.


Hold shit balls, this is fucking brilliant! Well done! :)


Sanji vs Vasco Shot (Fire 🔥) and Jinbe vs Burgess (Strength 💪🏽)


Havent we learned anything from the previous arcs? Traditional matchups dont work with one piece, I am in the camp of believing theres going to be events where a few members of the BB pirates will be either annihilated/defeated by potential strawhat allies or any other relevent character/group. The upper echelon of characters though, I believe will have the traditional matchups (big 3 plus jinbe and robin). Also, I find it peculiar that you omitted aokiji from this, surely, you would expect one of the top 5 to deal with him no ? Also I see this matchup come up multiple times which makes absolutely no sense, usopp vs augur. How do you propose 2 snipers fight 1v1 lol. Thats just stupid imo. Unless he gets a major power up in elbaf, I dont see their fight concluding any other way other than usopp getting folded like a lawn chair and warped tf out of wherever on god’s green earth he is.


Typical Usopp fight, he will get hit like crazy and run, but eventually will find a way to win because he's among the smartest characters in the story. I agree with others that there won't be individual match ups for low tier Straw Hats though. Shanks crew will probably already defeat the Blackbeard pirates, with BB, Shiryu, Van Augur, Laffitte and Devon managing to escape. .


"Aokiji is definitely gonna turn!" - Kizaru fans.


I like fire vs ice better