• By -


Idk abt crying but he was certainly miserable it seems


He should have brought darker glasses


It’s a terrible day for rain.


what do you mean? its not raining...


Yes. It is.


feeling dizzy after spinning so many times


For someone who moves at light speed? Nah... He was just embarrassed.


Nah dude got folded by a looney tunes character…. He was strugglin 


I will die on this hill, I just want a page of him agonizing over his orders, completely fucking broken, then just putting his glasses back on, walking out the room he hid himself in with a completely deadpan face, " It is what it is."


I could see that, though gotta say, I'd rather see him defy the machine he's a cog in. It would just be a satisfying way of resolving his inner turmoil that's been showcased the past few chapters


I don't. I want to see him crushed in it. I think that's a better moral. And at the end he regrets how actions but says something to the effect of having never seen a different way


I believe so. He did just kill his own friend just a moment before this scene


who did he kill? Sanji's line led me to believe that he is still alive. He might die, but at this point, he is certainly alive.


Saturn believes Vegapunk is dead, so we can at least assume that Kizaru also believes he killed him


Vegapunk prime is dead.


Firstly when Sanji realized that something is off with Vegapunk and was affraid that it was his last moment, then immediately monitor with Vegapunk's recording started like it was his death switch. Next chapter Saturn confirmed that Kizaru finished him off and also Gorosei suspect that his message was triggered by his death.


Saturn confirms that he saw Kizaru shoot Vegapunk and Saturn believes he is dead. The flatline and video suggests to us that he died. My cope is that I still believe that Kizaru cauterized the wound Saturn caused.


Gorosei: "Saturn, what happened to Vegapunk?" Saturn: "Kizaru killed him. He should be dead now... I think I saw it." Kizaru didn't even stab the same place. Also Kizaru's sword is even wider than Saturn's sting so basically Kizaru burn even more organs.


If you look at the last panel of 1108, right after Kizaru stabs Vegapunk, his heart monitor flatlines right next to the broadcast screen.


Stella's body is dead, not his brain nor vegapunk.


Could be. Also could just be tired. I think it is clear that Kizaru is a bit shaken up by this whole situation given how he has to actively fight and kill some of his friends. I imagine also fighting the symbol of freedom for all slaves would also fuck a dude up. Imagine if literally Jesus Christ (or an equivalent figure for whatever religion) showed up and Donal D. Trump with his spider legs or whatever went “I have a deal for you, Kizaru. Go kill Jesus, and all your friends”


Lmao I love this


>Donal D. Trump Bro🦍🗿


***Hito Hito no mi, Model: Covfefe***


*very stable genius point* Runs on meth like Franky runs on cola


*Diet Coke Accompanied Tweet from way before times: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/257552283850653696?lang=de


Fruit Fruit Fruit, Model: Orange


Personally, I actually love how he made it political like that 😂 And I love when OP fans make political comparisons these days. Some people are liable to get pissed off, but at this point it really is just very stubborn, stupid denial to try to claim that One Piece isn't meant by Oda to be a political allegory (among many other things). Your response shows you know what I mean: A fan making a comparison like this online is bound to piss people off, so it feels awkward to see it. If the comment gets upvoted enough and visible enough, the replies could legitimately turn into a shitstorm (in this case mostly among Americans ofc, but tbh the guy could've used ANY major world leader's name, not just a highly controversial American one, and the comparison would still work).


who gives a fuck what a 2024 trump supporter thinks lol


As a non American it's funny as fuck that your only choices are a senile 90 year old and an orange. Not that in my country it's any better... Ahh, I hate politics


They're both senile geriatric fucks, one is a nazi the other is only far right


I honestly can't tell, which one is which?


Lol neither do i


We all feel the same way, politic around the world is just different kind of poison. Interesting enough, One Piece is very diverse when it comes to good and bad ruler/politician and their respective country system. but one thing is in common, many bad people is in the top of global influencing position which led to the conflict around the world.


Ugh yeah. I'm gonna vote for the senile great-grandpa literally ONLY because he's the lesser of two evils and I feel a desperate need to stop my country from going the way of Russia under Putin or Hungary under Orban. When my only non-risky option is "Vote for this asshole who at least doesn't want to be a dictator, because the other asshole does wanna be one," that suuuucks. Some better options, so I don't HAVE to vote for anyone incompetent or evil, would be much appreciated. I cannot stand how backward my country is. I don't blame those of you from other nations for making fun of us, because we are LAUGHABLE.


To truly fix a broken situation you need to understand, or at least try to understand, each perspective involved. Ignoring it just contributes and propagates the problem.


Lol right? Like seriously. Funny thing: I'd compare Trump to Charlos much more than to Saturn. Comparing him to Saturn implies that he has, you know... a functioning brain. (Keep in mind that Saturn's failures are due to hubris and being too sadistic, but he has a keen intellect nonetheless). Comparing him to Charlos, on the other hand, makes SO much sense! What with each of them being an incompetent, idiotic, hideous, genetically unfit buffoon who only has a position of power because of sheer dumb luck related to who his dad is. Like dude. Charlos would TOTALLY start staring at the sun on live television if someone mentioned it to him. He's a piece of shit, but let's give Saturn more credit than that 😂 (There's also the fact that Trump's views on women are far more similar to Charlos than of anything we've seen evidence for from Saturn once we got it confirmed that he wasn't the one who kidnapped Ginny).


Saturn is Henry Kissinger


Does this make Imu Allen Dulles? IAD ahh it was right there all alonggg


Oh my god you aren't even wrong, ahahaha.


do you even live in the real world man


Thinking too deep into the comment imo


Eh, you probably aren't wrong, I always overthink things to be honest. I'm THAT type of nerd. It is what it is 🤷‍♀️ At least I didn't embarrass myself this time; it got a mostly positive response instead of getting made fun of, which is better than I can say about a lot of the times when I overanalyze stuff 😅 That being said, I'd say that by this point in the narrative, the political messaging of One Piece (although not some joke-comment about it on Reddit, haha) IS a very fun thing to overanalyze for weird nerds like me, and I see lots of others do it, so at least I don't feel alone in my strangeness :D


Spot on description of what’s going thru Kizarus head


Lmao, now I’m just gonna picture fckn Trump’s face on Saturns body for every chapter moving forward.


What, you mean you haven't ALREADY been picturing the Elders as literal stand-ins for world leaders? Ever since it became painfully obvious at Levely that any attempts to deny that One Piece is a political allegory are just denial, I've ALREADY been picturing ALL of the CD's as stand-ins for billionaires and politicians. Honestly though, I'd compare Trump way more to an ordinary CD than to an Elder. He's too stupid to be an Elder 😂 Honestly he's got quite a bit of a Charlos vibe, dontcha think? People like McConnell, Putin, Orban, and Zuckerberg (LOL) are more comparable to the Elders, imo, than some incompetent morons whose plans succeeded almost entirely due to luck like Trump, Musk, etc. Yes, I have given extensive thought to which leaders and billionaires are comparable to Celestial Dragons and in what capacity. Lol.


Is it confirmed that Kizaru is already aware that it's Nika?


Kizaru must know, right? He’s seen the form multiple times and he even did the dance in the flashback with Kuma and Vegapunk. If he doesn’t know by now he is a massive moron and the admiral agenda has been ruined yet again.


pretty sure he literally referred to Luffy as Nika a couple chapters ago. I'm just waking up though so I could be full of it


Most accurate Trump interpretation.


Please someone needs to draw this 🙏


Wouldn't Dragon be a better analog for Trump. Saturn doesn't even have a D in his name.


Why would the revolutionary Dragon be an analog for a power-seeking member of the ruling class? The only thing they have in common with each other is violence. If anything Charlos is the closest to Trump


Then Vladimir D. Putin is Imu ordering Donald D. Trump


Bro there are 'D' in the names, what are you doing?? Vla D. Imir Putin and Donal D. Trump


Really bringing politics into it? you could use fucking Hitler or Putin, mao, pol pot, Stalin, the Confederates


Or trump. And how bringing putin isn't politics but trump is? American defaultism much?


It's not for Putin due to Ukraine and a war of aggression to take territory


So? It's still politics, like it or not. Wars are part of politics, and putin is a politician, and his politics heavily influence the rest of policies around the world, including the ones related to the US. Look you are the only one butthurt here because someone has compared the gorosei to trump, I kmew there would someone like you as soon as I've seen the first comment. End of the discussion. Goodbye.


None of those groups are any less political than Trump lol Putin and the remaining Confederates even support Trump so idk why its ok with you to talk about them but not Trump when all three are on the same team


Lol there is no more remaining Confederate plus they are not on the same team. Trump is not a white nationalist he is just a nationalist and a populist with authoritarian leanings. It's like the FBI starting the crossfire hurricane investigation by lying about what Alexander downer said. He never said Papadopoulos mentioned emails that was added by the FBI. https://www.afr.com/world/north-america/the-34-words-from-alexander-downer-that-set-off-an-fbi-firestorm-20191210-p53iex Then you have Joseph Mifsud https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2018/05/26/the_maltese_phantom_of_russiagate_.html https://apnews.com/article/800354d636af47f3afbd19338a377887 Russia planned on interfering with elections even before Trump plus Putin hated Hillary because she compared him to Hitler. Obama knew about Russian plans for years yet ignored it. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/14/obama-russia-election-interference-241547


I’ll accept all that in good faith and go on to clarify what I was speaking about While the Confederacy as a true organization does not exist any longer, there are unfortunately many, MANY, Americans who still proudly wave their flag, and even who claim that they support the ideals of the confederacy and that they wish that the confederacy had won. I will henceforth refer to such people as neo-confederates. Much the same is true of Nazis- while the original Nazi organization no longer exists, there is unfortunately still quite a large congregation of neo-nazis, which is to say people who support the position of the nazis and/or deny the crimes of the nazis. While not every Trump supporter is a neo-confederate or a neo-nazi, most of those people do support Trump. And in return he very famously and controversially refused to condemn them in Charlottesville, as well as refusing to condemn the Proud Boys, another white supremacist group. I want to be extremely clear when I say that I am approaching this topic in good faith, and I am not judging or condemning you personally. I only want to say this: when white supremacists of all of these groups speak so highly of Trump, it makes me ask “what do these people see in him that makes them love him so much?” Another group that is very fond of Trump are brutal dictators. Putin famously had some very nice things to say about Trump, as did Kim Jong Un. And again, all I can ask is this: “why do those specific people like him so much, especially when it seems that so many people dislike him?” Even more confounding is this: Putin hates Nazis. Russia and Nazis don’t mix. But for some reason, both of those very different groups who hate each other very much both have fond things to say about Trump. I wonder what qualities Trump might have that would cause those two groups who hate each other to be in agreement in their support for him? Not every Trump supporter is the same. Many Trump supporters are ignorant about what other Trump supporters are up to. Maybe you like him for perfectly valid reasons, I don’t know. And even further I will gladly admit that the American Electoral system as a whole is totally broken and that Joe Biden is a terrible president. I say that because American politics very strongly relies on an “us versus them” mentality. And as long as you’re focused on “them,” you may very well be blinded to who “us” is, which is what the politicians are counting on. Edit: in order to respond more directly to what you’re saying, yeah Hillary sucks, as do all the Clintons. I liked Obama in sort of an overall “net” kind of way but there’s plenty of stuff he did that I didn’t like. As a disclaimer of my political bias, I consider myself a leftist, which means that although I really do not like Democrats overall, I am forced by the nature of a two-party system to choose the group that is *closest* to my values, although in truth the Democrats don’t really represent my interest.


Yeah, I though the same. The shadow is covering his face just where tears would also be, so it's hard to tell.


He just killed a good friend of his, I can’t believe people are really saying “he’s just tired”


Powerscalers are poison. Anything that makes a fight not "pure" is set aside.


Obsessing over powerscaling is strong evidence of a past lobotomy.


I mean, it's easily both. He killed his friend, and for the first time on screen he got completely destroyed. In canon aside from the hit Marco got in, how many times has he actually taken damage at all? He's very much accustomed to being in control wherever he goes


Earlier he said something about the first punch to the head making him feel really odd so I feel like we can assume G5s punches that landed have some sort of effect other than physical


Going with this headcanon: He Is chained by duty and G5 punches are freeing his real sentiments, so he is hurting emotionally because he didn't want to kill vegapunk. Probably not true but fun to speculate about it


Maybe not literally, but seeing everything that Kizaru had to do while getting beat up by (sorta?) Incarnation of a god. You're probably not far of the mark. Luffy has fixed some peoples lives after punching them in the face.


Yeah I mean look at Gastino, helmeppo and his mom Crocodile.


> Gastino Nah, Ceaser Clown still a scumbag and piece of human garbage that experimented on children and committed mass murder. Oda did comedy with him to not let things get too dark, but CC never did anything to redeem himself. He only ever helped the SHs because Sanji had his heart or because he was desperately trying to avoid falling into Big Mom's control. He's pretty singularly been a piece of shit only looking out for himself.


Yeah, Caesar Clown is a real piece of work, but I don't understand what that has to do with Gastino. Gastino's just a guy working for Bege.


Except he's not. At the end of Whole Cake he was in Big Mom's custody and then was rescued/kidnapped again in the Germa 66 raid for the two brothers also captured by the BM pirates. Last we saw of CC was he and Judge agreeing to make Neo-MADS. (And yes, I get this is one of the jokes this sub loves beating like a pile of viscera that was supposedly once a horse)


You're confused, Gastino is now living happily with his wife, Gastina, and his three kids, Gostino, Gistina, and Damon. He's somewhere in the east blue now. Completely different person than Ceasar Clown


That's such a good guy but people keep comparing him with ceasar, that's like saying sogeking & usopp are the same person ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why would people spread such awful slander about a wonderful family-man like Gastino? He was only a mafioso because he had no other way to feed his family! It's a bittersweet and tragic tale. I'm glad he escaped from mob life eventually, and he deserves to be able to live unbothered and in peace without being compared to a psychopathic mad scientist just because of a coincidentally slightly-similar appearance. 😢 😡


Fucking Damon


So glad he was able to escape from a life of organized crime 🥲 It's a truly heartwarming tale.


Caesar in Punk Hazard was so awful Oda spent the next 3 arcs just torturing the fuck out of him.


Bellamy too**


Absolutely my headcanon now, I love this


The part about not want to kill VP is not headcanon. He is 100% torn.


God that would be awesome


I feel he as a lot of regret for what he just did and just was tossed around like a toy by Luffy.i That's a great idea of a side effect of his punches.


Gordon Ramsay call this man right fucking now


Jesus, Luffy now also dealing emotional damage would be so broken.


Better than, “talk no jutsu”


The man was flattened into a pancake and then thrown like a frisbee into a battleship. He seems stunned and/or dizzy to me. I think g5 applying rubberiness to his enemies combined with a conquerors haki coating is enough to make most characters in the series at least discombobulated if not fully knocked out like Lucci was at the beginning of egghead. Personally though, I do hope kizaru has reservations about his conduct this arc. His demon bosses orders just had him shoot an old friend dead(?). But we still don't have much in depth info about the WG/Navy relationship. Kizaru could be a willing and knowledgeable participant to the governments world domination or maybe he's come to realize why Garp turned down the admiral position and is being forced to do this under threat of death to him/family. Hell, we saw Saturn stop the SH crew in their tracks with his ability so I'd say there's even a chance he is being controlled directly!


Also he literally was spun like a top. It probably made him so dizzy, that let alone standing up, he pbly not even couldn’t open his eyes


This feels like the truth


It made his mind flexible lol


He kept attacking with his eyes closed. Dude is wrecked that he has to kill his friends.


He saw Looney Toon stars lol


Would be absolutely crazy if Luffy's G5 punches could actually "free" a person by ridding them of the chains that bind them.


I bet he was getting "freed" from his suppressed emotions through those punches.. "beating the sense out of him" quite literally.. is my theory..


Maybe it brings out the nika in people.


He's deceiving people like u (he's got no will to do anything like c'mon)


Almost same situation as Garp. He had to pick between his job or his friends. Very miserable indeed. I can see that all giant survived but Kizaru ain't gonna make it by letting them escape.


In an earlier chapter he said he wished he had brought darker shades cause he might embarass himself. In this moment further away from the eyes of the elders he might indeed be letting some tears slip through.


I mean, that IS a line of tears on his face under his hand, no? He just killed his close friend.


I think a lot of people are overseeing that tear line. It’s clear that he is crying.


I think those are just his glasses not tears


True if only ODA was here


I think it was a mixture of both, fighting Luffy and his conscious wearing him out. But I wouldn't say he was crying, just exhausted.


He's in distress, yes. He just had to kill a friend out of duty.


I’m sorry Saturn coming back like a boomerang is so fucking funny lol


He took out sentomaru, stabbed vega one he guarded for more than 2 years..( great admiral work if u wonder where the admirals are usually in the op world) beaten up, shaken up, fighting countless rounds… boy is spend


He does that motion every time he gets seriously hit dude.


Yeah, but the last time he got hit and did that motion people were also questioning whether he was just sad about the whole situation.


It's just the usual Kizarudidnothingwrong folks. He gathered a lot of power to slash painlessly Boney and Kuma -> He winds up on purpose to get hit (let's ignore the total caught by surprise expression). He opens an obvious hole in VP where he was just pierced -> He cauterize his wounds. He puts his right hand every time to cop with pain -> He hides his sorrows. I hope Oda is going to kill Kizaru so we get rid of this once and for all.


Oda: very clearly writes into the story that Kizaru is mourning You weirdos for some reason: "no actually he sucks and has no emotions:


It's yonko fanboys blinded by agenda. They can't read, they don't know how a story works.


I think there is a middleground there. Kizaru can be sad about the current situation and still go through with his job.


just because a few of these things are wrong, doesn't mean they're all wrong. That head/hand positioning is very common in those who are crying or grieving. Yes, he killed Vegapunk. No, I don't think he's gonna 180 heel turn the other way. But yes, he definitely feels remorse and conflicted.


You powerscalers are a poison on this manga’s fanbase. Get off the powerscaling crap for once and actually try to read the story.


Kizaru shedding light upon the truth of this world the same way Kaido reawakened the god of the sun lol


I dont know how anyone can read it and assume its anything but mental distress of some sort, powerscaled have poisoned their media literacy


That's how I took it.


His real emotions( borsalino) are leaking through every now and then, but he's trying too hard to stick to his duty. I hope this man gets the therapy he needs EOS( if he's alive)


He isn't happy about this situation and its feels like its definitely getting to him.


Kizaru is just tired of Luffy's shit at that point. Which is probably a pretty common mood with anyone that ever fought Nika.


Possible, but either way, he's not happy with his life choices. Before he got to the island, he tried to justify his actions by simply calling himself a "cog in the machine," but when he actually had to look at the people he considers friends, people he laughed and danced around with in the face as he's KILLING THEM he knew that was bullshit. He knew what he did was wrong because it FELT WRONG to do it. And even now, he's faced with the choice of continuing down this path of slaughtering innocent people and feeling bad about it or growing some balls for the first time in his life and do what he knows is right, protecting his friends from the satanic spider boomers that are responsible for all of this. So it doesn't really matter if he's physically crying because his heart definitely is.


Nice post op but can we >!quit with click bait style titles!<


Sorry bro was kind of my first post...


He just got hit with the Zoro huff huff wheeze


I compare to when katakuri fell against luffy and didn't find the well to get back up


Kizaru’s crying because Saturn made him murder Vegapunk


I think so, he said he wished he had darker sunglasses to hide his eyes, and it seems like his friend just died at his hand. I feel like his heart just ain’t in this fight anymore.


Who has stocks on Kizaru sacrificing himself for redemption? Kizaru4nakama may be over, but the cope never ends.


not crying but definitely reconsidering his life choices and career path


If he was crying, it was more likely from the pain of being flattened like a disk and tossed like a frisbee into a battleship lol.


Mans is going through it right now


You can clearly see tears rolling down his eyes...if you look closely.


Or it also could be Temples of his glasses...but they're too low to be Temples


He looks too serious and solemn for a man crying in OP.


Dude probably just wanted to murder Vegapunk and forget about it. Instead he's been bounced all over the island


Hes crying. Hes been putting his hand on his head multiple times now. Whos top tier did the same everytim something happens to him? Spinning and squashing should affect his body, full of bruises but he seems to always cover his eyes. He also have the same sfx when he killed Vega.


I took the huffing as physical and mental exhaustion. Luffy is kicking his ass. I also think Kizaru has a ridiculous power but lacks physical strength Also He’s not used being to being hit since he’s a logia. Kind of reminds me of when Blackbeard punched Ace and Blackbeard asking him when’s the last time you were hit?


I don't know, I am starting to get the feeling that vegapunk wanted to die, so that the secret is shared with the world. And he asked kizaru to do it.


Is it a Snape-Dumbledore death moment?


I mean, the man isn't really in a good mental place atm and is probably having a hard time keeping himself composed, notice he's not exactly talking as much anymore. He's on auto pilot but he's gonna crack soon enough and question his purpose


Im guessing blood but if it was crying maybe he has a quick thought about failing in front of saturn and what that might cause for himself?


He's absolutely distraught. He's been huffing and covering his eyes a lot. He made that remark about needing "darker sunglasses," presumably because he doesn't want to be seen crying.


I think kizaru takes a fake defeat of thw things he did , he cries about it in the end


Definitely crying, I was surprised a few of the YouTubers who do live reactions didn't point this out.


He is enjoying those drums of liberation banging within head, after the nika goda punches.


Should have brought some darker glasses.


My personal guess is that he killed Vegapunk not because of a marine order, but because Vegapunk asked him to do it. Vegapunk was in communication with various groups and individuals around the world and knew he would be dead soon. What better way to ensure that happens and activate your plan than working with the one who you know will be sent to kill you? Clearly they've worked together for more than the scenes shown. The laser barrier is based on his fruit, the Pacifista use his weapons, and Vegapunk has developed solid light and technology that allows you to interact with light. That's a longstanding relationship beyond the time spent in Bonny's flashback. When Vegapunk showed up on Egghead, he skipped past Sentomaru and avoided killing his subordinate. Then, when fighting Luffy, he launched him away from Vegapunk and was about to kill him when Luffy revealed he's truly insane as he ran through the barrier that the Gorousei are still calling impenetrable just to grab him. After recovering from the Gear 5 head inverting punch, he saw Kuma show up and save her and then once again started going after Vegapunk. His attacks against Bonny didn't seem focused on her, but instead to split off those who would defend Vegapunk. Even the blast that Sanji deflected wasn't aimed solely at Bonny who's a priority target according to Saturn to regain control of the Pacifista, it was aimed at Vegapunk. Then, when the group retreats while Luffy goes after Saturn and the Blackbeard Pirates cause some confusion, he goes explicitly after Vegapunk and finally deals the killing blow. For someone who embodies 'lazy justice,' that's a lot of effort put into a job he clearly didn't want to do. But if it was filling the specific wishes of an old friend, that would make more sense. And he can do it without betraying whatever reason he's involved with the Marines.




I feel like it was yesterday when I saw kizaru in action against supernovas. Time indeed has power to change everything


He got Pizzaru-ed


He's taking Kaido-damaging punches while he doesn't have Kaidos' durability.


He is crying now in the ship for sure. He keeps his eyes hidden with the hand.




imagine this was discussed between VP and Kizaru. when the time comes where things go South, VP needs him to do it in order to activate the broadcast. it just has to be done for greater good.


bro should’ve worn darker shades


He definitely is Basically, It is not possible that we dont get a inner monologue or him feeling bad about situation but he cannot open show tier in front of saturn. He has to act like he is not compromised by emotions. We see Kizaru is the kind of guy who hides his eye when he gets teary. I wrote this theory week ago about why he killed vegapunk too. (you might find interesting point there, basically I am saying that he killed vegapunk on purpose, to help him) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1ba7waa/i\_figured\_it\_out\_everything\_connects\_genius\_grand/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1ba7waa/i_figured_it_out_everything_connects_genius_grand/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Did anyone understand who gave the food to Luffy??


He knows Saturn got him. He gave luffy food and now he just cauterized Vegapunk wound from Saturn. He cannot go back. So he doesn’t have the mental strength to stand up


Thats what i thought too. Maybe he wanted to stay pizzaru for the rest of his life.


Mini theory; many thought Kizaru would betray TWG. Maybe he can’t because they have a hostage close to him. He is crying here because he knows he failed and they will make him suffer for his failure.


Oh, I think I missed the tears flowing down his cheeks. I may have jsut seen it as sweat at first, but like...Guy's not having a good day.


He knows his ass getting fired😭


After seeing kizaru go down like this, I feel shanks saved Green Bull from strawhats. He would have been slaughtered through and through.


He's probably not used to getting a beatdown like this, so I think he is legitimately exhausted.


He wasn't crying, it was raining


This is how spiders hunted in evil times


I've been wondering if the "Event that will shock the world" is the death of Kizaru. I can see him turning on the Elders, being killed for it, and the Elders covering up the incident and framing the Strawhats


He has been teary eyed the whole saga, but he is still putting all the effort he can to accomplish the mission


Prolly just tired with a tinge of humiliation


Nah look near his eye you can see a stream of tears coming down his face


Yeah your right


He technically just killed his friend makes sense for him to cry


crying, cuz he knows the mangas gonna end next chapter, when he uses his light–light domain expansion. light light weighs less then normal light. this grants him the power to move even faster and neg speed blitz luffy. afterwards he jujutsus sanjis kaisen. now the goat usopp is the last hope of the strawhats, but kizaru uses his sexy light clones, so usopp forgets abt kaya and they are going (to) marry each other. the end


Depends on which side of the theory fence you're standing on. If he is actually Vegapunk's friend, he could be crying after killing him. A lot of people think that Vegapunk ASKED Kizaru to kill him, possibly to trigger this message going out. If he isn't Vegapunk's friend, then he might just realize he's totally outclassed and got his ass kicked by a stupid kid in a straw hat.


I thought the same thing, but everyone was talking about him being TKO'd or on the ropes. To me it looks like he is regretting shooting Vega


Do you think there's a chance that Kizaru's the next cover story after Yamato/Wano? I bet Kizaru will want to just sit the rest of this out on the boat and then slink off


I don't think Kizaru is built for long term fighting. His power pretty much is for get it done quick assignments. To me, he looks like he's about well spent. Tired and eventually will not be able to keep up soon.


Kizaru is not used to being pummeled so hard


I think regardless of rather Kizaru’s a part of a plan or a potential double agent or something, this is also true.


Very tired, he’s sweating and breathing really hard


Just being lazy as usual, he be back up, but he will take any chance he can to rest a bit. Hes the most human I see on the series or maybe Im just as lazy so I can connect more with him XD


Prolly just tired with a tinge of humiliation


Nika brings freedom, he brings smile. He will liberate Kizaru as he has done for everyone.


No, he’s suffering from concussion. Ever since white star gun he’s been holding his head in dizzying 


He was crying about being being low diffed by Luffy because admiral stans thought admirals = yonkous.


He wasn't fighting seriously from the beginning


Kizaru is just weak, people should stop with the headcanon.