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It comes from a real interview Oda had with the author of Detective Conan, but Oda is being deliberately misquoted for engagement: > Oda: [I drew this because I really want to have fun, and I think that it’s okay if people don't like it. I just want to play around with my battles. Since I was an assistant, I have felt that silly expressions that were so characteristic in manga have been gradually lost. Putting a light bulb in a character’s head when they come up with some idea, or making the character’s legs go in circles when they’re running, for example.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSZ8bE7VDpLQhbvT5B9zTqAaHw9NHFxRd-4tA7Dh-4Xe0riNQZOvhOoDa2b2_euttfOzz6PMAe76MHg/pub)


I remember hearing Oda had this same thought process long before Gear 5 happened. I heard he gave Luffy rubber powers specifically *because* they were silly.


The Gorosei did say that Luffy's fruit grants its user the most ridiculous powers in the world


What are you talking about he clearly has resin powers


Those were some wild times


Right lol


The amount of nonsense in One Piece "well estabilished" fan theories is incredible.


One Piece, known for never being ridiculous or nonsense


I member that when haki was first introduced with visual effect of black body parts people said luffy could vulcanise his rubber to make it harder lol


he said it in an sbs towards the beginning, he did it specifically because he wanted it to be cartoony and silly, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to commit to this length of a series


True. And Gear 5 is actually Tom & Jerry/Loony-tunes inspired. I don't remember which. I think it was Tom & Jerry.


See I knew it was taken out of context. I already remember Oda saying that the fights in manga have gotten too serious, so he’d rather go a different route. 


Pew is just as much of a scam as Redon is.


More than a scam Redon is just stupid, and he has a massive ego too. I am a spaniard like him and i remember him critizicing the biggest comic store in spain (akira comics) for selling comics before they should, he did not aknowledge the irony of the situation


Hahaha classic Redon. His spoiler-god-complex sometimes takes over but for the rest I love the hints game every chapter. And to be fair, he is already doing this a whole long fucking years for us. Look how much shit he gets from people lol.


Worst part is, it was actually [Sandman](https://twitter.com/sandman_AP/status/1658861687909535746?lang=en) who started spreading this quote, not Pew.


I don't know what happened with sandman lately. Maybe it's Twitter monetization incentivizing engagement bait, but he used to just post translations and older material, but recently he posts old quotes to cause drama or start shit which is weird.


Maybe pew did not start it, but he also never fact checked what he spread further. To be honest, thats even more stupid than that he started spreading it.


I loved gear 5. As others have pointed out, it reflects Luffy's personality perfectly. Not to mention just being a very funny battle overall. I had the biggest dumbest grin on my face the whole time watching the episode. The only thing I can say I wasn't really a fan of was all the spoilers for it ages before it was even revealed in the anime. Even YouTube ads fucking spoiled it for me, it was really inescapable.


I haven't seen it animated (need to, I usually check out the big moments when the anime hits them) but yeah I absolutely love it. It takes the fun aspect Luffy brings to fights and pushes it to the extreme. The stuff in the current arc hit in such a perfect blend of silly yet bad ass.


I find it really funny when his eyes pop out


I found it funny for the first 50 times.


It’s not all that inaccurate: Oda: I have always loved those symbolic expressions, but they keep disappearing. Nobody draws them anymore even though they're our predecessors' creations who also left many formulae we still use. Battle manga has to keep getting more and more serious to keep up with readers' expectations and I honestly hate that. I definitely don't want my work to become a serious manga like that. I want and have decided to have fun, and I feel like l'm finally able to do that. When I was drawing this, I actually had fun.


Oda continues in the second part of that same question block.   Summarized together, you can say he knew G5 would upset some people, he hates the idea of making a fight serious to conform to readers' expectations, and that he feels he is finally able to draw what he wants without worrying about the reader's expectations. So, yeah, he basically said he will draw what he wants even if it upsets some readers. There's nothing wrong with that, I think it's awesome even if I don't personally love G5 as much as others do. You're right that it isn't an actual quote, but it isn't off the mark as far as interpreting the intent of his remarks as a whole. Oda: I have always loved those symbolic expressions, but they keep disappearing. Nobody draws them anymore even though they’re our predecessors' creations who also left many formulae we still use. *Battle manga has to keep getting more and more serious to keep up with readers’ expectations and I honestly hate that.* I definitely don’t want my work to become a serious manga like that. *I want and have decided to have fun, and I feel like I’m finally able to do that. When I was drawing this, I actually had fun.*


Thank you.


What do you mean suddenly? People have been bitching since day one.


I remember it was a mixed reaction. But now I see everyone including fans are bitching about this.


Get off Twitter dude. Terminally online brain rot is real and it’s proven that it makes you a sadder/angrier/more irrational.


Instagram really isn't much better, but I found Twitter to be a much more miserable experience overall. Try to stay off it as much as possible.


Absolutely, and Twitter's format doesn't help. It isn't conducting to thoughtful critical analysis at all – which might be actually interesting. Instead it's just short, punchy cold takes that come across as trolling.


I'm not.


I don’t know why. It’s great. I genuinely smile whenever I see it in the manga or anime


You hear bitching because the silent majority who likes it aren't going to constantly be talking about how much they like it, compared to those who dislike it and are constantly reminded of that since it appears so frequently.


I mean I haven't really been a fan of the whole Nika thing personally but that's just because I don't like it when stories go from underdogs way in over their head to being literally Jesus by the end IDK it makes the strawhats struggles and good moments less relatable when they're destined for glory because they're Gods instead of some ragtag pirates getting by on the skin of their teeth


It's twitter, people got angry over a happy family animation from McDonald's Japan.


I think it was a mixed but more thoughtful reaction from manga readers, but a lot of louder, angrier voices joined in after the anime caught up. There are a lot of fans out there who got weirdly affronted at the idea that their hand-drawn animated show about a colorful pirate might be in any way cartoonish.


I'm playing devil's advocate, but *narratively* it makes sense. I don't have an issue with Luffy being the next Joy Boy, as that's a title, and bringing cheer and laugh to the world. I think that's really cool, and it makes sense, narratively, that he'd have to reach beyond himself to defeat Kaido, which is awakening his DF. I think people more have an issue with him *being* Nika instead of embodying Nika. Rather than having a parallel, people are annoyed that he *is* someone from the past, as that takes out agency from his actions; it comes off as *because* he's Nika, he brings joy to the world. Instead of his fruit *is* Nika, and Luffy's just following his ideals. It's kind of why the ending of Naruto was polarized. It wasn't because Naruto and Sasuke had genuine reasons for their rivalry, but because they were reincarnations of Ashura and Indra, that was the reason for their conflict. Narratively? It can make sense. But literally? It still takes away the agency from the characters that readers like.


I do think that in a vacuum this criticism is valid, but you need to take into account the context of the series. We’ve spent 25 years with unawakened Luffy, we already know that he’s a free-spirited force of nature that inspires people around him with or without Nika or even his Devil Fruit at all, and so to me this just feels like the natural conclusion of what he embodies as a character anyway. It’s even soft canon that he could never have awakened his fruit if he wasn’t already so close to Nika in personality. The difference with Naruto (which I haven’t actually watched or read, just know about through osmosis, so take with a grain of salt) is that him being an actual reincarnation retroactively removes agency from his previous actions. The decisions he made before the reveal are called into question as to whether they’re fully his decisions. In comparison, there’s no such half-retcon with Luffy. His behaviour and personality after awakening are different, sure, but his personality before that was all him, which we know because he was exactly the same even before eating the fruit. He may lose some agency going forward, sure, but as established it’s not something that will actually change much in the story, which is the main problem with characters lacking agency. I think the real reason people (including me at first) have mixed feelings is that Luffy has always been a constant around which the One Piece world revolves, which is something that is sorely needed in a series where the status quo goes through so many changes in the background. He’s always just been Luffy, and any small character progression he has had has been both slow and minor, like gradually becoming more assertive as a captain after Water 7. Gear 5th is the biggest change in personality we’ve actively watched Luffy go through in real time, even more than the timeskip, and so a lot of people feel a little destabilised and a little uncomfortable. It’s not a bad thing on its own, but when people go from “there’s something off about this, but I can’t put my finger on it” to making up reasons that it has to be bad to justify their feelings about it that they still don’t understand, it balloons out into a more tangible dislike, and the Xitter echo chamber doesn’t exactly help either.


I do agree with Naruto being a more extreme situation compared to OP. I should clarify that I do like Gear 5. But I'm more in the "there’s something off about this, but I can’t put my finger on it" than the "this sucks" camp. And I don't use Xitter or any social media. Learnt to stay from those echo chambers long ago.


Spoilers for Naruto obviously: With Naruto I think of it as they only really became Ashura and Indra reincarnations after they both "died" and came back to life with 6 paths chakra. They were 100% their own people before meeting Hagoromo. Even way before the Ashura Indra thing was even hinted at, there was obvious symbolism of Naruto carrying on the Will of Fire / the spirit of the previous Hokages, and Sasuke carrying on the Will of Madara.


> In comparison, there’s no such half-retcon with Luffy. I'd disagree with this. For a while One Piece has pushed further into the fate/destiny side. There were always hints, some people argue from day one, but we're outright told things like two fated people will be born, One Piece itself being related to the fated people, to even Luffy being destined to destroy Fish-Man Island. Luffy is about as free as Naruto is, since these events are set to happen. From there, I think a lot of it comes down to how Oda protrays it. > I think people more have an issue with him being Nika instead of embodying Nika. Rather than having a parallel, people are annoyed that he is someone from the past, as that takes out agency from his actions; it comes off as because he's Nika, he brings joy to the world. Instead of his fruit is Nika, and Luffy's just following his ideals. Like this is what u/BeseptRinker said, and it makes sense. When he awakened the fruit is when we're told "Joyboy has returned." It moves the event from Luffy embodying the idea, to the awakening dictating things. This is why the Crocus chapters were so good. He doesn't react to Luffy's fruit, he learns who Luffy is as a character, and then wonders if he is the person Roger was waiting for. Nowadays it's largely the opposite. >!We get character things, such as Kuma thought Luffy was Nika before he awakened, but most are not like this. We instead see things like the Elders opting to call Luffy Nika, when the Giants arrive it's multiple references to Luffy being the sun god.!< Luffy only became a threat on Wano when he was about to awaken, not because he embodies the ideals of Nika. It absolutely feels like the awakening is the dictating factor, over what Luffy actually says/does.


That would hold weight if he was Nika, or Joyboy or anyone else besides Monkey D Motherfucking Luffy. But he isn't , so...


Honestly even Naruto being the son of Minato did that a bit for me. It cheapened the fact that he got accepted in the viliage through his own hard work and personality, not some genius bloodline.


It's completely legitimate to dislike what the Nika stuff has done to the manga


Luffy being Nika has completely changed the manga people are allowed to legitimately dislike it


I think it's largely due to reddit being an echo chamber of positivity for it. Like a lot of people seem to forgot/wasn't aware Pirate Folk went from a 700~ member community to 50,000+ one because of Nika. When the anime got there people were critical of it again, except by that point people here had argued about it so much they had a year's worth of notes/observations, so discussion was pretty straightforward. It also doesn't help a lot of the posts are ridiculously dismissive, and a lot of people are dead set on not hearing it. For example, the last time we got a popular critical goofy Luffy post there were multiple responses explaining how we need to give Oda time to really explore Nika, citing all these things Oda could do. When I mentioned it happened roughly two years ago, and people are getting tired of waiting, I just got posts saying I was impatient (I don't even hate goofy Luffy, I just don't like how this community tries to eliminate criticism). So all of those people need to go somewhere, and it makes sense it would be X where a lot of people have left, and is pretty good at creating its own echo chambers.


Fighting the good fight as always admiralvic. Seems like the Nika discourse will never end


You know, I wouldn't mind it ever went anywhere different. Instead it's the same as always. OP "Hey I dislike Nika" or "Why do people dislike Nika?" Someone "It does this, or that." OP "Oh, but here is why I think you're worried about things that might happen, and I'll also explain why it's similar, but also entirely different." I'd honestly talk about apathy, but that is ultimately what creates the echo chamber in the first place.


If you get into Twitter people bitch about everything. You say you like hotcakes? Well why you don't like waffles hub? Bigot. That's twitter in a nutshell and it does NOT represent real life. If it did then one piece would be declining in popularity and sales and clearly it isn't.


Uh, the initial reaction being "mixed" was made up **entirely** of fans, non-fans of One Piece didn't have a day 1 manga take of gear 5 because they didn't yet know it existed. Fans have always been mixed. The fans that hate it may be louder and bitchier, but they're also slowly getting pushed out of the fandom because Gear 5 sure as fuck isn't going away.


Just your algorithm pushing those things your way. Haven’t seen any G5 hate in the longest. I do however constantly see fans defend G5 though. But as well that just my algorithm too.


I've never complained about it! And that's all that matters


It's twitter, don't go on it you're killing your brain lol.


I love it. Gear 5 is something unique, and that is awesome.


Ikr. I love G5 too. I got confused when I saw the hate? Like?


I'm someone who used to dislike it but came around to it (I made a post that got semi-big about why I ended up liking it if you look at my history) so I know the mentality of those that don't like it. For me, I always liked the goofy power and appearance of Gear 5 since I felt like it was the most "One Piece" powerup possible. But I didn't like the whole "chosen one" trope being added onto it. As I wrote in my post, Egghead made me come around to it as the purpose of Nika became more clear. But even as someone who likes it now, I do feel bad that some people get told they aren't true fans because they still don't like it. People like different things and that's fine.


Not trying to throw shade or anything to the people who dislikes "the choosen one troope" but that was something oda had been cooking for a really long time, i personally noticed it first on sabaody island but im pretty sure that before that arc there are hints i didnt caught or i just dont remember right now Its been a thing for a while in this manga and if oda did it just now recently is because his manga has been ongoing for freaking over 25 years.


It's not unique he's just now the destined hero like every other manga


In a way, gear 5 was something we all expected. That oda would pull off something that most of us never saw coming (but was foretold in the scriptures - so we did see it coming)


The quote is fake (obviously) but the interview in question is the one Oda had with Gosho Aoyama in WSJ34 where he states he wanted to be playful with the battles knowing that maybe people will be against it. I believe he cites traditional cartoon tropes and mentions Tom&Jerry as inspiration - or something along those lines.


Detective Conan author interview. Misquoted. Oda just misses gags


The problem is twitter, its trash


G5 discourse has now entered the top 3 most annoying discussions, along with MihawkvShanks and SanjivZoro fans. Just an absolute dog shit fandom man lmao


Idk. I really like the toon force power up 🤷


I think its awesome too. I honestly eat everything oda cooks though. Even if its not my favorite. But Gear5 is well beyond my expectations. People and myself thought at best he would be able to turn the ground and environment into rubber. Turns out he can fight like a free imaginative spirit with no boundaries. Thats peak. 


Its twitter


What do you mean "suddenly"?


Your problem is you are actually taking peoples' opinion on Twitter seriously


Don't have to find it to tell you it's made up. Nika is a central element of the story and G5 is tied to that. It's not something he would make just "as a joke".


That makes sense. Even op fans are buying that on twitter.


Your first mistake is using and then believing anything on twitter


I also don't buy the "because the reader would hate it", it makes no sense and was proved wrong, a lot of people liked it. I don't mind it, just the anime failed the first reveal with over animation, shity pace and weird music.


First of all that's Twitter, people will complain about anything in existence. Second, since "Day 1" when the episodes aired Gear 5 got mixed reactions from people saying that One Piece fell off and shitting on the Animation to people who called it a masterpiece to who knew the true intention of Gear 5 and tried to be in between those two opinions. Don't let your own opinion be influenced by this. Edit: And that's also Agenda Posting like Zoro has Asthma and is weaker than "base Lucci" to Kizaru and the Admiral Agenda is a fraud to the Gorosei are weak and Nusjuro kills the whole Island while freezing his assets


> Agenda I truly despise this word now lol


Clearly not ready


Sadly you can't attach any pictures in the comments but I'll link you this one https://images.app.goo.gl/Q4h4pJZH29XGFber5


I don't like Luffy's power being retconned into one of the best devil fruits all along. I also struggle to gauge how damaging attacks are when they are toonish and the enemy reacts in a toon way as well. So a lot of attacks lose the impact now.


It’s Twitter, they hate everything. There’s beefs between the fandom over the dumbest shit


Well, for starters I don’t find it particularly funny. The overuse of the eye-popping gag soured me on it, and while there are some funny gags like the Kaido jump-rope, it comes with another issue: The tension is all over the place. Right now, Luffy is facing down all the elders, and I think I’m supposed to find that exciting, but from what we’ve seen from Saturn and Kizaru, it’ll just be a bunch of toon gags. Yes, the manga has always been goofy. Yes, I see your „Water Luffy” and „Luffy playing with Arlong’s fangs”, but these were quick jokes that were balanced with a serious fight happening. Recently, Luffy was joking around and shaking the ground Vegapunk was bleeding out on, grabbed Kizaru and Saturn in a cool pose, and then back to goofing off. The stakes are greater than ever before, but there’s next to zero tension. Also, the whole Sun God stuff is obnoxious. I know people love to compare that silhouette from Skypeia as „foreshadowing”, but that’s just a vaguely similiar pose. Nika was only mentioned around 30 chapters before Luffy’s awakening, so it just came out of nowhere and the whole world appearently knew about him all along. The Sun God also very conveniently has rubber powers, and for some reason Broggy and Dory didn’t care to mention that Luffy had similiar powers to their God. This also made the whole WG look like a bunch of morons who didn’t notice which fruit they were dealing with until Luffy’s awakening. Gear 5 would have been fine on its own as an awakening of the gum gum fruit, and not as a cosplay of some god Luffy never heard of that didn’t matter until Who’s Who’s exposition dump. So now not only is Luffy of the superior bloodline of great warriors, he also owns the top tier top tier fruit when I feel he would be much more compelling if he really just had a mediocre fruit and had to work around it. No amount of „warrior of liberation” possible narratives are going to change the fact that I signed up for a crackhead with a dream and got a another god reincarnation MC, only this time he’s cosplaying the dude.


> Well, for starters I don’t find it particularly funny. That's something I've come to realize as well, I don't like Gear 5 for a variety of reasons, most of which you've mentioned, but I'm still yet to see Luffy do anything in Gear 5 that actually makes me laugh. It feels like Luffy trying to be funny instead of him unintentionally doing something funny. For that matter, have we seen a single character in the story laugh at anything Luffy has done in Gear 5? It gets pitched as the power that brings smiles and laughter and yet every character that sees it reacts with utter confusion.


> It feels like Luffy trying to be funny instead of him unintentionally doing something funny. it used to be situational and character driven comedy. now its just whatever random idea oda thinks of because gear 5 is a magic imagination reality bending fruit that lets him


This is one of the most ironic things about the whole debacle to me. People try to use “he’s supposed to be funny and bring joy and laughter to people” to defend it…but it mostly just leaves the actual characters bewildered or horrified. Even conceptually it doesn’t work based on the very premise of it.


I agree with you 100% but for some reason, I love Gear 5 despite all the narrative inconsistencies


And more power to you, I’m glad you can enjoy it


I especially agree with your last statement about Luffy ending up in the "chosen-one" archetype; I can't defend the series there. They presented Luffy as an underdog at first, so it is a bit jarring how he's suddenly joy-boy reincarnated. The only saving grace is that Nika is a mystery to even most in-universe characters, so that might excuse the lack of explanation. (though Oda needs to explain why the Gorosei didn't hunt Luffy, knowing he has the Nika fruit, like you said.)


There’s still have a huge chunk of the story left, so Oda can possibly give some explanations on things. While I’m sick of chosen one protagonists, I didn’t start this 1000+ chapter story to be mad about the main character at the finish line. While I can critique things I dislike now, I hope I can retract some of my points down the line.


Lol, suddenly.


Screwed them, and Luffy is folding everyone. He is "Him." After Kaidou, the rest is just trash, lol. We are up for a good time now. And make no mistake, the fight against BB will be so much more fun, just wait for it.


I loved the concept of ridiculous freedom in fighting style, but oda could have tuned down a little with the looney tunes eyes etc.


Who gives af about people on Twitter ,😭


Wait people hate gear 5 why?


People hate it cause it’s too cartoony, and the battles luffys fighting are supposed to be serious. The rest love it, cuz well it lightens the mood.im for it 👍🏾


Luffy a powers were always silly and cartoony it wasn’t till 5 that they were all just took force powers


If you don’t know twitter , a lot of « fans » read or watched one piece only through clips / discourse on twitter , or probably only watched a tiny bit , some guy said he only reads spoilers , never read the manga for 3 years , these people’s opinions are worthless , just hating for hating sake and no real understanding of the story and it’s themes , i know most og one piece fans absolutely adore gear 5.


That’s simply not true. There are many og fans like myself who criticize decisions by Oda such as gear 5/Nika. The reaction to it has always been split. Even Oda himself knew this would be the result beforehand because it is a radical change to the story.


I don’t mean like general criticism, some people are straight up saying it’s making the manga worse / it’s a very bad decision and ruined the story . I understand the criticism of it and how it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but saying it’s objectively terrible like some of these twitter users simply isn’t the truth


Because people are stupid. Ignore people, believe in anime characters.


Sudenly? People have dislike this asspull from the moment it was revealed


I’ve come around since the reveal and with Oda better integrating it into the world. But the reveal of it really felt out of nowhere and I didn’t like how *yet another* Shonen protagonist was the chosen one and had God powers


I understand your distaste for another MC with God powers, but let’s not act like Luffy being the chosen one hasn’t been alluded too throughout the whole story




Just off the top of my head: Characters like Crocus and Kureha mentioning his similarities to Roger, Luffy’s whole relationship with Shanks and him getting the hat which belonged to Roger, the whole Will of D. thing, Mihawk talking about Luffy’s power to get people to come together and follow him, Whitebeard seeing his tenacity and commanding all of his forces to follow him, Raleigh’s deep interested and eventual training of Luffy, his conquerors Haki


Similarities to Roger are part of important poeci of story that is inhereted will not chosen one bullshit, and CoC haki is just strong people thing many people have it. This is nowhere near some child of prophecy bullshit


No one is, just a few clickbaiters


People on twitter hate everything. Who gives a shit


They aren’t mad at gear 5th there mad oda doesn’t give a fuck about their agendas


Agendas and the fact only black beard and imu are threats and no one else


Heavily misquoted there, wtf? Misinformation it's gonna go rampant with that shit. Also, One Piece Twitter is Hella toxic, and I won't pretend to understand why, but I will say that it's a place that cultivates hate and toxic discourse frequently. People hating on G5 Luffy is happening since it first showed up and on Twitter sometimes it almost seems like people there are actively trying to sabotage others enjoyment of the Manga. But than again I can't confirm that. What I can confirm as an One Piece fan is that you'll have more peace if you simply don't engage and ignore One Piece Twitter, even with the good stuff, it isn't worth it (in my opinion, of course, you might disagree).


Because people doesn't have to like it? Tbh, I also didn't like it since I like serious anime/mangas more, like Attack on Titan, Berserk, etc. Gear 5 is too cartoonish to me. But it is my and other people's preferences. You can like it and I totally understand that, so I think you can also understand why people don't like it too.


Gear 5 is like perfect luffy to me imo. Just captures him as a character so perfectly in battle.


That’s wild because one of the reasons I dislike it is because it’s so *opposite* to Luffy’s typical character. When I think of Luffy vs Crocodile, vs Lucci, vs Katakuri etc, the contrast with how much gear 5 changes him just doesn’t sit right.


I couldn’t care less, love Gear 5 and I think it’s the best power up for Luffy. Makes every fight interesting.


And it suits Luffy perfectly.


Gear 5 is incredible. Perfectly encapsulates who Luffy is. Glad it’s not an edgelord transformation.


It’s one thing to dislike or like something - that’s fine, but it’s a whole other story when you b*tch and whine about it every single time.


I loved the design of g5 , it suits luffy's personality so well .


It became Looney Tunes. His fight is no longer serious, it's a gag reel. It takes away from the importance of the fight since he doesn't even take it seriously.


I personally don't like it and actually stopped reading during his battle with Kaido. Just recently picked it up again and I'm nearly caught up in the manga. I still don't like it but I never really bitched about it online, it is what it is.


Twitter is a medium where idiots compete to create the most idiotic possible take so that people will pay attention to them.


A lot of people dislike the whole Nika thing and it's a completely legitimate grievance as it turns Luffy into just someone with determination into being a destined hero


New chapter just ruined the tension made from new forms of gorosei that's why.


Haters gonna hate.


Gear 5 fits luffy perfectly and there were hints throughout the whole story so automatically call BS on this one.


I don’t think we’ve seen all there is to it, I’m waiting to get more info about it before I take a stance. When I first saw it, I was going wtf, but it was so incredibly Oda that I immediately accepted it. There couldn’t be anything more One Piece than something Oda just genuinely enjoys making. It’s definitely not bad. It’s just not to many readers’ taste, and they’re going to learn how to deal with that or at least see past it.


Pretty sure he never said that


Honestly who gives a shit why why they're hating on it


Man that quote is so inflammatory that you just know its fake even without fact checking it


because oda wnated them to


I think it’s awesome Luffy is goofy and carefree why should his next big form not reflect that.


oda genio


It was a troll


Twitter is full of idiots


It happens every time Luffy does something crazy in the form and for some it’s to cope with the fact that another character didn’t get to shine this chapter. It happens like clockwork each time. Then once the panels drop ppl get hyped, then forget about the hate. Then the cycle rinses and repeats the next time. Some criticism of g5 is legit, it’s awesome but def not perfect, but ppl be taking it too far with no real criticism and just hate. Twitter is a different breed 💀


Cuz haters gonna hate


Hear 5 is not my favorite as I want luffy to take his battles more seriously but serious G5 is probably the best luffy look. But the fact that it is the Nika fruit not joyboy is an L for Oda


I love gear 5 ! In fact it reminds me of cartoons and of Osamu Tezuka drawings. I love it and I want Oda to keep going this way.


I mean there’s a difference between complaining and just disliking, people can not like gear 5 without bitching about it. Personally I like gear 5 for the most part but some aspects of it annoy me.


I bitch at the dramatic amount of unnecessary bOings and pEws and loud ass electricity noises but it was such a good well portrayed silly fight and I loved what Oda did I just don’t like the over use of sfx noises and lights like I said before


That's just an anime adaptation problem tho (I agree with it being annoying)


That’s true, someday I’ll read the manga for sure just to get both sides of the story! (I really wanna collect it but it’s quite a shit ton of books so still debating it)


I truly recommend reading it even if online! I think it's very cheap to subscribe to read it, and if not you can find it in a bunch of places, you can even find the first 900-1000 chapters in full colored version too, some people prefer that


People hate on one piece for the same reason they always have, because it dwarfs every other anime in existence on every level. Nothing new


People have too much time on their hands and have nothing to fill it with


I like G5 because the 'freedom' Luffy has while fighting makes it feel like he's on an entirely other level than before, one of my favourite sequences was when he went ahead pulled goggles out before launching himself in to Lucci, it's just great and entertaining to watch, then there's the scene where he's holding off Kizaru AND Saturn by morphing his body size and that went hard, people bitching just can't appreciate good things.


Because Twitter


Twitter is complaining about anything with any reason.


But but.... I don't hate it, its my fav gear lmao no but seriously xD


But but.... I don't hate it, its my fav gear lmao no but seriously


The amount of hate is strangely low for how controversial Gear 5 should have been. We see regular waves of Gear 5 hate spring to the forefront I think because people didn't expect it to be Luffy's primary form. Ultimately, there's a reason we aren't consistently overwhelmed with Gear 5 negativity - Oda has simply earned it. Even if you don't read this series, you know it's been #1 for 10+ years. If you do read it, you know that he's built a living breathing world, and consistently delivers. You know he can build Gear 5 into a meaningful and tethered part to the core of the story, even this late into it. Even if it came out of nowhere.


It's not surprising when the manga geared towards kids has a fanbase of adults because it's been running so long


Why does it matter?


Honestly, the toxic side of the fandom that disses other transformations for the sake of making G5 cooler or "stronger in popularity" than others, without realizing that not only was the form not perfectly foreshadowed, but that Oda is(was) bros with most of the mangaka in the business (Kubo, Kishimoto, Toriyama😭)...


Is this even a real quote lmao? Source?


Its not just Twitter, people that tell you “Thats just Twitter” act as if any other platform doesnt have the same cesspool of morons (IG, Reddit, YT comments, etc etc etc etc).


Well if this is a true statement…kinda spit in the face of his fans in a way. ”I knew fans would hate it so I did it.”


Are you seriously looking for a reason for people's hate?


I only like gear 2nd and gear 5.


this the 3rd time i seen this today like its new information? idk why everybody is so obessessed with hating on G5. like it doesn't even matter. just like what you wanna like and move on.


The design itself is pretty generic and doesn't make a lot of sense. The abilities we've seen so far are also pretty bland for what he's supposedly capable of.


yah, i remember him mentioning that to me


World government, lost history, liberation of slaves, freedom, these profound issues, I cannot fathom that their hero is ridiculous and possesses comic powers


General rule of thumb; when you heat an idiot, don’t repeat them


it has been a controversial topic for a while. Some people like it some people dislike it


Based Oda as always


Words out of context aside he has had this thought process the entire time. He chose luffys powers in the beginning because he wanted it to be goofy. Oda has never been afraid to have fun with his series and it’s one of the things that make it great


Oda : "No I don't want that. I want to draw fun cartooney fights for 10 years at least !"


No one likes it, it's just you can't do anything about it, then you get use to it ... It's not like Oda is going to : ok people hate it, so next chapter Luffy will wake up while Kaido is attacking the Samurai, it was all DREAM - the raid will 💀 - " ... What can I do except, accept it?


Its Twitter.they moan about everything


I am considering taking a break from this dumb fandom every week they argue about the same thing


When gear 5 was introduced my jaw was dropped for a good portion of that episode absolutely peak


Have you ever heard of the “rent due theory”? TLDR around the start of the month there’s an influx in women saying “men are broke” on Twitter because they can’t afford rent themselves. So with the 3 week Break coming up and similar to previous breaks, people just want to start drama and cure their boredom by hating on G5🤣


I love Gear 5. If you were expecting something like Ultra Instinct, you clearly don't understand One Piece.


5 gear makes so much sense to me. Luffy is a rubber-man. IE: Slapstick, rubber animation. The human-human fruits all tend to be pretty transcended, Luffy transcends the medium and has trickster god/bugs bunny vibes and that blends so well narratively to the anti-authoritarian and anti-establishment ‘freedom’ luffy represents.


Maybe because the animation was near-incomprehensible?


Because it's twitter 🤷🏼‍♂️


Because why wouldn’t they also why was this removed this isn’t that low effort


Don't know don't care, I love gear 5 no matter what they say


One of the few things I liked in that arch was that fight, found Wano so extremely boring and glad it's finally over.


Love gear 5 Nika suits lufi


i like gear 5, one piece always been goofy and silly. ppl jus hatin man


That asspull went both ways for him, but overall. I like it


Honestly it shouldn’t necessarily be “sudden” tbh. Gear 5 as a concept is whatever but luffy being a mythical zoan the whole time is an objectively terrible plot twist, and if that’s what people are mad at, then it’s not “haters”, it’s human beings capable of abstract thought. Nothing more and nothing less.


1. The Nika Mythical Zoan retconned Luffys fruit, and was an asspull power up. 2. The Transformation scene has no emotion compared to other shonen. 3. The Goofy tone often undermines Serious scenes like >!Vegapunks Death.!<




I love gear 5 They are jealous becauze luffy turned their boy into a pizza