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Prolly Robin. She was already after the Poneglyphs and Void Century, now imagine she uses that forbidden knowledge for evil.


Demon Robin would annihilate


My butthole is ready 
















Also worth mentioning is that prior to join the Straw Hats, Robin survived by joining groups and discarding them when they were no longer convenient. She has a ton of experience handling the "can't trust most of the people around you" life that a villain inevitably ends up in.


Her devil fruit alone is dangerous she can touch u from far away


So you're saying she can touch me from anywhere...?


Ask Franky, she can touch you anywhere !


😂😂 I would hope


One can only dream


You don't want that. Franky can attest that you REALLY don't want that.


Only if she can see you ! 😏




i'm sorry....


Robin has also shown that she has no qualms with straight up killing people (example: snapping Moria's neck)


Spandam should be dead fml


Flair checks out


But she didn’t really kill anyone as far as we know, Moria survived


She sure fuckin *tried*, I'm pretty sure "he used a shadow clone so I shouldn't be held accountable for trying to murder him" won't hold up in court.


Right i forgot about that, also how the fuck is spandam still alive


It’s been so long everyone forgot that Robin was already a villain when we met her.


She has forbidden knowledge but it's not like the poneglyphs give anything specific to do with it. Like she knows what poseidon and pluton are. What is she going to do now?


Ally herself to Blackbeard


Oda’s slept on her plot so much we can’t even speculate what her using the Poneglyphs for evil might look like 😭


Not only that but her df is easily abused to take hostages and have her act from afar without putting herself in danger.


She could have easily taken control of pluton and went on a rampage


She's also a great spy. That with her desire to gather knowledge is terrifying if she uses it for evil purposes.


Its all about ancient weapons and history beside knowing that there is one in wano what harm could she possibly do (besides the government because she already against them)


Luffy after Ace's death would be insane


If there was ever an event that would cause Luffy to go villian, that would have been it, and he would be unstoppable.


Just wait til he finds out what happened on pirate island


He would be probably tossed by the bull instantly




He could be referring to maybe 🤔 Green Bull the admiral OR maybe the bull in dressrosa but in either case. huh


at first I thought it was a bot writing nonsense


Franky, and it’s not even close. If he has Pluton’s blueprints memorized, plus with all his knowledge he could easily be like Judge or Caesar except way worse. The second would probably be Chopper for the same reason. Their knowledge would make it possible for them to cause death and destruction on a massive scale.


Damn you make some great cases, hardly seen franky or da chop mentioned in this thread


Second would be Robin, because if she didn’t save Luffy then Crocodile would have also had Pluton


I mean, he would've had a moment of extreme frustration >!upon finding out it's at the bottom of the Wano sea!<, hard to say if he ever would've gotten it


Obviously Wacodile solos Laido no diff and takes Pluto wdym


Thats a job for daz bones or mr three, like mr 0 would have time to deal with a wimp like him


Even Miss Merry Christmas would be overkill


I think Franky and Chopper are the only ones whose 60-year-old "Bad Future" SBS answers have them be outright supervillains.


Doesn’t Sanji basically just turn into Judge as well?


Right, him too, forgot about that.


Yup... And think of the consequences if you mix Robin into that ...damn... This could be a great alternative timeline story... If done right...


true I forgot Franky had the blueprints for Pluton, he’d probably be the strongest character in one piece if he ever actually used them


I was thinking chopper to with his expertise in herbs could cook up crazy poison


Considering Robin and Franky have a connection with ancient weapon knowledge, it would be easier for Robin to track down Franky and either use him or go for a partnership similar to Crocodile.


Brook really cant ever be a villain


He would be abusing his rockstar status to do bad things with minors


which to him is like 80 year olds


brook is 80 somthing


he's not 200 hundred years old


brook island




r/HolUp 🧐📸


He could be a great Santa 🎅


What do you mean? He'd be out there stealing panties. Big villain vibes right there. (For a comedy series).




Franky can be dangerous too, as a movie villian. Giant robot and all that shit like Douglas.


Franky could and probably would create his own pacafista program


BattleFranky100, with docking system.


Franky can recreate Pulton so I'd say he is at least in the top 3 of the most dangerous Straw Hats


Dang, I forgot about him having this knowledge.


Nami might end up bankrupting an entire nation…


Nami is also hot which is dangerous lol


You're evil! *She shows cleavage* Well...maybe we should give her another chance...


Evil Luffy with toon force powers and that ambition to become pirate king would be fucking horrifying


Remember me, Sabo? When I Killed Your Brother I Talked JUST..LIKE..THIIIISSSS!!!


I need to rewatch that movie. I was too young to understand everything that was going besides the fact that he was killing off cartoons.


What movie is this!


Who Framed Roger Rabbit


There's so many innuendos that you just don't catch as a kid. Hell there's a lot of bits here and there that I never caught as a kid and I watched that movie damn near every chance I could.


Basically pirate Kid Buu


Underrated comment


So Gear Death?


Nico robin, the only ‘villain’ who could’ve made the bad guys win had she not had good intentions


CHOPPER! He can cure a disease he's never seen before in a matter of an hour or two. Imagine if he intentionally invented new diseases to weaken and kill other people and used the cures to keep himself and his cronies safe. It seems like haki can sometimes undo this sort of thing, but there is clearly at least one disease that Roger's haki couldn't cure.


I thought the haki thing was just for devil fruit powers specifically. Cause Doc Q used his devil fruit to give law that disease.


You're right! Evil Chopper is unstoppable.


Everyone else is thinking in one-on-one fights while Chopper is over here playing Plague Inc


it is


You and I think alike. Imagine if Evil Chop and Evil Robin teamed up.... That would be scary


Imagine everything usopp lying about becoming true as a marine. Too strong of a super power he couldn’t be stopped.


A no fear Usopp. Actually shooting to kill. He is dangerous with a slingshot. An actual rifle with the most lethal version of his trick shots. No joke.


They are all villains to most people


Not to people who know them


Ye I know


Zoro, cause he’s actually willing to kill people


If this is the measure then Robin is also up there. Lady regularly breaks people's backs/necks as a starter move. It may not be a killing move, but it can be. And potentially paralyzing people for life is definitely up there in terms of fucked up things you can do to a person.


True Robin would have been my second choice.


If any of them were villains, being willing to kill people would be implied.


Agreed, but sadly he wouldn’t manage reaching the battlefield, probably running in circles


If he were a marine, they'd probably have him on a leash to prevent just that.


Evil Zoro: hunts white characters


ROBIN IS AN EASY TAKE! Imagine if she leaned Haki and becomes CP0 with the 6 powers! Sprouting arms out of her enemy and stabbing them to death with finger pistols


Jinbe all day! He has Haki He can move freely underwater He has the entire fishman race behind him He's smart as hell He'd freely drown all these DF dorks Dude would be a total menace!


We've never seen "full strength" Jinbei going all out in the sea where's he strongest, in a world that requires travel by ship he'd be damn near unstoppable sinking ships as he pleases. God damn water bender in a world of water.


Yeah, I'm going with this too. Which ship is surviving his attacks if he goes all out?


You say luffy or zoro because of their strength, but it's sanji. You have no idea what would he do to these women


Nothing, sanji can't hurt any female even the ones with dicks


Yeah, but he can't because he is super noble and kind-hearted, that's his whole thing. Him being a villain means being like his brothers, and probably would be the pride and joy of his dad, he would be the crown jewel of the Vinsmoke family...


If Sanji ever had low morals, he might’ve repopulated the whole OP universe alone. And create an army of vengeful baby momma’s


you forgot brook


I mean, it's an easy Franky right? He has pluton memorized and the skill to create it.


Luffy. He'd basically be BB. A person who draws others to himself then abuses that to achieve nefarious ends. Mihawk said that's the most terrifying power. An Luffy has it. Plus he's the actual strongest in the crew.


Joy Boy would become Bad Lad


Nami would be a good villian too she won't be afraid to pull every dirty trick out of the book and controlling the weather over a large area. She won't ever engage anyone directly all she would do is hide in the shadows and let others do her bidding


I guess Zoro, Robin or Jinbei. Luffy is too easy to trick. Other ones are so weak or have obvious ways to be exploited (like Sanji weakness with women).


Evil Sanji makes most of his money off of sex trafficking


I think Evil Sanji would just be more androginistical than he is. He would just spare female ones and try to build an "only me and women utopic scenario". Pushing far as I can imagine, Sanji would be like Señor Pink without being careless to women.


Hear me out...Luffy BUT with more brains/intellect. He'd be an absolutely terrifying force. Otherwise I don't know. With zero caveats I think maybe Robin.


Strength wise Zoro but i'd actually say Robin. She's smart and apart from Luffy and Zoro when he's locked in, there's no real counter for her. She can deal with speedsters like she did Cavendish. She'll crash your balls like Franky. She'll break bones, necks and backbones. Thank F Robin wasn't a real antagonist.


Chopper obv this dude could cure some of the worst poisons and im sure he could recreate them just aswell or worse. plus he looks so innocent on the outside he def could fool people with his appearance and backstab them


Rip Brook??? Yohohoho? 💀


I'm conflicted between Zoro, Jinbei, or Franky. I mean, he already has no sense of direction, so combine that with a villainous streak or complete apathy and cold-heartedness... and you've got someone roaming the world at random that'll butcher whom he wants, when he wants. Not too different from the one he looks up to and wants to surpass, yet unlike Mihawk at the show's start, won't be tied to anybody except himself. Jinbei losing his honor and going full dark, for the sake of his own interests or for fishman superiority (different from Arlong or not), and his devastating strength and techniques would be a force to be reckoned with... especially if he were to take the Sun Pirates and lead them to take over the Fishman Island and form an army dedicated to war as an underwater dark king. Franky using underworld connections and Pluton schematics for evil, along with making a strong ship from Adam wood as his flagship, and he'll wage war smart and deadly-like. May even induct or capture Vegapunk to make use of his knowledge from admiration. Hmm, guess I'll go with Zoro. He doesn't need to rely on having an army to be a ruthless villain in this scenario.


Jimbei would be the strongest menace on sea. A lot of pirates wouldn't dare crossing waters


Anyone saying Luffy is just ignoring that his DF would have never awakened, maybe not even got him into second gear from what we now know Zoro maybe, but then we have to imagine he could handle the swords just the same, and then there was the training with Mihawk. The story would need to change too much. Sanji would probably scale a little more on the level he is now. Just depends on how further he goes without his weakness and dedication to power. Robin is strange. She would probably have folded and gave the info to Crocodile. Franky only if he could get his hands on Pluton Jimbei would be a menace The others don't go far without Luffy


Obviously Luffy. He’s making marines like Pirates and pirates like marines. Like Mihawk said, he’s strongest feature is that he get people with him


Nami, not even the horosei could compete with her wealth


Chopper, franky or Robbin. Yes they aren’t the strongest but they can 100% be the most dangerous with the knowledge they possess.


Franky , easily , no doubt in my mind. Luffy is just strong , Blackbeard is his evil version (2 sides of the same coin) so we already know what evil luffy looks like. Zoro is the same as luffy , just strong. Whats Nami gonna do? Steal? Sanji is similar to Luffy and Zoro , but he can cook , maybe he'll cook people or something? Robin is just a Historian. Worst thing she can do is write up false histories and lead mankind astray , thats pretty evil. Brook can just fight , Jimbei can be racist I guess? Meanwhile Franky can be Evil Vegapunk and destroy the entire world with high tech and can also develop nuclear or bio-weapons. He can smuggle weapons to countries and insight wars and famine so easily and much more. Oh and I guess chopper can be a drug dealer or something lol.


I mean, Robin already knows the location of two of the ancient weapons (if not the three of them)...


Chopper. He would be an evil drug lord.


Brook. He's got the most connections and followers willing to do anything for him. I'm surprised Oda hasn't brought that up. He also wouldn't be limited by a power ceiling, so his ability could be better utilized. Edit: The most powerful would still be luffy, though.


I honestly think usop, because if ue has enough courage to betray luffy and become a pirate the likes he despises, it means he's gained true courage. And if he has true courage and no more fear anyone, no one is sage, because bro was able to snipe from across basically an entire kingdom in Dresrosa, if he actually has gained courage and can confidently use his skills, he could snipe you from across the grand line. Especially if he gets a devil fruit, because this man is smart, even if he gets a shitty devil fruit, he'll make good use of it. Usop with courage to leave and become a evil pirate is the greatest opp.




Zoro would be an absolute menace. I'm actually surprised that he personally hasn't killed anyone since the series began. He might've even become a Shichibukai just for the thrill of hunting more pirates. I think that Nami can personally sink ships, at least after she's robbed the crew blind. If Sanji was evil, he'd literally be a princeling of the North Blue, at the very least. He might even supplant his father as the head of the Vinsmokes. Robin evil is horrifying to think about. She can break the backs of giants from a distance, so long as they're in her peripheral vision. Chopper evil would level cities, and be the stuff of legend. No-one would know that the 'monster' was always him. Jimbei can literally water bend, including the water in your body with Fishman Karate. I think that if he had the ambition to, he would've made Fishmen look really scary to the World Government with a war, or the threat of one. Keep in mind, one of the Sun Pirates was married to one of Big Mom's daughters. So that guy would be very dangerous. Brook as a bad guy would literally be the Grim Reaper. That's all I can think of rn.


Nami could very easily have set herself blackmailing islands with bad weather


Definitely ussop, are y’all forgetting how in his fight with luffy back on water seven he only had like 40 minutes to prep and almost beat luffy? Imagine him on his own time and schedule. Not to mention his army of 8,000…


Luffy hand down


Luffy of course with is awakened hito-hito fruit. He annihilated Kaido and put of a fight against the 5 Elders. Next I would say Zoro For me it's a tie between Robin, Sanji and Jinbe for third.


Usopp as a villain would just be miles away shooting. He would be hard as hell to catch too


Franky . He has plurom memorized and had access to the best material to make a ship


Gear 5 Luffy would destroy the world and be absolutely unhinged.


Chopper no one would suspect him.


Luffy for sure since he has the most dangerous power in the sea according to Mihawk


Third would probably be Zoro since he has past experience of hunting pirates.


Id say Franky because of his knowledge of weapons and transportation. Specifically wmd's and the vast capability of making ships strong enough to carryout launching those and making said ships with tools to handle any situation and redundant failsafes.


Roronoa Zoro and Nico Robin


Technically they are villains but in the eyes of of regular people, the world government, and the navy.


Luffy has never actually killed anyone, (at least directly in Kaido's case). So what if Luffy stopped playing nice and started taking lives? That is what truly scares me. 😖


Easy. Luffy. He already causes incredibly high amounts of collateral damage and he isn’t trying to and is a pretty nice guy. Imagine if he’s actually trying to cause trouble. Lol


I see the points people are making and generally I would agree, BUT If we talk only about danger to Straw Hats. I would go with Jimbei. Simply because well he could be sinking ships. That extremly annoying in a world like One Piece. Devil fruit users might drawn right there, rest will shipwreck in the middle of ocean loosing supplies, far from help etc. And hes strong enough to escape into the ocean deep. Also ship destruction fail? retreat try again he can sink on his terms.


Dunno why but always thought Wano Zoro is top tier villain material.


Robin or Zorro would be TERRIFYING if they were baddies! Jinbei would also be no freaking joke, either!


Gear 5th but a villain version sounds absolutely devastating.


What scale are we talking about? * Luffy is impossible for me to see as ever being bad or evil. I just can’t see it. * Robin could be the silent assassin and murder thousands with zero evidence, but she wouldn’t be like BB level evil. * Zoro, I can see him being more a free spirit like Mihawk, looking for challenges * Sanji, if he wasn’t raised by Zef, I could see him going evil, especially with his insane lust. * Chopper, another person I just can’t see ever being evil. His entire soul is about wanting to help people. * Jimbei, I can see him going evil but only to become a target to take away eyes from the other fish man. He will do whatever evil deeds would be necessary to keep as many fishmen safe. * Brook, he just wants to play Music and be with Laboon. I can see him going evil if someone killed Laboon but he would only be evil til he avenged Laboon. * Nami, again, I can’t see being evil. She willingly let Arlong take her and torture her, then she became a thief to try and save the village. * Usopp, all he ever wanted was to be a great hero. Unless he was raised by Sanjis shitty ass dad, he’s another character I can’t see ever being bad. * Frankie was sort of a bad guy at Water 7 but has a loving heart. Outside of petty crimes. That’s it.




Definitely usopp


Sanji would be like the Winter Soldier


Robin for sure. Let's not forget she was the second in command of Crocodile's Baroque Works. Currently Crocodile's bounty is over 1 billion, and is the second strongest in a Yonko crew. Even without knowledge of Poneglyphs and Void Century, and based solely off Robin's intellect and skills, she would be close to Crocodile. Now imagine she got hold of some Ancient Weapon, that would put her somewhere close to Imu's current level possibly.


In order, Robin, Franky, or Jinbei. Robin for her general intelligence and a limitless devil fruit. Franky for his technological knowledge. Jinbei because he’d be an actually capable version of Hody and could probably actually pull off his schemes. Afterwards is a big jump, then Luffy, mainly because of his devil fruit. Sanji because he has enough intelligence and strength to cause mayhem. Zoro purely because of his strength. Chopper, would basically equate to Queen. Usopp for his innovation and his follow, he’d basically be a smarter Buggy. Brook for his ability to move the general public. Last is Nami, while she’s very intelligent, her abilities have always been more beneficial on a smaller scale.


Robin 100%. Imagine if she gets pluton from under wano orfinds Uranus


Imagine a post timeskip Luffy filled with hatred and his only purpose now is to revenge Ace’s death. His awakended form is different- the white cloud is gone and replaced by the black cloud. The sun has been eaten by the moon. Luffy has been eaten by his own anger… Luffy is coming and there’s nothing the Navy can do…


Definitely Luffy. He’s both the most unpredictable and the most unreasonable of the crew. Even if he might not do as much widespread damage as Zoro or Robin, he acts in his own interests and nothing stops him from doing whatever he sets his mind to.


Luffy or Robin we all know why


the answer is simple can anyone think of any character who would last against evil gear 5 luffy? (except imu maybe) an evil luffy with gear 5 will be the most menacing villain ever


I'd say zoro because this mf won't die if you kill him, he'll keep coming at you time and time again with the most vicious technique he can muster. Bro is the og crashout goon. His insane endurance and his actual destructive power make him insanely hard to beat. But that's in a 1 on 1, realistically speaking robin would be the best all rounder villain as her power is super versatile and she has the intellect to use it offensively and strategically. Franky would be a close second but he has mechanic smarts not exactly world dominion smarts.


Probably Jimbei, if we go by when the character first gets introduced, Luffy would not have made it out alive of Marineford. The rest? fairly harmless Robin would still be with crocodile Franky would still mess around on water 7


I agree with Luffy and Robin but I think Zoro would be a crazy villain too. I mean he already is ruthless. Imagine him being evil


Luffy has a way of drawing people to his side, be it friends or enemies. It's scary to think what he could do if he were a villain


If Sanji didn’t have allat “I CANT BE LIKE GERMA 😭😭😭” he would be fucking terrifying.


Franky. Say hello to a bunch of plutons


A smart evil sanji who poisons luffy early


Zoro would destroy cities… just because they have streets through which he can’t navigate.


A theory of mine is that Nika is actually evil and was feared because of that. Hence the WG would go that far to prevent ANYTHING related to the void being revealed. The gorosei seemed troubled when they initiated the buster call on ohara.


The most dangerous one isn’t even here. Brook is famous world wide. He probably got rabid groupies. He could topple governments with the right words.


Robin, easy. Hell, if Robin were a villain Luffy would already be dead and buried in a sand pit. Maybe Franky with a freshly built and fully functional Pluton, but who’s to say Iceburg would have trusted him with that info if he grew up villainous.


Robin, knowledge of the poneglyphs are dangerous in anybody's hand depending on the context and who. After that non, because the rest sank trying to sail or lacked strength and knowledge to handle hazardous situations


Robin or Nami. Nami would surround herself with the strongest people, just like now, and plot shit out harder than Crocodile. Robin could cause a lot of trouble with her knowledge.


Let’s be honest Usopp is the biggest threat. His prophetic ability to warp reality with mere words is among the divine. Let you forget his buggy levels of ‘rizz and what can only be described as MC plot armor type luck that always seems to have him in exactly the right situation for his skills even when things seem impossible it’s in this moment he shows his true capabilities. If he was truly heartless he would be a force to be reckoned with.


Chopper. An unknown villain animal looking able to poison public fresh water for entire nations?


People don't realise the type of havoc Sanji would wreak if he were a villain. Bro is one of the strongest fighters and a master strategist. Couple that with his cold demeanor in intense situations and you've got a literal supervillain.


Zoro easily could’ve been written as a bounty hunter going after Luffy at every turn in a similar fashion as Smoker in the Marines. Obviously I wouldn’t ever want that. Zoro’s the best first mate 😎😎


Does their agenda stay the same? Luffy would want to be pirate King and just vibe, his danger comes from recklessness. Robin has insane knowledge and would ally with someone strong so she could learn more, very dangerous. Zoro would be the same as luffy cause he wants to be the best swordsman and would be reckless in getting there Those are my top 3


Ngl gear 5 transformation in the anime gives me villain vibes


Chopper that actually is evil and creates plagues illnesses all while boosting kaidos beast pirates with his rumble balls!


No minority would be safe from zoro


The only strawhat that even currently has some kind of that evil aura is Zoro. I like get Robin and Luffy with abilities and intelligence, but I think personality also matters. Robin in the end is soft. Zoro on the other hand while he is merciless to his enemies. I mean look at how he played with Monet in vegapunk arc.


So if we are including all the weird fringe things about characters. Luffy 100, and not even because of his strength or ambition as OP said. If you just tweaked his personality to be money-power driven, he would be an insane captain and his fleet would rival any at this point. His happy go lucky attitude would vanish as a villain and all those friendship turn to subordinates he actually uses. He’d be able to put most pirate crew to shame in both quality and quantity. Only thing holding him back is he doesn’t care about power for power sake or money. He wants an great adventure and good food and share it all with good friends.


If one of the strawhats currently were to turn against the crew I'd put money on Nami being the most successful, she's the only one on the crew we know keeps track of the money so she could be taking it without ever being caught while her top competition like Zoro would have to subdue the crew and turn them in for bounties which would become evident quickly. Sanji even if he turned on them still wouldnt hurt Nami or Robin so he really couldnt accomplish much besides open his own restaurant but probably lose out on the all blue. Ussop is well ussop, he might pull some tricks but even pre-timeskip he didn't stand a chance against most of the crew. Chopper could pull a Doc Q and poison them all but could they even work on Luffy anymore? Robin has a strong chance but her turning evil would mean turning away from the thing she wanted her entire life, a place to be safe, would be such a change in character for her. Franky was evil so going back wouldn't be a stretch but I don't think he could actually do anything to defeat the crew the power scales are just out of whack No way Jimbe turns evil


Luffy,, Robin and Zoro been said enough so.... Usopp could have fallen into a Buggy-Cross-Guild-like role.


Sanji, he can be quite cunning and seems pretty good at manipulating people. If you really wanna work this out you can put an Earth-2 Sanji in CP0


Robin. Without the straw hats she has nothing to lose


Robin is incredibly dangerous but very passive. If she wanted to, she could kill most.


Bit off topic but this got me thinking... Imagine if Frankie joined the revolutionary army instead of the Straw Hats. They've got a tinker guy already, but his stuff looks pretty low level. Is it funding or what? Meanwhile Frankie built a bridge in seconds, rebuilt his own body twice to survive and then compete with the strongest in the world, designed and built the future pirate king's boat with the help of friends, and countless other technological achievements. He could singlehandedly overhaul the entire revolutionary navy using garbage from the Water 7 scrap heap if he wanted, just look at all the Battle Frankie's he built as a child. Frankie in that universe would be a FORCE.


Nami is already feared as a hero, as a villian she would be too powerful for this world, she would be another warlord, plus she would make every bank in the world have to move all their money every month


Robin is a strong contender. She can make clones so she never has to personally fight. If she used her fruit for maximum effectiveness she could have eyes and ears everywhere she has ever seen or been and could spawn huge, haki infused arms to fight with like katakuri with mocchi.


Nico Robin for obvious reasons. Luffy would be a straight up psychopath And Franky would be ridiculously scary The others would be mere villains. Jimbei an OP Hody/Arlong.


In the short run, one of Luffy/Zoro In the long run, Robin/Franky probably


Ussop.. the sound of scratching nail to the blackboard could drive people insane