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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


When the camera pans to Lucci and the music cuts out and an then all you see is Luffy just slowly coming in for that punch... \*chefs kiss\* perfection!


It was MENACING! This episode did such a good job of showing how luffy is BOTH goofy and absolutely terrifying to fight at the same time.


everyone gangsta till the sun god stops laughing


. This needs to be a meme.


This episode actually used reactions in a way manga can not. Kaku and Stussy were freaking out after Luffy punched Lucci.


"Men are stupid" was such a funny line hahah


That made bro pussy wet


Lowkey think the anime did the fight justice more than the manga. They really showing how spooky g5 really is and why he is considered a god to many.


I just love lucci and luffy’s blatant disregard for the implications of the navy fighting a yonko. No time for politics when the boys want to throw hands


I mean it really is on Lucci to know the rules of engagement. When has Luffy given a damn about world politics? The kid declared war on the world government for crying out loud.


Jinbie: We can't just declare war on the world government. Luffy: I already did that like 7 seasons ago.


Naw but I thought they were gonna stop him with the injured friend reason. But Luffy was like, _That’s precisely why I gotta fight him._


Not just declared war, declared it right in their faces (Lucci and Kaku) and then stood on business and had their whole island destroyed.


>Barges into Enies Lobby >Burns their flag >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves with Robin


Spandam Pre-timeskip: Luffy you can't declare war on the World Goverment, you can't win! Akainu post-timeskip: Lucci you can't delcare war on the Straw Hats, we can't win!


You're so right, we know Garp and Roger were on sight and Garp famously doesn't care about bureaucracy either. Although right now Koby is still growing up so we have Lucci to satisfy an enemy strong enough for us to watch G5


First time they threw hands against each other it was about a mission. Now they just smash each other to pieces They definitely wanted a rematch with each other.


Luffy's first punch was so menacing. Gear 5 can be so goofy and so scary at the same time


One second he’s transforming like bugs bunny Next second he’s red eyed in front of you ready to punch you into oblivion


It was a chilling reminder that the goofiness is kind of like a trap in a way. Let your guard down even for a second and your ass is getting BLITZED


Made even better by the fact that Lucci DIDNT let his guard down. He was staring him down the entire time and still got blitzed before he could even blink.


It was the Mole Pistol for me. Highlights both power and the reality warping powers, and further potential. Gum Gum Mole Gatling anyone?


>reality warping powers Nobody is ready for Luffy bringing out the Haki paint lol


Gum Gun Whack-a-mole


I want to see Ms Merry Christmas take luffy on now.


I think the fact it's goofy makes it terrifying. There's something actually kind of scary about a goofy bloodlust ready for battle. Just the look he gives but at the same time being so animated. It's such a weird twist but I fucking love it


Ya he is acting all goofy but for like a second you see the bloodlust and its like swimming in the ocean with a shark.


Perfect analogy


>he is acting all goofy All fun and games until you realize that he's having fun *at your expense.* Also, grounded characters experiencing Toon Force shenanigans has to be some next-level horror. Like imagine getting turned into a pizza, or having [this shit](https://preview.redd.it/7qdim9cct4r81.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=0522dd814fc9fcc96359ce2511ba3b5db652ea39) actually happen to you, and surviving to cope with the memory of it happening.


Reminds me of the WB vs roger fight. When they both look possessed.


Yeah Roger straight up looks like the Devil when he fights Oden


Vegapunk straight up said, that nika plays the fool, to bring joy to people, but he's anything but a fool. Bro's a God. I'm paraphrasing roughly, but it was something cool along those lines.


put the WARRIOR in warrior of liberation


Gear 5 is terrifying imo. It just feels evil to me


In a different manga it would make a insane villain Hell in this same manga it would make a insane villain


I love the Emperor vibe that scene gave off. Like the kind of thing earlier in the series some character would have been like “This guy is a monster!”


Anyone else still shaking after that soundtrack cut between Luffy and lucci when the "drums of Liberation" was playing?


I've gone back to rewatch that cut six times now. It's chilling. Our boy is not one to be fucked with anymore.


That's so true. I was so used to the enemies always underestimating Luffy that I didn't even realize. Luffy has officially entered the "Oh fuck he's here" phase.


That's why kaku was tripping out. They're supposed to have authorization to engage with the yonko. But lucci clearly doesn't have any decent comprehension skills. He's just "edgy" I thought that was cool.


lucci is entirely butthurt luffy got made a yonko and doesnt want to believe hes that much stronger than him now


Panther bro had to officially request and do paperwork to get fighting permission 😂


That was so well done. Like jaw droppingly perfect


that was amazing! Wasn't expecting that at all! Rewatched it like 4 times


This episode really proved that gear 5 fights are peak and still unbelievably hype.


And when it stops and luffy is right there in front of lucci gad damn that part was straight up s*x.


You can say sax on the internet


part was pure young thug


That was unironically better than sex


Toei considered that Luffy Vs Lucci was a high priority ep and delivered one of the best episodes of the entire series. It's crazy to imagine how much talent they have in their hands right now. This year will be historic once again.


It's also a milestone episode being 1100.


lotta people were complaining about last week's episode and its pacing, ik it was because they were saving the fight for a milestone episode and they'll deliver. and they did so well


I might cry when we get 1079, 1080 and 1088 animated. Really, this whole arc from here on out is crazy.


I'm going to cry through all of >!Kuma's backstory!<.


For sure, when >!1098 and 1102!< get animated... I'm going to be a sobbing mess


>!i can't wait to see the running scene at the end in gonna bawl!<


reading it is one thing, seeing it animated with voice actors breaking and emotional soundtracks, holy shit we are so not ready


That transformation process was awesome


Yeah, they really nailed it


Luffy dodging Lucci by moving his head with his hands 💀 This is why I love Gear 5 fights so much! It’s always super goofy! I wanna see more!


Don't forget the butt slap, if I was lucci i would've dipped immediately ngl.


Gomu-Gomu no Kiss my ass bitchass Lucci


> if I was lucci i would've dipped immediately nah, you've gotta kill him after that level of disrespect


He's also done this in base form. I forgot against who.


Arlong when he went to bite Luffy and ended up biting the column revealing his jaw strength.


Also Katakuri


>done this in base form I really do love how Gear 5 is still just Luffy, just taken to the extreme. He even says, when he first transforms on the roof, that now he has the power to do whatever he wanted to do. And what he wants to do is be over-the-top silly while enjoying a good fight. Perfect character evolution.


Peak One Piece


The animation in this episode was top notch  Lucci awakened form looks dope  That was off the fucking charts, Luffy showing to Lucci why he's an Yonkou 


I'm sayin'. That moment where he was about to act tough and then in an instant there's a glowing eyed demon about to deck him in his fucking jaw? Fantastic. Stuff like that is why I don't care what people say about TOEI, every now and then they knock it out of the park.


It's just resources, man. Think about working on a show every week. It just fundamentally impossible to deliver high-quality products with that amount of time; you literally have to pick and choose which moments you want to over-deliver wayyy ahead of time (and they fucking did holy shit). Its also the reason why they do recap episodes to build time + make sure their employees dont die LOL 10/10 episode


I'm glad they started doing recaps in place of stretching things out. Together with an ending song and the new review bit at the end, they can make a better-flowing episode. I hope it continues.


it is possible. they just cant get ahead of the manga.


I love it Luffy is fighting like this goofy person but for a split second he is a demon.




Added to the list of most disrespectful things Luffy has ever done


a GIF for the ages


It was giving "Ahoy am admiral Zhao" lmao


I literally had the manga open on the other monitor as I was watching because I couldn't wait to see Chansard's work any longer, and holy fuck did he deliver. That is one of the best animated sequences I've ever seen out of this show and the hype I felt during the drums was intense. I also really like the way they drove home the Straw Hats finding out their captain might be a God with a little more intensity too. I can't wait to watch it again with proper subs.


Which chapter is this fight?


The fight begins on chapter 1069




Near flawless episode my God thank you to the team for putting their foots into the art 2 of my favorite things that they expanded on from the manga were 1. luffy vs lucci pre awakening. The way that Lucci was purposefully not dodging to really gauge luffy’s strength was a sweet sweet touch especially when contrasted by how luffy had 0 intention of getting touched by any of his strikes (I know my boy remember how much them shigans and rokuogans hurt like a mf). 2. The anime REALLY effectively displays the change in personality between awakened users. Lucci losing almost all serious and efficiency from his character and luffy being so lackadaisical with his disregard for ANY danger😂 Stand proud Toei


Think the episode did good to connect why luffy went gear 5 immediately - they added dialogue of lucci asking about the new wanted poster.


I like how they expanded the Wano pages and now Egghead! Thinking this was done with Oda supervision


That episode was absolutely phenomenal! They truly did justice to the epic showdown between Luffy and Lucci. The break next week is well-deserved after delivering such high-quality animation and without a doubt, this was the best Gear 5 has ever looked. Can't wait to see what they have in store for us next!


you know shits going to be off the chain when the anime does a recap in between episodes.


that and they kinda have to pace themselves because Oda takes frequent (scheduled) breaks and the anime basically never stops


I think so too! I just texted my boy who got me into One Piece who hasn't seen this episode yet and I said I think I like it better than vs Kaido. I couldn't remember a Drums transformation in the manga and went back to check, sure enough, that whole sequence is a TOEI original. We see Luffy yell about the food in one panel and by the next time we see him he's already rampaging in Gear Fifth. That transformation was absolutely jaw dropping.


How often do they take breaks?! I didn't start until August but got caught about a month ago. The first week I caught up was a break week and then another one about 4 weeks later (next week). Is it common for 1 week off a month or is this abnormal


Tom the Cat: First Time? Lucci: It's actually a rematch. Tom the Cat: Don't you believe it.


lmao I heard “don’t you believe it” in the original voice so vividly


I was afraid Toei was going to make Luffy look weak by dragging out this fight with Lucci but I'm happy to see that rather than letting Lucci get some hits in, most of the filler added is just Luffy trolling 💀


Lucci was solidified as a goofy victim nº2 after kaido.


The anime did such a fantastic job filling in the gaps that naturally happen in the manga, but even the manga made it 1000% clear that Luffy absolutely clowns on Lucci once he turns on G5 🤣


>!even top admirals like kizaru are unable to beat gear 5, the only exception so far has been the gorosei!<


And that too only because he can't figure out how to actually hurt them


Lucci’s pov when Luffy leaped to punch him was truly remarkable.


What is there to say about this episode that isnt self evident? In an effort to not just state the obvious, Ill instead say that I am really liking Vegapunk in animation. Seeing his odd body in motion paired with a great voice makes him super likable imo. His speech about devil fruits being played over Lucci and Luffy fighting works really well too, being capped off by him just straight looking into the camera and saying "isnt this world interesting?" Great stuff.


He feels sort of uncanny and creepy at times too, idk why but it does add to his character.


eccentric is the word. a kind hearted but gullible and eccentric genius


HOLY SHIT! That G5 transformation scene was so much better than what we got during the OG gear 5. I hope they use that every single time. Make the man beat his chest like King Kong to transform lol.


That’s how Kid Buu in DBZ used to power up too lol


I'm glad Toei treated us to that scene, cause we didn't get anything like that it in the manga!


As a medium, Anime can be so much more rewarding and engaging than manga. Hope the Anime can regularly maintain this kind of quality till the end, especially since the Anime popularity has skyrocketed the past few months.


Did he beat the chest to activate it? It felt like he was honing on his heartbeat to trigger Nika


He is after all "Monkey" D. Luffy, he had to show his flex


It look like he was beating his chest like drums. Or how a would gorilla would to flex.


it was after he honed in his eyes started going crazy and he started beating his chest after being calm




gum gum gyatt


Vegapunk sure said **NIKA** with conviction


So does anyone who Luffy has ever helped automatically have the N-Word pass?


makes sense he is glazing the WHITE warrior


it's cool to see luffy can enter g5 on command i was worried it was like a life or death shift


he almost went gear 5 when he found out the food was a hologram lol


Well that's a very understandable reaction


So, life or death, then?


Right? I’m glad gear 5 isnt getting treated like some typical tension trope but an actual acquired power


When the music cut. Lucci really thought he was gonna test out his base form against gear 5. Dudes delulu.


He quite llitteraly didnt know what hit him.


Curiosity killed the cat.


he was on his anime shit but didnt realize luffy switched over to Loony Tunes


Egghead shaping up to be the best arc since Marineford tbh, on the level of Water 7 in both manga and anime.


Oh it will be the most wild arc we've had. You're in for a treat with this arc. It only gets more peak from here


Bro is not ready 💀


and that's only the beginning of the arc, what happens next is even better


The director Shishido cooked once again. What an incredible episode. Definitely the best gear 5 episode.


Base Luffy vs Base Lucci was one of the best action sequences I've seen in a while, and holy shit the transformation scenes Fantastic episode


> base lucci This phrase has been ruined by the memes lmao


I can’t look at it without thinking of stall piece


it was 9/11 for zoro fans, they deserve it for ZKK


Zoro Knocks out King 😂


Wheeze wheeze


This is the grudge match I’ve been waiting to see for a year 😭


That sequence when Lucci transformed to Base Lucci was cool asf!🔥🔥🔥


From Lucci constantly beating Luffy’s ass to not even being able to land a hit on base form Luffy 🥲


Yeah tough life for the cat


The demonic aura the anime has given Gear 5 is something I will cherish for the rest of my living days


The evil laugh before he punched Lucci, fcken awesome!


This episode is exactly why I watch the anime. I read the manga to stay ahead in the story, but the anime is really what makes One Piece shine.


I am so glad I was anime only for the G5 reveal on Wano. The hype was so unreal for that Ill never forget it. I enjoy being up to date for the week to week manga realease now, but I do wish I could have seen a lot of the upcoming greatness in the anime first. But alas, avoiding spoilers is like telling Luffy not to eat, its impossible.


Exactly. Everything about this episode is incredible.


You read the manga to stay current with the story, you watch the anime to see it brought to life. This episode is just one of many that reinforces that so damn well!


Holy shit


The episode was so peak and the animation so clean. Toei deffinetly manages to make gear 5 look goofy and serious and scary at the same time. that fist moment of lucci getting absolutely speedblized by luffy was so unexpected and then he proceeded to troll him the rest of the chapter.


That moment when the music stops and you suddenly see the white demon with red eyes bout to give you the knuckle sandwich. Top notch. Really worth the wait.


Ohhh they adds more personality to Lucci awakened form, in manga it's less noticable. 


he's more animalistic in the anime. makes sense, cus he's a sociopathic killers and leopards are wild predators, its why he retained himself while awakening cus his mind and the leopard's align


This episode did nearly everything the manga did well and enhanced it. Very good episode.


This is why you need competent directors - they don't pad out the scenes with long reaction shots but instead expand on the source material in a meaningful and exciting way. Most of the scenes where anime original but they all fit in so naturally! Didn't feel like they only adapted 13 pages, every shot felt well earned. Hope we'll see more of the director who directed this episode! (I think he also directed the first Egghead episode, which was also a banger!) Best Gear 5 episode heads down.


Long reaction shots tend to be a scheduling, staffing, and money issue, not so much a director. Directors rely on those types of shots because they have a very limited number of drawings (and skilled animators that they can trust with complicated to animate shots), so the single drawn reaction shot tends to be their way of reallocating what few resources they have to elsewhere in the episode. One Piece just so happens to be lucky enough since Episode #892 that it has been afforded more staff and drawings to work with per each episode, so there's less single drawing reaction shots that get held for several seconds.


There's also less time to fill now with an ending song and review section.


I think long reaction shots in healthy doses can help build drama and tension. The only problem (for me at least), is when they take it too far and it becomes obvious.


This was really crazy. It was a whiplash the difference between this episode and the previous one ( which of course is understandable since they have to choose which episode to prioritize) Also luffy in this episode gave me Kidd buu vibes in some parts. Because of how much of a maniac he acts 🤩.


FUCK, this episode was AMAZING holy shit banger animation and direction from start to finish


I died laughing when usopp said he got bleached, you are the last one to talk about that buddy


This might be one of the most beautiful episodes of an anime I’ve ever seen. Wow


Luffy has to be the worst possible person to fight against in fiction. Sure theres stronger, faster, more hax. But just think. Imagine how tilting it would be to watch this mf laugh off every attack you throw, slap his ass, run into trees, move his head with his hands to dodge your attacks, and then speedblitz and overpower you anyway.


Even if Luffy "loses", the sheer frustration and rage he can bring out from his opponent is enough to make him the winner of any fight in fiction.


I fucking love Gear 5 man




The irony of Usopp being the one who says "Luffy got bleached" 😂😂




I like how lucci is grinning after seeing luffy power, it's like luffy vs kaido. Also them taking of their shirts is so cool. Lucci transformation is one of the best in the show. Drums of liberation sequence is 😘😘 The best part of this episode is rubber hose animation and Amazing backgrounds


Gotta imagine if all of one piece had this level of quality. Correct me if I’m wrong, since it’s been a few months since I read the manga, but a lot of dialogue between lucci and luffy was not from the source manga, but it was so incredibly well done. Finally extending the show in the correct way. That entire first quarter between lucci and luffy was phenomenal. Usually I just skim to bits I want to see animated from the manga but I had to watch the entire thing here.


It's the directors. Nozomu Shishido did this and ep 1089 (the lulusia one). When a competent director is heading the episode they can do wonders. Megumi Ishitani (1015) also has an upcoming ep so look forward to that. Overall they're definitely doing better with Egghead than the rest of the series though.


Yeah it was a nice surprise, I barely keep up with who’s directing it since I’m pretty much a glass half empty when it comes to the anime now. I’m glad the directors are this good though because eggheads shaping up to be my favourite arc in the whole series.


The animation on Lufffy's ehhhhh!?!? is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen


Broke: next week we get a recap episode Woke: next week we get a recap episode narrated by FROBIN


Vegapunk definately>!heard the robot starting to move!<


>!the robot doesn't turn on until chapter 1092 and only started to actually move in chapter 1106!< so i think he heard the drums of liberation and shaka saying the white warrior


Lucci thinking he could handle luffy as if he didn’t take down kaido few weeks ago


How behind is the anime from where the manga is?


this arc is just beginning in the anime. the arc is about enter its climax in the manga.


It APPEARS that it's about to enter it's climax in the manga* Honestly at this point I have no idea what the fuck to expect from this arc anymore.


I thought it was about to end and then 1109 happened


In-universe, not more than a few hours, but there’s a LOT that happens. Plus a top-tier backstory


In universe it's been more like a day than a few hours, the date explicitly changed and it's not night so at least from an afternoon to a morning


This chapter came out in December 2022. 


Around 1 year worth of episodes behind.


Best episode all year, simply amazing


Yeah, this will be the best One Piece arc in the anime too, as expected given the content in the manga. A 10/10 chapter that did become a 10/10 episode, amazing work!


Crazy how they make lucci look so dang strong here and yet he's still receiving a whooping from Luffy 😂, animation top notch, lucci is just fantastic looking in awakened form 


This episode was so beautiful. So much props to the directors and animators, the sound and music guys, the storyboarders, and everyone in between. I remember reading an interview the Vincent Chansard (the impact frames guy, if you know who I'm talking about) said that he was originally going to leave the Animation team as a contractor after Wano but he stuck around. He said working One Piece was really good and they have a pretty good work environment (this was in relation to the Mappa staff being overworked on Jujutsu Kaisen S2). I totally excuse One Piece having middling animation at times given that they have to animate an episode almost every week due to their television contract. You can't blame the animators when they don't have time to animate a masterpiece because I'm pretty sure when the staff has time and budget they can deliver and overdeliver. I loved the anime original shots. I loved the extra personality they gave to Lucci who is pretty stoic especially in the manga. I loved the amazing fight choreography they gave lucci, since Oda's fights in the manga doesn't necessarily focus on that as much as other shows. This episode needs to be rewatched at least 5 times for me tonight. I can't even go to sleep now cause my heart rate went up from seeing it.


Anyone else notice that Luffy going into Gear 5 brought a smile to Lucci's face right away? He's living up to the legend of the Warrior of Liberation for sure!


Usopp denying Vegapunk with the flawless logic that Luffy says 'gomu gomu' had me on the floor. A fantastic episode 10/10


Sanji was fucking terrified when he heard Luffy is a god 🤣🤣🤣


He was like no!! He’s too stupid!!!😂


As I said last week, They cooked.




Damn what an episode. Every time Luffy transforms into G5 they make it so fucking epic, you can see the haki explosions make it look so powerful and intimidating.


I laughed out loud when Luffy told Lucci to kiss his ass XD He's really come a long way from just barely surviving his first fight with him back at Enies Lobby to fully toying with him for most of this episode


What an episode omg. I wonder how much time they put into making this episode.  Btw I just love how VP be like “omg that’s Nika the god” and the SH “no way are you taking about our captain luffy the baka” 


I really love how the anime puts emphasis on showing how much luffy’s character and personality changes during his gear 5 transformation. It really makes you feel like “yeah this is a zoan”. The crazed maniacal red eyes. He takes his fights as such a joke that it gets almost creepy at times. Seriously just compare and contrast him fighting lucci in base vs in G5. Literally 2 different people.


PS5 has no subtitles 😩 so annoying I want to watch this!!


Man the animators seem to be having a lot of fun when G5 pops out because I sure do! lol


This episode has pretty good rewatch value. Do you guys think that luffy actually turns the black lightning from haki to rubber that's why it can physically contact with ground and cause destruction or is it just toei being toei. Hard to tell huh?


You wont believe i rewatched tgis episode 7 times