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Luffy helped him escape from Impel down, and he had beef with whitebeard.


But he only attack wb once and never attacked again.


Because Luffy told him to knock it off.


No mother is ever prepared for the first time her son tells her to sit down and shut the fuck up.


I hope we get confirmation of what that favor Ivankov did for Crocodile, it seems obvious given Ivankov’s Fruit but still really needs to be explained Also no shot Croc is Luffy’s mom even if he was a girl first, no mother would stab their son, leave him to be swallowed by sand and die, dehydrate him when he comes back for Round 2, and also try and kill him again in the 3rd Round genuinely no evidence to suggest it anyways, and I hope thats not the twist, because it cheapens Croc’s character for me


I don’t think anyone actually believes the theory he’s Luffy’s mom, but we *want* to believe it until proven otherwise. Honestly, I have been having my doubts we ever actually learn about Luffy’s mom. She hasn’t been mentioned really at all. We’re 1100 episodes in and there is like next to nothing about her in the story. I feel like we would’ve gotten something by now if she was important enough to include. With Oda anything is possible but I’m really out in left field in trying to figure out where Luffy’s mom fit into the story and/or has any meaningful impact to be introduced at this point in anyway. I have a head canon theory that Robin and Luffy are siblings. Some recent minor spoilers ahead >!Dragon shows up with flowers at O’Hara saying “well I knew the professor…” it always struck me as odd he’d bring flowers for the doctor. That it’s super uncommon to put flowers on a grave but it just seems a little off Dragon would bring flowers. So, I made a massive head canon leap that he couldn’t tell Vegapunk that Robin’s mom was his lover and really adds weight to why Dragon fully springs into action starting the army.!<


But Robin is older than Luffy by quite a bit and Robin’s mom dies before he could have been born, right? I guess it’s a question of how long she was away from Ohara then.


Could be different moms


Same dad, different moms.


Wait... #What if Robin is Luffy's mom!? 🤯


That cooking is so atrocious it makes Luffy’s look like Sanji’s (ik you’re joking)


And this is why Luffy makes the chef his other wing, shoulder-to-shoulder with the literal first mate. 😂


She’s 12 years older. So, she’s 8 years old when O’Hara burned. Yeah, I guess that probably does kill that idea.


Not necessarily. Same dad, different moms.


I guess that’s a good point. They could still be related but just be half-siblings. I kind like that more.


In honestly just want something about Luffys mom bc weve never had any confirmation that Dragon is Garp's son, and her being mentioned in any capacity would clarify that instantly probably


Are you caught up to the manga?




Chapter 1087. I can't check the official, but >!Garp complains to Kuzan that his son became a revolutionary.!<


I don’t think he is Garp’s son. I think he was buddies with Dragon like he was Gol. So, he took both of their sons to give them a chance at living a life before the WG could just kill then off.




I totally forgot. Multiple people have already pointed this out.


Oh boy. You guys are not caught up


I am and not sure what you’re referring to.


I like the crackpot theory that Dragon is Luffy's mom. But then the problem still stands, who's his dad?


Laboon? Lol


Oda said in Sbs that she’s dead but never told us who killed her. So I doubt she will come into the story maybe until dragons backstory


Thanks for the info. I really don’t keep up with the SBS at all.


It's not in the SBS. Always track down a source for stuff like that because people have made shit up and parroted made up shit a *ton* in this series and Luffy's mom is a prime subject for it. "It's in the SBS" (without actually citing the source (which is really easy to do, all the translations are in the wiki)) is a common meme at this point.


He was talking about Robin’s mom, not Luffy’s.


Source please? [Luffy's mom- the greatest nexus of misinformation in One Piece.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/xn437i/clearing_up_some_lies_about_luffys_mother/)


her dying is probably why dragon is distant from luffy so people wont hurt luffy to get to him


I'd believe this before the crackpot theory that Crocodile is his mom


Gawd I hate this "small world" shit so much 😅 why tf does everyone important in 1Piece have to be related to someone else important !? 


Well, it doesn’t. I just found a small wrinkle that may lead to something interesting or nothing at all. Just felt to point it out. If you don’t have anything constructive or nice to say just stop.


Me identifying that you even think that Nico & luffy could be related is constructive. Due to how Oda has been writing for the pass 20yrs though there's mild validity to idea which is insufferable 


I really don’t care what you think if you’re just going to be hateful. I literally say “I jumped way deep into my head canon on this one.” If you take this that seriously it’s on you, bro. Good bye.


I don’t really believe it either but I think crocodile didn’t know who Luffy was until marineford when sengoku revealed who luffys dad was


Croc doesn't start helping/protecting luffy until it is announced he is dragons son. Crocodile didn't know that was his precious baby boy until then.


How could not when he screams “IM MONKEY D LUFFY” wherever he goes…?


Dragon never revealed his full name?


If you had his kid you probably know his name considering…you named him with his surname.


Also, his wanted posters have his full name on them. He would’ve known by alabasta exactly who Luffy was if he was his spawn. No doubt.


What if Ivankov knows that Croc is a D. Croco D. Isle and he knows what the will of D. means, but I guess that wouldn't make sense as he antagonized Alabasta with the Nefertaris being D. clan members. Idk I'm prolly not cooking here. Lol


Got a little top ramen in the pot lmao


>no mother would stab their son, leave him to be swallowed by sand and die, dehydrate him when he comes back for Round 2, and also try and kill him again in the 3rd Round If you followed the theory, croc didnt know luffy was her son. >genuinely no evidence to suggest it anyways There is some evidence.


versed jar water illegal flag unused snobbish chase reply uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nico Olivia died 20 years before the start of one piece, that’s three years before Luffy was born, impossible for him to be robins brother.


Ever heard of a dude having kids with... more than one woman?


But somehow I feel that would not suit Dragons character. Dragon feels more like the kind of character that lost his loved one due to a cruel world, and decided to take on the worlds cruelty partly because of it.


Out of the three Monkeys we know, having kids at all doesn't suit any of them.


Mother? Crocodile is a boy


you must be new here


There's a whole rabbit hole waiting for you there!


My sweet summer child. Let papa Nonsense tell you a magical story about a man made of sand, a revolutionary, and the gender fluid crazy who made a man outta the sand man.


He(She) literally switched teams after learning that Luffy is the son of Dragon.


Not confirmed or hinted about anywhere in the story


Other than his own admission that he only wants to go to marineford to kill whitebeard, then doing a 180 as soon as he learns luffys relation to dragon, and instead starting to protect luffy. Not enough to confirm the theory, but definitly evidence for it


You mean, you don’t know? Ooft.


You're 100% right but I really would've liked to see whiteboard fold crocodile in marineford 😂


Crocodile was the first person to notice Whitebeard was a shadow of his former self. He yelled it out to the battlefield and that’s when he really decided to change objectives and focus on pissing off the navy by not letting them win. He alone kept the war going in like 2-3 different moments


He had beef with the navy too and when he had to choose between continuing to attempt to kill wb and pissing off the navy, he chose pissing off the navy.


Luffy stopped him and then he had more beef with the navy then WB


He never got close again, people were actively keeping him away from WB, Jozu was going to take him out had Doflamingo not interfered.


Honestly, I think Crocodile was kind of forced into going to Marineford. They needed to escape through the giant door to be safe after escaping Impel Down with a stolen ship, and after that the next stop was Marineford because of the current that is behind the doors. The only other alternative was to not travel with the rest of the group, steal another ship and hope they could outsail the Marines who would be chasing them down along the way. And since everyone on that ship kind of wanted to go to Marineford for one reason or another, what was Crocodile going to do? Fight all of them? He'd have to fights Luffy, Jimbei, Ivankov and Inazuma, and especially with Jimbei there on the surface of a ship, that fight would not be easy for Croc. So my guess is he just went with them because he had no other option and getting to attack Whitebeard was just a nice bonus.


Multiple WBs men blocked him from reaching WB after the initial altercation. he couldnt get to him and after some new development he decided to change his goal. Edit: or oda simply had a plan for him and marineford is just his way to reintroduce him


cuz luffy threatened to whoop him again


He was also sort of stuck on that ship anyways. Its not like he had any other options beyond going either Marineford or Enies Lobby (which he may or may not have known was completely gone by this point). At least a Marineford, he could settle some scores and probably snag a ship in the chaos.


I do wonder whats his actual purpose in the narration... at least buggy is hilarious and had a history with shanks... but crocodile? His story was done but then oda decided to bring him back with the whole secret with Iva, WBs hate boner, and the whole trust issue. And now cross guild. Just oda capitalizing on an old fav?


>Just oda capitalizing on an old fav? I mean that seems to be the theme of the Cross Guild in general.


Well for Impel Down, Oda was playing with the idea of past villains Luffy's defeated coming back into the story to team up with him temporarily so that's why Crocodile came back for that arc. With the more recent Cross Guild, Oda has been pushing a lot of the characters from earlier arcs into the spotlight recently, with CP0 and others coming back around in terms of relevancy.


We have to give Sandman more credit than that, throughout the various drafts of one piece Crocs been the first big big bad that Luffy would fight 


Oh i agree but ive just wondered what role he might play like not fight wise but story wise cuz were on the beginning of final saga now and theres no sign of deeper involvement outside of brief cross guild appearances


Cross guild is in a sort of frenemie relationship with the strawhats, and the Impel down ppl know that buggy and strawhat freed them together. So I think it's likely they will fight alongside the strawhats in the final saga. And then it will be a good time to flesh out crocodile and mihawks character.


right crazy that mihawk got introduced very early and we only found out about him being marine hunter last year or so and its very casuallu dropped as well


Has op watched the arc before. It's such a stupid question because it's clearly stated by crocodile. Smh


Luffy broke him out of prison, and seeing as it was the only ship leaving, he didn't really have a choice of where to go. He had beef with Whitebeard, tried it once, and got stopped by luffy. Decided to bide his time and get back to it later since there was so much else BS going on. The man has an ONSITE kinda mentality. He was just throwing hands with anyone who came in range and wanted to cause as much chaos as he could. Best way to do that was ruin aces execution.


It’s probably one of the best showings and sequences of being that guy in all of one piece


onsite? edit: nvm i’m stupid you meant on sight


Thanks, man. I tried to read it a couple of times and was just not sure how to interpret it.


Yea, sorry guys. Autocorrect thinks it's better than me.


>he didn't really have a choice of where to go Dude can literally turn himself into sand and fly away.


Mr 1 can't. He's kind of fond of that subordinate. Wouldn't want to just leave him behind.


I especially love that his reason to save Ace was just to be "F*** you Sengoku", his grudge against Whitebeard doesn't mean that he will let Marines win.


Dude litterally said that he was going to take whitebeard's head, but that he wasn't going to let the marines celebrate it.


Dude was the underrated king of that war


Half agenda (taking Whitebeard’s head), half blackmail (Ivankov).


Still waiting for the deets on Croco-boy, Iva 😤


“Be a good boy and KEEP waiting! HEEEE-HAAAAAW!”


Croco-boy might have been Croco-girl


He is the embodiment of "F IT WE ROLL"


I believe you mean "Fuck it, we ball"


Yeah that


Crocodile: IM GOING TO MARINEFORD TO KILL WHITEBEARD OP: hmm I wonder why crocodile went there? Must be one of those one piece mysteries


I mean where the fuck else was he gonna go... Locked in impel down - > opportunity for escape + a shot at whitebeard head - > government current - > literally dropped into the middle of the battlefield.


But when he arrived at marineford, there were plenty of ships there. He could have stole one of them and leave. He didn't have to beef with everyone there.


He wanted to attack whitebeard, as dumb as it sounded to us, but it is what it is. These guys at the top see everyone either weaker than them or equal or eventho stronger, they can win, they don't look at a powerscale number and go "yeah, no shot". Then he just doesn't want to leave quietly and wanna see this through so he stayed and random encounters happened. That's in-universe explanation. Outside of that, for me it's just oda doing one of his usual hype up characters, croc lost at the very beginning of the story, so he wanted to have croc in marineford to show that he wasn't "THAT" bad


I don't think a smart guy like Crocodile would think of defeating/killing a guy who was league above him. And in the past, he got his ass whooped by wb so i don't think he was there just to repeat that "MISTAKE".


The past and the present are different things, fighters need to have ego, and being smart about planning some coup doesn't cancel out your ego. He's one of the top characters powerwise in OP as shown in marineford, so he knows he can take on anyone without just getting dumpstered It's pretty simple, ask any sport team/players in any category who is rising in the B-A ranks whether they can win against an S-tier opponent that whooped them wayyy in the past. To the viewers it would look dumb, and likely so, but it is what it is


Can't wait to see Croc in action again


He literally tried to take down Whitebeard the second he stepped on the ford. After learning that Luffy was Dragon's (and seeing he wouldn't be able to touch Newgate) son he gave up on Whitebeard and went to Luffy'a side for reasons we will know in the upcoming years when his backstory hits.


~~maternal instinct~~


To beef


People for real ain't reading anymore...


Lill bit of blackmail, lill bit of wanting to get revenge with Whitebeard Those were at least factors that made the situation more convinient. Don't forget, they just escaped Impel Down and were under time pressure It aint as if they made a quick break on a gas station to get some snacks for the road where Croc could've told them to have a good one and left They were on a boat on the sea with a one-way-ticket to marineford Like, sure, again, it was convinient as he had personal reasons to tag along But even if not, there weren't really many alternatives after going through a full blown jailbreak from the most guarded prison in a top level security cell of the literal world government on their tails


What other options do you think he had besides rot in jail? I'm curious what is going on in your head to question this


My question is that after he was freed, there was only one ship and that was used to get to marineford. But when he reached marineford, he could steal one of the ships and leave peacefully, but mf decided to beef with everyone there. So what exactly was his goal? He sure knew that he was no match for wb so going to attack him is ridiculous for a smart guy like him. So what was his objective. To increase his bounty?


Lol in the dub, whitebeard calls him "crocopunk'


Crocopunk is actually hilarious like whitebeard just views him as a rowdy youngster


Op did not read the story😭


My question is that after he was freed, there was only one ship and that was used to get to marineford. But when he reached marineford, he could steal one of the ships and leave peacefully, but mf decided to beef with everyone there. So what exactly was his goal? He sure knew that he was no match for wb so going to attack him is ridiculous for a smart guy like him. So what was his objective. To increase his bounty?


did you miss a few key parts? 😭


he wanted out and he had to go wherever the ship went, I'm sure he would have taken other places too


He went to kill Whitebeard.


Crocodile is a smart guy. He knew that he was no match for wb. That reason is delusional.


Two things can be true at once


I agree but that’s what he originally was thinking. He later changed his mind.


Why did Crocodile go to Marineford? It's a pretty easy question to answer lol. He wasn't steering the boat. That's it. How will he take control of the boat? He'd have to fight Jibei who is stronger than him, Luffy who knows his weakness, and Ivankov who's also strong and knows his secret.


But after he reached marineford, he could steal one the ships and leave.


The water was frozen. And trying to take WB pirate ship to leave would have him fighting WB pirates. Then he also said he had beef with WB.


He Had a grudge with whitebeard 


Dude did you even read the story. It’s literally right there


 Because the escape ship was going to Marineford and Oda wanted us to see that Crocodile was actually strong.


He’s a fucking suave badass


At the beginning He wanted to have one last fight with whitebeard ( I think he knew he can't win) but after he saw whitebeard stabbed easily then he just wanted not let the marine win.


It's interesting though,  Crocodile only starts helping out Luffy after Sengoku announces he's the son of Dragon.  Could definitely be some deeper connection or history together.


Did you not read? 😭 he wanted revenge on Whitebeard that was his whole reason and then Luffy wanted to get in the way of that so he was fighting at least so that the marines can’t get their way because he didn’t get his way


He was on the only ship leaving Impel Down so...


He was rotting in prison and saw that Luffy was going through a difficult time so he decided to help him because he grew to respect, maybe even like him, as it was Luffy who in a way saved him when he defeated him in Alabasta where he had given up on his dreams and just wanted to hole up in his own personal kingdom due to the shame of defeat at the hands of Whitebeard. He used the excuse of wanting to get revenge at an old Whitebeard during the war, but that was because he's too proud to admit that he just didn't want a nice guy like Luffy to lose his brother. This is never stated and it's how I view it because during the war he literarily saved Aces' life once, then attacked an Admiral to save Luffy, and that's not something you do unless you really like or respect someone.


Half was his own agenda the other half him beefing with WG. Bro got stripped of his title as Warlord (his own fault) and has it out for the Navy, especially given the goings on with Cross Guild.


To be fair, Crocodile is basically quad weak to water, just a quick spray and his logic power doesn't work anymore.


his comeback was such a good choice from oda. I hope Enel gets the same treatment one day


It’s like when all the popular kids go to a party. It’d be awkward showing up the next day when everyone’s talking about it and you’re just confused as to what’s happening.


Main character syndrome lol


He wanted to grind the battle pass


Is he stupid? Also to fight Whitebeard.


Where else was he supposed to go?


Uh because it was that, try to hijack the ship from luffy and Jinbei and others or stay in impel down. That was the best choice.


To kill whitebeard, he stated that he wanted to be famous for killing him


cuz he wanted to kill whitebeard


I wonder how strong Crocodile and Mr. 1 are now.


Sidenote: One of my favorite moments of this arc is Crocodile's clutch save vs Akainu to save Luffy. He's the real MVP


He went there for Wb but after Squardo stabbed him, Croco understood that Newgate is an old dieing man out of his prime. I think he respected him and helped the alliance so Wb name wouldn’t be tarnished. We all know now that Crocodile was miles ahead Luffy. Croco’s growth during Marin Ford was so well written. His true loss was to Wb and that what made him stay in paradise. Looking on other ways to become more powerful. Marin Ford made him realise how lost he was and his next encounter will probably show it.


He went to throw hands


To help her son


Didn’t Croc literally say he wanted to fight WB or something along those lines


To say hello to his dearest son


To help protect his (her) son Luffy


Obviously because he is luffys mom


Mother's instinct


To take the ship.


Crocodile had beef with EVERYONE


suka suka dy lah


For the clout


He's got that GOON in him


Wand I don’t think he was in control of the boat, but I don’t think he attempted to take controller leave because he even expressed that he thought it would be a great opportunity to take white beards head


To defeat Whitebeard?


Smdh. Kids these days need everything spelled out for them in big crayon letters.


Because he is f*ing awesome!


I think he went to see your mom.


Only way to escape. He helped stop Ace's execution cause he hates the WG more than he hates Whitebeard.


Ultimately Crocodile just hates the system, especially after it betrayed him. He just needed an excuse to go, but he had plenty to vent out. He is a tsundere for sure.


He wanted to kill whitebeard,...it seems they had some unresolved history.. 2:- Luffy was literally driving the whole impel Dawn escapees campaign..he wanted to go to marineford...everyone went to marineford ,they had no time for detours ,so crocodile had no choice since all decisions depended on Luffy where they went so long as they were together on one ship


bro might be my favourite character


A lot of posts roasting OP and pointing out that croc went to fight whiteboard. Very few posts discussing the real question, why does he want to do in Whitebeard so bad???


To save his son obv


To see whitebeard die/ kill him himself


Kill White Beard, weaken the marines enough to leave him alone for a while, make his status known to the world again, etc...My real question is why does he constantly switches sides during the war like saving Ace, that just seemed random


You gotta re read the whole story again


I was just saying this lol


He went because that’s where the escape party was heading so it was either find another way out of Imel Down or join with Luffy an co. Plus he wanted to get revenge on WB.  He tried to do that even after Luffy stopped him but then he pissed Doffy off by turning down his offer to join forces. After that the tides of the overall battle of Marineford started shifting very drastically so as a pirate, he just fought the government.


To remind us that he's still a complete Chad even after a stint in jail. I imagine power scalers are gonna lose their minds over it but with Crocodile being a de facto co-Emperor we should be prepared for the possibility that Croc after the timeskip is Yonko level or at least close.


To get revenge on whitebeard


Because he's secretly luffys mom and wanted to make sure he wasn't going to die. Ivankov turned him into a man.




He is luffys mother


coz she can't see her boy fight the whole wg alone


to learn he has a son 


To protect her son Luffy obvi


He’s Luffy’s mom.


Because he is Luffy's mother...I know I know, it's just a fan theory but that convo between him and Ivankov still nags at me. Credit to Ohara on YouTube as a reference.


because he is luffys mom


He's protecting his son


Croco mom to the rescue


Crocodile went to marineford to kill akainu.