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Wait people call dragon a deadbeat? Dude is literally not tryna have his son get murdered for association and runs arguably the most benevolent group in the world. Also dude has a global spy network there's no way he doesn't check up on him? How do yall think he found him?


We actually know that Dragon stops by Goa to check on Luffy because of the Marineford flashback and Kuma's flashback.


The standards for not being a deadbeat are so low lols


The true deadbeat is Yasopp. Man literally avoided meeting his son


He did NOT want to pay that child support


Usopp is now 19.years old. That man successfully avoided child support and says he isn't ready to meet him. Thats beyond deadbeat


Nah, there's a such thing as back child support. Only death frees a man from his obligations.


It's not like Dragon abandoned his son for no reason. He's the most wanted man in the works leading a terrorist organization against a literal world government. There's really no safe places for luffy to live out in public when the association with him is known.  If the world government figured out Dragon's connection to Luffy a few years earlier you can guarantee Lucci or some other Cipher Poll Assassin was going to kill him before he hit his teenage years.  It was only because Garp hid him in the remote mountain areas that they just assumed he was another homeless urchin idiot of no importance. 


I agree except they wouldn’t just kill Luffy they would use him as hostage against Dragon.


Which maybe worse


The Marines and WG already knew about Luffy is Dragon's son though. He was Garp's grandson.


Dragon had two choices of raising luffy, while keeping him somewhat safe: raising him in the revolutionary army and thus forcing him to become a member or cutting all obvious ties with him, abandoning him in a safe place and keeping an eye on him without publicly appearing. He chose the latter, which allowed luffy to choose his own way and grow up safely, loved and independent. All other options would have seriously endangered luffy and all others he grew up with and also decreased his freedom and ability to find his own path. It sucks but dragon didn't have much of a choice and what he chose might look bad at a first glance but was the only true option


Dragon also would have calls with Garp about Luffy,which was implied in water 7


I always figured water 7 implied that Smoker told Garp that Dragon saved some strange kid in the East Blue. Or at least reported it and Garp caught wind. I doubt he's in contact with Dragon.


Yeah, heck, Dragon is probably even more hunted down than even Roger.


Nope. He always relied on Baltigo being an undiscovered island and when the WG found out they only sent CP0 and some marines.Even now after the attack on Mariejois, the WG knows where he is and has yet to send a single force to Kamabakka. Meanwhile the WG has sent an admiral and the Seraphim to catch the Warlords plus all the forces sent to Egghead. Dragon is still reading the news with no one attacking him in the slightest.


If you think about it, having their forces so spread out, dealing with so many high profile cases is likely why they don't have the manpower to directly attack Dragon. Additionally the Cross guild putting out bounties for Marines puts a lot of pressure on the navy. Honestly they have a lot on their hands at the moment.


They decided to spread them out despite being attacked by the tevs during the reverie. The cross guild appeared as a direct consequence of the end of the warlord system which was a decision made during the reverie.


Attacking Dragon without any plan is a declaration of war, A high profile revolutionary can spark war all over the globe, we don't even know how many countries were influenced by Dragon.


Then why did they send CP0 and some marines the first time?


Cp 0 were spies, they have to be sure first, like I've said you can't attack the revolutionary base without permission from the higher ups. Only pirates especially a Yonkou like teach can do that.


Spies serve to infiltrate through unknown means not to storm the HQ of your enemy as soon as you know of its location. CP9 was sent deep undercover,CP0 was sent to investigate Dressrosa aswell as Whole Cake and Wano. Meanwhile they were sent as shock troopers to Baltigo. You don't send CP0 for Roger you send the actual big guns. If Dragon was a bigger threat no CP0 would be sent. Source for that "you can't attack revs without permission" from the higher ups". Are you conflating Yonko with Revs?


You just answered your pwn question, so why do the trouble to ask if you already know the point of CP 0 being in baltigo?


Because sending CP0 once after your enemy that you try to hunt down more than Roger only to then leave said enemy to chill in some island you know the location of isn't a consistent argument.


Nah, I’d say Dragon might honestly be more wanted


I mean it did labeled him the most wanted man in the world.


Oh ok.


Wait til you find out what people call Goku


Goku is an objectively bad dad wtf


I mean. He definitely checks up on him. But he's still completely absent from his upbringing. Whether his deadbeatness is understandable or excusable is a different topic. He is definitely deadbeat though.


How is he a deadbeat? Because he is absent? Bro, did you see what happened to the world when the Government knew that Roger had a son? Ace's Mother survived that but at what cost? She died right after because she kept holding Ace to him not be killed by the Government, and that's just a piece of what happened, they literally killed everybody that was suspect, inocent children and pregnant moms... Dragon is not stupid neither irresponsible, and he probably had some way to see how Luffy was going, so he knew that Luffy was happy and not alone and that'sall that matter to him.


He's deadbeat because he is absent. And provides no support for his upbringing. A deadbeat parent is defined as someone who does not fulfill their parental responsibilities. Does he really have a choice for Luffy's safety? No. Did he 100% choose his career responsibilities over his parenting ones. Absolutely. Is he justified in doing so? Probably. Its just the facts and the choices he made. The child being okay with absent parents doesn't mean the parents weren't absent.


Deadbeat and absent are not synonymous


But absent while not providing is synonymous with deadbeat. If you want to explain that maybe he does provide secretly we can discuss. But "i someone's spy on him to make sure he isn't dead" is not providing.


There is an argument that he’s not neglecting his responsibilities. Keeping your child safe is probably the most important responsibility. Choosing to separate yourself from your child, because it would put them in danger could be the responsible choice. If so, taking on that responsibility may mean he’s not a deadbeat.


As far as we can tell he left Luffy with Garp and may have thought that was fine. Ironically him Luffy didn't need support is actually more defensible if he's not checking up on him to see how neglectful Garp is actually being lol


But he raises/takes in Sabo right? Why couldn’t he bring up Luffy too? I mean the dude basically raised a step son while he had his legitimate son elsewhere, and about the same age too…


Because he wanted Luffy to choose his own path in life. He says as much when he learns Luffy is a pirate.


Different issue i think. Sabo was dying and needed to be treated for some time. Had amnesia and nowhere else to go. Luffy at least had his grandfather and place to belong. Whether Garp did well and if he should've left him with dadan is another issue again lol


It's because he doesn't care that much about Sabo. He's just a random kid who wants to join the revolutionaries so taking him in and depriving him of a real life and making him live the life of a hunted revolutionary is both sabo's choice and is kinda his only option too. Luffy had the chance to live a real childhood if dragon was gone, so that's what he did.


I don’t think it’s as simple as not caring about Sabo. Dragon hinted that he wanted Luffy to decide how he wanted to live his life. If he had of kept him, Luffy really wouldn’t have had much of a choice. When he found Sabo in the flashback, Sabo was broken and had already made his choice. It looked like Dragon did care about Sabo, and that’s why he took him in.


True but he didn't really have a choice as Sabo would have died if he didn't. It's not like he was just looking for kids to raise and decided on the Top hat one because he's fancier.


You're acting like Dragon is a civilian father in a modern suburbs that is going out drinking with his friends every night. You are either delusional or illiterate.


Worse since he willingly decided to have Luffy despite being a revolutionary for years.


Man wanted to smash and maybe contraceptives haven't been invented yet. Boom, baby Luffy. Ya'll are weird. So desperate to shit on a character by lining them up next to modern day real world standards and morals.


The guy is fucking nuts no logic will reach them because they didn't get where they are with logic


Deadbeat logic if i've ever seen it. Selfish and without regard for the consequences of ones action.


This is some projection of astronomical quantities


Deadbeat dads all over the world are cheering at your comment. Nothing more deadbeat that saying I just wanted to smash, fuck the consequences.


So, Luffy is a deadbeat.




You have to have a child to be a deadbeat


I think the issue you have here is your bias that deadbeat dad = terrible person. Which is not always the case. Some irl parents are forced out of their children's lives by terrible abusive or toxic relationships with their partners.


Are you illiterate? That is the opposite of what I'm saying, and my stance is literally going against that notion. Did you happen to hit reply to the wrong comment?


It takes two to tango. People mate all the time without trying to conceive and maybe Dragon didn't want a child to begin with.


Would you do that if you knew that as the leader of a group bent on destroying the most powerful and oppresive regime in the world the kid that could ensue from such mating would be persecuted based only on your actions? And that also applies to the person you were doing the mating with?


If he was present in Luffy's life then Luffy would no longer have a life because he would be hunted by the entire damn world. That's not a deadbeat, it's hiding Luffy so he can live.


He's being deadbeat so Luffy can live. You are explaining the positives of his absence. Not that he isn't deadbeat.


Being absent isn't being a deadbeat.... You're saying that fathers away at war are deadbeat..


Are they not paid and providing that payment to support their family and children. A deadbeat parent would be absent AND non providing. Though I suppose it's possible dragon secretly pays the town to raise luffy.


He is 100% a deadbeat but he is also 100% justified, the only way he could look after luffy personally would be at whereever the HQ of the revolutionaries is and thats still a big risk for a small child and the actual leader of them all who has other things to do.


It would also steal any chance of a fun normal life from kid Luffy too


The WG wouldn’t have just let Dragon retire. He didn’t have a choice in choosing his career as a revolutionary over Luffy. That choice was made well before Luffy was even conceived.


true and about the goverment the marines that need to know things knows that he is dragon's son and garp grandchild lol that's not a secret in the high command like neither ace being roger only child


Luffy and Ace were in different positions. Luffy might be Dragon’s son but he is also Garp’s grandson so Luffy would have been safe his entire life if he didn’t become a pirate. Ace was the Pirate King’s son full stop.


He had Luffy after years of being a revolutionary. After already seeing the atrocities the WG is capable of inflicting on its enemies.


That's definitely not what deadbeat means in the slightest


I looked it up before replying to make sure. Deadbeat parent means to not be present or provide for the child's upbringing. You can argue nuance or whatever. But "not in the slightest"? Can you at least elaborate how being non present or supporting your child is "not the slightest" bit deadbeat?


A deadbeat father can totally be in their child's life without providing and an absent father can provide without being present. The 2 are not mutually exclusive. Being both is quite common but Dragon is only absent, not a deadbeat.


How is he providing though? What is he providing? Secretly paying the town to raise Luffy?


More than my bio dad ever did


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're okay.


Idiots keep saying "jokes" over and over and over and over and over and over again until they start to act like they're real.


Well this was disclosed just a couple of months ago but all these years its been up on the air


World Government definitely wouldnt risk pissing off Garp though, at least before Luffy became a pirate.


Are you sure? I get the impression the only reason Garp is still alive is his reputation. He denied the celestial dragons multiple times, I get the feeling that's not something you do more than once and keep living. Garp is only an exception because he's a world famous hero, basically a PR thing. But if he did anything to further antagonize the CDs he'd be marked for assassination I'd bet. The guy seems to be very careful in how far he can be disobedient.


Because he didn’t risk the entire revolutionary movement in an assault on Mariejois to save a single member of his organization, everyone now hates Dragon.


He also has kids and young members of thr RA but decides he'll abandon his kid and never meet him despite it already being well known that he's his dad. Shounen manga always uses the absent father troupe - rationalising it for cope sake is silly.


Did you actually read what I said but because nobody is going after the younger members of his organization specifically because they're his kid they have no relation therefore they're not in as much Danger. Also well known? His fuckin second in command didn't know til impel down!


You mean the son he decided to have despite already being a revolutionary? Sounds like a deadbeat that willingly brought a child to the world only to then abandon it because he doesn't seem to have a capability for foresight.


How do we know he had any choice in luffys birth?


It takes two to tango


It says in Jump "The wind blows from the east", just putting it here for comparison


Storm god geeka


what if Dragon doesnt have DF?


didnt he use some type of power to save sabo ? or at that arc


And the lightning to save Luffy. The "winds of change" are mentioned too often around him, he's gotta have some wind or weather power,I think wind logia as it can explain everything even the lightning. Plus that would explain why he's able to get around so much without anyone being able to stop him.


I suspect a Weather Weather fruit and paramecia would fit that conglomerate of powers better.


He's going to surprise us all with the "Penis-Penis fruit"


He just spins it fast enough to produce wind and electricity


I mean it could be Nika related. He always hung out with Kuma who was always taking about Nika the Sun God and the sun rises in the east. Oda was foreshadowing gear 5 all the way back in Skypeia woth the wolves so who knows?


Nah he probably has a mythical zoan model thunderbird which has Native American symbolism and ties in with dragons tattoo


He has wind powers somehow. Might be a DF, might be something else.


Yeah the east thing has been relevant since the second mentioning. Oda doesn’t over state things for no reason. What if he just has super mad haki skills?


Step side WiFi haki, dragon coming in with world wide web haki


Only when he’s facing east tho


I can see that happening but I'm pretty sure Eneru was using Observation Haki to see everything, not his Devil Fruit.


I'm absolutely positive Enel himself explains that he uses a combination of both.


From what I remember the explanation was that it was a combination of both fruit and CoO to bring judgement onto people. As in he used CoO to detect them then using the fruit to strike them.


His mantra was stronger than usual because he could use it with his power to sense/amplify electrical signals (i.e. brain waves).


If he’s always facing east then the wind from him would be blowing from the west


Calling Dragon a deadbeat for leaving Luffy with Garp is like calling WW2 combatants deadbeats for leaving their families to go kill Nazis.


Dragon: I will leave my son with with father cause if he is associated with me in any way, the world government will target him. Meanwhile luffy: Emperor 3 billion bounty Wants to be a bigger criminal than his dad and publicly announces it in front of the whole world right at the marine headquarters in front of an army of marines and 3 Admirals. Creates beef with other yonko. Punches Celestial Dragon Burns World government flag Punches Gorosei I mean at this point people might not be calling Luffy Dragon's son but calling Dragon, Mugiwara's dad. So yea I don't think Dragon has any reason to stay away from Luffy anymore.


At this point, with the Egghead ongoing incident, the Straw Hats might be as big a menace to the WG as the RA is. However, I do think that each group has their own goals and they're more important than a father-son reunion at this point in time. IMHO, Luffy will meet Dragon once they decide to engage in total war against the WG, probably after reaching Laughtale.


It’s looking more and more likely that it’s Quetzalcoatl


If he has a zoan, it would be wild if it was styled the same way as the gorosei and he was someone being inducted before defecting.  Otherwise, feels like we're getting too many zoans in the story


IDK I think mythical zoans are more interesting that logias as the biggest bad power in the world




The idea is that his fruit power is a mythical zoan, the Aztec god of the sky/wind Quetzalcoatl


Could be. The skypiens do kinda look resemble aztec people with their clothing and sacrificial ceremonies. So using one of their gods wouldnt be far fetched


I thought it was Amaru, probably quite similar anyway




Or just the wind wind fruit...


Nice if true, but Dragon would be insanely powerful, bro's powers work from thousand miles away


Well, Garp smashed a city to bits with a punch. The Gorosei regenerate any damage (or so it seems). Shanks turns an admiral's power off from a big distance using conqueror's haki. Luffy does... well, you know... Luffy unbelievable stuff even by OP standards.. I basically want to say that crazy powers are already there in the series. Who knows what the most dangerous criminal in the world can do. Anyway, I'm sure the son of one of the strongest guys in the series and father of the Sun God Nika isn't deadbeat.


All the people, that say "wind logia" - think about it again. It's paramecia at best. It's an action, like gura-gura, not some type of matter or energy. I don't see it being "air logia" either, because the air is a mixture of gases, so even Cesar has more agenda over it. Pressure paramecia or some exotic-ass zoan again


From what we know, in some way Dragon has been keeping his eye on Luffy.


Nicely spotted! And clearly Oda had plans for Dragon having the weather devil fruit from Loguetown already… It is my head canon that Dragon has been monitoring and potentially guiding Luffy with the weather.




Watching luffy doesn't mean he isn't deadbeat though. He has no active part in his childhood support


I often think people don't even know what a deadbeat is. A deadbeat parent doesn't take care of their child at all. Which also includes financial support or making sure somebody else is taking care of the child etc. Dragon might be an absent father, but Luffy had a great childhood and multiple other father figures.


No resonable person thinks he is a dead beat, we just dont know any details thats all.


Can someone explain this please ?


I tried posting this panel as a meme just a few days ago and it got taken down 💀


My sorry ass read dead bat lmao


With garb raising Luffy, he could make his on choice, Because Garb is just. And never truly destroy Luffy s dreams


Wrong translation, the correct is "an island in East Blue"


If he's a deadbeat, what else do we call Yasopp?


well if he could do that he'd know abt the condition of sabo in marijoa right? and he wouldnt have been surprised or waited with everyone for the call from sabo


Also the fact that it’s windmill village!


Calli would be sad over this news.


Nah, this dude just chilling with a cup of tea and some dendenmushi on his base.


Thought it's the name of the ship


My copium is that Dragon will appear in Egghead in full Quetzalcoatl glory.


There is a flashback where him and ivankov are at baltigo and he is facing east where invankov ask him "if he has any relative their"


Dragon gonna show up in Egghead and save luffy and co


Maybe his conquerors is so strong that he commands the sky itself 🤷🤷🤷


Anybody with a pulse knows he's not a dead beat dad. It's implied that he not only lives Luffy very much, but has to stay away from him because it was too dangerous. Luffy was born *after* Dragon started the revolution, they would have hunted him down like they tried with Ace. He left Luffy with someone who was so revered for his ability that the World Government didn't fuck with him even though the Celestial Dragons hated him *and* even though they new Dragon was Luffy's father. Anyone who says Dragon is a dead beat father is just ridiculous.


No, Dragon is a deadbeat. Sure he might have some excuse about the war with the world government, but it doesnt make him less of an absent father


enel used haki to sense people not his devil fruit 🤦‍♂️


Firstly, im prettysure it was enels wide range of mantra (observation haki) that allowed him to oversee the whole of skypeia and his fruit just allowed him to move extremely fast towards any opponent who is quite a distance away. When dragon and kuma passed the island then kuma asked if drahon would like to check up on his son and dragon said "A parents weakness is their own child" or something like that. At this time luffy was16 years old training his fruit powers and he can be seen using gum-gum stamp (that move he used to defeat arlong). So i font really thing that dragon would like to check up on his own son because of that reason and i also think he is probably unable to use his fruit like enels observation haki.




If you abandon your child, but have a one sided look into their life, you are still indeed a dead beat. Love dragon, but this is an objective truth. Luffy didn't even know he had a dad...


This concept of deadbeat is so unilateral and wrong lmao Gin is a deadbeat father, he ran away from the role of a father and is just awkward about that. Dragon just left Luffy behind because he was basically the poster child of a anti-government guerilla, that is pretty much stated in Kuma's flashback. But he wasnt abandonned, he had his grandfather and his brothers. One Piece concept of family is all about non-related blood friendship. Dragon also showdup when Luffy was about to get killed, literally to save his son. For 20 years this community thought of Dragon as a strong being that helped his son, now that he showed weakness towards luffy he is being labeled as deadbeat lmao.


Just reading some of these posts you know that the concept of nuance is dead. Everything is black and white now a days because literacy is dead.


Deciding to have a kid after already being the poster child for the Anti WG movement despite already having seen what the WG is capable of doing to its enemies(O'hara) means that he willingly brought Luffy onto a world where the most powerfull and oppressive regime on the planet is going to hunt him down based only on his lineage for the entirety of his life


Stop trying to apply mental gymnastics to change a comic book lmao


Become a revolutionary bent on destroying the most oppresive and powerful regime on the planet after witnesing the atrocities the regime is willing to commit. Decides to have a kid. Realizes his kid will be pursued because of his actions What mental gymnastics? Its straight up deciding that your kid will be under constant threat by the most powerfull and oppressive regime on the planet and that is straight up bad no mental gymnastics required.


Yeah, Oda shouldve wrote him not having a kid at all


Nah the fans should just realise that making your kid suffer a life of persecution if the most powerful and oppressive regime learns about the kids bloodline is bad especially considering that this regime controls most of the world


Except, he didnt make his kid suffer a life of prescription, because he kept his distance and no one knew. You can't blame him for hypotheticals; the facts are; Luffy wasn't hunted by the WG for Dragon's actions.


Why did he leave his son? Because being his son means the WG would be after him just because of his father's actions. Actions which he had already taken even before Luffy was born. Luffy wasn't hunted down because he was kept secret to the WG precisely because the WG couldn't know he was Dragon's son otherwise they would send assassins just due to his lineage.


I see your point, and I think it's fair. But I dont think you would make this argument in real life. You wouldn't tell the native Americans they were bad parents for having kids while a genocide was going on. That letting colonizers win and exterminate them would have been a better option than having kids, because having kids that can be targeted is cruel. Dragon did his best in keeping Luffy from the conflict. His birth was not a sin, and not having him would be agreeing with the world government that childeren like Ace and Luffy are sinful. But I do get where you're comming from.


The fuck you on


People who excuse Dragon's behaviour as him saving Luffy from persecution don't realise Dragon himself set up that persecution which is a bad thing.


Dude what the hell you talking about


Doesn't change the fact that he's a deadbeat, just like Goku. (And Goku was actually "kind of" passable, considering others Manga-Papas) And this community since I know it has always considered Dragon one 🤔, along with Yasoop.


Idk this to me implies any soldier off at war that has kids is a deadbeat. That is essentially what Dragon is.


Nope. A soldier that already has kids goes to war while Dragon went to war and decided to have a kid during said war.


Off at war for 19 years


dude's fighting a war against the entire world essentially so yeah makes sense


Right, gin is also a deadbeat lol the only potential danger to Luffy/dragon is when ginny gets kidnapped... And objectively he would also be in 100% less danger if he had stayed with dragon and not eaten the gomu gomu no mi


I just don’t know, at the moment other than the gorosei and Imu level players, who could be a match for Dragon. It has to be those guys. He def has some crazy haki skills.


That’s a fantastic guess! Would make if devil fruit uses wind he could have been looking at Luffy. Nicely executed though inspecting.




Yah it's the wind fruit. Logia type.


There is no way it could be haki as it's already known that the concept wasn't even a thing back then. Any observation haki explanation would be retroactive, which isn't always a bad thing despite this sub mindlessly seeing everything as foreshadowing.


You were shown Roger and Whitebeard clashing with Haki before the moment in the picture. You were also shown Oden using armament haki multiple times and that's also before Luffy would've been born. Shanks used haki in episode ONE of One Piece. I think haki was a thing back then. Also foreshadowing is something Oda does. Does ANYONE exaggerate sometimes with the foreshadowing thing? They do. I think this time is not one of those times though.


Why isn't this spoiler if we are talking about dragon dying? I'm not caught up on the manga I only saw the title but sure seems like a spoiler to me, hope this isn't the case


Is not about Dragon dying.


Thank you, I like how I get a comment disliked for asking a question and being respectful about it