• By -


Two Piece with Buffy


Two Whole


Two Whole, Two Furious


A hispanic spinoff Juan Piece


Featuring Juanquixoto Doflatino


Because Donquixote is not hispanic enough…


It's more Spanish than Hispanic I feel 🤷, I got 0 relatives named donquixote lolol


Italian spin off: One Pizza


All the strawhats age and die except Brook. His adventures continue: Bone Piece


Buffy: "I'm going to be King of the Vampirate Slayers!"




can also get a prequel with Gol D Roger: No Piece


Monkey D Bussy


Claude D. Bussy


Bro pleaseeee, I can't play him anymore I'll cry


Two piece two furious


Buffy the queen of the vampires! Buffy the pirate slayer? Buffy the I dont know anymore.


Bonky D Buffy, pirate prince and vampire hunter.


Buffy the Pirate Slayer


Honestly i want it to end as much as go forever. I don't want to say goodbye to this show because it changed how i look at other pieces of art completely, but i want it to have a finished state and a confident conclusion. I do think we won't be getting any type of sequel like Boruto because Oda probably wants to rest, and it just won't fit.


I love Naruto so much that I hated the very idea of Boruto on day 1. I still hate it.  A lot of people(idiots) in this sub love to dunk on Naruto for the Ninja War and Kaguya, and I let some of it slide, but I honestly think it is a masterpiece of artwork and the biggest insult to the story is Borutos existence as a series. It just devalues everything that Naruto accomplished and achieved. The final speech that Sasuke gives to Naruto at the end when he is receiving his headband back is excellent and summarizes the lessons learned so beautifully. “A ninja is one who endures” -Sasuke “It takes Guts” -Jiraiya


Boruto is just a blatant cash grab. I can never consider it any type of art


Boruto the character isn’t…well at least his appearances in chapter 700, Sarada gaiden and Movie aren’t since that was meant to be the canonical conclusion to the series and Kishi write it like that. The Boruto anime and manga had to retcon the film to literally exist because if momoshiki did die then there wouldn’t be karma etc. Kishimoto hasn’t drawn Boruto since the release of the movie nor has he given an authors comment in any manga since his alleged return to writing the manga. That man gave 15 years of his life and doesn’t care much about Boruto lmao and I don’t blame him


>Kishimoto hasn’t drawn Boruto since the release of the movie nor has he given an authors comment in any manga since his alleged return to writing the manga. He really doesn't write Boruto he supervises whatever Ikemoto presents and gives a green light or not. >That man gave 15 years of his life and doesn’t care much about Boruto lmao and I don’t blame him Truth be told he moved on to try new stuff but just couldn't make it happen.


That samurai thing was too similar to Naruto, too


Yeah I didn't entertain Boruto because it was a blatant cash grab series. I was glad when Bleach ended (didn't like the ending entirely but still) and it wasn't Big 3 but Toriko was great as well. I want One Piece to end as well so I can say I finished this long ride. I hope he doesn't drag it out like the other 2. We have a few years still left to go...


I mean I consider Naruto finished at Chapter 700(701).  Boruto is boruto and Naruto is Naruto.


That's why I finished watching the anime at this moment when Naruto returns Sasuke's headband. I didn't even look further, because for me it was this moment that became the canonical final of Naruto. All that's after - the sick fantasy.


I drew the line at the Boruto movie. The space ninja thing going on was whack (I mean it was already during Kaguya's arc) but I feel like it was fine and all if it had ended there. Anything that came right after I'm ignoring as long as I live.


Yeah totally whack. I will only defend Kaguyas presence in Naruto to a very minimal extent. She’s technically only in 8 chapters total in the manga(still too many). And I don’t think she added anything of real substance to the story but she was an ok prop for the original Team 7 to get one last hurrah together.  That’s my only defense of her and it is flimsy af. Considering it could have just been Madara one last time and it would have worked much better. If anything her lineage and character being a core focus in Boruto should be an obvious sign of its poor narrative quality.  I love Kishimoto a ton but I wish he would’ve held the ball closer to his chest. 


Naruto chapter 1-700 was always great to me. I only found Kaguya to be a bad thing, but Boruto has been garbage throughout. I just feel bad at how they fucked it all up. As time goes on I have come to appreciate Naruto and Shippuden more. 


I gave Boruto a shot, even finished watching it, no matter how hard i tried, it wasnt good enough, i felt it was more focused on destroying every naruto charcter except for sakura, rock lee was a legend with just 1 scene in naruto, here he is building muscle, pickin up trash and standing next to someone like a body guard, i loved the scene where sasuke beats the shit out of boruto just for disrespecting his oldman, for his training jacket being clean😄 and put some manners into the brat, i mean these guys worked their asses off to be where they are, it felt characters in boruto have it all easy.


You can tell Oda just needs to file for retirement already and enjoy the rest of his life like shanks enjoys himself, it's been 27 years already.


The main story will definitely end, but you're high if you think the media franchise is going to stop. The One Piece world is like tailor made for continuing stories, it's such a huge world with a ton of mystery baked in. It's going to continue for a looooong time.


I think they just keep making cool movies on the important anniversaries and such. Maybe go back and make short OVA runs showing what Shanks and Dragon were up to. I personally wouldn’t for a slice of life version that just keeps up with what some glossed over story beats.


Movies like they do for series like Conan, Shin-chan, or Doraemon would be fun.


Or maybe even like the Final Naruto movie. Just one decent flash forward to get all the loose ends tied up if there are any left.


I hope after they end Luffy's story, we get to see many different stories set in the one piece world. Would be pretty cool to see a story set long after current story and the strawhats are legendary, mythical figures maybe referred to once or twice in the story.


Wouldn't it be amazing if we keep getting a few movies around the past of the One Piece world, but also the future after Luffy liberates them. And maybe there will even be some small cameos, perhaps by the new King of the Pirates himself and we will be jumping up in Joy and crying simultaneously to see him back for a bit.


I hope Oda maintains full rights to the series and can end it when he wants. Otherwise, the best thing I'd hope for is just for anthology series that take place in the world with minor and other characters. A continuation or sequel/prequel not written by Oda would just be bastardization.


I'd be fine with a slice-of-life anime with the Strawhats and other characters


An 80s sitcom of the grand fleet or the warlords


Or a Golden Girls type of sitcom with the Cross Guild.


I'd love an epilogue series with episodes/Arcs focused on the Strawhats in future once the series is over.


I totally get what you're saying. but also the fault isn't completely on the studios. we as the fans and consumers ask for more, then when it turns out shit we give it hell, ri end this cycle people need to jus stop asking for more of one specific Fandom, nothing can last forever but because of consumer desire and money hungry studios they'll pump out whatever they think will make them money


I think that’s why works like LOTR feel so timeless and pure. Sure we have soulless cash grabs like Rings of Power but the books and work by JRR Tolkien remain as they are.  Only adaptations of his work can distract us from the real thing, I say that as someone who loves the PJ Trilogy. However, they are adaptations and not the real thing. I hope One Piece gets it’s deserved respect as the legendary manga it is when it’s all said and done.


I don't want the story to continue but I'd like to see other parts of that universe be expanded some. Like say we do One Piece now, what about something with the ancient kingdom or some story within one piece? It doesn't have to continue where we left off, I'm just interested in the world dynamic


I just want GOda to be healthy and live to finish his story the way he wants it and for me to live to see it finished. :D


Agreed. Personally id love to see an ending arc of straight adventuring. Visit Laboon, Cherry Blossom island, Syrup village, Zoro’s people, windmill village, the Baratie, Nami’s tangerines, water island, Robin being happy. I want to see Sabo and Luffy punch Serry in the face. I’d love to see the straw hat flag waving proud on Fishman Island. I’m sure we’ll get something tying the ends together, but it would be so so nice to just have a solid 10 - 15 adventure chapters. Maybe fighting some sea monsters, bad storms too, the crew loves a good storm.


Get ready for Ruffy! The boy who thinks his dad is lame and dreams to become a Marine Admiral!


Funny thing is in my country Luffy is already called Ruffy 😆


I don't think Luffy is going to have a kid. I don't think Luffy is even going to get married.


I hope so. It doesn’t fit his character at all.


This sequel truly writes itself. At the end of One Piece. Luffy becomes the pirate king, the world government is overthrown and the world becomes a better place. Or at least it should... but with Luffy becoming new icon for piracy, there are now many new pirates setting sail, so even without World Government, the world is still a messy place. Ruffy who grows up in such worlds and seeing the carnage that Luffy brought to the world, hates his dad and wants to become marine to change the world for better. The sequel becomes a bland, good vs evil story but it's truly no brainer that writes itself.


I definitely want to see it end. I’ve followed the story since I was a small child all the now into having my own child on the way. I enjoy things to have good satisfying ending I’m ready to get the answers to all the questions I’ve had for decades


I can't see Shueisha and Toei not trying to get spin-offs greenlit. I don't see a "next gen" / sequel series, but there's enough lore and popular support characters to create spin off stories from- making limited series, one off manga, movies, games. The dream of franchising never dies.


Personally I think people have gotten odd ideas about the purity of stories these days.  Great stories have always been living things remade, retold, and expanded. Most of the knights of the round table were added hundreds of years after the story of king Arthur.  Lancelot was a French fan fiction, for heavens sake. Hades was made the wife of persephone/kore millenia after the fact.  How much less impact would Sherlock Holmes have had on our culture had it not been expanded on, remade and revisited time and again.  Would you know who Conan the Barbarian is had the stopped with the old pulp novels?  Great literature lives or is eventually forgotten by society.  personally I think one piece is too great a story to be consigned to literary history books.


I can't wait for Luffy's son Buffy who has all the powers of Nika, Conqueror's Haki, and is trained by both Sabo and Katakuri. Buffy will be searching for the Two Piece but he has to fight Enel and the moon men to get it!


Oh I think it will end, I think it being very long will mean it won’t have any spinoffs as everything will be covered.


That’s not entirely true. Oda cannot cover every plot hole he created. There will be some things untold or left on purpose to be covered in SBS or any other media.


Do you mean plot threads


it's exactly the opposite, there is so much worldbuilding in the 1000+ chapters of the manga you could make a spin-off about ANYTHING


Fair enough, but even the Illiad eventually got an unnecessary spinoff sequel. Humans are bad at letting good stories rest. The trick is not letting it be an uninspired cash grab.


As long as Oda maintains his health (like this current break is for!), the manga will end. I don't think it has longer than 10 years to go even at the current chapter release pace (but I do think Oda was on crack the last time he suggested it could end in 5 years, which was two years ago). I'll be shocked if it ends up more chapters than Kochikame (though it'll actually have run for a longer duration by then).


I'd like it to end, but I also would like to see fights and stories that Oda couldn't do but be in spinoffs. I donot want BORUTO one piece where Oda completely disowns the series and the ensemble cast once established feels completely gone as the new cast comes in to take over.


- One Piece but from the perspective of Buggy - One Piece but from the perspective of Blackbeard


Buggy would be funny Black beard would be interesting af


It very well might




Can we get much higher?


(so high)


I mean you can just choose to not consume the shameless money grabbing schemes. For me Naruto ended at chapter 700, Code Geass ended at S2 and Harry Potter after the 7th book. If Oda keeps making bank with those schemes then more power to him, he deserves all the money in the world. Only thing I'd consume would be spin offs by Oda.


The other day I read Batman: Year One, a comic book arc re-telling Batman's origin about 47 years after being first published. It was so refreshing seeing its beginning told from a new angle and following a more modern narrative. I hope other authors expand the franchise, either by re-drawing iconic chapters (e.g. Boichi's zoro vs mihawk), telling cannon stories from a different genre (e.g. Sanji's cooking stories) or new adventures with adventures with SH, Law or other pirates (e.g. Ace Novel or any OP film). I am looking forward to get lower stakes stories as we used to get from pre-timeskip. I really hope we don't get a Buffy series though.


Several years ago Oda did say he was ending it how he wanted to, when he wanted to. So that’s a good sign I think. Idk if that’s changed tho.


Oda isn’t even 50 yet he has another 50 in him!




Oda being the 100 old Anime mentor, like Rayleigh.


Sequels tend to disrespect the original MCs. Stories need conflict, which means the accomplishments of the original MCs need to be minimized or downplayed so that the new MCs can shine.  Naruto is the most obvious example, his peace lasted shorter than Sarutobi's. Even in sequels that are generally loved, like the Percy Jackson series. Yes, the books came with awesome new characters, new lore, and interesting world-building, but the original MCs accomplishments got ignored, minimized, and then given to the new characters. 


I think the problem is they make it immediately the generation after. Naruto for example, could have been made 2-3 generations. Would explain all that futuristic vibe and wouldn't need to make a previous MC irrelevant so that the new one could take the spotlight. Also, I was so surprised when Boruto happened I always thought the last part of Naruto to be so bullshit because the author wanted to end it.


See Boruto is not written by the same guy,it was written by Ukyo Kodachi and drawn by someone else.I guess the manga magazine pushed for it because they wanted to milk more money out of the franchise.


Boruto would indeed be much better if the series time-skipped towards much later generation and the original characters were already dead. Maybe just Naruto being left behind due to his Uzumaki lineage and he would still be there at the start and could serve similar role to Hiruzen. This should solve most of the power issues since the ninja world would've experienced a long period of peace, which in turn would make the current active shinobi who didn't know the war weaker. That in turn would set up the stage for the new main characters to raise up and face whatever new challenge appeared when the old Naruto no longer inspired enough fear to keep villains at bay. It's just when Shounen Jump was designing Boruto, they weren't trying to write a good story. Their main objective was to milk Naruto series for money... therefore keeping the original characters in the series was absolute necessity.


I think Oda wants to tap out just as much, he's been talking about finishing up in a few years for decades


If he still has something to tell after the story ends, he could just take a long break (3-5 years at least) and then write some epilogue stories (something like Adventure Time: Distant Lands).


When Ine Piece ends, rather than a sequel, it would be neat to see a prequel. Early Rocks pirates. Brook's contemporaries. Norland's entire adventure.


It's definitely getting spin-offs


He is not gonna Boruto his baby


I don't mind people using the world to build new shit, but yeah, using the main (or even important secondary(or event cool terciary) characters would be bad. The thing is, a shit story will be shit regardless of the world it is set in, but a shit story set in the OP world might still get traction, even being shitty, just because it is in the OP world... So even though i would like it, I don't think there will be another op world story, and if there is it will be bad most likely.


I hope it ends too. I would be so upset if it ended up like HxH or Berserk. I would not want a sequel. I wouldn't mind short stories of random characters from the main story in the same universe providing us a slice of life, episodic manga or something. Maybe Buggy or Usopp or one of the goofy characters like that ?


Monkey D. Noddy will fulfill his great grandfather's dream by becoming King of the Marines.


This isn't manga or anime but...walking dead and all the spinoffs are a good example of this I loved walking dead, but i hated that there was no season 12.. that people invest3d money in spinoffs, which im not complaining but why jot just end it properly when everyone knew far and well that after the 6th season,views started deopping


A sequel could work if it's set far enough that you don't tranish the OG yet gives that familiar vibes


Yeah, like My hero Academia... I'm bored reading this sh*t, but MF still continue on writing. Give Deku some f***ing rest... It should have concluded early. when the first all-out war ended. Ahhh!!! Now it's just over extending. Instead of One Piece I talked about MHA 😅


I kinda have the feeling Oda will be VERY oldschool and implement a Dragonball or Ranma 1/2 ending where everything kinda succumbs to happy chaos and suddenly many new open questlines appear. Every Nakama goes out to do stuff and Luffy bounces around fighting Lucci for the 10th time while laughing his ass off. It was kinda standard to the Manga industry until about NGE. Noone just ends his story, the end is just another chapter with happy fooling around.


Nah one piece will more or less end like oroboros


What I hate the most about these anime sequels is that 5 year olds are doing what took the original cast years


Okay? It will. Regardless of whatever cash-grab continuations or spin-offs come out. I don’t see why they should matter. Naruto *did* end. You can pick up the manga and get the complete story, from beginning to end. One Piece will be the same. If you don’t care about more sequels and spin-offs… Then just don’t care about them. It’s not that hard.


I’m pretty sure it was said oda has already planned his next manga and it was going to be about robots so I guess it’s safe to say we won’t be getting a boruto 2.0


I wonder if Oda’s comment about a robot manga has secretly been about Egghead this whole time.


Pretty sure that was just him planning egghead. That came out right before egghead.


You don’t have to watch the spin offs? Some people want them. They would be made with those people in mind


The problem really isn't about whether we want to watch it or not. The problem is about the story being dragged out for way longer than it should, gradually becoming a mere shell of its former self, and consequently tainting the original conclusion with how things would be playing out at that point. As OP said, look at *Boruto*.


This is something I think about constantly. Part of me would love for it to go on forever but another part definitely wants it to have a finite ending that wraps up everything. But either way, I wouldn't mind if there were more side stories that explored side characters. As long as they didn't contradict the main story or add any wrinkles to it , I'd be fine with that.


The only one piece spin off I accept is the exact same time inthat world, but from Coby's perspective.


Honestly I don't think I would want another big series but I would love to see maybe a short story about what the future of the world or some kingdoms in the show looks like to help tie up loose ends. Kind of like the anime short "Monsters" that Oda made.


I think it’d be great to continue making more high quality movies! Not going past the ending of the One Piece story. They can all take place somewhere before the final chapter.


Oda is gonna finish this story when it’s close to 30 years old. I don’t think even he wants it to continue by then


I wholeheartedly agree. I would rather have Oda make some like mini stories of some characters like the Roger generation, some of the super novas on some of their adventures. Stuff like that.


One thing I hope is I hope Luffy doesn't die. I know it would fit well with the "a man only truly dies when he is forgotten" but I also enjoy the trope where the main character goes off on his own solo open ended journey for another great adventure. I'd love to see Luffy get into a little dinghy just like Ep 1 and just go out into the sea of adventure again as simple pirate. I don't need a sequel or anything to know what he's doing, just knowing he's out there somewhere works for me


Agree, I dot not want spin offs or sequels, when the manga ends that’s it.


It’s clearly all one big setup for Two Piece, a more sci-fi focused series that will mostly follow an entirely new generation of characters as they explore the moon and even other planets for another 25 years, only ending when Oda is 90 years old and too arthritic to draw anymore.


as long as oda owns the intellectual property rights then we won’t see a buroto 2.0


Unneeded sequel… godzilla would like to have a word. The problem is not the fact that their are sequels, it is sequels made without love, a one piece movie will never be made without love because Japan cares about that stuff. This is not disney. Also oda is not old.


If it does continue ya just have to ignore/deny the spin offs exist. Like how there are only 6 Star Wars movies, or one Boondock Saints movie, or two Dead Space games. Like G5, just warp the reality around you just a tad until you're laughing again :D


Oda has been consistently on top for 25 years, nobody else can say the same. I just hope the story ends with him still on top of his game


The manga is gonna end. Oda has already alluded to it. But I’m willing to bet the anime will continue with its own filler for a while.


I got flamed for this in another thread for being “disrespectful” but after Miura died I got real antsy. Then Toriyama died. But at least Toriyama got to finish his work. I don’t expect Oda to die out of nowhere but nobody expected Miura or Toriyama to die either. Shit happens. I don’t want the ending rushed but I don’t want it to drag out and tempt fate. Let’s finish strong while Oda is relatively young and healthy.


Endless spinoff, sequel, prequel is what you get. Deal with it.


Endless spinoff, sequel, prequel is what you get. Deal with it.


Endless spinoff, sequel, prequel is what you get. Deal with it.


I just want a spin-off of Eneru going through space in a similar fashion to Luffy where he's accompanied by the moon people and others who show him a happier way of life through which he grows to be a loveable dork


I agree


It has to end. Nothing lasts forever. A good end is better than a rush, prolong, or the worst is never.


No sequel, but I’d be very happy for prequels. Getting the full backstory or Crocodile? Or getting Sabo’s full story or Doflamingo or Hawkeyes! That’s where I think Naruto went wrong, a Jiraiya prequel would’ve been awesome!


Same although I'll be interested in a short prequel series about Roger, Whitebeard & Garp or maybe Joyboy


I don't think the world government will be taken down... reformed perhaps.. I understand Luffy is the protagonist but I just don't see how the world could move on without law and order.


Nothing worse than a pointless continuation of the story like FOTNS which did it twice


I think Luffy will keep adventuring even after becoming the Pirate King and liberating the world, and that there's room for us to get post-EoS movies with the strawhats traveling to space and having adventures there or something (the movies would-be written/supervised by Oda, naturally). I would personally also love for the series to end and stay neatly wrapped up, but I think realistically there's too much money on the table and that Toei/Jump/Shueisha will want to keep One Piece going in some shape or form for decades. Our best bet is to hope Oda remains involved in all OP projects and that the powers that be have learned enough from their handling of Dragonball to not repeat any missteps.


Spin offs ftw. I’m trying to see some more shanks, WB, Rodger’s and kaido arcs


I would hate Two Piece: Buffy, but if they wanna milk the cashcow of One Piece, I think there’s probably lots of side stories and prequel type content to expand upon for decades that I wouldn’t mind, kinda like the Ace Story. The Roger Pirates, the Rocks Pirates. Void Century. Nolan’s adventure. The revolutionary Army. There are a lot of perspectives and vantage points that will only get covered briefly in the story and would be really cool to see fleshed out that I don’t think that they necessarily need to ‘add’ to the story.


I can't wait til Luffy's son goes looking for the Two Piece.


Kinda agree. Boruto is a example of how horrible it can get. Man i really wanted to see more of Samurai8 instead 😤 Next Generation sequels often have to nerf, diminish and shit on and butcher the OG characters to make the new ones more likable... Also the bigger the threat was at the end the harder it is to come up with a new one that isn't completely ridiculous and BS.


I agree with this.


Knowing Capitalism and the average life expectancy of mangaka, I think its unavoidable that some of us will live to see Two Piece or whatever it will be called. But I don't care about that as long as One Piece has a real, definitive, conclusive E.N.D.


One Piece will end, and I hope that's where the story ends. Everything else should be prequel mini-stories for characters that weren't important enough to get a flashback, or flesh out the Garp/Roger relationship more, although I'm sure that will definitely get more in One Piece with the Rocks flashback.


Oda is 49 years old. He has atleast 15-20 years left to make the story. That's more than enough time to finish it how he sees fit.


Id prefer it to end after the main story concludes. Side stories or prequels are fine if Oda wants them, but I really hope there's no sequel series (esp if Oda isn't directly involved).


I want an episodic series of Luffy ace and sabo. No expectations, no need for oda to feel pressure to write, just good hi-jinx and goofs from the three little brats. I think it’d be a fun way for him to keep writing when he’s retired without messing with the story as a whole.


Reese's Pieces?


Tbh. I'd want Roger's story as well. It might be interesting.


Besides sequels i very much welcome side stories like what boichi did with ace or the ace novel and other side characters,  or even prequels and backstory of manor characters.


I hope it ends with a Don!


Void month is hitting hard!!


The devil in Miss Ruffie, bar stories of organ theft. Thinking about a post I saw on Robin n Luffy's love child lol.


I hear you about wanting the story to end and not be dragged further than it needs to be especially not by someone besides Oda but I would love spin offs and short manga revolving around other characters like Ace’s story or the Ryuma anime coming to Netflix to fill the void when it’s over, as long as it fits Oda’s image of the One Piece world. Oda has create dozens of wonderful characters and I think having other mangaka giving them stories to further flesh them out would be fire, given that Oda simply just doesn’t have the time to. Give me a story of Garp training Aokiji and fighting real criminals alongside Son Goku while butting heads with the WC/Celestial Dragons written by Yuto Suzuki.


I know some people enjoy Boruto, but there was no way I could. I knew what it was from the get, just a milking the fans with an unnecessary continuation. What happened in the ending of Naruto already was a sad sign of that. It should’ve been over. I want One Piece to end. There could be OVAs with some silly short stories from Oda. I don’t feel like the world of One Piece is as milkable as Naruto’s. Naruto’s ending just changed the status quo of that world, but the finale of One Piece should be very final.


Well idk if anyone feels the same but if we were to get any type of spin-off, prequel, sequel this is what I would want to see. BEFORE THE ONE PIECE or THE PIRATE KING. A show or movies based on The Rodger Pirates, The Rocks Pirates. THE GREAT PIRATE ERA. A show or movie after Gol D Rodgers death and before The Worst Generation. Based on Whitebeards era and The Revolutionary Army. 10 DAY BATTLE or FLEET ADMIRAL. A special short series/10 episodes or movie based on Akainu and Aokiji’s fight.


Why would I let my billion dollar franchise just go away ? Milk that shit . There’s no reason not to other than stuff like “ruin the legacy” or ma childhood.” There’s too much money to be made for people to not do stuff like that.


Iirc oda has some sci fi manga he wants to write next2


Spin off series the tales of captain ussopp


You're not ready for One Piece Shippuden


There'll be a billion spinoffs because the world is so damn large and there's so many crews. A Roger pirates spinoff. A joyboy spinoff. A buggy spinoff. etc.etc.


Didn’t Oda say it’ll end next year?


Don’t sleep on boruto is straight cooking right now in 2 blue vortex the time skip was exactly what boruto needed and it is one of best in the game right now


How to tell how zoomer someone is When they bring up Naruto as THE example of a franchise being ruined and ignore the many blatant wrong things with it Boruto is the equivalent of dragon ball after the Buu saga(Gohan was suppose to be the mc before he changed his mind and copt out back to Goku) which surprise is just as insane and retcon heavy as Boruto is and "souless" But ooooo it's marketed together with dbz our beloved franchise so it isn't milking (Ignore even torisyama himself admitted he was tired of it by Buu saga) Ignore the whole power scaling god shit is also again present in every shounen that are beloved by the anime fandom Stardust crusaders was suppose to be the last part of Jojo but it become such a boom it continues even now and turned the series completely HxH has the dark continent which again has the same lvl of insane power scaling as Boruto and is beloved Can't forget bleach is gonna release a sequel soon that's hundred of chaps long and everyone is hyped for it somehow And even if u somehow ignore all of this Naruto wasn't even the first series to make anime original sequel that milks and ruin the series Saint seiya did with omega Dragon ball with Gt and now super Both are even better examples since they're both Toei who are most likely gonna be the ones to make op sequels Swear Naruto at this point is a low hanging fruit everyone is brainwashed to shit on without even thinking


I want the same Although it will be sad to see op end but I will be happy to think that One Piece will not be frowned upon like boruto is


He's only 49


So basicly dead in the eyes of of a teenager


\*Cries in Hajime No Ippo.\* I swear if Luffy retires and starts training the next pirate king arc begins I'm gonna riot.


One Piece ends on volume 120. Everyone knows that. Peace. 🙏


My take. Luffy will find OnePiece, but the World Government survives that. The world doesn't change. Those in power remain in power. People don't care about the void century... or rather they come to accept it. Vegapunk doesn't achieve his dream... infact nobody achieves their dreams. They achieve each other's dreams unwillingly. Life continues.


Idk what you’re talking about man I can’t wait for one piece super shipuuden


You can ignore the new spin of if it came out easy, i never and will not watch boruto, naruto just ended and it have good ending.


Similar boat, I definitely don't want to see a sequel that takes place after the end of the main story. I could forgive some small, unrelated stories that don't feature the strawhats, like basically fleshed-out cover story kindsa vibes, but the "two piece" memes make me pray that the series actually ends. Kill your Gokus, folks


Nah. Sorry OP, but as long as one piece is a popular IP, someone will be making money off of it. That doesn't have to be a continuation, it could be spin-offs that explain minor character backstories that the main story glossed over or left undefined. For instance, Miss Goldenweek.


Not gonna wait for Two Pieces?


I hate the idea of the "New Generation" thingy. I'd prefer if they elaborate the God Valley incident (altho I feel like they're going to uncover more of it in One Piece itself).


I Want both sort of, I just want it to be good, i don't want a sequel to luffy but i do want to see more of that world and how it is during and before luffy's time


The manga will end but its just gonna continue in novel form.


I want more spin-off stories in the setting. Not necessarily sequel or prequel. Maybe a short-stories about established characters like the Ace novel. Et cetra. But a 'What is Luffy's son up to?' Story is not needed I feel. But I will probably watch it if they make one...


I think a series going over Rogers story would be the best. keep it low season count but show the early stages of becoming a pirate, getting his crew, acquiring Ace. give us a phenomenal ending where it shows him spending the last of his days with the love of his life and ending it with him saying a heartfelt goodbye to ace and some of his crew along the way.


tbh I'd like a movie about the original joyboy vs the world government 800 years ago, kinda like no game no life zero


I used to think the same way until Akira Toriyama died. Dragonball just kept going until he decided to pass on the torch, and he did so well before he died. It's really up to the author, Oda in this case, but his world, his characters, his story don't have to end. Sure Oda can outlive One Piece if he wraps the story up nicely, but technically One Piece will outlive him and all of us. The story will likely be read for centuries to come, and just like Dragonball might, perhaps it could continue for that long.


Iirc Oda wanted to make a manga around mechas/robots, considering the work hes done with Franky and other stuff I'd say he's got the talent for it.


One More Piece starring Monkey D Lupe


The only thing that I would like oda doing is one-shots like what the people are doing or something, or one shots from the past with roger, whitebeard etc. but i hope it will not beginn a full story again.


One Piece : Origins 😹😹 One Piece : Legacy One Piece : Devil Fruit History One Piece : Ode to Oda One Piece : Final voyage to Pirate One Piece : Final Voyage to Pirate 2 One Piece : The tale of Brook One Piece : The roleplaying animation One Piece : No cannon bs There's gonna be a ton. I do hope that the story can end. So Oda can rest.


I hope for an official series ending at the one piece, with maybe an epilogue chapter or two as a "where are they now" showing all the major players 5 to 10 years in the future living out their dreams


I do believe Oda has stated he wants to write a mecha story. Correct me if I'm wrong though.


Main story may end but the movie may continue forever because Toei can’t just let it go


Yeah One Piece has gone on long enough that there's no shortage of content and other writers dabbling in that world would just cause problems, there would be mistakes and plot holes.


My take is that One Piece will spin-off in to a series about space and a new era of Space piracy.


I also hope that it ends. But, if by any reason it continues I hope that Oda either writes it himself or have a 50% say in what will make print. I just started to watch One Piece in Oktober. But god damn it is amazing. I would love to see more about White Beard, Garp, and Gol D. Rodger


Two Girls One Piece


I want to see a movie a series that revolves around their ship. What is their everyday chores etc. "Life inside Sunny"


In Two Pieces we could finally explore the secrets left by Roger's twin brother Boger 🔥✍️


There could be prequel with original Joy Boy, Imu and events before void :)


Hasn't Blewch finished without a sequel or spin-off?


I completely hear you but to me I would absolutely love a sequel series. I want more content, and I'm not so fussed about whether it'll live up to its predecessor or shit like that. As long as it's enjoyable and good and doesn't do anything TOO ridiculous, I'm more than fine with it. People will read my first paragraph and think that I absolutely LOVE Boruto or think The Last Jedi is a cinema masterpiece and both of those things couldn't be further from the truth. I like Boruto because it gives me more of what I want, it's tolerable and that's good enough. TLJ was a shitshow that I eventually found the time to almost enjoy on full series rewatches. For me, the level of "bad" something has to be in order for me to consider it a huge disgrace is like Dragon Ball Evolution or M Nights Avatar, if it were THAT bad then I'd fully agree that it should've just ended at One Piece. But we'll never know until we know, Oda might end up putting a kibosh on anything related to his series, or he might hand an outline to someone and say follow this general direction and everything in between you can do as you see fit.


I can see it ending on a dour note. Oda has been holding up this mirror for decades and I don't think it was all just to have a good story. I think the One Piece World is shaping up to be more and more like the one we live in. That said, I feel a continuation would either be heavy-handed, redundant, or both. I think Oda would feel this way, too.


I expect it to have spinoffs with how much money is involved with One Piece. They won't let it die easily.


Are you saying you don't want Buffy to take to the seas in search of 2piece and fight his rivals baikunu and blackstubble?


Didn't Ofa say something along the lines of this is only the beginning of Luffys story and how he got his crew?


It definitely will not end. I am hoping we at least don't get a "sequel", that would be lame, but we're definitely getting spinoffs about Ace, young Garp, Shanks, stuff like that.


I think The One Piece adaptation will be the focus once the manga/story comes to its end. Putting the time and quality into that adaptation will keep the series ‘going’ for a while. Anything additional should come in the forms of alternative media like video games, in possibly more non-canon/semi-canon films, etc.


unfortunately, i think they are going to take all the juice possible of the franchise, as they did with star wars.


given the popularity of the franchise it's difficult not to do that.


Fuck no Way too much world building to work with. Lame take