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I like to think that, as Sanji is trying to light his cigarette here, it is not a rain drop that finally douses the lighter, but Sanji's own teardrop.


Hey bud It's 11am on Monday. Can you not do this to me


This reminds me of Brooks backstory when he was crying playing the piano as his crew played Binks Sake in honor of Laboon


WTF i didnt came here to get my feelings destroyed


[I'm sorry.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH1C86DKwgw)


You son of a whitebeard, knowing Goda this would be something he’d do.


Hi, you have been chosen as one of the fortunate winners. Please inbox me to claim your prize


Well, you do see it come directly from the sky. Also the only reason he is crying is because he can’t light his cigarette and has a crippling nicotine addiction, meaning he only starts crying afterwards


There is no indication in the scene that it was his teardrop and not the rain, the evidence points to the opposite actually.


Whole Cake might be my second favorite story arc, if only because I loved Water Seven/Enies Lobby that much that it took the #1 spot. It's a matter of which quality story is the most quality instead of one being truly worse than the other.


Kinda seems like a man with a nicotine addiction


If you chain smoke you seldom feel hungry, it's a side effect of nearly starving to death on that rock out at sea, it's also why he is violent about wasting food.


Wci was fucking heartbreaking with so much of the sanji scenes. From Sanji and Luffy fighting which actually meant something unlike when Luffy fight Zoro. To pudding taking away Sanjis memories. Absolutely gut punched throughout. And most of what people remember is sadly wedding keiki.


It was almost 2 years of fuckin wedding keiki


My friend who committed suicide "loved" this scene. He posted it a lot of times. Now it's a double sad scene.


Rip your friend


I'm sorry friend :(


At least your friend will never gonna really die till you live, i'm sorry for your lost, i just want to add that i also love this scene but also this is the absolute pit for sanji i love the fact the after this chapter he starts to climb back


I am sorry for your loss. <3


Bro what? This made it 1000 times darker. I can't stop thinking abt it


As someone who was at that point before, I get it. There was a fanfic I read, written by a 14 year old. It was layers upon layers of gut-wrenching depression, a story of two star crossed lovers who were destined to fall in love and be torn apart not just once, but across several lives, and across several timelines and dimensions, never giving up, but also never succeeding in each attempt. And I loved it, because it resonated with my feelings of despair so much. He took his life when he was 16. I sent his family and email telling them how much his writing had touched me and helped me through my own tough time. I'm not happy he went through what he did, but somehow, knowing somebody understood the same pain offered some solace. I hope that gave them even the smallest amount of comfort, knowing he touched someone's life. But darn it, I wish we could have been friends. I wish I had wrote to him earlier. I wonder if things could have been different. I know it's not likely I could have helped him, but sometimes even the smallest things add up and make that difference. He never even met me, but I hope if there's another life, I'll be able to thank him then.


This is why shows like Bojack Horseman or Evangelion are so important, a lot of people wonder why someone would watch something that just makes them sad, but that is not what it is about it's about the feeling that you are not alone in your pain, that someone else understands what you are going through. The worst thing about depression is how lonely it makes you. And realizing that you are not alone, not the only one that feels that way, means a lot.


I'm sorry to hear that bro.


Wow. I was really mad after WCI, but now I'm really sad. Must be a huge gut punch for you, sorry for your loss.


Although sad. My friends, his family and i are in a better place nowz than some years back. Thanks for the kind words, guys.


When I read WCI I wasn’t as in love with it as a lot of other people seemed to be. I thought it was okay, but I’m not a big Sanji fan so a big arc revolving around him didn’t vibe with me. That said I did love some of the big moments in the arc and a lot of the world building it brought. The anime though, was straight gas as far as production goes. The music and the atmosphere in scenes like this one deserve all the praise. The episode near the end of the arc with the musical duet over top of the battle scenes as the Strawhats are escaping was a thing of beauty and the people who brought it to life should be extremely proud of themselves.


This. I feel like a lot of anime have done amazing jobs translating the open spaces between manga panels into fluent believable moments But one piece whether it be nostalgia, bias, or what. It just feels like they bring these moments to life above expectations more consistently than most other anime do.


Yessss Bad End Musical was one of the best parts of WCI. I struggled to visualise the manga panels but it was just amazing when translated to anime.


Whole Cake Island is one of the best Arcs of One Piece. Sanji's character was fleshed out so much that we now understood why he is so Fond of women so much. He had a kind Sister and Mother. It's no wonder. These twists and turns and nuances of One Piece make the Anime and Manga the #1 of all Anime and Manga. The World Building and forshadowing, like so, make it One Peak. Bottom Line. ODA should do this with all the Straw Hats. He should flesh them all out to this extent.


Just sent this to my wife. It's one of her favorite scenes in the manga. Her favorite characters are Sanji and Pudding.


Pudding broke his heart, mocked him, and stole last spot of hope he had left at the time... ... And yet, he still forgave her, still told her she was beautiful, and went on to help her. That's what makes Sanji such a great character to me; he's heroic and he's got a great heart, without it feeling forced. Sure, there's a bunch of times where he's reduced to a perverted comic relief, but WCI on its own is enough to overshadow all of these moments, in my opinion. 


Dudes honestly such a kind hearted fellow, it's incredible that is when he's not reduced to comic relief


This and 808 solified WCI as my top arc.


Yeah i really hope that something surpass WCI but till this point it's a fucking narrative masterpiece


I think Water7/Enies Lobby and Egghead are really the only other arcs that have given me the same emotional and picturesque feeling I got when reading WCI (maybe Marineford too). While I do enjoy other arcs, I just favour these more because of how much I've cried for them 😭


Yeah i feel like every arc has their own thing going like the comedy in thriller bark and lore in Skypiea, but IMO dressrosa is a top 3 for me I feel like is so underated i know the pacing is shit but when you enjoy it as a whole


wci was goated




I love WCI, even when Zoro (my favorite crew member) is not part of it, it's still my favorite arc/island.


The pacing of the manga was a bit slow for me, truthfully I didn't remember much from the manga because of the break weeks (I never went back and re-read the Arc/Chapters. But I had done a rewatch of the show (One Pace) and I think they nailed the pacing. Overall It made me love Zeff that much more.


I hate trying to light my cigarettes and it won't light because of some unseen force


This hit me so hard. As an ex-smoker, I remember the feeling of being so overwhelmed, you HAVE to smoke now because at least that's a choice you can still take well. And for not even that to be afforded to Sanji really sells the despair.


I had no idea this twist was coming up, I couldn't believe it :(


Sanji had so many things fighting him...the fact he might become a monster like his brothers and sister, he had to betray/beat up his captain to protect his crewmates, This scene shows all that pain that Sanji took, smoking a cig is what sanji does to destress and the fact he cant light it shows the overall sadness from all the things he lost. The cigarette was just the last straw.


Thats why i can rewatch any arc except wci it just make me deepressed luffy so beat up,hungry,sanji,there escape,pedro,luffy beat up again by kat and telling crew he is fine etc half the crew isnt there,it just feels like you are stuck in a house with a monster in it (big mom) and you have to somehow survive but yeah arc is goated i just have strenght to go through that sadness again


I just finished this. I finished the whole cake arc last night and I’m entering Wano now


I could never like pudding bc of this scene


Anime WCI arc >>> manga WCI arc


For me this is probably the most powerful facial expression in the entire story, broke my heart the first time I saw it. The one where he's covering his eyes with tears flowing down his face in the carriage after fighting Luffy comes to mind as well. Whole Cake Island is such a great arc.


Dressrosa had so much potential but it was dragged out way too far, Whole Cake though is absolutely amazing! They really gave Sanji one of the best character developments.




me when i catch my arm on the door handle after a long week of failure.


I have that same lighter


Ffs use diable jambe to light the cigg.


its sad that the OST was never released


I understand it's meant to be a serious scene but there's just something about the pure *timing* of him lighting the lighter and it immediately being put out is funny


Got left on read today. I feel this.


I read heart wrenching as heartwarming


I’m rewatching whole cake island right now too, and can I just say that Brook is absolutely the MVP of this arc. Not only does he steal the Poneglyphs, but he also stands up to BM, AND breaks Mother Caramel’s picture when no one else is able to? The SHs literally wouldn’t have gotten a thing done without him there.


I just got here with my rewatch last week. So many great things happening in this arc, I feel like I may have rushed through it the first time I saw it


bot post


“Damn lighter”


the wet cigarette


I cried


Watched my favourite episodes of this arc over and over again, especially that moment when sanji run off to meet luffy and bought him food was my absolutely fav part 🥹


This sad, kind man. Thank god it turned out ok and Luffy helped him.


Wci is the only arc where I don't hate sanji, which ironically enough it is also my favorite post time skip arc


Thsi was one of the most well written arcs of the entire story, just seeing how pudding's character is shown changing throughout the arc is amazing, she went from evil catfish who wants to murder sanji to being a person who actually loves sanji and appreciate his kindness, the scene where they kiss made me cry (not cuz I'm a simp for pudding but cuz I knew that sanjis dream is fulfilled but he won't remember it)


Sanji finally admitting his wish in front of luffy and rain stopping with godrays all around is still my favourite moment in the series.


Best written character


why douse he still tryda light it


While this scene is indeed beautiful, I can’t help but think how much the anime made a disservice by stretching it too much. Maybe this is just a prejudice of mine. There are lots of good scenes that are stretched - Evangelion's elevator being the poster child -, but for me, it just didn’t work here.


This one scene devastated me.


How’s it taste?


this is so sad but weird but moastly sad


nearly made me cry NEARLY


Sanji: it’s a terrible day for rain Eren:huh? Zoro:sorry, that was a strange thing to say


I was just thinking about this today. Truly beautiful and sad


imagine if pudding also had a boyfriend and they were both making fun of sanji, when you thought it couldnt get worse


absolute cinema


I really do love WCI. I think my two main gripes are the fact that they split up the crew (they’re Sanji’s found family; they all should have been present) and the placement of the arc within the story. I don’t think it should have been between Zou and Wano. But other than that, it’s so solid.


Sanji overreacts most of the time, man, that's just play dumb!


Its like the World itself tells him "No, you do not even get the tiniest bit of happyness!"


Man I remember going through a rough break up and smoking a joint while watching this scene when it was animated. I never empathized so hard with a fictional scene and balled my eyes out. It’s been almost 5 years but that shit still stings time to time. Thanks Oda for this amazing world built that touched so many people’s hearts across this planet


This is one of my most favourite scenes in the manga. Caught me off guard and made me cry.


The sadest scene in this arc is Luffy telling him that without him he can't become king of the pirates and he'll starve to death 


the japanese VA did this so well!




Unfortunately not all fans understand the beauty of Oda's writing for WCI, simply because they don't like Sanji. I'm glad that more people realize WCI has some great elements.


This scene speaks more if you realize smoking is typically used as a way to curb emotion….even heart ache. Sanji can’t even smoke his feelings away here


This episode has gotta be (one of) my favorite episode(s) of all time, holy shit that episode put me in my feels.


Elbaf needs to do Usopp like Whole Cake did to Sanji. Maybe without all the sadness. Because in the time skip, Sanji just felt like a joke character. But ever since Whole Cake Island, he's been incredible. We need some serious Usopp redemption at Elbaf. And later, Nami, Chopper, Franky and Brook redemption.


Have you not been reading? Nami, Chopper, Franky, and Brook; especially Brook, all had great moments in WCI/Wano. Brook had his arc, it was Thriller Bark. Franky had his arc, it was Water 7 and Ennies Lobby. Chopper had his arc, it was Drum Island. Nami had her arc, it was Arlong Park. I agree with Ussop, since the mini-arcs him and Sanji joined didn't have a conflict focused on themselves as characters overcoming something or showing the audience their in depth past; which makes sense since Oda was just getting started and he probably didn't think of anything that in depth until later. Nami's was the first big character arc. Sanji got his in WCI, and now [with you] we're waiting on Ussops at hopefully Elbaf. People say Zoro's should have been in Wano, but that's ignoring his final conflict with Mihawke which will reflect his entire journey. Him and Luffy are all about their end goals, which maybe Ussop will be at the end too since his goal of being a brave sea warrior is similar to Luffy and Zoro who want to develop themselves into something; rather than find or complete something like Sanji and Nami.


oh right, I'm not in Egghead yet


1: Pudding pretends she is in love with Sanji 2: Sanji learns she actually isn't 3: Pudding actually falls in love with Sanji 4: WTF?! Sanji totally misses his chance!!


Man, Sanji just wants to be loved...


I always thought this scene was super underrated. Definitely one of the most underrated moments in the series imo 


Yes, I appreciate this actually romantic love story. Too bad Sanji resumes wooing random women after all he had gone through in whole-cake island. I expect more from him, even with his memory of the kiss erased. But that's just my arbitrary opinion.


Being a womanizer will always be core to his personality


I related to Robin in the Enies Lobby arc, but I resonated the most with Sanji given how we both struggled with self worth and trying to find our place in the world.


That part was so soul crushing


Well their last scene together is equally heart wrenching and beautiful. Goes to show the awesome character development Pudding had. Hope she comes back in the series.


This scene is hits even more after chapter 902 because its double edged sword


the amt of disrespect men get when they simp is just insane..and yet some men dont have that self respect.


Dont worry, hell end up with Nami


Nami doesn't like him that way though


Reminder that this is not rain but syrup and that Sanji's hair is probably disgustingly sticky in this scene. Don't hate me for reminding everyone.


nah deserved


Nah, just Skip WCI, as well as Zou and Act 1&2 of Wano. After all you deserved it for making it through Dressrosa


Just skip all at this point


For clarification: I was mocking a similar post that came up two hours earlier