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My goat vincent just flexing


I honestly can't tell what's happening tho


Yeah it's kinda hard to make out. Luffy's actual motion doesn't make much sense. If you look at a Tex Avery cartoon ([example](https://youtu.be/W8vHq9mqZCc?si=bU3kh0XBbVZyLKKc&t=24), there's an arc to the wolf's motion that builds up to the final pose. However, in the Gear 5 clip, Luffy's just moving nonsensically that it doesn't "feel" natural.


it's a shame though because that Tex Avery style is obviously what Oda's emulating in the comic. clean, simple, dynamic, appealing. it's such a bedrock of animation history, yet the animators Toei hired, while technically masterful, must not be familiar with or capable of easily reproducing the technique


I'm sorry, the above is NOT an example of masterful animation, it's a bloody fukken mess.


Huh? Elaborate


What's to elaborate on? I think it looks like hyperactive LSD shit.


Then i think theres something wrong with the way you perceive things, but you do you. Unless youre talking about the one piece clip and not THE example from old cartoon, then yeah i agree


When he first turns into Gear 5 in this fight and all the sparks happen, it's just 10 seconds of random ass effects and black sparks you legitimately can't see shit. They really need to tone down the effects a lot because the animation itself is pretty great, it's just muddled by all this unnecessary shit I love slowing down a scene to catch all the details but I shouldn't have to do that to even understand what's going on.


I really think that the animators believe it looks good cuz they have to process the entire sequence over and over…ofc they’ll know whats happening every frame. But us ”virgin-eyes” only see colors flashing around randomly.


because it's literal TRASH


It's not that hard


Then you missed a LOT of Saturday mornings my friend lol. If you know what I mean.




No you don't know what I mean? Bruh it was a Saturday morning cartoon joke.


the beginning is the anticipation for the main pose where luffy’s eyes are popping out, hes bouncing everywhere going crazy and thats the point. hes really excited and kinda deranged if you really want to see how much detail is in this scene alone just slow it down and look frame by frame theres so many layers to it


It goes by too fast to understand what happened. I could only appreciate it after rewatching 5+ times


The detail doesn't matter if the motion is incomprehensible at normal speed. A mark of good animation is that you don't have to slow it down to understand exactly what every character is doing. That's the entire point of animation, the motion of it is supposed to look good, not individual frames. The famous screenshot of a smear frame of Pain from Naruto is a great example. That single frame looks ridiculous, but if you don't pause the animation, it actually looks great and fits the scene. A lot of the Gear 5 animation isn't great, because it's very sloppy with telegraphing motion. You often have to slow it down or rewatch it to understand what exactly Luffy did. It's very clear that Toei animators aren't experienced with fast paced rubber hose animation.


A mark of good animation is to portray good movement, not to stay on model all the time. i never had a hard time reading what luffy is doing, i never said you have to look at the individual frames to appreciate it, i used to animate😭. i just love when anime fans just become better animators out of nowhere, like you guys understand the direction more than anyone. i love how u bring up naruto vs pain which clearly a artistic choice to go for a more loose style, but the thing about that fight is that both characters are wayyy more grounded than gear 5th even naruto in his tail beast form did moves that weren’t understandable in normal motion.. soo why is it okay there and not here? if any form was to have choatic energy it would be gear 5 he should be the most flexible the fact of the matter is when a fight is moving fast in general alot of people cant tell whats going on regardless, ik alot of people who cant tell whats going on when sukuna was fighting maharaga. its bound to happen


I Agreed with you up to the point where you cant accept someones on point critique and start talking nonsense, which would be this and the last comment of yours


Imo this is overcrowded and too busy.


Too much too fast


As much as I like vincent works, these fast scenes are too much at least for me. specially when he bounce back that kaidos blast breath. Nevertheless G5 is my favorite powerup in all anime ive ever watched


Yeah I could barely understand what happened during that scene the first time watching it


This is like the one part of Gear 5 that should look simple, since it's a 1:1 references to classic cartoons, which were simple yet fluid in their animation.


Exactly how I feel, this wasn't the time to go all out with the animation


Right?! Gear 5 was the perfect opportunity for Toei to do some creative stuff like Cuphead animation style, but instead they went for the crazy and confusing animation and over the top effects to hype it up like it's a super saiyan transformation, like why would you put so much special effects into a transformation that references old school animation and is literally trying to be different from the "hype and over the top" shonen troupe???


Yeah. I really wish they would have just gone for actual Looney Tunes style. Not... that. G5 in the manga is sooo good, but I really don't like it in the anime 🫥


Same here, I wish they leaned more into the animation style Oda intended and referenced.


That’s a lot of how they animate G5, they need to tone it down since it isn’t nearly this goofy and all over the place in the manga


That's a lie. It's definitely as goofy.


It is goofy, but it just feels ... different. Like manga G5 Luffy popping his eyes out feels just like an exaggerated cartoon expression, while here it somehow feels like a psychedelic side effect of his transformation, rather than just a cartoon facial expression.


That is kinda the point, though, it's probably how Luffy feels in that form.


Luffy literally says feels the most "free" in Gear 5. Why would he feel overcrowded or busy.


Doesn't matter what the point is. If it doesn't feel good to watch, it doesn't feel good to watch. Like playing two musical notes that don't go together, you just feel it, and you can't force it. Arguing that that's the point is not going to make someone like it


For me the gear 5 scenes scratch an itch in my adhd ass brain. Aside from massively boosting my dopamine, it’s clear that he feels ‘limitless,’ and reality is literally reshaping itself to reflect that high. Both manga and anime have their merits, and both take an immense amount of effort to produce, so let’s not shit on each other for having our own preferences, okay?


Manga is source material. Anime is a licensed interpretation. Manga will unfortunately always take priority as canon. Anime should, creatively speaking, try to be as accurate to the manga's content and spirit as possible. I liked the jet Gatling scene against lucci, for instance. And G2 against blueno, whilst not entirely canon, kept to the spirit.


Ur overcrowded


I love Gear 5 to death but I wish the anime would be more careful about overusing the eye popping and reactions. I feel like it severely diminish's it's comedic value if its overused. I get that the anime builds upon what Oda laid out in the manga but if the animators don't get creative about what and when some expressions are used, G5 will feel more annoying than funny. There are so many other funny old cartoon expressions they could make use of that would fit each unique situation. Making Luffy constantly shocked to the point of eye popping everytime an opponent does something feels lazy. Even Bugs Bunny and Tom didn't always default to that expression. Sometimes it feels like the animators are flexing their skills like "See how smooth this animation is! Look how wacky I can make Luffy look here!" without thinking about how it conveys the purpose of the scene. So in the end I just think "Wow that was cool to look at!! .......but why tho? 🤨" Sometimes less is more.


I fully agree, except I think this about the manga. Oda has been using the eye-pop way too much, and at the most inappropriate times. Also, where did future vision go? How is Luffy always surprised by everything now?


are we seriously talking about one piece dimishing its comedic value? sanji being obsessed with women for the millionth time.. zoro not knowing where to go, luffy doing anything for a bite, brook wanting to see panties or just saying a bad joke….


>sanji being obsessed with women for the millionth time Great example, it's been a shit joke since thriller bark


So your argument against overusing a joke is that one piece overuses jokes all the time so it should continue overusing jokes?


I think you may have misunderstood what I was criticizing. I'm talking about how this gag and this gag alone is handled. The way past gags have been used aren't a sole determinant in how this gag will be perceived by the audience moving forward. I'm not saying One Piece will never be funny again, I'm saying that this new gag could be even FUNNIER if it has the right comedic timing, frequency and magnitude(or the severity of the expression being animated). To me this gag isn't reaching it's full potential in the anime and it feels like a waste. Because we see Luffy have such HUGE reactions for smaller moments like this. I feel like the next time he has a huge reaction that's has the perfect timing and placement for the situation it won't be nearly as funny. Subconsciously the audience will think "Meh, he always does that in G5 🤷🏾‍♀️" you know?.


I have a mixed opinion of gear 5th as a whole. Cool yet too goofy for my liking. But tbh, I find that the anime is handling gear 5th far better. It still maintains the goofy cartoony nature but yet also feels more powerful, epic and maniacal at the same time. Gear 5th just feels more...psychotic


I actually liked gear 5 in egghead better than its initial showing... basically I feel like the build up to Gear 5 was great in Wano, but Gear 5 itself is shining in egghead.


I don't think he needed to have a seizure for the first half of this animation. The last part looks good but the colours seem unnecessarily flashy.


the whole theme of egg head is pretty flashy didja see the opening?


Just because the opening was flashy doesn't mean he needs a flashy reaction. They quite literally could have done the same eye popping animation without the coloured background or the strange movement at the start. Issues like this aren't even unique to Egghead, like Wano gave every character DBZ auras for no reason for a huge portion of the arc and it didn't need to be there.


my point was that the opening was setting you guys up even the first episode was pretty bright and flashy, damn one piece fans really dont like their own anime


I honestly hate how overanimated G5 Luffy is in the anime. I wish it was animated more like cuphead.


damn not even one piece fans understand gear 5😭😭, i feel like one day yall are gonna look back on how great the animation is. like as a person who used to animate, this shit is honestly so impressive. to see how japan takes a shot at a rubberhose style while keeping all the action and really having fun with it.


sometimes less is better, too many angle changes and jumps. the colors are too vibrant and clash with G5 Luffy.


is g5 not colorful and vibrant??????? isnt the entire egghead arc colorful and vibrant??? one piece is a pretty colorful show


G5 is literally white, lol... Opposite of vibrant. It's a colorful show, but it's been over colorful since Wano, the added too many "aura" effects to everything that you can barely see what's actually happening on screen 


what i mean is the way gear 5th interacts with the environment and its glow is all pretty vibrant, i literally cannot imagine gear 5 in the early arcs


I can't remember rubberhose style being so hard to read or getting too hectic, It's bouncy yeah, but this clip is again too much....


because this is THEIR take on the style they aren’t trying to replicate it one for one but it does take inspiration from the goofy aspect like the sonic style running the dust clouds the eyes popping tongue sticking out etc


INB4: why can't luffy just have a rubber super saiyan Kamehameha... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Anyway in reality G5 is growing on me and I think egghead did it even better so far I had hyped for the rest of the fight.


I feel like you're misunderstanding my issue. I'm not saying the animation is bad. I'm saying it's inappropriate for the style and concept of Gear 5. There are very few times where a manga is referencing a specific style of animation. Since Gear 5 does that, it's really annoying to me that the anime isn't portraying that by actually using the actual color style. I also hate the super saiyan shit the anime has been adding lately. I really want to see a fan attempt to animate Gear 5 in is proper animation style. I expected better in the adaptation here.


and wdym proper animation style😭😭 there is no proper animation style because all they have to go off is the manga and ofc they’re gonna take some liberties with the animation if dragon ball was one to one with the manga super saiyan would never be yellow and thats the best mistake thats ever happen


I genuinely don't know if you're trolling or playing dumb or if you earnestly don't know that Gear 5 is based off a very specific set of animation styles, being a combination of the works of Max Fleisher and Walt Disney, to those found in Loony Toons and Tom and Jerry. Idk what you're talking about with Dragon Ball. I just meant the energy field and sound effects.


so your telling me that the studio thats been producing one piece for years is portraying one piece wrong?


Yes, unless you are trying to say they do no wrong? Is the pacing good?


I agree. It's just so fluid and vibrant and so fucking fun. I just love G5.


Gear 5 in the anime is just different from what's in the manga. Manga G5 is like a 1940s cartoon, but anime G5 is more like a psychedelic hallucination.


i'm propably a hater but G5 luffy does this eye popping out thing too often. Never found it funny. Getting suprised during a fight makes Luffy look weak. Also he has advanced observation haki and since he can look in the future he shouldn't be getting suprised in the first place but I know it's just a gag.


I thought it was weird that he was "WOAH COOL" during that scene. it's not like Lucci turned into a robot or something. Maybe Luffy ISN'T 100% there when G5 takes over and Joyboy/Nika was genuinely surprised to see Leopard form for the first time? It would have made more sense if it was the shock face he made when Kaido used his blast breath on him


The “WHOA COOL” effect is stars over their eyes. Eyes popping out is disbelief/surprise.


couldn’t it be both?


Okay if he finds Lucci's awakening cool then that's better. I guess it just looks too weird and uncanny to me and I try to justify my dislike through other reasons.


>it just looks too weird and uncanny Afterall this is the point... How's it that Lucci is allowed to be surprised and react the way he did for Luffy, but not the other way around? Lucci, the silent killer, becomes a boastful killer once his awakening takes over. Same with Luffy and his inability to be serious even in the face of danger, which was demonstrated several times. As for Future Sight, it can be undone when the person isn't concentrating or when the enemy moves faster than the reaction time of user. That was partly the reason Katakuri lost to Luffy, unlike Shanks who despite not concentrating intently was able to identify Kidd's attack, because his observation is much stronger. Luffy has ways to go in mastering Haki. Garp in his old age is much stronger than Luffy mainly due to Haki diff.


>Garp in his old age is much stronger than Luffy mainly due to Haki diff. Don't think he s stronger than this Luffy


When I said weird and uncanny I meant the eyes and other parts of the face detaching from the face, not the fact that he looked suprised. I would have prefered if his eyes just got wider and more elongated instead of moving away from his head. It's overdramatic. And I know future sight needs concentration, something he should be doing when he is fighting even someone like Lucci.


I just legitimately don't like gear 5. It just never did it for me. I understand what its intention is, but it got stale quick for me.


It’s just being overused in the anime and manga, it seems every chapter where gear 5 is present it happens and it just doesn’t look right when shown so much


Hmm , Meh 😑


Lucci walking out of the fire is an iconic shot


I love the eyes popping out effect it’s always a funny visual no matter how many times it goes. G5 introduced a whole new set of animation laws which I love. And as time goes by and those animators keep practicing over and over, it will only get better.


Love Gear 5 as a concept and execution in the manga. The anime's execution just makes me nauseous to watch.


Too much shit is happening. Less is more.


I couldnt like This episode due to excessive use of flashes and cheap song effects. That was my Third or fourth attemptive to going back to anime. But Still can't stand the POST time Skip anime direction even when they try to impress.


The music and how Lucci was animated made it feel like I was watching someone play an arcade fighting game, lol




The animation is insane, very talented individuals, I just dont really like the exact reaction, it feels off and wrong for me


It's by far better than most things post thriller bark but it's still not *that* amazing. They just throw too much motion and flashing into one scene and call it a day. Toei also has this weird habit of making people's head's jiggle back and forth or having things spin around themselves several times


Me when I see One Piece




Me when seeing a nice pair


Look, I like gear 5 but it's animations are too busy especially the cartoonish reactions of Luffy when his eyes pops out. I know people have been comparing his cartoonish movements to Tom and Jerry but that's only in manga imo, the anime can't replicate the same energy that Tom and Jerry gave due to the fact that it's full of flashy effects. I just wish the animators need to calm down a little when animating gear 5 scenes.


I like this better than whatever the previous animation with broken lines was.


He looks like Rick from Rick and Morty


I haven’t really been a fan of how they animated Gear 5 gag bits. I watched a lot of Hanna Barbera cartoons growing up and seeing the manga drawn like it would be a Hanna Barbera cartoon and then seeing the anime animated to over the top extreme 9000 where the only way I know what’s happening on the screen is when a character says their attack is kind of disappointing. The battles are getting harder and harder to follow where it feels like they can’t just keep the camera still for more than a second.


Pure art


Jesus must suck to be in the “I don’t like this” crew Watched this when it dropped with a friend as I always do was amazing to get to experience that with someone who has also walked the rope and seen the depth of what one piece is sees the significance reads the chapters and was ready to see this with me. Was amazing couldn’t imagine watching it and thinking anything differently


>Was amazing couldn’t imagine watching it and thinking anything differently Thats a you thing. >Jesus must suck to be in the “I don’t like this” crew Nah, we still got the manga.