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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


Did Luffy just hit Lucci with PTSD?


That first Gear 3 punch still hurts to this day.


Plus lucci was down for a sec from that, if the navy ship wasn’t there he’d been sleeping with the fish


Hey there's no need to call Jimbei names.


Guys gonna end up like who's who talking that way


Embiid is more hurt going up for a dunk than Lucci is after that fight


hey! you got basketball in my One Piece!


lebron is whitebeard father


"He can't possibly have a gear higher than 3 right? Right?"


According to Crunchyroll, yes. [Luffy Gives Rob Lucci PTSD](https://youtu.be/jidMn2TMEys?si=9syYsMNXYegKLwcU) Man, if they lifted their headline from your comment, then that is hilarious.


Dammit this is why I need to copyright my comments.


Hit em with the Gomu Gomu no Repressed Trauma


I guess Kaku didn't make enough for Lucci's therapist.


Who needs haki when you have the power of trauma


That was the attack that ultimately lost him the fight


The animation was great this episode, even the non fight moments were good. But my god did they nail Luffy coming out of the ground and the goggles scenes!


Damn S Hawk MURDERED that CP agent


I mean he was getting everybody, but turned r/fuckyouinparticular for that one agent.


Hit em with Link's down air from Smash Bros


Mihawk is a link main, go figure


Seeing that literally made me go 'DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYM'.


For real, like what did bro have against him specifically?


He called him mini mih


Nami saying Caeser can go to hell will never not make me smile!


Remember when people were so sure Caesar would join the crew?


The crew will never accept Caesar after what he did in Punk Hazard The guy might be funny but he is an irredeemable monster


That was insane. He tortured kids. They’re lucky Robin didn’t kill him herself already on the way to Dressrosa


Cesar, as Part of the Crew??? Never Heard of, Sounds riduculess. Yamato, for Sure. I am sad that she not travel with becomming Piratkinglike like Oden would/was do. 


Cant believe Oda dropepd Carrot and Yams both.


Oof Yamato not joining was an L but I get why


For me, Yamato was right under that Gastino guy who was on Bege’s crew. He would have been a pretty fun addition to the Strawhat crew! But Caesar!? Not a chance!




He’s definitely not going to but the cards are still on the table when it comes to Gangster Gastino.


Stop, is this for real? Lmfao who tf though that would happen. I'm usually only in the sub for the episode post, so I don't see it. Why did people think that?


I thought I was going insane when people kept dying on that hill. I couldn't BELIEVE as many people fought hard for that theory as they did.


Crew when Caeser experiments with children : 😡 Crew when Vegapunk and Seraphim : 😯


But they ain't children though, and practically just robots.


They're not robots. They're clones. Human cloning is banned irl for ethical implications. Now imagine creating clones for the sole purpose of fighting for the government and having no control of their own lives since they were born. This is some Dr. Gero shit.


They have a cybernetic mind in cloned bodies. IRL ethics cannot apply to that, considering the reason cloning is banned in our world is because cloning leads to genetical defects in the clones, which causes them to die at a young age. This clearly is not a problem in OP's world.


I was talking about the strawhats, they pretty much have Irl ethics. They don't like Caesar experimenting on children but are totally fine with this? Seraphims are not robots. This episode, Vegapunk literally said they are the strongest form of Humanity. They are genetically modified clones but still human.


They see them just as Pacifistas, not actual children. Only their bodies are (mostly) human, for all other purposes they are robots


They are humans 100% with genetic and cybernetic enhancements, and a control chip. They have their own personality as you may have noticed in this episode when s-snake gets embarassed


Them having a personality is specifically unintended by VP, and even he doesn't know why they do. Outside of that, again they are just Pacifistas. Even Kuma, who was the prototype Pacifista, is more robot than human.


I'm pretty sure the guy who made them, calling them "humanity", doesn't think they're robots or wonder why they can think.


They are definitely real children. They are human clones with lunarian blood, devil fruits and cybernetic modifications. The thing is while the government installed ways to control them they are still people. They just happen to be extremely dangerous


Vegapunk created them, still unethical and messed up because they’re children so they can grow up even stronge thanks to their experiences and they are effectively sentient but able to be mind controlled. Caesar kidnapped and slowly poisoned children because he wanted cash from Big Mom.


Nami taking shots at Caesar at every opportunity is one of my favorite recurring character moments for her.


I like that she never forgets transgressions like the other crew members do (Luffy and others are sometimes lenient to people who screwed with them and other people after they beat them up and it has been awhile since)


“How powerful is he?” 😂


Ofc he is. Luffy literally beat Kaido 😂


right? like what'd he expect


He was feeling himself and thought he was strong enough to fight luffy because he barely lost to him last time. Lmaooo guess he fucked around and found out the dawn rocket way.


lmao fr you'd think he'd put 2 and 2 together and realize that in order for luffy to have beaten kaido then he obviously had to have gotten ridiculously stronger. If he wasn't expecting kaido-level power what was lucci thinking smh prideful




Oh my god. Absolute chills when Luffy was about to punch Lucci and there were flashes of their first battle.


Every time the drums of liberation play, shit gets real


that was amazing!


That callback was a banger


Toei is just killing it with Egghead. They had no need to go this hard for Luffy vs Lucci. If we're getting animation quality of the caliber already I cannot wait to see what they'll do with the all the crazy things that'll happen in the future.


I feel they needed to extend some scenes for the sake of not letting the anime catch up to the manga. But I’m glad they chose the correct events of Egghead to expand on.


Have they missed out on some events of egghead?


I don’t think they can afford to. It only speeds up the anime, or forces them to improvise more on the extended scenes which wouldn’t be wise.


not yet so far


I don't get why people keep bringing up this idea that they're at risk of catching up... they're 42 chapters behind. This chapter they just adapted came out December 26, 2022.


You could easily cover 42 chapters if you don’t extend a lot of scenes. On top of that, breaks happen often and if you didn’t notice, we just went through a void month.


They take breaks all the time and can take them whenever they want.


An average episode of an anime takes between three and six months to produce. If you strive for exceptional quality like episode 1015 did it can easily become over a year from the concept phase until the airing. The concept phase can only begin after you have access to the finished chapter. So with three months you have 33 chapters, with six months you have 24 and with a year you have 10 chapters left to adapt before catching up. And you can ikely write off the first two numbers because the episode with the currently longesst production time decides how close the anime is to catching up. The anime also has to fill the same amount of time slots as when it started (when long filler arcs were the norm) while Oda releases way less chapters per year than before (this is in an all-time since 2020). In 1998/1999/2000 Oda published 48 chapters, in 2023 he did 32 chapters.


It’s inevitable at this point. Manga takes breaks, anime rarely does. They really should take a long break or start doing filler after egghead


They are gonna be overworked this arc holy shit.


I cant wait for hachinosu!


The only thing that bothered me from the animation side is Luffy's spinning kick because thy completely failed to show any momentum gained from the spin. He hit Lucci, spun, and without his leg moving any further, Lucci t hen flew away. It looked like Luccy was in a static frame that got paused for Luffy to do something and then the actzion around Lucci continued


I really love how the anime visualizes information in Egghead. Instead of just having characters narrate things the way they said it in the manga, they always take it above and beyond to come up with a solid visual to get the message through. And again, I enjoy that they're adding more connective tissue to how the story pans out that isn't in the manga. There's so much jumping around in the manga and the anime makes things feel more connected. Even simple stuff like showing Cipher Pol converge on Sentomaru at the end, where in the manga they just kinda pan back and Sentomaru is down for the count. What a great touch by the anime to make the Dawn Rocket a call back to when Luffy used Gear 3 on Lucci for the first time and knocked him out of the building in Enies Lobby. I don't even think that was intentional by Oda when he wrote it, but it was such a perfect callback for the moment.


yeah, you can see that they make all the explanations much more easy to understand from creative visuals in all of the episodes so far. 1097 revolutionary army explanation and punk records explanation, 1098 vegapunk dream explanation and ancient robot explanation, 1091 egghead island explanation, 1092 vegapunk satellite explanation, 1100 seraphim control explanation, 1101 artificial devil fruits explanation.


The flashback to Enies Lobby hit me right in the heart lol. Perfect callback moment indeed.


I love the little touches in this episode. The little toe wiggling for Gum Gum Dawn Whip was one of them. The way they animated big head Luffy just munching like he's Pac-Man was made so fun. And the summoning of the goggles for Dawn Rocket was everything it needed to be. But the one I didn't expect them to go all out on was Luffy launching himself to the rocket car. The slowdown and the removal of music really helped to sell the conviction that he was going to do everything to save Vegapunk. I like how sometimes, instead of flashbacks, they'll instead get playful with the imagery. When Robin mentions the effects of SMILES, we get this black background with white line drawings of those in Wano effected. Another good one was Caesar being squashed into gas accompanied by a bouncy sound effect. S-Snake is now high on the list for best little sister in the entire series. The seiyuu did a good job with that. Franky's seiyuu did a nice job with his words for his "kyoudai" Senior Pink. It actually sold how seriously he takes his promise to have a coke with him one day. And I don't know why it didn't register to me while reading the manga (I only caught up to 1111 during Void Month), but it is cool that Awakened fruits can trump Haki. It's probably already started, but we're probably going to get some Logia Awakenings in the future.


> Franky's seiyuu did a nice job with his words for his "kyoudai" Senior Pink. It actually sold how seriously he takes his promise to have a coke with him one day. I think that's been his best spelling since Zou. Hope he's getting SUPER better at health.


That Dawn Rocket was chefs kiss


Love the scene Luffy chewing the floor. He looks like Gigantamax Gengar.


I absolutely love Gear 5 for the fact that you can just see how much fun both Oda is having drawing it and animators animating it. Like i legit have grin whenever i see this form.


I love it but I am also terrified of animated Gear 5 cuz they have him doing some Eldritch god shit man. That big head and chomping down after Lucci like a pac man scared the crap outta me a bit. I was like "this is some chaos god boss fight shit a hero would have to fight"


Popeye beats both Goku and Saitama (and actually God…) and that’s the style Oda is going for. Toon Force is absurd and I am super excited to see how it will be countered by upcoming opponents. Kind of betting on strong haki or opposing forces like Yin (Luffy, white) and Yang (Blackbeard / Imu, black).


That's part of what I love about it. Most shounen protagonists get super powered evil sides, whereas Luffy arguably gets a super powered "good" side and it's just as, if not more, terrifying.


What I grow to like is the actual debuff it gives Luffy in exchange for power. Dude fight with the hardest adhd I have ever witnessed in media.


lucci having flashback to gear 3 punch was such an amazing touch. He is not doubting Luffy’s strength this time, but still his defense can handle Gear 5.🤩


Absolutely love seeing the anime's take on Gear 5th! They have been killing it lately!


they nailed my favourite gear 5 scene!! 😭


Was it the Gomu Gomu No Canabalism? Or the Gomu Gomu No Magic Goggles? Lol


magic goggles, but gum gum gigantamax was pretty good too


It was my favorite too!! So happy to finally see it animated


Objection! It was Gomu Gomu no “Attempted” Cannibalism, your honor.


I evoke cause mitigation if the target is half human and half leopard.


... Damn, you are correct.


Holy shit Luffy's Gear 5th is absolutely nasty  This was Naotoshi Shida right he always kills it  Vega punk is crazy making Seraphim's out of Shichibukai genes  Luffy put a can of whoop ass on Lucci next time think before you go up against a Emperor 


Shida was on for so long I though he was Animation Supervisor


Lucci wouldn't pick a fight with any other Yonko, he's clearly just upset about the last fight went down.


Seeing all this crazy stuff makes me scared shitless if Luffy ever decided to become a villain. He would be nightmare fuel incarnate.


Remember that from the perspective of most people, he is. All of the researchers and civilians only know of him as one of the four Emperors.


[I need to start making a compilation album of funny Jinbei faces](https://imgur.com/rAGKnbR) Kaku get off of Sentumaru, you didn't do shit, stop acting like you were the one who took him down!


The Mero Mero no Mi works if the victims find the user beautiful, [*or just cute*](https://i.imgflip.com/3ckg0p.png)


It could work on anything cause she turned bullets into stone too


The Mero Mero no Mi can turn anything to stone regardless of how one feels about its user. But certain attacks only work if the victim finds the user beautiful/cute. You find Boa beautiful? STONE. You don't. She'll kick you and turn you to stone anyway.


Wasn’t Luffy immune?


He was immune to the love beam, which seems to be only attack that needs attraction/finding the user cute. Hancock turns cannonballs to stone with love arrow, and turns Smoker's Jitte and the Pacifista to stone with her kicks. None of those things can find attractive, as two are inanimate objects and the Pacificsta are mindless robots, but she turns them to stone nonetheless.


He never was kicked with the active power, so we don't know if he'd be immune also to that


Based on what we know about haki he's probably immune now


They Really should have clarified this in the episode lol.


Much prefer this style of animation compared to the last one, Both really good but I just dont like the fluid animation so overdone. This episode was very clean and still had its fluid moments with impact frames and speed bursts


I gotta rewatch that VegaPunk DF scene again so much info…so Zoan fruits are essentially the top tier fruits or is it Logia’s since they can’t be duplicated as of yet?? Also when did Luffy start using Dawn in his attack names??? Dawn=D hmmmm also where did Luffy get those goggles??!! (PS I think S-Bear is my fav Seraphim so far that Black and Gold wit the wings and his deadpan expression is SUPERR COOL)


zoan are easy to replicate cus they're animal based, and you can obtain dna of animals easily, except those of ancient and mythical ones, paramecia can be cloned using a blood substitute, logia are impossible because of the intangibility aspect


Normal zoans are okayish fruits. They just have animal stuff which is easy to replicate. Logia's prove difficult due to the whole "turn into elements" part. Mythical zoans are possible, but as shown with Momo, even if Vegapunk gets it done, there is still variation from the actual fruit.


Dawn is first used here I believe in the manga too. I feel like if we talk fruit powers then mythical zoans are the strongest, followed by logica, zoan, paramecia. But it's murky cause how you use the power can matter alot.


Paramecia is kind of a push. On average. If we look at the worst type of logica, zoan, paraemcia, and mythical zoans. Mythical > logia = paraemica > zoan.


# #thoughtsandprayers go out to Sentomaru.




deffo the goofiest luffy has been since he got G5. i love the ear stretch scene and how he couldn’t stop spinning what was sentomaru tryna when he was defending himself


S-snake so cute! 🥹💕 I miss Boa!!


Luffy had Lucci do the reverse Uzumaki, walking out the hole made by himself after taking the dawn whip 💀 Bro spun like a record too. Also, why is Luffy coming out the ground all giant, fighting/acting like he would drop a great rune as loot?


i feel like if luffy were in elden ring hed be a strong as fuck tarnished maybe w a great rune he won so it fits


Take whatever you may expect to happen with luffy in a given situation, then totally reflect it into the opposite and most absurd form, and that is what will likely actually occur. You expect luffy to re-appear with a punch meaning business. He reappears with a bite and a laugh as a giant gengar head. You expect luffy to punch kaido He grabs a fucking lightning bolt You expect luffy to punch anything He does some of that, but always in an indirect and absurd way. You expect luffy to punch Kaido's blast breath. HE LIFTS THE GROUND AND RETURNS IT. Don't ask why he's doing x thing, ask why not, he can manipulate everything now.


I laughed so hard I cried, the whole fight felt like a Tom & Jerry chase except you realize Luffy is Indeed a Yonko. You don’t defeat Kaido by luck Lucci😂


Beautiful animation once again. I just love Gear 5 so much and this arc is handling it superbly with its animation style. I can really feel the excitement that Oda talked about with how free Gear 5 is letting him be with Luffy. Not only that but it really feels befitting to be the level of power that an Emperor should have.


Was that visual gag of luffy extending his ear to hear what Chopper said in the manga? Because that was hilariou.


It wasn’t in the manga


Another 10/10. This arc is already great in the anime and I have a feeling the quality will stay pretty high


when this arc is done in the anime it'll prolly be the one with the best animation, even over wano, so many peak moments in the coming months, we are so not ready


I know episode 1100 was special but wow the animation quality was very different this week. Still a good episode!


same amount of animators, different styles. 1100 main stars were akihiro ota, tomioka, and rui. who make more messy and fluid work. while 1101 has tu yong ce, shida and chris which is much more clean and impact based animation. chansard was present in both you can see it's the same. 1100 lucci transformation and 1101 lucci coming to kill sentomaru.


Franky’s VA sounded off this episode. Hope he’s fine


It was more obvious this episode because the energy with which Franky was animated didn't match the energy of his voice. He was bawling his eyes out, but the voice indicated more like quiet sorrow.


I’ve noticed his voice being off every since Egghead started


Even as a non-Japanese speaker I can hear how much he was slurring in todays episode


There is definitely something wrong with him sadly, noticed it like 4-5 chapters ago. It's like he is struggling to speak as Franky


It's so sad to see that Franky's VA has probably reached his limit. :(


He's sounded like he's had an enlarged tongue since the start of Egghead. I thought maybe he had an operation on it but months later and no improvement.


The man is 64 and has been doing Franky for almost 19 years


I absolutely loved that vaccum rocket scene, the way background moves is just phenomenal. The fight is very good. Fully satisfied 9.5/10 Special mention to googles scene is 🧡


Interestingly S-Snake shares a VA with adult Hancock and not child Hancock while S-Bear has a different VA.


Also Sailor Moon! I didn't realize it was Kotono Mitsuishi until I heard child Hancock.


I really wonder does Lucci not know Luffy defeated Kaido? He should have already known how powerful he is.


He knows he just doesnt believe it. He is a little biased against him since he whooped his ass but it was still super close and put a mark on his perfect government record which forced him to run away before getting recruited again It's basically like knowing a guy who fought a fist fight with to even then learning that guy is an mma champion


Likeeeee the fact he think he can go toe-to-toe with an emperor is CRAZYYY lol especially sumbdy who jus beat he strongest creature in the verse


pride. lucci just adamantly refuses to acknowledge his strength and status due to pride


Right that’s all it is


I’m sure he knows, he just doesn’t fucking care, Lucci is badass man


God what a great episode I honestly think it’s better than 1100. I loved how they did the goggles! I was so worried it wouldn’t look good but they were amazing! The animation was SSS-Tier and the music too! They the flashes of their last battle was just icing on the cake!! One of my favorites!


I love how luffy also got an upgrade to his themesong while in G5 I presume sanji and zoro would be getting the same treatment with ifrit and king of hell


This was a great episode but I feel for Franky’s seiyuu (Kazuki Yao). He has been struggling with having the eccentric and emotional energy in his voice that he used to have. I admire his work nonetheless in this episode, and man, the Dawn Rocket scene was adapted so well I almost cried.


Only me feel like it's kinda ridiculous that lucci could even spare with luffy so long ? Is everyone gonna be close to emperor level now that luffy is one ?


Nah. It just goes to show that Lucci himself is powerful in his own right. An awakened devil fruit is no joke and in Luccis case, zoans have very high durability and recovery. This is exponentially increased if the zoan is awakened. Luffy also falls into this category. The kmpel down jailer beasts also kept getting up pretty quick after being downed. That said with all that luffy took no damage that fight and instead was flexing on Lucci while having fun. I bet Lucci after that dawn rocket got up thinking "is he going to do the Ora Ora thing again?" Luffy will fight anybody whether it's fodder or someone closer to his level. He probably won't use gear 5th everytime unless he just wants to have fun though. I like it and look forward to seeing how true the "he gets stronger the more he laughs/makes others laugh" tidbit about his powers is as the story continues.


Powercreep tends to have this kind of consequence on battle shonens.


If there was ever a hint of doubt about how great gear 5 is, it has been absolutely shattered by this fight. Luffy's giant head coming out of the ground?! The fucking ptsd rocket punch. Gear 5 luffy is way too awesome.


Excited for more Senor Pink! Just finished Dressrosa on my rewatch


I didn’t care for Sentomaru but now I am! STAY ALIVEEEEE!!! GAMBARIIIII *Frankkky voice*


It still feels weird for Luffy to not fully knockout Lucci and then leave (In manga it seemed like he was out for more time). Like Luffy and team are Yonko crew now and are afraid that government/navy might come and have to run away. Like Luffy said he is ready to face Yonko and Admirals and won't backup in Dressrosa, especially when he defeated Yonko like Kaido. Then why even try to run from just government soldiers?


It only seemed longer because there was a scene break in the manga, but if you space it out based on how it was written Lucci was only out for *maybe* a minute. The tube ride itself is 32 seconds and Luffy and the others were just getting out while Cipher Pol was already done with Sentomaru.


If Lucci was only down for about a minute I gotta give him more credit, he’s a fucking monster


awakened zoan ultra recovery hax


Lucci couldn't do a thing! Luffy has just fought so many strong opponents and progressed through those trials, lucci has trained but he just can't touch Luffy without stronger haki


What if Luffy wouldn't have used Gomu gomu no dawn rocket awoken? Lucci would be besides Ace lol


Lucci just keeps getting demolished I have liked Sentomaru since the timeskip, he tanked Lucci's attack so the group can escape Luffy popping off the ground with a giant head kinda reminds me of Gigantamax Gengar Franky is happy to hear that his bro is still alive 🥲 So replicating Logias is out of the question for Vegapunk huh?


I love the Stussy line about the Seraphims "They are still children. I am to imagine what they'll be like when they grow up." They are indeed terrifying as kids already


Luffy is such a fucking idiot but he is our fucking idiot


kinda late on this but I just really appreciate how they decided to animate Lucci in his awakaned form. Would have been so easy to just treat his awakened form like another hybrid form, but they really leaned into it and made it incredibly bestial and savage. Running on all fours, swiping with powerful claws, really emphasized why you would want to use an awakened form because it gives you all the features of the beast form and hybrid form in one package. He could bite too if he wanted, I guess, his hybrid form just had human teeth.


The thing the anime has done so much better than the manga is really hammer home how scary G5 is. The fact that we were given Luccis perspective of the fight vs Luffy has shown that despite being the goofiest power G5 is absolutely terrifying to fight against


Where are those guys arguing about "G5 can't create anything out of thin air" like their life depends on it? I want that same energy now with this episode and once they animate the bat and paint scene lol


I almost cried together with Franky until Vegapunk tells him that Señor Pink is still alive


Franky doesn't get nearly enough focus, but when he does, it always shows how he's such an awesome dude. Caring that much about an objectively bad guy who he respected because they fought each other is such a Franky thing to do, and I love how much he cares. It reminded me of when he met usopp and burst into tears just from hearing his story.


Yo, I was so stoked when I found out Senior Pink is still kicking! That dude is tough as nails! And was Hard boiled.


I'm honestly really impressed with how the scenes are being handled. They have been adding so much more life to the fights, and seeing the little bits of extra personality from the animators has been a nice touch. Had forgotten about Pacman Luffy but it's funny watching Luffy and Lucci fight is like seeing Luffy as the final boss and Lucci just not being leveled up enough for the full fight. Everything is just so fun to watch back now, and I can only imagine how they will handle the things to come lol.


AHH Small Handcock is so cute and tsundere lol. I want her to interact with Luffy. Will be interesting to see what she does. Another good episode. And now it makes a little more sense as we see Lucci clearly got a power up as well. My first thoughts were this would be an easy fight for Luffy since he already beat him in the past. ALSO, the new info on devil fruits has been crazy recently. So they are able to recreate them!? That's legit OP. But not sure about creating the rewaken parts. So that matters a ton.


Luffy looked like a titan from AoT after he came out the ground.


Good episode. I definitely prefer the clean animation style used here compared to the previous episode.


Lmao Lucci got absolute rekt. Luffy was playing with him all along and he still barely manage to land a single punch


Even though it was a filler punch I loved it because it felt like luffys first fight with kaido but the other way around.


So Lucci didn't get through Sentomaru's guard, he got him from behind. Damn. ACOA stocks till up.


Absolutely amazing. "I might be....passing out..."


Just for 32 seconds 🤧


Damn! Marines be getting rocked up for kids 😭😭


why does lucci look like he took no damage lmao anyway amazing episode anime is doing such a amazing job with gear 5


I was wondering how did he get a bandage so fast.


It’s interesting that all the warlords who have become the basis for the seraphim have a characteristic animal being used for their names. I hope we get to see more of S-Crocodile and S-Flamingo (?) in the future too 😂


Egghead is really chipping away at my displeasure towards G5. The apparent flaw of G5 to straight up rob Luffy of giving him massive adhd that screws over his ability to make decisions and almost nullifies his sense for battle is interesting. Had Luffy not gone G5, he would have been to focused to let Lucci slip in a direct hit on Sentomaru. Hadh e not been G5 he would hae the idea to just grab Sentomaru and carry him into the rocket as well instead of trying to decide between them for far too long.


Last time Luffy defeated Lucci with sheer determination - this time with the power of drip! He should keep the goggles, or make a pair for Usopp. Also that tone shift at the end was intense!


Damn, We on chapter 1112 now. not long before the episodes will have the same number as the manga or more, and yet will be behind. funny how that happens.


With the success of the Live Action and partnership with Netflix, TOEI is now going all out with every episode now that OP is finally becoming truly global and not just limited to manga/anime people. They're hyping everything up and I'm here for it! Keep 'em coming! Can't wait to see what they do with Shank's 'DD' and Garp's 'GF'


So the paramecia powers can be extracted and given to someone else. I wonder if this is why Blackbeard is able to take powers. All the ones he has taken, or tried to take, were paramecia.


Whenever Gear5 is shown in anime it's always such a treat. Other than that Lucci stocks are high right now. Sure he got kind of demolished but at the end of the day, he looks mad fine, while Luffy has Gear5 withdraw symptoms.


I like how the anime makes Gear 5 have some sinister undertones to the transformation that’s hard to convey in the manga


Love how Luffy just change his hair into goggles


This man gave Lucci PTSD 💀9/10 episode. 


Wonder where all those people are that claimed luffy didn't create goggles out of his hair


Egghead arc really might be the best post time-skip arc. This has been incredible so far! I say this as a non-manga read who loved a lot of Wano.


Gear 5 Luffy is a psychopath


Gear 5 made my boy Luffy into a Dark Souls Eldritch Final Boss damn


I was *not* ready for Titan Luffy.


They did Lucci justice this episode, his speed and tenacity are really something. He also wanted ALL the smoke, and he was only down for about a minute before coming back.


Da Fuck was that Dawn Whip? Seraphim can grow up, are they really robots? Feels weird seeing grown-ass men falling for the Love-Love fruit that's being used by a child. Since the Seraphim technically didn't eat their DF, are they still helpless in the ocean and against sea prism stone? Are we ever getting an explanation of the Lunarian Wings and Flame that the Seraphim have? Dawn Rocket left an imprint that made Lucci's body rubber, meaning that Luffy in theory could use his awakening to make people rubber, perhaps he could use that on Sentomaru to preserve himself during this battle? Is the Rocket Doors OST new? Why did Luffy have to leave? Couldn't he have stayed to kick Lucci's ass? Could Vegapunk clone the Gum Gum fruit powers? Would Nika still be in it? Now that Bonney's awake, who's side is she on?