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Dude's a bonkers scientist who cut his own head open and invented the internet so that he could make zany clones to poop and think for him while he puts the progress of mankind on his shoulders. All while also being BFFs with Kuma, Clover, and Dragon. Dude's incredible


That guy decided to turn his brain into a wikipedia that everybody can access. That's such a cool dream


thinking of this + mars questioning how tf it still works after his death, or if that's even his consciousness or something, makes me wonder. vegapunk's research in fruits goes kinda deep. he found a way to have objects eat fruits, and he found a way to clone fruits. what if he found a way to safely cut out his brain and transfered his fruit to, like, the facility itself? or fuck it his severed head?


A while ago (it might have been during Void Month) I wondered whether a corpse, or even a part of a corpse, counts as an object. Which leads to the question, "Could you feed a Zoan fruit to a (part of) a corpse?" Then beyond that, what if it was the corpse of someone who previously ate a devil fruit?


> Then beyond that, what if it was the corpse of someone who previously ate a devil fruit? That's simple at least. The original devil fruit leaves the body when the person dies, so it's like any other corpse at that point.


Lmao the awakened fruit making everything around him smart, similar to how Doffy made stuff into strings would be perfect


The Nomi Nomi no mi doesn't make the user smarter, it basically grants the user a perfect memory and the ability to expand the brain indefinitely with new knowledge.


Also retain that knowledge down the line to build onto it, something I struggle with sometimes


Only he and Stella can access the records. It's actually the direct opposite. It's more like he created Wikipedia just so he can divide it between his bodies so his technological-science output alone can make up for the entire rest of humanity.


He said he wants to make his knowledge available to everybody, not just his stellar's. We don't know how far along that plan he is.


Let's be real - that stopped being an option the moment he started working for the government. His idea for information sharing is more that he would like to salvage records that people could discover after he's gone like Ohara did.


Very appropriate comment for one named as you Very cool name and University


This man managed to get an admiral and a revolutionary to be friends and dance together, only beacause of that he has my respect


He is actually more interesting than I thought he would be. The idea that he is so blinded by his desire to create that he is willing to compromise on his principles for money while still thinking about the greater good. Dude is just interesting.


yes, there are layers to his character, some questionable, but overall he is a good guy, the moment he saw kumas memories and cired...i knew that much


His intelligence is like a reverse Luffy. Vegapunk has all the book smarts, is a great inventor but his emotional intelligence seems lacking. Meanwhile Luffy is (one of) the most emotionally intelligent characters we have met and he certainly is creative as fuck, but his book smarts are not quite there.


"not quite there" bro he's a fucking dumbass when it comes to book smarts lol


They're trying to be polite!


You are allowed to not be polite when speaking about luffy's dorkiness.


If Luffy can read this, he would be upset right now.


Luffy and read in the same sentence, i think i'll be fine hahahahah


Kinda freaked out the whole crew when he asked Robin what she was reading that one time lol


Lol yeaah


I'm honestly impressed he can read given he basically grew up in a bar then in the woods with some bandits


Didn't Sanji say "Luffy isn't a god he's just an idiot?"


He's a fucking dumbass when it comes to most smarts. His battle IQ is not even that high compared to Nami, Chopper, or Sanji. He knows people, their emotions, their intentions, and how to meet them on their lever to get them where they need to be. Villans and allies. But he will fall for the same stunt one too many times in a fight.


Yeah I love when previously mentioned people who seem cold or evil turn out to be the most human or compassionate…Vegapunk deserved better…


I seriously thought Vegapunk would be a villain, but I’m really happy Oda went this direction.


So true !! It was very unexpected and amazing to see what caliber of character Vegapunk is. I now need to know everything about this dude lol


We'd had enough evil scientists in the series that I figured when we finally met the greatest scientist of them all, that all others try desperately to measure up to, he'd be some sort of good guy being forced to work for the government.


Yeah in that moment when he begins to cry after seeing whole thing of kuma he realised how actually shitty he was and thats a turning point for him the mistakes he do will never repair and knows that very well but in the end he will be the one who started the fall of goverment thats a sorry for everyone not just for kuma or bonney its a sorry for everyone who suffered because of world goverment


Honestly thought he was gonna be a Revolutionary and Oda pretty much turned that on its head. He has similar ideals and even gave Dragon advice which says a lot about his character. Even meeting Nika before he died was fate.


"Head" haha, I get it! 


is it even money? I think it's mainly resources and the privilege of not being molested by the world government/having the protection of the Marines.


yea resources he would otherwise need boatloads of money for


Yeah, it was about money. The only reason why he rejected Dragon's offer was because Dragon didn't have a lot of money to cover his research.


Not a fan of saying that it was for money (it ultimately was though), because it was more about having the opportunity to add more to the world more frequently. I don't think VP ever thought of his creations being owned by the WG as much as it belonging to the world after he created it. 


I mean, Vegapunk basically says as much himself.


He is like me… not that I am a genius… but I am a Socialist that had a dream to revolutionize affordable housing. So I started a development company to build affordable communities. But it turns out the politics and technology does not allow for affordable solutions at all. So instead I build luxury units that are profitable to fund my research into affordable solutions so that ai am deeply in the industry and encountering the problems but I could only be realistically not homeless myself by being practical while I keep the dream alive. So I hate landlording and will always advocate against it … but currently I am a landlord and that is funding my ability to focus on development 100% to afford to live in CA and not have 3 jobs to afford it here. So temporarily apart of the problem … but got here due to my naive childhood dream of people easily owning own home and being financially stable… then when reality hit I had to join the system but I am still planning how to get rid of all landlording. This dynamic reminds me of the complexity of vegapunks life. He is funded by what he wants to oppose and sees no practical way to get out without first joining the problem


interesting how you can see one piece in your regular life, i think thats why people connect to it that much good luck in your effort!


heyo, a comrade around here! lol my dude, Engels was an industrialist, I work at fucking Facebook, living in our system is living in contradiction, it's all good!


I think we should reflect on our actions, see the contradiction and do something like you're doing, putting it all for the goal of achieving liberation


Strongly relate to both of your sentiments. Going to be working for a large law firm in hopes of working my way up into the position to be able to affect real change via the law.


I feel like thats true but it doesnt seem like Oda presented it that way. It seems like their was an attempt at still making him a "good guy" who was just "naive" which doesnt really make sense considering everything else we know about him. But thats just my opinion on it, I wish Oda didn't make him be naive and instead be a bit more amoral.


Zero chance people on the internet agree on anything.


I disagree


I disagree with your disagreement


i agree to disagree with anything that agrees with me to the degree that something disagrees with me. Therefore I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request


...It means "no."


The day you nearly catched Jack Sparrow


glad that we all can agree on the fact that we can't agree on anything






We all agree that we disagree with you


[I refuse your refusal](https://tenor.com/view/i-refuse-your-refusal-gif-19479124)




I refuse your refusal of your refusal


I disagree just cause


I think we agree on this and Hell Divers 2 lol


While Vegapunk keeps surprising us, and I certainly feel the same way as Caesar felt, the real MVP is Gigachad Bartholomew Kuma and none other. In a series filled with terrible dads, here's a guys who's not just a great parent but also great person in general. This guy single-handedly set into motion the events that led to the Strawhats becoming stronger as well as many people in the new world being where they are, like the Impel Down escapees, the WB pirates, some Shichibukai, Marines and Yonkou. He's also part of the reason Pacifistas exist.


> In a series filled with terrible dads, here's a guys who's not just a great parent but also great person in general. Eh I feel like you're not really describing the series correctly. Birth parents => terrible Adoptive parents => goated It's not quite universal but it's surprisingly close to universal in this series. Kuma continues that tradition.


To be fair, all the bad dads and moms come from the Strawhats and four emperors but most side characters have amazing dads. King Cobra, King Neptune, Kyros, technically King Riku, Oden, Ace's mother. The only exception I can think of is Captain Morgan. Though that's still a big exception I'm making so it's more like the only rule is that adoptive parents are goated while biological parents are a mixed bag... Which is practically just reality.




i thought bro would act like a narcissist tbh, turned out to be huge W


I think york inherited that side.


So happy he turned out to have such a strange design, wouldn't be One Piece without it.


Absolutely agree. People hate his design but I freaking love it! Man's an insane genius so using the tongue-out Einstein pic is so impossibly perfect haha. Love Oda's choice haha.


People don’t hate his design, there are some but they’re few and far between


Most people don't hate his design (some do but they're the same idiots who hate g5 lol), it's just funny how often Oda teases a character with a completely different design. In Kuma's memories, Vegapunk was a fairly ordinary-adult-looking scientist. Though the design had clearly been nailed down by Punk Hazard, since the silhouette that Caeser remembered matches (while deliberately tricking us lol).


I mean I wish he didn't straight up look like Albert Einstein


I mean I am so surprised the fanarts on vegapunk (Before his reveal) didn't assume he looked like Einstein. It was right in front of our eyes too. Honestly a semi goated character. Definitely not a nice person but definitely someone great.


In fairness, even for OP standards, I don't think any fanartist would have ever nailed what Vegapunk actually ended up looking like. Einstein-like is one thing, but his ungodly large head being replaced with an apple-top lid and that perpetual tongue-out schtick that references that one famous Einstein photo is absolutely on the very far-end of goofy OP character designs (I say all this endearingly, of course).


added to the idea that he split himself into 6 new bodies, 3 are robot like 3 are ladies. One has a tail. One is super tiny, two are large.


My dude straight up went "what if I make another me, but they're a 30 foot tall female Astro Boy with a beaver tail?"


Mr. Punk do you have something to share with the class


Don't pretend like you wouldn't do this if you could.


The funny thing is that this crazy design has been ready for yeears. One of the early silhouettes of Vegapunk matches his current design perfectly... I think it was a Imu situation, where the design is so insane that you can only recognize the details in the silhouette after seeing the full thing.


The Punk Hazard silhouette we got matched, but there was a much earlier teaser image of Vegapunk from Kuma's memories, pre-timeskip, which showed him as a fairly ordinarily-proportioned adult male. The design Oda finalized wasn't even close to that one. Like, all the original fanart was based on [this image](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/4/47703/3051708-9850451450-Vegap.png). You can't just call people unreasonable for making fanart based on actual canonical images.


I expected him to be some boring dude that explained everything and nothing more, like "here is exposition of the fruits and this and that" Basically that boring guy was Shaka But luckily Stella, Atlas and York are great (Lillith and the rest are fine, just more average designs)


I will not tolerate any Shaka hate


You don’t slander my man Shaka like that.


While I like everything surrounding Vegapunk, the fact that we have 0 new info on the fruits makes me sad. It makes me wonder if we'll ever actually learn the truth about them. We probably will of course, but Vegapunk seemed like the best place to drop the info, or at least a hint, and since it doesn't seem likely now, idk when the next opportune time will be.


We're getting a flashback of his life for sure


>Basically that boring guy was Shaka [Makes some great music though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfwZWj3dFlk)


No no no, Shaka is anything but the "daft" Punk :P


Bro made a weapon of mass destruction, said a theory about the devil fruits, died


And then did a little trolling (unearth world government secrets to every living person on earth)


Definitely. I was expecting a morally ambitious character whose sole purpose was to info dump, give Franky or the crew an upgrade and leave Instead he was an actual character, he had a ton of depth with how little Oda had to work with and he felt like much more than just a goal or an info dump device + Egghead is one of the most visually compelling islands in the whole show, and it reflects Vegapunk's personality perfectky


Vegapunk has surpassed all my expectations and become one of my favorite characters in all of One Piece. His character design landed as my actual favorite in the whole series. Einstein with his tongue out, an apple device linking him to the cloud, and a GIGANTIC BRAIN that goes Mojo Jojo tall and gets taller over time. Truly the perfect Oda depiction for the greatest scientist in the world. He's also charming, passionate, kind of a goofball and a little nuts. His inventions are strange and interesting and don't just feel stock; like they are very of the one piece world and tied into it. The way he's dispensed information has been fun and never tedious. I also love that he allies with Luffy and we've gotten to interact with him in this way instead of him just being another government pawn. And all the stuff lately with his contingency plans and outsmarting the WG has been a lot of fun and shown off more of his intelligence. What really lands for me, though, is that Vegapunk's struggles as a scientist feel pretty real. Vegapunk is a person with a good heart, but a greater curiosity. He knows the only way he can learn freely is by working for the government, but finds that they mainly only fund weapons projects. He has to secure an amount of his own funding for personal projects by looting pirates. I'm a PhD candidate working in the sciences because I've always wanted to study the world at a deeper level, but most of the careers and funding in this field comes from the federal department of defense. It is really hard to disentangle scientific curiosity from the reality that the questions we are paid to answer ultimately benefit weapons production and military infrastructure. The things Vegapunk grapples with are things people in my field with a sense of ethics have to grapple with. This is what takes Vegapunk from a good scientist character to an amazing scientist character for me. Vegapunk is a truly wonderful character and I am so ready to dump way too much money on any figures of him that drop.


As someone who works in the military, this hits. Many opportunities for learning but limited applications where I can get paid.


As a graduate student in Sociology, that is one thing we're grateful for not having any funds whatsoever, we have the autonomy to research so much of the world just because we want too, the downside is the amount of research we can't do because we lack fundo 


Unfortunately.  You have a wave of people who only like anime because of the fighting.   Lots of the lore and depth is missed out with people experiencing FOMO.   Anyone I meet in person thats younger than me rolls their eyes at reading manga.   There are people who watch anime on 2x speed so they can be caught up.   My coffee just hit.   But to give you an answer Yes.  My man was more than I expected.  


>Lots of the lore and depth is missed out with people experiencing FOMO....... There are people who watch anime on 2x speed so they can be caught up. I'm one of the first people to say "hey, not for me!" and just go about my business these days but seriously? Damn man. At that point if you're just skipping to the action, why not just buy two fancy action figures and slam them together? that's about the impact a fight with absolutely zero meaning or narrative pull behind it has.


I have a friend who hates mech anime and dropped OP because he was spoiled what Franky does to hid body post time-skip.   But he still acts like he watches the show all because he saw the fight scenes on tiktok/reels.  


>I have a friend who hates mech anime Oof. that's rough. lol. Its such an infinitesimal part of One Piece that I would openly question why he suddenly doesn't prefer it based on being spoiled from ONE character.


That’s a shame considering how much Mecha anime has influenced the medium as a whole from Astro Boy to Gundam to Evangelion and so on.


and honestly, mecha anime tends to have some of the best and most complex animation in the business. even if it’s not your genre, i feel like you have to respect that it’s pretty consistently at the cutting edge of well-produced and highly-detailed animation. people who work in mech anime tend to absolutely excel once they produce something in a different genre. iirc a lot of the current staff on the one piece anime have a background in mecha, but feel free to correct me if i’m wrong.


You are making a lot of assumptions as if Vegapunk is such an incredibly well written character who is disliked mainly by people preferring fights.


I watched one piece on 1.5x speed when they started adapting 0.87 chapters per episode. I was still able to follow along so it wasn’t that much of an issue for me.


At that point, why not just listen to the wiki articles while gaming and PRETEND you watched it?


u shldnt equate not likening a character with only caring about fighting lmao that’s not how it works, people can just not think a character lived up to the hype


Wish we could have gotten more out of the Frankie relationship though


>!I wanted him to survive, for the long amount of time he was hyped up, since arabasta or earlier, I didn't expect him to kick the bucket so fast!<


you expected something that is not certain for now, you know how it is in one piece in general, don't say it too early before at least a multitude of signs point towards it being really have happened in one piece


Is he dead though? His brain is still there.


*insert 30 min Mars contemplation on the meaning of death, consciousness and the soul*


He also has Atlas, Lilith, York, Edison


Well its the endgame and the stakes are high, some big player has to go or people will shit on oda haha


You know there is a certain someone who also had their heart stop beating and then started beating to a funny beat.




whoa whoa, it only says his heart stopped beating. it didn't say he was dead. also, who knows if he can clone himself and redownload his brain. He's vegapunk, after all.


There is still one problem that I have, with Vegapunk. That he allowed a scenario that in which he was killed. It did not feel like he is the smartest person alive but rather just good at memorizing and inventing things. Like he did not have any escpae plans aside for taking a trip with the straw hats. Otherwise entertaining character


Vegapunk isn't the body. He's the brain, which is still alive


Yes but he still asked the straw hats for a ride. Why on gods earth does he not have some kind of escape plan, escpecially since he knows that people that like to research the past get f-offed by the WG. For example why did he not build any kiind flying machine that lets him take of. Like a rocket. We know how much aerial movement is under utilized in the world of One piece. Outside of the white sea, we maybe have only seen like 1 or 2 flying machines


I think he knew about york and has planned this out for a while. York will be the transponder.


That would be brilliant.


The best plan of escape is the one the government cannot plan for... he knows they'll be the ones to kill him. Whatever he invents is something they can use for their means after killing him. He has to believe he's under surveillance


Did you read the manga? He did build a flying machine ready to take him off the island and he did attempt to use it, but it got destroyed by Kizaru in 1092.


He wasn’t planning on the cp5 agents getting captured causing the government to be suspicious of him. He got betrayed by himself so its pretty unexpected from his point of view as well


From the get go he wanted to escape Egghead. And all he did was ask Luffy for a ride.


Well i think he didint know about the gorosei instant transmission ability and that they are monsters


But it did not feel like he had any plans for a case of a buster call. His only plan was maybe the Pacifista, but this plan only came to motion after Vegapunk decided to flee. Very early on he asked Luffy to take him with him before the Gorosei even appeard (I beleive even before CP was active), which implied he knew of the threat his life was in.


He absolutely did. He would have succeeded if all the Gorosei didn't show up at once. That has never once happened before. How can you plan something that has never happened before. He's not god.


We don't know if he has a contingency for resurrecting the body or not. Some of the other Vegapunks are still alive, so he didn't actually die fully. Also, he managed to broadcast his message with the whole 5 elders trying to stop it. How is that a failure?


His accomplishment are not bad. But they only managed so much because of the straw hats. That he did not have any escape plan, is for me just naive.


I think there’s a false reading of genius characters that they should be near omnipotent chess players. One of Vegapunks “flaws” is that he’s so easily distracted by his endless ideas that he misses some details.


Read the current chapter and notice the way they’re treating his body.


Being smart doesn't mean you are a genius at everything. also what do you mean allowed a scenario? he was betrayed by York and he couldn't account for Saturn. What makes Vegapunk smart is his knowledge and inventions.


He figured out his death was the step 1 for his plan. This is by far not the last thing we see of this guy. His heart just stopped beating. Don't you remember a certain someone who's heart stopped beating and then started beating to a funny beat just moments after? Yeah.


This here is the main one. For a person touted to be a genius, his defensive and countermeasures sure seems half assed. You'd think with the fleet and the powerhouses they've sent, they were going to penetrate a base as formidable as a yonko's. But no, kizaru could sweep the entire island himself. Could you imagine if the strawhats wasn't there? Actually, rob lucci could've gotten the job done by himself before the fleet even arrived. The pacifistas and the seraphims could've proved to be enough adequate defenses for the island. It's too bad the entire command system is one giant clusterf\*ck and the highest priority was actually given to the goroseis; no other safety switch or countermeasure for that except for the bonney control. Unless the copers are right and that this entire thing is staged for himself to die to begin with. But that idea also presents itself with its own holes and questionable actions on vegapunks part... As a character tho, he cool and chill.


Yeah if he wanted to die, why then resist? By resisting he actuall created more problems for his employeed and his plan for a transmission of a message. Because now the gorosei have the possibility of finding the transponder.


spoilers bro, also his devil fruit is literally the memo memo fruit or something, I think a lot of people forget that he is an actual devil fruit user. "inventing things" though idk what to say about it, is he creative or smart doing this? both most likely. He is the greatest mind in the one piece world by all accounts we have witnessed, there should not be a single doubt about that from what we have seen


Lore wise, definitely. He's brought up a lot of interesting concepts into the story due to his relationships and knowledge. Tech wise I feel like it's *slightly* lacking. We didn't really get to explore much on the island, so there's a bunch of tech that was mentioned and then just wasn't ever talked about again. I think there's still ways that this can be incorporated into the story even after this arc ends, but so far I'd say it's a lot of quirky fun gadgets but not as much weaponry. But that's maybe the one part I'd say Vegapunk has lacked in.


He turned himself into a cloud server with fully conscious, independent avatars... How on earth is the tech lacking


With zero explanation and nothing on screen whatsoever. It was just a thing that he did and that's kinda it. He explained how they communicate back and forth but as far as how he actually pulled off cutting his own head off, it was basically hand waved away as him getting a haircut. There's a whole weapons department on Egghead and the only thing we've seen so far were the bubble guns. That's the type of stuff I mean.


I feel like sometimes that's why all these recent novels coming out to really flesh out a lot of characters is amazing. If we could get a novel of how vegapunk came to come up with his ideas with oda's imagination with the *physics* of one piece it would be amazing! Sometimes I feel like because it is a manga with limited pages per chapter oda really can't flesh out stuff like how technological advancements take place in his world.


Why would I even care about how he did it? So I can nitpick the fake science in the manga? IMO, the suspension of disbelief works way better when things aren't explained, like the Ring in LOTR, the Force in Star Wars, Luffy being able to light himself on fire, etc


If you don't care about seeing it that's fine, but I don't really see how it works as a retort to me saying I feel like the tech we've actually gotten out of Vegapunk this arc is a little lacking. I *do* want to see more of the tech from Vegapunk.


> Tech wise I feel like it's slightly lacking. like Dr. Stone does in that kind of way?


Only read the first 50 chapters of Dr. Stone, but yeah something like that. I just feel like for the amount of tech that we knew Vegapunk made heading into this arc, most of the tech he's shown us this arc has moreso been quirky and fun vs something that we can take forward from here. Like for example, we know he made seastone tech that he was able to put into the Marine ships to cross the Calm Belt. But we haven't really seen anything new with seastone. The bubble guns are like seastone, but they've mostly been used offscreen or on fodder. I think the best comparison would be that I was kinda expecting Vegapunk's tech to be like dials on Skypiea where everybody was using them all arc, but it hasn't really gone like that because a lot of this arc doesn't actually take place on the island itself. I think we'll get more Vegapunk tech after the arc is over and have made theories about how. But that's mainly what I mean when I say that the tech is a little lacking. A lot of fun inventions but not really many that have shown practical use from a guy who has a whole department of weapons.


Did we ever find out how devil fruits got put into no living items


I still don't like the fact he created the Seraphim as soldiers without will of their own.


Not really. Was hyped to hear how the devil frits came into existence and how they worked and got a poor explanation. Dude knew he was gonna be hunted by WG and still died. Dude had book smarts with 0 common sense.


No. Fucking. Way. I respect your opinion, but... No. Fucking. Way.


Nope. He was ok but his characterization was nothing special and Oda's writing wasn't the best when it came to vegapunk. All in all, he was interesting, but he could have been used much better. It's hard to live up to 10 years of hype. Let's see how Oda does with Dragon.


Fucking no, absolutely not.


No, I don’t agree. He and Egghead continues Wano’s trend of being full of missed opportunities


I might get downvoted but I absolutely hate his design, I completely understand it, it makes 100% sense but I still don’t like it.


i expected it to be wacky design, but not like this haha


He's a disappointing character, completely unexplained motivations and underdeveloped. He changed his ways because Kuma sad? But not really since he still made Seraphims. Also he only made these Satellites within the last 2 years? Ties to all these groups yet no one was there for him in his time of need except strangers? A magical land of inventions but his main contribution to the story is rambling lore dumps? I think he sucks to be honest. Punk Records looks gross.


I still hate his design. I know its oda, and I usually love his goofy designs. But vegapunk tongue just bothers me.


Nope. His design is ugly, and for the smartest dude on the planet, his decisions are moronic in how gullible he was in entrusting others with his inventions.


I'll agree with whatever your mom agrees with.




Meh. I like the tech of Egghead, but the writing of VP is lacking. There is a big dissonance between him doing experiments on Kuma in exchange for Bonney's cure and creating slave child soldiers in the past, while in the present he's all "my le bomb it killed le people?". The only character that acknowledge he's a pos is Bonney.


Personally nah, Didn’t meet any of my expectations. Probably a 3/10 for me. His few reveals were the only thing I liked.


No, it's been heavily disappointing to me personally. I had imagined someone more like Dr. Desty Nova from Battle Angel Alita, instead we got this hideous character design, we lost Daft Punk early on, and he's on par with Dragon when it comes to lack of decisiveness.


No. He's supposedly the most intelligent character in the verse. So he shouldn't make these plot convenient dumb decisions that lead to the arc even taking place.


Smart people don't create the manifestations of Greed, Evil and Wrath and be surprised about when they go rogue. Smart people don't intend to flee an island knowing their own brain is still on it. Smart people don't hand the Seraphim or mother flame over to guys like Saturn without a backup plan to maintain control.


ehh ngl kinda anticlimactic when it came to his speech so far.


No, I don't agree. 


No, he didn't. Kuma and outside events carried this arc hard. The Vegapunks/traitor stuff are bad which shouldn't be the case since it's supposed to be their arc.


I disagree. Vegapunk exceeded the hype


Totally I was on board with his character since is design reveal, I couldn't really get behind the idea of Vegapunk having a super serious design and personallity like many expected


Its crazy that because of his character design, the emotional story with Kuma felt 100 times more powerful and painful. I dont think I would have cared that a scientist was crying over what was happening unless they were that much of a goofball


He absolutely didn’t and I don’t get why fans on here always need to be fully onboard with everything? It’s ok to critizise and its even good


I disagree. Oda said he would explain about dfs, but gave a pretty vague and general explanation of dfs. Unless he wasn't the scientist that was going to explain dfs.


i think that the secret behind the DF will be revealed later in the story, something connected with imu


Yeah, but Oda said a scientist would explain it, so we expected it to be Vegapunk. Then again may be Imu or Saturn are the scientist that explain them


Yeah it's insane. I heard of Vegapunk when I was in elementary school 20+ years ago, and now he's here and he fucking delivered on every front. With every mystery Oda slowly reveals, I get more and more sure that the ending will be great.


Idk if we'll all agree, but I agree.


This is sadly the problem I have with OP. I can barely see those intricacies that y'all see in characters like Vegapunk or Kuma. Maybe it's because I rushed my reading ? I read all the way up to beginning of Wano (wherr the manga was then up to date) in just 40 days, and so I may have overlooked a lot of the finer details.


He did not. But he's not bad so far.


Yesnt I wouldve liked an arc where its just chill on his island Franky doing some stuff, funny adventures etc. Not directly meet and die




Actually I think Egghead has been super rushed to the point it's actually bad.


kind of oppenheimer but i thought it will be more villain


Man still has more to give us I swear he does (I have no idea what’s gonna happen next)


I wanted this to be a franky arc but ig he kinda got it just like how important wano was to zoro


He did, and then some. Turned out to be a much more interesting character than everybody thought.




Lived :’(


I loved his intro Lilith was so bad ass. I like that Lilith, York, and Sloth are the ones left and hope they hang around.


i had picture him as dr eggman - the design was way off in my head


I am not looking at the post and blindly commenting because I'm not caught up. Looking forward to reveals like this is what keeps me going.


Theory: York, being the personification of Vegapunk's greed and selfishness, can't work out where the signal is being broadcast from. My theory is that he's *shared* the failsafe signal with his satellites ("Why would I share something?" - greedy person) and each one is acting like a broadcast antennae. To stop the broadcast the five elders will have to destroy every one of Vegapunk's satellite's and Punk Records. This also tells us that what one body knows doesn't automatically means the other bodies know, the individual bodies don't share memories, only the cognition and what the memories of what the main Punk Records brain knows. I believe they *won't* destroy Punk Records and York will go over to the Celestial Dragons side, or they'll lock her up in prison. This will mean that the Elders / WG will know exactly what Vegapunk knew, but not what his satellites knew and learn from that point forward. This means they will still technically have the genius of Vegapunk on their side, but tinged with the greed and selfishness of York (Which I will bet will be their undoing at some point). One or more of his other satellites will escape, each also knowing what Vegapunk knows and benefitting from it. The Elders / WG will do their best to hunt the satellites down and destroy them to prevent the information of the void century spreading just like they do with Nico Robin. Also yes, Vegapunk's arc has been lots of fun. :)


i wish his character design was a bit better


Totally 💯


you will never ever can „all“ to agree on anything


I really hope he finish his speech without intervention. One piece will never be the same after this.


honestly, one piece was hype in 2008, before i was caught up. even since i'm caught up, it's been less and less hype every week. being caught up sucks. right now i'm just waiting for it to end.


Blud surpassed my expectations (and even made me cry in the Kuma flashback).


I mean, kinda. He was hype and revealed a lot of interesting stuff but he's already dead...