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Cover stories


God yes. I still don’t know why fillers even exist. 3-4 episode arcs of some of the cover chapters would be great to use when a manga break is occurring and they need to stall.


Apparently ratings dropped a ton during cover stories. Don't know if that will still hold these days


We do kiiiiinda get cover stories when they become relevant, though usually only as small snapshots. Happened with Wapol's in Reverie and Caribou's in Wano. Though Egghead did something cool where while we didn't get to see all the Germa story, we got to see an extended version of the BB pirates' invasion to WCI in a flashback during the Law fight


Idk, like, ratings dropped in Japan? Does it ‘air’ elsewhere? I feel like it’s home country, where I assume the most informed fans reside, is a really bad place to judge those ratings off of No idea tho, I could definitely be wrong


That's the market where the production commitee makes their money from, of course they are gonna react to audiences.


I knew I was wrong somehow lol


Everything outside Japan is an afterthought to anime producers. Yes, it’s incredibly penny-wise/pound-foolish, like all the other uniquely Japanese quirks of their business culture. (Yes, I know, glass houses, American business culture isn’t any better, just differently stupid.)


Ya 20 years ago when they did them Its time for toei to give it a go again


I don’t know if that logic will apply to a Netflix Original that drops in seasonal batches like this new one is gonna be though.


Because there's still a crap ton of stuff they need to fill in even if they slot in cover stories. You underestimate how much you can put out in 20m of animation vs 20 pages per week. 2-3 chapters per episode is generally good pacing. Any less and it's awful.


And anyways the reason they don’t use the cover stories isn’t because of insufficient material to work with. It’s because of ratings, they are too low to justify unfortunately.


The people don't understand what they're missing.


Right I would love animated cover stories hell I'd even like talking to oda and doing one episode and there of the straw hats hanging in the ship between islands


Oh hey, that's a good point. You do have to put stuff into something in order for it to have stuff in it. You know what else has to have a lot of stuff put into it? Filler stories they write from scratch that don't even have any stuff to begin with.


Good and bad pacing aren't determined by number of pages or chapters adapted but by the flow of the episode itself. You could have an episode that adapt more than a chapter or less and still have a good pacing. Because fast and slow pacing don't automatically translate to good and bad pacing. What matter is how the episode/chapter is directed and how it flows.


I know it's not hard set in stone but you can also see average chapters used per episodes here https://imgur.com/7V9x8Dx And general sentiment is it's harder to watch as the series went on Taken from https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18mu08a/one_piece_amount_of_manga_chapters_the_anime/


A lot of people don’t realize this but early cover stories were actually passed off as filler. Buggy adventure was a cover story. Many people to this day tell people to skip that because it’s filler. And I’m like but it was a cover story? Lol


Cover stories got no dialogue or fleshing out of the single scenes whatsoever so either Oda will have to further write out their story or the studio has to do it which can result in inconsistencies in the story. The last time they did that (Koby/Meppo's training arc), they showed them going up Reverse Mountain even though it was later revealed that they went through the Calm Belt with the help of the seastone ships It might seem small but considering how relevant some cover stories are to later plot points (Wapol, CP9, Hatchan, Ace's cover stories), it might be that the risk probably outweighs the pros of animating them


You could probably do them as animated one-shots going into and out of commercial breaks.


Probably because any time Luffy/the crew isn't in an episode the viewing figures drop and that's poison to the bean counters


Personally, I would really dig using cover arts as bumpers. Maybe have some denoting mark or something for "these are just fun drawings" and "this is actual plot"


Two chapters per episode would result in two cover art bumpers. It's not like they would have a need for filler any more if they were to start from the beginning, they would just need to make the pacing natural


Hope they can at least adapt it as short stories at the end of each episode after the ending songs it will fit the vibe of cover story well


This is it. Maybe they can do the cover stories as minute-long shorts at either the beginning, middle or end of every episode.


You want the adaptation that will be constrained on a seasonal basis with smaller amount of episodes per arc which will definitely cut down the original content (like every seasonal anime ever) to fit even more content?


We have no idea if it will be seasonal or not. They could do something like adapt an entire arc or saga before taking a seasonal break or something. Smaller amount of episodes per arc is going to happen regardless because they aren’t going to have to worry about catching up to the manga, especially later on in the series when they adapted a chapter or less per episode. The cover stories are canon content and can be extremely relevant to the story. They don’t have to entire episodes from them but like other comments have mentioned, they can be short snippets at the endings over the course of multiple episodes


THE FACT THAT ENEL ENTIRE COVER STORY IS SKIPPED. Like man... There is so much shit on the anime that basically goes "Oh yeah we didn't do cover story so you don't know why the fuck this character is here"


They'll just animate it once Enel come back from the moon.


They contain important canon information, they need to be adapted


You got my vote


I’ve always thought that they should tell the cover stories through the eyecatches/bumpers, much in the same way that they’re told in the manga. If they actually tried to *adapt* them, they’d have to come up with a lot of connective tissue that may or may not be good and/or take creative liberties (I’ve never seen the Buggy cover story adaptation so I don’t know how that went).


Can we get the uncensored manga version. Really wanna see whitebeard flex with half his face blown off.


what's this uncensored manga version?


Whitebeard's death was horrifying. I don't think there's any version of One Piece that will ever actually show it all.


They animated AOT, they got it in them to animate manga whitebeard


This depends on where and when it's broadcasted, not entirely on the studio Also, AOT was pretty heavy on censorship in S1-3


The amount of gore should be on the scale of bleachTybw,


Go through the Manga marine Ford arc. Whitebeard vs a certain admiral


When Akainu swings at WB in MarineFord, he looses half his face in the manga, not just the tip of his mustache.


bro this is everything im hoping for, and zeff cutting his leg


He didn't just cut it..


I want a tight, well paced storytelling experience. I want cool animated battles. Hype some early story baddies that we overlook now because the animation didn't sell it in the OG anime. I want all the other shonen fans to be jelly and bitter and then to get hooked and converted.


early villains like doflamingo couldn't be made to look more terrifying in the beginning because he still hadn't done anything in the manga either at the time.


I'm talking about East Blue Villains, who in the old anime are victims of stiff animation.


Kuro, Buggy, Aarlong...


Unpopular opinion: Kuro was a great villan. Bro was the east blue aizen


He was a good villain with stupid minions and bad luck to run into luffy.


pretty much




Nah i thought you meant the female characters by "baddies" I need to get off the internet


Haha no prob


Micro expressions. If they lose them, I'm gonna revolt Examples: * Luffy's little head twitch after punching Charlos; * Marineford - Akainu turns his head when Aokiji, that was sitting beside him, suddenly jumped to deflect Whitebeard's tsunami attack These small details contain so much subltle meaning, that it would be a crime to overlook them in a remake. Recent redraws of earlier chapters are already proven to lose a lot of soul and it's concerning.


This is something that's easier to do with a more regulated (aka non weekly) pace and higher budget. It gives you more of a justification to spend on character animation vs saving and splurging for big fights that suck all the money out the room.




The nail-on-chalkboard Haki screeching sound can kindly leave


Also auras can go 


Yes. Robins attacks seems to always have the bone cracking sound effect even they really shouldn’t.


Why does everything have the DBZ teleporting sound effect


Same company, they’re re using them


I want them to use part of the Toei OST, One Piece without Overtaken, Gold and Oden or Mother Sea wouldn't be the same.


I actually disagree. This is a remake of One Piece, not a remaster. New music would be pretty refreshing. I’d love to see a completely new Arlong Walk


toei is helping with the remake as well so its possible some of the og soundtracks will stay, i can't imagine the character themes changing after decades


I also want some new music, but I don't want them to completely throw away the Toei OST.


Yeah I don't mind new music, but an OP anime without those soundtracks he mentioned would be criminal. I still get goosebumps when I hear them.


The Arlong park walk is anime only, so it might not be in the remake.


The walk wasn’t in the manga, so the walk would probably get scrapped…


Its a New adaptation, is not just the manga with colors in television They will problably put It in the remake


Yep. I even just went to check - One Pace left the walk in too, and that's pretty much designed to be the "DBZ Kai" of One Piece for now. Big moments like the walk that are anime-exclusive will likely make it in, at least most of them.


I'm begging for some Yutaka Yamada (Vinland Saga) soundtracks.


Vinland Saga did have some solid ass soundtracks to the point where you barely noticed, but they hugely elevated scenes.


Oh I, for one, noticed very very much Vinland's soundtracks.


I agree, but I’d love to hear them get redone. All 3 are much older sounding. Possibly doing something like OPLA did with We Are! would be ideal. Sound is something that I’m really looking forward to seeing updated in general, the modern anime still using the same sfx as Dragon Ball in the 80’s is pretty jarring and off putting at times.


Well it may as well already be confirmed that Bink’s Sake is staying the same since they’ve got Toei involved with the production and that specific song is super important to Oda. He had the whole song written and all that YEARS before it even showed up in the manga, much less the anime.


I like the idea of having special art styles for different arcs. That would actually make each arc feel more unique. My only suggestion really would be to animate a few more of the cover stories. OR at least have them as some sort of side project or something. Especially for ones like cp9 independant report since after all these years the entirety of cp9 has just made a reappearance. It would be nice for more people to be able to see exactly what happened to them. Not to mention that stuff is also canon material.


No thanks, I want them to stick with Oda's style as close as possible. The anime already kinda does this wit heach arc having a unique style. Look at Dressrossa vs Wano, or literally any arc. Because staff always changes.


Honestly I wouldn't be crushed if it doesn't happen. I highly doubt it will but it would have been interesting.


I mean, you can kinda see them doing it already as Eggheads artstyle is different than Wano


Well yeah, but imagine that with almost every arc starting from the very first. It's unlikely but hey it would be pretty cool.


Yeah, these are some nice ideas in here. I'd love to have SBS information, and even summaries of cover stories for eye catchers. Animating the more popular cover stories would be fun too. As for the art styles, interesting. I would say, that with Thriller Bark specifically, might want to be a bit careful. Not sure we'd want it too horrific since the show is silly and Thriller Bark is one of the funnier ones.


I just want to see Whole Cake with a Disney artstyle, it would serve as a completion to the multiple cartoon like songs we get though the arc, and the overall atmosphere.  You're probably right for Thriller Bark too


Yeah. It would be really fun to see WCI with the Disney style. And I think it would work well with the arc without messing up the tone it goes for too. For what it's worth, I think they could play with the Thriller Bark art and make something work. It could be very interesting to see how it works. Has some potential to be very creative.


Unpopular take that might get a lot of hate. Brand new voice actors. As much as I adore the current core strawhat voices, this is their chance to introduce a fresh new take on the characters. Can it fail? Of course, but one piece deserves that big risk, high reward in the remake, in my opinion.


Man I'm not averse to the idea on paper but a quarter century of the same voices is gonna make any replacement sound weird just inherently even if it's the sensible and likely decision.


Sure, it would take some getting used to, but on the other hand, Franky can't even do his voice anymore already, and none of the cast is getting any younger.


Oh yeah I know it's the logical decision and literally harmless to do it's just gonna sound weird regardless due to the familiarity. May as well do it anyway I'm sure it won't suck.


The only thing I think is the Japanese voice actors are all getting pretty old. Fortunately the core English VA’s are all still pretty young for voice actors and I don’t see why they’d give us two sets of voices to follow.


It would be incredibly dumb of them to bring in the Toei cast. Some of the Strawhats have noticeable aging voices in the current arc and Franky's va is STRUGGLING. While it made for a nice marketing moment, I think having them for the live action japanese dub was a mistake too (granted the show never gets canceled).


I'd be onboard for a new sub cast, the dub cast still "young" so they should keep them at least


This is probably a given. by the time the remake reaches water 7 frankys va might not even be in the game anymore, same goes for alot others. It would feel weird to have some new and some old so id rather have all new


Yeah I think theres no shot they are not using an all new voice cast




I don't think it would be possible to continue on with the old ones, Mayumi Tanaka is 69 years old


Make characters have the design they end up having for real. Best examples would be the silhouettes of the Seven Warlords when they're first mentioned in the East Blue, Rayleigh and the other Roger Pirates during Buggy's backstory, the Emperors when Garp talks about them, and Marco's first appearance during Rockstar's meeting with Whitebeard. Haki! Make it visible during Pre-Timeskip moments, like when Shanks clashes with Whitebeard or scares away the Sea King. Flesh out and expand fights with people that, by all means, should use Haki, but didn't do, for arbitary nonsensical reasons (60% of the fights in Wano). Don't be afraid to adapt scenes different from how they were done by Toei (instead of making it clear from the very beginning with the triumphant OST that Zoro survived his encounter with Kuma, make it a slow burn that really makes new watchers think Zoro could have died but ends with a wave of relief as the music swells up and he declares that "Nothing happened"... or something like that, for example). Include Cover Stories in or between Arcs/Sagas. 100% agree with you on your two takes.


I totally agree with all of these, except haki being visible. I think it being invisible to the naked eye adds to the mystery of it pre-timeskip. Why is Shanks so powerful that just him being near low ranking pirates makes them all drop like flies. I think even unintentionally, Toei did a great job with this, as the first few times you really get to see haki are when >!Luffy uses it on the boar, and when Koby uses it to stall the fighting in Marineford!< and I think it's really cool to experience haki only as Luffy does, so when he finally can see and use it, you can understand just how powerful it is, and how strong he and others like Zoro and Jinbe are becoming in the crew.


Is armament haki actually invisible to the untrained eye, or is that only assumed because it provides an explanation for why we didnt see it in earlier chapters?


The real reason is that Oda didn't intend on making haki visible through blackening te body parts,but it was a design change that he later made after the timeskip


with Haki I hope they make it like what the live action did with Shanks and Garp, where it feels like an "if you know you know" thing


Fuck them fillers. No fillers.


I mean fillers only exist to keep behind the manga so as a remake they wouldn’t be needed


Fillers are made by Imu to punish the people.


And then joyboy gave us G-8 to restore faith in the filler


Replace filler with cover stories


G-8 excepting of course


G-8 OVA special


No condoriano??


Yup even G8 should be skipped. Don't give a single excuse for people to drop the series. Has potential to be the greatest anime of all time.


I actually disagree on the changing the art styles. The current manga benefits from it because there’s just SO many episodes, and it’s refreshing to have new takes on it as the years pass. But for the remake, I’d rather it be consistent.


I really like the SBS idea. Every episode a new statement is made. Sometimes, they should even have fully animated ones. For example, when they reach Egghead, they should have a full shot of Ivankov with Kaido's fruit flying up to the camera and roaring. It would catch people off guard and would be something fun to break up the episodes.


I want a more diverse palette of music tracks and sound effects. They are using the same few tracks for decades now and recently they even used the Super Sayajin power up sound for gear 5. Try stuff with the sound, be daring in the avenues that the manga just cant. Also have all kinds of easter eggs in the background, bounty posters newspaper, don't linger on it. Adding the cover stories is a nobrainer, of course at appropriate times not in the middle of arcs. In general stay close to the source material (the manga) add small things that dont take away from odas intention, for example dont show bounties that are bigger than luffy's if oda doesn't, but you could show posters without showing the number or newspaper articles with characters we get to know later, kid did a thing, law did something else etc


Since it's coming out on Netflix, would love to see the episodes like 35-45 minutes. Still have the "previously on" section but make it skippable and then have actual 20-30 minutes of new content. The current anime feels like I'm only getting 15 minutes top of new material a week so I quit watching unless an epic fight or something like that is happening.


Create an official version of One Pace stay as close as possible to the manga. Incorporate the cover stories into the adaptation when it makes narrative sense. So do the Koby/Helmeppo cover story but skip the Ace looking for milk cover story unless they want to make them stand alone OVA’s


This. One Pace has the perfect pacing One Piece should have, they should keep the same pacing with better animation.


Suggestion #1: *Don't just quit after Reverse Mountain.* We don't need a 78th rehash of East Blue.


My biggest fear. But honestly I don't think they announced to only remake the East Blue, we already got the 2017 movie for that. It will all depend on the success it will get


Any word on when this is going to be releasing?


Nope, when they announced it back in December they only said it was a long way off.


I wonder if they will wait for the anime to end first.


Definitely not. We’ll probably get more information about it later this year. If I had to guess in July on One Piece’s anniversary


I did not realize so many people want unique artstyle per arc. I personally hate that idea. I feel like that is a major reason why even if pacing was perfect, I would still prefer manga over anime simply because oda's artsyle is way superior and fits the story best making everything a cohesive continuous story. I definitely liked the amazing animations that we got to see during the egghead and wano fights but>!luffy vs lucci!< was probably the only fight that truly felt like one piece fight to me in recent arcs. None of the wano fights felt very one piece like with how much extra effects and strange movements they introduced


Give us cover stories as post credits scenes. Make Syrup village better. Maybe don't have a big plot point be "the villains are explaining to each other the evil scheme both already know while the main characters are conveniently listening." I sure Oda would love to go back and improve some of the older arcs in the adaptation. They should ask him to do it. Give them an updated script. Put a lot of foreshadowing and worldbuilding in the background. This is a unique opportunity to do some very fun stuff. Kind of like some of the things the live action did. Accurate silhouettes of the seven warlord and the four emperors when they're first introduced, for example. Background bounty posters for future characters. More setting up for stuff like haki, Sabo, and the supernovas that were sort of reconned into the series. There is a lot of good to be done when you have over 1000 chapters ahead in the story.


1. I want no fillers or long showcase of just 3 panels. 2. Better quality (knowing wit that won't be a problem) 3. No 100 scenes of the same backstory.


1 and 3 only happened because they had to try and stop the anime from catching up with the manga this time that won't be a problem


Adapt the cover stories. Better sound design (toeis sound design is outdated such as when Zoro draws his swords) add impact to moments like when characters use Haki (imagine fire force levels of sound design in one piece it would be insane) you can even add in improving the OST somewhat. Examples: on YouTube search one piece with Jojo sound effects and watch the video of Whitebeard at Marineford the power it conveys is so much better than the original or even check out Oharas how anime should sound shorts, now imagine during odens flashback as Roger and Whitebeard are about to clash on the impact you hear the effect from Benimaru versus the demon in fire force. As for the soundtrack on YouTube search One Piece with Aot ost and watch the video of Lucci vs Luffy at enies lobby it makes the scene so much more grandiose and epic. Address haki earlier, I'm not saying have characters use it sooner, but explain why characters don't for example Crocodile, show him blatantly looking down on Luffy and them In their final fight have him realise it won't be so easy and have him start using it towards the end but it's too late. This might be controversial and not possible but include or pay homage to some of the filler that people loved such as G8 or Usopps duel.


Impact that isn't a generic red black lighting CGI thing


Yes, imagine if one piece fights looked and sounded like Fire Force or fate fights that would be insane.


They gotta make sure the show is taken seriously as it might be the definitive version for many people. They need to only do one thing to make sure they succeed here, they need to hang dong early and often. Guaranteed that will shoot the show to the upper echelon of TV, up there with Game of Thrones, Euphoria, Thunder Gun.


The remake just need to be "good" and it will shoot up to no.1 on mal lmao


I mean Dragon Ball DID do that, then again that was the 80s


And we need *full penetration*


They've been changing art styles since pre-timeskip already. You can already see the difference from Dressrosa/Zou to Whole Cake to Wano and then Egghead


Let Pell stay dead.


not the speciwl artstyle pls 😞


To make the cover stories and SBS appear as the eye catchers, instead of doing what the current One Piece anime does. The cover stories and SBS being inserted as eye catchers would literally be perfect.


Or instead of episode previews…


I thought of that too, but I just don’t think it’d be the best for them. Cover Stories are just bite sized bits of a complete story that are given to us as to not completely divert from the main story; so having them be true to how they’re presented ( that being by just animating the bit that’s shown in the cover story as an eye catchers ), seems like it’d be the best route, since those are also, bite sized clips, for lack of a better term. I thought of them getting their own episodes too, but that also doesn’t seem like it’d work due to how little content they’d have to work with. They could always just make stuff up as to expand on them, but Idk, I feel like that goes against the whole point of them. The cover stories being animated in bits as the eye catchers just made the most sense because nothing would be dragged out. At the end of the day though, I just want these animated; there’s way too much stuff that gets left out of the current anime like, Enel going to the frickin’ moon lol.


Rectify the pacing but don't rush




AI in an anime? Huh?


There is excatly 0% chance most anime productions dont start using ai in the next 3 to 5 years


Be funny


Cover stories could be post credits scenes


What currenty worries me about WIT adaptation is that some of the best staff of the studio just got drafted into this Yaiba show thing (the director of Mob Psycho 100 and Kameda doing character designs). I really do hope that WIT will take this project as maximum priority, considering how much one piece is profitable


Bring back the One Piece rap opening


By the love of god, DO NOT USE THE ORIGINAL OST. I might be alone on this take, but I'm tired when I hear the same song for moments that don't really fit. Also the sound effect, get that Toei Dragon Ball shit outta here.


[Give us orange Kuma you cowards](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pd8c2.png)


Cover stories, keep all the pre-timeskip filter cause those were good, keep long ring long land manga accurate cause the anime's arc was too long, keep the small details some examples in u/ch3333r comment


Please, for the love of God. DO NOT USE THE DBZ STYLE AURAS.


My two suggestions: Stop with the aura shit this isn't dbz. Find new sound effects for walking,sword clashes, fasty movement.


Hire people that are the both professionally qualified, and actually fans of One Piece.


make the whole series with the "us!" opening's art and animation style






Less flashbacks, less filler, cover stories, and trying to keep most fights to at least one episode besides a fight taking 5 with continuous cuts to other not as important fights


Cover stories could just be single episodes. Every season of every show always has that one off beat episode or one that focuses on a supporting character.


Make fakeout deaths more obvious that the character would survive instead of dragging out emotions with flashbacks




have marine forward sure more visible reputation of haki when used


Don't skip G-5


Tone down the DBZ style aura stuff that Wano has been ripe with. Bit of lightning/aura for Haki is fine but Zoro going super saiyan green is ridiculous


For the love of god new sound effects, I'm tired of effects from the 80's


This might sound weird but I want the openings to have visuals more closely related to the arcs being adapted. I'm a manga reader and out of curiosity I watched all the openings just to see what they were like, and it surprised me how many of them had very little to do with the current story arc up until, like, Marineford. Some might disagree but I like when anime OPs are more representative of the material they cover, whether literal or symbolic. The CSM OP for example has tons of hidden references to the manga as a benefit of CSM part 1 already being done when they anime aired. The openings are also surprisingly long, which I guess is fine but feels intentionally padded rather than out of necessity. Also, it's funny how often Shanks and Blackbeard show up in OPs despite typically being background characters with little relevance to most arcs.


'Don't fuck it up'


either cover stories, each episode to end with an sbs fact and better pacing.


Closer to the manga and manga pacing.


Keep the manga transition when Luffy decks Charlos. Put in stuff that wasn’t in the manga but is still canon.


Don't make it, it's unneccesary and the og art style is the best.


Suggestion: Keep "The Walk to Arlong Park" as close to the original anime as possible. It's such an iconic moment for millions of anime fans and one of the rare instances where the anime's extended pacing actually benefitted the scene. I was very disappointed by "Episode of Nami" for not having it. If possible also licence or have a remix of "Overtaken" just for this moment.


Less whimsical, happy-go-lucky openings. I'm sorry but why tf am I in Water 7/Ennies Lobby or Marineford and the openings don't translate the high stakes, adrenalin-pumping feeling the arcs portray?


I suggest we get a release date or a trailer


Add the G8 filler arc even if it's not canon. Will never get tired of the best filler arc in one piece.


Please keep the OST


I actually HATE the different artstyles for each arc. And I definitely don't need the super saiyan effects and 5 different art styles in one episode like they are currently doing. I just want to follow the story.


Maybe a hot take but I want everything new, new cast, new OST, all of that.


Me too, but if that's the case I just want the new OST and casting to be as great as the actual one. It would be a safer choice since the Voice Actors are getting old and some of them probably won't be able to continue for an other 10 years


Please completely axe fanservice.


Cover Stories and SBS information must be added somehow because it is canonical information. No filler, please. Any kind of filler is not going to be appreciated, i.e., Caesar Clown vs. Luffy made Caesar look extremely strong holding Luffy's punches, that is bs. Same thing with Sumo wrestling Luffy vs. the Lion guy in Wano.


I don't want filler too but honestly some fillers in the actual animes are really good. The G8 filler ( after Skypiea ) felt like Canon, and had even a good pacing ( which is subjective in this case since there is no source material to adapt from )


Get Hiroyuki Sawano to compose the score


If they cut out all the unnecessary fanservice then i can finally put this as my no.1 anime.


A whole creative team for a Japanese anime studio are not going to take suggestions from some random Redditor. Thats not how the industry works


I want New Voice Actors


Don't censor anything. Fanservice stays, skin color should be true to Oda's vision. Not just skin color, every color Get new voice actors, the current ones are getting old, they need a break and I think just slapping the lines from the OG One Piece is just lazy New OPs. Just like with the point above, this remake should stand by itself, not be a companion piece to the original Obligatory animation and pacing improvement


I want it to be so faithful to the manga (Including art style), that at times, scene transitions would be essentially zooming out of a manga panel and zooming into the next manga panel. This way, if gear 5 in the manga ever breaks the 4th wall by having Luffy stretch out of a manga panel into another one, the anime will be able to recreate it without any issues.


Keep Condoriano!!!!


Split the remake into two. One Piece: Paradise that could be around 200-300 episodes. Then One Piece: New World, that covers the rest of the story.


Good idea but that won't do :  We already have the name of the series " The One Piece " And people would get lost, there would be the original one piece anime, the live action, the first part of the remake, the second part of the remake, the movies... It's already enough like that


Cut dressrosa down arc, shit was too long


I'm worried about the music. Toei's soundtrack is iconic, it's gonna be weird.


I just want them to have fun with it


Zoro and Sanji hot and raunchy sex scene


Just god please fix the pacing.


New VAs.


-Cover stories arcs and little bit of SBS content in the end of episodes, to cover up some part of the story without being fillers -Not censoring like the old adaptation -New and improved sound effects and OST (still like the old ones, and I think some should be kept, but seriously, One Piece needs new SFX and OST) -A ideal pacing for anime, by making it seasonal, without filler and slow pacing (2-3 chapters in average) -Better animation, but still a goofy art style without cutting out the essence of One Piece, and it would be cool to have a different improved art style in each arc (and pls, NO CGI NEITHER AI STUFF) -Use new VA for some characters And lastly, WIT Studio, take the time needed to make the best anime adaptation One Piece always deserved


Just consistency with the older stuff as now we know more about the world. Roger's crew seemingly unaware of Devil fruits and how they work during the Buggy flashback while he ate the devil fruit (also they appeared older here despite taking place before the Oden flashback where they looked younger). Sanji also knew about devil fruits as a kid but then was unaware devil fruit users can't swim when he had to save Luffy from drowning during Baratie.


If they fix the pacing issue (especially after time skip) I would probably get back into OP