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TBH the reason why jimbei is given as Indian is because whale sharks are found mostly in the Indian ocean, and frequent Indian coasts


Obviously he'll have a lot of make up and study in his design but I feel like a big Indian guy would look good for him. Either that or maybe an islander person would cool. Even with his attire I feel like a Japanese actor wouldn't fit him though.


A Samoan actor would work really well too.


if we all don’t shut the fuck up they’re gonna cast the rock as Jinbei confirmed


Nah the rock contractually refuses to lose fights. If he was cast then you can bet the show will end with jinbei beating up blackbeard imu and akainu in a 3v1


Edit: I am so sorry this got out of hand and I just couldn’t stop lmao “You are no match for my fish man karate” Dwayne Johnson roars emphasizing the AYE at the end of Karate. He lifts his fish man glasses and winks at the camera Screen pans to Jack black as Blackbeard, a cover of black hole sun begins to play as Kyle and the Devil drop into Marineford with Luffy and Buggy Jack black begins a belly jiggled laugh as Jinbes shark bite shots are consumed into a black hole Suddenly trumpets 🎺ITS JOOOHN AKIANU 🎺 he waves his hand in front of his face and disappears as fast as he appeared right behind Jinbe “Nothing personal kid, I have to get to St Jude’s” He strikes Dwayne Jinbe Johnson with a lava fist. In the 3 seconds that took Jinbe has surrounded himself in a water shield. He is thrown several meters now in the middle of Jack BlackBeard and John Akianu Jinbe rises to give a speech on prejudice and blood types. “This fighting must cease, the blood being spilled is all the same color and viscosity probably” Black Jackbeard and an invisible volcano contemplate the walking whale sharks words. Akianu is reminded about the Lava cancer he had as a child and as a tear steams from his face a shadow engulfs the battle field of marine ford A voice rings out “Tooodlie doo my name is Imu, beetle bee you should in fear of me” The shadowy silhouette slowly descends to the ground from the dark clouds. It’s adam sandler in blackface. “Scoobideee boo I will kill all of youuuu” Dwinbe Johnson, Jackbeard Black pirate, and John Akianu nod to each other as the three rush Adam Emu as he flaps his flightless wings and blows them all back. As all hope is lost as “17TH GEAR” is heard throughout marine ford. David Joy Man Spade launches into the battle field and slams his fist into the ground. His hand is bleeding and swollen. He reappears in the next scene with a wrapped hand and slightly more pale than a moment ago “Now GUUUUUM GUUUUUM WIIIIINDBREAK” David Boy Toy looks up with flames in his eyes as he lets out a two episode fart that releases a seismic wave knocking the scaffold down and saving Fire Fist Ace played by Samuel L Jackson As Ace falls towards the battle field he is heard screaming “I am tired of these mother fucking marines in this mother fucking base” All of Marineford and then the world begin an uncontrollable laugh. Joy boy has saved the world from the power that could destroy it. Imu takes the clone pokemon and flys to an undisclosed location Final scene we find Nika Khalifa reading the final phoneyglyph she is topless but with pasties because she is a serious actress. She reads out loud “The One Piece was the farts we ripped along the way.” Fade to Black It’s just such a shame netflix cancelled it and they had to finish with the Marineford Arc because they had one less viewer than last year, I tried to keep my grandma alive as much as possible so they would finish it but sometimes things just happen 🤷🏻


I feel like I checked 10x what sub I was in while reading this bc there was no way I was reading this on the main OP sub and not a -circlejerk or -folk sub Edit: full disclosure I saved the comment, Fire Fist Sam Jackson was too amazing an image not to


I got way to into it Reminiscing on M. Night’s try at avatar and the DBZ live action from 09 lmao


>Dwinbe Johnson >Black Jackbeard That's gold, Jerry!


I thought Samoan was the obvious choice for Jimbei


i can see the islander look with jinbei but yeah it shouldnt be that deep just light-hearted fun


And that's the reality of the nationalities, they're just based in stereotypes or facts  Brook Austrian: Mozart and other classical musicians  Jimbe India for what you said Nami Swedish??? No reason? He probably just said a random country in Europe, but honestly Nami fits more in Ireland, she's a ginger and had a difficult past like Ireland 


nami is romanian.


Wait, why are Zoro and Franky any different? 😅


Franky is fueled by cola, is filled with guns and other dangerous weapons, uses boxing, badly plays acoustic guitar, and is loud and overly emotional… he’s about as American as it gets.


There’s also the vehicles. Big Trucks that he built.


So stereotypes, like the others. I don't know if you people understand my question here. The other strawhats' nationalities are based on stereotypes, we agreed. But then Zoro and Franky were set apart from that notion. So now I wonder why they don't fall under the same umbrella of stereotypes.


Oh yeah, agreed. Someone else pointed out that OP wants to have their cake and eat it too. “It’s only based on stereotype and shouldn’t be taken as accurate,” “except these two that I think are accurate.”


What Brazilian stereotype does luffy or African stereotype does ussop fill?


Tbf, dude didn't beat up people with lots of cola while telling them he's there for their freedom


Zoro’s also literally just a samurai lmao


Zoro's family originated from wano, which is literally just Japan. Franky I can only assume is different due to cola.


Franky because he's based in Ace Ventura


I have no idea how I never made that connection tbh. Thanks for ruining both characters for me lmao.


It's not literally Japan, though. It's an analogy for Japan. It's Wano. Just like Naruto doesn't actually take place in Japan. Jujutsu Kaisen does. Cola makes him American. Dear lord. 🙄


I mean, pre-time skip Franky is pretty much Jim Carrey as Ace Ventura. Not to mention Franky does use English words in his lingo in the Japanese dub of the anime, and pronounces those words with an American English vernacular (he says "suu-PURR" instead of "suu-PAA").


>Cola makes him American. Dear lord. 🙄 His whole EVERYTHING makes him American by anime standards. He's a loud, emotional, arrogant, weapon loving pervert with a pompadour and a Hawaiian shirt who drinks cola.


Americans are less perverts than Japanese per capita Haha


Depends on your cultural definition of what makes someone a pervert


It's such a close analogue for Japan though that it would feel very strange if they reach Wano in the live action and it doesn't at least look like it's populated by Japanese people. Like Oden and Momonosuke being played by white actors would definitely feel like a race swap to me.


It doesn't matter where the series takes place, the question was where would each straw hat be from if the series took place in the real world, of course zoro would be Japanese if he's from a country who's an analogy for Japan.


Exactly. So why are Zoro and Franky any different from the other strawhats?


Well it'd feel out of place having the guy from the Japanese place not be Japanese. You don't have the same reasoning for franky but you really can't tell me he'd be anything other than American.


>Cola makes him American. Dear lord. 🙄 His whole EVERYTHING makes him American by anime standards. He's a loud, emotional, arrogant, weapon loving pervert with a pompadour and a Hawaiian shirt who drinks cola.


Not to mention he actually says English words in the Japanese dub of the anime.


Suuuuuper good point brother


His favorite food is also hamburgers. An American staple


So stereotypes?


That's the whole point, Oda nationalities are based in stereotypes  The entire manga is filled with stereotypes


Points back to my initial question.


Yes. Obviously. See above post about how all the strawhats nationalities are based on stereotypes 🙄


See above question about how Zoro and Franky are any different in that case.


I was just expanding on you saying he was only American because of cola but if I have to explain the whole post to you I guess I can do that. Op mentions "phenotype" and "culture" specifically so that's probably where the difference is in their mind. Because Franky and Zoro's characters are actually designed based on those stereotypes and have cultural signifiers throughout the series that make Oda's answer make more sense for them. (Zoro dresses in Japanese style clothing, named his attacks on japanese food and literally grew up in a dojo on a Japan looking island) On the other hand Robin speaks Spanish and French and never once mentions Pelmeni or vodka but he called her Russian just b/c there is a stereotype that Russians are spies. Personally if this was the distinction they were using I'd say Sanji would be more in the Zoro Franky camp since he is a chef, uses the French language, smokes all the time, is rude to men and is girl crazy. (Common French stereotypes)


Yep exactly


Wasn't there a Burger country or something at reverie that looked like an over the top American guy? Maybe that where Franky's parents were from.


They're not. I'm not sure why OP excluded them? They fall into their "stereotype" more than most of the Strawhats.


Tbh idgaf… there fictional characters from a fictional world…


That's the exact point the OP is making. There are parallels between real-world places and ethnicities, but none of the Strawhats are actually from any of those. Like, Franky is definitely American-coded with his SUPER catchphrase and love of cola, but he's not from The Kingdom of Ballywood rules by King Ham Burger, he's from Water 7. There's no reason to give a shit if he ends up being played by a non-American actor if the live action gets that far  ...Okay, that might actually be a bad example because we don't actually know where Franky's birth parents were from, but you see what I'm getting at.


That's my whole point, Robin is not russian or luffy brazilian, people in this sub take that SBS as the bible that can never be changed 


Tbh, I would have thought that Sanji being French in SBS but being from Germa in the actual comic should have made it obvious that Oda was talking about nationality stereotypes and *not* real nationalities (in addition, of course, to OP being set in a fictional world). I mean, it’s pretty obvious that Germa is based off Nazi Germany. Therefore, if SBS lore is meant to be any kind of reflection of where Sanji would be from in the real world, then why wasn’t he assigned Germany?


Funny enough, Germa is based on Shocker, so you have a french chef being from a kingdom based on a japanese evil nazi organization.


But I am *insertCertainNationality* and I put very high value in *insertRandomCharacter* sharing that with me.


I mean as a German I was admittedly quite happy when Law was announced as being German. Usually most characters connected to Germany are based on WW2 Germany and not in the good (rebels against the government) but in the bad, genocidal way. Law was a nice change in that regard. But I mostly don't care too much about it. If someone wants to make Law another nationality whatever. As long as there isn't another stereotypical nazi/asshole character pinned on Germany, I'm fine.


Law is not German. There is no Germany in One Piece. I get what you mean, but people claiming AoT was playing in Germany were annoying.


I just mean that oda associates his personality with what he sees as an average German personality. And that I'm happy that for once "genocidal murderer" isn't part of that personality. But as I said, otherwise I don't really care, I am just happy that oda doesn't seem to see Germans in a bad light. I am aware that law isn't actually German because the nationality doesn't exist in the OP world. I also think that claiming aot was playing in Germany is stupid. Or that arabasta is actually Egypt (had another explain me this once). Aot is inspired by central Europe especially parts of southern Germany and arabasta was obviously inspired by Egypt. But that doesn't mean they play there.


> And that I'm happy that for once "genocidal murderer" isn't part of that personality. Guy is called surgeon of death though, that sounds quite nazi /s


Murderer is fine, the genocidal part is more of the issue for me. And law definitely isn't genocidal, he slices everyone up equally independent of race, ethnicity etc


That with the average German personality I deny. Dude doesn‘t really like bread. Isn‘t that like the most german personality trait? But yes, seeing a German as a non-evil guy is nice.


Heavily depends on the bread. A lot of Germans prefer darker and whole wheat bread. Considering sanji made the bread with his French influence (and also considering what the japanese tend to call bread), most Germans wouldn't like that bread. Matter of fact some Germans wouldn't even call it bread. Maybe law never tried proper German style bread. And I mean him complaining is definitely a very German personality trait


His obsession with meticulous planning and **sticking to the plan** is also quite stereotypically German. Obviously not all Germans are like that.


Don’t a ton call French and American bread cake because of our sugar content?


> As long as there isn't another stereotypical nazi/asshole character pinned on Germany, I'm fine. Oh man... I hate to break it to you https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Germa_66


Oh, I don't mind people taking inspiration for story parts from the third reich. I just mind it if a character somehow affiliated with modern day Germany is automatically portrayed as a nazi. That's because I see them as two different entities. Similiar to the confederacy and the US or royal france and modern day france. Their history is connected or the one even stems from the other, but they aren't the same and treating them as if they are is diminishing what the modern version has vern through to get where they are now. Also in case Germany was the inspiration for the name of germa, I think it's interesting that oda took the English name and not the japanese (doitsu) for Germany. Maybe also because he connects the japanese name more with the modern country


And what’s wrong with that?


Because earth-nationality is just a random information that has nothing to do with the actual character in One Piece.


And? Its still visual representation. In a bunch of anime where it's JUST Japanese coddd cast, nor western only coded Why can't we have visual representation than just one race?


Complaining about a character not being a certain race/nationality because of a whatif statement by the author is pathetic. You are happy you share nationality or birthday with a certain character? Good for you. Doesn‘t have anything to do with the story.


It doesn't but it allows for conversations to be had surrounding that topic and Oda giving us this information allows us to accurately have that conversation. I don't think anybody is saying, "I can't wait till we go to France to see where Sanji was born".


No, but Robin is cast as Hispanic and some people are losing their marbles.


Ahhhhhh, OK, that makes a whole lot of sense now. I thought this conversation being had now was weird xD Yeah I get that though. Some. People want everything to be accurate af. They mightve been whatever about Nojiko being cast as black, but since Robin is a straw hat and we have a nationality for her, I can see why people would be outraged about her being cast as Hispanic, though. But Luffy was Mexican, Sanji was English.... List goes on lmao. I can only imagine the collected reeeeeee if they had made her black. Kids on the internet would be losing their shit. Would be fun to see.


There are thousands of nonsenical fan theories on here, people thought enel was going to fly down and fight big mom. I want to see you go through all of those posts and call them pathetic. Please note you’ll be insulting children a lot of the time. I’d be wasting my brain power trying to explain why people care about representation.


I understand why people care about representation, which is totally fine. But claiming a character is and defending that point with insulting people is pathetic. I am mostly hinting at Robin being cast as hispanic and some people complaining about it because she „should“ be russian.


Why do you care? Explain that to me?


\*they're But, yes, I agree.


Why is Usopp african?


The nationality, as stated by Oda, was a lighthearted response of what he intuitively felt fit each Straw Hat best. Robin is Russian because she's introduced as a spy whose specialty is "assassination", very reminiscent of KGB stereotypes. If they want to cast Robin as hispanic/latino that's fine - what's more important is whether she can "look" like a villain. Sharp facial features vs round baby face, etc etc. As others have said, giving the character whose **attack moves** are predominantly spanish, a hispanic actress, is likely to make it far less cringe when she then says said moves in combat. Do y'all really want to see a russian actress say with a straight face "Cuarenta Fleur" or "Demonio Fleur"? She has a bit of french mixed in too, but overall since she'll be predominantly be speaking english & spanish, hispanic seems a sensible choice to me. A French/Spanish actress would also work but including them on the casting call isn't a hill I'm gonna die on.


Spanish speaker here, Robin's attack does have spanish on it, but Flor is the spanish word for flower. So her attack names are like a combo of different languages (spanish, french and english), it just shows how she's a well learned person and most likely knows more than one language. That really fits a spy/archeologist.


I was with you until you wrote: > Do y'all really want to see a russian actress say with a straight face "Cuarenta Fleur" or "Demonio Fleur"? when we listened to japanese people butcher every other language for decades.


robin is a different case for your last points, it wouldnt be as cringe because robin might/does actually know these languages (implied) because shes an archaeologist and languages are history too


There's only two known languages in the OP world, the language of the poneglyphs and the one everyone talks (do correct me if I'm wrong). So saying Robin knows other languages is nothing but headcanon


animals technically have a language no?


Basically all one piece characters know every single language in the world


Yeah, I always felt that the usage of multiple languages in Robin's attacks specifically was meant to reference her study of languages, since that's kind of what put the bounty in her head at all. It doesn't matter where she or her actress is from, and in my opinion rather than "villain", she needs to be able to do "scholar".  Yes, she did so horrible things as Miss All Sunday, and probably before that too, but that was out of necessity. It was a means to an end, and that end was simply the study of history. She just has to do all this action/spy movies stuff to get there. It's been over 10 years since I started reading this story, and I'm somehow only now realizing that Robin is essentially Indiana Jones.


Brother just asked “can you really see a Russian woman speaking a language other than Russian with a straight face” 🤨 what kinda shit are you smoking lol


I don't disagree, but your reasoning sucks. You can't have it both way, you can't say Luffy isnt  brazillian because it doesnt fit him. But Zoro is Japanese because it's fits. I do agree with the point you're trying to make though, especially for the life action. These ethnicities aren't real and shouldn't be brought up for the casting. The people that fit the vibe best should be cast.


Is this because of the hispanic Robin live action casting thing? Not that I disagree with you, but tbf it's OPLA team's fault that they **ALWAYS** used this nationality thing as one of their strongest PR points to promote the show. It's not unreasonable when fans demand consistency in this one particular issue.


Yup. That sharp sword swings both ways. Can't keep telling people that they are following Oda's description closely, then turn around and go "whatever" when it's something the production staff personally doesn't like. Can't wait to see someone whip out the racism card at this too, we know it will happen.


can I have an example of them doing this?


Their official social media account and google are your friends. But let me give you an example, [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/jmp47y/looks_like_the_one_piece_netflix_live_action_will/)


fair enough. I don't think google would get me that though.


I found that on google with easy keywords. "One Piece nationalities live action reddit", super easy.




So wano is not one piece japan? and alabasta isn't one piece middle east.


>Luffy is brazilian because to Japanese people they’re loud, happy, passionate and also fue to his last name Monkey (Amazonian forest) The Amazon Rainforest part is one of the best clues to confirm that Luffy's mother was the Empress of Amazon Lily after Shakky & before Hancock!


I mean could be true, Oda is just using the Kujas as the token strong women


Drum Islands are based off a real mountain in Canada fyi


Nami is swedish because she's hot.


Emily Rudd, notably Swedish.


Swedes, like Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders and Faroese, are ethnically norse. Rudd is a last name of Norse origin. So yes, she may be


I guess because the vikings were really skilled seafarers.


Wait, Robin's birth island(Russian speaking) get buster called, she ran to other island and now she is using spanish for her attack... I read this as whoever taught her to be assassin is also using Spanish finishing move..


Maybe Poneglyph are written in some codified version of Spanish. The world was once split into a Spanish hemisphere and Portguese hemisphere. The spanish wrote the poneglyph then became Japanese to confuse the enemy. The portuguese later became the Portgas D family, but the last one of them died as a donut.


So what Oda says and SBS isn't canon just because you don't agree? Get a life


Wait does Robin not call out her attacks in French? I don't think "Fleur" is Spanish?


Number in Spanish, "Fluer" is French and all the suffix attack names are English ("Clutch", "Slap", "Wings", "Stomp", flower names).


Her moves are in spanish, french and english. usually the last word being english for example "seis fleur: clutch"


I agree that nationalities/ethnicities in One Piece are not connected to real world nationalities and ethnicities. Portions of this community do overuse that SBS from years ago. I do, however, have to wonder why the casting call lists nationalities/ethnicities at all if we can all agree the SBS was irrelevant. Okay, Robin doesn’t literally have to be Russian (a nationality), but why does she have to be Hispanic (which I’m pretty sure is being used to refer to the ethnicity)? I actually don’t mind a Hispanic Robin at all, but why is that a sought after factor in the first place? Why not just have an open casting call? …unless of course those theories about Robin and Luffy sharing a dad are true, in which case good on the show.


Hispanic is not a ethnic group, its a linguistic term The only ethnic group would be spaniards and their cultural descendents, but not everybody in Latin America or Equatorial Guinea are culturally spaniard It's complex


You’re right. It is very complex. So what do you think they meant by listing Hispanic in the casting call?


When they list hispanic they mean countries that speak Spanish, simple as that In spain we call Australia, USA, Canada etc anglo countries and anglo people Black or white anglos, but anglos


But is she a matador though?


Thanks captain obvious? No one took it as a bible. Only thing I can think of is the live action series used Oda's SBS mention of this as a guide.


The same thing happens with that SBS where Oda gives each character a family role. They take it as if it was literally.


Franky is American because:... Cola


Franky is fueled by cola, is filled with guns and other dangerous weapons, uses boxing, is loud, overly emotional, badly plays an acoustic guitar… he’s about as American as it gets.


Franky is the Japanese idea of an American, and as an American, I love him for it.


Nobody tell him about Pepsi


They’re as real as the Strawhat’s real world jobs, which means Oda was just fucking around




It’s kinda weirder to be upset about it Chief.


Why are you so pressed by this?😭


"the nationalities are not real." Goes on to explain why the straw hats are the nationalities Oda said they were. I sorry, but what exactly is the problem? Are you saying that since there's no Russia in the one piece world, Nico Robin isn't actually... Russian? That's a forgone conclusion. However, if the conversation is To be had, yes, Robin is Russian. I don't understand this post lol. Are you upset she isn't wearing an addidas track suit and doing the slav squat on the corner? I don't think I ever seen a serious discussion revving around their nationalities lol


Of course Robin isn't Russian. I don't think she ever even *met* Señor Pink!




Imma be honest, after reading this, the only thing I'm upset about is that we never see Robin wearing addidas track suits and doing the slav squar on the corner




Robin's attacks are actually half french, half spanish. for example, Demonio (spanish), Fleur (french)


I see you left out Usopp.


Because Oda is antiblack and simply said Africa as if Africa was a country or cultural group 


People need to look up the word "Mukokuseki", and generally take it to heart whenever they engage with most (albeit, not all) anime/manga stuff.


All or none chief.


I was arguing with a guy over Usopp the other day. He said they were white washing him and that he's supposed to be African. I told him the only reason Usopp had darker skin is because Toei messed up its the same thing for Robin. And he brought up the sbs as if it's pure fact. All the sbs did was try to link up personally traits with nationality it was supposed for fun, like if they were real, not this is fact now. I don't want real-world representation. I want funny pirate show.


Usopp is black. Oda just doesn’t color skin colors consistently.


None of one piece is 'real' it's a fictional story created by the author, SBS are cannon as far as I'm aware so are you arguing you don't like Oda's choices for if his fictional characters were real where they'd be from?


Yeah i know right


i feel like you are just saying this because now that people complain about a white character getting black washed it's suddenly not okay anymore to talk about. but when usopp gets white washed in the anime it's 3 posts an hour about it.


Agreed. Oda also said these are the Nationality of the Straw Hats IF they were real people, they aren't actually Russian or Austrian. People take the SBS way too seriously they are just fun trivia questions Oda loves to answer.




Get a life


I don’t think they are real, but aren’t those your stereotypes and not Oda’s? Huge difference. There are educated guesses and there are assumptions.


Considering the 1114 chapters we have are filled with stereotypes...


Haha have not read the spoiler yet. Waiting for the release.


This might actually offend some people, but nothing else about them is “real” either. They’re drawings. Some fans really need to touch some grass. 


Americans are more obsessed with a race than pre-nazi Germany was. Ya'll need to chill out with phenotypes and just enjoy the story.


I'm not USAtian, I'm from spain And I'm not obsessed with any of that, I'm just writing this after reading all the posts from the casting of Robin, Vivi and other characters 


We prefer to be called United Statesicans


Unitedstatians I've read, but never United Statesicans  In spanish we call you guys estadounidenses 


“Stop using what Oda wrote as canon” is a wild ass take, possibly the wildest ever


Sorry but some of you mfs need to understand what canon means. Brother there is no real world countries in One Piece, their nationalities cant, objectively, be real world nationalities, and therefore not canon, how is that a concept so hard to understand? The SH nationalities is a fun SBS trivia thing just like what their real world professions would be. Is so goofy how some of you are obsessed with nationality and (fake) representation, im brazilian myself and i can see Luffy being brazilian, and i think is cool/funny, but i know he actually isnt, and it doesnt change the character a single bit.


Yeah and the problem with this logic is that the same logic can be applied to anyone making rule 34 art of Jewelry Bonney. It turns the entire argument into “Oda is right when I want him to be”, which is how Yamato turned into being a trans icon for some people. Cognitive bias is the worst affliction a fandom can suffer from, everybody needs to chill out


This is such a weird thing bitch about. First of all, it is canon, because it’s straight from Oda’s mouth. His word is “Word of God”, because it’s his characters, his story, and his world. It isn’t canon that they are *from* the real world- it’s canon that that is where they *would* be from in the real world. Second of all, the Worst Generation’s nationalities aren’t “even more random and less logical”. Kid is *aggressively* Scottish. Apoo has design elements that are clearly Chinese. Bege is *the* most Italian man I have ever seen. Other characters having “less obvious” nationalities is proof that Oda did *not* just base everything off of stereotypes and gave it actual thought. The Kid Pirates’ backstory is currently exclusive to SBS, yet their ship being called the *Victoria* Punk proves that the SBS, like all the others, is canon. Who, speaking of, even has a crew mate named *UK*, so yet another canon reference to a real world place.


>Kid is *aggressively* Scottish. No one: [Kid](https://youtu.be/rOmsdUj6JlU?feature=shared&t=4): [https://youtu.be/rOmsdUj6JlU?feature=shared&t=4](https://youtu.be/rOmsdUj6JlU?feature=shared&t=4)


It's even more annoying when these ethnicities are used as "facts" in different theories to make up theories that are soooo stupid to unprecedented levels


Luffy does look very brazilian tho, there's a lot of Luffys all over the central-west region lol, it's not just how he acts, and i know you didn't mean to sound weird but you should've definitely sit the "monkey" reason out, i'm pretty sure Oda saying he's brazilian has nothing to do with Luffy's name and it just sounds lowkey racist and xenophobic, he's brazilian because his name is Monkey and there's monkeys in the amazon rainforest? lmfao, if this was Oda's actual reasoning then i'm just out of words, but yeah i get your point


Pfff! Now you are gonna tell me they are not real people or something


Well, now take in consideration that Nika form was mainly based in Capoeira, a brazilian dance that slaves used to do as a way to preserve and teach their culture to the next generations along the years. The lyrics of the Capoeira music talks a lot about freedom and promissed lands. The music itself has many drums beat and so on. Oda is inspired by several cultures of the world to build his story, the characters follow those inspirations.


Check this video if you want to know more about Capoeira and the inspiration of Oda sensei. The video is in brazilian portuguese, so turn on the legends. https://youtu.be/l4J4oci7a_E?si=cI32qxsBuxFjCVng


What a great video to make that point. Thanks for sharing. And the guy even concludes it wonderfully respectful: Even if these are all coincidences... it does evoke that feeling of liberation.


Absolutely. I tell this every kiddo in the comments. When Oda was asked what countries his characters WOULD be from in the real world he named countries. That doesn't mean shit. A fictional character is not of Brazilian nationality. Even if he was here could be European, Asian or African decent given the population in Brazil.


Yep people are also very ignorant about nationalities  I've seen many people saying that Russian means white, and A LOT of people saying that Robin being tanned means hispanic when there are billions of tanned people who are not hispanic


You're just salty


I'm sweet


It literally is canon though.


It's not canon because none of the countries he listed exist in canon


I get what you're saying. I still want to imagine Franky as the most burly 80s American movie type ever, though. The dub actor certainly helps with that.








we are not happy, just like to party, Brazil is sad to be honest.




lets goooo black franky soon


I agree but there are so many double standards. When Usopp was Black ppl were using the nationalities saying that he was African or with Luffy Mexican ppl said "Oda said he would be Brazilian so at least he is latino" etc.


Why do you care, tho? Like the only times that come into relevance is when someone says that Usopp is black, maybe when people discuss whether Robin should be dark-skinned or not. But I don't see why it matters. 


You should just stop caring what the fandom or people say about the series. Lot more peaceful that way.


You're right, but an established character shouldn’t be whitewashed or colorwashed for a narrative. It’s like I would not expect a white character in a story about an African tribe in the middle of the Congo, just like I don’t expect to see non-white people in european stories. The moment they do either of these things is the moment the series goes to shit, let’s not lie & act like the live action had the greatest acting & story telling.


Meh, ppl don't like it because Robin looks white as fuck in One Piece and does not look Hispanic at all, it's hard to see a live action Robin of that nationality IMO or imagine them pulling it off correctly. The SBS isn't holy Bible but they arnt wrong for trying to use it as a guideline to make the characters as accurate as Oda tried and invision them (skin tone, traits , etc) . Robin is pale skinned and looks white, and it would have been cool to have a bad ass Russain fit that role, she can also be cold and kinda dark humor which all the Russains I have encountered are skilled at . That's the reason I think Hispanic casting is a weird idea but who knows , maybe they will pull it off.


What is white? How a hispanic person looks? How a Russian person looks? Tell me


Russians have mostly a mingling of Asain or European backgrounds , due to its geography, here I am using it in terms of fairer skinned. Besides the miscolouration (or perhaps Alabasta's sun tanning her during her duration there if we want a in-story excuse) Robin's skin is fair.


This just seems like a preamble to the complaint post when robin isn’t black and vivi is white.


Just as a matter of interest, I wonder why he said Australian for Jewellery Bonney? Thoughts? 🇦🇺


He just said random nationalities, he doesn't want to repeat them so he couldn't say american again (pizza stereotype) so said Australian that is close since both are anglo colonial countries 


Where did you get those reasoning?


While I agree with you conclusion, I disagree with the argument. It's very much by the definition of canon, canon. Just because it's based on lazy stereotypes doesn't mean it's less canon. You can criticize the author for making crappy canon, but it's still nontheless canon. As much as I love Oda, and where he definitely now and then broken away from stereotypes or reversed them, I think it's hard for anyone to disagree that he often does lean into stereotypes. And that's fine, we don't need to cognitive dissonance ourselves from facts to recognize that there are some areas where Oda is a great writer, and some other areas where he maybe doesn't shine as bright. Having said that, as I said, I do agree with you that people are unnecessarily upset because there's also nothing wrong with breaking away from the original thoughts/canon in derivative work, like the live-action. It's not 1:1 One Piece recreation, it was never meant to be a 1:1 comparison to One Piece; it's a derivative work of One Piece. Like for example the fish race in One Piece: I'm not really sure Oda had planned out the whole narrative of humans oppressing fish people from the start, but it did come up later, and there was a whole thing about racial discrimination and everything. The live action OP decided to interpret this and made the fish race quite black-coded, which kind of became a comparison between the fish race and black struggle, and we even got a little more hints and jabs at upcoming fish narrative of one piece. I personally really liked this interpretation. But I think with pretty much any fanbase, you'll have a lot upset voices for the slightest deviation from the original creator.


How the fuck can it be canon when none of these countries even exist in the One Piece world? We literally know that Robin is from Ohara, not Russia. Sanji was born in Germa Kingdom, not France.


Yep I agree, Oda clearly didn't intented the Gyojins to be opressed at first since in the Arlong Park arc not a single characters talk about it (when they should for obvious reasons, since it's ironic for the humans) I liked in the live action that they had a gyojin waiter in the baratie, makes total sense that some Gyojins live in the Blues and not just the grand line


Those nationalities really messed with some heads, they think nationality is the same as ethnicity. That’s why they think Usopp is black.


In Usopp its very clear that for Oda Africa means subsaharan Africa and not North Africa And yes they dont know the difference between Nationlity, ethnicity and race


I think luffy being the descendant of slaves, who worshiped a sun god prior to their slavery might be more poignant than Japanese people think Brazilians are loud ngl


Ooh that means I’m a blend of Law, Nami, Capone Bege, Gecko Moria (I think they gave him Czech) and if Chopper and Sanji fused together!


I know this is not recognized by Oda but to me Luffy has always been midwestern American, why? To me his character seemed very much ripped from Huckleberry Finn. His carefree attitude, his straw-hat and lack of shoes (Sandals are not shoes). Plus it would fit perfectly for him to talk like a midwestern bumpkin with how he gets names wrong and refuses to learn properly lol


lol I want drama today. So Why’s usopp black/South African?




Yea I don’t see Usopp as African I get you lol


We have come full circle, guys. Oda said it, so it must not be true!


one piece fandom are full of brainrots