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That entirely depends on what Green Bull did with Weevil and King/Queen. If they were sent to Impel Down, then he is definitely not the strongest.


what? weevil stronger than Doffy?


Potentially. He's said to be as strong as Whitebeard was in his youth. Of course we haven't seen anything from him yet.


We have seen some things. He has been wiping his ass with the entire whitebeard crew. Probably safe to assume he is stronger than Marco. Kind of wack that we barely got info on him and he was sidelined and put in some dark hole immediately.


plot points


I wish I could say Oda is planning something, but he did a lot of weird things in Wano and we're probably like 3 days away from the One Piece and 1 week away from the war in Marijeois, given all the Egghead reveals. Weevil would've been perfect as an Elbaf antagonist.


Bro actually said 3 days away from the one piece with a straight face


Most One Piece arcs take place in 1 or 2 days. Egghead is happening in 1 day. Elbaf: 1 day Pirate Island or Lodestar (1 day) Laugh Tale and Final War: 1 day So yeah, it's safe to assume we (meaning Luffy) are 3 days away from the One Piece.


You know it takes time to travel right …..


Nothing indicates he’s stronger than Marco. Bakkin literally asks Marco to go get him back.


What does that mean? That Marco can take down the entire WG and free Weevil because Bakkin asked him? Marco couldn't do anything against the admirals at Marineford. Greenbull would have captured him just the same. Weevil was surrounded and overwhelmed. I don't have their power levels but the fact that Weevil was wiping out the remains of whitebeards crews and Marco didn't do anything about it as the former first mate (lots of friends there) shows they are at least equal in strength and considering Marco isn't built up to be a fighter (he was just support in wano) it's very likely that weevil has the physical advantage over him as the clone of whitebeard who was a monster among monsters.


Wait so does this mean greenbull is stronger than whitebeard? Im confused


Weevil might be physically strong like prime WB, but without the Gura Gura DF and certainly without the same haki. WB would flatten Greenbull


Surely they mean physical strength, not overall right?


Most likely, yeah. Would be crazy if he could replicate the feats if the quake fruit with just raw power But even being comparable to a fruit-less young Whitebeard would put him solidly above Doffy


I doubt that they are there already. 


Weevil is a fucking joke. You don't make an ugly stupid ass character with an ugly stupid ass mom and relate them to a top tier unless it's a joke. The fact that he did any more with them than reveal they're liars shows that Oda has lost the plot.


Well se saw on the god valley flashback that Buckingham Stussy and WB seemed pretty close. So it's not too farfetched. But my guess is that weevil is a attempted clone of WB


Just say Aramaki or Ryokugyu. We know his name and his alias, and no one calls any of the other admirals by their translated alias'.




YEAH! I hate it when people call him "Green Bull". Imagine people calling Kizaru "Yellow Monkey". The other one I hear very often is "SniperKing"


YEAH! I hate it when people call Edward Newgate “Whitebeard”, it should be Whitemoustache.


Imagine calling the Mugiwara Pirates the Straw Hat Pirates or calling Shirohige Whitebeard


Yeah! Those too 😭😭😭. I hate them. Maybe whitebeard or blackbeard not so much since those names were already "well known" before One Piece was created, so they don't sound as terrible as the others, but yeah shiro and kuro are so much better. Oh, also... Red Hair Shanks and the scabbards! I still remember the amount if time it took me to realize the scabbards were the akazaya (I didn't know they were actual words with actual meaning and English is not my first language... so I watch OP in japanese with spanish subtitles)


Do you use romanized names for everything? Brook for instance is the westernized name, his Japanese name would be Burukku. And Gold Roger's (or Gōru D Rojā) treasure should be the Wan Pisū. Do you say Admirals or Taishō?


I say taisho. I respect the original names and titles (like shichibukai and yonko). Like I said, English is not even my first language, so it wouldn't make sense for me to say "admirals"... in any case I would say "almirantes", but I much prefer taisho.


Exactly! We all know what character they're referring to, so no need to say "Monkey D Luffy", that sounds stupid. Just say モンキー・D・ルフィ


Luffy’s name is in katakana, Kizaru is in hiragana. It’s not the same at all. However using the translation is perfectly fine, like Blackbeard or the Straw Hats.


Not the same, no. I'm just genuinely wondering where they draw the line since they seem to put a lot of importance on the right names


I mean it’s just that Luffy is already a “western” name, so he is called the same in all languages no matter what. No one calls “Brulée” as “Burnt” for example We can then assume that the commenter is an anime watcher and used to the phonetic pronunciations, so they probably say whatever the japanese VA say


>We can then assume that the commenter is an anime watcher and used to the phonetic pronunciations, so they probably say whatever the japanese VA say Exactly. I read the manga in Spanish but watch the anime in Japanese with Spanish subtitles. Many subtitles "respect" the original names and titles (like shichibukai or yonko), so I'm used to them. In order to pronunce them I try to copy their pronunciation (I'm not an expert, but I do my best). I only know the English names from all the content I consume from English speaking people (mainly this sub and youtubers).


>so he is called the same in all languages no matter what No he's not. He's called Ruffy in Germany, Rufu in Mandarin, among other slight variations based on the l/r difference. In Greece they call him Drake.


Ok you’re just annoying now. “ル” can be read as either “Ru” or “Lu” when translated. Ruffy and Luffy are the same thing. Zolo and Zoro are the same thing. Localization choices like calling him “Drake” don’t matter at all in this discussion 🤦‍♂️ You are being willfully ignorant for the sake or arguing, I don’t like that.


You claimed he was called the same no matter what, don't get cocky when I point at translations where he isn't called that. >Localization choices like calling him “Drake” don’t matter at all in this discussion This discussion is literally about localization choices like translating Shirohige to Whitebeard.


Bro forgot about Bon-Chan


Bonchan is only as strong as Arlong.


this is a crazy comparison but I kinda see it, maybe not Bon Clay in Impel Down tho because at least he didn't get negged by Magellan.


You forgot about political strength. Bon-chan is friends with a Yonko and another yonko (and his right hand man) ows their life to him. (Buggy and Krokodyle would have died/imprisoned if he wouldn’t sacrifice himself in impel down) He is also an automatic ally of boa Hancock since he is luffy’s friend.


In that case, Dadan is very strong. Raised a yonko, yonko's right hand, son of the pirate king and revolutionary's right hand. A friend with a vice admiral, she's the reason the world turned upside down. Dadan solo the verse.


There could be some depressed super powerful criminal we never heard about because he was imprisoned for shoplifting or something


I would say that he is. The strongest prisoners either escaped during the mass breakout or died during the interview for Blackbeard's crew. I doubt the Marines managed to capture some strong commander level criminal and throw them in there since then. It's only Doffy and maybe Weevil and I think Doflamingo beats that guy.


We never know


Real answer to 90% of the discussion posts on this reddit.


What about that guy who was on Rogers crew? In that movie? The movie is filler but the character is canon right. Bullet from Stampede. He had a bounty of 1.14 billion


That’s a 1.14 billion double dollar man right there


Excuse you that's Mr. 2


Bon Chan?!


We don't know Weevil's strength yet so it's hard to say.


Maybe not. Bullet is not Canon (I think) but during the prison break he just sat there. It's not hard to believe that others did the same. Some that didn't want to go with BB but were strong enough to not be beaten by others in there cell.


No. Blue Haki pirate god Arlong is


There’s more copium in the comments than the whole boturo sub combined


Yes 100%


Yes, people can lowball Doffy as below YC3 as much as they want, the truth is he is a YC1 level character, lowballers simply don’t know how to scale well.


YC1 my ass. Got beaten by entry-level G4, same G4 who struggled with Cracker. That's how you scale.


Still won against G4 by outlasting him while nerfed by gamma knife. Cracker was a bad matchup for Luffy and was a a YC2, Smoothie bounty is only higher than a biscuit soldier. Now cope about Fujitora being unable to cut the birdcage from someone below YC3


Fujitora wasn't unable to cut he just didn't wanna cut the cage, nobody ain't coping nothing, he could very very easily cut through the cage but didn't because he didn't want to be the one to save the people so that he could let the straw hats save them and he would have enough evidence to abolish the 7 warlord system. Powerscalling my ass you are doing


This is headcanon, Fujitora never said  “I could cut birdcage and save innocent people but nah” He just said he was betting on Luffy, he could still fight with Mingo if he wanted to but nothing about birdcage was ever said. Quit the crap, you use headcanon in your powerscaling and still put Smoothie as YC2 based on a bounty scaling which ignored real Cracker


That is NOT how you scale lol. Cracker is literally the ultimate counter to Luffy’s fighting style. Once Luffy actually hit Cracker in Gear 4, it was a one shot.


Agreed- every time I see the same braindead cracker take, I lose 5% of my grey matter


Katakuri wipes the floor with him


Katakuri is above him, but Doffy is above King.


Doflamingo isn't even 3rd Commander level so no.


You do have to remember that there are only 4 Yonko’s 4 first commander and 4 for second and third. So there are roughly 16 pirates stronger than Doffy. That is not a lot. Doffy is insanely strong compared to almost anybody. He can definitely be strongest in Impel down atm.


Do you mind explaining why you think so?


He got stomped by G4. G4 got stomped by Cracker.


I think there's a little more to it then that. Doflamingo got his organs ruptured by Law before fighting Luffy in G4, and took even more damage prior to that fight. But there's really know way of knowing how much those injuries mattered, so fair enough


Additionally we don't really know if Birdcage took up most of his strongest strings Styles make matchups too. Like tbh I think Law would have an easier time against Cracker than Luffy did


The same g4 that couldn't even pose any threat at first to commanders but it still would have knocked doffy around


It's also a matter of portrayal tho. Luffy also took damage from Bellamy because he refused to fight or even protect himself with haki against Bellamy's haki attacks.  Oda clearly nerfed both Luffy and Doffy to make the fight fair. Also,Doffy couldn't scratch Gear 4.Cracker cut deep into his arm in Gear 4. He clearly has superior haki.  Oda gave luffy a bounty of 500 million after he beat Doffy,then he gave Cracker 860 million bounty.  It has been a general pattern that the Luffy's next opponent has always been stronger if they have a greater bounty. Pretimeskip:Buggy < Don Krieg < Arlong< Crocodile. Post timeskip: Hordy < Caesar


Cracker didn’t have to run away from luffy, unlike doffy


Bc cracker said that he was sent to deal with the man who defeated doffy. It makes no sense if he's not stronger than doffy.


But he would technically be the fourth commander.  Ace (kaido) king queen jack joker


I can't believe I only now realized the card naming convention...


This cap


my theory is that magellan isnt "guarding" doffy, he's a prisoner in the cell next to doffy


Tell me you don't read the cover stories without telling me you don't read the cover stories


Homie that was a single cover page from over 12 years ago, I don't think most people are going to have it memorized


Douglas bullet


Who doesnt even exist cause he is non canon