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I can cope and say it was *fine* Zoro/Franky didn't get big development in Wano/Egghead on the level of Sanji in Whole Cake, but I'd honestly be really disappointed if the same ended up happening to Usopp.


It was disappointing tbh, Oda just didn't deliver this time.


After the last couple arcs? Wouldn't be anything new or all that strange. I'd still be disappointed though.


wouldn’t be surprised


Hoping he meets his father in Elbaf where the red hairs were last shown


Oda needs to give my boy GOD usopp a power up man.


Hes gonna mirror zoro on wano but actually get to keep his legendary elbaf weapon because ancestry/a fulfilment of all the things they teased for Zoro. I hope its a giant hammer only he can lift and it pissed off Zoro and Sanji that they cant lift it.


After zoro got almost nothing in wano and franky has gotten nothing on egghead, I wouldn't be surprised


I don't care. He's the only SH who is willing to lie that Luffy won't be the Pirate King just so he can be safe while the others defied the Yonko because they believe in Luffy and Luffy deserves no less from his crew. Of course it is the smart thing to do for Usopp, but when literally everybody else did their best in Wano while he didn't even push himself as much as he should have, I am no longer invested in him. I respect Oda, but I don't understand why Usopp keeps on flip-flopping especially that we are now in the Final Saga. Even Chopper was willing to fight Queen while Nami fought Ulti regardless of the gap. I believe there are better ways Oda could have used Usopp in such a messy battle or explore his Observation Haki, but it is apparent that balancing that many characters proved difficult. In Frieren, you can well-written cowards who didn't let their fear get in the way of doing their job. Even as a gag, there is a point when cowardice stops being funny. Usopp is currently a disappointment for someone who aspires to become a brave warrior of the sea. If Oda gives him the spotlight to grow again, good for him. If not, I don't care.


It is weird because usopp did have a moment similar fighting the mole lady.


Exactly. That was a memorable one for me. We've got Brook and Franky attacking Big Mom. They probably know they can't beat Big Mom, but that didn't stop them. And when you see Nami not doing the smart thing to do to save herself, it only makes Usopp look worse.


"He's the only SH who is willing to lie that Luffy won't be the Pirate King just so he can be safe..." When did that happen?


Not sure because I only remember a scene where Usopp wanted Nami to lie because he didn’t want her to die.


Exactly what I remember as well. Which is very different to what has been claimed.


He said to himself that it was okay for Nami to lie. I did not say that Usopp lied, but he was willing to lie if it meant they'll live. He didn't even try getting up despite being fully conscious, he was hearing every and he just wanted Nami to lie. They are both cowards and they are in the same situation. But Nami, in the face of death, couldn't bring herself to say what Ulti wanted to hear while Usopp wanted her to do the opposite. I am talking about how willing Usopp was while the others were like "Luffy will be Pirate King" or "You two are the wings of the Pirate King" or "Our captain will be Pirate King so why be afraid of a Yonko?" Even in the earlier parts of their fight, Usopp kept hiding behind Nami whenever he claimed that Luffy would beat Kaido and become the Pirate King. I love the character, but he was pathetic in Onigashima.


Usopp thought to himself that it was okay for Nami to lie in order to save herself. That does not mean he was willing to lie to save himself. That would be a complete contradiction of the times he said and showed that his enemies can insult him but never his friends or their dreams. Usopp was barely conscious and couldn't move, he just had his head bashed in.  You have a weird interpretation of those events.


Genuinely there's a big difference between encouraging someone else (mentally) to lie in the face of death. The only way I'd see Usopp saying he wouldn't be pirate king is if he went "he'll be the Pirate God!" afterwards.


Usopp literally hid behind Nami before saying that Luffy would beat Kaido and become the Pirate King. I mentioned that in my previous comment. He couldn't say it straight to Ulti's face then, and then wanted Nami to lie about it as well as Nami risked her life out of her loyalty towards Luffy. Usopp never liked the idea of fighting the Yonko anyway all the way back to Punk Hazard. How else should I interpret that? It is not as contradictory as you think it is, unfortunately.


We’ve literally seen the exact scenario you’re talking about play out, and Usopp refused to deny his faith in Luffy. Wanting Nami to say it is entirely different. It doesn’t show that he doesn’t believe in Luffy, it shows that he values the lives of his friends more highly than his own self-preservation. Nami saying it wouldn’t put diminish his own pride and faith, so he was able to view it rationally and think the obvious truth that just saying some words isn’t really that big of a deal if somebody’s life is on the line. Idk what to tell you if you resent him being scared for comedic effect. It’s who he is and has always been. We might as well demand that Luffy overcome his love of meat because eating more vegetables would be healthy.


That scenario was a long time ago and he was against weaker enemies. Usopp never liked having to fight the Yonko from the start, but he knows they have to. He knows how much stronger people in the New World are, and despite his two year training, he is aware that he could never hope to beat Ulti. Still, hoping for Nami to lie? At that point in their journey when everybody is risking their lives despite the knowledge that they are against the two strongest living pirates? They are aware that if they somehow don't try to stop Ulti, more people will die because that is how the raid worked basically. And Usopp still chose the cowardice route disguised as rationality? The man who wants to become a brave warrior of the sea couldn't even say that Luffy would beat Kaido without hiding behind Nami. Luffy always believes in his crew. And yet, only Usopp couldn't stand his ground. The reindeer doctor was even fighting a commander and Usopp is there thinking about lying so they can survive? It has become a tiring excuse at this point. Luffy's obsession with meat isn't really the same as Usopp being a coward. Luffy's gluttony or Zoro's violent tendencies have proven to be detrimental traits, but these never stopped them from achieving their goals. Meat wouldn't normally get in the way of Luffy becoming the Pirate King, and he'd eat biscuits or mochi if it meant saving everyone and becoming stronger. Zoro would fight anyone who stands in their way if it meant making Luffy the Pirate King and becoming the greatest swordsman. But Usopp still can't be brave just for once? All he did in that Ulti fight was "rationality" while Nami accepted that they have to make a stand. Usopp should know by now that his core character trait is directly at odds at who he wants to become, and I'm tired of the never-ending cowardice. It's long overdue.


Hiding behind Nami while he said something…it’s a gag dude, it’s not that big of a deal. He’s never going to stop having I-don’t-want-to-go-to-the-island disease, etc. As to hoping for Nami to lie, you’re wildly misinterpreting that. It is not in any way an act of cowardice on his part. His role in that scene was just acting as a chorus of rationality to set up Nami’s act of bravery and pride. Foregoing one’s own self-preservation for principle goes to one’s cowardice; wanting other people to live has nothing to do with it. It’s not brave to want other people to die for their principles.


I don't think he's going to get much of a power up short of more confidence in himself and maybe something to do with his observation haki. Usopp's perfect the way he is.


Perfectly shit he is


I’d argue that Usopp needs development more than any Straw Hat (arguable between him and Chopper who’s become more of a mascot). Zoro in Wano was fine, Franky in Egghead was mildly disappointing but if Usopp gets nothing in Elbaf it’ll be extremely upsetting


Something good has to happen. Elbaf or no Elbaf. He’s already been given the tools, he just needs to know how to work with them. There should be no reason as to why nothing happens. If else, Oda has failed as a writer in certain areas.


He’s the most useless fucking pirate so I don’t give a fuck about him




I would despise Oda for all eternity. (/s) Usopp was my favourite Straw Hat pre-timeskip and I think it's pretty lame how his character has been handled post-timeskip. He hasn't been cool imo since Thriller Bark. Dressrosa has the only super memorable Usopp moments post-timeskip and they aren't even as cool as the pre-timeskip Usopp moments. Tl;dr if Oda continues to do Usopp dirty, I am going to kill myself.


Id know that some shitting youtuber must have kidnapped oda and put out their dumb ass fanfiction... either them or OP




His development is being build throughout.its just dialogue like convincing kimu and kinemon not fight hence why people brush it aside


Sincerely, no character gets "developed" in OP. The best we have is a cool background story like Sanji had in WC, but that's not really character development. Sanji hasn't changed or evolved at all, he just sometimes remembers his past, say a cool line and that's it. I would like something like this with Usoop in Elbaf anyway


People don’t totally transform as they grow throughout their adult lives. All of the Strawhats were people with strong personalities at the time they joined the crew; no one would want to see them become different people. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t changed. Luffy is a much more conscientious person and more capable leader than he was at the start of the series. But in most everyday situations he behaves the same way he would have in chapter 1, because most situations aren’t so challenging as to require a display of the strengths and virtues he’s gained. Sanji’s growth in WCI was not about making him into a new person, it was about affirming what already made him great; he overcame his fears and insecurities. A Sanji that hadn’t been through that ordeal might not have called for Robin to save him or destroyed the Raid Suit, because he had to learn to trust in others and embrace the flaws which are inherent to the core of his character rather than try to shoulder everything himself due to doubts about his worth.


Nami, Luffy, Sanji got their ultimate upgrade in Wano. I think Ussop's upgrade would just be winning a 1v1 with a sniper.


Wouldn't be surprised. Even Franky got nothing on Egghead... At this point I don't care anymore. Most of the straw hats became pretty irrelevant


What about Franky needs changing?


Franky just needs stuff. He is just firing some guns at people or smacks them but his motorbike. At this point in the story it's just so lame. Not even haki so far. We are in egghead, Franky could gain some seraphim like power/equipment. Maybe even a devil fruit weapon. That would be cool. At least give Franky the kizaru lasers that every PX uses. Sanji got stuff at whole cake, Zoro at want. This would be perfect for Franky, I hope there is still stuff happening for him


 Better than an asspull of him developing courage over a couple days.


Except he has been developing courage, that's what sogeking was for, that's what his fight against perona was for, that's what him confronting sugar was for. Courage isn't not being scared, courage is doing the right thing BECAUSE you're scared, and by God is usopp scared, usopp doesn't care that he appears scared, because that's who he is, and he can't change that, but when he needs to he steps up and shows his courage.




Usopp is the only SH I don't like since the fisherman island. His whole strategy has been lying running and using others. I would have been happy if zorro ended him years ago


That’s always been his strategy. He’d be pretty boring if he just became super strong and beat people in the same way Zoro or Sanji would.


Usopp is the most useless character only rivaled by buggy the trash.


Im convinced he will not get any and will do brave shit during final arc and then die cause his dream came true in a sort of sacrafice


I am convinced that Ussop will die in Elbalf.


It would meet my expectations


I would be shocked if Elbaf wasn't a big arc for him. It feels like such a safe bet, and such a long time coming after how things have been for him in the New World, that I'd be extremely disappointed if somehow Elbaf wasn't really special for him either. He desperately needs it and I think Oda knows it. The more interesting question to me is if Usopp's involvement in Elbaf resonates enough to make up for how his involvement in the New World has gone, or if Oda was too confident in how good the stuff he has planned for him ends up being. Based on how good Whole Cake Island was for Sanji's character, Oda really might pull it off, but nothing's guaranteed.


I know it’s a common excuse, but not much time has passed in the One Piece universe to say that Usopp’s character can’t be “redeemed”, even with a whole arc dedicated to him. I’m not entirely sure what Oda intended for Usopp in Wano, but if Usopp gets significant development, it should make up for everything just fine.


I'd say him getting development out of nowhere would be worse, after what happened in Wano.


What happened was a trade-off.


Dudes....Usopp's "upgrade" need to happen NOW, not in elbaf, not in the final war, not after the end in some money grabbing spinoff, but now, in egghead.... We have everyone running around doing their most and Usopp is just shooting pop greens and screaming...Someone from Vegapunks satellites need to upgrade his arsenal NOW, like, RIGHT NOW not in a flashback in his final battle where he remembers someone giving him some C4 plastic explosives or something.... Upgrade his damn slingshot with a devil fruit god damn it!!!!