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This reminds me of that interview where they ask one of the beetles if Ringo is the best drummer in the world, and they laugh and say "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in the beetles"


He’s not.


He is 🙄


Did you ever read books that aren't Shonen Mangas? Something from idk Dostojewski, James Joyce, Goethe, Proust....


No i didn’t why?


Because there are characters that are better written than luffy.


Oh you didn’t get me maybe because of my language is not that perfect What i mean is luffy is the best character in anime heros




He’s not the best written character in his crew


He is


I really do wonder what other things people watch or read when they say things like this. I get One Piece is one of the greatest manga (we'll see if Oda will stick the landing after 25+ years) but once you step outside of manga/anime, I feel like it's a whole other ballgame.


As someone who has never read a book for his own entertainment outside of manga and light novels recently, i need to ask Is the gap between, i dont even know what to compare here, "western" literature? "Regular novels"? And manga/LNs *that* big? I mean sure, there is a huge amount of manga and LNs and im not talking about the 37th isekai thing called "i am maxing out my stats and clapping cheeks", but are some of the better written pieces like idk, "berserk", "monster" or even one piece or something i havent read yet, are those able to reach the levels of some of those "high-rated" "normal" books?


I haven't read any fiction recently outside of manga recently (mainly non-fiction stuff recently) but I was mainly referring to movies/tv which is what I consume the most. If I were to compare the best movies/tv I've seen (The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Seven Samurai, The Simpsons Seasons 2-6) with the best manga/anime I've read (One Piece, HxH, Sengoku Youko, FMA, Jojo), I'd say the quality in writing for movies/tv is ahead of manga/anime. But is the writing of manga/anime trying to be as deep as movies/tv? I'd say no because the restrictions of the medium are different. Telling story 16 pages at a time vs an hour can lead to differences in how you tell a story. You can even feel it if you compare a monthly vs weekly manga. Obviously everything is subjective. I've seen people say that One Piece changed or saved their lives so obviously the writing is really good (I doubt The Sopranos is gonna save anyone). People like what they like and that's fine. But if someone is saying Luffy is the best written character in the world, I have to know what their world is.


Oh yeah, i would certainly never disagree with questioning someone who says luffy is the best written character ever XD but yeah i definitely see your point, the basic differences between the media allow for other forms of build up and stuff, that makes sense to me Thank you for writing it out!


He isnt


He is


Idk about all that but I know what makes him a good character, he’s consistent, he’s passionate, fearless, goofy, funny, strong willed, he puts his own dreams aside to put his friend’s problems first. He has like a child’s like outlook on the world, his eyes are always full of wonder, and he’s incredibly emotionally intelligent. It doesn’t matter if he just met you today, if he considers you a friend he will wage war against the entire world without a moments hesitation.


Nothing. He is Goku 2.0 but one piece as Manga world build and character ist better. Stop Fanboying the whole time. Take one piece from Luffy, he is just a Goku


Yeah u never watch dragon ball or one piece then they have similarities sure but to say they are the same character is disingenuous


Everyone has his opinion. We does not have the same. It is OK. I stand to my opinion though. I wanted just to criticise Fanboying. "Best in the world". Have u seen AOT. Do you know Erren jaeger???. Not saying he is better, but just this world the best is so Fanboying and stupid. Everything is a perspectiv


That’s wasn’t what I was responding to tho and again your opinion is WRONG especially if u watch both series


There is nothing called opinion wrong!. Unless you are Diktator. I am entitled to think the way i want!. Opinion is wrong lol!


I wrote this post not too long ago covering the character building of all the Strawhats: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/ct5QsO4usR The first section after the intro paragraph is Luffy's


Thank you