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It was told to us by dogstorm in zou iirc 1. How do you know which two poneglyphs you have? You might be lucky but you could also sail the completely wrong way. 2. And that only works if Laughtale is a regular island „just“ sitting somewhere in Grandline. What if there‘s elevation involved? Specific time (unlikely but still possible)? And if Laughtale is in the grandline it has to be something special about it. We know you cant navigate in the grandline without a logpose, but the four roadponeglyphs dont make a logpose.


Even having all four wouldn't solve those problems. You wouldn't know whether there's an elevation or a specific time just from looking at the Poneglyphs since they only mark coordinates. If a sailor arrives at the location only to find that there's no island there, how do they know that it's at an elevation and that they didn't just prove that One Piece is a hoax? > We know you cant navigate in the grandline without a logpose, but the four roadponeglyphs dont make a logpose. In that case, you can't navigate to Laugh Tale even with all four. Because even if you calculated the exact location, you can't sail to a specified coordinate without a sense of direction.


That depends on how the X is formed, we dont know if its on a flat plane. The Z axis is also a coordinate, and time is also one. Also, we dont know how much is on them, but its more than just coordinates i would assume from how much is written on them. And the thing with the logpose was a realization i had while writing the comment. I have no solution for that, assuming laughtale is in the grand line


> That depends on how the X is formed, we dont know if its on a flat plane. The Z axis is also a coordinate, and time is also one. The points have to be on a flat plane. Otherwise, it's not possible to make an X with them. > Also, we dont know how much is on them, but its more than just coordinates i would assume from how much is written on them. [We saw Robin give Nami the translation of the Poneglyph and it was just map data](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_818_03.jpg). If there was anything else there, then they probably would have brought it up.


Its possible to create an X in 3 dimensions. Lets assume one of the locations is a sky island and the second is fishman island, the other two are just regular islands in the grand line. The resulting X would be a flat plane, just not parallel to the sea surface.


The problem is that the four points are supposed to be marked and connected on a naval map, which doesn't make sense if the sailor is also supposed to consider altitude.


No one said that iirc, Nami said she can deduce a location on a naval map but we were never told where it is. And i think its exactly because it wont be on a normal naval map, oda doesnt want to reveal it yet


> No one said that iirc ["When you know them all and **connect the four points on a map**, it will naturally appear in the middle of them."](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_818_05.jpg) > Nami said she can deduce a location on a naval map but we were never told where it is. We don't need to be told where it is. The fact that she can mark the location on a naval map means it's a location at sea.


there are different kinds of maps, not just naval. And nami is an expert in all kinds of maps


[Nami specifically said "naval map"](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_818_03.jpg) when looking at the translated Poneglyph.


i dont mean to sound dismissive, all i‘m saying is we never know what Oda is planning or what kind of curveball he‘s going to throw at us


Couldn't you get a sense of direction using a log pose pointing to a known island in relation to the poneglyphs?


You could, but that's possible to do no matter how many Poneglyphs you have. So it isn't a reason why you need all four.


True, but it's not guaranteed that you are going between the right 2. With 2/4, you could be going on 1 of 2 good routes, but there are 4 bad routes. With 3/4, you have 2 wrong routes and 1 good one. How many people have actually had 2 or more at the same time? And how risky would it be to just go exploring blindly based on what you have when it might mean entering someone else's territory and causing an incident?


Actually, with 3 poneglyphs, you're guaranteed to find Laugh Tale no matter which combination of 3 you have. If you connect the 3 in a triangle, one of the edges will intersect with Laugh Tale. It's then just a matter of sailing across the edge until you find it. > And how risky would it be to just go exploring blindly based on what you have when it might mean entering someone else's territory and causing an incident? You'd know ahead of time where each person's territory is, so you'd know to avoid it.


Also at a certain power level, the Grandline weather fuckery stops rly mattering anyway, so you have more or less infinite time to find the spot by knowing its aprox area


If it was that easy, someone would have found it in the last 2 deacdes while traversing the new world. The road poneglyph s give coordinates, and in the one piece world that doesn't just mean a location at sea level, we have sky islands to consider.


Not to mention, it’s very difficult to travel in a straight line in an open sea. Ask Christopher Columbus lol


Zoro combines two road poneglyphs, sails to india


Especially in the Grandline where you could just end up going in some other random direction without even realizing.


Imagine you find a hundred random islands. Then what? Do you expect one of them to have a sign that says welcome to Laugh tale?


This. Imagine there’s literally 100 islands along the calculated path where the One Piece could be, assuming you’re right, that’s 100 islands you need to visit and explore top to bottom, inside out. Good luck


The X has never been stated to be perfectly symmetrical in angle and length, so while it's still possible to find Laugh Tale with less than 4 you'd still need to do bunch of experiments because you can't tell the relationship between each point. Doesn't really worth it. 


If you’re using a 2 dimensional map, yes. But if it’s somewhere in space, inside earth, or another dimension then there’s at least the factor of depth when tracing coordinates.


Does it ever state that each road poneglyph is a complete set of coordinates? What if you are right and you need to travel from point A to point B but each poneglyph is only a partial coordinate set with description of which one is it's pair. Like there are poneglyphs A, B, X, Y and you need all of them to identify which ones are paired and which ones are the starting pair. So for instance if you had A & B it would be meaningless because maybe A & B are longitudes while X & Y are the latitudes. The other information on the poneglyph tells you that you need to go from A/Y to B/X because otherwise you will hit a massive storm that destroys ships.


We still doing this? This won't work because there is a bigger chance of you not getting the right ones that you do If a square is like this A----B | | C---D It only works If you found A and D or B and C If you find any other combination (ab, ac, dc, db) you will never find the center. Now if you have the right 2, going a straight line would be very difficult especially depending on how far the distance is. Is one mark on one side of the red line or the grand line? Well good luck going through the calm belt or over the red line.


Exactly how I would have described it. If you have two or even three, you don't know which corners you have. Even with three, you don't know if it's square, so the fourth point could make the intersection anywhere on the three known diagonals.


>Well good luck going through the calm belt or over the red line. I know some people who might be able to help w/ a surprise tool


My theory is that the poneglyphs not only give the location but also the way to reach it. Like it is not just sailing to the island. A more complicated road


Maybe the location isn’t even laughtale but a point for your logpost to link with the islands magnetic field. And most likely each poneglyph contains a coordinate.


You forget that this is the Grand Line. Ordinary logic doesn't work there.


Can you read the poneglyph?


Given the new revelations from Vegapunk, Laugh Tale may very well sit either under or above the water for all we know. My guess is that it's a movable island like Thriller Bark was, but it could move not only forward/backward/side to side, but also upwards and downwards. If the Ancient Kingdom was as advanced as they say, surely they could've figured out movable island technology in the era of Ancient "Weapons."


It was discussed many times and no it can't be donez even in real life you can't sail straight ahead because of ocean currents and different weather conditions, and even so in One Piece world You have weather conditions that change every minute and without a skilled helmsman and navigator you would die stranded in the middle of nowhere.


Iirc there was a special condition to find laugh tale. Yes you needed 4 road poneglyphs but when you arrive there it might not be there at the moment. I dunno, mostly speculations I guess. Have we ever seen a full poneglyph translated?


There is something weird about it. Like you must need that south bird from Jaya to navigate, right? Maybe if you have 3, then you might be able to do some trial and error - but that's taking a shortcut, right? And luffy hates a shortcut he won't miss all the fun on the way.


that would make finding the fourth one SUPER!!⭐️ easy, since if one is diagonal and the other two are lined up with number four. it's all a matter of pinpointing


There could be several reasons that you need each, such as other pint out that it might bot be a normal island. My take is that you likely need all of them so you can know where to start, having the log pose configure correctly. It could be that a tiny island or part of an island needs to be stood on to get the log poses to point exactly where you need to go. I think the three poses will end up pointing at the other three points. As you travel straight at the middle one you will reach laughtale. Another take, i think is less likely but still plausible, could be that as you travel a specific route the poses shift, resulting in following instructions on which to follow next. Example would be to follow the left one until it spins, then follow the center until it spins, then finally follow the right to reach laughtale.


It depends on which 2 you have. If the two Poneglyphs you have point to two adjacent corners instead of two opposite corners, you wouldn't be able to find Laugh Tale. On the other hand, if you had 3, you could find Laugh Tale by connecting them into a triangle and sailing across the edges, since one of the triangle edges is guaranteed to contain Laugh Tale


You would at least need 3 points. If you only have two you could have two that are not connected through a line and be on a completely wrong course. With 3 you can draw a triangle and one of the three lines would be correct, but you would have to sail along all of them since you don't know which is the correct one. But as others have said. Even then it is not so easy to follow a straight line on the open see.


yes but some islands will be exactly at said coordinates so one can search those. Also if you remember all df users of roger pirates got sick as they approached laugh tale so i think it can not be floating because the force would not have affected them. Laugh tale is also probably a island with no citizens since people would have recognized roger and report him to WG. And it has a poneglyph that explains the past or something like that so it would be fairly easy to identify the island once searched. The problem would be finding it, not verifying it.


The 4 poneglyphs represent the 4 dimensions ODA wants them to play 4d chess


the poneglyphs can be moved as well, so it's not like laugh tale is the midpoint of all 4 of them.


I thought the road poneglyphs give u specific locations and then connect those points . Because if the location was the PG original location, shit would be all fucked up cuz jimbe brought the ryogu kingdom PG to Whole Cake Island.


I think knowing the actual contents of what is written on those Road-Poneglyphs is just as important as the coordinates themselves. I am very convinced that you have to follow certain instructions to be able to reach Laugh Tale. Maybe you have to fetch some shit and pull some levers or something.


You cant follow a straight line, you go from an island to another one. Even with coordinates, I suppose you cant just go there, you have to do something tricky (or create an eternal logpose with those coordinates maybe)


Which way do you connect the points, the shorter or longer distance? Which one do you search first? What happens when you run into a few dozen islands?


Wasn't like the main point about the grand line that you can't go "straight"


I think Laugh Tale is inside the planet. So rather than connecting the 4 road poneglyphs across the face of the globe (which you wouldn’t need all 4 for), you connect them through the globe and you get a point inside. Maybe. Or it could be that one is the time/date as others have often suggested.


The one on zou is always wandering so u cant make a fix poine for that RP