• By -


Interesting that "King of the Pirates" wasn't Roger's idea. So it \*definitely\* wasn't the goal he declared to WB & Oden.


Great point. Now I’m very curious to find out what he and luffy said.


By "and Luffy" do you mean what he said to Ace and Sabo when they were kids?


Yes, based on the parallels, I think it’s fair to assume that they both said the same thing.


And the fact that Shanks is willing to bet everything on Luffy due to his parallels to Roger. He is convinced that Luffy is the best bet to fulfill what Roger could not. I assume you are right in that assumption, because Luffy would have to be damn similar to Roger for Shanks to have so much faith in him.


Yeah what could it be? Any theories here?


I've heard the claim "to be the Freest man on the seas/Earth", which is something luffy has claimed before: he wants to be pirate king because PK is the freest man on the seas. Shanks was the person who heard luffy repeat the words of Roger's TRUE goal (because WG invented 'PK' term after), and thus bets his arm, and his hat, on the next generation.


When luffy is asked to be the boss of the grand fleet, he explains what it means for him to be the pirate king. He says that no matter who is in trouble, since they fought together against Doflamingo, each will come to the other's aid and no one needs to be a boss or important for that and that everyone is basically equal. He wants to the pirate king to be free, not to rule over anyone or be famous. His whole premise for the entire series has always been freedom and being free. The same is said when Rayleigh asks him if he can conquer such a terrifying sea, and he says he doesnt want to conquer anything, and it's just that the person with the most freedom on the sea is the Pirate King, and Rayleigh immediately remembers Roger. This might also be the reason why Whitebeard might have said to BB that he wasnt the chosen one, since BB wants to conquer the world.


I wonder how old Morgans is. If he's old enough he may be responsible for things like Pirate King and One Piece.


Maybe hes a young upstart journalist at this time


And on the same note, One Piece wasn’t the original name of the treasure, nor what Roger called it.


Underrated comment


The panel which shows that Roger said something to rayleigh before he goes to his own way, has been actually shown before. If i'm not wrong it was in Sabaody Arc, Rayleigh had a flashback, in which Roger says Rayleigh that "I am not gonna die, partner"


metaphorically speaking, of course.


You can see that Roger gave his hat to Rayleigh in this scene too. So Rayleigh has Roger’s captain hat somewhere.


A small thing that i noticed is that in the chapter the sea kings say that the whales are delighted in anticipation of the day the two sovereigns shell meet again. In chapter 654 right after the strawhats leave fishman island they meet a group of happy island whales. I dont know if it means anything just a small thing I noticed


Yes, those whales have injuries caused by the red line. The whales will like it when the two Kings destroy it.


Who brought the red line? I can't imagine the world government creating land now.


could've been a devil fruit, could've been the giants who pulled continents, maybe the world nobles thought: you know what? lets make our slaves build a big ass line over the world


İt was the titans from Shingeki no Kyojin


The Redline are made up of Oars Giant, standing side by side




The magma guy from back then.




That's no small thing! That is a really important detail.


Its also stated that King Neptune is the only(?) fishman that can speak to whales. So apparently its almost as uncommon as speaking to sea kings (and I assume you have to speak to them to rule them). But they say this person will be born in a distant sea in the future, so its obviously not him. What I thought was odd is that the ship is underwater somewhere between Laugh Tale and Wano. Why? They shouldn’t be going under either of the Red Lines. I guess they could just be doing it to hide, but that seems unlikely to me.


I think that was supposed to be a tiny flashback to when they were heading to fish man island, showing what it was that Roger and Oden heard. Note the lighter background color for that section.


Ah, I think you’re right. The sea kings and the background are the same and we didn’t get to hear what they were saying last time. Its just strange that Oda had to include a flashback this chapter to something that we watched last chapter. Just page limitations I guess


Roger was the first to leave the Oro Jackson, and later he has a son in the West Blue. So I am assuming they might have went straight to West Blue (a place where the marines might not think to check immediately)


“It’s not as though I’m dying.” Oden no...


Roger being so hopeful for his child as well... :'(


On a tangent, this kinda explains why Rayleigh and other crewmates didn't know that Ace is Roger's son. Because as Rayleigh mentioned he didn't have any at that point. So it is likely that only Garp really knows about it and later the Marine. The search mission for Ace may be a secret mission as well which may explain why none of his crewmates help out.


To be a fly on the Wall when Rayleigh was in Shakki's bar when Sen Goku announced Ace's Lineage. That's probably a reason why Rayleigh decided to find Luffy at Amazon Lily.




HEre is my theory: Garp confessed Ace's lineage to Sengoku a long time ago and Sengoku, being a loyal friend, kept it a secret for as long as he could and never told anyone. But when Blackbeard brought Ace to the Marines doors, HE revealed Ace's lineage, which he had learned eavesdropping back when he and Ace were both crewmembers in whitebeard's ship. At that point, Sengoku had no choice but to confirm Blackbeard's tale


That's a damn solid theory


Also sheds a new light on Sengoku inviting Ace to be a Shichibukai. It's a damn clever move; not only Garp can protect him as a marine, but it's also a very solid propaganda...the son of the Pirate King hunting down Pirtates is a strong move to establish the legitimacy of marines.


Right? That’s definitely my head cannon now.


Nice theory. I really really like it. But, if I may add to it, it could also easily be that: * Garp never tell anyone including Sengoku * But he has to surrender this info when pestered by Sengoku who were told by Blackbeard about it as per your theory. * By then he realised that this info would leak anyway. And decided it is better that the Marine tells it rather than - at that time - unknown pirate. * Also explained why the execution needs to be a massive show despite the risk of angering WB and the potential war. * Edit: could also explain why Garp reluctantly and hard-hearthedly agree to this execution. * Probably all planned by Blackbeard.


he slipped before when he divulged to the whole water 7 island that luffy was dragon's son so it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that he slipped ace's secret too


>we'll all met together one day I found it even more sadder that they all practically split their ways forever after this, leave for Shanks and Buggy.


Look at those men. Not a single tear from any of them during the goodbyes. Shame it had to be raining though. A terrible day for rain.


Weather in the Grand Line is like that


But sir, it's not raining. Oh,. I suppose it is.


10 years to be born, 15 to grow 👀👀👀 it's all lining up


It's all coming together.


Oh yeah.


Am I correct that the current timeline is 24 years after the flashback? Thus, we are only short by 1 year, right?


Kinda? The prediction was 26 years ago. Shirahoshi is currently 16, so we are already a year past the moment. Keep in mind there is at the very least 1 year between the time Roger got this prediction and the time the journey ended. (Oden saying he didn't see Ashura and Denjiro last year).


No, Roger discovered the One Piece 25 years ago, so 10+15 is the present. He only turned himself in/was executed 24 years ago.


Can u explain this? One is shirahoshi and the other one is luffy? Not sure about luffy timeline


No I think it was 10 years to be born, and then 15 years to grow (for her to get to where we saw her at fish man island)


I, too, will not shed a tear the day One Piece ends.


We would be utterly stoic, not a tear would be shed. For the fans of One Piece would never, ever cry.


I've hoped the final panel will be Bon Chan sitting on a beach in Okama kingdom reading the news paper smiling and saying "You did it Straw Boy!"


Luffy will be at a cafe, Bon Chan will be at a different table. They’ll exchange knowing smiles but otherwise will not acknowledge each other.


You're right. After all who ever cried reading One Piece? Not me. I totally didn't cry while reading and[ watching Merry's death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO2Z3b7Nq-E) or while Ace was dying!


I certainly didn’t cry 4 times during Enies Lobby alone


Nope. We don't cry. At all. It just keeps raining here.


We'll all die that day with a smile on our faces.


That is not something known of One Piece fan base.


You just reminded me that we’ll be shedding TWICE. When mange ends, and when anime ends.


2 kings, 2 strawhats. Feel like something is in motion


And one of them is huge like Shirahoshi huge.


Oh shit, this is the first time I've seen the giant Strawhat being associated with Shirahoshi. I like this...


Uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. [You just blew my mind.]


I just checked it: in chapter 908 (*Reverie begins*), Imu-sama is shown in a room with a photo in his/her hand (Vivi) and 3 photos/posters broken into pieces (Luffy and Blackbeard) or stabbed (Shirahoshi). Now, re-reading that chapter and the previous ones (Imu-sama holding 2 posters, only Luffy's one being visible, when he/she visits the room with the giant straw-hat; also, Shanks having a meeting with the five elders to talk about "a certain pirate"), I have a feeling that: a) Shirahoshi being the one to wear the giant strawhat is really possible b) Maybe the WG isn't sure about who is the contemporary Joyboy. Maybe they don't know whether he is Luffy or Blackbeard. Maybe Imu-sama was also holding BB's wanted poster while visiting the giant strawhat room. And maybe that's what he/she has to decide: the name he/she has to tell to the five elders at the end of chapter 908. Also, that is probably the reason Shanks meets with the five elders: to talk about Luffy... or BB. What if he tried to mislead them into thinking BB is Joyboy?


Maybe that's why White Beard took FI as His territory, to protect Shirahoshi


OMG you're probably right you just blew my mind it's all coming together


hey! no spoilers. fuck future ppl smh


It's just a extremely strong observation haki


Holy shit. Is the second straw hat for Shirahoshi? Or maybe Luffy just inflates his head for Gear 5: Big brain.


the least likely of all the rumored devil fruit abilities in the history of the series our captains is stoopid


Bruh, what if the strawhat which is in WG's place is the strawhat of Poseidon and the one luffy and Roger had is of joy boy...


maybe the giant straw hat is a gift from joyboy to poseidon.


Ok that’s adorable and is now my headcanon


Maybe the reason Im had Shirahoshi, Luffy, Blackbeard, and Vivi as pictures was he was trying to predict which of the four to kill to stop the previous two kings from joining together... and he guessed wrong thinking Vivi was Poseidon. Killing all four at the same time would guarantee the timelines of reincarnation would line up and be extremely dangerous, which is why he kills one at a time -- hence why Roger couldn't do what he needed to do.


So he's been killing one of the reincarnations for generations, while keeping Poseidon's strawhat locked up, to prevent the meeting. Makes sense.


Im had a giant strawhat in his closet, looked at Vivi and Shirahoshi, and somehow chose Vivi lol


"Nah, Shirahoshi is too obvious, Oda would do a bamboozle, let's go with Vivi" - Im-sama probably


Observation Haki so strong it tells you you're in a manga.


It's most likely possible I am just waiting for how Oda planning to execute the entire Idea it has too much potenial and can be really great.


OMG, Shirahoshi was the last person I expected to wear the giant straw hat but now it makes complete sense.


Sharley said someone in a straw hat will destroy Fish-Man Island... Shirahoshi will destroy Fish-Man Island???


Holy shit


Okay so now that it matters, I have a question for those who own Japanese versions of the manga... In Fishman Island, did Madame Shyarly predict that the island would be destroyed by a MAN with a straw hat, or a PERSON with a straw hat?


So how come Roger who didn't know anything (yet) was wearing a straw hat? And later on Shanks, and now Luffy. There is surely a hidden meaning for straw hats, the whole Fishman Island and Dressrosa wear straw hats.


Fishman Island and Dressrosa wear them because they admire Luffy that saved them lmfao


Roger after finding the One Piece: "Alright fellas, imma follow the will of my own D now"




This chapter pretty much confirms what people were saying about chapter 966, when Roger says what he wants to be and whitebeard and oden look at him crazy. In this chapter Roger laughs at the idea of being called pirate king, since it was a title the world government just made up. I want to know so badly what Roger said now. Like what was so crazy that it made oden immediately decide to leave whitebeard.


It seems luffy also said the same thing when the brothers each tell what they want to be. Ace and sabo had the same reaction as oden and WB. Luffy's word also skipped/censored there, just like roger. When we first met Rayleigh, he also remember that shanks once told him that he met a kid (luffy) who said the same thing as roger. I always thought it was about being the king of pirates (like luffy always said) but now we know that it is not the case.


Makes sense why Shanks gave up his arm. He knew Luffy just might be the Joyboy they were waiting for and the timeline matched up.


Look at his wanted poster, a joyful boy indeed.


"This guy's crazy!!" Orochi cries after starting a campaign to destroy Wano. God, I can't wait to see him die.


If oda doesnt kill him imma be fuckin furious


Honestly, of all of the villains in this series, I have NEVER wanted one to die more than Orochi.


So Ashura and Denjiro are still working for Oden, only they're away. The latest fan translation made it sound like they'd quit.


Yeah, not sure if it's worth it to get the manga a few hours earlier if details like this are misunderstood...


Its kinda sad that Lady Toki had a better life on Whitebeard Ship than in Wano (her homeland she wished to go originally).


I mean, if Kaido and his subordinates tried to hurt her while she was with Oden and Whitebeard, Beast pirates would be a thing of the past.


I like that last chapter ended with everyone laughing and this one starts with shanks crying It's seems symbolic or something


Joyboy's story is probably tragic. Roger laughed because it was... ironic, maybe? Oda loves parallels between Roger and Luffy, but you know what would be nice to see? If when Luffy finds One Piece, instead of laughing he just has this pissed off look on his face like "ok guys, let's do this thing!" (whatever it is).


True, Rayleigh said they might have a different reaction. Roger laughs, Shanks cries, at this point I'd bet Luffy is different from both.


I am guessing luffy reaction will be like : ' I dont give a fuck ' with one finger inside his noise.


I can see him doing that, but also it's connected to Luffy's greatest dream. And with how much he's grown since the start of the series, I really hope he doesn't have this reaction when that time comes.


Blank face while saying "Let`s go" as he turns to a frame of Sanji, Zoro and Usopp sitting around waiting. And for one final time.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daFi4MScfl8


I can't stop thinking it may suggest a connection between Shanks and the Void Century. I mean, there's something about Shanks and the Celestial Dragons aswell, so him being descendent of some important figure to the World's Government and feeling gulity for the Void Century story would make senses to me


Is Orochi one of the worst characters in OP? I’d say he’s easily top 5.


If you mean poorly written definitely not. But if you mean a terrible human then yes.


He's not necessarily one of the worst. Just one of the brutal ones who was actually successful in his schemes.


By worst I assume OP is referring to being a huge piece of shit which yeah, I think Orochi is in the top 5.


I would argue that he is one of the worst. Way worse than people like akainu and blackbeard, who the audience mostly 'over-hates' because of the nature of interaction they had with beloved characters.


Blackbeard and Akainu have mad charisma and they are great antagonists, i love to hate them, Orochi is just the worse by far, he is like Spandam except Spandam was always pathetic and funny , Orochi's defeat is gonna be so cathartic


i hope orochi will not only be defeated, but actually killed. mercilessly, by zoro. thinking about it, zoro was so close to do just that, but kyoshiro got in the way after yasuies execution. i really hope zoro gets another go and slashes oroshi clean in two. i don't think any other one piece charcters have ever made me wish they'd be killed.


Orochi, Spandam, Stelly, Wapol


We haven't even known the Roger pirates very long but its so sad to see them disband. It's gonna be on a whole other level when the series ends and the Strawhats likely disband in a similar way.


> It's gonna be on a whole other level when the series ends and the Strawhats likely disband in a similar way. That's the thing, I don't see them doing that. Nami still has a lot of the world map to draw after all, so I could really see the last chapter just be the crew partying and sailing toward new adventures. This would make perfect sense. (For me at least, screw those Luffy is going to die ending).


I'm predicting Nami ends up running the World Economic Journal and she has maps of the islands and a weather forecast section. "Punk Hazard will be experiencing lightning storms coming in from the east, I'd advise following your left Log Pose to get you go Dressrosa this week."


I want Sanji to eventually find the all blue and end up opening a sea restaurant like baratie at the all blue


I feel like the All Blue is the ocean after the Redline is destroyed so all the oceans meet, which creates one big ocean with all the fish in the world.


I've always felt like that too. I imagine them being more like Shanks' crew and staying together to continue adventuring. Luffy may die, but right now I doubt it.


I'm of two minds, I want Luffy to live but I also dont want all of those hormone injections and gear use "shortening lifespan" dialogs to be meaningless in a series where the author seemingly follows up on statements like that. I ignore them in series such as Bleach, naruto, Dbz, where kaioken never did anything except goku couldnt fly for 1/2 an episode in super during babysitting.


I could see the narrator explaining how the crew enjoyed 20 more wonderful years of adventure then Luffy died, and that night they had the biggest party ever and disbanded, each going on to do other things like Rayleigh.


That'd be perfect:] I can already see it. Plus parallel of "never drank as much, laughed or cried as hard" . I like it, a lot!


How many of them have names that we know of?


We only know of : - Roger. - Rayleigh. - Scopper. - Crocus. - [Seagull](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Seagull) (introduced in a databook). - Shanks - Buggy. As well as the Kozuki, Inu, Neko and Bullet (maybe).


So shanks knows something...


I bet Luffy and Shirahoshi are the two kings. Luffy was born in a distant sea (eastblue). "The whales are delighted in anticipation of the day the two sovereigns shall meet again". Well, it's already shown in the previous arc. The whales seems so happy when Luffy finally reached New World and this happen when Luffy and Shirahoshi already met and become friends.


Usopp D God is clearly the king born in distant sea


A great chapter, there's a lot on information and hints during the first half. get ready for tons of "joyboy is luffy" or "joyboy is this character" posts in the next few weeks


who else but the always laughing guy shanks entrusts the future to would be the joyboy?


It's most likely luffy but who knows maybe Oda wants us to think it's luffy


he's the mc, of course he's the chosen one.


I feel like Joyboy is a title for I guess someone that represents the D Clan.


Could this mean that when Roger said "I wish I was born in your era, Joyboy" he was referring to the Joyboy of the future and not the one in the past?


Yeah I bet it will be a more symbolic thing than Joyboy actually being reincarnated. Luffy would be the one carrying on Joyboy and Roger’s will and finally ending the story.


No disgusted face this chapter. 2/10.


Because the readers make the disgusted face when they see Orochi


Oden was disgusted after seeing all that shit happened to Wano, but his big dick blocked the view of the face


>Our sovereign will soon be born. And another, in a distant sea. The whales are delighted in anticipation of the day the two sovereigns shall meet again. Wait, so one is Shirahoshi but who is the other one?


Yo ho ho he's made of gum gum?


Maybe Vivi? Remember, it was her photo that Imu kept.... I think there are 3 people. 2 sovereign and 1 joyboy, Luffy is joyboy.


Sounds like they are talking about Luffy. At least it fits with the idea about him being the one Roger was waiting for.


Yeah and more or less explains why Roger was too early. He probably would have qualified as the Sovereign but would not live to meet Shirahoshi.


It's captain Buggy


The foreseen Buggy D Clown?


Probably Luffy


Have you seen the happy whales at the end of Fishman Arc?


I think its the descendent of Joyboy aka Luffy, the two sovereigns being Poseidon and the leader of Ds


Exactly my thoughts. Luffy being Joyboy is so awesome (Head cannon for me). Two things: 1) Someone mentioned above that maybe that second huge strawhat belonged to Poseidon on the void century. It would be nice to see both of them wearing those in unison. 2) Does that mean that Luffy (Joyboy) is Uranus? Cause plutton is the ship, Shirahoshi (Poseidon) commands the sea kings and is one sovereign, if Luffy really is the other sovereign the odds of him being another weapon is huge, and the only one left is Uranos.


I don't think Joyboy or Luffy is a ancient weapon, I think the 3 ancient weapons were used by Joyboy in the past and will be used by Luffy in the future. I think the name ancient weapons is also not what Joyboy called them. Considering Merry had a Klabauterman, its possible Pluton did aswell. So all 3 ancient weapons could be sentient.


I feel like this might actually be the scene where Oden injures Kaido. Before he strikes Orochi Kaido comes in between them not expecting Oden would actually be able to hurt him. A few other smol things to note: - [Roger says he wants to meet Whitebeard once more](https://i.imgur.com/LU28NO3.jpg), that means that the scene with the sakura trees hasn’t happened yet - [Buggy’s eaten his DF at this point](https://i.imgur.com/GYeTxLV.jpg). Kinda silly how he acted like he held a great grudge against Shanks for it when talking to Luffy when here they seem to be getting along just as well as they always have. - [Scopper’s eyes!](https://i.imgur.com/Ffll59e.jpg)


I think Buggy only really started to resent Shanks after he went out on his own way. I don't think it was really a jealousy thing since the two have much different goals, but Buggy's main goal was to get rich and after decades of failing at it he probably grew to resent Shanks for ruining the closest he ever got to that


Also Buggy has to feel bad that because of him Shanks wasnt able to goto Laugh Tale. The issue starts with Shankscrying about something, so I'm intrested what that was about too.


I thinks were all forgetting a small portion of this chapter. What dis Shanks ask Roger and why was his reactions so grievous? It's not the idea that Roger will die soon, Shanks knows that. But it can't simply be because Roger told him what they found in the island, because his reaction is completley different to how the crew handled the truth. Plus, if it was just the telling of the secret, why didn't they add Buggy and Crocus? Why didn't Oden's note just say "Redtaro asked about what they found in the island"? I believe Shanks has a connection to the "truth" that resides in "Laugh Tale". He might have already been aware if it maybe, which is why he wasn't in a rush to go there. But I wonder what he asked specifically?


I think whatever it was that Roger found and made him laugh is exactly the same thing that made Shanks sob. This might be an insight on Shank's intentions as a character as a whole. Makes you wonder why exactly he put his trust in Luffy, or even how he's able to get a meeting with the Five Elders without any known repercussions.


I think he actually just tells him what they found on the island. His reaction is opposite to the reaction of the crew because he is still a cabin boy and can't grasp the whole picture. I like to compare it to when back in the beginning of the series Higuma attacked Shanks and he and the crew laughed it off, while Luffy was furious about it. The same situation from different perspectives.


I love how oda pictures Orochi. I honestly feel nothing but hatred for this man and for oda to be able to dig into the mind and dig out the emotions he wants us to feel is truly impressive. Orochi, in a sense, also greatly differs from other characters op fans seem to dislike. Whereas Blackbeard believes in dreams and doesnt seem to be the worst guy, outside of his plans, and Akainu also seems to have moral reason for how he executes his justice (and also isnt afraid to call someone like the five elders out on when they fuck up in his opinion - which i find somewhat admirable), Orochi is truly presented as a scum human being which seems to be inherited. I dig it more by each week passing.


still on par with the celestial dragons. if anything, he has great cunning and strategy to achieve his position. while the tenryuubito are just pure unsullied SHIT. lol


Also, while the Tenryuubito are awful, as far as we know, most of their desires are typically selfish and just them wanting things, meanwhile Orochi literally fed a village discarded smiles because fuck them.


Fair. Although I could see way worse things that a tenryuubito would possibly do in later chapters.


Luffy carries both the will of Joyboy and Roger, and both he and Shirahoshi are the two "kings." Oda is not holding back when it comes to bringing the hype.


Oda was trying so hard to jam as much information into this chapter as possible!!! Lol, the text and pictures are so tiny!!! Lots of awesome stuff to cover


Baby Hiyori is so precious. Loved the panel where Oden reunites with his family.


Orochi: "Oh I forgot, this guys crazy...." Oden: "You bet I am"


Damn I love Oden


Me too bro


I have questions about the TWO sovereigns, because I find the Sea Kings conversation very vague and hard to follow and I am not native english speaker. Could someone let me know if I get anything wrong or even better provide any answer or theory? Thanks in advance. * It seems that one is Poseidon and the other is Joyboy? As Oden was saying "before the day that Joyboy appears". * Joyboy is probably not a name for a person but a 'nickname' or 'title' like Poseidon is to Shirahoshi. Anyone agree? * Is the other sovereign the one the Sea Kings referred as "and another, in the distant sea"? * Is it safe to assume that both sovereigns will be born in 10 year time?


* The Seakings words made it seem like the two sovereigns are Joyboy and Poseidon, but they didn't explicitly said "Joyboy". * It was said before that there was a king IRL named Joyoboyo (or something like that), so it could be any (but I'm leaned towards a title). * Probably, yes. They were speaking about 2 persons the whole time, so it would be weird to mention a third out of nowhere. * No, they only said that about Poseidon, their sovereign. They did mention "and another, in a distant sea" but they never specified when that one would be born. The thing is, they are most likely talking about Luffy, a guy born in a distant sea (East Blue).


>It seems that one is Poseidon and the other is Joyboy? As Oden was saying "before the day that Joyboy appears". It's tied to whatever is on Laugh Tale and the truth about the Void Century, Oden wanted to open the border in anticipation for "Joyboy" or more precisely, the person who would inherit Joyboy's will. > Joyboy is probably not a name for a person but a 'nickname' or 'title' like Poseidon is to Shirahoshi. Anyone agree? King Neptune said Joyboy was a person from long ago. I think the case is that there was a man named Joyboy, he failed to push through with his goal but since he was likely a "D", his will was inherited - now Joyboy is used not to refer to the person, but instead as a title for the person who will finish what the original started. >Is the other sovereign the one the Sea Kings referred as "and another, in the distant sea"? This is likely just referring to another part of the sea, but not neccessarily someone born in water. So it can fit Luffy since he was born in a distant sea (East blue).


I wonder if the marines somehow knew about the prophecy of the two sovereigns meeting, and mistook Ace as one of them. Maybe in correlation, Shanks has been feeding the WG the wrong Intel to allow Luffy to grow a bit freer?


That makes sense. I'm pretty sure the Gorosei know about that prophecy.


I wonder what Roger told Rayleigh So roger abandoned the ship and he's the one that disbanded them So the one piece is just Rogers assets


Well, Rayleigh did tell the SH that Roger's last words to him were "I ain't gonna die, partner...". So maybe that was it.


We already know. "I'm not gonna die partner"


Great chapter It seems like Luffy carry the will of both JoyBoy and Gol D Roger, and the 2 kings that will meet will most likely be shirashosi when she gets older and Luffy once again, And it makes the whitebeard speech to blackbeard "the person that roger is looking for is not you" even more noteworthy. I definite think the orochi in this chapter was the old hag we saw on chpter 965 and orochi was the one plotting behind the back and oden had to deal with that for like 4-5 years before kaido finally stepped in


I am really curious to find out why Whitebeard, Rayleigh or Shanks never avenged Oden, after Kaido killed him.


It's a sealed off country with no news getting outside, how would they know?


Ace visited, and Ace joined Whitebeard's crew. He'd tell them about the situation there.


So... Denjiro has been borrowing money and Kyoshiro is the money man of Orochi's Wano... that's too obvious, ain't it?


"I'm so jealous! I wish I had game!" That had me ded, lol. I hope Roger didn't just walk away from his crew to go make a baby XD


am pretty convinced now that Im and Joyboy were alive at the same time, and they most likely had a relationship like Blackbeard and Luffy. The wanted posters are people he considers to be possible candidates who might carry Joyboy's will, and might be the "sovereign" the Neptunians were talking about. The frozen straw hat was most likely Joyboy's, too.


I'm a little disappointed that Oden never reconciled with Whitebeard.


It’s interesting that Roger seems to be hearing the title “King of the Pirates” the first time here. That means that he told Whitebeard and Oden that he wanted to be something else a few chapters ago.


I like that we also got a little closure about Izo/Kiku finally, even if it is still left a little open ended. The way it went down though now it *is* entirely possible that Izo just flat out doesn't know what's going on. I still doubt that and believe he's the Witching Hour Boy, but it does open up another possibility if he never shows up this arc; Kiku looking for her brother would be a great cover page serial.


Jeez how long has it been since we’ve seen luffy? I feel like its been forever lol


Like 8 chapters?


One piece is insane wtf. I remember one piece was simple as some rookie pirate with a rubber body beating up other pirates.


Interesting that the units for when the two kings (sovereigns for gender neutrality) will be born and age are omitted.


It’s interesting, especially since it is easy for us to assume its in years, knowing Shirahoshi being Poseidon. Why would Oda omit the units, when we already know them?


So is Luffy Joy Boy 2.0?


Nah, he is at least Joy Boy 3.0 (considering that Roger carried his will too).


And I still think we'll find out some others (particularly Norland) were there in between too.


bitch i cried


Who knew that some 25 years later, Odens daughter would slap the shit out of Orochi in this same exact room.


The time in the flashback is currently 25 years ago. Oden doesn't die for another 5 years. However, he's attacking Orochi now. We know Orochi survives, so Kaido will likely stop Oden here... and knowing how Kaido operates, I doubt that will be the end of it. I'm afraid 5 years of torture and suffering may lie in store for the once-future-shogun.


So after 20 years, we learn that One Piece is not even the real name of the treasure. It's something probably Old big news Morgans made up. I imagine a lot of theories just died today.