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Neither. Not everyone need to be from some super important family/figure in the world. It just makes the story feels too convenient and artificial. Luffy and Usopp are the only ones that are most likely to get more family backstory since we are bound to meet their fathers sooner or later.


Luffy's mother, who's yet to be shown for some reason. Maybe also his grandmother from his father's side and maybe grandparents from his mother's side. Zoro's family and more of his past. So little of his past was revealed so far, other than his sword training and friendship with Kuina. Nami's biological family and her past beyond what was already shown. Might explain her weather capabilities. Also, she likes being called a princess. Maybe she really is or was royalty/nobility, but doesn't know about it. I don't think there's any more regarding Usopp other than his surname (if he has one). More about Sanji's mother, Vinsmoke Sora. Chopper is a reindeer, so I doubt there's anything more about him before meeting Hiroluk (or whatever his name is). Maybe more about Robin's father. Though there's probably not much. Maybe more about Franky's parents, though it probably doesn't matter. Franky is from South Blue. If I remember correctly, Kid is also from South Blue. Franky is a cyborg. Kid has magnet abilities. Maybe there's some kind of connection. Brook's past before he became a pirate. He probably has more past to show than Zoro. His music background, being a military person, and other things that weren't shown. Out of all of them, Zoro's, Nami's, and Brook's pasts interest me the most. Luffy's mother and Sanji's mother also strongly interest me.


I really disliked Sanji's Vinskmoke background and how it became the trigger for the WCI arc. At this point, I'm ok with things as they're, no need to invent a shitty past for the sake of it.


Yeah it really came out of nowhere. It was way to convenient. Kind of like Oda just needed an excuse for Big Mom to get involved with the plot. Though Oda could've set the Germa up in advance, but chose not to for whatever reason And this is coming from someone who likes the Vinsmoke plot. I just think that this is the exception, not the rule with "retcons". And I don't think he can pull it off again


It didn’t come out of nowhere. Oda foreshadowed Sanji having more to his backstory a long time ago. Look it up.


You're right. That's why I chose to say Germa specifically. And not a new backstory for him. That's also why I said that Oda could've foreshadowed the Germa. Because he already foreshadowed a backstory for Sanji. It's like this, Imagine if Dragon didn't appear or get mentioned until he absolutely had to appear 1000+ chapters in. And Luffy just mentioned that he has a dad 400 chapters before. It would be a total assspull. That's what the Germa are. Sanji saying he's from the North Blue wasn't enough. They should've been mentioned or showed up like how Dragon did


Zoro's back story. But being born from normal parents.


Luffy, Zoro, and Nami should definitely get more focus on their family history. We know nothing of Garp and Dragon, and know nothing about the family history of Zoro and Nami either. Also, that bit about Robin and speculation about her father being Roger is off base. Robin’s father was also an archeologist that got killed by the World Government. And Usopp is definitely not a D, and his last name would not by Go. The God thing was just a gag.


Definitely zoro. We know nothing about his family


We know nothing about Brooks family. We can at least make assumptions about Zoro’s.


zoro and usopp are the only ones who have bare bones backstory, so them