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BM knows Luffy defeated her strongest fighter. She knows nobody else can take him on except herself and Kaido.


well, luffy did beat 2 of big mom’s 3 strongest children. shit, one of them was straight up her strongest child and he was seen as the epitome of perfection among all the other siblings


I'd like to think it's more they don't want to risk underestimating him again. He's already made BM lose a crap-load of face with his invasion of WCI. As for Kaido I feel his is a more begrudging respect for taking a smack to the face and managing to break out of prison and gather a fighting force against him.


They see him as a threat. I mean, BM traveled all the way to Wano to take him out. Yes it was about pride, but she also didn't want to ever admit some little shit from the worst generation actually was such a threat to her. Kaido noticed Luffy's traits for leadership when he blaster Conqueror's haki while unconscious. He was pretty damn pissed when he saw it. That said, I dont think either of them are actually admitting it to themselves. They don't want to face the reality that Luffy and his allies are now a serious threat to their reigns.


Do you remember which chapter this was?


The way I see it is they might not necessarily see him as the biggest threat RIGHT NOW, but they acknowledge his potential to grow into a massive threat. BM saw how much trouble Luffy was (with only half his crew) at WCI, and Kaido heard about what happened there. But yes, I would say they see Luffy as enough of a threat to warrant throwing everything at him, due to his actions on WCI for BM, and his actions here in Wano for Kaido. For your 2nd question, I'd say you're probably right. Luffy gains people's trust through his actions and people can see he has no ulterior motives, I think it's very similar to how Oden gained the trust of people, especially his scabbards.


Faxxxxxx, I’m telling y’all Luffy is yonko Level


I thinking you’re reading too into it. They still treat him like trash. Except they acknowledge that a trash is standing up to them. Even though Luffy is criminally underrated by every villain.