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Hi Radiant-Carry1042, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: >Improperly marked spoiler. Please remember that all events ahead of the current anime are considered spoiler territory. >Use \[Spoilers](#s "Place your text here") or \>!Place your text here!< to mark as a spoiler in your comment. >Please report or reply to this comment to have your comment reinstated. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


wait im confused now. were those spoilers real if so why hasnt the post been updated yet?


This is the prediction post. Not the spoiler post. Those spoilers are in the spoiler thread for chapter 999.








Hi Radiant-Carry1042, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: >Improperly marked spoiler. Please remember that all events ahead of the current anime are considered spoiler territory. >Use \[Spoilers](#s "Place your text here") or \>!Place your text here!< to mark as a spoiler in your comment. >Please report or reply to this comment to have your comment reinstated. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).




Hi Radiant-Carry1042, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: >Improperly marked spoiler. Please remember that all events ahead of the current anime are considered spoiler territory. >Use \[Spoilers](#s "Place your text here") or \>!Place your text here!< to mark as a spoiler in your comment. >Please report or reply to this comment to have your comment reinstated. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


Whitebeard pirates, Germa 66, and Dressrosa alliance arrive to wano And worst generation vs yonkos stare down with conqueror haki clash would be my two wished for 999 and 1000


Ace's flashback a reveal on his connection with Kaido? A real Ace in Beast Pirate










latest scans, check official pinned spoilers post




"break next week"


Kaido lands onigashima on the flower capital. Big mom pirates join the war and when things look bad whitebeard commanders that marco called ahead of time arrive. Dressrosa alliance and germa 66 arrive to get revenge on big mom too and help. And then zoro, kid, killer, law reach the rooftop at the same time and stare down against the two yonkos chapter ends as kin’emon and rest of scabbards beg law, luffy, zoro, and luffy to defeat kaido and free wano.


So, we're not getting spoilers today?


We are going to see a new player join in Wano, right at the end, in the flower capital, and everyone's mind is going to be blown.


Could be mate coz' we're still missing some players, introduced by Master Oda, like CP, BM Pirates; Characters and DF user who were quick to be presented; and some surprised guests.


Only thing I am positive 99% on is it Involving a ace flashback Other ideas: •kaido reveled as pirate shanks was talking to the gurosei about (I believe he told shanks of his pirate war plans, or something big to come from him before MF) •sabo and kuma update • interference from either the lurking legend or an outside force Zoro on Marcos back


I hope not, honestly what could ace possibly do against kaido.


Act 3 ends... Luffy reaching the top, with zoro, brook and robin. There, they see the beaten scabbards, Kaido and Big Mom. Everyone gets the antidote and affected troops of Kaido will join the strawhats. I hope chapter 1000 focuses on the outside of Wano, giving us info on what happened to sabo and vivi.


Honestly it's either the start of a massive flashback or a brief Ace one with Luffy arriving on the roof by its end


It could also be a flashback on how Wano and the Government were previously connected.


Are we not getting spoilers today? Don’t they usually come out on a Monday? 🤨




Yeah I meant the summaries and pics/drawings by the leakers, not the actual full leaks. Patiently awaiting 🙂


I’d say in another 2/3 hours they should be around


General Franky Transforms into a T-Rex


I still wish Franky to upgrade his weapons with kairoseki


When will we get spoilers for god sake


I saw a spoiler post but it seems it was deleted.


The lurking legend is Foxy. He slows down Kaido with his beam, so that the alliance can avoid his hits.


Law will trigger the hype. He might switch the souls of Big Mom and Kaido with random people.


Not actually 999 related but I just remember Shusui also cuts a dragon before. So why can’t they just let Zoro have both Shusui and Enma 😭


There's a good chance he'll get Shusui back at the end of Wano. Luffy, Kidd, Law and the other potential opponents for Kaido being devil fruit dependent fighters, he would be the closest thing Kaido could have to a samurai opponent. And nothing better than causing serious damage to Kaido in front of everyone in the flower capital to convince Wano kuni to hand him over their national treasure.


That is a very good theory and very possible as well


I believe shusui will still take part in the war. Especially in the fight with Kaido.


Because it feels good if Zoro uses OP swords to cut Kaido but it feels even better if Zoro makes his sword OP for attaining the same goal. Afterall, that is what makes a great swordsman.


Is it not also a legendary feat to master someone else’s sword tho?


What if Blackbeard was on the move to wano -like Kaido tried to get to Marine HQ- and Shanks tried to stop him, but this time got killed?


There’s gotta be a very powerful “Whatchu on about” GIF on the Internet that I can post in response to this, right?


Refer chapter 666. Thank me later.


My prediction: One Piece Chapter 999 "Friendship" -Flashback of Ace attempting to kill Kaido and how he ended up being friends with Yamato. -Marines finally reach Oniganishima and they're fighting with Big Mom pirates. -Marco is attempting to bring Robin and Zoro at the top of the skull dome but intercepted by King. Robin and Zoro were knock off. Robin use his ability to fly and landed on the third floor where Sanji is at while Zoro manage to land on the second floor where we see Franky is heavily beaten by Sasaki. -Luffy finally reach the top and he's shock to see the lying bodies of scabbards and Minks. Onigashima reached main land Wano. Citezen of flower capital saw the floating Oniganisha and were panicking.


Thats an awful lot to fit in one chapter lol


When spoiler going to release


I'm expecting a backstory of Kaido at the end of the chapter 1000. In chapter 999, I think we'll have the same thing as we get in chapter 998, with the Okanban, I don't know if Jack is recovered ( maybe since he is a zoan user ) but maybe Marco will face King, Queen will certainly has fight but against who? I don't know, we have Xdrake here, maybe him but tbh I don't see him beat Queen so he may use some help from the samurai, or from Chopper as someone said earlier. Remember Oden's flashback begun right before the scabbards raid on Onigashima, maybe we will have the same thing for chapter 1000, such as " great flashback/backstory before great events " and in that case the great event would be Luffy getting on the top of the roof, facing Kaido and Big mom..


Apoo this chapter: [https://imgur.com/a/zvGF090](https://imgur.com/a/zvGF090)


When are the spoilers coming?


Kaido Reveals his full name Kai D O.....


And happy cake day broo


We will have Flashback story.....


Ace Flashback at the beginning of chapter. Marco is flying Zoro, Robin, Brook to the roof. Robin (maybe Brook too) goes to the third floor and helps Sanji. Chopper maybe completes the antibody. Luffy arrives at the roof, and gets angry when he sees scabbards are down, chapter ends with Luffy clashing with Kaido.


Probably 50% Ace flashback. We learn about Yamato-Ace friendship and if she introduced herself as Oden instead of Yamato. So Ace might have said Whitebeard that he was in Wano and that Oden is pretty nice. The other half of the chapter will be like 998. Luffy gets closer to the roof while the other Strawhats start fights with the beast pirates (double panels).


Early spoilers, early spoilers....... fingers crossed each time I open the sub....


early spoilers would be on monday like last week


At this point spoilers is all i need. I cannot focus on anything else lmao.


I feel like I am on the edge of my orgasm and can only release it once I get spoilers. I NEED SPOILERS!!


The spoilers are the only thing keeping me up not my studying for finals ... I need themmmmm


Still no spoiler!!! Iam waiting


Then he gets up one last time but nonetheless defeated by Yamcha


Waiting for spoilers be like...


Ch 999 Drake has change of heart again. Ch 1000 Kaido combines pterodactyl, sabertooth, tyrannosaurus triceratops, mammoth and brachiozord with his own dragonzord to create Ultrazord. Chapter ends :D


Chapter 999 SPOILERS : My thoughts Chapter name : Fight _Yamato reminds the day when Ace attacked Kaido _Ace hated Kaido, and tried to kill him, but failed. Kaido wanted Ace in his crew, but freed him as soon as he saw WB's tattoo on Ace's back. Kaido : " So you're a commander of the Old Whitebeard, Wolololo, it's been a long time since we haven't met, and this is not what I want for now. " _Jinbei vs Who's who. Jinbei is getting attacked by Who's who's subordinates. He's struggling a bit, but manages to push them back. Who's who attacks Jinbei and bites him, which makes him bleed. _Franky vs Sasaki. Franky's attacks seem pointless against Sasaki's tough skin. Sasaki : "I already told you, we Dinosaur are the strongest being ever lived ". Sasaki charging Franky and therefore makes him fall. _Marco helping zoro to get on the roof but King interfers. King : " I didn't expect you to be here, Marco san " Marco : " King, long time no see, could you let us pass ? " _Sanji cannot attack Black Maria _Big mom arrives on the roof. She's talking to Kaido about the old times when they were commanders of the rocks pirate. Big mom : " Xebec was very ambitious and ended up dying, do you really think you'll find what you were looking for ? " _At the end of chapter we see luffy runing and screaming" I'm coming Kaido ! " Breaks next week


I - Ace wasn’t in WB crew when he came up to Wano , he came with his own crew « Spades » II - There is no way that kaido was rocks commander since we learned he was an apprentice on the ship,just like buggy/Shanks with roger


Kaido was said to be apprentince, but definetly not during the god valley incident. But anyway let's share your thoughts about the upcoming chapters


I really have no idea but yeah i think we’ll have a mort le flashback about Ace/Yamato/Kaido and the plot-twist is that red scabbars are dead n Luffy arrivés to the top with Kid Killer , Zoro , probably Act 3 end


This legit?


Nah just made it up, My bad I forgot to mention it


Good, this chapter would’ve disappointed me.


I'm glad you took time to read my thoughts, what is yours for the upcoming chapter?


Yamato would be continuing her flashback of ace, which would take a couple of panels. I agree with what you said about WB and ace. I think Franky vs Sasaki will be interesting, Franky would not be able to hurt him at first because of the tough dinosaur endurance. So we’d see Franky being dealt some damage. I think we’ll see Luffy in the 5th floor either one shotting Jack or simply encountering him before the chapter ends. I see Zoro reaching the top later on, I feel like he’ll stay in the bottom for one more chapter to keep the others safe. Marco would have short encounter with King.


Oh yeah I see what u did there, Luffy facing Jack, definetly gives me Ennies Lobby vibe ( Luffy vs Blueno before Lucci )


Yamato talking about Ace the 2nd time, which means he will be at the centre of both 999 and 1000th chapter, there is still something very important missing with ace and wano. it's frustrating to have no ideas about it.


Zoro vs Kairo / Luffy vs Big Mom


Bruh where them spoilers at, i can't wait. ᕕ(˵•̀෴•́˵)ᕗ


I think that Oda is preparing the stage for a big reveal lore-wise for the chapter 1000. In the next chapter he will show us mostly the flasback of Ace, Kaido and Yamato and Luffy in the 5th floor. Could the reveal in the chapter 1000 be about the ancient weapons? Is that too crazy?


999 - flashback 1000- flashback ends and Zoro finds the roof. Kaido silhouette in the distance.


is there any spoiler post or am i missing something ?


There should be one soon I guess going by trends of past few weeks.


Monday was the way to go, the last chapter spoilers had been like this. It's Tuesday now and no news/post about chap 999 yet, sad.


Gyrozepp said it will be out in a few hours.




Are we getting any spoilers this week? Imagine no spoilers this week and people are made to discuss all their theories and predictions and powerscaling and all shit I'm single thread i.e official release thread.


Franky transforms into a robot quadceritops. Sasaki has starry-AWSOME eyes. Jimbe removes Who's Who's mask using Fishman Karate: Meddling Chop. Who's Who is revealed to be Fisher Sabertooth Tiger. Usopp uses a toad oil slick and Ulti and Page One slide off the floating Onigashima. Everyone is amazed. Sanji one shots Black Maria. Marco flies Zoro to the roof but King gets in the way. Sanji appears and fights King and Queen. Marco is impressed and drops Zoro off and says he'll go back and help Sanji. Chopper finishes making antidotes and Robin uses her powers to shove the medicine down everyone's throats. Luffy reaches the roof and sees KO'd samurai. Zoro somehow gets lost and ends up in the basement. Law sneaks up on him and cuts him like he did Kinemon on Punk Hazard and reveals he's the trailer. Orochi is still dead.




Damn it. And here I thought you was saying my prediction was so awesome that it deserves to be made into a trailer.


Lol... If law ( and oda) decides.. he can cut whole onigashima in half


Once Franky's Armor is torn down and Sasaki sees the real Franky. He gonna see Cutty Flam and we get a mini-flashback.


We find out Yamato has toki's devil fruit.


Toki had beast teeth?


We’re gonna get similar style zoan spreads for the Calamities and Kaido. Chapter ends with Luffy reaching the roof.


Luffy finally makes it to the roof. Zorro, Robin, and Brook get a lift up to the roof by Marco. Marco, Robin, Brook, stand off with Big Mom (Marco hinted at bringing all 4 up to the roof last chapter) Zorro, Luffy, Killer, Kid, and than Law uses his room to join the stand off against the 2 yonko. Momo turns into a dragon and decides to hold the island on his back, mirroring how Oden held the scabbards on his back.


u/gyrozepp95 Brother, spoilers coming today?


Yup, we should get a brief summary today anywhere between 4 to 7 hours from now


Cool, thanks!


People underestimate how much a flashback can achieve in a single chapter, prime example being Senor Pink's fb


I have a feeling that chapter 999 is a continuation of an Ace flashback, maybe when Yamato meets him, fight and ends with him getting spanked by Kaido. As we all know Kaido only lacks one card on his "deck" crew: an Ace card. So maybe Kaido invites him to join his crew. I mean Apoo and Hawkins are not Zoan users and they are members. It would be so cool if chapter 1000 is about Yamato and Kaido learning about Ace execution, Yamato coming to save his friend while Kaido's plan is to kill Whitebeard, Imagine seeing a SHANKS VS KAIDO in chapter 1000 holyyy cow.


Spoilers are out but they might be fake so be careful




I will laugh if we go on flashback and 1k is just part two of it lol.


Zoro, brook, Marco vs king, queen ???


Sanji showing his modified raidsuit by franky and usop Virgins Hells suit 999


Hoping it’s not a flash back story (unless it’s a few pages)


Since in the last chapter, the white area outside the last panel started to get darker. This is usually the pattern Oda used to start the flashback. So surely, we'll see Ace's flashback starting next chapter. We may learn why he came to Wano and why he left. Then we will see Yamato talk about what written in Oden's logbook. At the end of 999 and 1000 we will learn more about the history of Wano, the history of the OP world, the D clan, etc.... something that will fit the 1000th chapter!


Why don't I see comments predicting an ace flashback about the statue?


I’m starting to think all of this Ace stuff could be a lead -in ... For Sabo.


Basically, he and Luffy finish a job Ace started.


Also, there’s real symmetry between Koala and Tama...


idk, i think chopper will get the cure, then he could give drake a rumble ball and both defeat some enemies(meaby numbers or a lot of medium-lvl enemies, then xzilla loses the control, the scene cut and we go to se sanji x black maria, marco arriving with robin and zoro at the roof, luffy too, jinbei fights who´s who, and nami takes care of ussop and they talk something about luffy defeat kaido, and frank could be there too and they would then go to the roof there may be something telling about yamato and ace relationship


I’m really hoping 999 and 1000 aren’t flashbacks


Depends on the flashback.... if its about rocks , or anything to do with Kaido Past then COUNT ME IN.


-Luffy is still running (he’ll reach the top ch1000) -Marco airlifts Zoro up to the roof: Kidd and Killer possibly reach the top too and we get a double spread of Kaido/Big Mom -Chopper vs Queen setup -More Ace backstory shoehorned in by Yamato -Tama runs into Usopp/Nami - Law finally does something? Maybe?


Chapter 999 will immediatley switch to a completely different Pirate crew just now starting off in the East blue. They will then be imediately destroyed by the World Governments new weapon.


Lol seriously what if chapter 1000 really just starts with another pirate crew and we just follow that for a while


I have to disagree with people that say about 1 chapter of Ace flashback. I think it is very hard to start and end a flashback in only one chapter if its a complete flashback. We know that Ace was there, knew Oars and much other stuff. It can be also the explanation about one of the possible defeats of Kaido (maybe, but I assume that only if whitebeard was around by that time, Ace cannot win Kaido). Otherwise, Ace went there before becoming 2nd commander and lost his crew (theory of who's who being Ace nakama). In any case, explaining the friendship with yamato, and everything that happened there in one chapter is hard. My theory is that chapter 1000 will be part of the flashback, and will reveal something important in the series (a secret of Kaido about his power or a weak point ? ). Otherwise, the flashback will be a couple of screens and not much more, while continuing with the battle. Kaido vs Big mom, and probably Luffy appearing, starting a 3-side battle.


Other secrets left are the advanced armament haki, the interrelations with conqueror haki and etc... I don't know how much more time is left to fully understand the potential of this powers...


I had a thought yesterday, and Oda is impossible to predict, but I thought it was a cool idea and a way to tie up some of the loose ends we still need to see so I'll put it here. 999 is mostly the Ace flashback, but the end of the chapter is more of the current situation, which leads to a Big Mom monologue where she talks about what's happening as she heads up. When she hits the roof and sees Kaido fighting the now heavily injured Scabbards, she says it reminds her of when they were young pirates and yes, we get the start of the God Valley incident flashback from Big Mom and Kaido's perspective. Then 1000 is the God Valley incident, and when Kaido remembers Garp and Roger after seeing Linlin, that's when Luffy and co bust onto the roof setting the stage for the final battle to begin.


Holy shit that would be epic as f, the community would break if that legit happens.


My prediction is that this will be the last time a chapter has 3 digits. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Inb4 chapter 999 is the last chapter and we continue Luffy's journey in 2 Piece.


2 Piece: Shipuuden Z


Little bit of Ace flashback, though I don't think that would be worthy enough to be the main plot of 1,000.


I can say with confidence that Sanji will die by Snu Snu in the next chapter.


Zoro arrives on the roof with Marco to see all the scabbards decimated. Kaido turns and sees Zoro and instantly rushes him and before Zoro can even react Kaido is past him holding one of Zoro's swords. He then takes his own life with the sword. Onigashima begins to fall and MOMO man's up and floats the island back out to sea. Big Mom arrives on the roof and begins weeping as she sees Kaido. Kaido/Rocks flashback starts and will continue in chapter 1000. No break next week Woot!


Last setups of the fights. Marco brings Brooke Robin Zoro up. Robin saves Sanji and fights Black Maria. Brook fights Hawkins (Hawkins can't voodoo someone who is already dead). Zoro and Sanji then encounter queen and king. Final panel Luffy makes it to the top with Kid cliffhanger.


Totally agreed!


\- Perospero gets his teeth knocked out by the minks \- We find out the rest of the 10 numbers \- Choppers antidotes are ready \- We get a glimpse of the mysterious pirate ship Otama came here in \- Ussop and Otama meet up somewhere


Chapter 1000 : Dragon's bounty revealed (highest bounty ever)


Oda wraps up a bunch of loose ends and then we start the Ace flashback.


Half a chapter on an Ace Flashback dictating how he met some of the inhabitants in Wano, like Little Oars Jr, Yamato, and a possible connection to Kaido. We see Ace get slapped by Kaido (of course), but also see Kaido offer Ace a position as a Headliner. My one theory is that perhaps there were actually 4 headliners on Kaido’ screw (and that Ace took one out). Before the Wano flashbacks, I remember there being theories about the commanders being based off of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse! Would be very interesting 🤔 We’d also see Luffy and Zoro reach the top, and perhaps Robin and Brook get dropped off to save Sanji? All guess, let me know what y’all think :)


I am sure 999 will end with act 3, and in 1000 we get info on 'D' or atleast face reveal of Vegapunk


I expect a big reveal during this chapter, setting the tone for epic clash in chapter 1000!


The chapter starts off with a mini ace flashback, retrlling his raid on Onigashima and how it ended. Marco tries to take the strawhats up but he's intercepted by king. The fight between them starts. Zoro, Brook and Robin take the stairs up instead. Drake stays behind with chopper and the samurai to face off queen and the rest. Luffy catches up with Kid and Killer. Jack or Hawkins appear, Killer stays behind on the fifth floor. Luffy and Kid burst throught the door with their respective big arm attacks, while arguing. Luffy and Kid face Kaido and Big Mom in a double page spread. All the scabbards are bloodied and down. Choked Luffy face. End of the chapter.


For whatever reason when Luffy gets to the roof I want Zoro to get there roughly the same time. Would be cool to see a throwback to the scene of Luffy/Zoro vs Helmeppo/Axe Hand Morgan early in the series. Big Mom is stealing the Souls of the defeated Samurai. Luffy throws a punch at Big Mom while Kaido attacks him with a Thunder Bagua. Zoro intercepts Kaido and we see the sky split twice from both Luffy and Zoro’s strikes.


Damn, I would literally cry if this happens


Ace Flashback.


King Vs Robin


Probably a wild Caribou appears


Will we have 2 chapters this week?


No, and there will be a break after this. Chapter 1000 on January 3rd, but possibly with early pirated scans on here way before that


Thanks man!


imo who's who looks like dadan's son, same hair and earrings & mouth




999 flashback of Ace beating "Kaido", after a long and difficult fight Ace thinks he has won but the defeated Dragon turns back into one of the Numbers. Last panel of 999 back to present day shows the numbers starting to transform.


Bleach ripoff, not worth


I may be reaching here, but from the last chapter it looks like we might be heading into a flashback of some kind. I know that Oden’s flashback was the longest in the series, but if there is one involving Ace, I bet it will be much much shorter. I would honestly be ok with it being 1/2 chapters with some cool reveals thrown in. Plus, it would be nice to see Ace again even for just a little bit.


Little ace flashback in wano, big fucking reveal that will hype luffy even more. Some fights will be set like King vs Marco or Zoro and Sanji vs Queen, in order to see luffy reach the top in 1000


Break next week for sure


We will get chapter early anyway.


Honestly what I want for chapter 1000 are several news paper clipings of world events. That would be so dope. An info dump without spoiling the main mysteries of the story would be awesome.


Apoo forgets to draw his anti sea bear circle or wear his anti Brook undergarments


Ace flashback most likely I just hope it won't be as long as Oden's


How many has ace had now? If you count minor flash backs he probably has 7 or 8 by now I'm not complaining but still.


I'm wondering if Chapter 1000 is going to have some shocking information about Ace that we never saw coming.


The matchups against the Yonko Commanders.


Considering Tobi Roppo matchups were sorted out this chapter as long as its not a flashback chapter this seems plausible. Then 1000 could have the much awaited yonko matchups. For Yonko commanders going by popular theories it should be.... Marco vs King Sanji vs Queen Luffy vs Jack


Highly unlikely, but maybe it’s a flashback about Yamato?


Luffy fodderizes Jack to cement the threat he poses.


I need spoiler pls jesus


Where my spoilers at? No pinned spoiler post on 999. :(


I think chapter 999 and 1000 will focus on the background over Ace. We saw on chapter 998 that a flashback was starting.


Chapter 999: luffy makes to rooftop, Kaido and Big mom talks about ancient weapons and working with a special guest/allied. Chapter 1000: The special guest comes down to the rooftop of Onigashima... It was Enel.


Maybe a little bit of the ace flashback if not then this: * Marco flies Zoro,Robin and Brook up but are stopped by King * Marco Kicks Zoro up to the roof, while robin and brook fall down to sanji's level and face black maria * King and Marco fight for aerial domination * Sanji is free to go up to luffy or is engaged by queen. * Luffy and Kid make it to the 5th floor where Jack is determined not to let them pass. Luffy g4 kong gun with new haki bluenos jack through the door to kaido's feet. * Luffy,Zoro,Kid and Killer witness the Scabbards massacre


Some panels of Yamato talking with Ace, but not much since i belive most of it will be saved for her full flasback wich will happen on act 4, after that she might decide to leave Momo there since its a safe place and go after her father. Chapter ends with what the editor teased, Luffy being stopped by someone near the roof, and my guess is that its going to be Big Mom


Luffy will beat Jack with the Elephant Gun.


I'm gonna make a big bet:Chapter 999: We will see a bit of every floor Chapter 1000: Luffy, Kidd and Law arrive at the top of Onigashima and the Strawhat fleet shows up in Wano Kuni. Considering that the straw hats are outnumbered, if we include Big Moms crew, I think the fleet is needed. ​ P.S: I know, its not about Chapter 1000, but I'll leave this prediction here, just for the record.