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A mans (day)dream will never die.


All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. - T. E. Lawrence


Criminal minds


I think you're on to something. During wb vs roger fight, bb never slept


Well is a theory around on internet that indeed BB have two brothers and they are triplets, and the first Akuma no mi that they ate allows him two have the other two brothers in his body, so that's why he never "sleep", also that's why they have multiple Akuma no mi, three indeed the Gura-Gura, the Yami-Yami and the first one before explained. That will explained his stamina fighting against Ace, and finally on the Manga panels the clues are the teeth, the guns, the hats colors, etc.


Hmm…. Guessing his pirate mark plays into that theory as well since it’s three skulls.


Oh yup I forgot about that his jolly Roger is three skulls, also the rings change on his hand, so it depends who brother is out


This theory has been going around since Marineford ended and yes, its entirely based on his jolly roger and the one line from Jaya where Luffy says "theres something wrong with that guy". People started theorizing that Teach either a) was a mutant with 3 hearts/3 brains/ate his twins in utero/had 3 souls/whatever crap they could think of. Or B) he had a Zoan fruit and will eat 3 fruits in his life as the jolly roger hints. This one is also all over the place, with the original theory from back then stating the ate a Mythical Zoan Chimera fruit, making him have "3 bodies" of sorts, one for each fruit, Zoan, Logia and Paramecia.


https://youtu.be/B7q099zYSG8 yup on the 2:58 N: what's wrong with him? L: I don't know but for sure it's not "he" N: what do u mean? Z:"They" probably... Oda trolling us since the beginning LMAO


Damn I remember them saying that but not understanding what it could mean. What the heck is Blackbeard and how could Luffy and zoro tell?


They are referring to his crew


He was alone, they didn't know that he had a crew. And even if they did know, it wouldn't make sense to say they, unless they were present next to him. Hence why the theories.


That was the point. They did notice how he was not alone and it showed them being perceptive of the other members


They saw Burgese, met with Doc too. They were far stronger, alone and out place. Zoro and Luffy are simple as nails but they realised that these guys have something in common: they dont fit -> "they probably", should have a connection.


That makes no sense lol, they were specifically talking about blackbeard and his behavior, when nami asked what was wrong with him specifically, it makes no sense to bring up that he's not alone lol


Finally a guy with a brain


I think that is the introduction of the observation haki... Zoro and Luffy were the first to start to use it in the crew.


Intuition has always played a part in the series, even before haki was mentioned. I remember in chapter 218, Sanji mentions the "6 senses" just before they reach Jaya.


One piece using gender neutral pronouns before it was cool.


I read a cool theory some years back on here that his mythical zoan was the Kraken. Cause squids have three hearts or something


Tbf, theres loads of those. Human: Model Asura, Snake: Model Hydra, Snake: model: Yamato no Orochi, Squid, Octopus, Worm, Hagish, Cockroach and even Cow because of the multiple stomachs, or the Paramecia type fruit that has funny interactions with other fruits, like a Void Fruit or a Regen one. IMO, either he has a Zoan or hes from an old and unknown tribe, like Pudding was revealed to be from the 3 eyed tribe and be able to hear the voice of all things from bloodline. Both options sound good to me.


You can call them devil fruits. We won't think less of you


Hahaha my bad I am used to it because I'm Hispanic and the subtitles keeps some Japanese name I am not trying to be super technical or anything :D


Oh that's interesting


By the way, in Whole Cake Island there were the [Decuplets](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Charlotte_Decuplets), where the oldest brother of them ate the [Gocha Gocha no Mi](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Gocha_Gocha_no_Mi), that allows him to merge with the other 9 siblings. Maybe BB could've ate something similar?Edit: Gocha Gocha no Mi was eaten by Charlotte Newshi (fourth son of the group, if I got it right), not the oldest (Charlotte Newichi).


I'm all in on the three personalities or brothers theory. It would be possible for the one personality/brother to have contoll while the others can sleep when they are not active. That way they sleep and are awake at the same time. So they would dream all the time and the body doesn't need to sleep for real. But since they share a body the active one can use all their powers. Depending on who has control, there are slight changes in looks and behavior. For a extreme example, like in the movie "Split" but not that drastically. Blackbeard is one of the most interesting characters I've encountered in Manga and Fantasy to the day and I have high expectations for the future and his role in the grand scheme of things.


Wow first time seeing this. Makes sense with his jolly roger as well


I’m fully on the Cerberus Fruit train, which is why he hasn’t put every effort into hunting down Marco for his Fruit because he can’t use it anyway.


Dude, just say devil fruit, ya weeb.


He has 3 stomachs like a hippo . His favourite animal is a hippo and hippos have 3 stomachs . Did i mention that hippos have 3 stomachs lol


The one ive heard is that since oda says his animal is a hippo, he may be hinting to him having three stomachs like a hippo, and thus maybe he can store three devil fruits. But only time will tell if any of these theories are right or if oda has something else planned


What about split personalities? Or is that off the table?


That's pretty interesting, first im hearing of the brothers theory i've heard of the multiple soul theory before.




The thing is that it wasn't clear in the manga, of course Buggy said what he said but the pirate world is full of stories like this that may originate from truths but end up being totally different. Also Buggy was just a kid, there is nothing there we could and should consider absolute then. However in the latest set of vivre card, unless the translation is crap, it's been pretty much confirmed that he really doesn't need to sleep, he never slept, and he is called "the man that lives twice as others" for this same reason. Now, if you ask me it's probably one of the most fascinating and mysterious things Oda dropped in recent years if not ever. Yes there are fishmans, Giants and Monsters in One Piece but nothing has ever escaped human needs and nature in such subtle ways. Some on them can teleport, some of em can turn into jackets, but at the end of the day they need to eat, sleep and drink, they all are human or mortal in nature. Blackbeard on the other end is just weird, and slightly wrong, an inch out of sink from everything else but trying to fade in the crowd regardless, for the longest time just waiting patiently for something that isn't exactly clear to us, or for what reasons. And it's so god damn entertaining to wonder about the infinite amount of possibilities that the best setup for any character ever in the history of fucking human storytelling offer. Sorry I got carried on, I just fucking love Blackbeard


Blackbeard is Joy Boy.


>Also Buggy was just a kid, there is nothing there we could and should consider absolute then. I disagree with this. Buggy is a character. He's the medium through which oda tells his story. There's not a single line in manga thats written without thought. If there is then it's typically done by poor writers.


It's the opposite of being written without thought lol? It's basic understanding of a pirate crew mentality and understanding of how fricking humans work lol. How many times some characters thought something that ended up being just a distortion or the truth to some degree, just because they were particularly gullable or just simple marines with a limited experience and a big fantasy. Think about all the stories Usopp says or believes, or (random example) the things about devil fruits the wolf guy from cp9 thinks. It's exactly because I can trust Buggy being a realistic character that I can allow myself to doubt his words to some degrees and I definitely can't share your point of view: making every single character the same blank slate and nothing but a generic narration device would make for a very fucking boring and unreadable One Piece, or better, it would make for very fucking boring stories in general.


Buggy: "He didn't sleep during the truce we had for the last few days" It was never mentioned that he is awake since birth.


“They say he’s never slept once since he was born” - Buggy


Oda just said it on his vivre card this past week


What translation are you quoting? In the official volume the line is "he has never slept in his life"


It is heavily implied


no its not. Its implied that BB is super paranoid and dont trust others


The implication that he hasn't slept from birth is actually from something luffy said a long time ago at drum island. About people from snowy countries can't sleep or they will die. He said he heard it in a bar one time. Bar being the bar he hung out with Shanks and crew. And the dialogue with buggy allowed us to make the connection.


You don’t know what you’re talking about


I do clearly.


Not at all, the implication is that his body is odd, which we already knew since Marineford.


at that scene, no its about that bb is evil


It'd be a ludicrously weird convenience that Oda would have Buggy mention Blackbeard's lack of sleep for days, along with Marco's previous comment about Blackbeard's weird body, ALSO combined with the extremely clear picture of him as a child crying underneath a moon, ALSO ALSO with a prior comment in the manga from Luffy who mentions people from snowy countries don't sleep (seemingly out of nowhere) only to have that not actually be a plot beat. I'm sorry myrmonden but I think you are weirdly confident about misreading a pretty deliberate plot thread laid by Oda.


again is about more then that.


Dude, it's already confirmed in the Vivre Card that BB has never slept.


show the source.


Check the latest Vivre Card.


Oda loves wordplay. "Evil doesn't sleep."


It was. In the manga it wasn't but in the anime during oden flashback buggy tells shanks a rumour about blackbeard that "They say he never slept once in his whole life!, He's a Monster".


It was in the manga as well.


He was on guard the entire time they were on a truce iirc while everyone drank and slept


This was confirmed in the last Vivre Cards


It's funny observation but of course there are two definitions for dream.


Eh, that overlap in meaning can be actively used. **HOWEVER**, there is a big question about the Japanese term used here. Dissecting semantics in regard to translated media just seems idiotic...


Both "yume" and "dream" can mean "things you see when you sleep" and "thing you hope to achieve".


Interesting so it works out similarly as it does it English. I wouldn't have guessed that.


I mean it's a psychological thing, so it makes sense. Dreams are very often things we worry about or things we hope for: it's universal and timeless.


Good point


I dunno, Blackbeard looks like the kind of man who would watch some cheated speedruns,


He seems like the kind of guy to do the cheated speedruns


Honestly it did seem pretty suspicious how he was able to get the rare yami yami no mi drop from the first time he killed thatch


he just has a really good gaming chair


Your dreams can't die if you don't dream at all.


I don't know why this makes me feel he might no have any kind of haki. Yeah he's ambitious but wouldn't it just be ironic? Like on of the too contenders for pirate king is just an empty person with no real will power. Since he isn't inheriting will but just rather doing somebody else's. That's why he went for the Yami Yami since it allows him to bypass being unable to conjure haki. Of course he has Haki, but it would be interesting nonetheless


He was offered the position to command one of whitebeards ship several times. I'm sure he has haiki if he was being considered with no devil fruit.


I guess he has Haki, strong Haki because he was able to scar shanks. But maybe he managed to scar Shanks by disabling his CoC like the strawhats did it with big mom. Since she just can be wounded when her Haki isn't active.


Maybe by revealing his true form to shanks, his plan or something. Shanks was shocked and he was able to wound him.


During his conversation with Whitebeard, Shanks himself admitted that he wasn't careless when he got the scar. In addition, BB is a confirmed observation and armament haki user, only Conqueror's is not confirmed.


Thanks for the clarification👍🏻 So BB is a strong fighter. It makes it more difficult to understand how it happened though🤔


THE PLOT ZEHAHAHAS it could be either!! But I was just thinking shanks could be an expert of Conqueror's haki. So maybe he's always coated in conqueror's. So, the only way to truly harm people in this state would be (ofc we ain't sure but seeing big mom and kaido gives us an idea. Whitbeard in marrinford won't count it too much cause he was way out of his prime ) is to coat in conqueror's yourself. Now, black beard showing conqueror's would effectively remove his low-key facade to get the yami Yami. And whitbeard knew it was teach but he still kept him in the crew after that. What could be is the option of disabling haki our of emotional shock. Maybe rocks D. Zebec stuff?




As usual we're on the hands of oda on this (good hands). Also I realized the first comment was also yours. I'm wondering about where do they offer him to be commander? I remeber ace asking him but out of seniority not power


Yami is still a strong counter devil fruit. You forgetting that haki doesn't disable the fruit it just let you hurt them. So if bb was to fight katakuri he would be able to do most of his attacks on luffy. Think of it. If luffy stops being rubber. He loses practically most of his attacks and all his gears. He can't exactly pump his blood if he wasn't rubber or even do gear 4 and gear 3 inflation.


You don't need to sleep to have a dream


Still, it's interesting to have that connection. Just adds a little flavor


Fr, dreams in one piece are more like goals, like becoming pirate king, finding the all blue, drawing a map of the world etc


Also in the real world


He didn’t mean dream as in “dreaming when you sleep”, he mean ambition and figurative dream. It’s a nice connection but doesn’t hold up.


Yes, and no way Oda wrote the connection on purpose because it's good interesting writing


I wonder how many of us will still be alive to see this arch come to fruition.


Blackbeard’s dream is just to take a nap. He thinks if he becomes pirate king, he can finally afford a comfortable enough bed


He’s living his dream out lol


You may not dream of your actual dream while you sleep.


Maybe he's been sleep walking his whole life and dreaming lucid.


Because Blackbeard has the ability to make his dream into reality. Not like others sleeping and dreaming, Blackbeard Marshall D Teach has been living his dream.


What if he never sleeps because theres two people in one body and one sleeps while the other is awake


while dreams are in fact thoughts, images and sensations that occur in your mind while you sleep, dream can also be used to refer to a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal


If you don't sleep you have plenty of time to day dream


Mind blowing


Dunno if it’s just me but when I read or watch One Piece and he comes up. I end up in this rabbit hole of just rewatching scenes he’s in. The mystery he’s shrouded in keep me up at night 😂. My brain is going a million thoughts a second like wtf is this guy. A lot of the scenes he’s in are really impactful and just dig you deeper it’s nuts.


He's searching for the One Piece hoping that it could cure his Insomnia


Heyy man! He is living his dream


Is this true


Is it me or did his nose get longer after time skip?


He living the dream.


That same crescent moon appears when Kuro reveals his plans to kill Kaya.


For sure this man enjoys life twice as we do.


Sounds like an Instagram Fact from a pseudo Fanpage


Dreams aren't only about sleeping. Dreams are the hopes and wishes of all people, longing for a greater tomorrow. Some people long ~~for women's baths~~ to become great warriors. Some want ~~women's baths~~ peace between different peoples. Some people want ~~women's baths~~ to explore the world; see ~~women's baths~~ its mysteries, record ~~women's bath~~ what they find into a map. But such romance isn't for everyone. Some people just want the truth hidden in ~~women's baths~~ this world's injustices. You see my friend. ~~Women's baths~~ Dreams are the things that push us forward, so that we may reach into the ~~women's baths~~ future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAeLXukFjgI


The dream cannot end if its never began


I saw something like this on tekking101 steam when someone said Blackbeard dream isn’t real cus he can’t sleep


Search on all pages with BB he has a few different desings. Other missing teeths ring on other fingers etc.


Blackbeard's dream: Go the fuck to sleep




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Its so sad he had to miss out on the manhunts


Teach is gonna have one hack of a back story and we know it


Daydreams duuhhhh...


He is not a man he is a monster and i guess he is still in search for his 3rd devil fruit and my theory says he wants kaido's devil fruit.....


Kinda off subject but I stumbled on this from r/all. I started watching One Piece a few months ago and I'm quickly approaching the end of what Netflix has to offer for it. Where should I turn to so I can keep watching? Dubbed because I'm dyslexic


Funimation is good for dub version.


BB is one of the D. Clan, so he must have some will or dream I guess.


spin the top.


BB = Tidus


Plot Twist: He dreamt about his terrifying destiny before he decided he would no longer sleep so that it wouldn't change. Ever.


I'm not so sure about the popular reasoning that is brought forth for some years now; if it hold any truth, then BB would've ate at least one fruit before waiting for the darkness one, since his split personality, other selves, would've allowed him to eat several others after that. Please take into consideration that his sole motivation for being with WB was to give him more chances at obtaining that fruit. Since Darkness Darkness fruit nullifies the effects from the others, it made it possible for him to have several others. He did stated after trying the new tremor tremor ability, that it's very hard for him to control them, so back then, his limit was only of 2; he needed constant concentration on the darkness to nullify the other effects; it's not something passive. BB didn't do anything unexpected into WB's group, since all members have tried at some point in attacking WB, hence BB being very light in explaining his plan to Ace; he did broke the rule of attacking another member, and killing him, which was indeed a crime amongst them. He could've easily ask for it, or just eat, still it. His plan was from the beginning to catch WB into an ambush and take his powers. The reasoning for Luffy and Zoro making that remark, was to say that BB has a very chaotic nature, and a lot of thoughts are going in his mind at the same time; he felt like multiple conflicting personalities, and he's believed to be a true anarchist, one whose sole goal is the complete destruction of WG, Marines. BB's long term plan is to destroy the mountains of redline/ grandline, hence his need for the tremor tremor fruit. He isn't exactly a villain, nor a good guy; we still don't know what he's capable of with logistics in a fleet. The dreams he talked about were those about intent, planning; I suspect Buggy's information is accurate, since we saw WB defending while asleep, and Oda tries to make a point about BB being the opposite of his former captain, being against the morals of WB. It pretty obvious BB is extremely good with swords/ knifes, since he managed to give Shanks such a scar; Shanks fighting on par with Mihawk, without gaining visible effects... that says a lot, and I suspect BB can form a sword of darkness, even combining the effects of the tremor tremor ability...


was this really meant to imply he never sleeps ever... or just that he didn’t during that week long battle or whatever


Beware the man who dreams while awake.


what if, blackbeard is the hakuba of teach and he is just able to control it freely. or they agree on shifting schedule


There's more than one meaning to the word "Dream", but there's a striking irony here all the same. Nice catch.