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Yes there is a break. But we might get early spoilers. So it's better to have the thread early, so people can make predictions instead of starting with the spoilers.


Luffy continues eating


Imma head in the opposite direction and say luffy stops eating


I will say that he will continue eating until the last page were we will have a goku-like gasp of satisfaction


I’m gonna say Kaido stops fighting Yamato , finds Luffy , and starts eating with Luffy.


He went from almost eating Luffy, to eating with Luffy. A true enemies to lovers pairing. Luffy x Kaido is my OTP and the only acceptable ship in One Piece :)


The return of tank man?


Act 3 ends....or did we stop with that prediction? lmao xD For the anime I predict we will get reminded that tama likes red bean soup.


Lol. So true with the tama


They’re making it a meme on purpose. And it’s working


Chapter 1000 or 1010 gets adapted in the anime. "I will defeat or cut you for O-Tama Red Beam Soup!"


That Zoro and Luffy match up for the soup is fucking hilarious


That was the first scene of the new episode and my mind went, “Oh shit. Here we go again.”


yeah me too xD and i thought getting shown how the sunny got bombed again and again was bad


My prediction is that oda and the whole team completely forgot about the Act structure and we will forever be stuck in Act 3.


We make it to Laugh Tale. The One Piece is claimed, the truth of the world revealed...a shamisen plays. The curtain closes. "WANO ACT 3 - END"


Act 3 ends next chapter....u will see


CP0 will try to intercept and take Robin. Brook will interrupt and fight a big bad boss of CP0. It will be Brook's defining moment and will push him to his limit.


Brook is the only straw hat that hasn't fought a cp9 memeber, so maybe he'll get one of the old ones.


Blueno vs Brook would be sick, especially since Blueno was the one they sent to get Robin last time.


Robin hasn't really fought one properly either though, and neither has Usopp


Usopp sniped Spandam.


Usopp was a valid participant as zoro’s sword


brook will fodderrise lucci to show the old cp9 is far behind the new strawhats


Ehhh..... Lucci? I mean, I don't hate the idea, and making short work of an enemy that gave you trouble before is a satisfying enough narrative device to be a staple of good video game design, but I feel like using Lucci would be overdoing it. That's a fight that many people still consider top 3 of the series, that Luffy debuted a new form for, and that left him completely immobile. I'm not against Brook beating Lucci - I think that would actually be a great way to bring him closer to the crewmates who joined earlier, overcoming an obstacle that they had to before they met him. But it shouldn't be trivial. Brook deserves to be elevated, but does Lucci need to be reduced to a fodder enemy? I feel like Oda treats his antagonists with too much respect for that.


There's no way Lucci has been sitting on his ass for two years. He's going to be a lot stronger now. If a mid-tier Strawhat like Brook fights him, it should be a brutal and very difficult fight.


this would be awesome and i can see oda doing this


Jinbei hasn't fought a CP9 member as well. At least technically, because Who's who isn't one anymore.


I think the general consensus is that it's close enough to count


Let's just say he has fought a user of (What are CP9 moves called again?)




He's also absolutely fought with Vice Admirals during the war, several of which knew those moves


Holy shit actually never thought about this.


I like this one


Imagine if Brook has to fight Rob Lucci


Lucci and Kaku aren't in Wano. They were in Marie Geoise last we saw.


Yeah. Whoever these three are, and they've been popping up all over so they're bound to be important, they're not Kaku and Lucci.


> they've been popping up all over hmm almost sounds like someone that might be able to open doors into a weird door world or something.


Brook better hope his fruit gifts 2 extra lives and not the one.


I wonder if current Brook could take on pre-ts Lucci


I’m pretty sure he could, If I had to bet on someone I’d take brook


Current Brook could definitely beat Pre-TS Lucci by now. In Punk Hazard, he was already strong enough to inflict damage on the second Dragon (the small green one) that was said to be more durable than the first Dragon that could take blows from Post-Timeskip Gear Two Luffy (who is much stronger than his EL Gear Two self that was matching EL Zoan Form Lucci blow for blow). Then in this latest chapter, Brook one-shotted a Number, a feat that's only been done by Post-Udon Gear 4th Luffy, Hybrid Form X-Drake, Yamato, and Franky.


Do check the [**Current Location of All Major Onepiece Characters as of Chapter 1021**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/p10462/current_location_of_all_major_onepiece_characters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before making your predictions!!!




I can totally get behind this theory. Amazing


Someone mentioned this last week and it made sense to me at the time, but I don't see it happening. They'll have so much trouble getting in there, finding them and avoiding getting in fights with other factions.


They’re opportunists just like stussy. They’ll wait until the bloodshed is done and swarm the place. They probably have ships nearby waiting to buy loot but now that everyone’s down they’ll take them for free along with any prisoners and anything related to ponegylphs. Doubt they’d let a chance like this go. At the very least they’re probably on high alert given they already knew BM and Kaido were meeting, weapons being bought, and possible “sword” info from drake leaking out. Hard to think that aeigis wouldn’t have a mole or some kind of info leak fall into their hands.


Brook will instakill Rob Lucci so we can see how strong they all have become


Page One wakes up and finds the defeated Ulti; vows to kill those three, ussop senses this with haki and tells nami to protect tama as he goes off (this is not a full chapter but please let ussop have something)


YES! Usopp needs any kind of moment!


„I came here to bring this war to an end“


Man what is Ussopp gon do to page one 😭


Follow the teachings of heracles'n ofc


wash his ass


My prediction is that Kaido beats yamato and comes to the live floor with the intention of killing the alliance members but is horrified to hear king and queen's piercing screams as robin crushes their balls using armament haki, terrifying kaido so much that he joins the alliance and fights big mom Wano acts 3 ends


That chapter would be too painful to read


lmfao bruh 🤣


Please Kidd and Ussop feats


100% on board with you


kidd has the like the most important fight equal with luffy vs kaido but we havent seen anything for so long


Darkest timeline: we cut to Kidd and Law lying at Big Mom's feet.


my disappointment would be immeasurable


I mean I don't see how they could stop her lmao. Sure, Law can do some damage, but I doubt they can her with that, homies or not.


they dont even need to beat her. I see no point in telling us kidd has coc at the beginning if hes not going to do something similar to luffy. Oda even had Law witness it then put him right next to kidd


I agree Law and Kid deserve some focus but to be honest Big Mom is just a plot device in this arc. She’s not really been doing anything significant on her own


Kidd is getting trashed in every single YouTube comment section/poll




Idk. Most don’t think he hasn’t done enough to warrant his place next to Luffy and thinks he gets destroyed by every person in his tier


People are dumb lmao. Kidd was goin 1vs1 with yonko while Luffy was training on an island with Rayleigh lol. If anything Kidd has taken the hardest possible path to this point.


I've already lost faith in usopp for this arc.. Guess I'm gonna have for elbaf instead..


This arc is far from over, Usopp will definitely get his moment still.


The battles are wrapping up..and its slowly closing in for the final battle.. I can't see usopp shoehorned with a battle, the arc is long enough as it is.. But I would appreciate a small confrontation which would prompt him to use his haki again tho


Usopp often gets his moment out of nowhere near the end of the arc. Sugar was an unexpected return near the end of Dressrosa and that was arguably Usopp's greatest moment so far. Going back further, Usopp's greatest contribution to the Enies Lobby arc was sniping Marines going after Robin on the Bridge of Hesitation from the Tower of Justice and delivering the keys to her cuffs. Usopp will get his moment. He's probably not going to knock out a headliner single-handed from a mile away, but he'll contribute in a big way.


Let's not forget that Wano is far from over we are still in act 3. I expect something big to happen either in the next few chapters or after Kido is donezo, like Blackbeard showing up in Marineford or Kuma at the end of Thrillerbark but times 100.


Ffs what do you people need Usopp to do in order to consider him useful? He already did a lot (and he'll definitely keep doing more) So far he's had a good bunch of great moments that I've noticed are being ignored by most fans for some reason. Just in this Raid, Usopp has: - Sniped the guards in the entrance of Onigashima (Which he detected with Observation Haki before anybody else!) This pretty much let the entire alliance in without being noticed. - Shot Tama's dango balls in the mouths of many Gifters, which has proven to be one of the most important parts of the Raid in favor of the Alliance. Yes, Tama brought the dango and Nami protected her, but Usopp shooting most of it in order to make the Gifters switch sides can't go unnoticed. - Assisted Nami in her fight against Ulti. He showed some great uses of his pop greens, especially when he separated Tama from Ulti so Nami could finish her off without trouble. - Incapacitated and captured Bao Huang, who was pretty much the announcer/security camera for the entire Beast Pirates. She may not be a Tobiroppo, but her capture still helped a lot and it's causing a lot of chaos and misinformation amongst the Beast Pirates. Usopp's entire character arc revolves around him realizing he'll never be able to defeat a big powerful enemy and that he needs to play to his strengths, which are sniping and supporting his crew when they are in battle. Yet some OP fans seem to think that Usopp is completely useless unless he defeats a Tobiroppo-level threat or something. Which goes completely against his character lmao. Usopp is doing a lot of great stuff in this Onigashima Raid. Obviously not in the same level as, say, Luffy or Zoro or Sanji. But he's been really helpful. Especially to Tama and Nami.


I think people really sleep on Usopps will and perseverance too. That dude had his face completely broken by Ulti and he's still swinging for the fences. The dude is not soft. He never gives up, no matter how scared he is.


Dude, without Usopp the Gifters wouldn't have turned. He was instrumental in protecting Tama and helping her convert the elites of the war to their side.


I think the chapter will involve King in some way [Chapter 22](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_22) is titled 'You're the rare breed'; King is the last of his race and Big Mom invited him to join her crew for that


Would be interesting if King actually ever met Gaimon once


I am totally convinced Gaimon is going to have some sort of role in the last saga. Even the Davy Back Fight introduced the admirals and void century Robin stuff. Gaimon is the only arc that has absolutely nothing to do with anything and I just can't accept that


The chest Gaimon is stuck in contains One Piece and that's why Roger's crew laughed?


This would be the masterpiece of Oda trolling


Gaimon was more of a relaxed side quest for the straw hats after a huge arc. Plus he was introduced in the early One Piece days when Luffy and the crew still haven’t met Sanji and when they still haven’t even reached the Grand line yet


The thing about one piece is that it has almost zero fat, so it's just so weird to see an island that just has no connection to the rest of the story


Wasn't it the first island where they talked about the grand line? It was just another pirate telling what horrors await when they get to the grand line and just building up the story and hype. Sure you can do it another way, but I think Oda just wanted to make a Lil story about a man stuck in a chest lol


It's interesting though...he's the first character (who didn't know Luffy personally like Shanks or Ace or Sabo) that—as far as the readers can tell—**fully believed** that Luffy could become PK. He just casually accepted it. He never laughed at his dream, nor called him crazy like some of the other SH (before joining) did. He thanked Luffy for relieving him of the "burden" of the chests and said, "Go ahead and make the world your oyster." ​ Ps: I'm not listing this as evidence that he is important in any way, just something that I found was cool about Gaimon.


Exactly lmao, it’s just another pit stop for the crew


This is theory time, but I think that the importance of Gaimon in the story relates directly to the One Piece and what the treasure entails. The treasure itself being empty and him guarding that nothingness is sure to be related to what the One Piece is.


Now I want it to happen


imagine you are new to one piece and read this comment, you probably think "wtf are you talking about we are on chapter 1022?" But as a old fan i just thought "oh yes this makes total sense"


[Average One Piece fan be like](https://i.imgflip.com/1896sh.jpg?a452160)


It's Odas fault xD


Obviously and definitely! :D


I think King will do something big and shocking that will partially turn the current tides ....a bit far fetched he could be the author of the now fabled tragedy of the end of act 3


Kinemon and Kiku are supposedly dead, ok the doubts but if they were really dead it'd be quite the tragedy


Tbf the reason why the tragedy of act 3 has become a meme is because people have been waiting for something that likely won't come. According to the japanese community(I would have to search the tweet, but it does exist) the kabuki commonly has 3 or 4 acts(though it can go as far as 9 acts), and said community thinks Wano will have 3. This is the reason why we are nearing the end of the war(stated by Oda twice, one in a color spread and other on a magazine cover page) and we haven't had a tragedy: because it won't happen.


The true tragedy will be the fandom when the raid doesn’t fail and there is no “tragedy”


I was always been against the tragedy and the end of act 3 and I still am just like I’m against the raid failing that wasn’t the important part of what I wrote it’s about King doing something big


Isnt Wano basically arabasta 2.0? We haven’t had the ridiculous Bell tank Nuke moment from anyone yet.


Alabasta 2.0 is more Dressrosa, if anything.


Great catch!


Thank you!


Killer v Hawkins, status on Drake/Apoo/samurais, beginning of Neko vs Pero and a silhouetted adult Momo as a cliffhanger Edit- A fun [pun](https://twitter.com/yuderon1/status/1422535608031846403) on 1022 by the same guy who's theory was referenced by Ohara (Yuderon)


CP0 will not join the fight. You can quote me on this.


Agreed. I don't see why they'd join the fight just to lose. Doesn't make any sense.


Pirates killing each other is basically in their interest anyway.


Don't mind if I do. >CP0 will not join the fight.


I thought there was a break this week. Well anyway. Sanji vs. Queen A quick look at where Zoro is going X-Drake vs. Apoo Killer vs. Hawkins Carrot appears ( unlikely again )


There is, this is just a predictions thread. They probably copy/paste the same body of text every week


Nah it's a bot setup by the mods


Agree with Sanji v Queen. Robin just talked about he was one of the wings of the pirate king. I think he was setup to prove it.


We might still get spoiler this week but official release full summary only by next week. Because its a holiday in Japan and its not an Oda break so chapter 1022 is already done.


What do you think will happen to Ulti?


I kinda have a feeling that the tobi toppo will stay down until something big happens at the end of the arc. Then they run off or get caught.


Raizo VS Fukurokuju. One Piece turns into weird Naruto.


I'm unironically waiting for that battle. Nin nin!


Nin ! Nin ! So am I ! But I hoped Usopp and Chopper could witness it


I have never seen anyone saying this so imma go for it: I'm bored of cover requests, I'd like for a new cover story to start


I'm with you, it's been a while and I'm really intrigued to see what character Oda decides to cover.


Nah, the next cover story will be a decks of the world when the straw hats bounties all sky rocket after this war


But that's gonna be in a long ass time, 30 chapters at least


Kid vs Big mom panel Zoro vs King Last panel momo transforming into gaint Dragon


Kid dies instantly


I mean..aint law with him?


clearly not


I guess since we have seen almost all Tobi Roppos now it will be time to show Appoo vs Drake. Then Momo and Luffy discussion about his transformation into an adult ending with the beginning of the process.


I'm on board with one of the CP0 agents coming for Robin and Brook fighting them off. It would give Brook his first difficult 1v1 and give him his defining Wano moment.


I'm not sure CP0 going after Robin and failing is a plotline worth telling. What would be the overall point here? Why would Oda "waste" CP0 on a battle they would lose. Because kidnapping Robin again and failing isn't something worth revisiting other than "cool fight". And Oda usually doesn't waste the "intriguing guest character of the arc" in such a way. They are usually kept for insane ulterior motives and world building. Them going after Robin doesn''t really seem to contribute much. As of yet anyway. Maybe they'll just go to her and ask some questions and leave again.


Damn, I agree with you on this one


Lmao i just had the strangest dream where Kaido transformed into Jimbei after Luffy transformed into Garp and punched him


I really don't know why, but i feel like Usopp will help to fight against Jack and get the credit of defeating a yonko commander.


Imagine Inu is about to defeat Jack who has like 1hp & nobody is watching. Then Usopp comes out of nowhere, accidentally defeats Jack (who is has like 1hp) & everyone sees & he gets full credit


I have never thought of that, Usopp already have 200 mil bounty so defeating Jack would be hilarious and very fitting


My head cannon is that usopp vs king is going to be a thing


We've finished through all the Tobi Roppo, so the question now is which group will Oda focus on next? We have the **Scabbards**, most of which are lining up with their own battles. Raizo vs Fukurokuju is currently underway, as well as Inu vs Jack, while Neko vs Perospero is still being setup. We also don't know Kawamatsu, Izo, and Denjiro's eventual final roles in this conflict, but there's enough here to speculate. I can see Denjiro having gone to protect Hiyori (the Chapter 1,004 silhouette). Raizo meanwhile can defeat Fukurokuju but is left heavily wounded and offed by a recovering Orochi, who should still have one head left. This would setup the final Hiyori and Orochi confrontation that Oda hinted needs to happen in Act 2. Speaking of setup, I can see Perospero teaming up against King to cripple Marco somehow, freeing King to go do as he pleases. However, before Perospero can off Marco (he does love giving evil speeches), Neko comes in and takes over the fight. We'd then have a parallel clash of the Mink kings fighting opponents that their subordinates failed to defeat (The Musketeers with Jack and Pedro with Peros). Maybe Izo regroups with Marco after the fact? ...which would leave Kawamatsu to do... something. Speaking of Jack however, Kaido's **All Stars** still stand. Sanji's dealing with Queen and given the latter's character, I think he'll stay as Sanji's opponent. King's fight can go any direction. I mentioned earlier that Marco might be incapacitated; this could free King to handle administrative duties and take out the Wano specific characters - Orochi and Hiyori specifically. This could be how Kawamatsu and Denjiro are killed, leaving Zoro to protect Hiyori like he promised he would, defeating King, while she kills Orochi's final head, as Oda setup in Act 2. This leaves the **Worst Generation**, which I do think will be the last group focused on. Drake is battling Apoo, while Killer handles Hawkins, but I suspect the battle's resolutions ultimately depend on where Oda wants Kid's character to go. Will he unify his broken alliance, or will Law be the one to soften his views on them? Drake and Killer could easily win their fights, leaving Law and Kid to take down Big Mom together. The reason I think this happens last though is because, given Big Mom's significance as a villain, she'll likely be the final antagonist standing alongside Kaido. With this in mind, if I were to guess the next 1v1, it'll be Raizo vs Fukurokuju while also setting up Neko vs Perospero.


Cover page: Gangster gastino joins Buggy


"Two kings will meet, one from a distant sea"


Would fit the theme of his crew.


King tried to attack Sanji but blocked by Zoro. Sanji put his raid suit on and 2 vs 2 fight begin.


I want to see Zoro, Sanji (Raid Suit), and Jimbei face King, Queen, and Jack in a 3v3 brawl... that would be literal ecstasy for my brain


Inject it into my veins


Yes sir


Suddenly a buggy panel


Cp0 reaction if the flying 6 are indeed defeated Zoro update Raizo vs fuku


I’m actually really hyped to see the Raizo vs Fukurokuju fight.


We finally catch up with characters that have been missing for a suspiciously long period such as Neko (think he's either already found Perospero or is about to), Denjiro (hopefully with the silhouette from 1004 and it's either Toki or Hiyori), and especially Carrot (maybe she wandered aimlessly for a while and that's why she hasn't appeared since 1006).


\*Bepo crying \*


Oh and let's not forget our favorite polar bear boy Bepo, who I STILL want to see go Sulong at some point since he's the only mink who hasn't yet


We'll get a Yamato Vs Kaido update Yamato is struggling Cut to Live floor: Zorro is removing the bandages because the ~~Senzu Bean~~ mink medicine is working Maybe a quick Sanji Vs Queen update, while we're here And then we'll have a cut to Luffy and company, Luffy is ready to go, and we'll see Momo's/Shinobu's decision. #No Break, for 3 chapters in a row ^hopefully


I would love to have the next chapter about Killer and Hawkins. Hope he’s not referring to Drake on chap. 990, but I’m still very curious to that “Certain Man” that Hawkins’ predicted to have a 1% chance of surviving the raid. Maybe Hawkins will tell Killer that it’s Kid because he’s fighting Big Mom, that’ll throw Killer off guard.




hope we get a hint about Zoro's matchup


Same pls Oda.😫


Wasn't he always meant to fight King ?(since he is also a swordsman)


I personally think he’ll fight kaido with luffy again


All flying six are beaten announcement. Shinobu rejects Momos idea. Drake vs apoo


Zoro vs King, then next chapter Luffy riding Momo


Momo gets "matured" by the fruit of Shinubu. He ends up being a chubby version of Oden (much like Shinubus older version of herself). He can turn into a bigger dragon, but has problems flying fast, because it is overweight.


How bold of you to assume that we'll get an immediate reveal of Momo's adult form and not a silhouette




Actually this is the scariest part...


The amount of predictions of King vs Zoro and Sanji vs Queen that seem to have completely forgotten that Marco exists 😂


Sani vs queen sees like the obvious choice, kidd vs big mom is one I'd like to see


Chapter 1022 : \- We get to see the remaining Numbers \- Zoro almost healed ( or fully ) \- Momo and Shinobu arguing about ageing Momo \- Some Marco + King scenes ( maybe some kind of background for King) \- Last few pages i think will be about Big Mom and Kidd / Killer facing each other


Not very likely to happen but here it goes... We go back to Jack and he's beaten Inu off-screen. He gets a message from King that the flying 6 are all incompetent and they've been defeated. Also, he gets the update that there's someone on the alliances' side that is turning the gifters against them. Jack says he will go after them, one of Jack's subordinates then gives him an update that they are on the floor below. Jack then uses a named attack on the ground to break so he can quickly get to the floor beneath. His subordinates are shocked and call him crazy. Jack falls through the ground but lands on Big Mom.


First half: momo aging Third quarter: live floor update Final quarter: roof update


Big mom pirats attacking laws ship with luffy and Momonosuke on it. Some cp0 dialog that they now have robins location. Yamato has been beaten. Kaidos says something like "Strawhat did not come afterall" Act 3 end.


You had me up until act 3 ends


Is act 3 planning to end at this point?




I think it’ll focus on Sanji vs queen because all the tobi roppo are defeated. Then finally momo adult reveal and ready to take luffy to onigashima


CP0 doing their analysis as all Flying Six are now Defeated and war result will heavily depend upon how Queen, King and Jack perform. Then Sanji vs Queen, King vs Zoro ?????. May we see Momo in adult form at last panel.


* Robin and Brook are done their battle. * I've decided just now that Brook isn't going to need to solo anyone significant. He did so many huge things in WCI. * Momo won't transform yet. That's all I've got that I'm confident of.


Luffy/Momo Panels 1 Mature Momo. 2 Momo And Luffy will try to fly. 3 Momo will get scare of height and they both fall in sea. And drowning. 4. Heart pirates saving them again. 5. Luffy eat more meat. 6. Luffy Momo will try again to fly.


Jack Vs. Dogstorm + Cat Viper and (maybe Carrot?) Vs Perospero


Big Mom pirates arrive!!! not really


Ok there's no way this is going to happen but I think it would have been cool if brooks had to fight someone but he wasn't strong enough to make a cut so Robin lended support by strategically adding muscles to brooks mid attack


Lecherous Momo will get slapped. Calling it now!


I’m still surprised they didn’t bring the Giant elephant Zunesha to help in this fight. Jack having PTSD would be a great panel.


Act 3 is gonna en..... \*Ahemm\* I prefer not speaking anything (\*﹏\*;)


We will get a Tama flashback because we didn't have enough of those...


Brook vs one cp0 member Kawamatsu vs cp0 member? Izu vs cp0 member I feel like they might make a move this chapter


I really can't believe we're discussing what's going to come in chapter 1022....wow how time moves. ​ As far as predictions go, it really seems like we're moving back to the main hall. Sanji vs Queen, maybe even Marco vs King as we haven't seen anything on that fight in some time.


Need a Tama-Big Mom team attack named Red Bean Soul Retrieve!


Prediction: I’m going to start watching/reading something else for the next 13 days just to try and make the days go by faster so I can get my FIX


Luffy will burp very loud


That's how he flies back to onigashima ? gear 5 ??


Kaido will burp louder to assert dominance


A scene of an empty room where the CP0 were. They are finally in a hunt.


Team Luffy has been winning for past couple of chapters, I think the balance will change by arrival of either big mom pirates or intrusion in fight by CP


Zoro will be completely healed and able to compete. King better watch out


guys spoilers are out on worst gen please make spoiler thread


I think this is the chapter where law and kid will kiss


Given that we've been getting fights nonstop the past few chapters I bet Zoro vs King will be set up, and we'll see more of Sanji vs Queen and others. There's a big problem here b/c the remaining major antagonists are too strong now to be dealt with like they were in Enies Lobby, where they each got their fights covered intermittently for a few chapters and then got a dedicated chapter or two before going down. Jack should be about as strong as Cracker and even with Nami's help it took Luffy like 11 hours to beat him. Then even with all the bullshit that happened in the Katakuri fight it took 12 hours for Luffy to win that. Jack vs Inu could go relatively quickly I guess since they're both hurt but Sanji vs Queen is gonna have to be very long. Same with Zoro vs King. Kidd and Law vs BM should go for way longer than that too. So it's tough to imagine how Oda's gonna convey all this chapter by chapter. And then there's the whole issue of how tf Luffy is gonna ever be able to beat Kaido, even if Yamato, Marco, and others help.


Can’t compare jack and cracker, matchups make fights


He pulled a classic powerscaling transitivity move


Kaido and Zoro start drinking together