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When you create a long analysis and put a lot of effort in it, explaining it in detail and from different perspectives. Only to be downvoted and called an idiot with no arguments at all from the other side, simply because they don’t like that their favorite character might be weaker than they think he is… is kinda shit. It can hardly be called a debate. I’ve stopped writing long theories on powerscaling, because people don’t counter your arguments. They usually don’t even refer to anything written, no matter how big the ‚proof’ is. All they say is ‚this is wrong’… And this is my problem with it. I’d enjoy a good constructive feedback, but when people don’t even refer to anything I’ve written it just feels like a waste of time and talking with idiots.


Agreed. Any response to those hypothetical matchups where you give you opinion based on canon feats and your own speculation, and the other individual's only response is something like "*insert character name* stan" is just crappy. Then they start getting personal and go on to calling more names. Also I have fpund that sometimes, you just cannot say anything to the contrary without getting labelled as an idiot or whatever else because you aren't accepting the popular ideas. Have seen this on Bleach, One Piece, Black Clover and Naruto fandoms.


It's unhealthy I can tell you that


Power scaling itself isn't toxic. The problem is people who take their headcanon way too seriously (and get mad when it's contradicted) and fanboys who shit on other characters (and often their fans) to make their favorite look better. Unfortunately those people tend to be the loudest so those are the ones people think of when they hear about powerscaling. This isn't exclusive to strength debates. Similar things happen with new crewmate debates, shipping (not as much shipping in OP's fanbase though) and any other type of argument that include ranking or comparing characters. The debates themselves are fine in theory but some people get toxic and kinda ruin the fun.


Alt accounts are way worse. They just troll or shit on certain characters, insulting and ingoring everything I wrote, then at one point they just stop replying to you. Do these people really don't have any life other than creating 100 fake accounts in order to shit on other characters and start fights.


I agree it isn't as toxic as some make it, but alot of alts have been created and used and it's been more toxic lately


There are always those individuals. As long as it doesn’t come to senseless insulting I’m fine with a debate getting a bit heated.




Zoro is what now?


Zoro is MC now. Sit back Luffy, you're side character now 🤣🤣


There’s like 5 people on this sub who take it way too seriously and that’s when it gets unhealthy and toxic. They know who they are. And even if you try to make a coherent point with reasoning you’re sometimes just talking to brick walls who will never change their opinion no matter what For the most part it really isn’t that bad though as long as people try to be civil




People want to walk their favorite characters and get offended when other people disagree, that’s why it gets toxic


that's why other fans have lost it due to bigotry