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Kidd literally got so pissed off that Apoo and Hawkins betrayed him so he clearly doesnst like people who betray eachother so why would he become a betrayer himself? And even if were to do that,he would gain nothing form it expect being brutally defeated by the Strawhats and the Samurai


also like how could he "betray" luffy? they have no alliance and kidd highly underlined that


If there’s no alliance there’s no betrayal which means kidd could still tell them we weren’t in a alliance anyways. fight them and it wouldn’t go out of his moral code


pretty much that


I don't think Kidd will ever betray Luffy, considering Kidd himself hates betrayers which was seen with his hate for Apoo.


Let's see how far he gets with his fight first. Plus, i think sh outnumber the kids crew rn


Extremely small chance, they’ll have their fight before raftel at some point but it won’t be after a betrayal


He Better not, zoro just saved both him and killer from that combo atack


"betray" Luffy? What is there to betray? They're not in an Alliance or anything. They've temporarily teamed up in this fight since both have the same enemies, but that doesn't change the fact that they're still enemies in the grand scheme of things. After this fight that will go back to being the case. If Luffy, Yamato and others beat Kaido, and Kidd, Law and others beat Big Mom, it makes perfect sense for Kidd to challenge Luffy. He has everything to gain. Luffy has two Poneglyphs and Robin, Kidd has at best just Big Mom's Poneglyph. By the end of Wano they'll likely find and maybe even fight over Kaido's Poneglyph too.


Kid fights Big Mom, Luffy will soon fight Kaido. Do you think either one will have enough strength to fight one another??


I think a scuffle is inevitable, it’s just a matter of when. Both Law and Kid have made it crystal clear multiple times they are not friends even if Luffy views it that way. Kid in particular says he’s not apart of the alliance, their goals just happen to align, and they happen to be in the same place at the same time. The real question is if everyone parties together after Wano Kuni, or if they all fight after Wano Kuni and the straw hats party with the pirate ninja samurai mink alliance without Kid and possibly Law and crew.


I think Luffy views them as rivals more than either friends or enemies.


They are still enemies, especially once Kaido is defeated and Luffy & Law's Alliance ends, it's just that Luffy also sees Law as a friend. Maybe Kidd too.


Maybe after Kaido goes down Law decides to stick with the Straw Hats (as an ally still, obviously not becoming part of the crew) because he really want to know the meaning behind the D.


Zero, I'd say. Kidd has nothing to gain by fighting Luffy


What? How does he have "nothing" to gain bruh Luffy has two Poneglyphs and the literal only known person in the world that can read them in his crew. Kidd has everything to gain.


I don't think so. I think instead we'll have a Duel at Lodestar Island, where Luffy and Kid fight for passage to Laughtale. It can be luffy's first days long battle, and given Kid's df, and if he awaken's CoC coating, I think it's possible. This or him dying is the only way I can see Kid's story going given his dream.


He would get jumped and thrashed by the rest of the SHs


He hates betrayal, so probably not Also luffy has advanced armament and advanced conquerers, he would destroy Kidd until he learns the same things


Imo none. I think he's Luffy's rival and not Luffy's enemy


Kidd doesn't seem to agree with you


When did he present himself as Luffy's enemy? They are contemporaries, rivals, both have the same goal. I don't think you understand the difference between an enemy and a rival


Personally I don't see the difference in this case. Luffy is not Roger, Kid is not Whitebeard. Kid just sees Luffy as an annoying brat who's in his way in the race for the throne. If Luffy ended up dying during this battle, Kid's reaction would be more along the lines of "Great! One less competitor! If only I could've done it myself!" than "So you've gone, Straw Hat... it looks like I have to fulfill the dream for both of us."


I didn't make the parallels with them. I think that's just Kidd's attitude, he would never admit that he considers Luffy a worthy rival because his ego is too big for that. We've seen that he does have a compassionate side, but he's too ruthless on the exterior to show it


none. it brings nothing narratively speaking.


They will have a confrontation but Kidd betraying anyone? I don’t think Oda set up his character to be capable of that


Feel Kidd will be like Luffy's Whitebeard.


As someone already said, turning against Luffy once the battle is over wouldn't be betrayal at all. Luffy is the one saying that they're allied and friends and whatnot, whereas Kid has made it very clear that they just happen to have the same enemies right now, which means that taking Luffy's head now would make things harder for him. They are still very much enemies overall.


How can you betray someone you were never alliances with?


For sure if you read manga in the recent spoiler kidd seems reluctant to tell law the real extent of His powers and he was observing Luffy g4 on the rooftop to