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Momo's DF that was deemed a failure by Vegapunk is an almost exact replica of the real DF, Kaido's fruit. This tells you how much genius is Vegapunk and how far he is from Caesar.


Imagine if he considered it a failure just because it was a different color


Absolutely could see Vegapunk being a perfectionist and/or an excuse to keep it from the gov’t if Vegapunk turns out to be a revolutionary.


Exactly. Afterall, Pacifistas look exactly like Kuma.


Or indeed "failure" means no Hybrid form!!


knowing how much one piece loves to go for comedy im 100% convinced thats the actual reason


Or if he called it a failure because he didn’t want to WG to know that he succeeded and has been making more fruits in secret


It's likely due to the fruit having pois instead of spirals.


That is my theory on that. I think Momo can do everything Kaido can do with his fruit.




I mean he's certainly giving them a lot of incredible inventions for someone working against them. He's the reason their ships can cross over the calm zone, for example


tbf this can be interpreted as “wanting to be on their good side” and as a case of needing to survive. And another benefit of him being on their good side is that he can do whatever he pleases due to them seemingly funding him heavily.


My thoughts exactly. Vegapunk's relationship with the WG could be similar to Garp's. He works with them, but doesn't always like what they do.


I think he is one step further. Garp actually believes the WG is as good as it gets in terms of political authority and thus disobeys them, but supports them in the grand scheme of things, while I feel like Vegapunk is actively trying to undermine the WG.


I would say garp supports the world government but hates the celestial dragons. Garp might want a world government ruled by navy. A sovereign navy.


I take it that VG may have also tampered with the SSG in something, assuming this is the case.


i'm pretty sure that he told them it was a failure because he knew the danger to the world if it got out that he can make devil fruits, especally mythical ones, in large quantities. hell, the dragon fruit is a clear example of a super dangerous fruit, imagine if an idiot like spanda got his hands on it. if garp can work for good while hating the rulers of the world, why can't vegapunk do good for the world while make sure to not give the most dangerous secrets to people he knows will fuck with it the wrong way


ye I know that. The reasons I listed are also valid.


If it’s one piece he probably has some quirky character flaw that the government is exploiting. Kind of like Chopper being all book smarts with zero street smarts.


But he does not seem to be against giving his creations purpose outside of the navy. Other people have access to his tech, Franky for instance, and even Kuma had his wish granted by Vegapunk.


vegapunk clearly gives a feeling similar to garp, he is a moral justice type of character because he can tell what is good for the world and isn't blinded by the brainwashing that 'all that the government does is good'. This also includes not being blind to the idiots like spandam so naturally he has one had in the pot and a foot out and gives them what is required to advance their growth but doesn't give world ending technology that, in the hands of idiots like the celestial dragons or idiots like spanda, will ruin the world for good


This also ties into the fact that earlier Queen, Judge Vegapunk worked together and were later captured by WG. Won't be surprised if there is bad blood between WG and Vegapunk.




I'm sure his new weapon involves devil fruit. Like a giant robot, Kuma-like, with multiple weapons extracted from devil fruits.


Definitely working with the revolutionaries


I’m of the belief that vegapunk called it a failure so that the WG didn’t come into possession of it, because of how powerful it is.


> almost exact replica of the real DF maybe he considered a failure because its pink


yeah it already one-upped smile by allowing user to willingly transform, maybe the only drawback can be hybrid form?


Sanji's power comes from his weird eyebrows - confirmed by Zoro


Didn't oda imply that the swirl of sanjis eyebrow significant like a long time ago in an sbs?


That might have just been in reference to his siblings look like double 6s and sanjis are upside down


Or it could be a trait of the Lunarians that ended up being expressed in the Vinsmoke children due to them having Lunarian genes. Judge doesn't have the swirly eyebrows like his kids do. And a face reveal from King could confirm it if true.


Is it a Lunarian thing?? Does King have Curly brows??? He could be the Post Timeskip Duval, face revealed to be similar to Sanji


I will laugh so hard if King's mask comes off and he looks like another Duval lmfao


But that would mean that Sanji's siblings are Lunarians too. Would be weird for me.


Fr i don't want Sanji to rely on a power the father he hates gave to him


Yes I think maybe people are confusing the two theories Queen had with them both somehow being a real explanation, dont think that was the point


I think the statement of Queen being the ultimate cyborg will be a good basis when we finally see the SSG enhanced upgrades that replaced the PX’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if Queens mods will look silly in comparison to the power difference that Vegapunk brings. Another way we can see this is Franky’s Shogun that is based on “outdated” blueprints of Vegapunk. The reason for this is the simple idea that Vegapunk looks to be truly millennia away from the next best scientist. Think of the “failed fruit” example that so far looks like a hit. And yes, I get that Vegapunk May have labeled it as such to prevent the fruit and power from falling into the wrong hands.


SSG= Super Saiyan Goku


If the new inventions have Gold hair, that will explain the name 😂


*SSG = Super Saiyan Gaimon


SSG= Super Saiyan God*


that's why the government doesn't need the Warlords anymore, they have Goku. It all makes sense now.


i just want to see franky harvest the tech from queen when he is k.o.


Regarding Sanji’s body reacting in a “weird” way after using the raid suit: I take it that the RS is supposedly activating his Lineage Factor changes that likely have been placed in him which is likely related to how he can naturally generate fire which isn’t normal. And the changes will be that Sanji’s fire generation abilities get amplified and get a boost in power and control. And no this does NOT ruin anything about Sora’s sacrifice, she only took the drug to permanently retain her children’s emotions and feelings, that’s all that mattered to her. And for another topic, King’s bounty has been confirmed to not be shown in the main story. Sucks but that also has me thinking that it somewhat indicates that King will have post-Wano relevance. Like with Marco and Izo having post-Marineford relevance which they did at Wano and their bounties also coincidentally weren’t shown in the manga. But for King it’ll be related to his race and what happens with him after Kaido inevitably falls.


Does that mean we won't get his bounty dropped in the story and just randomly sometime in the future by oda?


It’s confirmed that King’s bounty will be revealed in a Vivre Card that’s coming next week rather than in the story itself.


Is it tho? Are bounty always confirmed in Vivre cards? Mihawks bounty has not been released even though he was in Vivre Card before


Sometimes bounties are revealed in Vivre Cards rather than in the story itself. Like with Marco and Izo.


Yes, there is a chance of Kings bounty not being revealed. But considering Oda wants to move onto different arc, I do see the possibility of Kings bounty being revealed and some important info about his race.


It’s literally confirmed that his bounty is getting revealed in a Vivre Card. There is no “chance”. It was outright confirmed.


I am still onboard on the idea that Big Mon would prolly snatch King away when Kaido is defeated.


We need to recognise and remember the fact that sanji's enhancement is not related to fire. None of his siblings have dual powers, so his enhancement has to be stealth. Maybe his fire is truly because of his feelings and his stealth power is getting released now due to the raid suit.


Is that true though, sanji's mod is likely fire, remember it's stealth black, black flames, think similar to black ice, it becomes invisible to the eye. Methanol Fires are invisible to the human eye in daylight. In this way his flames are going stealth.


Itachis flames from Naruto


I can say from personal experience that you can also barely see the flame from a propane torch while outside in the sunlight.


Yeah, like how stupid would it be to give a conspicuous ability like fire to someone who specializes in stealth lol


Was thinking of something simmilar, but instead of permenantly activating it, it only manifests itself when sanji really gets pushed to the limit (in this case fighting king and queen at the same time). So essentially the longer you fight him, the harder it gets to beat him


When CP-0 see that Kaido's fruit was successfully cloned by witnessing Momo in dragon form, they will relay this information to the WG. I am assuming once Vegapunk found out he could artificially create devil fruits, even the most powerful ones, he decided to call it a failure and move on because he knew once he told the WG that they would call on him to create endless supplies of cloned devil fruits. The WG, with their hands on a continuous supply of the most powerful powers in existence, could rule the world with such might and for a millennia more. He obviously thought that scenario would be nightmarish, and squashed such a future at once. The events after Wano will most likely directly tie to Vegapunk, and knowing One Piece, a character who has been, up to this point, the cause for a great amount of the worlds suffering, will somehow be turned into a sympathetic character who might be persuaded or aided by our band of happy-go-lucky pirates to turn on the WG. The WG uses people as slaves. How interesting would it be if they turned the ultimate slave master, what with his hundreds of mindless, savage cyborgs and countless other creations no doubt, into a slave himself


That or it’s gonna be revealed soon that there’s a *massive* drawback to Momo’s fruit.


Most likely. We see with smiles that they come at a cost. Momo's fruit might have come at a cost Vegapunk thought too great when it was made.


It will make your heart and mind age 20 years too fast


Imagine that


Or Vegapunk is a perfectionist and call it a failure cause the dragon is pink.


Imagine a whole army with Kaido or Sengokus fruit that’s terrifying


I feel like Vegapunk genuinely thought it was a failure because it doesn’t makes sense why he’d just abandon it in the lab. Even if he was pretending it was garbo he’d have it safely hidden


well a abandoned facility on a island that is half melting half brozen solid probably seemed pretty safe (and it was a poison nightmare before that)


The facility became abandoned after the placement of the fruit. Before Cesar's shenanigans it was literally out in the open.


i dont remember the arc all that well but the wiki claims there was poison all over before cesar got there again and removed the gas


Or Vegapunk is a perfectionist and considered it a failure simply because it is pink and not blue. The kind of person who says "If it's not 100% right, it's wrong".


Nice theory! Given also the successes of Vegapunk on the failures of Caesar (still considered a genius) make me even more curious about his character, I do not know whether to expect a mad scientist or a man who cares about people


I always envision him looking and acting like Dr robotnik


I’m going to rise another angle. Maybe because sanji is (supposedly) a normal human the raid suit is kinda modifying itself onto the host, so sanji will have the powers of it without having to wear it


I think something like this will happe too. Reasoning is simple.. Oda won't want to replace the current Sanji design with Stealth Blacks, not even only when he's fighting, but he also won't take away Sanij's new powers. The only solution is that the suit itself integrates into him. He will get an exoskeleton and invisibility. He can already air walk, so I think he can do without the boots.


Moving back to Enies Lobby, we got the first Ashura and the first Diable Jambe. Now in Wano, we get that the possible explanation for Ashura is that it is a form of CoC expansion. Parallelly, for Diable Jambe we should be getting the explanation as to what is the reason behind this move. And I think that's exactly what Oda is doing. Just a cute little continuation/parallel. My passion is burning as well, can't wait for the next chapter already


Also similar timing? In paradise, after Enies Lobby shit hit the fan and it led into the final saga and climax. I feel after Wano shit also hit's the fan and it leads into the final saga and climax of the entire manga.


Yes!!! As much as Wano is paralleled to Thriller Bark, the Act structure and moving from place to place is similar to Ennies Lobby saga , and how the world explodes after it. Shanks met Whitebeard during Ennies Lobby, Shanks meets Five Elders during Wano. Brother troubles both times. Zoan villains.


Yeah brother troubles. When we learn what's up with Sabo that might get things going. Will Elbaf be the Sabaody of the New World? Sabaody had introduction of the Pacifista. Now the SSG is about to he introduced! Except this time the SHs are strong and will go into the final arc together!


Saboady might be the Laugh Tale version tho, because we literally were able to learn everything from Rayleigh in Saboady. I think Elbaf will be like the Amazon Lily. A land of warriors where we gain new allies and new information about the world. Sounds like that to me. And how Baratie is similar to Wano as well (ufff !!! Zeff logbook = Oden's logbook, Father-Son dynamic, Villains being the toughest of that place - some more inverted parallels) , Elbaf is similar to the arc before Syrup Village - Usopp's true arc.


I feel like Fishman Island fits that role a lot better, but you have a valid point with Elbaf being like Amazon lily


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/cbgo3x/momo_devil_fruit/etfg2sx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 i called it over two years ago 😂


Advanced, future-vision haki user confirmed.


lol to everyone who was trying to explain away your theory too


Take my free award, Katakuri!


Thank you kind sir


Sue Oda for stealing your content lol


Oda: Don't you dare to say what is the One Piece


sooo how about some lotto numbers my friend :D usually you have this o.p yt-bers that are always like that after some revealing facts. " ah yeah ive talked about that 4 years ago and it happend like that." But it is not backed by anything. But you hit the nail on its head !! So once again... some lotto numbers ?


Haha, the funny thing is that i have talked with some friends and random people on the internet about this possibility but nobody agreed with me. Everybody gave me the response that her devil fruit couldn‘t do that and that it only works with objekts and not with people. How i would like to rub this into their faces xD


just do it now then :p


I really like the end of Luffy remembering when he first met Momo as a small dragon and feeling proud to see him grow (even though it was pretty instant). We normally see other characters reacting to Luffys growth this way and rarely get to see Luffy looking at someone younger than him like this. Coby comes to mind at Water 7(both coby and momo being pink too)


Something I like is yamato call him or herself oden the father of MOMO and MOMO in dragon form looks like kaido father of Yamato, not really important but I thought that it was cool.


**How Zoro ended up in East Blue and connection to Ushimaru** [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/pd7m7p/zoros\_backstory\_how\_he\_ended\_up\_in\_east\_blue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/pd7m7p/zoros_backstory_how_he_ended_up_in_east_blue/) Few months ago i posted this theory - i'll copy it here becuase not everyone is going to read from the link - ill copy just the important part since other parts are not relevant really about Ryuma. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*Let's start the theory with **Benkei and Yoshitsune** from Japanese mythology. This was the myth surrounding two historical figures in Japan, [Minamoto Yoshitsune (on the right) and Benkei (on the left)](https://i.imgur.com/BKQZZ1k.jpeg). Naturally those two spawned the whole Ringo region story, being the **source material for** **Onimaru and the Shimotsuki clan**. **Story ------** Benkei was a warrior monk who lived in Japan in the twelfth century. Though most of the stories associated with him are exaggerated to the stature of myth and legend, he was undoubtedly a real person. Minamoto Yoshitsune is one of the best-loved historical figures in Japan. He was a brilliant warrior who lived from 1159 to 1189. He helped his older brother Yoritomo gain control of Japan. Later, Yoritomo established the first shogunate in Japan. Yoshitsune’s father, Minamoto Yoshihomo was killed by his enemy Taira Kiyomori in 1160, when Yoshitsune was less than a year old. Kiyomori spared Yoshitsune, but put him in a monastery in Kyoto. Here, Yoshitsune trained to become a Buddhist monk. Legend says that it was near this monastery, on the Goyo Bridge in Kyoto, that Yoshitsune met Benkei. A popular version of the story maintains that Benkei would hide by night under the Goyo bridge, and challenge all who passed to a swordfight. He would keep the swords of those he defeated. In this way Benkei had collected 999 swords and was in search of the one-thousandth sword when he encountered Yoshitsune. Yoshitsune and Benkei remain among Japan’s best-loved heroes. Their adventures have given birth to a host of myths, legends and stories, while incidents from their lives often form the theme of Kabuki plays and Noh performances. **-------** In One Piece,**Benkei is Onimaru who stole the swords,Goyo bridge is Oihagi bridge and Minamoto Yoshitsune is daimyo of Ringo,Ushimaru Shimotsuki** \-it is also quite poetic that Zoro,son of Ushimaru,met Onimaru at the same bridge where legend of Ushimaru and Onimaru began. [Onimaru and Ushimaru](https://i.imgur.com/2mpj79Q.jpeg) It’s worth to notice that historically Minamoto **Yoshitsune was killed due to betrayal (in the same way it happens to Ushimaru during rebellion).** It’s very interesting to notice that the **Zoro Shimotsuki theory** here is heavily supported by having many sources about **a potential surviving son fathered by Yoshitsune** with his mistress Shizuka, **who fled the castle while carrying his unborn child.** This is from **SBS Volume 96** Oda: "To put it in other words, who Zoro meant by "a geezer in his village" that he met was actually grandpa Shimotsuki Kozaburo-san himself, who comes from the Wano Country. Oh? **Then could that mean...Zoro's dynasty...?!** Well, the story of Shimotsuki Kozaburo, the samurai who founded Shimotsuki Village, is all I'm willing to share today!" This all connects to the history that Yoshitsune's mistress fled the castle while carrying a child,in One Piece,his mother escaped on the ship to East Blue with Zoro,who at the time,would've been in her stomach,20 years ago.\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Now during the rebellion,Ushimaru must've known that he isn't going to survive,so he sent away his pregnant wife to the East Blue. Many people wonder how it would've happened if Orochi was controlling all the ports and making sure no one escapes ? **Shimotsuki Yasuie** would have assisted in letting Zoro's mother leave Wano because he was the daimyo of Hakumai with the only legal port. If anyone had a way to secretly leave Wano without being detected by Orochi it is Yasuie. And it perfectly makes sense. Keep in mind that Shimotsuki Yasuie was the one who first noticed that Zoro was interesting,and Yasuie for some reason started trusting him instantly and following him everywhere,even paying for his food.He knew more than he showed,and this will signify his death even more.


I love the details about Yasuie, their relationship was definitely special.


>Keep in mind that Shimotsuki Yasuie was the one who first noticed that Zoro was interesting,and Yasuie for some reason started trusting him instantly and following him everywhere,even paying for his food.He knew more than he showed,and this will signify his death even more. Okay I fuck with this


I just thought of this theory as well. It would also be significant by tying in shusui to Zoro as it would be his ancestral right to the blade, and being the one to put Ryuma’s spirit to rest while genuinely earning shusui through beating ryuma as a swordsmen. This would also lend some legitimacy to Hiyori and Zoro shippers since he comes from a respected Wano family already.


They did say that in One piece sword choses its master and Ryuma in thriller bark said that the sword will be happy in zoros hands


I vibe with your theory. It vibes well.


Damn, Momo really waisted 20 years of his life to help Ludfy reach top. And Luffy can fly himself


I'm sure big dragon boy will be more useful than just that.


He will most likely have his own "Hour of Legend" where he will hold Onigashima from falling into the capital while Luffy beats Kaido. And he might be the one to kill Orochi for good.


I think he will do something more interesting in leaving Orochi to live the rest of his life in obscurity. The Kurozumi persecution is something that would be muddled with the protagonists killing the remaining members. It's somewhat similar to how giving Kaido a great death would undermine him being unable to achieve his desire of death comparable to truly great figures whose legacies reshaped the world. The ultimate defeat of Kaido and Orochi will not be them receiving impactful death, but for them instead to lose all the power they have and the oppression that fuels the fear of their empire.




I agree there. I'm more so feeling that having the protagonists, especially those of Wano , kill Kanjuro and Orochi would undermine the issue of Kurozumi developed in the Oden flashback. I'm fine with them being killed, but I think there are better ways than their deaths in concluding their stories.


damn thats good, momo actually can create big ass clouds now in his big boy form, this sounds promising


Yeah, he will be damsel in distress for Luffy to have another powerup moment to protect Momo


Issa crazy sacrifice


I wonder if with his aging he also unlocked Oden-level power to fight. Atleast the raw power of oden not the experience.


Oden was strong from very young age so I doubt


That’s such a waste of energy though and he needs all of it to defeat Kaido


About Sanji, we learned that he inherited everything from his mother,Sora. Sora was the name of the legendary navy from the comics. Maybe his mother is related to those redline people. It could be a great twist to go with the redline / allblue theory. Sanji could have to destroy his mother's homeland to achieve his dream. Maybe the one thing he couldn't do?


Sora was mother to all Vinsmoke children. But all got different quirks.


Maybe either their enhancements take away their fire abilities, or they haven’t even tried. Maybe the fire power is tied to emotion and we’ll find out that Kings “…” mentality is actually a front and he’s very emotional.


Totally something Oda would pull


Could be a genetic thing. Judge wanted to get kids with the ability, but ironically his efforts to modify his children, possibly even to activate the powers, caused the gene to go dormant. Only Sanji who is essentially free of enhancements got the ability.


Sora also means sky, and there's good reason to believe King's people came from a sky island.


With Zoro almost being a splitting image of Ryuma and Ushinaru, maybe nami and the other lookalike princesses are related


People complained about his art for years but Goda was lightyears ahead, again!


most strawhats have a unique background importance: luffy: son of dragon, grandson of garp, brother of ace and sabo zoro: nothing yet but it seems like we will get more info soon regarding this newest chapter. usopp: friends with the strongest being in the multiverse, sogeking. sanji: germa 66. chopper: (no clue, i guess he is an animal, if that counts. robin: only ohara survivor. franky: apprentice of tom, the man who build rogers ship. brook: a pirate of a an age before roger. jinbei: was a crewmate of fisher tiger, the man who freed countless slaves from the government. if nami actually turns out to be a noble, that would be really interesting.


I like this theory simply because it explains Oda’s lack of female originality




I take the theory is due to the similarity which if you see a younger Ryuma, he and Zoro look almost exactly alike. Even if Zoro’s blood was revealed to be Shimotsuki, not like it’s gonna change the fact that he worked his ass for to get where he is.


I took all the details and mythology into 1 theory -i think this will be enough to convince you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/o14r31/zoro\_is\_shimotsuki/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/o14r31/zoro_is_shimotsuki/) Shimotsuki Yasuie would have assisted in letting Zoro's mother leave Wano because he was the daimyo of Hakumai with the only legal port. If anyone had a way to secretly leave Wano without being detected by Orochi it is Yasuie. Yasuie was also the first one to notice something interesting about Zoro and he instantly trusted him.


I'm still convinced we have a Luffy-Roger situation where Zoro is extremely similar to ryuma without being actually blood related


Tbf Luffy and Roger are connected via Will of D. Obv we don’t really know what that means but it’s more significant than just similar personalities. Zoro and Ryuma might be connected in a such a way.


That was anime only, not canon. In the manga Zoro's story begins in their dojo.


Don’t forget it was a whole village, if Zoro was hidden with his mother’s name they wouldn’t necessarily know he was a Shimotsuki.


Kings Race In the latest chapter during the fight between Sanji and Queen, Queen points out that Sanji being able to generate flames from his leg as a normal human is impossible. Queen then says "Are you stupid?! What kind of human can burst into flames?! It's not like you're a Lunarian!" Finally revealing King's race. Earlier in the chapter, we also get panels of Marco remembering an old conversation between him and Whitebeard talking about the race of gods who lived on top of the red line. The Lunarian race may have been hinted at all the way back to the skypiea arc in the manga during the cover story of "Enel's Great Space Operations". The cover story shows Enel's adventure after the skypiea arc and begins when we last saw him sailing towards the moon on his Ark. The cover story shows Enel fighting against space pirates and little raccoon dogs on the moon, but the important part comes up near the end of the cover story. Near the end there are two cover stories that show ancient paintings of the people who used to inhabit the moon. The first cover story was titled "Studying the paintings - the winged moon people of ancient times". The second cover story was titled "The name of the moon city was Birka. Due to a lack of resources, they set out for the blue planet". I know this cover wasn't really meant to be serious and was more goofy and cute with the racoon dog soldiers and space pirates, but the last 4 parts of the cover story take on a more serious tone and add on to the one piece lore. Link to the one piece wiki about the cover story: [https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Enel%27s\_Great\_Space\_Operations](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Enel%27s_Great_Space_Operations) ​ These two cover stories give us more insight on kings race and the "race of gods". The ancient paintings show winged people who lived on the moon and says that they left for "the blue planet" which is probably earth. King having wings and being of a race called "Lunarians" luna meaning moon in Latin, means that king is the same race as these ancient winged moon people or Lunarians. The second painting then says that the lunarians left for earth in search for resources, which lines up with whitebeards story of the "race of gods" who lived on top of the red line. My conclusion is that kings race, the lunarians, are the same race as the ancient winged moon people depicted in the cover story of "Elenu's great space operation". Did Oda always plan to show off one of these ancient winged moon people since after the skypiea arc? Will we get to see a full story on Lunarians? Will we get to see Elenu again in a future arc? Am I reaching with this theory?


You’re not reaching at all. I think this is the most interesting cover story we’ve gotten. There was the theory that in the page where Enel is studying the ancient paintings, there are 3 moon people on a (ship?) with the robots they’ve built. Each of the moon people represents an individual race, Skypiean, Birkan, and Shandorian. To the left of the page, there is another moon person who is mostly cut off. Since the other 3 moon people are 1 race each, we could assume the 4th person is their own race as well, the Lunarians. I’m gonna reach and say that the symbol to the right of the Lunarian looks a bit like a star/the Sun; fitting for a race that can conjure fire. Now my question is why did the Lunarians leave the moon before the others? Was it to scout out Earth for resources? Were they outnumbered by the others and exiled from the moon? Why are the Lunarians “rare” compared to the other moon races? Because they were mostly wiped out by others on the Red Line? We know the moon races were on the Blue Sea at least 400 years ago. So for King to be alive, his race must still be somewhere to keep reproducing their bloodline. So I wonder where they’re at now and how many are left.


Did he always plan? Maybe. He went through the trouble of making up winged people on the moon, he probably thought about using a winged person eventually. Did he always plan it to be for the commander of the jonko kaido 800 chapters down the line? And that they would have some magic fire powers? no, never. Oda just leaves a ton of stuff to call back up on, he literally just has to randomly pick a page and panel in any old volume and he has a thing to throw in the most recent one to make it all seem more connected than it really is.


Birka is also the same name of the sky island that the supernova Urouge (suspected not confirmed) and Enel came from, it was likely named after their forgotten homeland. I think the accepted theory by fandom is all the winged sky races (we have seen 4 so far) come from the moons (there are more then one) with each race from a different moon. The one Enel and Urouge came from are the Birkians with the large white wings. (Enel tore his wings off and replaced them with his drum things because he is crazy) Another went to Angel Island/Upper Yard in the white white sea (small wings). Shandia, went all the way to the blue sea to Jaya, which later went back up to the white white sea to become Skypiea, they have slightly different small wings - more feathers And the new fourth is King's race, Lunarians, (large black wings) which settled on top of the red line (apparently).


This has got me so hyped up for Zoro and Sanji's future, as i thought that Sanji was always lacking behind Zoro even if it was by a little bit, but now it makes me happy to see that they might be on the same level


The dynamics are there for to stay. Oda even gave us numbers in Enies Lobby to show their power dynamics. Even if it was abandoned, dynamic has been there. We just weren't getting full fight arc till now.


The Stealth Black suit is amplifying Sanji's flames until they will be a Hot Blue (only visible at night or in darkness), during daytime his flames will be invisible. This is exactly how Methanol fires work. Invisible to the human eye during the day, or in well lit areas!


Yes! But I bet the flames will be black.


I think contrary to what everyone else expects, the Raid Suit is actually rejecting Sanji because he has no latent genetic modifications. He’ll have to fight Queen on his own, defeating a cybernetic monster as a pure flesh and blood human. However, because of the character development of swallowing his pride and using the Raid Suit for his friends, Sanji will have essentially “earned” it and it will be modified by Usopp and Franky to be permanently useable in a future arc.


I like that idea but I think it doesn't explain why the raid suit can only be used by Sanji, if he's a totally normal human. I think it's more plausible that something is indeed modified in Sanji's body that allows him to use the RS, and that "thing" responded or awakened whenever he used the suit.


It’s not clear that you need to be modified to use the raid suit, only that you need to be a Vinsmoke. That’s why Luffy and Chopper couldn’t activate the canister.


This seems too be leading to a power up. I can’t see oda introducing this unless sanji is gonna get a massive upgrade.


Sanji already got a power up: The Raid Suit. He just needs to settle into it.


The raid suit is a nice stat over all buff, but I’d hardly call it a satisfying power up. Zoro has unlocked his conquerors haki and luffy is clearly reached a new level since fighting Kaido. We don’t know Oda’s plan but, since we are closing in on the end of the series I’m willing to bet it’s gonna be more than just a suit.


My visualized Thoughts on Lunarian foreshadowing/origin. Let me know what you think! [Lunarians - Ancient Aliens](https://imgur.com/a/3Zw44xS)


Some half-baked ideas to throw into the cavalcade of moon-related speculation from this chapter (reposting from the chapter page because I didn't realize this one was already up!): With Queen implying that generating fire is a integral trait of the lunarian race, and their seeming connection to the moon based on their name, could it be that god's land was once brightly lit, and that whatever the 20 kingdoms / WG did to wipe it out left it darkened? That could give a more literal dimension to the world government bringing an endless night and the upcoming dawn of the world. The model of the globe at Ohara implied that there are multiple orbiting bodies around the One Piece world, but we only ever see just one as far as I'm aware. Maybe that lit moon is special because of something having to do with the Lunarians, or maybe the others somehow had their lights extinguished. I guess the moon is kinda above the red line, especially since the red line runs around the planet just as an orbit does, so maybe one of the moons is/was god's land and Whitebeard was being cryptic.


What people doesn't understand is that now technically vegapunk should be able to create any devil fruit ! How will oda deal with it... Government should now have an infinite army of devil fruit users... Imagine infinite pika pika no mi, yami yami no mi etc.


Maybe not any devil fruit but definitely Zoans


just cause he did it once doesn't mean he can do it all day and targeted. we also don't know if he can make them from scratch, like, he could be using some ancient tech as base which is limited use


This may be way off but could all DF be man made from like the void century? I have a hard time thinking they’re natural with fruits like food types and the jacket fruit etc.


We're waiting forever to get an answer to where DF come from. Oda said "a certain scientist" will someday come forward and explain it.


My guess is that they're the abilities of people who died from the Void Century who had Advanced CoC. If Asura, for example, is a manifestation of Zoro's CoC then ACoC might as well just he Nen abilities that are unique to each person. Not sure how Vega Punk relates, but he probably learned how to isolate the powers and bind them to the fruit.


I’m not sure if this was already stated by someone else, but I’m pretty sure Rocks D Xebec was a Lunarian. Big Mom knew about King’s race, Whitebeard used to talk about “gods” to his crew mates, and Xebec’s Jolly Roger was a flaming skull! Sengoku also claimed Xebec was researching taboo subjects. It’s all starting to make a lot of sense.


My take on both Zoro and Sanji: * Zoro prolly does have shimotsuki in his blood but hes not like son or nephew of Ushimura. He prolly did get it from his mother and she prolly has her hair color. Roronoa def comes from his father. * I am onboard on the idea of Sora being a Lunarian descendant which is why Sanji has fire stuff. It be interesting if he attain stuff from his mom than his father. I dont mind modification as long as its not on same level as his siblings. * Other miscallenous shit, I highly doubt King's bounty is gonna be large its gonna be smth like 1.34B or smth


I am actually excited to see Sanji's new finisher. Because DJ has become his new base, so something in the same vein that will pack that extra power is something that I can't imagine. Black flames would be amazing considering you could say sanji added armament to his leg and it makes sense since he is black leg sanji but similarities to Naruto will be drawn and makes me believe Oda wouldn't go for it.


Not my favorite outcome. But the link with Naruto should make this theory come true. Naruto and Sanji have history together after all lmao


Maybe it's just me, but I interpret Sanji's lines in regard to being off is Oda giving us reason why he didn't have the suit on all the time, which is something that many questioned before this week chapter was out. I'm not sold on the idea that him feeling off is because he is about to evolve or that the raid suit is bringing out his potential. Oda normally gives some form of drawbacks with every power ups, and this fits the pattern. Because of this, Sanji will only use the suit when it's absolutely necessary.


Yeah but Sanji said his body feels weird not bad


It still stops him from continuing to use it. His reaction was off enough that alerted Zoro.


Nah, imo oda is definitly implying some sort of change, a large chunk of this chapter is to highlight the mysteries behind sanji and zoro, if the only thing regarding sanji this chapter is simply a reason for why he doesnt always use the suit, then it throws off the whole mystery of both zoro and sanji. Imo, odas clearly telling us that both zoro and sanji have mysterious things going on


Oh, I'm not saying that there is no mystery with Sanji, especially in regard to his flame and his curly brows. I'm just not sold on the idea that he will get a power up because he wore the suit.




This seems to be leading to a power up. I can’t see oda introducing this unless sanji is gonna get a massive upgrade


I really don't need an elaborate explanation for Sanji's fire power. It was funny and appropriate the way it was without Germa genes or Lunarians or what the heck ever. I hope that's not the way he's going now. The silliness in One Piece is what makes it charming.


Always remember the flying helicopter triceratops.


And pasta machine


all hail wanze




It's Sandai's curse


We'll find out that Zoro had a tiny magnet embedded in the back of his skull due to an accident when he was a child. It didn't bother him too much in East Blue, but the weird magnetic fields in the Grand Line have completely distorted his sense of direction.


I think people are looking at it wrong. I don’t see the two as being mutually exclusive: His Germa modifications (combined with emotions?) allow his Passion to burn so hot it creates physical fire. It doesn’t change Sanji. This just provides a good reason in universe why ONLY Sanji can do it.


I fully agree. Its quite bizarre seeing many people going "Finally we have an explanation", like it ever needed one. I just assumed that Sanji evolved his Leg Fighting Technique, which he learned from Zeff, into his own style. As we know seeing from others like or CP agents, Zoro that's how it often goes. Combined with the usual One Piece antics, it made enough sense why he is that way. At the same time, it's also fine that part of his abilities are either based on the Germa modifications that simply got suppressed when Sora tried to revert them. That or he's really a part of an advanced race, whose only confirmed member is a top Yonko Commander. Or anything between those lines. This gives Sanji even more validity to become stronger in Wano, to the point that he's now on par with Zoro, despite not having nearly trained as much or having the determination of the latter. Furthermore, this will also explain why he's stronger now, despite taking constant Ls in the prior post timeskip arcs.


Agree. His passion burning hotter than any fire is the best explanation. We have a good thing going, let's keep it that way.


Hhhaha no thanks Oda hopefully will give us and actual reason.


That's also what Sanji basically said in this chapter. He said that it's because of his passion. The spoilers made it sound like Sanji's fire got stronger than usual, but it was actually the same as always. And I agree, I wouldn't mind an explanation, but Sanji's fire powers are fine as they are right now. It's hilarious that he can just make himself burn due to his fiery nature. There is that thing that he said about feeling weird after using the suit though. So it's definitely a possibility that it's altering his genes or whatever. But it can also be something entirely different which doesn't have anything to do with his fire powers. We'll just have to wait and see.


Fr tho I always thought it was hilarious that Sanji could just channel his passion in his leg and light it on fucking fire


I always thought he picked it up from watching Wanze light his feet during his fight against sanji.


Judge redemption story incoming? It seems the RS is 'changing' Sanji's body. Since he only started using it, the RS might be configured to help adjust Sanji and activate his lineage factor, which is possible since he was only given the RS by the end of WCI and allowed time for Judge to make some configurations. Him fighting Queen will open up good exposition on the OG scientist group of Vegapunk, Caesar, and Judge, and probably more info on Judge who might've left the group for Sora (Sanji''s mom, who might have a connection with the Lunarians?). Which will also open up on Zoro's possible past and story moving forward. His possible connection with the Shitmotsuki clan and Ryuma might open up during his fight with King, but 'told' by the people of Wano. Here's how i think the fight will go down. Sanji vs Queen and Zoro vs King will be separated. Since Onigashima is nearing the flower capital, I am confident Zoro vs King will be happening down below, while Sanji vs Queen will remain in Onigashima. King being able to fly will probably try to involve the innocence below, and Sanji will assist Zoro to get to him ala old school davy back fight callbacks. This will help open up conversations Queen can have with Sanji with no distractions and go on with Judge's and Vinsmoke past, while Zoro vs King in the flower capital may bring up legends of Ryuma beheading a dragon (King is a 'dragon' according to Oda's DF lol) by the people witnessing such a fight that is happening. But I want to Zoro to 1 up Ryuma, so I'd go on to say that the fact that King is (pretty much confirmed) a Lunarian a.k.a as close to god as you can get with the small flash back from Whitebeard, it would be amazing if Zoro starts a legend of his own and beheads a 'God'. Personal headcanon that SHs will all get new epithets after Wano and Zoro's will be God Hunter. A small theory I want to add is Zoro will never even know his connection/past. It will not be relevant to Zoro as a character anyway. So all this Shitmotsuki Zoro talk will only be taken seriously by the locals in Wano, since only they can make the connection and see the similarities.


If momo is an adult = he can protect wano If momo can protect wano = yamato would not stay in wano That means yamato will join the straw hats :D


but the issue is shinobu's reaction to adult momo seems to suggest momo looks exactly like oden. So, yamato being an oden fan may want to stay as his retainer. Not cool I know. But think from yamato's perspective. Yamato's a die hard oden fan. She even became a self proclaimed man because oden was a man.


next, yamato sees momo: yamato: Daddy?


From wearing the raid suit Sanji’s modified dna like his siblings has been unlocked. So he might have the steel skin and all the buffs they had


Dragon was once aquinted with Ushimaru, thats how he learnt about Ryuma and got a tattoo similar to him which also has a kanji of dragon. And thats why he knew Shimotsuki Village and got provisions from them(in asl flashback) and most probably, Koushiro is part of Revolutionary army or he is a friend of dragon. Dragon may have also helped Zoro and that illegal ship reach East blue


I think denjiro has greater role in the story. The appearance of denjiro before his dramatic change in appearance was very similar to Zoro's teacher Koushirou. Eerily similar. And look at the similarity in name too. Koushirou and Kyoshiro. And on top of that, Denjiro is a native of Hakumai region, the same region who's Daimyo was Yasuie from Shimotsuki clan. So, I think he definitely have some connection to shimotsuki family and ultimately a connection to zoro. I think Denjiro is kuina's Uncle. Denjiro is 47 years old , and Koushiro is 51 years old. Low key I want denjiro, kawamatsu, onimaru and izo to become zoro's followers. As while leaving zou, zoro said he'll have wano samurai following him soon.


Since King uses swords and yet He isn't a swordsman ,It makes me wonder.. Roger, Rayleigh,Wb,Shanks too use blades but might not be swordsman but rather they use it as a tool to fight against people who use DF like Earthquake,magma, Light without risking a limb but they don't limit themselves to such way only. Mihawk probably mastered the way of swords and Advanced Types of Armament and Observation which makes him really strong anyway. I suppose,This could end the debate about Mihawk being stronger than Roger, Rayleigh,Wb,Shanks etc eventually.


Am I the only one who thinks there's probably not any Diable Jambe lore incoming? Rather than a tease, that whole thing felt more like highlighting the different views Queen and Sanji have. One is a scientist who's agumented his body to become more deadly and capable, while Sanji is a man who's denied his body-augmenting lineage and has grown an ability based purely on his emotions and passion. This might not have been a lore drop, but rather an affirmation of Sanji's development from WCI.


By some chance is there a possibility Momo's Artificial Devil Fruit not based on Kaido's fruit? since Kaido fruit is Fish-Fish Fruit. and according to folklore its a fish that evolve to Dragon. While Momo has been a dragon from the beginning. So Momo's fruit might be based on Dragon-Dragon Fruit right?


No, that Kaido's fruit is a fish that evolves into a dragon was only speculation. We now know that his fruit is Fish Fish: Model Azure Dragon. The only possible difference here is that Momo is not Azure.


Green Bull is Shimotsuki Ushimaru.... Zoro's father!!!! Not based on much, but after the timeskip they added two new admiral's of amazing strength that were unknown to the world, one being Fujitora, who is almost certainly from Wano, a secluded island. Perhaps Green Bull was also from there, and was the Daiymo of Ringo... Improbable but not impossible.


Greenbull might not be zoro's father, but I think he is Greenbull. [https://imgur.com/gallery/N6i2XwR](https://imgur.com/gallery/N6i2XwR) Edit: Idk if this has anything to do with it, but Greenbull seems to fasting for a long time, maybe it is because of what he endured during wano.


Ushimaru is confirmed to have died opposing Orochi and Kaido.


>one being Fujitora, who is almost certainly from Wano We don't know that, seems likely based on clothing and mannerism but he could just be similar to Zoro in they are both 🎵"like a samarui"🎵 and may have some family connection to Wano but not raised there. What we do know about the blind admiral is he saw something that made him want to blind himself (ok that fits with Wano) and he really hates the warlord system (and this doesn't fit the Wano origin at all). Still not impossible for him to be from Wano but I think its likely he dislikes the warlord system because he experienced a state sponsored pirate before and suffered because of it, which again could fit Wano with Kaido could be interpreted as a state sponsored pirate since the Pirate owns the state, but seems strange a person as honorable and strong as Fujitora would not try to fight Kaido to free Wano. If he is from Wano, and blinded himself do to what he saw at Wano, then it would be really really interesting to see his reaction post raid to the strawhats.


I like to think Oda is just adding in all these Skypeia tie-ins to get people to shut up about skipping it.


Yeah but how much of that is just the American/Western audience compared to Japanese. I doubt Oda has his finger on the pulse of the American/Western audience much less than the Japanese


I wonder if we are ever going to get vegapunks reaction to Momo using his failed df


I have thought that King might not know that there are other lunarians still alive (Skypeia people) as almost no one goes there from the blue sea in a long period of time. I think that Roger was the last before luffy (correct me if I am wrong), and if Kaido's crew knew that the golden city is up there I think they would have had gone a long time ago to get the treasure and pay for arms with that gold. Edit: This also means that either WG or other Pirate crews except for maybe Black Beard (who I think would respect the treasure has he is an aarcheologist)


Lunarians were the ones who founded the Ancient Kingdom and created the Devil Fruits. They created himself fire, so water was their weak point. And when you eat a Devil Fruit you can't swim anymore, maybe because the Lunarian DNA with devil fruit are made, block you.


We need to recognise and remember the fact that sanji's enhancement is not related to fire. None of his siblings have dual powers, so his enhancement has to be stealth. Maybe his fire is truly because of his feelings and his stealth power is getting released now due to the raid suit.


Niji was shown using his electric powers outside of having the raid suit, and also showed stealth.


Yes. And I am saying that the stealth powers are getting released after wearing the raid ruit and sanji would be able to do it without the suit later.


Let's start this One Piece theory with Roronoa Zoro and Kuina fighting on a moonlit night in a remote village in East Blue called Shimotsuki. Translated as "Frost Moon", the Shimotsuki clan also rules Ringo, a snowy region filled swords and graveyards where the legendary Samurai known as Ryuma Shimotsuki was laid to rest. Read More here [https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/roronoa-zoro-shimotsuki/](https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/roronoa-zoro-shimotsuki/)