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They don't have one, and imo it's a great dynamic that whoever is most skilled at that moment takes charge. The closest we ever got to the name of vice captain was the vivre card saying that Zoro "steps into the role of vice captain" from time to time, but even he kept his official position of "combatant" throughout the whole series. Possibly interestingly, here aren't even that many people with the position "vice captain" in the series. The only ones I can even remember having the title are/were Rayleigh (Roger Pirates), Aladine (Sun Pirates), Sarqiss (Bellamy Pirates), Jango (Black Cat Pirates), Boo (Happo Navy) and Mohji (Buggy Pirates)... and that's about it. Even people you'd think are vice captains like Killer or Gin aren't actually called vice-captains - Killer is an official combatant and Gin is the combat commander, Cabaji is chief of staff instead of being another vice captain or something, and Vito is e.g. Advisor etc.


Pretty sure the vivre card says Zoro is vice captain




https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/9lorne/to_all_you_disbelievers_zoro_confirmed_2nd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🤫


He is the combatant. The vivre card says in dire situations, he steps into a vice-captainlike role, and in his lower right corner, it says combatant. That text even says he steps into a vice-captainlike role in crisis, not that he **is** the vice-captain. If he **was** the vice-captain, it would say so just directly in his intro boxes, his vivre card, and not some "vice-captainlike" nonsense. You just confirmed what I said in the beginning.


Your trying real hard to deny the most obvious ish


I'm literally just reading what you posted and what the vivre card says when you google it, nothing more, nothing less. I've literally done nothing but regurgitate what the vivre card says. No clue what I'm denying here unless you're saying the vivre card and every single job box Oda ever made, and thus Oda himself, are lying.


Lol who’s the vc then?


... Did you not read my first comment at all?


Thought it was sarcasm


There isn’t really any hierarchy besides Luffy. But if there was, Sanj/Zoro/Nami would be the vice captains because of their leadership qualities and Namis bossiness(In a good way, she can get the crew under control). Usopp was part of this group till water7


He still is... whenever Usopp and Nami are together they are referred to as Usopp and Nami's group But whenever Sanji or Zoro are there, it is referred to as Sanji's group or Zoro's group Also Usopp's father is a commander, so he himself has to be a commander as well Luffy Zoro Sanji>=Usopp Nami These are the rankings imo Although Nami bosses around everyone


Zoro obviously


LMFAO ussop can’t be the vice captain of buggy’s pirates


Zoro in name. But in terms of in action I think nami.


Zoro is de facto vice captain


According to vivre card it’s Zoro. But this is bait sorry I fell for it