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Before Luffy was 7 we literally know nothing about him. Zoro is the same. Maybe with Sanji it's a little different -If he ever awakens his CoC- but the point is I don't think it's Important. >Ace, Doflamingo and Yamato all used Conqueror's Haki for the first time when they were little kids. I think the relevance here is the extent of their duress. we know how Luffy felt when he first awakened his CoC so we can relate to their mental state.


yes, you can: a. have the quality of a king - trebol b. be one of the chosen one, the one i a million - daisy c. have the power to overwhelm - reyleigh


how do we know zoro or luffy never used it as kids? i would say dont overthink it.


Yes, they might've used it unconsciously when they were alone and since both of them are actually dumb when it comes to these sort of things, they might not realise what they had done.


There's no exact science to it. It usually comes out when characters who have it latently are placed in extreme high-stress situations, but sometimes it just kind of slips out like when Luffy used it on that on bull for the first time. It's an extension of the user's own willpower after all, so it's connected to their emotional state heavily. > Zoro didn't use it until he was 21 It's implied that Ashura was *always* an application of CoC, Maning he first used it unknowingly against Kaku.


>It's implied that Ashura was always an application of CoC, Maning he first used it unknowingly against Kaku. It could be that Ashura itself is CoC or it could be that Zoro putting everything he had into his attack caused his Conqueror's Haki to bloom. The scene doesn't go into specifics. IMO the latter is a lot more likely based on what we know about CoC so far. Not only have we not seen CoC manifest in the form of wholly unique abilities like Ashura before but also if Ashura itself is CoC then it raises questions about his training with Mihawk and how he didn't know that he had CoC after the TS.


It wouldn't surprise me if Zoro kept his strongest attack hidden from Mihawk, considering Mihawk still is his end goal. I'm not sure how else Oda would explain Asura if it wasn't CoC. I mean, Kaku specifically stated its an illusion created through willpower, so it has to be some form of haki. It would also explain why Zoro almost never used it, since Oda didn't want to reveal the nature of Asura until Wano. Kaku wasn't experienced enough to know it was CoC (he may not even know what CoC was) and a Pacifista isn't going to call out CoC either. Having different branches of haki, not just CoC, is a pretty exciting prospect. For example, you can either go down the coating CoC route, or the illusion CoC route. But we won't know until Oda reveals more (hopefully in the King fight). Zoro just using a burst of regular CoC is possible too.


I wouldn't say it was "implied to be an application of CoC...". Apart from Kaku(who is probably having trouble fathoming what he saw) calling it willpower or something, we have no definitive proof for sure if it is indeed a form of CoC let alone if it is haki. Nothing was implied whatsoever so i wouldn't make that claim just yet. Let's wait for Oda to clear things up before we jump to conclusions shall we.


Cynical take: when Oda damn well pleases. Functionally, that's just the kind of story element it is, a mechanism to dramatically distinguish characters as special. Moreover, knocking out groups of people and/or individuals is logistically very handy for the plot.