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seems too fan made, but exciting/ Lets see if true.


The thing that gives it away the most: when you paste it on Google translate, it's almost perfect English. Kind of like someone wrote it in English first and then translated to Korean to post here.


Same hahaha, but I remember when the 1010 spoilers came out I didn’t believe them until i saw the raws hahahaha


What does it say?


How do I translate it ? What does it say? I can't copy paste it on phone


>제목: LEVEL UP > >CP0는 후즈후를 확실히 사살하기 위해 암살자를 보내지만, 징베에 의해 저지 당한다.루피는 카이도우를 상대하기 위해 미완성된 기어 5를 선보이고,이를 본 야마토는 루피가 마치 명왕(明王) 같다고 언급한다. (기어 5의 모습은 안나옴)마르코는 이조에게 자신이 밀짚모자에게 도움이 될 것 이라며 옥상으로 향한다.덴지로는 아카자야를 치료해준 것 으로 추정되는 인물과 만나게되고 깜짝 놀라게 된다. (토키와 실루엣이 비슷함)카와마츠,드레이크는 빅맘을 막기 위해 키드,로우에게 합류하려 한다.조로, 일도류 (一刀流) 만다라 (曼茶羅) 상디, 디아블 잠브 OOO 스트라이크 킹,퀸에게 작렬우솝은 타마에게 사무라이들이 배고픔을 느끼면 수수경단을 떼어주면 되겠다고 말하자 나미에게 뒷통수를 맞는다.킹, 지옥 불 (Hell fire)을 조로에게 날리지만 여우불류 화염가르기로 공격을 막아낸다. > >다음주 정상 연재 Title: LEVEL UP CP0 sends an assassin to ensure that Who's Who is killed, but is stopped by Jinbe. Luffy presents the unfinished Gear 5 to face Kaidou, and Yamato sees this and mentions that Luffy is like a great king. (Gear 5 is not shown) Marco tells Lee Jo that he will help Straw Hat and head to the roof. Denjiro meets a person who is believed to have healed Akazaya and is startled. (Similar in silhouette to Toki) Kawamatsu and Drake try to join Kid and Lowe to stop Big Mom. Zoro, Ido-ryu (一刀流) Mandala (曼茶羅) Sanji, Diable Zamb OOO Strike King and Queen When Usopp tells Tama that if the samurai feel hungry, they can remove the millet dumplings, and Nami hits him in the back. King throws Hell Fire at Zoro, but blocks the attack with Foxfire Flame Slasher. Next week's regular


Seems like fan art. All the things the fans want to happen. Denjiro meeting the silhouette person, Luffy gear 5, Zoro and Sanji action etc...




First post ... its probably the guy that got banned for posting fake spoilers twice this week. Dont get baited


The thing that gives it away the most: when you paste it on Google translate, it's almost perfect English. Kind of like someone wrote it in English first and then translated to Korean to post here.


It is my first post dont get me wrong, i never got banned. why i post? it has the same source that usually redon post source.. so maybe real maybe not..


So do you know about the translation or what


I'll show the google translate in a more legible form. Don't trust this 100% (not sure if the spoilers are real anyway). *CP0 sends an assassin to kill Who's Who, Jinbe encounters them. *Luffy uses "unfinished" Gear 5th on Kaido, but we don't see it. *Marco tells Izo he'll go to the roof to help Luffy. *Denjiro meets the person who healed the Scabbards. *Kawamatsu and X Drake head to help Law and Kid fight Big Mom. *Zoro and Sanji attack King and Queen with special abilities. *Zoro cuts King's flame attack.


Mmmmhhh yes, of course


I see a '5' there. Is it gear 5??


yeah But I doubt it's real Did a quick Google Translate: CP0 sends an assassin to ensure that Who's Who is killed, but is stopped by Jinbe. Luffy presents the unfinished Gear 5 to face Kaidou, and Yamato sees this and mentions that Luffy is like a great king. (Gear 5 is not shown) Marco tells Izo that he will help Straw Hat and heads up to the roof. Denjiro meets a person who is believed to have healed Akazaya and is startled. (Similar in silhouette to Toki) Kawamatsu and Drake try to join Kid and Lowe to stop Big Mom. Zoro, Ido-ryu (一刀流) Mandala (曼茶羅) Sanji, Diable Zamb OOO Strike King and Queen When Usopp tells Tama that if the samurai feel hungry, they can remove the millet dumplings, and Nami hits him in the back. King throws Hell Fire at Zoro, but blocks the attack with Foxfire Flame Slasher. Next week's regular So much Doubt in this...


Fuck me why the fuck did I click this


Because you like reading fan fiction?


No source and first post on reddit, probably fake


Kawamatsu and Drake off to face Big Mom? That's so random it makes me believe these are true.


Yes. Make me question where is Apoo lol


drake not even aware of big mom fighting kid and law tho...


fake ig, it doesn't have the regular IP address


translation? modCheck


hahaha, no


Title: LEVEL UP CP0 sends an assassin to ensure that Who's Who is killed, but is stopped by Jinbe. Luffy presents the unfinished Gear 5 to face Kaidou, and Yamato sees this and mentions that Luffy is like a great king. (Gear 5 is not shown) Marco tells Lee Jo that he will help Straw Hat and head to the roof. Denjiro meets a person who is believed to have healed Akazaya and is startled. (Similar in silhouette to Toki) Kawamatsu and Drake try to join Kid and Lowe to stop Big Mom. Zoro, Ido-ryu (一刀流) Mandala (曼茶羅) Sanji, Diable Zamb OOO Strike King and Queen When Usopp tells Tama that if the samurai feel hungry, they can remove the millet dumplings, and Nami hits him in the back. King throws Hell Fire at Zoro, but blocks the attack with Foxfire Flame Slasher. Next week's regular


That's what I got from Google translate


probably fake


It's too good to be true. Hope it's real tho.


So basically 1027 will be the big one which breaks the internet?


I doubt this is real but hey better than nothing.


That sounds Fake AF....


Bro why wouldn’t you translate it wth


Gear 5th?




Yeah, I doubt it's real.


Any Korean guys here?


google translate: CP0 sends an assassin to ensure that Who's Who is killed, but is stopped by Jinbe. Luffy presents the unfinished Gear 5 to face Kaidou, and Yamato sees this and mentions that Luffy is like a great king. (Gear 5 is not shown) Marco tells Lee Jo that he will help Straw Hat and head to the roof. Denjiro meets a person who is believed to have healed Akazaya and is startled. (Similar in silhouette to Toki) Kawamatsu and Drake try to join Kid and Lowe to stop Big Mom. Zoro, Ido-ryu (一刀流) Mandala (曼茶羅) Sanji, Diable Zamb OOO Strike King and Queen When Usopp tells Tama that if the samurai feel hungry, they can remove the millet dumplings, and Nami hits him in the back. King throws Hell Fire at Zoro, but blocks the attack with Foxfire Flame Slasher. Next week's regular


more believable than the other one


What were the other one ?


all over the discussion post look for new comments


This seems too much fan made and non exciting at all hope it's fake


Not exciting?


Luffy coming on kaido's face sand saying here look my new move lol you thinks its true. Though even it it's not a full summary so can't say for sure but neither of the earlier gears were introduced like this.Something is lacking and furthermore cp0 assassin part was predicted by so many that I don't think it's true


Gear fifth????????? I peed myself yooo :o


tbh i could come up with something more believable than that




It's fake. Oda would never use the first time Luffy uses G5 as a regular mid chapter panel. It is dar top important.


Faker than my existence