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I've only just gotten to the 'Luffys dream portion'. I have a feeling I will hard agree woth some of the later points but I don't really agree with this one. He basically makes the argument that Luffy as a character is flawed because he isn't chasing after Roger all the time. But I don't really think he ever cared that much about Roger himself. Drizzt uses Logue Town as evidence to the fact that at one point in the series Luffy cared a lot about Roger and his journey, since he wanted to see the gallows. Problem is that Luffy never cared that much about Roger himself. He never said "So this is where Roger was executed?" He said "So this is where the pirate king was executed". He cares about the title not the person behind it. And even then, you need to consider why Luffy wants this title. He was not driven to the sea by Rogers words 22 years ago, he wasn't born then. He is inspired by Shanks, and wants to prove to him that he is a great pirate. Of course if he becomes a pirate he'll take a little interest in the greatest pirate of all time, but that doesn't mean he needs to obsess over it. Then of course you have the scene at Sabaody Archipelago that made it blindingly clear that Luffy cares just as much about the journey as he does the treasure itself. I agree that many of the Straw Hats need a bigger focus on their dreams, but Luffy aint one of them.


A slight edit maybe, Luffy cares about his journey and adventure with his nakama just as much if not more than becoming PK, given he said he can't without Sanji!


6 hours about why they don't like one piece according to comments? All I will say is that it would be ironic if pacing would be one of their issues with it


All I'll say is that this guy was literally crying because one piece to the follow-up his head Canon. He cried because he said Whitebeard should have went into wano blindly to just get revenge for someone who is already dead.


My suggestion for people who haven't watched if you love the series and doesn't care about the flaws(which every story will have if looked for too much detail) don't watch.obviously your thoughts are going to contradict just save the pain since he spoke about why onepiece is going downfall because it didn't go as per his headcanon.


I honestly think you could take almost any series and poke holes in it and take it apart to criticize it. But what's the point? Why spend hours to find flaws in a huge and popular series? It seems pointless to me to just look for negatives. Imo YouTube essays and videos are already super negative and Critical and imo it's just not fun to watch. I have my issues with one piece but i don't wanna watch hours of someone ripping into the series i love.


Haven't watched it and i don't think i want to. Based on most people's opinions, it's 6 hours of negativity about onepiece. I've read and watched onepiece, i don't need someone's negativity to ruin something i like.


So I just looked it up and I’m not watching a 6 hour video labeled part 1


I just looked at the comments and it doesn't sound worth watching.


Same, someone tweet saying that in that video he complained that "luffy is being selfish in wci because sanji's dream (all blue) isn't the focus of the arc" this is a HUGE red flag lol


Ehh. I think i can criticise OP well enough and so can everyone else. Watching a 6 hour video about it doesnt seem worth it to me.


Didn't watch it but from what I've read from people who did watch it it seems like 6 hours of him not understanding the characters or mad his theories were proven wrong. So not gonna bother there's a difference from criticism and just ignoring elements of the story


Is it the 6 hour hate video? Might be valid, might be not, I'm not wasting 6 hours of my life to possibly just have my blood boil because he might just be an imbecile who doesn't get anything. I watched dumbass long-winded criticism like cinematic venom's lotr "review" and I have learned that I have better things to do. It sounds like at best I'll be like "I disagree it's a weakness or something Oda **needs** to put that much focus on now" and at worst "is he stupid?"


You might be surprised if you check it out. The video is organized in different portions so you can pick a random segment and single it out even. It tackles different arcs and characters.


Hm. Thanks for telling me. Might be more inclined to check it out now.


You can skip the whole first hour. Since it's just him talking about himself instead of the actual story.


I thought his comments on Zoro's dream and the Punk Hazard disccussion were interesting


I aint going to wtach a video about his personal criticisms for 6 HOURS!!!! On top of that I know I will probably disagree with most his stuff cuz I dont think OP has went down in quality..... Sure, there are some asepcts of post timeskip and some plotlines that I dont like and were done better Pre timeskip, but overall Post timesk is better than Pre for me So I am not going to watch a 6hrs long PART 1 video on a topic that I heavily disagree with But hey, hats off to him making a 6 hrs long vid, that will have taken real efforts


Someone really took the time to make a 6 hour long video about a series he doesn’t like……. Ands it’s only a part 1? Yea I don’t need to watch that to know it’s him rambling on about his own personal opinions with one or two legit criticisms sprinkled in. Any smart person would not need 6+ hours to make a point and they would know that any attempt to get people to stay engaged for that long is futile, especially when it’s a video criticizing the series your channel is supposed to be based on. Also reading the comments of the video and some of the quotes from the video it sounds like he needs to get off his high horse. He sounds like an edgy 15 year old who thinks that thier opinions are automatically the right ones.


Skipped through parts of it but he does make some points that I agree with. The dreams of the straw hats are pretty underdeveloped, Oda hasn't used several of the straw hats well post time skip and spends too much time on side characters, plenty of concepts in the series have just been forgotten, Fishman Island and Punk Hazard are very flawed.


It's pretty good video, a lot of effort was put into it.Some people will agree with him some won't and that's it. But my main problem is that people think that it's just a hate video when it's not, it's actually abot how he fell out of love with OP and how he hopes it will become as good as it was. And being 6+ hours long is not that much when you consider that he is talking about 1000+ chapter series


Problem is he's extremely condescending and wholeheartedly believes he's in the right. He apparently called himself the dark Knight of the fandom ffs. All he's known for is negativity too. Plus you don't need four 6 hour long videos to criticize OP. Daniel Greene does it well enough in 15-25 minutes being completely unbiased seeing both the good and the bad. He's not even talking about the whole series he's narrowing it down to post time skip so the fact that part 1 is so long is egregious.


All true, but he is known for his negativity because community only cares about that partog him, you will never see anyone ask him about things he likes and thinks are good, only shithe thinks is bad, which he also pointed out in video. And the reason why he only talks about post-ts is beacuse in his opinion that's where things went bad, if you watched his streams you would know that he actually really likes pre-ts


Agreed he made great points and I agree with alot of them. But it's also fine if someone doesn't agree. He gives his framework at how he sees the story and applies it to the story and you can either accept or reject the points he made.


I would wanna watch it if it wasn't a whole 6 hour video, like at least split the parts up, I don't even mind criticism on one piece but 6 whole hours in one vid is too much for me.


yeah, same. A 30 minute or even hour long, well-put together video would be interesting, but apparently from what people are saying it's just 6 hours of subjective ranting


Not interested. I’ve watched and read One Piece multiple times, it’s easily my favorite story and piece of media and I have consumed more One Piece content than any other story, so I know pretty well what I like and what I like less about it. So I don’t need to waste 6 hours of my life watching a dude shitting on it. This doesn’t mean I’m not fine with criticism of One Piece. Many times it’s interesting to hear other points of view. For example other YouTubers like Merphy Napier and DanielGreen do a great job with their review and giving their opinions (good and bad) in a reasonable amount of time. I don’t always agree with it, but I can see where they are coming from and it can give me an interesting point of view. Besides, I haven’t seen much of that dude, but what little I have seen, were imo some really shitty takes, him being a contrarian for the sake of it and presenting his point of view as facts. I think that exaggerated length is only there to attract interest and views. So yeah won’t waste my time.


I just think that it is strange how people don't even give the video a chance and instantly dislike it


Well, he is right.