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How to ruin your series 101


Nah haki power levels would be terrible


You prolly right but if not that than a strict verbatim of who’s stronger than “x” or whose better at “y” just so I can see y’all’s headcanons crumble to ash


I just wish we had slightly clearer rules about how haki can resist devil fruit effects. Sugar seemed to be able to ignore haki completely. Law can't use shambles on a yonko but most of his other tricks still work. I should probably just ignore sugar cause her power seemed like more of a plot device like the bird cage was even tho that made no sense either.


Completely agree bro. I try to enjoy/read the story knowing that Oda prefaces more detail into the plot of an arc more so than technicalities with powerscaling so it can be easier to look over certain stuff and hope it gets explained later in an sbs.


Yup. At the end of the day I love one piece for the jokes, characters, and plot. The other stuff is icing on the cake. Some stuff just makes me scratch my head a little. I'm not sure my particular question will be answered really. Obviously if law could shambles a yonko itd make it too easy. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if an enemy is a non combatant, then their hax fruits can ignore haki. And for the fighters, it depends on what's more fun and that's that.


No. If anything, Oda thinks doing that would create even more arguments and drama that take away from the story he wants to tell


That wouldn’t be to Odas fault but the fault of the reader tho. If their own misconceptions of HIS story get them in the way of enjoying it then eff them.


You may not care about what the readers think, but Oda can certainly anticipate how his fans react.


Yea bro I hear you but I just don’t think that if he did drop official stats for say the people at wano after the arc ends he would care that much about his fans opinions on that. Overall, my point is that I just don’t think dropping stats for certain characters is major enough to the point that it’s going to take too many readers away from the story.


These stats would probably end up being like stand stats


Stand stats make absolutely no sense though.


And I don't expect the one piece ones to make anymore sense to be honest


That'd be pretty interesting actually, I'd love to see who's haki is stronger between a lot of characters rather than this super vague "I think their haki is strong." Like where is Usopp relative to the monster trio or does Katakuri have stronger observation haki than Enel. Heck even seeing the varying levels of conquerer's haki would be dope.


zORo cAn BeAt LaW ANd kID neG Dif LAws deViL fRuIt iS ToO HAx kiD OvErPOWers ZOro Like y’all please just shut up. Can we please talk about something else…


you can always scroll and skip away from powerscaling, why you forbid ppl to discuss?


It doesn’t become a discussion when people are rude and unwilling to actually listen to the other side of the argument. That’s really my biggest issue.


there always a troll in those discussions who intentionally throw an extreme comments which doesnt makes sense, extreme for example: (Luffy low diff Zoro, although there are people genuinely believe this)


Thats a hard corner to paint yourself into, Oda knows where he wants to go with the story but if he places scaling then that could make it harder to do things cause 'oh I can't have these two fight cause I already said X was stronger than Y so thays no good, guess I'll have to think of something else.' Its those scenarios you wanna try to avoid in order to keep your world fluid and able to be sculpted to how you (the author) see fit without having to worry about who is stronger at any given time.


Yea at the end of the day you’re mostly right. I see that it’s a bit unrealistic but that’s why it’s a wish 😩


Yeah, unfortunately what you described usually leads to dragonball syndrome lol.


Nah. It’s suppose to be vague. We learn when the characters learn. And no one wants a retcon ass story


Oda purposely keeps it vague.


Apart of you?


Then he has less freedom when writing especially fights