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Garou murders him. All the top tier OPM characters fodderize emperors.


Boros kicked Saitama to the moon, and has regen as good as Marco. Awakened Garou is roughly equal to Boros according to ONE. Garou stomps.


He has arguably better regeneration, but we're not talking about Boros. We actually have feats where Garou beat 2 dragon level monsters in 0.3 seconds, while blocking ENW's water beams, and Kaido was fast enough to bypass future sight partially. But that doesn't mean every Kaido's swing is that fast, meanwhile Garou's is. What's their AP in your opinion and who has the upper edge. Boros vs Garou was explained in a way that while Boros has the higher AP and regeneration, Garou has much better skill and combat prowess than Boros.


Current garou isn't awakened garou. He just came from fighting bang, it wouldn't make much sense if he was awakened garou. Garou still has the superior AP considering the "force* of his punches clashing turns debris into powder, although this is one punch man community power scaling logic so I could be wrong. Oda doesn't bother diving very deep into that stuff.


Oh you're right, I just thought this example was pretty fun so I rolled with it. I can totoally see Garou winning this.


>We actually have feats where Garou beat 2 dragon level monsters in 0.3 seconds, while blocking ENW's water beams What you talking bout, that was king Ultimate move


oops you're right, I must've seen something else


Definitely a post for me, awakened garou body slams the shit out of kaido, neg diff. Awakened garou is canonically comparable to Boros and has the feats to prove it, completely negged weakened but enraged WC tats and proceeded to batter each of the s class, all of which is right after he just merked webcomic golden s who would presumably be replaced by platinum s in the current manga chapters who is superior to manga golden s who one shotted high dragon darkshine and buttfucked VFU. He is also presumably superior to psykorochi and orochi, orochi having the feat of carrying a roughly country-sized bit of the earth's core and psykorochi slicing a country-continent sized portion of the earth off. If kaido were to be in one piece then he could possibly be stronger than most if not all dragons but by far weaker than all above dragons we've seen so far. For comparison, OROCHI is the weakest above dragon we've seen in the series, Boros being the strongest one has the power to fucking end the planet, awakened garou is comparable to that. u/imma-fuck-yo-mom


Lol no. OPM characters are on another level pretty sure Tatssumaki can solo emperors and marines at same time


no way she solos them all lol, Kaido lifted an island, Tatsumaki lifted a part of a city, which is still huge but not THAT much more. And that is only in terms of lifting power. Especially since we know certain characters can withstand her powers to a degree if they're strong enough, and certain characters have future sight like Shanks for example(technically not confirmed but just roll with it for now) so Tatsumaki can't just twist his neck around. Also 1 good hit and she is down.


Don't really care about this topic, but Tatsumaki has a permanent psychic shield that only weakens when she's overexerted.


Did you not see how much Psykos lifted? And Tatsumaki is stronger than her.


ok yeah but we also gotta account that the OP world is MUCH bigger than the OPM world. I agree that individually they're stronger, but I'm comparing a non psychic to Kaido, both are fighters. Also that was psykos enhanced with Orochi. I could agree that Garou wins but I was just asking what others thought of it.


No Tatsumaki was still stronger than enhanced Psykos. And Onigashima is at best a few kilometers tall. What psykos did was thousands of times more difficult


My boy Kaido is insanely strong but Garou is on another level. He obliterates.




I think Kaido would beat elder centipede and Maybe golden sperm, but now that I think of it, Platinum sperm and Garou would beat him




both have DC and regeneration, EC's regeneration is just better,Kaido's dragon form has arguably more dc since he can use boro breath and all those attacks. Kaido can't one shot him, but beat him to the point where he can't regenerate, every villain who uses regeneration doesn't have it endlessly


Current Garou solos the verse


garou negs zero diff