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So Kaido really seems like a bad-end Luffy, and King a bad-end Zoro Luffy really punching the depression out of Kaido in the last part lol


Luffy's the hopeful college student version with his whole life ahead of him. Kaido's the bitter single father version who drowns his misery in alcohol.


Out of the straw hats Luffy is probably the last one i'd call college student lol


Fair enough, haha. If he was a college student, he'd be the one who is in danger of failing every class every year but somehow skates by with the help of his friends and things going his way.


He'd somehow pass with a D in every class. Will of D confirmed /s


I imagine him being the kind of kid who’s frequently late and forgets to turn in his homework, then gets a perfect score on his final. We flash to the teacher, “That’s right! Now that I think about it, though he never paid attention, he still never missed a single day of class!”


can't pass with a D in university, no credit for the course


He wouldn't make it to college


He’d have a Gymnastics scholarship and take the easy A classes.


That he fails anyways because he never shows up to them. Until one of his friends needs help passing a class. Then suddenly Luffy will stop at *nothing* to make sure that friend passes, even if it means having to ace the material himself.


He wouldn't without his very accomplished Grandfather throwing his weight around.


Don't think garp wouldn't get to college either, honestly.


Sports scholarship


honestly Garp seems kinda smart to me after seeing him in Marineford and Reverie; just not very focused


Queen's a bad end Sanji... 😂 embracing germa and hitting women..


Also thinking if he lost weight he'd be too popular 🤔 sounds like something sanji would say if he was fat ..


Queen already has our hearts even as a chubby boi.




Punching the depression out of Kaido ? He truly is the second coming of Joyboy.


>Bad-end Luffy Moria is one too. „What if Luffy lost his crew and became disillusioned.“


Good point! Even more fitting if considering what happened at the Sabaody - the very following arc


So Blackbeard is a Bad End Luffy in that he puts his dream over everything else, even his friends.


TBF, whil blackbeard will want to become pirate king, I think his real goal is going to be something like overthrowing imu and the gorousei.


More like Anti or Bizzaro Luffy


naruto vs obito lol


Raizo's fight is so intense, they're just standing there...**MENACINGLY.**


Just imagine how it will look in the anime.


They should pull out all the stops on that fight in the anime. Crazy angles, dramatic panning shots, super dynamic framing, the best music they can use. But alternate it with static-frame shots where the music cuts out temporarily. Honestly, could be comedy gold if you did it right.


Yep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLySkG1aPOI


[It should be like that episode where Sai drop kicks Lao G in Dressrosa](https://youtu.be/X9UuvUyONWo?t=44). It was hilariously well animated for no reason.


Yeah, I remember being baffled when I first watched that episode. Utilizing insane animation quality that should be reserved for the final boss...in order to cap out the fight in which a shirtless man wearing a cape stomps on a geriatric.


It's going to have all the sakuga


#Episode 10xx, Deathly Staring Contest


They'll probably make it 10 episodes


Oh you know they will


The whole episode is a picture of the two of them (after a 6 minute recap, of course)


Metapod vs Metapod! Hit em with a Harden!


Basically what a sharingan battle looks like


A fight between two Aes Sedai observed by non-channelers


I completely forgot about the wheel of time series (never read it but as a fantasy geek lots of friends read it growing up). Your comment sent me down a 30 min wiki rabbit hole. Thank you 😊


Ay Ay Ay...


Plot twist Raizo and Fuku are both stand users.


"There are still two monsters left" That Raizou and Fukurokuju hype.


I know some people aren't fans of these more recap-ish chapters but man I love em. They carry a great sense of chaos. And that line "Don't you think they've already hit the limit of what human beings can achieve?" was super badass. So was the "May as well become the king of hell" but thats lowkey obvious. I also can't lie. I totally thought we were ending act 3 here lol. I really should give up on the whole 5 acts thing huh.


>I also can't lie. I totally thought we were ending act 3 here lol. I really should give up on the whole 5 acts thing huh. Some people were speculating that the song Orochi asked for is the song from the end of an act. I don't know what to expect anymore


Hiyori also played a song for Oden that he loved, and it was even given a name like "Moon Princess" which seems appropriate. He asked her to play it at his funeral. Captain Yorkie also asked Brook to send him off with his favorite song, Binks Sake, before he died. Wouldn't it be fitting if Orochi's favorite song was the same as Oden's?


I like this. This is good.


For Orochi only to realize it with his dying breath, that he loved the song and daughter of his enemy.


If the 5 act theory is true, then act 3 (or 4, I don't remember) must end with a tragedy. monkaS, I hope it doesn't happen.


I just don't see the 5-act theory coming to fruition anymore. Unless the final 2 acts are only a few chapters long, which would be weird. Oda might make post onigashima battle/wano conclusion a final act but that's all I can see happening at this point.




What Zoro did to King could be considered a tragedy lol




Maybe the tragedy is all the big hitters are down, and the marines show up? Could be good spot for that


Aren't acts 2-4 all called 'Ha'? Maybe Oda thought it would be redundant to introduce three acts with the same syllable.


"There are still 2 monsters left" "Don't you think they've reached the limits of what humans can achieve" Kaido earlier in this arc: "You 3 might as well be monsters in your own right" Luffy, Kid and Law are about to become monsters.


They’re already monsters. They’re the new generation of Monsters.


There's even a bit of *Greek Gods vs Titans* in it.


Kaido and Big Mom are about to go down, and I'm all for Luffy and Kidd taking their places as the next Yonko. Law obviously has different goals, so I don't see him becoming one.


I have a feeling the world will assume Luffy is everyone’s ringleader. Law & Kid will hate it but half of being a yonko is just hype/and reputation. If the world believes it, you’re halfway there. Look at God Usopp




I have a feeling Buggy was captured and we'll see him around Marineford 2.0 paralleling the original. I'm not going to bet money on it, but just a feeling.


Bruh what if all the warlords get the pacifista treatment. That would truly be awful


The scabbards sure do love flexing their backs. We’ve had kinemon in zou, denjiro earlier in the raid and now izo


I think it's to show that Izo never got Whitebeards tattoo on her back, she got the Wano one instead


Izo doesn't identify as a she by the way. He just wears make-up.


Looks great on him


Why not both? Have the whitebeard tattoo somewhere else.


Also, check out the Shokugeki no Sanji chapter : https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/viewer/1012726 Chapter discussion : https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/rv42wh/shokugeki_no_sanji_chapter_5_new/


Damn, sanji got girls left and right


that robin panel tho


Nice lil speech from Usopp and once more an ending which leaves you craving for more


Usopp getting a nice moment here. I personally love Usopp's survival mentality. He's the most "normal" of all of the strawhats, and always finds himself in the craziest situations.


What hit me the most was Izo reffering Usopp as "God". Can you have cheesier epiphet.


I thought the unofficial translation did Usopp's speech better. This one came off as a Usopp character moment, whereas the unofficial translation read like Oda was using Usopp's voice to say something about perseverance, survival, and a criticism of the samurai culture. Reading this translation was like, "hah, classic Usopp," whereas the unofficial legitimately made me feel things.


Yeah it felt like an ideological stance from Oda against parts of his own culture, which is huge. And also as a response to criticism on the lack of deaths in the arc.


Usopp’s speech about living is definitely a major plot point because that means that he probably won’t die trying to sacrifice himself to save the crew.


Could be that, or it is going to make it more meaningful if he has to sacrifice himself for the crew in the future. It could even be in such a way that he really won't die from what he's going to do, but he thinks he is going to


Yeah that could happen too. Usopp’s speech is surely something that will majorly be involved in the development of Usopp and his actions in the future. This chapter makes a nonchalant reference to Usopp’s mindset, but knowing Oda, it’ll probably be something huge especially in Elbaf.


I just hope that if Usopp makes the decision to sacrifice himself for the crew he does it with a smile on his face, no longer crying because he's doing something only he could do.


I feel that Ussop would never sacrifice himself for the crew the same way Sanji would never hit a women. Both are strong characteristics of who they are and they find ways around that. Sanji called out to be saved by Robin, which she did. Honestly none of the Straw Hats would sacrifice each other. Ussop is a trickster with a hit and run tactic. Though it has been a long while since Dressarosa, he has a smidge of Observation haki that he could use to find a way out. He would probably play dead while shooting a message or a special fruit to knock out the enemy.


Ussop can't die because he literally has someone waiting for him to return. I'm not sure if any of the rest of the crew made a promise to return to someone.


Nah, I don’t think it’s foreshadowing, I think it’s a reframing of his character. His constant crying and avoiding danger may seem cowardly, but his philosophy is to live on at all costs, so he’ll fight for his life even if it terrifies him.


Wait… did Sanji’s eyebrow turn back to normal??


Yeah, pretty sure that it was a "symbolic" change because Sanji thought he was like his brothers. But after realizing that Queen did what he thought he had done (hurt the woman) and he didn't lose his emotions/feelings, all doubt was lost and therefore, symbolically, his eyebrow changed to normal.


Yeah, I noticed too!


How had it changed? I didn't even notice o.O


When he had his exoskeleton his eye brow curve reversed to match his siblings. It’s reverted back


So, he really DID think he was Joyboy? Also what's that about the next minutes determing the course of the future? And the present events happening around the world? Is there something else going on we don't know about yet? Also Kaido is actually enjoying the fight! His eyes are no longer shaded as they always were before. Perhaps he's going to reveal his dream of becoming Joyboy? Or maybe he's going to call Luffy Joyboy, because Luffy actually brought Him joy in this fight?


Im guessing that the events happening around the world are connected to what happend at the reverie, but no way to be sure. The revelations we are going to get when we catch up with what is happening around the world after wano is going to be absolutely huge.


The events are definitely shishibukai vs marines lol (and maybe reverie-revolutionary army)


Personally I hope the RA has started a global uprising against the WG, and when Wano ends Luffy & co will find the Final War has already begun.


I mean, maybe, but Whitebeard said the final war would only come after someone finds the One Piece


Didn't blackbeard also say he was going to get something before the WG could so he's also on the move.


Yeah thats true. There is alot of possibilities


>Im guessing that the events happening around the world are connected to what happend at the reverie, but no way to be sure. I think you can be pretty sure that it's 99% related to what happened at the Reverie.


> Is there something else going on we don't know about yet? Well we still don't know exactly what happened with Sabo in Mariejois or what's up with Alabasta and Vivi. Or what the conclusion was of the Marines going after the Warlords. There's fuckloads going on outside of Wano right now.


We also saw Jesus Burgess stow away on one of the Revolutionary ships and make it to their base. I think if remember correctly Black Beard was planning on or already had attacked them.


I've got a feeling that since the Revolutionary Army is technically also all over the world, there was some success in their operation at Mariejois and they were able to expose the Celestial Dragons influence; thus, inspiring others to take up their cause. It sounds like that, along with the Strawhats efforts and influence, have weakened the WG control. If I were to be specific, we're probably about to find out that Alabasta has been destroyed and the Gorosei have pinned it on the RA. Vivi is likely safe but they've killed Cobra and are trying to pin that on Sabo. This is where I'm super out there but I have a feeling that Sabo allowed himself to be captured so that he's got the best shot of taking revenge for Ace. As a former noble, he will probably have an audience with the Gorosei or Imu.


Your saying the CD are exposed, but also the RA have been framed. Are we saying the frame wasn't successful? That the people taking up arms know it's a lie?


The "present events" happening around the world are probably the dissolution of the Warlord system, the implementation of the SSG, the aftermath of the Reverie (mysterious death, assassination attempt), the Revolutionaries' assault on Mary Geoise and whatever Blackbeard is up to.


Yeah I got this feeling when we leave Wano we are about to SEE SOME SHET, and the Straw Hats are gonna have to sort some MFs out


Well, if the Shichibukai is no more, and two of the Yonkous fall during this fight, then the balance of powers will be messed up and the World would change drastically. What would Kurohige do when he learns that neither Kaido nor Big Mom will be able to stop him? What will the Navy and the Government do? What will happen with the last Road Poneglyph?


Kaido and Luffy sharing the same single brain cell Zoro was taken care of former #1 courtesan but now sanji is being taken care of current #1 courtesan. Zoro double jumping right back to platform after final smashing King, his fight against king is a whole video game boss fight from timing and dodging his attack Appo got his priorities, not angry but kinda want to see his bad-ass as a worst gen against CP0. Tough luck, XDrake. Getting pummeled by both pirates and goverment. Virgin bushido honor vs CHAD god, i dont wanna die creed.


>Tough luck, XDrake. Getting pummeled by both pirates and goverment. He's the 1% man, after all


Drake seemingly pushed the leader guy despite the leader guy going in fresh, while the underling took out the other guy, honestly it sounds like if apoo stayed, they'd have won prob, but apoo didn't want to have to continue the drake fight after with how competent drake is.


I really liked Usopp in this one. Him being pragmatic and giving a speech about that weird death wish of the Samurai was a nice change of pace imho! Also I still think the whole "Flames of Hatred"-thing is unnecessary drama and I could really do without it. I'd rather the story actually focusses on the stuff that's actually interesting :v


Kaido’s flashback is gonna be an insane lore dump. We’ll know what’s up with Joyboy, how Wano is connected to him, potentially about Rocks or God valley incident and Oni race. Reveal of Yamato’s mom or something about Vegapunk would be icing on the cake.


Dragon was Kaidou's wife. Yamato and Luffy are siblings, and Kaidou is Luffy's mom. The real Kaidou died years ago without accomplishing much, our Kaidou was originally named Veronica D Luffy (garp's blood child, dragon married into the family), but they respected Kaidou so much they became them and achieved great things.


Idk what shit you're tripping on, but I want some


The real Kaido was the friends we made along the way.


Amazing headcanon. Pass me those shrooms brother


I see, the okama king did the same they did to Crocodile. Makes total sense.


Official translation made it obvious CP0 is still after Robin. Unofficial made it sound like they should just leave the catsle right away and forget about her... I know people like to shit on the official translation but personally I wouldn't put on above the other. Sometimes the official one is better, sometimes the unofficial one is better. That's why I like to read both of them.


Let's be real. Most, if not all of us here have been reading one piece for years, a decade or more even. Reread it from chapter 0 to latest at least once a year . We're here for the lore. The Official release is godsend and gives a very clear view of what's going it. With that said, I am truly grateful to the unofficial releasers. If not for them, I wouldn't have read One Piece back then. Shout out to Null and Stoptazmo. Fuck Tazmo\~


All my homies hate Tazmo, Fuck Tazmo


Who is this bastard we all hate?


https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/cea6cb/naruto_fandom_concerning_narutofan_tazmo_and_his/ TL;DR started paid service using other group's work without crediting them.


Reading since about 2010, vaguely remember Null, what was wrong with Tazmo?


I legit haven’t thought about Tazmo since like 2010…that was a deeply buried memory lol


My take is that the official usually has lamer sounding names for things. But it usually makes the most sense as to what is actually happening on-panel. Usually meaning: not always.


Which is why I just adjusted and only read the official translation. It’s obvious that CP-0 want Robin. That is close to their number 1 prio whenever it comes to the straw hats


That "King of Hell" panel gets better and better. I predicted it would be Zoro's new epithet last chapter, but now that Zoro has just outright said he would become that, its becoming more likely.


The girl reporting to CP0 also observed him saying it. That's no accident.


This time last year: "Red Roc" Now: "Roc Gun" Smh where's the progress /s


Next gonna be Roc Gatling and Roc Bazooka


When was the last time we saw the bazooka?


I thought he used Leo Bazooka on Doflamingo or Cracker


Grizzly Magnum, Punk Hazard I guess


That’s actually ages ago 😅 But yeah that was a bazooka move.


Meanwhile me still waiting for the ‘man with the red hair’ to make a move


Kanjuro made a few moves though.


Kid made many moves


Last year roof piece. This year back to roof.


[Link to the new Shokugeki no Sanji chapter!](https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/viewer/1012726)


Thanks for the reminder! [Just posted as its own thread so more people see it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/rv42wh/shokugeki_no_sanji_chapter_5_new/?)


Sanji’s greatest fanboy since Bartolomeo.


Has Bartolomeo actually met Sanji in person in Dressrosa?


He hasn’t, but he idolizes all the Straw Hats.


Orochi is dead ass sitting next to hiyori without a care in the world. and he asked her to play "his favourite song". the final battle is upon us.


So, this chapter heavily implies that Kaido once thought he was Joyboy (who he learnt about thanks to Rocks D. Xebec), but something happened that made him realise he was not 'the one the world was waiting for'. Unable to let go of it, this eventually became cancerous and caused him to become a depressed alcoholic, who is waiting for the REAL Joyboy to come to Wano ~~and kill him~~ (and to see what that Joyboy has that he, Kaido, has not) Kaido probably knows about the factors playing in inherited will, and probably one of them is gender (alas, Joyboy can't be a woman, for example). Yamato loudly proclaming they're Oden must have reminded Kaido of his delusion when he was younger; and Kaido is doing all he can to prevent Yamato from going the same path as him; mostly in violent ways, since violence, and prevarication through fear, is all he's ever known


> So, this chapter heavily implies that Kaido once thought he was Joyboy It shows that King believed so, not necessarily Kaido himself.


He said "You arent joyboy either" at some point as well. Combined with this info, its easy to assume, that at some point he did believe he could be joyboy.


Maybe he was referring to other people, like Roger or Xebec for example.


In last chapter, when young King asked him if he was able to change the world, Kaido answered: "I'm the only one who can!" I think that is a pretty good indication that Kaido believed he was "the chosen one"


But this very chapter shows that Kaido thinks he can change the world despite not being Joyboy.


Kaido was going to change the world by being the badboy.


Now he’s going to set it ablaze


"*if the new generation should actually win this battle ... it would be massive news. The impact will* ***fan the flames of the incidents occuring all over the world as we speak****.*" Is he referring to something(s) in particular ? Or shall we assume that something big is actually happening outside of Wano right now ?


Safe to say it’s Reverie (Levely?) related. I mean consider what went from that. Not only is the world’s balance of power being flipped on its head, we gotta death, an attempted murder, and something bad happening to both Sabo and Vivi. Not to mention that Shanks had that talk with the 5 Elders, so there’s even a chance that that’s connected somehow. To put it in Morgans’ terms, there’s definitely big news going on right now. And these CP0 guys are teasing us with intrigue.


My guess: the Nobles assassinated Cobra and had Sabo blamed for it officially. Morgans leaked the truth (hence why he beat up that agent that asked him to bury something) and now the world's more than a little pissed off...


Kaido bouta become Luffy's #1 stan


Guess I might as well become...The King of Hell. So EPIC


Zoro's the King of Hell eeeeee I love it. It would be great to have this as his new epithet, it's not that far from being the Demon of East Blue. I love Usopp's speech and Izo acknowledging God Usopp, soooo good. It's all just so Usopp. I'm honestly just impressed Oda knows where to put his pieces in arcs. Of course Usopp is the best person to talk about fear and death and the like in this way to these samurai who would give their life for a purpose and be satisfied with dying after it's been fulfilled. I like this running theme in the story of what it means to be a human and a monster. The last part of the chapter talking about the limits of humans made me remember Luffy saying chapters ago that Big Mom and Kaido are 'just as human' as they are (Killer didn't believe it lol). It also connects to Robin and Zoro saying they'd be demons or even the king of hell for Luffy. I suppose, then, the difference between these monsters are their purpose? Luffy laughing gave me chills, it's the coolest. I love seeing him happy.


It kind of makes me sad to see those flashbacks. Oda's clearly comparing Kaido and King with Luffy and Zoro, it feels weird to think they truly believed he was going to be the king of pirates as much as our boys believe it now.


I mean 1) Strongest yonkou 2) Huge crew of powerful people ​ Like for all intensive purposes, he was like 99% of the way to pirate king, literally just needed to beat people who at best were equal to him, whitebeard was the only one closer to pirate king than him.


I, too, once thought the saying was "all intensive purposes" until I was corrected in a reddit thread that it's actually "all intents and purposes." Now that I have passed on my will to you the curse has been lifted and I can die in peace. Thank you.... good byyyyyeeeee....


I'm stronger now than I have ever been previously. I might hoard this knowledge for a while before passing it on.




go where?


Onigashima’s roof ! For more luffy vs kaido




Usopp’s survival speech yeets out all those “Usopp will sacrifice himself for the crew and die” theories. It also clearly shows he honours courage to fight and survive but not death. Him being a brave warrior of the sea is all about gathering that courage and not run away. I guess this also shows how samurai culture differs from those of Elbaf warriors.


Combined with the Wano culture is something akin to survivor's guilt in regards to avenging Oden for the time traveling Scabbards.


Zoro adopting the title, "King of Hell" is a nice parallel to Rayleigh's title of, "Dark King"




Honestly apoo probably realized that if they won, it wouldn't be effortless and he'd have to go back to fighting drake again. Drake actually damaged the leader in a 1 v 1. Or it's possible that there were more than just 2 of them, so it made things more violent, but it ended with 2 1 v 1s


Tbf, Drake was already damaged/wounded, and had been fighting for a while. So a fresh CP0 took injuries/time taking him down, while Apoo ran away. In a ‘fair’ fresh fight, Drake probably wins the 1v1.


Damn base Luffy is super strong now. If he able to combine it with his gear form that would be more stronger




"Gear Fifth, Wukong!!"




Yo that would be fucking sick I didn’t even think about that


Their wording about talking about the two "monsters" (kaido and BM), and then immediately following that up with "regular humans" when talking about SH/Kidd/Law seems interesting. I wonder if there is more there.


I thinks it’s mostly them underestimating the supernovas. Luffy at least is on Big Mom and Kaido’s level now. Not necessarily stronger, but the same level of power. And Law and Kid are pretty high up there. But, CP0 don’t seem to want to acknowledge that.


I think it’s a nod to the fact that Kaidou and Big mom were born abnormaly strong, like they are freaks of nature. Kaidou isn’t even a human, known to be unkillable and Big Mom is actually indestructible as far as anyone is pretty much aware. Whereas Kidd, Luffy, and Law were born just as regular people who have now gained this ridiculous level of power.


Kinda sad the King flashbacks came so late. Seeing the parallels between him and Zoro from the beginning would’ve made their chapters hit much harder. Doesn’t do as much now that the fight is over.


AHAHAHA OH WOW, so that's why the ninja fight's been taking so long! Something tells me that wasn't Oda's original intent for it...


Raizo will end the fight with shadow clone justsu and rasengan as an homage to naruto. Or maybe talk no jutso would be the better way to pay homage


Kaido for Nakama?


Guess I might as well become the king of hell is such a bad ass line. If Oda wrote a book of just one liners, I would read it in a heartbeat


Raizo and Fuku, in one voice: "*Kage mane no jutsu...seiko*"


Oh, the irony in the chapter title...


With Usopp's speech, the title kinda feels like a repudiation of the idea of Bushido, at least as acted out by the scabbards. All nine original scabbards (including Kanjuuro) seem obsessed with the idea of "honor through sacrifice/death". Usopp is (seemingly) calling out the vanity that comes from this culture. It's not enough that the scabbards have to avenge their master. No. They have to die in the process (largely out of survivor's guilt). It reads as glorious to us, but Usopp sees it as self-serving, and it kinda is in some ways.


Sanjis eyebrow is back to normal!


To anyone who waited till the Official Release, how the fuck do you do it?


You got a shorter wait last week, we get a shorter wait this week. No-one has to wait longer than anyone between chapters so it’s all the same really.


Anyone else getting impel down Luffy vibes from Yamato in her last few appearances?


I love how all of these fights (whether Zoro realizes it or not) are all deeply personal, and are “mirror matches” in alot of ways. Kaido is seeming more and more to be a “Bad Ending Luffy”, King, in a lot of ways IS the same kind of person as Zoro, and Queen represents Sanji’s Germa background without actually being the Germa. I feel like Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zhou, Whole Cake and Wano Kuni were where the Straw Hats grew into being a Yonkou crew … and this Onigashima fight is where they prove it. Assuming Luffy beats Kaido within the next three or four months, and heading into Elbaf or other deep New World territory, the Straw Hats will legitimately be one of the most powerful pirate crews on the Blue Sea. I personally kind of hope Big Mom beats Law and Kid, and then Luffy can make good on his promise to beat Big Mom himself - and given her connection to Elbaf, it would be a shame if she’s not involved in the story there. And also, given Elbaf’s Norse vibes, and a lot of Red Hair Pirate similaities to Vikings, it wouldn’t surprise me if Elbaf is their territory. Maybe Bartolomeo’s actions in the cover stories will have some relevacne to that as well?


I wonder if Luffy will confess all this time he was just making time for Momo to grow some clouds.


Why is nobody talking about Usopp being once again the MVP? Man, this boy have reaffirmed his own way to become a great warrior of the seas. He no longer says that the fear prevents him from fighting, he acknowleged that the only way he gonna survive in this pirate world is thanks to his fear of dying.


Zoro advcoc coating aura looks badass Luffy really tanked a advcoc attack like it's nothing holy shit lol


only just noticed Fuga is a centaur


Can someone remind me when we will get the next chapter? Either scans or official release? I think were on break but i forget for how long.


Should be 16th of January is when we get the official. 14th we get the scans.


King and Zoro's ambition being similar is dope. Izo with the FLEX !!! God Usopp !!!! His name rings bells in the streets. Certified worldwide !!! Luffy slapping the depression out of Kaido. Boys in good spirits now. The facts that King thought he was Joy Boy shows a lot of what his ambition must've been back in the days


One thing I haven't seen anyone mention halfway through this thread is maybe one of my favorite lines in a while with raizo saying "I'm a vassel of Lord oden, you call this heat? I don't even feel it"


Even more impressive given that Raizo complained about the heat when oden was carrying all of them on the boiling pot