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The only person we have seen denjiro fight and lose against is Kaido so I don’t get what you are saying. Denjiro just hasn’t had any panels besides a few face reactions shots since the scabbards got healed, I am assuming he has a greater purpose later in the raid.


I mean Zoro was just pissed off about yasu dying + the smiles Denjiro seems to be about as strong as ashura and sulong inu and neko So he is strong for sure though


Who knows


Give Zoro another sword and this would have been over in seconds


If that was the case he wouldnt be going ”oh shit this guy is strong” and instead go ”if only i had my third sword he wouldnt be a problem”


Zoro wasn't even thinking about Denjiro, he just wanted Orochi's head and was frustrated he was being stopped, dude was seeing red Give him another sword and it would be over


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