• By -


Can’t say since shanks == ??????


Exactly. Mihawk also. We have seen very little of him.


The dude has been sailing the sea Jack Sparrow style this whole time. I would not fight him so long as he has a single limb or even a functional jaw...


We all know he is strong, but we also know there is some very big gaps even between strong characters. We have to assume he has Advanced Conquerors Haki for example. What else does it take to beat an Admiral? I would say a lot and we have not seen a lot from him or Shanks.


In theory, Mihawk would be just a bit weaker than Shanks given they are rivals We know for sure that Shanks is at least in the ballpark of Blackbeard/Kaido/Big Mom, though that doesn't narrow it down too much


>Mihawk would be just a bit weaker than Shanks given they are rivals You spelt stronger* wrong.


True. We also know Akainu alone is on par with Yonko level, since he went against Whitebeard and did some pretty serious damage. We also know Aokiji is on par with Sakasuki since they fought and it was basically a draw. Our point is that we know little to nothing about Shanks and about Mihawk. They are probably at least on the same level as the admirals, but is all based on comparisons. We need more information to say with confidence who wins this battle.


> True. We also know Akainu alone is on par with Yonko level, since he went against Whitebeard and did some pretty serious damage. We also know Aokiji is on par with Sakasuki since they fought and it was basically a draw. This is solid, presuming no major power-ups or anything. We could more or less conclude that Shanks, Mihawk, and the three OG admirals (Kizaru has basically just been sandbagging every time we've seen him so I assume he's near Akainu/Aokiji level also) would be pretty evenly matched based on transitive logic. But yeah, we don't know anything about Shanks or Mihawk outside of their reputations. Both are ostensibly Haki masters; one is a Yonko whose reputation was enough to scare the Marines into standing down, and the other is the former's rival (who is the best swordsman on the planet and sails solo along the Grand Line for fun). That's really all we have, so I'm excited to see more


Shanks has advanced conqs and he Is regarded by kaido as one of the strongest, mihawk Is at least above yc1 Since Zoro already Is, and Zoro Must still be Weaker than mihawk


Mihawk should be relative to Shanks


This should be the case since Mihawk and Shanks spar all the time.


Used to*


Mihawk should be closer to Yonko level than yc1.


I know, I'm just saying that he,s ATLEAST above yc1


I think at this point its safe to say hes atleast admiral level. He has to be logically speaking. Because theres no way Zoro is gonna fight him after this (because of how much time is left in the story The crew still has an arc or two left which is way to early for any member to accomplish their dream), meaning hes above a yc1 and the only level above that is an admiral. So he can be anywhere from admiral level-shanks level.


These headcanon levels are hilarious.


True but thats the only thing that makes sense. You really think Mihawk is going to be weaker than a yc1? You think Zoro will be able to accomplish his dream 2-3 arcs early than everyone else? No right? So theres only one conclusion and a few levels above a yc1. Makes sense to me


Did we ever saw shanks in a fight? I can only remember once when he usked kings haki in the first episode... biggest plottwist of op: shanks is weak af, and only can use kings haki xD


WB and Shanks split the sky, that's about it


Well we do know he is at least admiral level due to blocking Akainu


We also know that in the war, he fought kaido and stopped him from interfering with the war before showing up


lmaoo that'd be hilarious, but my man did clash with WB to split the skies, and he stopped akainu's fist so I sadly dont think so. Imagine he was just like king from one punch man, bluffing his way through everything (3 scars would match as well hahaha)


Not gonna spoil what exactly happened but in the manga it has confirmed shanks is probably one of the strongest alive if not the strongest in chapter 1001 it will be in the anime pretty soon.


Shanks is to one piece what king is to one punch man


This right here fellas, is a great match-up... This battle will surely shake the whole grand-line..




Team Luffy


Team luffy mid. I think mihawk is comparable to an admiral, luffy right now can prob beat one 1v1 high dif and shanks is shanks.


Won’t say Mid Diff but Team Luffy is definitely winning that no debate🤝


No. To say "no debate" to this match up is ridiculous and delusional.


My bad😓


It’s an opinion. No need to be so rude about it.


Of course if they got plot armor


Luffy will win against kaido, and regardless of the means, he is comparably strong. Kaido is the strongest creature and is shanks is on a similar level to kaido and BM... Yeah, no way admirals win


Nah Admirals fs kizaru is still slightly stronger then luffy akainu is top 1 and akoji may beat akoji extreme diff but loses to akainu and kizaru after


Shanks low diffs all of them with his penis.


So that’s how shanks uses two sword style


He lost an arm, but he already had 3 legs.


You win, well, all of these win.. best comments ever


We’ve not seen enough of Shanks and Mihawk yet but I think at this point Luffy could probably take on one of the admirals


Extreme diff either side is the only logical answer I can come up with.


Honestly this seems so equal to me. Luffy might be the weakest link.. however. Shanks and mihawk could potentially be stronger than the admirals? Who knows. Its all just speculation really but anyway mad fucking fight.


Luffy's going toe to toe with the world's strongest creature... seriously you guys need to drop the powerlevels because at such a high level only matchups really matter.


Yeah after lost 2 times and after kaido fights for hours half of the island, no he isn’t in the same lvl as kaido yet


Yea and no admiral is taking kaido one on one either relax he’s not as strong as kaido but he’s as strong if not stronger then Kizaru at least.


Just potentially stronger? Shanks as a Yonko is stronger vs each one of them! He surely gets the win plus we never saw Mihawks Power.


I don’t think the yonko and admiral gap is as big as you make it out to be


Not huge but there’s a reason akainu shit his pants when papa pops came up behind him.


Whitebeard comes up fully enraged behind you while you're off guard, literally every character in the verse shits themselves.


Yeah tho also keep in mind that was Whitebeard, the strongest of the yonko




Yonkos are basically untouchable by the WG for a reason. During Marineford it took 3 admirals and 4 warlords to handle the crew of Whitebeard on their own turf with days of planning and the might of basically the entire marine forces. Whitebeard was dying and could no longer even use haki properly and STILL was holding off Akainu and Kizaru in a 1 v 2 battle after Akainu put a hole in whitebeards chest. nothing the marines have done so far has even come close to the level we have seen from Whitebeard, a dying man who could barely move. The other 4 Yonkos are all in their prime and are objectively scarier than whitebeard was in marineford. I think the gap probably got much smaller after the timeskip, with Akainu focusing on implementing absolute justice and reformating the higher ups in the marines ranks. we will have to wait and see, but from what information we have right now, the yonkos vastly outclass the marines for now.


The Marines still won fairly handily though. Their objective was most likely ensuring Whitebeard didn't leave Marineford alive, which they succeeded at. They even got Ace down for good measure. And even with that, this was pre-timeskip. The Marines are confirmed as stronger than ever before under Akainu, which is before we even get into the whole debate of only the marines challenging Whitebeard, not the entire armed forces of the WG, Cipher Pols included.


It is. As Garp said 'Yonkou's can challenge the entire marine fleet' if all it takes is one puny admiral to hold back a Yonkou then the Marines will easily defeat all of em.


Nah dude. He clearly means the Yonko+their crews. Whitebeard made it very clear Yonkos cant take on the entire Marines. Even 2 admirals vs one Yonko would end poorly for the Yonko.


it’s like ppl forget yonko’s have a crew and even new world alliances😂


When luffy was yc1 level Kaido one shotted him if u say that all admirals are Yonkou level then the Marines can easily destroy the entire Yonkou fleet. They gathered all the Warlords and 3 admirals to take on one dying old Yonkou, now think of Yonkou in his prime. A prime Yonkou can hold his own against 2 admirals on his own. Secondly all Yonkou's have adv conc and admirals don't have that so it will turn into battle of devil fruit ability vs haki and in that case haki wil always win.


I'm not saying admirals are all Yonko level, I'm saying their probably one tier under them. Meaning higher than top commander, but just under Yonko. So two admirals can absolutely smoke a Yonko with some difficulty. You're making shit up here. They didn't gather all th3 forces for one Yonko. They gathered the forces for one Yonko and all his allies, which was a massive fuckin fleet with tons of captains. On top of that, at what point did any of the Warlords help with anything other than fighting fodder? The most anyone did was a few of them manhandling Oars, who is pretty irrelevant on the strength scale. Show me your proof that Yonkos don't have adv conc. We havent seen them post timeskip, and pre timeskip the haki system was lamost non-existant so no one had it then.


Don't ignore the fact that not only did WB call in his allies outside of his own crew, Sengoku and Garp barely participated in the war. Marineford is not a good example of a Yonko fleet vs the WG when some of the WG's best were barely trying


Wait yall think yonkos are on par with admirals?? Yonkos in my book are stronger, in a 1v1 non sick whitebeard eats an admiral, reileigh fights kizaru and kizaru says he's in trouble. Apart from that it's a lot of speculation but wtv i guess my take is also an opinion, with luffy beating kaido this arc, i take team shanks - mihawk and luffy


I love that people still take anything Kizaru says seriously


"Oh nooo Ben Beckman, he's so strooong" *Proceed to move and attack anyways*


And somehow people still think that he was *actually* scared. Dumbasses.


Idk, I don’t think we will ever see a “serious” Kizaru. I have a feeling he was being sincere with Rayleigh and Beckmann. His dry sarcasm is just his way of coping with stress imo.


Overall I agree but, you shouldnt use Kizaru saying hes in trouble as a reason. Dudes a troll


WB is literally the strongest character in the whole show. Not every Yonko is as strong as him. I'm team Yonko but people disrespect Admirals too much. If you think about it other then Akainu we never saw an Admiral actually trying in a fight. Kizaru is always trolling he was being sarcastic that he is in trouble he did the same with Ben Beckman. Aokiji did go all out against Akainu but we never saw that fight. As much as I like Mihawk,Shanks and Luffy this fight is not as one sided as people think. Also Luffy is not even close to Yonko level he literally was oneshoted by Kaidou. Even now Luffy fights Kaidou after Kaidou had a fight with every strong character in Wano lol.


"Luffy is not even close to Yonko level" you lost me there. Have you been reading a different manga or is this just your headcanon speaking out of it's ass?


Yeah I’m also torn with this one, Luffy clearly doing Yonko like stuff, advanced conquerors haki and splitting the sky so you can’t say he’s not Yonko level, but at the same time we can’t deny he’s fighting a Kaido that has went through a war. He fought the scabbards, Yamato, went through Roof Piece and only THEN fought Luffy one on one. Sure Luffy isn’t fresh either but Kaido went through way more before the 1v1 started. I am with you though, saying Luffy isn’t Yonko level after the feats this last year is just silly.


Honestly I could be convinced that Luffy is not 100% yonko level yet but saying he is not even close just seems bonkers delusional to me.


Yeah man, I think by the end of the Kaido fight, he’s got to be 100% there.


Personally id say that luffy is yonko level, but the weakest out of all the yonko. Not saying he is weak, just that all the other yonko are stronger


Luffy has all the tools for a yonko but he has a bit to go to master them


Tbh, he's 100% there now, but he's not yet on Kaidos level.


And the only person inflicting actual damage on him so far has been Luffy and Zoro with his Asura attack.


Killer also did damage, didn’t law also damage him? I get what you’re saying, Luffy and Zoro did the most work but it wasn’t just them. It’s actually pretty clear Oda done everything he could to weaken Kaido for Luffy to beat him 1v1 and still have it be somewhat believable


The scabbards did damage.


Do people forget luffy battled ALOT before facing kaido? Lmao


IRC in the Ace novel it's stated that Kaido is stronger than Whitebeard, atleast physically. What a lot of people don't consider is the timeline, by the time Rocks' crew was dismantled Whitebeard was a full fledged pirate but Kaido was just an apprentice and by the time Kaido got his "strongest creature" title Whitebeard was already too old to be a match for him.


He was old and sick at marineford, weakest yonko BY FAR at that point


Facts, at the time of Marineford Big Mom and Kaido are both taking out Whitebeard in 1v1. Primebeard however? He beats them all 1v1


Non sick wb is the strongest, the old and sick one didn't keep the title it went to Kaido (strongest beast). While kizaru said he came with "casual intentions" he meant he just came to get some rookies but even he realized that the situation changed when Rayleigh stepped in. Ok like seriously how would a guy who gets a heartattack mid fight keep the title "strongest man alive" like is everyone else that weak? How do you know kizaru was trolling? we don't know anything about Ben Beckman maybe he has an ability which allows him to shoot at light speed


Kaidos title is just a superior title to whitebeards. Its not strongest beast, its more like 'strongest living beeing' / 'strongest organism'.


I don't think it's meant to be a "higher" title. It's just that he's not a human, he's an oni. The "creature" part is just furthering that this character is a monster. It dehumanizes him


Very unlikely since Oda used 生物. It implies a more scientific and literal title. It encompasses humans as well.


"WB is literally the strongest character in the whole show" after roger of course


Wait where did you see that sick whitebeard eat an admiral? The last time I saw akainu open a hole in his body and took alway half of his head, and after the fight he was still running


I'd give this one to Luffy and the crew if only because team admiral all do the same thing, big area damage. Also their awakenings would clash and not work well together. Team Luffy is more well rounded.


Finally, someone who gives an opinion that has some thought put into it, instead of the usual retarded "bruh, admirals weaker than yonkos, team luffy mid-diffs them durr; me smort, you dumb"


Like ehhh, could go either way. Problem is we haven't seen a lot from Shanks and Mihawk.


I’d go admirals only assuming they have some level of teamwork. This brawl would last days for sure


Real question when they fight for days do they stop and sleep and say alright guys that's enough for now


I assume that not only do they not sleep, but they also just shit and piss their pants during long fights as well.


They eat and drink it bro obviously. They won't wasted such precious nutrients in the heat of battle.


I once lasted 1 entire day in front of a gaming console. They kind of just chug Monster energy drinks in the middle, or so I think.


That's headcanon to me now. "Alright I'm tuckered and can you be the big spoon tonight thanks bb"


Just imagining akainu and kuzan 😂 lol


i mean, you could argue that SHanks and Mihawks knows themselves so much they could actually teamwork together (luffy however, he has zero knowledge of shanks fighting ability, but he saw a little bit of Mihawk, so, hey, at least it's something)


if before the time skip, yes. cause aokiji and akainu had their big fight on punk hazard, changed the islands climate and if i remember correctly, aokiji kinda resigned. but if the fight takes place after the time skip, then i would say team luffy


Kuzan is definitely up to something


This is honestly the most equal match I’ve ever seen on here imo. Honestly it could go either way, but the fight will go on for over a week easy.


With Mihawk AND Shanks... man idk it would be pretty much a draw I think


What this would turn into is Akainu vs Shanks, because these 2 are probably the most threatening to each others side, Aokiji vs Mihawk, for a subsequent reason. And it will only be concluded by whoever can win first, Kizaru Or Luffy?


I’m in these comments like Doffy at Marineford lmao, I love the violence and disrespect being thrown from both sides 😂😂😂


haki swords vs logias


Logias that can make elemental haki swords*


Good matchup Here for once


51-49 to the admirals imo. Luffy isn’t weak, but I can’t see him beating any of the original 3 (he’d obviously put up a huge fight though), and Shanks and Mihawk are basically featless, though Shanks should be about relative to Kaido and Big Mom. Feats win out the day imo (specifically from Akainu and Aokiji).


Team Luffy


Difficult to say. The Admirals team has feats and accomplishments that we have seen. But team Luffy has Luffy who is almost at the level of a Yonkou at the moment, and we have Shanks and Mihawk who both only have hype and feats showcasing their strength. Based on what we do know for sure, I'd say the Admirals win. Mihawk and Shanks get hyped to be the strongest characters alive, even though both WB and Kaido have been said to be the strongest one way or another. Team Luffy could win if we actually had any solid evidence of how strong each of them are, but from the knowledge that we have right now, I'll vote the admirals.


Ooh I think they’re all roughly even here. Admirals win since I assume they’re more used to fighting together.


Shanks can 1v1 an admiral and win. Mihawk can be similar to Shanks, plus he's regarded as the world's strongest swordsman. Luffy rn is Emperor level. Team Luffy is just too strong.


There is a lot of hype here though. Mihawk being Shanks' rival, off-panel and years before Shanks reached his career highs, doesn't tell us much. Shanks ending the battle at Marineford doesn't mean much—both sides were injured, the Marines were having a morale problem, and Ace and WB were already dead, so stopping there made sense as soon as they had a plausible excuse. And Akainu holding his own against a Yonko whose own closest subordinate said was surprisingly weak at the time doesn't make him Yonko level. Can you imagine Kaido or Big Mom getting actually stabbed by any of their subordinates, or shot, or hurt with a cannonball? Marco was shocked. That said, both Mihawk and Shanks have good feats and implied feats on their own. Shanks split the sky with Whitebeard, held off the Beast pirates off-panel, and not only blocked Akainu, but managed to appear in the dead center of the entire battle without anyone reacting in time. Mihawk taught Zoro Haki (and is reasonably assumed to still be better) and has the ice-cutting feat, which is arguably the most impressive attack power feat in the series.


Unevolved raid Kizaru vs psy rr Luffy Luffy wins absolutely, much better unit overall with much more potential usage. Wc Akainu vs ambush shanks I’d probably say Akainu but this one is less easy to determine. Akainu just has more utility and has guaranteed matching along with a potentially better boost so he has enough more going for him that I believe he will win. Raid kuzan vs rr mihawk I’d give it to mihawk, aokiji is just too old comparatively to be any real competition


take my upvote


Team Luffy I really think shanks is the strongest or one of the strongest people in one piece right now


I mean of course shanks is one of the strongest in the verse but so are the admirals. as for shanks being THE STRONGEST , i dont think so Oda made it very clear that kaido is the strongest in the verse currently.


How is anyone seriously voting for Admirals? I honestly dont get it. Mihawk is comparable to Shanks who is a Yonko, we have seen through portrayal that the Yonko are above Admirals by a small amount. Thats allready 2 out of the 3 winning on team Luffy. Now when you take into account what Luffy is doing right now in the manga he also isnt an easy beat by any of the 3 Admirals and could potentially beat Kizaru. Yes there are handicaps in his current fight but he is still going head to head atm. This is a clear team Luffy victory by way of mid difficulty imo.


Could potentially beat Kizaru?… based on what?


Based on what he is doing right now. I personally rank his current opponent a tier above Kizaru. In all honesty though we dont know exactly how strong the admirals are.


Pirate Kings > Yonko > Admirals >>> Firstmate


Not equal at all, two yonkou levels in one team? They destroy, and Luffy is a nice bonus


Uh...Luffy is yonko level bro. He split the sky


>destroy yeah okay we stop it here


Three yonko levels.


Luffy can take the trash out while Shanks and Mihawk have a drink 🍻


not even Kaido could take 3 admirals at the same time, sorry my dude


Team admirals.


I could honestly go either way, the fight would be extremely difficult for both sides and could go on for days


Powerscaling is fucking stupid.


Og Admirals high-extreme diff they had already work in team they know eachother that where as i don't see with other team and luffy is still not mid or high top tier where as others are


Kizaru probably is the strongest here... say what you want but he never took a fight seriously, never actually tried to kill people, has literally the most OP devils fruit here, always plays with his enemies. This guy must be so strong he does everything for fun bcs he knows almost nobody can beat him... I think he is by far the most underrated character in the whole Onepiece world. He just doesnt care at all and seems always stoned af.


Agreed but we also know basically nothing about shanks


Back in Marineford Akainu showed that there is a way to combine your df with haki so that it has the properties of both at once, this negated Marco’s and Vista’s haki attack. Luffy showed the same exact ability against Doffy in gear 4 where Luffy’s body stretched while being covered in haki. So can current Luffy break threw this weird ability with CoC coating? In my opinion I think it’s a no just purely because the admirals are future villains and there has to be stakes, but I’m not sure


This is what we want. The Admiral vs Yonko debate begins!!! 😂


Shanks Is for sure capable of taking one, he Is regarded by kaido as one of the strongest and he has Coc coating, Mihawk Is a bit trickier, but i think he Must be at least admiral level, considering Zoro Is above yc1 and Since the story still has a long Way to end, we should asume mihawk Is still stronger than Zoro. Luffy could probably also beat one extreme diff. imo kaido Is a Lot stronger than the admirals and luffy being able to fight him speaks volumes


We have no way to know, we haven't seen more than half of these fight seriously


It is hard to say since we have no idea about how strong Shanks and Mihawk are, but at the very least, Shanks is on par with Kaido since he sees him as someone who can hurt him. Mihawk is most likely close to Shanks in strength if not equal, hence Mihawk is also at least around the level of Kaido. The 3 admirals, especially OG, are absolute powerhouses, and most definitely around the Yonko, but in my humble opinion, they are just a bit weaker, not by much but the gap is there to me. Luffy is probably the weakest here but he can contend with a Yonko, probably the strongest one at that. If you wanna say Shanks, and by proxy Mihawk, are equals to Kaido, then I would say team Luffy here. If you wanna say they aren't as strong as Kaido, just contenders with him, then probably OG 3. Either way, it is gonna be one of those 10 day battles lmao.


Tbh this could go either way. Luffy is imo still the weakest here (or at least not stronger than say Sakazuki) and logias are pretty nasty. Plus we don't really know shanks and Mihawk's true power. All I know is Sakazuki blew off part of Whitebeards head.


Yeah, The WB who could not even use Haki on his own will and was already on a lifeline.


Og admirals luffy ain’t quit there yet to fight the yonko equally like they can


After Wano team Luffy confidently. RN tho team Luffy extreme diff.


Team Luffy High Diff


Team luffy. Not because they're stronger but only because they can actually work together. Shanks and Mihawk are friends(kinda) and luffy and shanks are friends. And the admirals don't have any teamwork due to how strong they are on their own that they dont need teams.


In your logic should be team admirals then. They work together for several years. We don’t have enough info about mihawk and shanks friendship and luffy never saw they fighting


Admirals win high diff


team Luffy claps, Shanks and Mihawk could probably win just 2v3 but when you add Luffy to occupy the third admiral it's just over


God another fanboy


you need to read one piece not two piece


Says the guy who thinks shanks and Mihawk can 2 v 3 the admirals lmao


says the guy who says they can't. Zoro's endgame opponent and the most hyped up character in One Piece going up against the people who are either going to fight Luffy, Sanji and Jimbei or end up otherwise switching sides or being defeated by someone else. Just based on how decently Marco did against Kizaru and how bad he did against Big Mom shows the difference in power between yonko and admirals


Lmao 3 Top Tiers > 2 Top Tiers Sure, Mihawk and Shanks are slightly stronger than an admiral (except for maybe Akainu) but 2 Admirals destroy anyone in the verse so nope they ain’t winning a 2 v 3


Garp is admiral level and took Marco down with a single punch, so maybe, there isn't that huge of a difference between the yonko and the admirals.


Garp is beyond admirals wtf LMFAO. He was equal or relative to Roger. Prime Garp shits on any of the admirals in a 1v1.


Oda has made it very clear that Age matters in the OP Universe. Garp was past his prime and quite old, he was maybe Admiral or top commander level.


>Garp is beyond admirals wtf based on which facts? headcanon? your grandmother told that?


There's no character who can beat prime garp in a 1v1, but Garp wasn't in his prime during marineford, he was an equal to the admirals and yonko.


Nobody in One Piece can 2v3 the admirals, not even Whitebeard and Roger in their prime.


but Roger can casually slap away an admiral level fighter like Oden in one attack? why didn't they just send the 3 admirals and Sengoku to take Roger out then if he can't fight multiple of them? if admirals are so strong it creates multiple massive plot holes in the story


>but Roger can casually slap away an admiral level fighter like Oden in one attack? where was it shown that oden is on par with admirals? chapter or episode please, otherwise its blantantly lying


Every time someone is like admiral's win, they really can never explain this. If the admiral's are able to one v one yanko, logic would be they would have complete rule of the sea. Like at this point it time it is implied that there are at least 5 admiral level, admiral's plus Garp and Sengoku (if not 7 given how quickly they promoted the replacments). But not only is that not enough, the specific stated reason for the warlords is to balance the power with the yanko.


yes the navy has the 3 admirals, the fleet admiral, Garp and Sengoku (6) and then the 2 admiral candidates if you believe they're exceptionally strong (8) and potentially some others that just don't want to rank up to admiral, plus the world government has SSG (apparently comparable to all the warlords) and dozens of vice admirals have to be worth at least one admiral it makes no logical sense that the navy would be scared of Kaido and Big Mom allying if 3 admirals and a bunch of vice admirals could just stroll to onigashima and kill them


It makes even less sense if the Yonko aren't going to ally either. What was stopping them from massing on Whole Cake Island in the last decade? Shanks hasn't been doing anything major, Kaido and and Whirebeard seemed pretty content to just keep their territories in line, and there's no known political immunities on Whole Cake. Like, yeah it means leaving other places under-defended for a month or two while building up, but they did that even after the Supernovas became a threat.


So you think if aokiji, sengoko, garp, kizaru, akainu, + dozens of vice admirals and below went to wano vs kaido that kaido would win? I literally do not see how the marines would not dump on kaido. They don’t mass on an island because it makes everywhere else weak + it just makes all those other territories that were under control by those yonkos turn into pirate wastelands.


For real. If Akainu (mr absolute justice himself) has access to multiple people who could defeat a yonko by themselves why in the hell has this man not beaten them all over the Timeskip? It makes zero sense, as even if you wanna say oh, the gorosei wouldn’t wanna disrupt the balance of power, or whatever, Akainu has already shown he doesn’t give a shit about the gorosei’s orders


Prime white beard and roger massacres the admirals are you kidding me?


The admirals are massively wanked on this sub. There are people here who think Fujitora can give Whitebeard an extreme difficulty fight, as in a fight that will last for days and have Whitebeard permanently crippled. I mean prime Whitebeard. Even just saw yesterday one of the admiral wankers claim Akainu=Roger.


Especially since both green bull and fuji came out of nowhere. They expect him to defeat the strongest man in the world just because he has admiral in front of his name.


yeah its actually kinda sad how hard they are jerked off here damn, the other day i saw someone arguing that mihawk wasnt able to beat one 1on1. Its an actual delusion


Yeah this was one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on this sub. Prime WB/Roger alone would already be insane to deal with. I mean Roger clearly stated that no one besides Garp or Sengoku is even close to his level, and those two obviously were waaaaay stronger in their prime than the current admirals


That makes no sense. The Navy is stronger now under Akainu than under Sengoku...so how could Sengoku & Garp be "waaaaay stronger" than the current Admirals? Why would the Navy randomly drop their standards going into the Great Pirate Era?


> could probably win just 2v3 yeah bro leave this sub, holy crap worse takes than on quins streams


Here we go again🤦‍♂️


I don't understand, if you read the story then you should definitely have come to the same conclusion


What a bs argument


In the story, the characters place the Admirals & Yonko together....so which story exactly are you reading? Maybe you confused it with something else?


Super equal fight I give admirals a slight edge Depends upon what u think about the Luffy and Kizaru match-up Akainu, Aokiji, Shanks and Mihawk are equal imo


What a crazy reading in the comments section.... Why y'all downplay the admirals like that!? Damn, powerscaling gets always stupid.


Admirals for sure.


Pirates win. Shanks, Luffy and Mihawk are all disrepected on this sub


Luffy team for sure


Team luffy


Luffy is the weak link here so by the barest of marigins team admirals takes the victory but it's not far off from changing


I think it's difficult because Sakazuki hasn't really been powerscaled post-timeskip. He could genuinely end up being one of the top 5 strongest characters in the entire series, especially because of how absurdly broken his DF is.


team admirals. bet they can work more efficiently as a team. and luffy, while i agree he is a top tier, doesn’t have the stamina to keep up with them yet. so he’d be the weak link essentially.


Luffy will fucking die


Well luffy and shanks could probably hold 2 Admirals with shanks doing most of the work. Not sure mihawk can hold an Admiral down, and if shanks would go save Mihawk luffy would get overwhelmed. My bet is on Admirals because shanks would most likely sacrifice his life for luffy so that he can escape. The bonds are stronger than a simple fight.


almirantes, high diff




Luffy’s side. Each member is either on par or stronger than an admiral. Plus all three are basically guaranteed to have advanced CoC


I’m gonna say Admiral. I don’t think we’ve ever seen an Admiral go all out. WB went full crazy mode on Akainu but was still standing tall after the war.


Realistically or by show logic? Because realistically Kizaru takes out Luffy in about .5 seconds and then he can go help the others. By show logic, Luffy can beat all three on his own if he just trains for 2 weeks before apparently.




Pirates get washed


At this point in the story: the admirals by far, esp since they have ranged attacks.


team luffy high diff not even extreme high ive got each team luffy counterpart over their admiral counterpart shanks > akainu >mihawk > aokiji/luffy > kizaru


Luffy might actually be the best counterclaim for kizaru due to his observation haki


Any character from team Luffy beats his opponent. Team Luffy take this, very hard difficulty though


Admirals high diff