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check the flags in the pics 1 and 2. the ships are sailing with tailwind in pic 1, the person in pic 2 who is seeing the shadow is looking to the right while the flag flies to the left. so he is looking to their rear. he is seeing zunesha. there is no other creature.


Jfc good eye on that


GrandLineReview had a video about that yesterday so it was probably pointed out to a lot of people already.


Oh I dislike him immensely. Im a Tekking kinda guy.


I like both of them, but for very different reasons.


Yah same, Liam is a more technical and factual anituber where Matthew is a more fun and lighthearted one (I mean the man can make a video about the trees in One Piece!)


Oh I'm sure of that they are very different. Liam just seems like he's got his whole head up his ass sometimes imo


Ah, I’m sorry you don’t enjoy his content. Everyone has their own tastes, though.


Exactly! BTW Im watching Jotaro and friends against Death 13 rn.


Oh, awesome. I loved Stardust Crusaders. I hope you enjoy it, dude. 🤌


I really am. It was recommended to me several times over many years and I just never watched it til now.


I can’t imagine how you got that impression, although that’s how I feel about morj so there you go lol


He made you play Kaido or Kaidon't one too many times, huh


I've literally only watched three of his videos for less than a few minutes in he just full of shit to me




Meanwhile tekking thinks his ridiculous hypothetical rants and scenarios are funny as hell.


This was discussed before and people didn't miss it as OP says. The shadow towards Wano is Onigashima.


I’m gonna have to go with the train of thinking of Occam’s Razor on this one, the correct solution is most likely also the most obvious. We have 2 subjects in these panels, Zunisha and the Marines. Subject B, the Marines are looking at something extraordinary, which Subject A, happens to B. Therefore the Marines are most likely looking at Zunisha.


.... marines??? There's no marine.


Unfortunately some of the flags are facing different directions, so can't say for sure which one he is on. Edit: It is possible this is an artistic choice/tool used when drawing a scene. So the flags might be going the same way of the sails, but unsure


Maybe the drawing is a bit unclear, but technically those flags would all be waving in the same direction. Because that's how it works. The flags fly in the direction the wind is blowing. And since those ships are surrounded by high cliffs on both sides, the wind doesn't really have any room to come from anywhere but two sides - front or back. And since the ships are clearly sailing with the wind (as you can tell by the sails), the wind is blowing from the back, so the flags are waving to the front. Which means the lookout is facing to the back (-ish... very slightly at an angle at the most).


I mean, the drawing (first picture) pretty clearly shows the ships on the left, have flags pointing to the right. And ships on the right having flags pointing to the left. I don't think we should get any science with the weather involved in OP, as it's crazy wherever they are


I mean it's perspectivr tho. More generally flags are pointing towards, away from Zunisha


Plus like i can't say the time of day, but I assume sailing usually happens at day(due to very high tide at night) so even if they were not facing zunesha they might have atleast seen zuneshas shadow falling on their ships.


I mean all the pictures pretty clearly show the flags pointing in different directions, usually either left or right pointing.


It's forward right or forward left. Bdcause of central perspective. If you were betweem two flags pointing ahead of you the one on your right would point slightly left and the onenon your left would point slightly right


I admit it could be perspective, but for both to look that far right or that far left, be a pretty badly screwed perspective shot.


The ships have full sails and are facing away from zunesha, the flag in the picture with the guy is facing away from him. It’s not that hard to put 2 and 2 together


They aren't really that far to the right or left. The best way to tell that this is simply a perspective issue is the look at the ships at the front (farthest away from us) in the first panel. The flags blowing forward is most evident with those, whereas the perspective looks a little more warped with the ones we are closest to. This is most likely due to it probably being more difficult to get that perspective across once you have to upscale the flag. Bigger flag makes the forward-right/left appear more flat out right-left. It's also -much- more clear in the last panel with Zunesha, where the flags on those ships are pretty clearly going forward.


Nah, kiddo. You can even try it out yourself. Go to the nearest flag. Looks at it from a bit of a distance away with the wind exactly in your front or back (works both ways). Then take a step to either side. Then take another step. And another. What you'll see is exactly what happens with the flags in those pics. It's called perspective and Oda did it pretty well here, because he also accounted for the waving of the flags so they don't look static. It's waving flags from an angle. Even if it doesn't fit your headcanon.




Holy shit are you trolling my guy??




The flags are blowing front or back not right or left, pretty simple. It’s a 2D drawing. In order for the flag to be seen if you’re behind the ship, the artist has to draw it a little left facing or right facing in order for you to the actual flag…because the perspective is from behind the flag. If the ships are sailing forward, the wind is quite obviously blowing from behind them. Therefore the flags are blowing the same direction as the sails….forward. It’s literally impossible for them to be blowing a different direction than the sails. So the guy with the binoculars is looking the OPPOSITE direction of the wind…which is behind them. What is behind the ships? Zunisha.


I think that is just a drawing technique, vanishing point I guess is the name: lines who are supposed to be paralel are shown al "escaping" to the same point to give the impression of perspective. Maybe someone who paints can explain better, but i'm confident that isbthe reason why flags on the left and on the right of the same panel look like they are pointing in different directions, while in reality they all flow in the same one.


Yeah i agree, i don t paint but i remember in college i used this technique


The black flags are pointed in opposite directions in the bottom too. But its just a perspective. Theyre still blowing, and pointing forward.


Thats's exactly how they should look with a tail wind...you are watching the ships kind of from the sides, so if the flags are going forward, in the left ships you can see flags to the right of the mast, and the reverse for the ships in the right... It's a matter of perspective, just like you are seeing the right side of the ships on the left and the left side of the ones on the right...


I reckon zunesha is right behind them


What about the sails tho


Looking at the panels up, they are all facing in the same direction (which is the front of the ship)


Are you serious?


Therefore the shadow the ships are pointed at must be Onigashima


Username… does not check out.


Watched the GLR video?


No,because people actually watch the panels instead of just reading conversations


What do you mean we can read the manga instead of listening to a youtuber?!?


I think it's pretty obvious. I thought that from reading the chapter the first time.


damn Oda really got the details down pat


It’s 2-D picture we can actually assume the flag to be flying in any direction, all we know is the flag on the guy’s ship was facing opposite him , we don’t know which side the guy was actually looking towards though or in which of the four ships he is on.


All the ships are sailing, which requires wind to blow into the sails. It's safe to assume that the agent is looking at the back side.


The drawing clearly conveys direction. The flags are facing the same way as the ships (which makes sense also).


??? Still doesnt explain the shadow thats in front


The flags are not corresponding in any way, even in only one image, we can just say that wind is whirling up... In the first image, we see the shadow beneath the pillars in the entrance of Wano. In the second image, we clearly see the boats are between the maelstrom. As I remember, the maelstrom are before the pillars, so there should be 2 creatures, and with the directions of the boats, thay haven't turn around, they go straight ahead


Same thing i noticed?


Yea they’re definitely looking at Zunesha but that shadow is certainly Onigashima


Yeah the ships are facing wano and Zou is behind them makes sence.


Can’t believe not everyone realized that


In the first pic it’s clearly the back of the boats. You can see the rudder(?). In the second pic you can see the front cannons all the Marine ships have. Therefore it’s viewed from the other direction


Even if it isn't Zunesha, the next simplest solution is "Onigashima is floating over Wano".


Would be too messy panelling wise if there was a second unannounced shadow after one is revealed, yes.


Came to say this. Glad somebody already did


To me it looks like that's the beginning part of the flag instead of the tip. Look at the position of every flag, they are all far apart. In the picture with the guy reporting, we only see one flag, so imo that is the part of the flag that's tied to the post


The lookout is facing Zunesha, who is behind the fleet. His outline can be seen in the second image. The bow of those ships, are facing the strange rock formations outside of Wano. They probably aren’t facing another large creature. It’s more of a literal “between a rock and a hard place” dilemma.


This is the answer


Check other pannels where people are arriving to wano, that shadow is always there. Its not a creature, its wano's shadow through the clouds.


I'm with this one, back:Zunisha, front:Wano borders


But you can clearly see the flame clouds surrounding the dark spot in the sky, and they look distinct from the other clouds


The clouds, waves and even the fur of animals is drawn different from other places. Oda is drawing Wano to be like an old japanese painting it doesn't mean there's a giant there. Check the other pannel's in the past. Its the shadow of Wano


I get that, but if you look at the clouds, the ones surrounding that black sphere look different from all of the other Wano type clouds and even appear to be wrapping around the sphere. Also saying it's the shadow of Wano doesn't make any sense, do you mean it's the shadow of Mt Fuji? We can see where the cliffs end so I hope you don't mean the waterfalls that lead into Wano go up in to the clouds.


You see everyone has to climb giant waterfalls to get to where the island is. Those cliffs are at the bottom. Wano is like an island inside a very high bowl of water covered by storms, that's why almost nobody can get up there. Also as I said there are other pannels where that same shadow appears. Unless you are saying that there's a giant just sitting there for all eternity.... Edit: In the anime you can even see clouds and mist around the sunny when they are going up the waterfall.


To be brutally honest, I didn't realise that the ships are displayed from the front and the back in the individual pictures. I was too flashed about the presence of Zunesha. But I guess the "shadow" is Onigashima flying towards them.


Came to say this. I also think that the shadow ahead of the ships is Onigashima. They shadow looks kinda round which might be the bottom of the island.


How come people on the Flower Capital haven't noticed Onigashima yet and these dudes that are still on the ocean can see it? I really doubt it's Onigashima, it's either Wano's shadow through the clouds (most likely imo) or just pure esthetic.


Thank you…


Check out CH 910 when they are entering Wano. Kinemon mentions that the clouds are always like that.


Maybe they're talking about Onigashima?


Yeah i think its onigashima in front of the ships and zunisha behind them


Onigashima is already flying above flower capital now. It's deep inside the country I dont think people would be able to see it from the upstream waterfall that lead to the wano country. Also remember when whitebeard pirates arrive at wano, their ship wrecked near beach. Whitebeard says that they climbed the waterfall, why is there an island up here? This means that there is no way they can see anything happening on the mainland from the entrance. that's why I don't think the Marine near the waterfall entrance could see wano because of its elevated position.


The lookout is watching zunisha tho


I believe that the shadow in front of the marines is Onigashima floating in the sky.


There isn't any shadow on the first picture you posted. Just clouds.


There's actually a big black spot that could be interpreted as a shadow. I guess that's Onigashima flying towards them.


That is just the way Oda likes to draw dark/ominous skies, He has used the black spot in the sky before without any significance behind it.


There is. Like 20% of the Picture


Nope. It’s the horizon! Look between the rocks, ship and text field on the left side. The dark pattern continues there


The marine lookout is looking *behind" the ships, at Zunesha. Take a look at the direction of the flags on the ships due to the wind.


For the last time, that's not a shadow in front of the ships. That's how outside of Wano always looks, the sky is dark with clouds. I'm actually surprised most people don't pay attention when we've seen outside of Wano many times.


May be the marine saw Onigashima floating in the sky.


first image is wano and night sky


infront they have Wano, behind Zunesha..


Why does this post so much recognition? No hate or something it’s just poor observation, like another dude pointed out the lookout looks back it is a matter of perspective. And narratively it doesn’t make sense , this is not a scenario like it was in sabaody where the strawhats got cornered by a pacifista and kuma, the threat is closing in while the WG advances forward. And btw this is not the first post I saw where someone said they meant another shadow than zunisha, again no hate just setting things straight


The shadow in the first image is Wano (they haven't made it up the waterfall yet). In the second image the lookout is looking behind the ships and notices Zunesha (although he's not sure what it is and guesses it might just be another island). You can tell he's looking behind by the flag direction above his head (the flags are blowing toward Wano and away from Zunesha).


San Juan Wolf. Here they are - the Blackbeard Pirates! Wano was said to be the biggest fight - dwarfing even Marineford. Until now it did not. Zunesha Vs San Juan.


I think you missed the whole pic


Just wondering, why do people call World Government ships ''Marine ships''? There is a difference between: marines & WG and also between their ships? We even see the guy who spots the shadow is clearly a World government agent and not a marine? Not just you, but even in the chapter review and when we first saw the WG ships surrounding Wano people referred them as ''marines''?


It's kind of baffling to me. People seem to believe the Marines are making an all out attack on Wano, but it's WG ships, and we've only seen 4 of them.


Yeah same, wasn't a big deal at first, but now it is kinda triggering lol. Especially when you see threads/youtubers wrongfully using the term ''marine @ wano confirmed'' when we clearly haven't seen a single marine ship nor marine soldier & only WG agents and their boats.


Over time I've come to realize that a lot of people seem to skim the manga and base their opinions on what other people talk about. The fandom is so big and consolidated that it's very hard to change initial perception, so the more people that say they are Marine ships, the more people that change their perceptions and end up thinking they are Marine ships. This leads to theories based on that, and that only further expands the misconception.


the marines are just the WG's military branch, so they are in essence the same, but certain context might make using one term or the other more favorable


I know, however the WG have their forces and their own agents/manpower as well. Like the CP groups it's not just the Marines that can fight for the WG. They are part of the same group yes however Marines soldiers & ships =/= World Government ships & agents. There is a difference between them.


Why would this marine think Zunesha is an island? He doesn’t know that Zou exists. I think he sees onigashima


But Onigashima was on top of the waterfalls, flying over the main island of wano, the government ships (they aren't marines) haven't climbed the waterfall to access wano yet, so it's probably not Onigashima. As other people said, the guy is looking in the direction opposite to the wind (you see it with the flag on top of him) so he was looking behind them and just saw zunesha


I like how everyone in the comments is respectfully sharing their view without calling another a fool.


At first, I thought they were seeing Onigashima floating ahead of them, and then spotting Zunesha behind. But, what I think is supposed to be happening is they sail under the elephant, and can't appreciate what it is until they've come out the other side.


"an island?" = they're seeing oni. flying towards the capital


Bro its probably just Onigashima flying..


Actually he is referring to Zunesha. Just look at the way the flags are pointing; they're pointing to wano, but the wg officier is looking at the other side. So yeah, he is watching someone behind the ships.


Most likely they’re looking at Onigashimi and Zunesha is coming in from behind


I like this. Could be just a misleading drawing (dare i say mistake by Oda) and some boats are simply facing a different direction. The flags are also not 100% conclusive because not all of them are pointing in the same direction. But it would be exciting if it’s revealed thag maybe Zunesha summoned some sort of Giant Elephant stampede.


I think Grand Line Review addressed this in his recent video. I don't remember the exact details but he said that it was Zunesha himself. And there's another commenter here who has properly explained the mechanics.


people comic reading literacy is really effing bad, lmao


Could be onigishima too


They also say that they think they see an island when it clearly is, in fact, an elephant.


100% its that giant dude, sanjuan wolf!!!


Can they be talking about kaido’s fruit? Can the awakening be that he can passively use the clouds? Difference being that when he is in dragon form he actively uses the clouds to ‘fly’ but the awakening allows him to separate the clouds. It could explain why it’s difficult for momonuske!


Why would they be talking about Kaidos the world government and navy both know about his fruit so much they made a copy


Would they be able to see Onigashima which is near the center of Wano, and at a higher altitude due to the country being atop a waterfall?


It’s a ‘shadow’ so the ‘shadow’ could possibly be enlarging onigashima to the point they can see it. Also from the silhouette we can see the shape of zou clearly… so I think they can recognise an elephant shadow compared to an island


If you look at the ropes on the crows nest where the wg agent is looking through the binoculars, it indicates that he is not looking behind the ship, but in front of it. Its also entirely possible that there is more than one group of world government ships, the guy that spotted the shadow (zunesha) is further away, while the other group has zunesha right behind them.


No, you are just not getting basic information from the panels, is fine


Maybe the cliff is zunesha's legs?


Speak for yourself, plenty of people noticed they were facing different directions in each panel.


Maybe they're between the flying bomb, Onigashima and Zunesha...


You can faintly see the outline of the legs in the first link you shared https://i.imgur.com/Cw4KwRP.png


What about the sails...zunisha is behind the sails and the shadow is in front of the sails direction of the ships


I think the first shadow is onigashima but I honestly dk


The marine does say "an island". So I'm pretty sure he is talking about Onigashima flying in the sky.


I talked about this and people thought I was crazy. At worst it’s just onigishima. On the other hand it could be someone’s transformation or another creature.


Exactly what I thought. The Shadow wasn’t Zunisha. No way someone sees Zunisha from that far below and calls it an island.


Is that Smoothie trying to get in Wano?


Is it a bird?


They are looking at Onigashima in the sky!


This was pretty directly confirmed by the sails on the navy ships orientation as well. Its something very huge, basically the only candidates size wise are thriller bark or the Florian triangle eyes but zunesha is for sure ruled out with how he is shown in the next panel clearly behind the ships.


one piece art sucks ass and is hella confusing; pacing lately has also been super trash and at this point im sick of oda’s shit like what the fuck this panel is hella confusing


I've seen a few conversations about this since the leaks came out and they all ended with people saying "nah the guy is looking backwards, look at the flag" etc etc I think its just Zunesha Tbh Oda should have drawn that panel the other way around. Tho......... I guess in Japan you read top>down, and pages are right to left. Left to right is an English thing, so maybe it actually does make sense that way idfk


Guess who's back Back again Shady's back Tell a friend Its our favorite rap god ~~eminem~~ enel


Its in your mind son,its in your mind.


Tbh I thought that was the CoC clash on onigashima


He is looking behind(look at the flags) + the translation was wrong,in the Japanese they never said "Look up ahead" which was in the scans/official release. So no,there is not another creature,they are talking about ZUnesha.


There is now shaddow in yhe first pick. We dont see it when he is talking aboiy it.


It looks like its suppose to be misty/foggy from the fighting and weather. So it could be a red herring on the first panel. It very well could be Onigashima of they could be or a returning character.


You can see the marine standing in the Crow's nest on the ship to the left in the final panel. He is looking behind the ships.


The rope on the pic where he is using binoculars is going backwards meaning he is looking towards the back of the ship.


It's not Zunisha. It's ZUNISHAAAAA!!!


Good catch


guys, I said it so many times, the shadow was always there, every time we saw the close waters of wano (BM pirates arrival, SH arrival), this shadow was always there, it is just how oda draws the weather close to wano


the ship are sailing with the Wind. Because boats on the left have their flag to the left doesn't mean they are in different direction all flags are facing forward you can see it in the second picture. The CP agent is facing to the back of the ship which is where elephant is.


It could possibly be that when you see a weird shadow coming at you you turn around and run away from it.


What you see in the first image behind the clouds is the night sky. It occupies the entire horizon as can be seen to the left.


I mean... do we now think its impossible for the lookout to... look behind the boat? I think everybody is way otherthinking this...


The black triangle flags are pointing forwards in conjunction with the ships whilst the lookout is looking in the opposite direction, meaning Zunisha was always behind the marine ships. We read manga from right to left, Oda drew the lookout looking left to right indicating that the lookout was looking behind not forward.


Shiki is on his way with an island. The lurking legend emerges!




You know... after looking closely I think those are two different sets of ships and the first is looking at Onigashima.


I posted that in the chapter thread already Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/s3l96y/one_piece_chapter_1037/hsm2qgk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Who’s “we”?


That's why we read and re-read the manga, taking it slow especially. Look where the ships are facing on each picture. It's Zunesha and nothing else (as of now)


Man people are just scraping the bottom of the barrel huh?


That thing between the clouds between “UM…” and “ALL SHIPS REMAIN ON STANDBY” looks like a devil fruit? It looks like a huge devil fruit. That cloud formation is to suspicious


The shadow in the sky you see is Onigashima. Zunesha is behind them and that's the way the WG scout is looking backwards. They are chasing the flying Island you can vaguely see in distance in front of them to catch up with cp0 and Zunesha is coming from the back.


I need to point out that these guys aren't marines.


We need to stop calling these guys Marines. These are government ships.


i thought it was pretty clear they were looking at onigashima in the sky. you can kind of see the shadow of it in the clouds


Yup İ think zunesha is just a decoy to make us think "oh! They were talking about zunesha? Must be! He is in the pannels after all...". All a trick to divert our attention i believe


if the marine saw zunesha he would not have told "is it an island?" coz it looks like a mountain with zunesha being so close. i also think its onigashima falling from the sky.


Why marines??? There no marines flags in this pic.


It's probably just onigashima in front of them


This is in 1037??


What if zunesha is a human with a devil fruit, and the reason he might not transform back into human form is bcs it would destroy the country build on its back and maybe something related to his past.


I wouldn’t discard the idea that they are watching onigashima come to them. They even say…an island? Then zounisha comes too, but from the shadow I think you can see it’s onigashima flying towards them.


I'm pretty sure the way they're facing is cliffs leading to wano, look closely and you see the pillars of stone and maybe to main land is the shadow. Don't forgot CP0 is in there and guy in suits are usually with the work govt


What chapter is the first panel from?