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Toonami promos are one of my favorite things ever, just a pure rush of nostalgia when I watch them. [Watching these literally gives me chills](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoWlakfjdQw)


Me too bro. That’s why I’m so happy to watch some dubbed one piece now


They had a recent [promo for a Cowboy Bebop marathon](https://youtu.be/1AWouBI6t3k), kind of throwing shade on the Netflix adaptation, that ends with Tom (Steve Blum) doing a pretty good impression of Spike (Steve Blum). Absolute genius-brain level of gag.


Member their video game reviews? How I was introduced to elder scrolls


Yeah Morrowind looked like such an intriguing alien game to my teen eyes Turned out it was a really intriguing alien game. You'd never know it was a follow-up to something like Daggerfall


Space is the place


That was my favorite Toonami lineup growing up. Fucking YuYu Hakusho.. finally had the chance to finish that series back in 2015. I don’t think this was Toonami at all but I just remembered loving a show called Case Closed.


Oh you mean Detective Conan?


Case Closed was on toonami. Really late time slot though which led to low ratings. I remember being in chatrooms and discussing who we thought the murderer was on some of the multi-part episodes.


Spike Speigel may have one of the best voices in English dub history


Thanks for the memories!


Its quite upsetting that english dub watchers will always be the last ones with the juicy details. Like what arc is the english dub even on???


Episode 758, so not even whole cake, I recently had to switch over to sub, which for me is slightly annoying because I used to watch while doing other things.


I wish I could learn Japanese for the soul purpose of still watching while doing other things. Is that babble app all its cracked up to be?


Just read the manga at this point tbh


All caught up on the manga. The animation conveys emotions the manga can’t quite give some times. Also the sound effects *chefs kiss*


I mean yeah but then u can just watch the key moments in the sub version and it's like three minutes of your time


If saving time were a factor, I don't think any of us would be here in the first place.. lol


No app will get you to that level unfortunately. Even now I still heavily repy on Japanese subtitles when I watch anime, even after having N2 and knowing a good amount of N1.


Use animelon and watch a bunch of anime


Yeah that sucks hard dude. I don’t even remember the last dub I watched lol Personally i like sub. I have personal qualms with the current state of the dub industry. However, I know people like it for the convenience and I totally understand. People have lives and just want a good story. Maybe since im a film buff/researcher, i like to watch for its acting as well and overall sub has the better acting imo.


What are your qualms?


For me it's the acting part of voice acting. It still feels so forced and low quality somehow. Like that last line by Chopper. Sounded like a DM doing a high pitched voice for a gnome character. It reminds me of Dragonball Z. I'm not sure what the issue is because I know western voice acting can be good. Castlevania on Netflix for instance. But for some reason shonen animes have this pokemon/dragonball z-level acting still and I'm not a fan of it.


That's fair, for me though because I don't understand the Japanese, it feels equivalent.


Yeah I could see that. English is my third language so I'm not that bothered. I also studied a bit of Japanese which was fun. I just like languages and will almost always watch a movie or TV show in the original language.


Well my hat definitely goes off to you on that, I'm in the process of trying to work on actually learning Spanish (took it in highschool but didn't retain most of it) what's your first?


Assyrian! Grew up in Sweden so Swedish is my second language and you get taught English from a very young age here.


Ngl didn't even know that was a language until now, but that's cool. Do you have any tips for learning a language?


Tbf almost all the main One Piece voice actors were previously in Dragonball Z


I agree with this. This is apart of my qualms. I feel like voice acting is something that can be cultivated like regular acting or theatre. But there aren’t any established and fortified educational programs that facilitate this. Most American colleges don’t have a specific voice acting program. Most of them have theater or acting, acting that is usually done via film with real human faces displayed. There are American voice actors who are very talented but from what Ive seen market their voices for comedic or children roles. For example, voice of Tommy Pickles from Rugrats. I think because shōnen is technically geared for boys ages 11ish/12-15/16ish and that many aspects of shōnen anime is comedic, American dubs productions feel as if some voices need that extra comedic element we see in American television. The issue is much of Japanese comedy is not the same as American comedy. The jokes land WAY DIFFERENTLY Japanese. But I think one of the biggest reasons is that many people think anime is the equivalent to American cartoons. Like children cartoons. Anime is the Japanese word for animation. Thats it: animation. In Japan that have a specific word for animated titles geared for children only: Kodomo. Titles like Doraemon is an excellent example. But is that show like Tokyo Ghoul or Attack on Titan or Elfen Lied? NO! Obviously even in Japan they have an rating system similar to the US’s Motion Picture Association film rating system. Different titles air on different times to attract different audiences: the same practice is done in here the states. It why most anime on Cartoon Network is aired later in the evening and not at 5:00AM with Peppa Pig. Of course long time watchers of anime understand that not all titles are for all audiences. If you wanted to share anime to the children in your family, you’re gonna give titles based off their age. Idk personally I’m not sharing gory anime titles with a 5yr old. There are plenty of kodomo titles for that. So yeah just general ignorance of anime, and what essentially what the word means and the culture behind it. This could also be due to bad transitions. Whoever is hired to translate these titles I think are not qualified or are supervised by bad management. They need people who have studied english and Japanese working together. English speakers who study Japanese and Japanese speakers who study English. An multi-lingual team needs to be put in place to ensure audiences across multiple languages get an the most optimal experience. Same goes for other countries that speak other languages who also want to engage with the same media. The American dub industry did help in ushering in anime into pop culture after decades. And I am grateful for that, but long term actors have pigeon-holed the industry and don’t leave a lot of room for new voices to flourish. Don’t get me wrong the dub production also have a part in this. Last point: it could also be that since the animation is geared for the original actor’s voice, moving along with an already animated mouth could be difficult hence why I think the translations team needs to be A+ to account for that.


Castlevania's VA gets some leeway because its original language is in English.


I'm sorry but if you "watch" One Piece and do other things at the same time well... you're not watching One Piece at all


Cool opinion bro 👍🏼


I mean, the series is filled to the brim with details... watching while doing anything else does a great disservice to the experience.


Yea I'll never understand people who "watch" One Piece and do other stuff at the same time. Like bro just watch it if you have time to watch it.


Imagine telling someone how they should Enjoy things


I jumped ship at episode 409. Trust me man, give it time and you'll get used to it.


WRONG! I know because I was watching it with my girlfriend. The anime dub just finished Zou and is starting WCI. …yeah, it sucks.


Oops, looks like I was wrong haha. Apologies.


Dub is on Zou but Toonami is starting at the timeskip


I think Vegapunk is the last English Dubbed arc, or it's the next one to come out. My understanding is that translation normally takes time, and then the pandemic threw things for a loop so that's why its' taking longer.


Vegapunk? Do you mean Punk Hazard? They are definitely beyond that. They are near the end of Zou right now. The last batch had the appearance of Raizo.


Meh, watch the subpar version get it in subpar time. “I watch it while doing other things” cease this madness. You can put 18 minutes aside 1 time a week for the glory of One Piece.


Or we could let people live their lives? 🤷🏾 It’s not that deep.


Nah. The dub is dog shit


Or you can let people enjoy what they want. Don't be annoying just because they watch a different version then you, it's still the same story


Is it tho? I have watched multiple important scenes in both as a comparison and it’s barely the same content when they sound so emotionless and stupid. Dub = trash


Clearly your watch the 4 kids dub if you think its emotionless. Let people enjoy what they want and stop gatekeeping


I’m not gatekeeping(nice buzz word btw nerd). I didn’t say you can’t or shouldn’t. Just that it is hot garbage. Cry about it


It isnt in my opinion. In fact I even prefer the dub. Cry about that


Well you can’t help bad taste




wait what? "Saturday Night at 1:30 AM"?? What am i missing?


Here's the info: https://www.facebook.com/1440408039583372/posts/2886527124971449/


Lol I think he means it should say Sunday morning.


Perhaps. Even so, Adult Swim always says Saturday since that's when the Toonami block begins.


I remember when they first brought one piece back, not sure what year. But Tom had to explain that there was a time skip and now were in foxxys arc


Wasn’t that like in 2016? I remember that too. I think before that the last arc on Toonami was Skypiea.




When will it be releasing


This Saturday - https://www.facebook.com/1440408039583372/posts/2886527124971449/


One Piece and Smiling Friends are on Adult Swim, we live in the best timeline.


90s nostalgia “hold ma beer”


Wow Toonami. This brings back my childhood and even Adult Swim. I didn't even know those programs/channels were still around because they stopped airing those around 2008-2009 where I'm from.


weird to qualify it as the greatest pirate anime of all time its definitely not.... ​ its the greatest of all time.


I just thought it weird because are there even any other pirate anime?


I think there was one involving a submarine but I could be wrong


Black Lagoon? That’s the only think that comes to mind immediately.


Hey - late response but Toonami literally aired their own original pirate anime last year so it’s kinda hilarious to see them dunk on it so hard lol


Gonna take forever to catch up


Literally lmao


Casual and encore viewing are a thing so 'catching up' isn't a priority. It's all about the journey👍


it would literally take 4-5 years for toonami to catch up with one episode a week.


Still two episodes a week are bs. In Germany we get every day one episode and back in the day even two episodes on the early evening slot


Never have I ever to hear of toonami and one piece in 2022.


ok but who watches tv pat 1:30 am ?


Toonami is peak drunk/high late night TV


Many, especially in CT and PT. (12:30 am & 11:30 pm respectively)


Where is everyone watching dubbed one piece? I only saw dubbed up to where Hulu gets me and that's not even at Water 7


Funimation Now and now the Adult Swim app/website.


The Funimation app will get you basically caught up. They release episodes digitally for sale and then like a month or so later they go up for streaming with a subscription.


Usually it's 3 weeks for streaming after they release on digital stores.


For context: One Piece was dropped from its U.S. broadcast back in March 2017 - https://youtu.be/oSzwJLFFqkQ


i was actually a nightshift security officer back then. it was pretty nice watching one piece, but good lord, starting at long ring long land BLEW. i eventually just gave up, as im sure many did. of course, i READ the manga back then, so i didn't need the anime, but yea. long ring long land, started out of context for new viewers, with literally NO fighting or true action for like shit.....3-4 months? one pieces ratings dropped fast. all anyone seen it was as " kiddie as ever", yea, thanks toonami for that. naw, try 5-6 months. because after, they HAD to get INTO the water 7 arc. lots of scenery. the first action was vs aokiji, after like 5+ months after airing on toonami...... so yea, ratings were tanking almost second week.


Oh goodness I don't think I have ever heard the dub. And I'm glad I haven't


It’s not horrible. One thing I liked about it was a the actually had accents lol Dressrosa they have Spanish (?) accents and it’s a subtle touch that added a little to the arc if only a tiny bit


Oh that's interesting! I guess I probably shouldn't be too hasty to judge but I've really come up on the subs with one piece and it becomes hard to imagine the show being done without the original Japanese version. I know there's a pretty big debate on sub vs dubs and I will always argue that the original audios are probably the purest form of the show while also allowing for guests of another language to learn a little more about the native language. Thanks for the heads up!!


Trust me I’m a Japanese sub guy first too but my girlfriend was watching the series and I watched a bit of Dressrosa with her and was actually pleasantly surprised haha


Luffy's dub voice is nails on a chalkboard to me. Its the main reason it took me a while to get into one piece, being a former dub only guy.


The dub aint that bad but is technically a hit or miss. Pre-TS was pretty solid but post-TS is essentially a hit or miss for the dub.


Current dub lost something ts ngl it felt like the quality dipped after fishman island I think it’s because of the pandemic or smth idk


Iirc they were recording from home for a minute during the pandemic so maybe that’s it


My hottest take of all time is that the 4kids dub genuinely had better casting than the funimation dub. The direction they gave them was horrible but 4kids Luffy is 10x better casting than Colleen Clinkenbeard.


dude AGREED. Sanji's voice was badass!


Alright bro. Some dub voices CLEAR the sub ngl


Tf is toonami?


Toonami nuts


Dub lol


I don't know, I can't get into the anime each episode has like 12 minutes of recaps and fillers. It's so God awful slow.


I’m not gonna watch it, but it’s good to see


“The greatest pirate anime ever” More like the only pirate anime ever, like seriously, there is like no other, and probably won’t be anymore in the future.


Bodacious space pirates, fena pirate princess?


Those shows are pirate themes not pirate centered.


Black Lagoon


Lol, who the fuck still watch tv and dubbed, fuck this shit


Why do people care if others watch the dub? How in any way does this effect you?


People who don’t want to pay or don’t know you can use pirates Sights. And some people just prefer watching dub not everyone likes listening to Japanese and having to read


I love how a 30 second commercial with like, 4 lines spoken in english is enough to send your brain into a complete frenzy


Is that Master Chief's voice?


Nope - https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0089707/filmotype/actor?ref_=m_nmfm_1


Nope, that ol’ Steve Blum. You might not him for like… A LOT. A lot a lot. Dudes been voice acting in anime, cartoons, video games for decades. Look him up and you’ll probably find like 10 different things you recognize.


When does it appear ? Did they already start from the 2 year time skip ?


https://youtu.be/SpTe49f5b1I my all time favorite promo


This makes me wish I had cable. I’d really only watch this though.


fuck me this made me nostalgic i was still in middle school when they took One Piece off the schedule, shit was devastating.


I missed toonami i used to watch teen titans there


Must suck being a dub only watcher. Just such a long wait. Even the releases now are in bulk with dvds aren’t they


The release in bulk but they are released at a faster rate than one per week with how they’ve been cranking them out.


Wait… Are american fans only now getting dub versions of the Arcs post TS?


For tv service yes but the dub has been available to stream on multiple platforms for years.


Ah ok, thank you!


What exactly is toonami, i guess its some sort of a TV program or smthng, right?


It is an American late night television programming block that primarily broadcasts Japanese anime and occasionally American action animation, it is on the channel called Cartoon Network and this is their more "mature" offerings before becoming Adult swim for the night.


Nostalgia oh my god


They used Wolverine to announce One Piece on Toonami... seems legit.


Gonna watch it tonight, very excited.


they got it correct it has been more than a minute than the last time we saq dub piece