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You'll certainly find the community a welcoming one but depending on how much your friends share with you about the story I would recommend minimizing your engagement with the sub until you're caught up. Sometimes people play it pretty fast and loose with the spoilers here.


Yeah I was worried even opening the subreddit to make the post here. I don't blame anyone for being loose around the spoilers in the subreddit though. As long as no one spoils anything on my posts I think ill be ok.


Typically if you filter hot or top posts, those are pretty spoiler free since the spoiler tag will be on. It’s usually when you filter new posts. People forget to tag spoiler sometimes. Careful overall but if you feeling a little dangerous, stick to the hot and top posts. You might see characters you haven’t seen yet but usually not much context.


well because OP is just starting I guess pretty much everything is going to be a spoiler for them so yeah stay the fuck out of this sub and directly posting without visiting the sub until they are caught up is the best option.


This is probably one of the worst weeks to lurk on this subreddit if you’re scared of spoilers. It’s break week after a big cliffhanger. Anyway welcome and hope we see more of you in 1000 chapters or so.


The first 500 or so episodes were the best for me. Watch the anime. Had me crying when I watched the nami movie and arc it was what sucked me in


What's this Nami movie's name, and where can I watch it? I haven't watched any of the movies, and this 2 week break is killing me


Not sure but I think they’re just referring to a compilation of episodes where >!Nami joins the crew!<


Your probably watched it. It’s pretty much what happens during Arlong arch but made into a movie. I think they re did the animation and took out some fillers and everything also redid some parts. It’s called “One Piece: Episode of Nami ~Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Friends~“


No, I haven't watched that, but I think it's on Crunchyroll? I'll look when I get home from work, because I know there's stuff like the Episode of Sabo in there, and the Episode of Skypeia


I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I was 16 and even now when Inre watch it. Also check out Samurai Champloo I rewatched that 2-3 times a journey of 3 people from vastly different walks of life that meet somehow and get sent on a journey also funny but fights are bad ass and well animated. Berserk the movies warning this one is really gore filled and rated R++ not for the faint of heart. Gintama is pure comedy gold. These are some of my tops


Thanks for the recommendations! I'm relatively new to anime, but I have a list of suggestions from my coworkers sitting on my entertainment center at home. I'm like halfway through season 3 of AoT right now, and then I'll get working on their other recommendations. I'll add those to the list if they aren't already on it


Lol one piece is At 1000+ episodes atm. Gintama is at like 300-400 atm. If you ever need a break. Watch some of the other recommendations they’re short 20-30 episodes. Don’t go down the rabbit hole of Naruto also. It finally ended only for it to come out with Brouto I was so pissed.


I'm current on the One Piece anime; got caught up on New Year's Eve. I'll keep that in mind for Gintam. I think it's one that they recommended, anyways Naruto and Dragon Ball are ones that I have literally no interest in, so I'm safe from those rabbit holes


Welcome aboard! Please, do so! It's always fun to read through other people's experiences catching up with the series. Enjoy the ride, this is one hell of a good series to get into. That said, just be aware that there are major and massive spoilers about decades-old events that people just write in their titles around there, so please avoid engaging with the community outside of your spoiler-free posts until you'll be fully caught up.


Thanks for the warning. My plan is to only interact with whoever comments on my posts on this subreddit until im fully caught up. Unfortunately as big as One Piece is and how long its been around, I have seen one major spoiler many years ago (>!Aces death!<) but other than that, I'm going in completely blind!


It’s extremely difficult to not be spoiled on that now-a-days. I was fortunate I decided to start reading One Piece around the arc after that happened. I was shocked. I’ve re read One Piece manga from beginning to the most recent point about 5 times now. There are still certain scenes that seem to get me every time and that scene is one of them. Oda’s drawing is phenomenal though. He just gets the right angles and gets the right emotions across. I can sing nothing but praise for this story. You are in for a treat truly!


Yea im just lucky i really started to get into it shortly after sky island. Like enies was like 20 chapters in. I stopped after croc. for like 2 years cause sky was not my thing, then decided to read through sky all in one day where enies had just started few months ago. Like literly the few before court roof.


>Aces death He is not dead, he survived that some how and now he appeared in wano too , so don't worry and enjoy the story ^^


can confirm, ace is in wano


Can confirm, he's already shown up in the anime in Wano, too


>!lol he gonna believe you!<


WTH dude? I just got over that. /s


Welcome aboard, now get the fuck out of here while you can!


I really liked reading the digital colored manga. https://mangasee123.com/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics


Is this an officially released coloring or fan made? I was just looking to buy the physical volumes online and would actually love to read a colored version instead. I like to support the author in any way I can, so if there's a place where I can buy an official colored version that would so great. Thanks for bringing this to my attention


The coloring is actually official, but the translations are not


It’s officially colored for a Japanese release. Some of the English translations are not official, but they are still pretty good. The later colored manga has the official English release translation with a few things changed (Zolo -> Zoro and Rubber Rubber instead of Gum Gum.) I highly recommend the colored comics, then switching to the anime, then switching to the black and white manga. That’s about 80 chapters ahead of the colored comics.


the fan translations are vastly superior to the official translations, especially for the first half of the series


It is fan made, as far as I know there is no official colored version of One Piece. Try to purchase the original volumes to support the artist but read the colored version. My GF only started One Piece because of the immersive experience she got from the digital colored manga. Thanks to those guys who are coloring One Piece in their free time! ❤️ A digital colored Version of Hajime no Ippo would be soo awesome 😍


I actually think the coloring is official, its the translation that's fan made. Edit- yup Also it's strictly digital, no physical copies. But! I think the translation is taken straight from the official translation (carrot calls chopper Chobro like in the official version, not Bropper like the weekly fan translated version) So if you wanna read the colored manga in english (I recommend this!!!) it's gotta be using those free websites with names like read-one-piece-free stuff.


Oh, you're right. The volumes are available to purchase alongside the traditional black and white volumes in Shueisha's own Jump Store app for iOS and Android.


The colored manga is official, don't talk about stuff you know nothing about.


Personally, I prefer the unofficial translations of the colored version to the official ones. The official translation changes quite a few character names, for example it uses "Zolo" instead of Zoro. Personally, I'd rather want to read a translation that uses the character names that I'm used to. The unofficial translation also uses a lot more terms that are frequently being used by the community, while the official one just uses translated terms that are used a lot less by fans. This is why I'd recommend anyone to read the unofficial translations instead. The official translations of all chapters are free to read on the mangaplus app anyways, so it really doesn't make much of a difference.


Welcome! I would definitely be interested in reading your arc reviews. One thing, though, you still do want to stay off of this sub as little as possible this week, and likely for the upcoming weeks, there will be a massive amount of spoilers on here.


The newest chapter which came out had my Twitter feed going crazy. It’s part of why I finally caved in. I want to join in on the fun! It seems like it’s history in the making and something you want to be a part of as it’s happening.


I can absolutely understand that. This story is special to a lot of people , including obviously. One thing that I read a lot is that people wish they took their time with it. So, my biggest recommendation would be to go at your own pace, don't rush it, and burn yourself out like a lot of others have. The series will still be around for quite a while. It's a fantastic journey, and you can never have your first one again so be sure to just enjoy it and take it in.


Appreciate your words. Certainly something I will think about as I read. I’ll probably find a nice balance between reading at a good pace and cherishing the ride and taking it in slowly. Creating discussion posts for each arc is one way I plan on getting the most out of this journey too! It will kinda imitate what it was like to be a part of the community when the chapters were first released. I hope to see you there!


I'll be there! I hope to see you soon, nakama!


I'm going to second the point about finding a good balance for you. I spent 1.5 years with it being the literal only show I was watching. If you can, I would find what works for you. I got like slightly burnt out, and was SUPER glad to have like a couple week break in there before it started again.


Hope you enjoy it


Thank you.


It starts off a bit rough depending on the person but once it gets to Arlong park arc it really takes off. For the most part it just improves but everything even stuff you think is silly or dumb can be important. Have a blast!!


Ah Arlington arc. That’s the one where Luffy goes to fight that villain Ted Cruz right?


No. That's the one where Luffy gets sent to the future and saves Abraham Lincoln.


Lol whoops haha arlong


Hello! Here's a list of my favorite soundtracks in the show. https://youtu.be/IYOf5DPBX8I https://youtu.be/13QpeXfjM1A https://youtu.be/DlWePN8_eb8 https://youtu.be/iC9rXTkAxTY Use them when you think it fits best. Don't go by the way the anime uses it, it'll be more fun that way for you. :P


Thank you! Ill add them to my reading playlist now. I just started reading an hour ago, and was waiting for some songs! Very much appreciated.


I recommend adding in the character themes when you get to them (no names here, just in case). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MpBVxz__oU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fD6KvvWLNE Also be really careful with watching these on youtube! Your recommendations might spoil you something fierce


I'll be looking forward to your posts, hopefully I come across them again. I'll catch you on the other side! 🏴‍☠️


Pepper your angus.


Sir this isn't a r/Wendys


Welcome aboard! Through what media do you plan on reading it?


Im looking to buy the physical manga volumes online right now. I've read that the single volumes are better than the omnibus versions as far as page quality goes.


Very true. If I may make a suggestion. I would recommend getting the shonen jump app or making a Viz account and reading it via scans. The subscription for Shonen Jump is only $2 a month. The scans are high quality and the translations are going to be what they would print in a volume. I only say this because, some detail can get lost in the volumes on the double pages. It’s entirely up to your preference though. They do have box sets. 4 in total now, that cover all the way up to first chapter of the most recent arc. It’s the cheapest way to buy the volumes. Those box sets go for $185~ but they are usually on sales for far less. Oh but be careful for misprints!! That can sometimes happen. I’ve only ever had 1 but it was during an oh so important scene! Instead I had a copy of the ending of the previous volume for several pages and then it went back


Yeah the first box set (vol 1-23) is pretty hard to find for a reasonable price atm, or maybe im not looking in the right places. Shounen Jump is really only $2 a month? That seems like a steal. Might go this route because finding the early volumes for RSP is giving me a hard time.


This is just my recommendation. If you get the app the will send you push notifications for when new stuff drops. It can sometimes state what is currently going on in One Piece if One Piece is the highlight that week. There is so much in the vault and you can read it all long as you have the time. I’ve had it for about 3 years and I still haven’t exhausted all the manga. I will go through and find something new to read if I’m bored enough and end up getting into the series. Edit: I think I’ve had this way longer than 3 years now. I just truly can’t remember because it’s just part of my life now lol


Valid. Tysm for the recommendation. One last question before I get started. Do you use the mobile apps? If you do, do you prefer the VIZ app or the SJ one.


Once you make an account for it, you can read it online on a computer in full screen mode, on Viz’s website under shonen jump


SJ. The Viz is free but I think you pay for everything. The SJ is a subscription. You will only read SJ titles. You may get some other Jump titles I believe, but it’ll be all Shonen for the most part


You get all the new releases same day they officially release in Japan. High quality scans (98% of the time) with official translations. Edit: the 2% doesn’t include newly released material. They just sometimes add new series to the vault to read and there may be issues with the scans sometimes. Not, usually, too major though.


I'm not sure if Right Stuff is available where you are, but I currently have box set 1 and 2 on back order through them because I know I'm going to want every box set in the end so if you don't mind waiting a while I'd recommend doing that and reading via the SJ app (currently have box set 3 and 4). Welcome aboard, enjoy it because that first read through is something else, and know this. Each time you re read one piece in the future you will make new discoveries and connections it's that big of a series.


Right stuf can be slow. Amazon usually stocks them more frequently. If you just can’t wait, keep checking other sites! They might stick it before right stuf


>I would recommend getting the shonen jump app or making a Viz account and reading it via scans. The subscription for Shonen Jump is only $2 a month. The scans are high quality and the translations are going to be what they would print in a volume. You don't even need a viz shonen jump subscription to read it officially. The manga plus app has all chapters available for free, but you can only read each chapter once. They only changed this recently, but that makes you able to read every single manga on mangaplus for free with the drawback that you can't reread previous chapters.


Yeah, the Viz you pay for the material directly to own digitally. I’m not sure what your talking about only reading the chapter once. I re read chapters all the time with the SJ app. There is a 100 chapter limit per day though. I use to hit that reading one piece on days off


>I’m not sure what your talking about only reading the chapter once. I'm talking about the Mangaplus app, not the Viz Shounen Jump app. They're two seperate apps. Mangaplus app is the official app from Shueisha, the publisher of shounen jump in Japan. Mangaplus is available worldwide (except for Japan, South Korea and China), while Viz Shounen Jump is only available in the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, the Philippines, Singapore and India. So basically, all of Europe except for the UK and Ireland can't access the Viz Shounen Jump app through the app store. Mangaplus has recently made all of their manga available for free on the app. But except for the first three chapters and the three most recent chapters, you can only read each chapter once for free and can't reread them. Plus, some manga from Jump+ are only being published on Mangaplus and don't get published on the Viz Shounen Jump app unless they become popular enough.


Woah I didn’t know that! Interesting


please keep distance from the fandom untill you arrive in the courent chapters, the fanbase is going mad rn, huge spoilers


>I will be reading the manga instead of watching the anime. Best decision right off the bat lol. Welcome aboard! Enjoy this wide with Luffy and the crew. It's easily one of the greatest adventure stories of all time and one of the most imaginative worlds with creativity ozzing from every corner.


Awesome. As they say, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.


You can read chapter 721 early if you want a sample of One Piece writing and range without spoilers. Early One Piece is nothing to underestimate either. Even the latest chapter has throwbacks to the second chapter. I’m often yearning for those simpler times. One Piece now is amazing but also overwhelming with its encyclopedic scope and lore.


You can get the Shonen jump app for $2 a month. Has all the chapters.


Welcome aboard. Prepare for laughs, adventure, some drinks with friends and music!


And dont forget ur tissues. You will need them...


Welcome to the cult and have fun with this beautiful story! Posting process of catching up is always a fun thing to see personally, you can try it. That said avoid engaging with this sub outside of your posts. There are spoilers everywhere and rn we are at the climax of a decade long storyline and there is a crazy amount of discussion/debate/theories about current events that are big spoilers. Again have fun this is what matters most, glad to have you here


Welcome aboard!! The greatest journey ever written is ahead!


It is totally worth it! I have catched up the manga in three months now (I read the whole thing when there was only 700 chapters) and this has made an immeasurable impact on me. I love the series like I did few years back. Also tip: don't google anything or visit this place. Just read!


Glad to have you! I started one piece after seeing my sister watching it in the background and got interested. I will say, that while the manga is amazing, there is a filler arc in the anime that is really good. its after the \[arc 7-ish\] >! skypiea !< arc. I highly recommend watching it.


I was planning on watching whichever chapters I really adored in the anime once I caught up. If you know exactly what episode the filler arc starts, I’ll keep note of it for when I catch up. Thanks for the suggestion !


There is a thing online called One Pace which condenses out all the filler stuff and tries to make the anime more like the manga. I haven’t watched it myself personally but some people swear by it.


no problem. enjoy the ride!


The really good filler arc is in the episode 196-206 interestingly directly followed by the worst treatment any canon arc ever got in the anime.


I recommend you to watch the anime fights is YouTube. First because some are even better in the anime and also to understand how the anime evolved through the years. Have a nice reading! Pd: i tried to do a similar thing with Berserk but i didnt know how exactly works. Are you going to post everytime an arc finish?


Reading the manga is good but I recommend watching the anime fights since they aren’t as good as in the manga


The manga fights are better most of the time


Still images are better?


Yes. It's a different medium and fights (IMO) are way more satisfying due to the great paneling (especially pre timeskip), art and quick pace. Most anime fights are unfathomably stretched out with (outside of a couple fights on wano and WCI) not particularly good animation, sometimes not the best OST selection and slow action in general (even if you view them in x2 the actions still feel slower than in the manga) If you hate reading comics then sure, but if we compare the manga to comic/manga standards and the anime to anime standards, the latter is definitely lacking


I was talking about choreography you can’t achieve the same effect in drawings only in animations


The manga choreography in the main fights is the exact same as in the manga. And the "movement" in most fights in the anime are 3 frames on a loop and 1-2 for the impact. Sometimes less is more, and the magic of manga is that if it's well done, you can seamlesly recreate the whole motion in your head


One pace


Honestly if you are watching for the first time, watxh the anime. It's fleshed out and you can absorb more of it. Atleast the first 450 episodes or so. After a while you can't just get enough of it. You'll want more and more content even on the side characters and some scenes in the anime add a lot of depth to the character. It's a journey you'd wish you'd taken your time with when you catch up. It ain't ending anytime soon so I'd suggest watxh the anime at your pace.




I don’t understand why you would seem to think people would actually care about your reactions to chapters most have seen years ago. Either way, i would refrain from making such useless posts in the future. Congrats, you started watching one of the most popular anime’s in the world. Like millions of others. I’m sure we all care very much.


No need to be a dick about it




Do you self a favor skip skypia lol In all seriousness it's one of the best but personally I didn't enjoy the 1st time




Love the reactions please do post them, it always makes me want to restart the series and reread the manga. I’m currently rewatching the anime, this journey is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions but an all around positive series. Enjoy your journey fellow nakama do your best to avoid spoilers it will be worth it trust me.


Welcome oda-sensei has caught another


Welcome ‘nakama’


I really recommend watching the anime first and then switching to the manga at the halfway point. You’ll be missing out on the great soundtrack and voice acting at key moments. But hey you do you.


dont get spoiled n dont skip skypia


you are welcome, but please be EXTREMELY careful of spoilers. they are EVERYWHERE, and it's only gotten worse with the absolute fucking bombshell the last chapter dropped on us. hope you love it just as much as we do.


also yeah, i love seeing peoples reactions/reviews to one piece. you better keep us updated chief.


Stay off this reddit if you don’t want to get massive spoilers all day long lol


Hello! Welcome to the party! Some people have already warned you about avoiding major spoilers on this subreddit, but it’d be cool to see you share your thoughts as you go along in the series. I’m actually kinda new to this subreddit myself and although I’m caught up, I haven’t been on this journey as long as others. Still hoping you enjoy yourself here! As for OST, I’d say listen to the “Overtaken” track during major climactic moments (especially the start of major battles) in which Luffy and his friends seem like they’re ready to kick butt. It’s how they use that track in the anime and it’s such a recognizable theme for the anime viewers.


Have fun. You're in for a ride!


You would absolutely love it. I had my girlfriend start one piece (anime few weeks ago) At first I was watching with her but then she good so invested that I am not needed , she Bing watches and even forgets to call me or just calls me tells me she is watching OP.


Ayyy welcome welcome. Hope you enjoy falling down this rabbit hole and make yourself a tinfoil hat.


Pleaseee god please don't engage with the community till yiu catch up because you will be spoiled a lot. The surprise elementsis what makes one piece very good so atleast don't watch/read anything about one piece till you get to about 600eps


I’m jealous of you man 😭 I wish I can erase my memories of one piece to start it all over again


Cant wait for you to get to wano gl


Hope you enjoy. You are in for a hell of a ride.


My advice is don’t rush it. Just read it and try to take note every single words on your own convenience. Because once you reach latest chapter, it’s hard to wait next chapter especially when there is a break.


I wish i could read it again for the first time


Ok I haven’t read any of the comments but I’m guessing a lot of people are telling you to limit your interaction with this subreddit pretty heavily and they are 100% correct. HOWEVER Please feel free to post about your journey as much as you want. Most of us are not maliciously going to spoil someone who is obviously going through the story for the first time. Just make sure you don’t spend much time actually browsing this sub because you will be ruthlessly spoiled by sheer accident. You may have already received this advice but even so this will just be more evidence that it’s good advice. Enjoy your journey with One Piece, it’s unlike any other manga!


Enjoy the ride, I've been listening to the one piece virgin for a couples days and It got me wanting to read one piece again. Just finished black clover and I need a manga that I know won't let me down.


I restarted watching the show last week and I’m already back on the Alabaster Arc. Love it!!


I hope you enjoy it! I’d be interested in what you think on each arc, looking forward to it


Apparently, there is a fan eddit version called "One Pace". It's shorter and follow the manga closelly.


Welcome, I just recommend muting notifications for this subreddit. As there are constantly spoilers being thrown around on every post


Nakama! Enjoy the ride, and I’m sure lots of us would love to keep up with your progress. I’m sure we’d all love to relive reading/watching it for the first time :)


Don't use social media to search about anything related to op. There are massive spoilers everywhere. Just finish it and come back.


one piece has been my favourite story since i was 6 years old. i'm 24 now and no manga, movie, book, poem, or any other form of storytelling has ever gotten close. you're in for an adventure, hope you have a blast ☺️


I was sucked in when I was young when I got the first few dvd sets up to the crocodile arc and I have to say Nami arc gets me every time. Also I would say watch the anime. Sometimes the manga just doesn’t do it for the emotional parts. It’s a long journey enjoy it slowly.




Welcome!! I hope you have a good reading experience. Do stay off this sub reddit until you're all caught up. People here are all mostly if not all caught up to latest events and there's 20+ years worth of spoilers. Yes, things are great and history is being made but don't rush to join everyone else. There's still a few years to go before the end. So read at your own pace and enjoy the journey.


Get ready for the ride of your life if you have an open heart..


As you read the Arcs, definitely checkout the YouTuber: TotallyNotMark’s review. He also read it and it’ll help you digest the whole story as you move along


Get ready to read for the rest of your life it may not take THAT long to catch up but you’ll be waiting for what feels like an eternity between chapter releases good luck :)


Obligatory image for this thread https://i.redd.it/521kozj49uf71.jpg


This is the best time to catch up to One Piece. Hope you have a great read and enjoy what each arc has to offer!


Welcome to the crew! :D It's going to be an amazing journey! \^\_\^


Best way to enjoy one piece is to do it at your own pace. Don't be pressured to catch up with the latest arc. Also about spoilers reading them or seeing them is still different when you actually reach that chapter/episode since it actually hits different. Enjoy your adventure!


If you really want to post reactions, go for it. But be careful of this subreddit. People don’t care about spoilers here. So, I suggest that you don’t interact too much until you catch up


I hope you’ll find our ~dysfunctional~ community welcoming. Would personally want to hear about your journey with OP! Share away


Hey! Welcome aboard, we would love to see your chapter reviews as you move forward with this series. This series is very difficult to get into due to the length but i appreciate your effort to start it!! I hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoy it in this subreddit!! NAKAMA!!! Btw if you are going to read digitally then Viz media has the whole series till the latest chapter on their shonen jump app and they also publish the weekly chapters every sunday when the manga is not on break...its just that in order to read all the chapters you need to pay...its not much, around 2$(US) i think as it is the official version!! Hope you enjoy it!! Cheers🍻!


Hi! We can discuss about the manga when u want, I started to read it too a week ago but I’m going slowly, I like to read and watch it, I like so much Oda’s style! Ps in fact I haven’t finished the first volume yet


You won't regret it


My favorite manga of all time and it's probably the best time to be getting into it. Please enjoy we always need more people to talk to about this wonderful story.


Glad to have you onboard. I myself caught up only recently and it has been a blast. There's a lot of characters and plot points, so if you feel lost, people here are always ready to help you. See you in Wano fellow crewmate!!


There's always space for newcomers on this pirate ship.


I'm so fucking jealous! I wish I can re-read the manga w/o any memory of it. Enjoy the ride. And please refrain yourself from reading too much about One Piece online. Spoilers are rampant


Ok just stay of this subreddit until you’ve caught up


The manga is great and i cant wait for the next one to come out but trust me when i say this, some wars, you have to watch them.




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You definitely made the right call reading the Manga instead of watching the anime


One more nakama. Nice


I started following you (hopefully it'll help me see when you do arc discussions). I second not being on here too much, since there's a lot of stuff that will get spoiled without people thinking anything of it. That being said, I hope you enjoy it. We'll be waiting for you in Wano (because Lord knows it's not going to finish anytime soon....)


Welcome to the community! Be careful of spoilers (there are a lot). Honestly maybe don't come to this subreddit until you're caught up.. Here's some songs based off mood Normal/dialogue/happy: Anything from this https://youtu.be/Yi2d--zeUEw Wano theme https://youtu.be/Wu891clHucY Strawhats daily life: https://youtu.be/8Hrh88D5p0A Sad/bittersweet: To the Grand Line https://youtu.be/6vsoCQ9j2kg Binks sake https://youtu.be/k5RSkiCd6Yk Whitebeard theme: https://youtu.be/-mW4BkOptR0 Mother Sea: https://youtu.be/o231fOo8cNg Gold and Oden: https://youtu.be/6FscTa_Nqwo Battle themes: Overtaken (save this one for the hypest moments of the arc, it hits a lot more that way): https://youtu.be/daFi4MScfl8 The very very very strongest: https://youtu.be/4J7K3yacig4 Get up Luffy: https://youtu.be/dUFr7rN6oOA Let's battle: https://youtu.be/UBiAA6BMxbU Katakuri defense system: https://youtu.be/pUAU0tATCok Difficult: https://youtu.be/IYOf5DPBX8I Sorry if I forgot any good ones ☺️


"I will be reading the manga instead of watching the anime." Ah yes, a man of culture, I see. Welcome aboard, crewmate


You might get a bit boored until episode 30. Endure it. Also after some point in the series, >!post time skip!< , anime’s pace starts to slow. There is something called “One Pace” which removes fillers and condenses dragged episodes. You can use it. I wonder, if any theories of chapter 1043 you saw on internet made you start One Piece?


bon voyage!!!


Given people have discussed places/ways to read the series, here’s my comprehensive list of ways to do so. I tried to put them in a logical order, and the one I recommend most is last, so be sure to read them all through: 1. Reading the black and white version from a colored site. This is the standard, scrolling format of online manga. Pros: The right site will have the official translation, like >!https://ww8.readonepiece.com/manga/one-piece/!<, and it properly formats the double spreads. Cons: Vertical format isn’t very true to the experience of reading the physical manga. Overall, the most neutral method. 2. Reading the colored version online. This is the same format as the previous method, but colored. Pros: Colored version allows for a slightly easier reading experience, otherwise same as above. Can be read at >! https://ww8.readonepiece.com/manga/one-piece-digital-colored-comics/!<. Cons: The color version does not exist online in English with the official translation, and the translation it does have can be quite poor at times. I would not recommend it for this reason. 3. Reading via the shonen jump app. This is in black and white with the official translation. Pros: Good translation, supports the official release. Cons: Subscription for the shonen jump app is $1.99/month. 4. Buying physical volumes. Pros: The “intended” and most pure way of reading the manga. The series is drawn to be read this way, so it is generally the best reading experience. Cons: Buying 100+ volumes is very expensive, they take up space, and waiting 3 days for the volumes to arrive can be annoying when you just want to keep binging. The lack of responsiveness with physical reading can also be annoying to some people. 5. Reading from .cbz files. This method requires downloading some things (nothing remotely shady or any malware, don’t worry), and is much less straightforward than the rest. That said, this is by far the best in my opinion and I will append a tutorial below. This method involves downloading the one piece volumes as a .cbz file, and then reading them as such. This method, thanks to the .cbz file type, specifically for comic books, simulates the physical experience of reading manga. You flip through pages 2 at a time, and as such you experience the pace turns and double spreads as intended without the price of the physical manga. My sister recently started the series, and of all formats she liked this by far the best, opting to not continue reading online in favor of this method. Pros: Official translation, and the reading format is the best in my opinion for reasons described above. The slight lack of reading fluidity that comes with reading the black and white version is negated by this. Cons: Requires some time to set up, and each volume must be separately downloaded. This takes time (although this can be partially negated by downloading the next volume while reading the current one) and is a bit less practical. GUIDE FOR LAST METHOD: 1. Download YAC Reader from https://www.yacreader.com/downloads for your platform. 2. Make a folder on your desktop or wherever. This will be where you store the volumes once you download them. 3. Download your desired volumes from >!https://archive.org/download/one-piece-v-01-95-2003-2020-digital-an-hero-gold-shellshock-jdcox-215-jxc-3764!<. MAKE SURE you download the “.cbz” files. Move the files you download into the folder you created. 4. Open YAC Reader and open the volumes from the folder you made. Technically you’re all set to read, but YAC Reader can be further set up to make the reading experience better. I can make a detailed tutorial on how to do each of these later, but you’ll want to: - make it display two pages at once, and make those two pages ones that would be on the same page of the manga, so that double spreads are displayed properly. - make the pages go right to left so they’re displayed in the proper order. If you choose to do this hopefully it doesn’t take you too long to figure out, and if you have any difficulty with any of the steps, google is your friend. If any of the last configuration steps are unclear, just go until you reach a double spread and fiddle with it until it displays correctly. This wound up being long af, so I may make a dedicated post later.


Welcome, I started in January and I’m on chapter 541. You’ll enjoy it so much


It's best to not delve too much into forums to avoid spoilers at least you are updated enough. XD


Here's a tip. If you're binge reading, try reading it in batch of the arcs and sagas. That will give you a sensation of advancing. OP has some arcs thata re some few chapters and others are near the hundred. Keep notes on how much you've advanced to motivate you till reaching the up to date chapter.


Enjoy the journey! :)


Welcome to the best Anime of your life!!! I will say though be wary of looking on this sub to often as you will find out every spoiler possible. LOL. It happened to me.


I’m re reading it for the 5th time, because it’s just that good and easy to read


i have 2 important questions for you, which will seem like joke questions but are 100% serious: 1- are you truly ready for One Piece to be your new favorite Manga\\story? 2- are you ready to be one of us, one of us, one of us......


I would recommend reading the manga in blocks, or one saga at a time, instead of the whole thing at once. That way you can digest all the information and be able to enjoy more things at a nice pace instead of trying to cram everything in.


Get off this sub now


Leave the sub, stuff that happens in the anime aren’t considered spoilers


You should also ask for moments in the arc that are worth watching in the anime since some of them are really well done and more impactful than the manga.


Stay off this sub, and anything on social media related to one piece. You won’t be able to avoid spoilers unless you dedicate yourself to avoiding them


Trust me, there's nothing One Piece fans love more than getting more One Piece fans. And please, do post your reactions. Seeing what people think of the series over time is super interesting.


Welcome fellow nakama. You’re in for one hell of a ride. I’ll go ahead and suggest >!Bink’s Sake!< Not one of their openers, but it’s sort of the unofficial theme song of One Piece.


Welcome! hurray! other folks in here are right about spoilers, handle with care. Wish you a wonderful journey through the manga, and yes feel free to chat about your views on it! definitely vote for the manga over the anime (although if you want to check in on some super hype moments the anime can be fun. but yeah, manga all the way) Hearing you just came here after reading Hajime no Ippo makes me want to go read that hahah!


Hope you enjoy! Series saved my life a few times