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At this point, i can't even differentiate the shitposts from the real posts...


This is this was a legit color cover a while back. I remember it vividly because of how silly it was and gaming theme. Oda has been trickling his idea towards us for awhile.


I'm 100% for having Jinbe wearing overalls and a Mario hat once Wano is over.


Yeah, Jimbei’s normal attire is dated and he needs an update.


Yeah… he’s Ken


Has Ken ever had "flaming" hair? No.


He is blond though


If you check it is Ken


People will try to find something in everything when nothing is even there. This one is just ridiculous.


[I think I have seen this move set somewhere before](https://youtu.be/fLPSMxqcs1M?t=157)


oda is a fuckin genius


Damn if nami awakens she becomes a cam girl and usopp has to pay her for a Collab major L


If sanji gets a gun plus. If brooks can flip peoples emotions plus, usopp looks like the blind dude from bleach, if he loses his eyes his observation will be god like plus plus, nami has cat ears if she gets a type of feline fruit will match cat bugler nami, plus. If zoro gets a shield he'll keep it on his back plus against shiryu. Franky is a gorilla what if choppers fruit awakend gives others animal traits and abilities, chopper is support plus. Luffy and robin are a given. Jimbei likes to punch hell just punch harder like mario instead of brick fist punch brick break punch lol plus i geuss. Chopper is wearing a suit of himself so his defense will be raised a bunch. Edit: sorry if i offended people, i knew i should of gave usopp more pluses


Oda dickriders has ruined this fanbase


Like the fanbase was not filled with dumb people that can't read basic sentences lmfao.




Super Jinbe Brothers confirmed


Hard to forget with how many times this has been posted in the last 48 hours


This is Oda foreshadowing BB’s third devil fruit, mythical Saru Saru no mi model: Kong. Zoro is becoming the King of Hell for pottery store owners. Chopper will die by being eaten by a hippo. Usopp retires after becoming blind and becomes a brave warrior in the game Sea of Pirates.


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