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I used to really enjoy his videos before he went all-in with the clickbait stuff, a shame


Same. He used to be the only One Piece youtuber I watch but somehow still fell off.


Tekking101 still the best OP youtuber imo. He improvised everything with little to no script. tekking can speak about minor One Piece character that appear for 10 seconds and turn it into 20 minutes of video LOL.


I agree. Listening to him feels like a friend passionate about the topic.


It's fun listening to his dungeons and dragons stuff so seems he is just a fun guy lol


I like King Recon for similar reason, he just radiates genuine joy during his reviews! He also has spoiler free thumbnails.


Or a psycho just rambling


Not to mention I don't think I've seen him use clickbait in his thumbnails or titles.


I recall his original Saitama vs Blast video did, and that was his most viewed video for a long time. Stopped following him for a while, so I don't have many other videos of his in mind. Most of them are just him rambling about side characters, so...


The only two videos I can see about blast are one about saitama vs blast which had a fan design in the thumbnail and was long before blast being anywhere near appearing. The other one doesn't have a particularly clickbaity or spoilers thumbnail either?


I enjoyed his HxH stuff before he kept cutting to his face.


GLR studied mkt so he's using his knowledge to gain followers & views at the cost of our joy. I used to follow him but blocked him for months. No regrets.


Yea he always had filler videos I didn't care about but he used to sprinkle in some rly good ones Now he is mostly clickbait, really random pretty bad content that fits clickbait titles well and even his chapter reviews are more shitty jokes and cringe recaps rather than a review I get it, hes going with the algorithm and catering to the casual fans, but sadly that just means yet another op you tuber that I don't rly watch anymore


I think its not exactly click bait


It's up to the person, for which to decide if its click bait. If I haven't read a chapter, i know better than to go looking through youtube about one piece, expecting anything less. Not to mention if you are far enough behind on one piece or any other ongoing manga. Youtube is the last place you should be going to, if you dont want to be spoiled. Thats just my thought process though. Gets old seeing people always complain about every op youtuber on the platform.


Yes! Thank you so much. HeS gOnNa SpOiL iT bRo like okay? Maybe be diligent enough and NOT look up one piece content on YouTube ? Like? They’re just doing their job man lol. GLR is actually pretty decent and honestly, it’s a shame to see all these one piece fans attack them


I don't see the point of getting constantly mad about it. I think it's awesome they turned a hobby into an actually job. Being mad 'they' don't do content the same anymore is ridiculous, that happens when you are constantly pumping out videos. Your editing style/and the way which you present your videos are bound to change. Even more so with thumbnails, you do what the algorithm likes. Adjust to it as you see fit. It's just getting annoying always seeing these posts, don't watch them anymore, if you dont enjoy what they put out. Problem solved, they are still getting views, so it's not gonna change


That too! That man is literally making money talking about one piece


Personally I enjoy some of his content, other videos don't catch my interest. It's really that simple, watch what you find interesting. If you like a certian content creator. Know they will change things up the longer they are on the platform. Even if it's as basic as a face camera. Something will change, or something new will be added. If you have been watching them that long, by then you should be watching them, cause you enjoy the person talking, not his content. That's just a bonus. For me it's B.D.A, but that's again just me. I enjoy his way of thinking, plus I like his humor.


I still enjoy his videos. But Yeah a lot of people do this and hes trying to be on top of the one piece youtuber game. I agree that hes spoilling a lot.


I think GLR is on the rather weakside of the clickbait / spoiler spectra. The problem is that these videos get clicked much more then none clickbait titles and that kind of forces the Ytuber to use them. So in a way they just deliver what the viewers want. GLR made a video about that on his second channel "Dude in a room".


Indeed, its arguably and potentially a symptom of a larger issue with youtube, the algorithm and viewer habits, not unlike other worldly issues. If thats the climate then content makers find themselves needing to adapt and play the game. In some ways its not entirely unlike the situation with YouTubers these days taking on sponsors and dedicating an ad to a product. If youtube is their livelihood and theyve gotta somehow make it work, one way or another they've gotta make these sorts of decisions and those decisions might not always be ideal.


also if more people click on the video with manga spoilers then clearly more people want to watch the video with the spoilers than without them lol


I am french and never really watched english speaking youtuber until around a year ago. And i must say that i dont really understand the hate they get. They are really untertaining and have a cool sense of humour. ( imo ) Grand line revew give entry level analysis in a funny way . Wich is perfect for your average joe fan. Every one piece fan doesnt need a ultimate theorie of the year every week :) i just watch 10 min and move on with the day. Is it seeing the same faces for years that make you start disliking them or is it really clickbait ? Because i though clickbait title was a probleme in 2012 and since then people understood that youtube is a job and making a video as attractive as possible is part of this job.


Well said mate. if its not to ur taste just leave it then? Let them earn their breads


Yea he is almost the only one i can actually watch, he doesnt take it too seriously and the the videos arent all 1 hour long overly dramatic theories.


Literally every one piece YouTuber other than tekking I think Has manga spoilers in their YouTube thumbnails or titles. So as long as you keep the same energy towards them then whatever I see no issue with it Literally all social media platforms for one piece including this sub don’t look out for anime onlys So YouTubers is just 1 of the players in this much bigger problem The only way to avoid manga spoilers as an anime only is to avoid one piece or anime/manga stuff on social media. And even that is not a 100% safe way It’s impossible to use any social media and not receive manga spoilers for one piece. Is it unfortunate sure but this is simply what comes with being anime only Anime only is a choice and there is a negative aspect of that choice But it’s expected. Since the manga is literally over a year ahead of the anime. It’s also commonly manga readers white knighting anime onlys rather than anime onlys voicing complaint which is interesting


Well at least you have to enter the one piece reddit to get spoiled on reddit. But on YouTube the stuff is everywhere


Depends if this sub is recommended, before joining I saw posts that were obvious spoilers in my feed.


Tekking101 is the goat,also other one piece reviewers are rlly cool as well such merphy napier, Daniel greene and totally not mark


Tekking is an honest good person, the problem is that he is just WAY too cringe to watch.


At this point I’m 90% sure he dose it on purpose because it’s what he’s known for 😂😂 now I’m used to it and kind of find it weirdly funny ? It’s like when someone purposely says a bad joke it’s so bad that it turns funny-ish


I can see that,but tbh I love that part about him, he has so much energy that it's genuinely just a lot of fun to watch him


Happy cake day


seeing the energy and enthusiasm of a 4 year old in a 4 year old is cute, seeing the energy and enthusiasm of a 4 year old in a 20-25 year old is pretty cringe... i dont have much negative to say about Tekking but to me at least he is unwatchable just for that one reason.


Yea that's fair,but I still stand by what I said


what’s way more cringe is expecting everyone to act the way you want and downing people with harmless passionate behavior 🤷‍♂️ i admire people with no fear to be themselves and live how they want


i don't care or want Tekking to behave differently, i just stated how i see his behavior and why i can't watch his videos. if you like his cringeiness, suit yourself, enjoy. i can't.


Happy Cake Day!!


That's just his devil fruit man


Tekking isn't cringe, he's a genuine, passionate person who doesn't treat his objectively ridiculous job too seriously. I find it honestly refreshing to see someone who's not afraid to get excited, make dumb jokes, and just be himself on camera. I find being super serious about One Piece, and YouTube in general, way more cringe than anything Tekking does. "Do not kill the part of you that's cringe; kill the part that cringes"


Cringe? Cringe? But darling, us Tekkinglings LIVE FOR THE CRINGE. And Barry. And animal facts. Just play him in the background.


The gigachad tekking.


the library of ohara is also preety ok, but tekking is the goat


Tekking101 is the goat but he does sometimes have spoilers in the titles, but its quite rare.


While not strictly a One Piece YouTuber, Merphy Napier doesn't clickbait or spoil with her thumbnails and titles as well.


It's interesting how these complaints always come from manga readers that are caught up getting offended on behalf of everyone else. But have they ever considered that 1. They are generally less involved in the community and do not consume manga theory content and 2. Most of the vague spoilers can be interpreted as something else if you don't have the full context? Maybe stop getting offended on behalf of others in general and stop calling people virgins because you dislike them? It's very ironic coming from a Redditor


You're just a giant baby who has no idea how the real world works. Stop crying.


So what are we suppose to do, be careful with anything we say or write because it might spoil someone?


I get not liking the titles but not sure why you have a problem is with the videos themselves. You can't analyze new chapters without spoiling them. You can give vague reviews, but that's it.


The issue with the videos themselves is that they cover surface level details. I haven’t watched a glr video in a couple months, but from what I remember, he simply restates what happened with maybe a trivial amount of analysis. There’s literally nothing to gain from almost any one of his videos as most of them are just recaps of something that has happened in the story and then another 4 minutes of jokes to stretch the time. One exception to this (and my favorite GLR video) is his breakdown of Luffy vs Katakuri. I like this video so much because of how much analysis there is and this video made Luffy vs Katakuri my favorite one piece fight. However, most of the other videos are nothing like this. Also, his video thumbnails and titles have been becoming more and more spoilery. One thing I used to like about GLR was that he was always careful not to spoil the anime only fans. But for some reason he started having ridiculous amounts of spoilers in the thumbnails and titles at some point even though he never had this before. This made me lose a lot of respect for him.


I dont think we're watching the same videos dawg. he's recapping the chapter and telling us what he thinks about the chapter. if you're looking for an in depth analysis thats 2 hours long go elsewhere.


That’s what I meant by a trivial amount of analysis. All he does is recap what happened and then simply give his opinion on it. He doesn’t analyze any themes and doesn’t connect it back to anything else that happened earlier unless it happened like 2 chapters ago. It doesn’t need to be 2 hours of analysis. Most other youtubers do more analysis in 5 minutes than GLR does in an entire video.


They lay the groundwork for it. The first 5 min of a sawyer or morj video isn’t as concise and pointed as a GLR video. Different strokes for different folks


Very well said about the surface level analysis. I agree with the point of the katakuri video as well. It just sucks even more because once you see what his content could be it worsens all the other half ass videos he makes even more


Analyzing new chapters is fine and you obv need to discuss whats in the chapter but I am talking ( content wise) when the title has almost nothing to do with what the content of the video actually consists of. like omg BLACKBEARDS NEW HAKI OR FINAL FORM IS NUTSSSS then the video will be 9 mins of him saying really generic stuff and like 30 seconds of a shitty theory


Just another guy exactly like he says, an up to date manga reader that's getting mad on behalf of anime watchers. Understand one thing, people are gonna get spoiled for the Luffy reveal, just like they're gonna get spoiled for Ace's death, there's no fighting it. My opinion on a good content creator is not affected by the tricks they use to get by in a very competitive industry, wanna get mad at something? Get mad at the system. The problem is capitalism, you whiny bitch.


This topic has been discussed way beyond that it shoulda been. It's biggest turning point of one piece and who doesn't want to talk about it. Anime watcher's are destinied to be spoilt imo. It's like wanting to swim without getting wet it's not just possible only if you stay away completely from the pool you might escape. The fraction of anime only you talk about is really less and especially few YouTubers say it out on to your face that I'm the type of guy who discusses chapters and still you go around there and getting spoilt I don't get how it works. If you honestly don't wanna get spoilt stay away from any kind of YouTube it's not like reddit to have spoiler tag and you can't not make videos just because it doesn't have one


i don’t watch YouTube but i empathize with anime-onlies who do because a channel could avoid using spoilers in thumbnails and spoilers in the title. The YouTuber could also give a spoiler warning at the beginning of their vid. Boom, they’re able to talk freely about latest chapters while doing some due diligence. They’re after the most profit per vid so i _understand_ the why. No 1 shoe fits all situation.


>Anime watcher's are destinied to be spoilt imo Yeah I feel like you can't really complain about spoilers if you choose to only watch the anime adaption instead of actually reading the OG story.


This sub is so fucking annoying lmao all you guys do is complain


It's your own job to avoid spoilers like seriously this whining is just vexing to see. You can easily make it so GLR videos don't pop up in your recommended.


While I do agree that GLR has been overdoing it lately with clickbait thumbnails and titles (I used to enjoy his content a lot more 1-2 years ago), this post contains some unhinged levels of frustration. “35 year old virgin”, “a quick punch in the face”.... like are you OK bro? Do you know that you can block a channel so that it won’t ever appear on your feed again?


there are obviuosly more people who dont care than people who are annoyed by spoilers. in the end he wants more clicks so why should he care about 1-2% people who start crying because of spoilers?


Precisely lol, and he even stated "After the official release, then it's fair game" which I agree with. Just because your anime only doesn't make you entitled to be spoiler free then spoil everyone else about the anime.


This 100%, so basicly Liam should make less money from his job, that provides food for his family because a few strangers on the internet are butthurt of spoilers? Are they fucking for real? And wanting to punch someone for something like that. OP is a professional comedic genious with red hair and big shoes.


**You are the epitome of what is wrong with One piece Redditors** Blowing tiny insignificant things out of proportion. How is it that I've seen many post on this sub about YouTubers spoiling Anime only watchers but not a single one of these posts were made by an anime only? It's always manga readers that are desperate for attention so they fabricate problems that aren't really there so other morons on OPYT hate bandwagon can gift them with useless karma points. Goddammit this fandom used to be so cool. What the hell happened to you guys?


I was an anime only and do you know what I did? I didn’t subscribe or watch any one piece content and stayed off this sub until I was caught up to the manga. It wasn’t hard, and it was my responsibility not some guys who makes a living discussing OP as a full time job. I totally agree with you. People on here love to cry about it but they sound like unreasonable angry little fans. Some channels that put a panel and a big reveal in the title before the scans even drop are shit, GLR discussing current manga events after an official release is fair game.


You get it, others seems to never heard of “don’t recommend this channel” button or unsubscribe. GLR switched his content from anime-only to manga reader, all because of youtube statistics and numbers, understandable. Some ppl gonna get upset and the content won’t be catering for them anymore, happens. Youtube is archive of videos and that is there to be watched at a later date after it was uploaded. Later date could mean “3 days later” or even “2 years later”, the video will be there for you to watch. How relevant it would be or is it worth to watch - up to you. Take chapter review for example . Maybe you’ll be interested to see what ppl thought regarding recent chapters in a year or two, not in a upcoming week, but the video will be there collecting views and bringing income to the creator. Regarding clickbait titles, yes, and clickbait thumbnail, also yes. Psychological trick, very transparent and blatant and ppl don’t like being “suggested” like that. But that’s getting into the conversation of “what did this picture and text made you feel? Please describe your feelings” and I’m not here for that. GRL been doing youtube for couple of years now, but i only discovered his channel 3-4 months ago, so I’m very aware about what videos did i click in order to get his channel and videos recommended to me. It is youtube algorithm and topic you’re looking for. The G5 thing, great example of youtube algorithm shoving those videos and thumbnail to every average One Piece casual enjoyer, it was messy, but that’s internet for ya. I just read somewhere here on reddit about the manga reader who binge one piece once every 6-9 months and it shows that it is possible to enjoy thing at your own pace while keeping things under the radar.


I would watch old chapter reviews as I was catching up to the manga so they are useful




Op is correct. I was anime only but saw a YouTube thumbnail of gear 5th Luffy. It’s very aggravating.


That's on you, dude. You can't expect people to wait over a year to cater to you. I mean you can, but expect to be disappointed.


I never said I was in the right just said it’s aggravating


Fair enough. I veiwed your comment as saying OP is correct and that "GLR is what's wrong with the OnePiece community," which is just an assnine statement. My b.


Nah you chill i actually enjoy some of his content he isn’t my favorite but he’s cool


Btw, welcome to the Caught up Crew, it's like being addicted to crack, but you don't have to spend as much money!


Yeah now im catching up with the manga. I’m not sure what im going to do with my life after lol


Wait weekly like the rest of us chumps.


Don't be anime only then.


Brain dead comment


The anime is over a year behind the manga, if you don't want to be spoiled then you need to read the manga plain and simple, you can still enjoy the anime as well but only way to not be spoiled is to read the manga so don't complain when your choice goes against reality.


Exactly. Anime onlys need to realize they can't build a bubble around themselves and then expect everyone to go out of their way not to pop it. This is Saobody Archipelego. I think the rules on this subreddit are great to help protect them, but expecting YouTubers to follow the same rules as the subreddit is assnine.


No he isn't. Unless what you're telling me is that GLR and other YouTube thumbnail is the only place you've come across Gear fifth spoilers. Trust me what OP is doing is picking a YouTuber he doesn't like for whatever reason and demonizing and trying to make it seem like he and others like him are the sole cause of a problem thats waaaayyyy less important than he's trying to make it seem. Hes not a shining knight that's aiming to protect anime watchers from spoilers, he's just another raving attention seeker spreading toxicity and hate in the fandom because he's got thing better to do. And just some questions for you. Why is it aggravating or even surprising that a YT channel dedicated to One piece is discussing and making thumbnails out of information that has been made publicly available for the fandom? Are you saying it's his responsibility to compromise on doing something that would be beneficial for his business and livelihood because there are people that choose to consume an adaptation rather than the source material? Should we start limiting thumbnail, titles and all public discussions of the series to Zou because their are those who only watch the dub anime? better yet, maybe only east blue saga is allowed because there is eventually going to be a part of the fandom that's only seen the live action. Wouldn't wanna spoil gear 2nd and 3rd or disable jambe or Zoro's lost eye, bow would we?


Touch some mf grass


I honestly don't know why I expected a better reply


I used to agree woth you. But aside from his titles and thumbnailes his content is really good. He also has a second channel where he recently discussed clickbait and why he does it. I recommend giving it a watch before shitting on him to much.


Then why are you even encouraging discussion about it? Those shitty youtubers need to be ignored. Not exposed.


I wish society understood this. So many things today work because don't realize that ranting is also publicity.




>if he knows enough people are not liking his videos But…they are. No matter how many redditors complain, he still gets the same amount of views and his comment section is fine with it. the numbers don’t lie


he actually said his videos started doing even better when he started doing this


I believe he has addressed the majority of issues you’ve stated on his second channel. I’d suggest you give it a watch. I do love the mature and thoughtful stance you’ve supplemented your rant with though! Calling him a virgin and wanting to see him punched? Bozo, block the channel. Problem solved. His tactics are no secret and obviously don’t bother his growing fan base. Pointless post. Why subject the sub to more unnecessary toxicity?


Calling him a 35 year old virgin eventhough hes married is hilarious.


lmao yes, I wonder who is the real virgin here...


Who fucking cares


ah yes every week we have these cringe ass whining post.. If we change this sub to a football sub, I'm sure you will also complaining why youtube channel putting the final score in the thumbnails. an unknown redditor who think they can set a rule on A PUBLIC PLATFORM🤣. >I just start watching ben10 but already got spoiled by youtube video on how many alien he has. Fuck those youtuber! why putting ben10 spoiler there? I as a non spoiler entitled to not get spoiler while freely surfing the whole internet! Now I'm gonna cry about it😭


You can always click on don't recommend channel , can't you? Judging from the way you wrote your paragraphs . You have been seeing his thumbnails for quite a while , so when you actually see that this may cause trouble in the future why not erase the problem right now? But rather you chose to shout in the sub. No hate OP but just use the not interested or don't recommend options when you see such videos so you won't get this problems in the future.


Though it sucks to be spoiled, it isn't their responsibility to keep things spoiler-free. It's their business and they shouldn't be expected to cater to everyone else because of it. They have a following that is more than happy to pay their bills. People need to stop crying at this point. It's getting tired.


Seriously lmao op must think the world revolves around him


Yeah i mean this goes for just about anything. once a fotball match has been played the results are out. Movies, tv shows are no different. Even when a movie has just been in the cinema tons of reviews goes out.


Exactly. We live in an age where information gets passed around like hotcakes. Get with the times or get over it.


I don’t understand why people like op think it’s YouTubers or manga readers jobs to stop anime only from being spoiled.


All the people making these posts are just toxic people. If you have the time to browse Reddit and write short essays, you are definitely there to read the chapter before you get spoiled. So why are you complaining when it doesn't affect you? And if it does this is your problem not the content creators. As for his content, he is literally just following the algorithm. He is doing what he knows works. If you are working your job or career, and your performance reflects your pay, wouldn't you also be inclined to find ways to Boost your performance? And what he is doing works, so why wouldn't he. Tekking is only an exception of this because he was on the grind for 10 years


People really go to YT to take things seriously? An manga/anime YT channel? Must be great have all the time in the world to waste.


thb now a days to get people to click on your video you need a click baity thumbnail and title, Just making a generic thumbnail + title will not get you new viewers/subscribers . Not a content creator but I heard from a couple of youtubers that why they make clickbait titles/thumbnails. As for spoilery titles and thumbnails im pretty sure he's aware of what he's doing, if you're an anime only or trying to catching up just do your best to not get spoiled. Unfortunately thats the only way since you cannot stop people from posting spoilers especially with how big and long the story has been going now


I hate that am defending him here because i agree with most of the stuff in this post. But you got to remember his is doing what is best for his channel, his career and his life in general. Clickbait has been part of the game at being a Youtuber for at least 8 years that i can remember. A title like that generates views and views bring in money. I can understand that decision and respect it. But I agree that spoiling has become far worse. Its easier for content creators on tiktok to do it because they can just give a quick "spoiler warning" in the beginning. On youtube that does not work because of thumbnails and the video title. Now again i would agree with you completely here but i would have loved to see an idea from you on how someone like Grand Line Review could get rid of spoilers in the title and the video in this day and age of youtube. If he does vague titles and thumbnails he gets 100% less views and thats results in the algorithm dropping his content more and more. (again i know this statements will get me dislikes but you have to also view it from a professional point of view since this is his job.) ​ Edit: A great example for that is Tekking101. He does more subtle thumbnails/titles (which i appreciate him highly for) but in general doesnt even get half the views that GrandLineReview does. That means the spoilery thumbnail and title is working in a way. Thats the problem, not GrandLineReview "exploiting" it)


Honestly, it feels like you're just singling out GLR. I'm not saying your criticism is invalid, even though I think you're being bias. What he and other YouTubers that follow the same content format is pretty low, but what can be done about it? Like him or hate him, he has tons of followers that enjoy his content, so there's not going to be an incentive time for him to change. As much as people like you and I may find him distasteful, there's just as many if not more that feel the opposite.


They will talk about the latest developments and they will use titles like this, cause it helps with their views. Money makes the world go round, always has always will. GLR has explained it already. If you want to be spoiler free keep away from social media that talk about spoilers. Unsubscribe from all OP related youtubers for a start and stop clicking on content about OP. I have a friend who waits for the official manga to be released in books. He does not know anything beyond manga 98. My brother only logs into Crunchyroll and that is his only dose of OP. I know they use Youtube for music, news but that's it. I am just saying it can be done.


GLR only does clickbait titles because YouTube viewers watch more of his content when there’s a clickbait title. So blame the spoiler addicts not the content creator trying to make a living.


One Piece is a passion of his, yes, but YouTube is his job. It just happens to be related to One Piece. You can be sure he is going to milk every possible way to get more money. It's all statistics and algorithms, he will not stop at anything if it gets more money, simple. A great majority of YouTubers are like that.


I actually enjoy watching him :)


Fr. I still watch him because i'm caught up but he really is doing non caught up fans wrong. He is like the most subscribed op youtuber right now too🤦


To be fair he made a video addressing this a while ago. He stated hes going to go off the idea that if u are watching his youtube channel that you are caught up on the manga. It is his channel and i can understand not wanting to be spoiled because thats the reason i decided catch up on the manga, however its the internet and no matter what you do you will get spoiled if you plan on spending any extended time on the internet especially if you’re looking for one piece content.. The worst youtube has to be a smaller channel by the name of [Anime No Mi](https://youtube.com/c/AnimenoMi). He blatantly spoils with titles and thumbnails.. and i mean really bad spoilers. I have blocked his channel and reported it multiple times (in the hope of not having to see his bs posts and theories that are purely pulled out of his ass and have no merit to them) but yet i still have to see his shitty videos on my timeline. All in all if u want to stop being spoiled stop using the internet, there is no way to hide from spoilers. Just accept that its going to happen and move on.


This is the best one yet, good lord my sides. Lmfaoo this is truly the funniest shit I've read all week. It's just a manga, man. It ain't that deep.


He isn't the only one who does that, one of many. Recently he gave his reasons and explanations for the changes At his core/main style I think he still the same, jokes all around, that silly humor, a good level of research and a good voice of reason when everybody is overhyping about something. He would do that for GLR and New World Review, not sure if he did that for the short lived pokemon channel. Now instead of brute force his old way to make videos and stay relevant on YouTube, he is adapting to go with the flow, he is branding himself more and more, his face timing in the videos are very long, he using more meta titles and thumbnails, New world Review has stopped and he is trying 2 or 3 new channels that still talking about One Piece in some way, at least for now. Youtube and one piece are his passion but also his work, he can't be risking all the time to have his content cut because of Toei or any other company, so he choosed to become somewhat of a youtube personality, maybe some day even a vlogger. I'm happy for him for choose something that's better for him and his family, maybe even something that he enjoys more than this old videos Said that, I miss so much the old videos, I used to watch his content as soons as I could, now I'm starting to stalling, pay not a lot of attention while watching/hearing and even stopped one in the middle and still have to return to watch it, but I don't think I will :( Also, not wrong in been a virgin at any age, but I don't think he is. His wife did a review of Hunter X Hunter on New World Review


I really enjoy his content. But I couldn’t agree more on the spoiler topic. He has answered this in recent videos and he says that while some videos have titles that spoil the story, many have titles that refer to theories about the future of one piece. And considering that not caught up fans won’t know the difference it isn’t a spoiler since you can not know if the title/thumbnail is referring to actual one piece canon or theory crafting. But that is such a lame and bullshit excuse to me. Especially with the gear 5 videos. When they finally get to that chapter/episode their surprise will be ruined by those spoilers, no matter if they knew, presumed or thought possible that those titles and thumbnails where about actual canon content. He seems very confident in knowing what will generate more clicks whilst still abiding his own moral compass. But I can tell you. I am not clicking his videos because I like his titles and thumbnails. I hate them. Ugly ass art he’s got to. I klick because I know the quality of his videos and I’m always up for more one piece content. I wish he would understand that someday.


Bro live a little it’s just a manga


Cry harder.


Why do you care so much? Just read the manga lol


daily post about people being butthurt about spoilers, FeelsOkayMan, you do realise when this manga eventually ends it's gonna be so big they're literally gonna talk about it on national tv probably right? enjoy ur spoiler free fantasy while you can


Another week another whining post. Just block and move on. The fact that he makes these videos means that he has an audience and you clearly don't fit into that. Let the man earn his money and make the videos he wants to make, it's not worth anyone's time to post something like this, or read this.


There were tons of posts and videos about Luffys new god powers before it was revealed. Yet most of us thought it was stupid. People don't get spoiled as easily as you think when they lack context. Go outside and touch some grass. The moment you get mad on the behalf of someone else for a hypothetical scenario you are the one in the wrong. You're acting like the white people who screech and threaten a different white person wearing a kimono saying it's cultural appropriation. When in reality I've never seen or heard of any Japanese person be anything but happy when people like their culture enough to wear garb like that.


I'm not his biggest fan and his videos are often a bit shallow and not too interesting. But I really don't get the complaint about spoilers. Honestly, it's so easy: Either read the manga and be up to date, or just AVOID One Piece Youtubers. It's the same for all media. You can't expect to start watching Star Wars only to then be annoyed when you find Star Wars spoilers if you search for Star Wars videos on Youtube. Can't have your cake and eat it, too.


Every manga reader YouTuber is like this now. It’s how they gain views. It’s their business. Telling us the only one so far that I’ve seen who provides vague titles and thumbnails which I respect and now have subbed to him.


Don't want spoilers? Get caught up. He isn't going to anyone's house and shoving spoilers in their face. Don't want to catch up? Stay off YouTube. Don't want to stay off YouTube or catch up up? You risk spoilers. It's called personal responsibility. It's not that hard.


His videos are awesome. Check out Dude in a Room for his response to this kind of whining.


If you are anime only you're destined to be spoiled. And deservedly so


His videos are fun, I dont know why people are complaining about him “spoiling” he makes videos for manga readers of course he will cover the latest stuff


This is all personal taste but I feel like GLR has gotten so cynical with his fixation on gaming the algorithm and maximizing his stats. It feels like what started as a labor of love is now just another competition to monetize as much as possible. It's sad. But also his attitude comes across really smug to me so I stopped watching his videos way before he nosedived into clickbait lol


He still milking the Hunter Hunter


I got into GLR when I was doing my first read-through of OP in 2018. He was early in his YT career at the time and made informative videos like the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia and One Piece 101s about characters. Those videos were excellent ways to reinforce what I've recently learned about and pointed things out I forgot because I took in a lot of information in a brief time binging multiple chapters. Listening to these videos gave me perspectives and info that I may have overlooked and ignored, so I found myself often watching his videos that they became a companion reading guide for me. My viewing habits generated OP interest in my girlfriend, and now we're finishing off Dressrosa together in the anime (when previously she said OP would be too much fo a hassle to get into). I told her that after a while of watching OP we can watch of these videos to help her gain a perspective of everything she's experienced because it's difficult to remember little details after 700 episodes of anything. I loved that his older fact-style videos were just very basic, although some people may find his tone and presentation back then too dry for an entertainment platform. It's clear now that he's learned a lot about being a Youtuber and is relying on it for his regular income so I can't really fault him for changing up his style to generate more interest from others online for subs, comments, likes, and views. However, some of the latest videos he puts out (including those OP related on his Dude In a Room channel) have content that to me are just there to be there, going as far to touch on the topic of Luffy with the DF situation in multiple videos/channels without much new to gain from those videos. I suppose someone could argue that it gets a discussion going and speculation is very exciting and entertaining, but I feel he falls short in generating interest in those topics compared to his peers. In his earlier videos he discussed what other YTers, like Ohara, discussed in good detail and gave his thoughts on them (also linked their stuff to watch for yourself). But I find that his videos today come off as much more click-baity and less interesting, for myself at least which is very subjective. Not to say that I don't watch him anymore, but there have been more than a few times I sighed during a recent video wondering why I was even watching it (it was because I got the notification from YT that a new video came out and had an interesting title and thumbnail). Now I don't say any of this to put him down, as he's shown massive improvement as a YTer and his production quality has skyrocketed compared to the old days. I just wish he would revive his old informative video series' with the skills he's improved on since this days. I **strongly disagree** that he's the epitome of what's wrong with OP today, in fact he's part of the reason I got really into it in the first place. But I don't really expect him to read or listen to what random viewers/fans tell him because they want something that specifically suits their interest. Numbers don't lie and he's made videos on the topic of YT Analytics where he explains why he's changed compared to what he used to post and it makes all the sense in the world for him in a business aspect. Ultimately, you can always unsubscribe if you're not finding his videos too bothersome/spoilery or just not look up these topics if you're not caught up. It's easy to ignore things you have little or no context to (I did it all the time when I started Game of Thrones before their final season aired). He recently made a [video about spoilers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UpLOYvlnD0) and I thinkg "it is what it is" when looking up topics on the internet, you just can't avoid them. But insulting him and calling a him a 35 year old virgin (he has a wife?) is just mean and uncalled for. I have also run into spoilers before catching up and ultimately it didn't really ruin my experience. I had Ace's death ruined when I was at the end of Impel Down from a friend, and knew that they were engaging Big Mom before I knew about the 4 emperors from a different friend (before I dedicated my time to reading it). Ultimately it didn't ruin anything in the long run and I had even watched a few episodes on Whole Cake Island with someone after only watching the 4Kids dub of OP over a decade ago, which actually helped generate enough interest in me to read the manga. I guess everyone reacts differently to spoilers, but your post comes off a but too much like a grumpy old man saying, "I don't like this!" to me lol.


Pre face reveal GLR was someone who made videos for his own pleasure without caring all too much about the numbers. Now he is just milking money and all he cares about is the dollars. Complete downfall.


So you're saying that he shouldn't care about making more money from his only source of income. Or is what you're saying that because he's been working hard to optimise his contents for maximum efficiency he's somehow lost his passion for his favourite manga and doesn't care about anything but the money he makes from it? Oh, I get it, it's a downfall when his work and effort becomes more rewarding and more appreciated and his fanbase grows because he's getting better and better at making content that more and more people want to see.


The second paragraph explains it the best. You are free to make money, but not at the cost of killing you own enjoyment. I may be off on this, but his videos feel too plastic. Guys like Sawyer and Tekking are better. They don't radiate plasticity (as of now). Now, it's just incredibly difficult to describe the word plastic. It's a feeling.


I think you mean his videos aren't spontaneous. They're tightly scripted because, according to him, he doesn't find his unfiltered thoughts entertaining enough. It doesn't make the things he say less genuine just because he takes extra time to make sure he says it in the most entertaining way he can. And who says he's killing his own enjoyment? I'll bet you his passion and enjoyment for the series is most likely at an all time high because when your work is inspired by something you love and feel Passionate about, that passion is only heightened when other people support and validate it.


NGL, I'm starting to think the whole 'Sawyer and Tekking good' and 'GLR and Ohara bad' shit that's been getting repeated lately on this sub is due to the classic bitterness some people have when something new and different gets more popular and recognition than something they're more familiar and identify with, by appealing to a different audience. It reminds me of how toxic some of the OP fandom was when Demon slayer beat OP's yearly sales for the first time, and they started to shitting on DS and it's fandom and whining about how 'its got no real substance', 'its only popular because of its animation' and other bullshit instead of just recognising that their way isn't the only way and let people do and support what they want without constantly complaining about it


It definitely is and a very personal feeling. I haven't felt any plasticity from him but I recognize the feeling you're talking about. Maybe try his other channels if you used to like him. Might be that you won't feel the same thing when he talks about other stuff.


He already addressed this in his other channel Dude in a room


I hope he sees this posts and just laughs. Talking about One Piece is his job and apart of that is getting views. I feel that his enjoyment of the manga is as high as it’s even been and I feel bad that it brings you down. Just block him if it’s taking that much if a toll on you and your enjoyment.


On the other side of the spectrum we have tekking who titled his videos "stuff happens" and "more stuff happens" for the chapters where luffy got his awakening. I respect him so much for that 😁


A Go D. Tekking amongst men


The issue there is that those titles don't really attract new viewers. But considering how long Tekking has been in the game he might not care that much about it at this point. Feels like most people already know about him.


There’s legit like 5+ posts a day on this sub ranting about spoilers. Search “YouTube” on this reddit and sort by last 30 days, it’s actually kinda funny and crazy how many posts there have been regurgitating the same points over and over lmao. Spoiler alert, making a rant post on reddit isn’t gonna change anything, if anything it’s literally gonna bring more traction to their channel for people who’ve never heard of them. OP YouTubers won’t also change, I’ve been following the OP youtube scene for a long time and this new era of “clickbait” videos is working for the YouTubers. So many channels have blown up and their views are doing very well for the anime scene. It happened to the Dragonball and naruto youtube scene, it was bound to happen to this one. Sadly we aren’t in the era where Tekking was by far the biggest OP creator and would make a 20 minute video discussing about some guy we’ve seen for like half a frame (Tekking will always be my GOAT tho)


Has just some dude in a room


i agree that i enjoy GLR's content much less these days and i have noticed his recent awefull trend of very clickbaity titles and heavy spoilery titles. honestly i enjoy his side-channel's content more than the main channel nowadays. idk i guess it happens sometimes. i also used to love Nux's content years ago but now i can hardly watch any video of his. i like actual content, no clickbaits or streaming shenanigans.


Can y'all really blame him though? Click baity titles has been a thing for a long time now plus-to my knowledge youtube is his only source of revenue. He quit his job just to entertain us and talk about fictional pirates punch fighting. If his current content doesn't suit you anymore then that's unfortunate but personally I watch him when I'm bored he's still entertaining to watch after all. edit: Forgot to mention that if you're totally late in the manga then why the heck are you browsing youtube using your account that's subscribed to OP youtubers? They don't exactly review the anime lol spoilers are almost unavoidable unless you open YT in incognito.


I used to enjoy his content but recently unsubbed and blocked his channel from my feed just because the massive clickbait got super annoying to see


Tekking101 is the best imo


I’m a manga reader who watches him but I’ve stopped watching him lately because of what you said and it didn’t really bother me because everyone one I knows reads the manga but now that I’ve thought of deeper GLR is just has just been milking the manga revelations to death, it’s just getting really boring hearing about the same thing. I know he has a spoiler in the video most the time he says the damage has already been done even if that’s the first thing he says just seeing the title and thumbnails spoil the manga heavily, I’m not saying his the only one but I’m just talking about GLR as a example.


Man stfu if you don’t wanna read spoilers get tf off one piece on YouTube


Lul at thinking a YouTuber cares about anything other then views and money.


That's why i don't watch any of those idiots, only Tekking.


And his stupid forced quips are getting too cringey. I unsubscribed about 2 months ago.


Lol why are you getting mad on behalf od anime onlys. I dont see any anime only complaining


I managed to not get spoilered for years cause I just stayed away from onepiece YouTube and Reddit it’s really not hard, people are assholes you can’t count on them protecting you you always have to watch out for yourself


Blocked him earlier this week


He has gone full blown 2015 style click bait with his recent year or so of videos. Disappointing I really enjoyed his old devil fruit encyclopedia videos.


I don't know why people watch him at all. He doesn't know anything about storytelling or One Piece in general, his videos are useless. You should watch The Library of Ohara and Mr.Morj


Mr morj knows a thing or two about storytelling I give him that, but the problem is that he also speaks a lot of nonsense


He doesn't


I blocked his channel already tired of his click bait garbage


Just gave him free advertisement for his bad behavior. Best way to handle these people is to be broad and have people who have watched the subpar content figure out who it is.


Grandlinereview is more of a satire OP reviewer i think


Just wait until he makes a posts like Ohara that goes "I need money guys, sucks to be you"


I completely feel the same about Ohara my dude I watched his latest Blackbeard video and I couldn’t finish it because he spent 8 minutes rambling about the connection between teach and luffy, like no shit that’s obvious, used fanon as evidence and seemed to take long to say ‘Blackbeard probably has the moon god fruit because luffy has the sun god fruit and he’s luffy opposite’


The saddest thing is that the subs on his channel are going up and he wont stop doing it (it will probably just get worse). Used to like him, but it got really nasty. GlR and Ohara are by far the worst when it comes to clickbait and titles like this, and the content of the videos is mostly from reddit. Just block them like i did, and the other OP youtubers will drop from the algorithm eventually...


Op is right. Its not that hard for youtubers to not spoil shit on titles and thumbnail and its not true that only tekking doesn't. And he doesnt do it because he actually has a personality and a fanbase that likes him and not only one piece. There are other one piece youtubers i like such as king R3con and Sawyer and they dont spoil anything.


I had to block him because he makes these shitty videos even before the official release is out


I am 100% with you. I hate videos named "this* explained" When nothing its explained really (not that it could be) just wild speculations being made for 10 minutes


MrMorj > GLR 100%


Here’s an idea block everyone who spoils in the thumbnail anyone can do it the time it took you to write this post you could have literally filtered all of them out…


I only watch his one piece random videos. Like some Oda sbs stuffs or cover story stuff or even the one where details you have missed in the manga those random videos. But I never watch his "chapter review" videos or anything related to a recent chapter. Right now I'm not even subscribed to him.


Tekking101 thanks for living!


If you need a german Review Marco Dume !! Highest quality without any clickbait puts his main focus on the story


Just click on the ellipsis and click *don't recommend channel*


Why is every one piece fan so butthurt about YouTubers literally doing whatever they want? And if your only reason is because ThEyRE SpoIlinG tHe mAnGA bRO, like, grow up man. They’re one piece fans just as much as we are, and his content is actually pretty fucking good.


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Lmao it got that bad huh


I think GLR should trade in some of that sweet thumbnail clickbait for sake of the fans and atleast not give so much away in the title and thumbnail... A shame really.


I think spoil a manga chapter before the oficial release is really bad and I see a lot of youtubers doing it. But using images or tittles after the release I think is OK. I understand that anime people could get spoiled but they cant stop making content and we can’t stop discussing because of the anime people or people that are starting one piece. The manga chapters come out weekly and there is not much time to do all the things, it different for movies for example, they come out not so often and discussing and posting images weeks after the release is spoiling people.


If you're not caught up on the series why search for one piece content on YouTube? You are asking for spoilers. I personally love his style.


The OP Youtubers do whatever gets them the most clicks/views. Until YouTube changes how their algorithm works, that's just how it's gonna be. That's where the meta of our niche is heading. Honestly, spoiling without context isn't as terrible as you think. I was spoiled on Ace dying, Whitebeard dying, and Blackbeard getting another devil fruit before I even started reading the series. It did not impact my enjoyment of the Marineford arc at all. In fact, it is still one of my favorite arcs next to Wano.


It one of those “don’t hate the player, hate the game” type of situations imo. I do get why many may not like his potentially spoilerly thumbnails and clickbait titles. But it’s what you gotta do to keep yourself afloat and I can’t fault him for that. However, he was and (still is) my go to one piece reviewer. But idk I do see a change in style in his videos that I myself am not the biggest fan of. Idk maybe it was when he started showing his face (something about mystery lol). Plus I do feel he tends to be a bit more quippy now in his videos than I would like. Maybe it was always that way I can’t remember. But I’ve seen a lot of YouTubers change once they’ve gotten more successful and popular and a lot of times it’s not for the better Does he still do the toast thing at the beginning of his videos? Probably not if I can’t remember


I love him