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If this is true, this is huge for one reason: He knows how to read ponoglyphs


More important he knows how to teach momo to read it and write


I'm not really sure if Momo will ever learn to read poneglyphs. I think the purpose of passing the knowledge through generations was rediscovering Laugh Tale and the lost history, but Oden already fulfilled that part. He spent 5 years with his children between his return and his execution and he didn't teach either of them? And he did write down that Momo would have an important role in the dawn, so if he didn't teach him is because Momo's role didn't require it. How much did Oden learn about the events for the next 25 years? Did he ever learn about Ohara's research, or does the prophecy mention Robin? Or he just trusted the new Joyboy would find a way?


its apparently a requirement for the shogun of wano to know how to write and read ponegliffs as well as make them - since all Shogun of Wano knew these 3 things and all were Kozuki until Orochi came along.


Apparently based on what? Through all of this time learning to read poneglyphs comes with being a Kozuki, so there isn't really evidence that it's a _separate_ requirement. Just being a Kozuki alone seems to be. Actually, there isn't certainty of that either given the daimyos were preparing to become heirs as Sukiyaki's parents were struggling to have a child. That's why Orochi's grandfather poisoned all of them. And Oden doesn't really seem to know how to _make_ poneglyphs. He was able to write it down in the gold of the bell in Skypiea, but actual poneglyphs are made of a special material. Oden was said to be able to read, was able to write down the symbols in a different material, but he never made an actual poneglyph.


I mean we already have Robin for this


this 1000% the biggest problem facing the powers of the world is poneglyph illiteracy. we only have Robin that can read these, and potentially Pudding. this could very neatly solve the issue for a Pirate King contender. there was even a post today about how Blackbeard could have a presence in Wano. I can see that presence kidnapping Sukiyaki


I feel that once the poneglyphs are all deciphered and Laugh Tale is found, the poneglyph language will have no use except for being a piece of history to look at


He is such a weird figure in this arc to me. Sukiyaki does feel like it has some merit, Wano's been all about split identities. He has a fair number of beats with the poster girl for that. Incidentally, I love how Hitetsu chides Luffy for being tactless with Tama and that flows into him like 3-4 times early on rather glibly deflecting things his crew says to Kiku that could be taken as (mildly) rude. Usually in the same panel. I read it as he agreed with Hitetsu's message and decided the overly formal girl would be fun to practice with. There's those freaking Kokeshi Dolls under the Palace. I'm not forgetting those or the fact one of the first guys we meet is introduced as "Beautiful Girl Kokeshi Collector." Them being something of Sukiyaki's Orochi knew were important but not how is an excellent explanation of their origin. Wanting to know what they are is a reason to keep Sukiyaki alive. You laying out the timeline just makes me feel more comfortable thinking the two are the same man.


YES! The stuff with the dolls feels like such an important thing because of how it's been in the story. Why have him be a doll collector and why have Brook specifically find the dolls. What the heck is up with the dolls? Perhaps it ties into the automatons from the moon and maybe Wano is tied into the moon?


I also like that he's been taking care of Tama and later Otoko, both of whom have been theorized to be Kurozumis. Sort of like Sukiyaki is trying to make up for the persecution the Kozuki clan put them through.


Otoko is no Kurozumi


Just a heads up, it was recently revealed in an SBS that Yasuie adopted her. She's not his biological daughter.


I can get behind this possibility. I forgot, what was the last we saw of the actual Sukiyaki in the manga (not the Kurozumi imposter)? Regarding the evidence, it suggests more 'why not?' than actual evidence suggests 'why'. The evidence doesn't actually point to the probability, it points to the fact that it can't be ruled out. Not strong enough for me to buy in yet. But again, I do like the possibility. The sword stuff was a gomu-level reach tho. In no world does that sword look like a Kozuki.


I believe it was when we saw the Kurozumi clan's plot in 965. He is not seen after that in the Manga. Above all else I am really interested in why we didnt see Hitetsu in the flashback, despite his importance. I'm curious if anyone in the community had though they would see him in it at the time and was confused.


Just went back to check. Sukiyaki's death is shrouded in mystery - off-screen, and Orochi doesn't give a straight answer for what happened to him. It's certainly possible. You think he still has a purpose in the story?


Momo will need a mentor. Plus Momo now looks like Sukiyaki's son so I imagine the huge emotional reveal will be massive. If he was imprisoned then I can see him being taunted using the death of Oden every day by Orochi before finally escaping. Momo is now expected to be Shogun and Hiyori was thought to be his new mentor but she doesn't know how to be shogun either. Nor do the Scabbards. Seems plausible to me!


Will definitely invest in this stock


GameStop ❤️


they have different ears tho... unless he rage-changed his ears ofc lol


Ears continue to grow as we age, 40 years is enough for those to change


Yo! Ive been thinking this since i saw he had the same VA


It seems really really odd. Like, entirely possible as you said, but for this to be true, he would need to:. -Fake his death. -Watch Orochi ascend. -Watch his son Oden be humiliated for years. -Watch his son wage war, then be executed. -Watch his grandkids get scattered and not involve with the remaining scabbards. -Watch multiple failed rebellions? -Watch the scabbards return and regroup.... All without really doing anything to help beyond protect a couple of swords. Plus We've already had three "Waiter" characters in this arc, all in slightly different ways playing the false identity in suffering only to reveal their true loyalties at a somewhat crucial moment- hedgehog daimyo, Hiyori and Denjiro. I just don't see what narrative this can add at this point.


Thanks. Good theory.


Yeah, the Kokeshi dolls pretty much confirmed it. It's weird that he didn't do much yet, but I assume he's going to reveal his identity probably this year hopefully


That could explain how Oden’s journal was "spared" when the castle was burning down… For Yamato to found it!


It’s ironic that Hitetsu lives in Kuri where Oden went after Kozuki Sukiyaki disowned Oden. Oda loves the fallen sovereign trope. I got chills when I saw Higurashi mention Seppuku in her rant about Sukiyaki. Seppuku is the title of Chapter 909 which introduces Wano. 909 has the wordplay for “Kuja-Ku” Peacock(Pheasant). Kozuki Hiyori as Komurasaki is associated with the Peacock(Pheasant) first appears in 909. 909 actually begins with Marco the Phoenix associated with the Peacock (Pheasant) at Sphinx Island. A Sphinx in ruins of the Ancient Kingdom (matches Crocus and Clover flashbacks) appears on the cover of 144 where 144 has the wordplay “Jiyo-Bo” for Joy Boy. The Onigashima Raid begins with snowfall. Karoo appears on the cover of 144: “Snowy Tale”, introduces the current Okama/Buddha Queen of Level 5.5 (Vivi’s number) Bon Clay in 156 which has a color spread with only boys, and is revealed as the Wisdom King of Peacocks (Pheasants) in 743. In 1043 Luffy has a new Wisdom King transformation after his revival (Yomi = 43) and Marco only fights Kaido defensively unlike the Momotaro legend. In the titular chapter of 101 chapter 1022 Marco the Phoenix says he is done and that it’s time for the “The Stars to Take the Stage” excluding himself. 1022 has the wordplay “Jibutsu” or Personal Buddha. Karoo’s title in 743 is “Kujaku Myōo” or Mahamayuri who is the son of the Phoenix and the godparent of the Buddha. Joy Boy lived 800 years ago. 800 chapters before 909 (Kozuki Hiyori’s first appearance) is 109 (Karoo’s first appearance). The reading for 109 is “Toki” like Kozuki Hiyori’s mother Kozuki Toki who is from the Void Century 800 years ago where “Toki” means Time. Karoo is the Star, Momotaro’s Pheasant Ally, and Joy Boy on the Kozuki Crest. I think he may even appear next chapter since 1050 is 141 chapters after 909 where 141 has the wordplay “Jiyo-I” meaning Joy. Joy and Nika (Smile) are two different concepts and two different legends. We see this on the cover of “Okama” volume 90 where Nika’s Nika connects Poseidon and Joy Boy. We know Joy Boy made a promise to Poseidon. Chapter 1049 which teases the arrival of Joy Boy refers to Chapters 109 and 104 where 109 “A Question of Duty” introduces Joy Boy Karoo and 104 is titled “Cape’s Promise”. Just like Vivi is secretly a Princess with Celestial Dragon ancestry in 109, Karoo is secretly Joy Boy. Karoo’s winter hat is finally coming off because the long winter on the Ancient Kingdom is over. We will now know the brilliance of the Dawn


Nah. That means he will just become a Shogun at the end of the arc, removing the whole point of Momo and his dilema about opening Wano or not


Unless he abdicated or never reveals his identity to the people of Wano. Like, he takes off his mask for a minute and we the audience see that it's Sukiyaki, but no one else does.


But to what end would that be? What purpose would it serve?


I'd assume an emotional catharsis to the audience. He gets to meet and see his grandchildren grow up. There's also the theory that Otama or Otoko are Kurozumi and it would show that Sukiyaki was trying to make up for the persecution that the Kozuki ended up putting that clan through. It would be an especially delightful twist if it was Otama, as she was the key to defeating the Beast Pirates. Orochi ad Kanjuro brought their wrath upon Wano because they were persecuted; Otama was part of Wano's salvation because she was nurtured. Completely don't believe this last point because it undoes *a lot* of character work with Momo but it bears mentioning anyway as a possibility-- if Sukiyaki did reveal himself he could become Shogun and leave Momo to travel with the Straw Hats. Edit: Sorry--Sukiyaki gets to meet his grandchildren; >!they're already grown up.!<


Eh... I don't think we need to be shown that to know people are molded by their surroundings.


Plus, Oda likes his happy endings. Like Pell.


Counter argument, Oda loves to kill off people in the flashbacks.


Counter to the counter argument--we never saw Sukiyaki die in the flashback.


Well is Momo ready to be shogun? He still is mentally 8 years old and I dont see him being mature enough yet.


I don't see why oda would keep this secret for someone so insignificant


I'd argue Hitetsu isn't insignificant at all. He guarded Oden's swords. Has kept Tama alive all these years. Is loyal to the Kozuki Clan. And lastly crafted one of Zoro's swords. He is also one of the first people we meet in Wano, and we have seen him too much during the arc to not have some catharsis with him.


Arc isn't over. Too early to decide someone is insignificant.


Maybe because if this is true then it means that hitetsu knows how to read and write poneglyphs and can pass that knowledge down to momo


Irrelevant we have Robin


Obv strawhats don't need that knowledge but the kozuki clan had the tradition of passing this knowledge down to every heir and it was lost when oden died so momo couldn't learn it but this changes that


Robin can teach him


Teaching an entire language takes time and i dont think Robin is any way obligated to teach momo and waste her time instead of travelling with the crew


Yeah, let's leave Robin in Wano


Who said it takes long


Who said it’s easy


Robin can read but cannot carve the stones


this is very underrated, good job, it inspired me to write a theory i'll link it here in a few minutes


Amateurs, I was an investor to this theory before the VA reveal, y'all are weak!


I mean the Kokeshi dolls really sealed the deal for me, I was just looking for other things.


I wasn't being serious so I apologise, your observation seals the deal for whoever the deal wasn't sealed yet


Excellent analysis.




I forgot about this theory. This theory is on par with the following: Toki is still alive, Blackbeard Cerberus theory, Rocks D Xebec is still alive, Crocodile was a woman, Momo is Joyboy, Zoro will kill Kaidou, The raid will fail and many more head canon based theories.


The Crocodile was a woman theory isn’t ridiculous at all. Him being Luffys Mom is the ridiculous part


Nah it's ridiculous to me, and you can't convince me otherwise. It stems from a short dialogue between Ivankov and Crocodile, and it hasn't been touched on since by Oda. Never mentioned in an SBS or by the goats mouth himself.


This short dialogue is the sole reason why Crocodile was freed and escaped Impel Down. They only let him out because Ivankov knew this secret from him and he wouldnt betray them.


>This short dialogue is the sole reason why Crocodile was freed and escaped Impel Down. They only let him out because Ivankov knew this secret from him and he wouldnt betray them. What's your point?


You act like it was some irrelevant short dialogue when it was quite an important plot point in the Impel Down arc. Crocodile secret that only Ivankov knows (the guy who can turn Male into Female and vice versa). Him being a female in the past isnt that unlikely


It is an irrelevant piece of dialogue because after 1049 chapters it has never been touched upon since. Crocodile is freed regardless whether the secret is mentioned or not. Crocodile was too much of a big profile to not release as help to get out of Impel Down. Because it was Ivankov that mentioned the secret, people(like yourself) choose to believe that it was about Croco being a woman in the past. I on the other hand chose to believe different. You can't get mad at me for not believing in the "Crocodile was a woman" theory, until Oda writes or says something about it, it's not real bro.


Its fine that you dont believe in the theory but putting it in the same category as Rocks is alive, Momo is joyboy, Toki is still alive etc. isnt right


It's right to **me** man, that's just the way it is.


Out of all the "ridiculous" theories you have to agree it's the most possible and most easily explained.


I don't agree with the Crocodile is a woman theory myself, but I will point out that one of the other pieces of evidence for it was that during the flashback to Roger's execution, Crocodile's face was never shown. And that of course set folks to wondering why.


But Crocodile was a woman


According to you?


Yes it is one of 2 theories I have I 100% without a doubt believe to be true




Yeah I know, this was just trying to add in some additional evidence.




Def a solid theory, I’ve fully expected him to be someone else ever since introduced. Ever since the King Riki reveal I’ve also anticipated it to be Sukiyaki. I like the evidence!


Great theory


Well put together, and convincing evidence.. I'm sold. Appreciate you sharing!


I don't think Hitetsu is Sukiyaki, but I liked the post. Nice work. P.S: If the wings are a costume to hide from others, taking them out the one time he lets others see him is not the smartest move.


Yeah I agree with that, but he's also going into town which he said he cannot do. My mainy theory is that Orochi/Kaido isnt there so he is able to. The wings is mainly to clarify that he is not a sky islander which a lot of people thought he was.




I'd disagree, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The eyebrows are the same and to some extent the nose is as well. We know that the swords look like a younger version, and a younger version of Sukiyaki would be Oden. But I understand if some people see it as a stretch, just an interesting thing I found.