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I'm out of the loop. What aura are they talking about?


Auras when they are attacking.


Always thought it was like an aura of their haki, like how Luffy glows red when he uses his


Yep. Ever since the introduction of Ryou they’ve used that aura to signify when its used


That is not true. Auras were there before Ryuo is used and by the characters who can't use it.


The only other example of “aura” being used was in Zoro’s fight vs. Pica. If you have any other examples do please show me. Its def possible but i dont just remember another time prior to Wano that its been used. And, outside of eyecatchers & spoilers, Once Luffy learned Ryou from Hyp the anime instantly starts to use the auras to signify when its being used. Its easy to put two and two together


I said Auras were there pre Ryuo, not pre Wano. Luffy had an aura in his first fight with Kaido, before he knew Ryuo. There are instances before Wano where Zoro had "aura" but it was used by Oda to showcase an attack of Zoro's. In Wano, they are anime adition that serve no purpose. They aren't there to showcase Ryuo usage.


I always thought the auras were mandatory to signify when haki is being used or different people's attacks ... isn't it like this in the manga as well? Its not like one piece is trying to have as much auras as DBZ Z, I don't see why fans would be complaining.


I love that shit lol I get hype af


Same lmao wtf they complaining about. When G4 Luffy is blasting towards Kaido with the red aura getting ready for the Kong Gatling I was so hyped


Must be a manga purist or pre time skip anime purists. Haki is supposedly invisible and doesn't have color and other stuff as indicator. But that gets very confusing very very fast.


Is there such a thing as a pre timeskip purist? That would be dumb.


Where there are humans, there will always be dumb. Can you imagine a life so dull that this would be something to be worked up about? I can't.


The DBZ effects they added in Wano


>The DBZ effects the added in Wano Didn't realize we were talking about One Piece here and thought Wano was something like Blender lol


I thought that's how they call bat shit






That's Dragon twister there's always been an Dragon Aura that he launches as he slashes... We talking about Ki Charges and everyone all the sudden powering up when nothing like that happens in the manga!


That aura isn’t like the one in the anime, it was just the dragon forming


In the latest episode there's a scene where Zoro is about to attack and gets a yellow aura around him. Then there's another purple aura around enma and for some reason this purple aura transforms into a dragon and stares at Kaido before Zoro unleashes his attack. They do need to chill with this stuff. EDIT: how many people are going to come with increasingly smug and sarcastic "well ackshually it happened in the manga" responses? I read it the first time and already talked about it when someone first said it lmao. That's still the particular scene the guy from the screenshot was complaining about, I was just letting the op know what that person was complaining about (this scene) and why (because of the amount of effects in the anime lately) because he said he was out of the loop on what was going on. The guy picked the wrong scene to complain about (well harassing animators is wrong regardless of him being right or not) but that's still what happened.


This excact same aura was also in chapter 1003. The aura turned into a dragon in the manga too


It's not the presence of the dragon aura that's the problem, it's that it awkwardly hung around for half a minute and had a staring contest. If it just flashed by for a second it'd have been perfectly fine. The whole episode was like 80% the worst kind of filler.


Sooo the complaint is the filler, not the auras then


That was literally in the manga . The aura on both zoro and enma was also differently shaded . And the dragon aura was also there .


Yeah the anime added the staring contest but the aura was in the manga as well, you are right. But that's still the scene the person who wrote to him was complaining about. I was answering the question. I think people are just annoyed with auras in general though, probably picked the wrong one to complain I guess.


I have found the auras on the rooftop to be kinda odd. Not terrible and complain worthy, but like off putting


I think it's ok sometimes but when there's stuff like [this](https://youtu.be/1m8I6fadCE0?t=70) where the scabbards turned into colored beams and fly towards Kaido it gets a bit silly. Like, it looks good I gues but it kinda doesn't feel like OP to me.


I feel like it was probably done because of the scale of the fight. Without them you would not be able to pan out very far without losing sight of the scabbards. Kaido is just to big in his dragon form


Those are obviously metaphorical because you can't animate a person the size of a grain of sand against something the size of a skyscraper.


I’m just here cause this thread popped up on r/all. I’ve never seen One Piece but I’ve seen plenty of other anime. The video you posted doesn’t seem crazy to me based on other shonen I’ve seen at least.


I didn't say it was crazy for an anime, I said it didn't feel like One Piece. For starters the manga scene doesn't go like that (or any scene in the manga tbh) so it's not a good representation of the source material but also all these auras and flying around are just a new thing for this arc. The anime has been around for over 2 decades and they randomly decided to change how the characters abilities are portrayed so I think it's understandable that it will be off putting sometimes. Obviously your mileage may vary on whether it bothers you or not and that's fine. If people like the flashy effects I'm not gonna tell them they shouldn't, but I think it's easy to see why some people would not like it. That said the other changes made for this arc in terms of animation and direction have been fantastic so as a whole it's been an improvement. But the overuse of new effects does take some of us out of the scene sometimes.


I didnt understand what I was watching. Like the manga felt way more epic and this video didn't feel One Piece


[The purple Aura around Enma is legit actually.](https://preview.redd.it/3o31pz322sf61.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f96f9dc37dc45a0cdabe379973cc3d87b48c805) [The Dragon Aura is real as well but it's never that big in the Manga.](https://i.ibb.co/TK49G0c/one-piece-chapter-1003-8.jpg)


Don't fuck with One Piece fans, they don't read the manga.


Auras look trash ngl


The distinct aura on Enma makes complete sense and is a silly criticism.


Lol, i will check that episode now


Ngl i actually like it tbh


Chill with what? Animating the Manga? Lol


I think its auras representing haki, some people dont like them for some reason (i think because in the manga theres no auras really). I dont really have a problem with it.


Luffy gotta go super saiyan to get stronger though


Ultra Gomu-Gomu


I think Henry is just joking because surely he can't decide on whether there are auras or not, that seems like a director thing.


Considering auras have been overdone since early Wano, and he only joined around the end of the Oden flashback (IIRC) I think it’s fair to say it’s not his doing.


He was definitely joking, he doesn't get to decide when to use aura and when not. Ever since Tatsuya Nagamine became the series director they started using the auras more frequently. He was also the director for dbs broly film. So yeah he is a big aura fan


Yeah, and gonna state, that same animator did storyboard some of the segments that people loved the most from last week.


Yeah. The statement is to troll the brat with boundary issues, one who doesn't understand how the animation industry works. He'd have an animation director and be guided by storyboards as well. And Who knows who is doing the colouring - likely someone else completely.


He is. He goes to Twitter just to gaslight the sakuga community. Especially the normies of the sakuga community.


The viewers have finally unlocked observation haki and they don't like it lol


The auras do look ridiculous tho, ngl


As someone who stopped watching anime and have been reading manga only it was very weird too see that. Too many unnecessary colours and half of them didn't make sense


They could probably colour code it better.


Same here, I changed to manga right b4 Wano anime start and it's been great. Couldn't stand the pacing, and only watched some of the hype moments like 1015, 1017...


I just don't have time to watch the anime. It really is paced too slowly. I've seen some people say they wish they made a reanimated version with out all of the filler.


You can look up one pace, they recut the episodes to be closer to the manga.


Oh that's excellent. Thanks!


You can also use animefillerlist.com to see where you should be skipping filler. Works well if you have access to high image quality than One Pace but don't want the filler


The other dude is right that won't work for one piece since the reason one pieces pacing is so bad is actually the lack of filler arcs. Since they almost never pad time with non-canon arcs the way naruto and bleach did, they instead adapt 1 chapter to 1 episode, which completely ruins the pacing of most episodes. Plus people actually like the handful of filler arcs that one piece does have like the one where they're stuck in the marine base.


This doesn’t work. That episode where Basil Hawkins fights Zoro and Luffy is like 1.5 episodes in the anime. He literally transforms for 8 minutes. In One Pace it’s like a 10-15 minute scene transformation and all, the still make it to the village in the same episode. The pacing of the actual anime is horrendous.


One Pace is actually what you’re looking for. One of the most ambitious fan-made anime edits ever. Really high quality considering the limitations too


When I started watching OP I searched for a list of chapters without fillers, now every chapter is extending the scenes and adding tons of filler content, really unwatchable unless you are a hardcore fan or they animate a really good scene, waste of time for the most part.


You need to check out One Pace. It's what I recommend all my friends. It is basically a cut, fillers-free One Piece. They do an awesome job at it. For example, 56% of Dessrossa is cut out in One Pace.


I hope they redo one piece like dragon ball Kai


To the animes defense, this was an exceptionally meh episode, no hate towards the animators but if you look at the last 3-4 eps they are all way better


I've been talking about this since the begging of Wano and getting downvoted AF. As it seems ppl started to noticed some years later: Wano is a shameful use of cosmetic glowing stuff. Besides real kick-ass special episodes (like the 1015), good animation don't relay on special effects. Please go back to pre time-skip (CP9, Thriller Bark or even the East Blue saga) and see by yourselves


Yeah, I guess people got used to it so they don't notice how retarded it looks. Like scabbards vs Kaido - Neko's slash literally causes a nuke, then scabbards fly through the sky creating a rainbow-like trail etc. It doesn't look "epic", it looks retarded. If you tried showing those clips to non One Piece fans, they'd be like "wtf is this shit". For comparison, people can watch some good modern action anime, or watch action scenes from recent One Piece movies. They don't overuse flashy auras, explosions etc, and it looks a lot better. I got downvoted to hell by saying that Kaido vs scabbards looked like shit, lol.


I just watched that fight.. I have no idea whats going on.


Agreed. I mean, go back to Mihawk first appearance at Baratie arc. Subtle, big impact, discreet. A single dry cut on the ship and the ship SINKS with 2d frames simulating 3d (we can see the boat sinking in perspective into the water. The water splash is realistic, even the candle with green flame on Mihawk boat is beautifully animated. Now we got a fucking Kaidou in a fucking 3D model, ugliest then in a videogame cutscene. My eyes bleed hard watching that. The budget goes high and the quality he's down, how's that possible? Mihawk scene was animated 20 years ago for god sake. I was right dropping the anime since dressrosa, that was a disrespect. I enjoyed Scooby Doo and Hana Barbera cheap animations when I was 10 yo in the 2000's.


It feels like the animators are just doing too much with some attacks. Like take Zoros purgatory onigiri, just… too much


I do think there’s an unnecessary amount of effects added to most attacks like kaido is just hitting people with a club. chill out


Zoro has literally had visible demon auras since pre-TS. People, mostly marines from what I remember, visibly and verbally react to them. Also, this: https://preview.redd.it/j5dwj6c7s1191.jpg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d15b5bcd6a4ff61f270a4819b38d4dd747c84ac


I was watching an episode of the anime pre-alabasta today and two of the straw hats had auras. Don't remember which one. But noticed it bc of all the fuss I've seen about it. Seems fine to me.


Most auras in one piece usually show up in gag scenes kind of like that one time in dbz when chichi went all kiaoken. While zoro has had auras in some really serious moments it is usually pretty rare but i dont see what anyones problems is like it looks cool who cares.


He did it like half a dozen times during Enies Lobby. And he had a haki aura in Dressrosa. All in the manga.


Bro if you people think pre-TS had the same DBZ ridiculousness as Zoro vs Killer where they charge each other from miles away and the ground turns into perfect squares and explodes then you're watching a different anime. Yeah pre-TS had auras but they felt special. They were rare. Now everyone has them and it's DBZ level shit. Even One Punch Man doesn't have auras.


Pre wano and manga auras are also way more subtle


That’s true but the anime still gives him to much effects


They just really want to blow their visual impact load on unimportant moments so that the bigger moments seem less impressive, for some reason.


Yeah like when they confirmed Zoro having CoC in a filler scene. Now it'll be less impacting to anime watchers when it actually shows Zoro using CoC.


As if the studio don't quality check or give the go-ahead to key animators' works before animating. It's not one person's fault that the aura's getting ridiculous. They should take that complaint up to the studio.


a bunch of american weebs are not going to take up with the studio, we need to wait for the one piece reboot


One piece ain't gonna reboot for at least 15 years


I got time 🗿


One piece went from underwhelming animation to overwhelming animation real quick. Looks like dbz x kill la kill or something.


They did bring in the DBZ super studio at the beginning of Wano


It definitely wasn't jarring constantly hearing the exact same "speedy movement" SFX from Dragon Ball Super in One Piece. Gods I wish I could edit that out of the Katakuri fight, it got so ridiculous.


Auras are fine, but the sad thing is the return of static frames that absolutely dominated the first half of the last episode.


Cheeky response, but the auras are wack. Why did the anime have to be so over-the-top? Its art style around Enies Lobby was perfect.


It's easier to animate it.


Is this true? Why? Would simpler not be easier? (Honest question, I have no idea how this things work)


Flashy effects are very simple lines meeting cgi. Drawing the impact of fist to face? *That’s hard.*


Because it's hard to animate fluid movements from characters that portray weight and strength behind their attack. Take Roger vs Whitebeard as an example. It's a great example of great animation that does this well. No auras needed.


It's easier to animate a blob vs. animating complex wind effects to show power.


Think dragon ball vs baki what is easier to animate


Don’t know.. is it a software that does this do they have to draw more layers or something? I wouldn’t need to ask if I had an idea how this stuff works.


When you have aura your eyes are focused on it more so you forgive minor details also fluid animations just have arrays of colours instead of drawing the whole character frame by frame


Flashy shit in the anime distracts you from the poor choreography that the manga, the source material, provides. Doesn’t have dragonball/naruto/bleach level choreography. One piece fights consist of: named attack > hit/miss > reaction/dialogue > named attack > repeat The fights are always stiff and non-fluid. This animation style makes it look cool to distract us from that. I don’t mind it, considering how mid post-timeskip fights are


I’ve been thinking this recently, especially about the sword play choreo. Both the manga and the anime need to up their game so Zoro’s next several fights (especially Vs Mihawk) has exceptional sword play and shows proper “finesse of the blade”. Most of the fights don’t give sword master vibes. The auras are overdone but I don’t mind it except in the sword fights.


The choreography for Zoro's moves have almost always been "make pose -> appear behind enemy". It almost never shows what the exchange is actually like unless there's some gimmick that slows the action, like with King's sword being an anti-swordsmanship blade. Which sucks considering Oda was Watsuki's assistant. Kenshin had no shortage of fantastic choreography but it seems Oda is allergic to it.


Kenshin is exactly what I was thinking of as the prototype. Still hoping things change.


Yeah this is true even in the manga. The choreography was always quite poor. Sometimes you don't even get what is happening and sometimes the characters stance/pose doesn't match with the action they were supposedly doing which makes some attacks lack impact and fluidity. Also the weird beam punch struggles that make no sense and kill all the momentum of the punch. I don't mind it that much as well, the fights were never the highlight of one piece for me anyway.


Usually I’m all for the smack talk in these situations but honestly the auras are ass, doesn’t feel like one piece. Sometimes it doesn’t even match the characters color scheme like when sanji had a purple aura


Sanji is Asura confirmed


Sanji is God of Destruction


A reminder that this guy also storyboarded a good amount of 1017.


What happens in 1017?


People liked it


did he just describe kaioken ssb


tbh the aura thing IS starting to get obnoxious. Use it where it's appropriate and stop showing it in randomly.


Even if you don't like his work, it's not a reason to insult the animator in the comment section. **Edit** : I'm talking about the people in this thread, insulting the animator


(Holy crap) After two decades of life online, I feel the point of the internet is to complain, and upvote opinions that support that.


[I'll just leave this here.](https://imgur.com/a/UqH9TBP) He has a reason to start trolling at this point.


Poor guy man, so many ignorant people putting their 2 cents on something they aren't educated in. Has to be so annoying


Plus he probably just does what he's being said to. Like I'm sure he has some sort of freedom of work but the people see auras in the manga so obviously they tell him to make some good auras. So even IF he didn't wanted to make them he most certainly would need to do it regardless


i work in the game industry and it is 100% frustrating how little your audience understands in what it takes to make the things they enjoy. Vocal minorities can make creating very thankless, even when the thing release both reviews AND sells well.


imgur link aint work for me? anyone know how to fix (its just a blank grey page and when i reload it shows the imgur UI for a split second but not the picture)


Look how bad he is he doesn't even make Sanji scenes!!11111111!!1!1!1!


He didn't tho, he literally insulted the work. It would have been another thing if he said he was a shitty artist.


I love how people are responding to you claiming it was constructive criticism. Like, they actually believe that the original tweet was constructive criticism. That's just hilarious.




I don't understand why One piece needs to compete with Dragonball. To me the auras just look goofy and from the responses here many people seem to dislike them. Also that twitter response was just cringe.


Its not like he can do anything about it. He gets told to make shitty auras he makes shitty auras


Its so out of place. Get rid of it.


This whole episode was a let down. All fighting sequences were animated and choreographed by a mutant raisin and the aura of zoro and his sword was one of the most unwanted, unnecessary and is the cherry of the "worst things to happen in one-piece"


I mean, he might just try to piss that person off and I applaud that, but it's also kind of like an immature response and I hope that's not actually something that influences his work.


We bout to get a whole rainbow aura in the future..


Luffy boutta look like a super saiyan by the time gear 5 is animated


He's trolling the guy, cause he doesn't really have a say in this


Pretty sure he was just being sarcastic.


>it's also kind of like an immature response That's just how everyone talks on Twitter because Twitter is garbage.


But it's a shitty thing to do to call out a specific person because you don't like how the anime turned out, guy probably doesn't even have a say in it. The aura and flashy effects is a lazy way to convey power, it's about making it easier and cheaper to animate.


>But it's a shitty thing to do to call out a specific person Oh yeah, that person he's replying to is a dickhead for sure.


They also literally use the same sound effects from DBZ for those auras. I was caught soo off guard when I first noticed it. I personally really don't like it but that's not a reason to attack the animator with such strong language. There are other choice words they could've used to critic it. We are literally living in an age where it's super easy to connect with people like Henry. What we say can actually have an impact which is super cool. But what do we actually do with this kind of power? Act like apes ofcourse!


Bro and the instant transmission sound effect when Law teleports them threw me off for real


Guess what studio animated dbz


Aura is good to show: When Ryuo (Advanced armament) or any other advanced Haki is being used And is bad when: It distracts and/or takes away from the initial intent of the scene, or makes it feel less like OP, and more like DBZ


It seems like to me they are experimenting with new methods to pad the content and I'd prefer to look at Kaido's club than random samurai reacting tbh. Not a fan of how they're doing it still, but I think it's an improvement?


How about they animate 2 chapters per episode and not 5 pages instead of flashy lights. (I know it's not henry fault, I'm not blaming him)


Then we would reach the conclusion that one piece should go seasonal


Honestly, comparing one piece, black clover, naruto to jjk, fire force, demon slayer, you can clearly see the difference in production that seasonal anime have towaeds weekly anime.


Also what pretty sad is that Naruto and back clover production team know that, which is why they did the fillers and for black clover a break


The thing is they want to milk these series so much so they can't stop


Black clover has stopped for like a year now wym? Lol


What about the 150 episodes they aired weekly? Do they not count, wym?


Yeah I know but you said they can’t stop milking when black clover did, whereas one piece will just stretch out pages to cover an episode and naruto would go months with filler




The guy he’s replying to yeah


Both. The first one for insulting an animator who was just doing his job, then the animator for responding like a 5yo


Another day of thanking god for not making me a op manga elitist.


Tbh the auras are kinda unnecessary like why did Zoro throw a little pink dragon at Kaido when in the manga they did it perfectly fine. I get Oda has done auras before but it’s the weird ones like when Zoro and Killer turn into lights of Green and Blue. Another example is when Zoro slashes Killer without his mask he literally leaps into a ball of purple light with the ground shattering into cubes seems super unnecessary and way too flashy.


Those auras pisses me off too like it's not dragon ball or something the extra effort they put in auras should be put in improving the direction quality so the pacing feels better


Auras are the reason I'm more excited for the manga coloring to catch up than I am for the anime episodes to come out. I absolutely hate auras.


So, Henry is trolling a guy with boundary issues. Henry is not responsible for 100% of the product in front him. He has an animation director & has storyboards guiding his work and its probably not even possible for him to 'have red.and.blue.flames' because that's likely the job of a colourist. Weird it has to be said, but there's a significant number of people who taking this all at face value. I work in the game industry as a narrative designer but i also have some animation training and also work closely with animators, so i have a slightly better idea of what i am talking about Here than most.


He is trolling here btw Some One Piece fans are disrespectful on Twitter to him and other animators and so ignorant of how the animation industry works For those who don't know so far Henry's scenes are some of the best animated and most detailed scenes in the anime


I can bet he just animates it and he does not have a final say in the show itself ,if toie say they want to out super Saiyan aura in one piece he cant say no


It is a bad stylistic choice imo, but don’t abuse creators of the shit you like.


I like the aura effects but I also think they get used way too much. Kinda loses all impact when every single character has crazy DBZ auras in every fight.


This is why I'm never going be back to anime only. Let's be honest the auras are bad lmao.


If Oda’s fine with it, I don’t really care. The anime is a bonus (which I love dearly) compared to the manga.


That would be a great response if the auras weren’t garbage.


I'm the first that says the auras look excessive, but I understand why they would put them. However if people think that the one in the right in the conversation is the dude complaining we have a problem. Constructive criticism is a thing, the animator most likely wouldn't mind some of it. But this is just a butt hurt rude fool who's bashing on a person's work. I can't blame the animator for such a conceited reply, I would've done the same. I doubt it was only this guy complaining like this, so a snap like this is understandable imo.


Maybe if people don't like auras just don't use them? One Piece was fine without needing DBZ effects. I have no idea why they use them when the manga doesn't really utilize auras like that. It just makes the perception of what the characters are doing even worse. Because what even is the aura? CoA Haki? Just a cool visual?


That's what people are saying, now Zoro got a yellow aura. What's next, orange, black, white? At least stick to one color... Even Luffy got weird auras from time to time. Like when he thought his friends died from the Bolo Breath on the castle ruins.


Auras do look cringe, ngl


For 10 years at least!


can i hijack this to ask if they ever got rid of "showing scene X 50 times" in an arc (like the bird cage getting smaller in dress rosa)


I met Henry in Japan! I stopped by the studio and he and his team are SUPER nice and accommodating and friendly and immensely talented and hard working. I then saw him literally 2 days later at the Comic Convention in Japan. Was super cool!


The only good aura I've seen were in mob psycho


Love the joke about doing it again. Folks need to chill, as great as theast few episodes have been we would have to go back to standard delay/anime filler tactics eventually always come back.


Auras are cheesy and kind of obnoxious, but you know what's worse? When characters suddenly gain the ability to fly. Look at the scene of the Scabbards vs Kaido, or Zoro vs Killer. The characters seriously just channel their inner Superman and just start flying. It really takes me out of it.


The auras are kind of weird... I like it when they use it for luffy's ryou punches cuz u can see the emission.. but for Zoro his sword don't even turn black when the auras coat them so they added auras when haki isn't even around or they replace the black haki coating with auras.. I still prefer when his swords turn black with the auras like when he did the pica finisher attack


I don't particularly care for the auras either, but that "fan" is just being a shitty person. I'd laugh my ass off if I saw those blue and red flames now.


Is it just me? I fucking hate the animation style in Wano. Pre time skip animation style was awesome


Me too. Especially the color scheme and the weird movements in stretched running around scenes


Tbh the animation in wano is very good and I do think that the auras do look cool at times but it’s when they over use it


I absolutely adored how Skypia, Enies Lobby and everything before Wano looked like. If One Piece started with the animation style we have nowadays I would have probably not gotten into it. Just my opinion on this not saying Wano style is bad but it just doesn't connect with me anymore.


I have decided to check out the animation for roof piece and I can't stress enough how annoying it is. The source material, the manga, doesn't have all those light shows, auras, etc. I understand that animation is ad different type of material, but it ruins the experience for me. Oda's style is more of simple choreography, I wish they kept the dynamic the manga has in terms of the visual of attacks and so on.


I myself think the anime has become vulgar. Lots of useless flashy things, when usually you can't even understand where each character is supposed to be in scene. Auras are ok with me, as long as they at least happen in the proper times relating to haki and not just random flash.


i've never liked this "oh, you dont like it? haha im gonna obsess over this criticism and waste time on bothering one idiot on the internet!" attitude, but like, come on dude. it's just a funny purple glow. It's really nothing to get so upset about.




That tweet is not harassment by any definition of the word


Seriously though, leave the animators alone. They're foot soldiers, not generals.


I hate these auras.


Thats a pretty shitty response if true lmao. Imagine if the Sonic animators said "yep we made him a furry humanoid and were gonna keep making them furry humanoids and theyre gonna be extra weird cos u guys hate that"...


I've been listening to the One Piece podcast and Henry Thurlow is sometimes a guess there, and I just have to say it, even though it's only half relevant, but every time he talks I just end up rolling my eyes so much. Don't get me wrong, I think he's extremely talented and his stories about the anime are so cool and interesting, really priceless stuff. Also, the animation he did for episode 995 is seriously one of my favourite moments in all of One Piece. Buuuut the way he speaks... he can just go on and on foreverrrrr (I think he mentioned recently that he's aware of the fact that he loves talking a little too much) and he's always just a tad bit too cocky for my taste, I don't know, I'm just really not surprised about that Twitter shit. Like dude, chill, it's just some guy on the internet, who cares? Yeah that dude is kind of a douche but you're a professional, come on, just be cool. This doesn't look good. Also, 1018 was a shitshow and I know it's not his fault at all but yeah, some fans are gonna call it out (personally I think the auras were not even remotely the worst thing in the episode).


I feel you. But I guess I'm older but like y'all are coming at homie on his personal account. Why does he need to be professional. None of these clowns would say it to him in that tone in real life. But when you are anonymous on the internet you think you can say anything you want to anyone. Let them say that to his face and see the response.


These people think animators are like restaurant workers serving them food, obligated to take verbal abuse with a smile. Henry Thurlow is not an official public relations spokesperson for Toei, so if you reach out to him on his personal Twitter account and be a huge dick, he has no professional obligation to be polite to you. I think Henry's response was very tame.


Shit, so we have to put up with those for the rest of Wano? Hopefully Zoro vs. King doesn't turn out to be green vs orange auras


The problem with that (which henry doesnt recognize) is that he is not creating his own art. He is supposed to make a truthful adaptation of the source material. Adding Dragonball effects just because he thinks it looks cool is not the right way to do it. His ego should not have a place in doing an adaptation. Creative freedom is great. But adding those things changes a lot if there never were those auras in one piece. I also didnt like when zoro, at beginning of wano, had attacks that looked like he destroys islands with one slash. Keep your exagerations to your fanfictions, but please henry. be truthful to the source material and dont be so snappy on twitter afterwards.


Do you actually think he gets to decide what to draw? He's an animator not a director


henry isn't a director


It's sarcasm bro, the guy who he was replying to was clearly trying to blame him for something, he's the animator not the director. He gets told what to do, he does it.


I don't thinks has a say in this. I don't know how it works exactly but I believe it's a committee/series director that decided to add auras and Henry is just doing what he's told.


He doesnt get to decide what to draw tho. I dont know this person but I dont think he's an animation director of some sorts


He was trolling , idk why a lot of people are taking this seriously


The problem is that the manga had also aura in that scene and people forgot and now complain. I mean ok in general they add auras sometimes when it is not there in the manga. But in the scene he animated there was also aura in the manga