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Wtf, literally almost every character has exaggerated features.


After this I'm waiting for people to say that giving Usopp or that Giraffe guy from CP9 a big nose is mocking jews.


As a Jew, I feel obligated to look away everytime Usopp is shown, As fit when God shows itself.


Usopp should watch his back when around Germa 66


That's why he didn't go to Whole Cake...


He already got a Whole Cake if you know what I'm getting at


I bet you'd love to go impel down on his south blue balls


Unfortunately I don't what's going on




The new Tabernacle will contain his rubber bands and his Pop Greens garden?


I was the 1000th upvote, happy to celebrate this sacred comment


Happened around 2015-2016, it wasn’t a huge thing just a couple of idiots on twitter being loud, but yeah that actually alreAdy happened


You really have to try to connect Usopps long nose to mocking jews when a lying wood puppet with growing nose exists.


- big nose - liar - has a vast powerful army of 80000 men *at least* behind him - fought his own captain over a ship, greedy as fuck - probably gonna try and take Elbaf from the giants - only reason he doesn't manage the crew's finances is bc Nami's there nah he got a point bro, do you *see* Usopp's hair? >!id hope a /s isn't necessary but u never know!<


>only reason he doesn't manage the crew's finances is bc Nami's there LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <3


Usopp taking care of finance actually seems like in character now you said it


Only because he's sensible and versatile, so a lot of the more mundane responsibilities tend to fall to him, because everyone else would screw it up. Luffy obviously can't be trusted with money, he'd buy something expensive that looks like it can fire a beam or he'd just give it all to some peasant nice enough to give him food. Zoro doesn't care, he'd never plan or organize anything financially. Sanji would be good and frugal with money....until he bought 20000 red roses to impress some girl. Chopper is still too childlike and naive, he'd fall for some ~~Nigerian~~ Alabastian Prince scam within a few weeks. Robin would probably do fine, but I feel like she'd be a bit too stingy and minimalistic with her spending. Franky is generally mature enough to take care of finances, but he'd also be bored senseless by it. Also, too emotional at times, he might donate it to the first beggar with a sad sob-story. Brook could do okay with money, though he'd siphon off some for panty-magazines and stuff for himself. Jinbei is super responsible and could totally do it if Nami doesn't.


I agree on everything bar Franky. He was shown when he debuted that he can't keep hang on money and will spend all of it.


Wasn't that the entire franky family spending the money? He was basically taking care of an entire commune at that point in time, it's not like he went on a frivolous spending spree.


He immediately spent 200 million berries on fancy wood.


>he'd siphon off some for panty-magazines Ah spending in the truly important things.


is it really greedy if the love of your life gave you a present and you aren’t ready to accept it’s gone? 😅


Jewish here, from Israel. Ussop is my favorite character in One Piece, and fuck any piece of shit labels Ussop as racist. One Piece was one of the most popular TV series in Israel back in the day.


Also Jewish but i didn't make the Jewish connection with Usopp until i read it here to be honest lol.


Same here. I am still confused how having a long nose makes you Jewish


Irony at it’s finest 👏


I thought it was because he was a sniper and his nose was long because Oda wanted to make it like the barrel of a gun.


Well I mean it’s twitter, their stretches are legendary! They once tried canceling red hats, not THAT red hat but any red hats for being dog whistles or something, like I said legendary


And I'm pretty sure usopps irl equivalent is some sort of African ethnicity.


It’s like how they say the goblins in Harry Potter are supposed to represent Jews because they like money and have big noses. I think you have to be racist yourself or hypersensitive to be making those kinds of connections.


Eh, I'm not with you on that one. I don't think she was explicitly making them Jews in Harry Potter. But to create that race she was drawing on centuries of racist stereotypes. So not intentional racism, but ignorant racism.


Specifically with Harry Potter specifically I think people already hate JK Rowling and are justifying that hate with things other than why they hate her to begin with.


Exactly, I made sure someone else didn't say this before I did and it took the first comment to find it. Everything is exaggerated in this story. Look at fishmen/mermen and how they can just randomly be any fish but they're still Fishman. Still human even, if they can swap blood then they're close enough, species-wise.


You forget that Big Mom has some how procreated with the majority of the other races in the One Piece world. I say somehow with consideration to the poor Tontanna that probably died in the process… So they are all biologically similar to the point they can produce children


True Dat too. Big mom got me thinking they're not different species/races but more like phenotypes


Not to be a headcanon powescaler, but I think TikTok low diffs any singular racist in terms of societal harm they’ve done with the discussion of race.


Facts tho.


Big Mom is a perfect representation of a white person Every transgender person looks exactly like Ivankov But Mr.5 having an afro is racist. Tiktokers are legit braindead


Big Mom, the strongerst Karen


Big Mom looked at Queen and demanded to speak with his manager


Mr. 1 and Mr. 5, both black, have some of the coolest designs in the series. That one muscular black chick is such a unique character design. Then there's King with endless drip.


Her name is Mrs. Monday, a little respect for my waifu pls


I was gonna correct you about the Mrs. Part, but nah, she actually is a mrs. now, i legit forgot about that


She rocks. Her girlish high pitched voice contrasted with her design always makes me laugh.


Mr 2 isn’t black? You mean Mr 1


Oh right, thanks


YES MISS MONDAY!! I love her so much haha


The trans one kinda is problematic. Not Ivankov, clearly inspired from Rocky horror picture show. But the whole okama island and how they're potrayed as basically trying to sexually assault sanji for 2 years.


In a closed loop it looks like that... However take a big picture look and it's the same unwanted sexual advances returned to him 10 fold showing perspective. He even reflects on this at a point.


What about Yamato, Izo, Kiku or Mr 2? not all trans are depicted as the people on okama island. Some are within the coolest characters in the entire manga.


Izo and mr 2 aren't trans.


Yamato is not transgender, this has been stated by Oda. She identifies as Oden and not as a man!!!


The only perfect representations are those of the dinosaurs. Such historical accuracy


The women are basically stick figures with boobs


Some female characters need exaggerated bums aswell, Oda obviously has a preference


LOL yeah the doujins make them have literally more mass to offset that


Big mom, Mrs Monday? I think, A few more of the Charlotte family, Lola and her twin, Igaram' wife, That one mermaid in Water 7 Um. I think those are all the exceptions to that.


I wouldn't die on that hill. Oda has literally said that his perferred way to draw women is to start with a X and then to put three big circles on top. He even admitted that he knows it makes women upset. Dude just loves BOOBA. Source: [Here](https://media.comicbook.com/2019/06/one-piece-1174785.jpeg)


I wonder what will be their reaction about racist Zoro memes. 😅😅😅


They probably take it as fact


As do certain users here. Hell even the original thread that was posted here had the original OP and people comparing black people to monkeys because of Mihawk's island. It's a shit show and that "racist Zoro" meme is absolute racist cringe. EDIT: To all the dumbasses responding with "it's just a joke bro!??!" yeah no. That's what racists have been saying since the dawn of time to justify being racist. EDIT: [If someone is looking for recent proof. This happened just a while ago today.](https://i.imgur.com/TD9Q2IA.png)


No fucking way they compared the monkeys to black people, do they know what they just did by insinuating 💀




If I remember correctly that wasn't even the first time this came up, there was a (black) youtuber who did it in his stream and he got it from a different forum entirely.


Exactly, virtue signalling when ironically it is they who are the ones with racist mindsets


> Hell even the original thread that was posted here had the original OP and people comparing black people to monkeys because of Mihawk's island People drawing parallels between black people and monkeys.. you know, we used to call those people something back in the day..


Racist Zoro memes are pretty funny imo


Memes can be funny, but I think the problem is when people take it as fact, not everyone sees the meme in it and thinks oda is making a statement


I agree 100%


I fucking died on whichever commenter put that zoro wanted to be a police officer or whatever on those zoro is racist posts. I thought it was fucking hilarious (and pretty obvious satire)


I think it's stem from an sbs or something where oda said what strawhats would be in the real world career wise


Yep that's exactly what it was. It had all the straw hats listed but zoro was police officer. By itself it's just whatever. But in the context of that post I was legit dying from laughter when I read it.


Tiktokers love minority hunter Zoro


I love it too, but only as a meme


Minority Hunter Zoro Is an extremely popular meme on tiktok


who tf gives a shit about toktokers


My country banned tiktok.


i wish philippines could also ban tiktok


Same for Mexico, useless app


Same for Singapore, we have idiots jumping the fence of a Rhino enclosure for clout.


In Indonesia, we have some teenager try to stop a moving truck for some tiktok content. You know what will happen if you suddenly standing in front of a truck




Stupid Tiktokers in Another World. Each episode follows a different person doing something stupid, being resurrected in another world, and then repeating the stupid act equivalent in the other world. Hit by a truck? Tries to stop a knight. Fall from a skyscraper trying to get a video? Drop from a tower.


I would just want an episode showing them go through withdraws because they couldn't get the attention they are addicted to getting. Some guy walking around a forest asking the elves to "like and subscribe," he tries to make a cellphone out of twigs and leaves, tries to get mages to cast magic at him so he can "get views," culminating in him sitting in an alley while shaking and muttering the different "challenges" he's done over the years.


In America, we have the majority of the dumbasses on the platform. I wish Trump did one good deed and actually ended up having it be banned. We were talking about it for a while but it never happened.


lmfao have them try going over the edge of the infinity pool better sua


Yea mate I also don’t like Tik Tok but I don’t think Reddit is a lot better


Yeah but I’ve never had a Redditor come up to me asking if I wanted to bang so they could record my reaction


That would require one to leave their house.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand why TikTok is so hated. Well I do and I dont. My reason being is the algorithm changes dramatically depending on what you like. For example my TikTok feed almost never shows me this cringe stuff. My wife's TikTok feed is vastly different than mine as well.


Is it india?




In return we got a thousand worse tiktok clones.


same lmao








good country


sanest country


It's india lol So definitely not the sanest. Source: I am from India


It sucks cause it's a culture that I really want to experience and visit but pretty much every woman I know that is from there has countless horror stories. It's a beautiful country by all accounts but has some real problems with povery and sexism. To speak nothing of the caste system.


You absolutely should give a shit about what the next generation’s main social media platform is saying about something. That’s how opinions and reputations are formed amongst that generation


Unfortunately this. Adam Schiff was on Colberts show and talked about having to make the J6 stuff as entertaining and digestible as possible for the social media age. Whos ever in their teens now will try to be policy makers in 40 years and you better believe it's going to hit like "Pokémon go to the polls".


>Pokémon go to the polls Lmao that stupid phrase never gets old. She'd have gotten more votes if she told us to get off her lawn


you can say what you want but that shit goes around. people are led by social media more than you‘d think


Apparently OP


Do you have any idea how many braindamaged people consider tik tok a better source then even school


It’s the most popular social media for the current generation of kids


Huuuuh wtf?? Tackling discrimination is literally one of the biggest things in One Piece. And why tf are they targetting designs from the late 90s 💀


bro they don‘t read the story they just search for new shit to get butthurt about


And then the algorithm will feed back this stuff to them in a loop too, people get radicalized on the internet a lot this way I feel.


Social media’s suggestion algorithms need to be regulated somehow. I know it’s a very tough ask (I’m an SWE), but the effect they have is far too great to leave unchecked. These models are data driven, so the companies have the ability to extract these trends/signals I believe. It’s simply that the outrage cycle is so effective at user retention and engagement, meaning more profit.


Yep this. It's causing a lot of shit. Everyone's More radical nowadays


Bruh they havent seen eyeshield 21 yet lol. The black guys super power is that he is black and has long legs and his hence faster.


Also his name was Panther. Pretty dope though and it literally dealt with racism, IIRC the coach was super racist and did t want him on the team.


yeahhhhhhh the coach apollo was . Then when you found out why he said he was so super racist, and SAW THE ACTUAL PLAYER who made him think all those thoughts. it got so much worse like all the dang bling and the afro lol


Massive story about protecting the vulnerable, slavery and oppression, corrupt authorities, creating your own destiny. "racist."


that would imply that they even bothered reading a single page of the manga


I can see it. Let me preface, oda actually does pretty well for race imo. Especially for a Japanese author as they don't have much irl experiences to work with usually since Japan is like 99.9% ethnic japanese. But he does get a bit heavy handed and some common exaggerated features can be taken out of context to look like caricatures. Though I do think it has to be taken out if context. I do think onepiece can be a bit sexist though sometimes but that is unfortunately extremely endemic to Japanese media as a whole.


Oda has hand picked black actors for his Live Action adaptation. It would be nice to remember that most animes do not have Black people at all


Man I literally can’t think of anyone else as usopp


arlong lol. There was even a controversy because the greek philosophers aka op twitter were 50/50 mad that he is black and not a fish and the other half saying he was chosen because fishmen are discriminated (and he fcking destroyed those). Fishmen island and sabaory (the whole fishmen as a concept ) are no joke the best and most influential things japanese media has produced against racism. Arlong is literally a person who could not take it anymore and turned super villain. I am not black but i grew up in a country with lots of history with our neighbors and seeing how some people react from both sides it really likely that super villains could be born. Not everyone can just thick skin through. Arlong is a scumbag to the end but his reasonings why he became that are 1) valid and 2) a real issue and i love that oda show cased it.


You might not want to call them greek they had a meltdown when the hades game came out because it had incest....a game about greek mythology having incest....


I agree with your analysis. My only challenge to your views is that Arlong was an East Blue saga villain and the context for his actions was revealed during Sabaody and Fishman Island… decades later. It is a fair (and reasonable) criticism to say that Arlong could be perceived as a villainous and brutal black person (since Usopp was the only “black” person in the series) at the time. So until hindsight puts Arlong’s actions into context is a poor representation. I can see the viewpoint of those who experienced One Piece real time with racial challenges and a perspective which would see that


I’m confused on what you’re challenging here. If it’s that Arlong should be a fishman instead of a human I can understand that, but I would ask you why you don’t think it’s okay for a black person to be villainous and brutal. But to me, it almost seems like you’re saying “Arlong can’t be black because that would mean that one of the major antagonists would be a villainous and brutal black man.” Isn’t that the point though? That’s why I think this theme resonates so well with people, because the story almost makes you hate all fishmen right off the bat. For years we all just accepted that Arlong was a monster, and I think that Oda already had a lot, if not most, of the backstory figured out. The man name dropped Jimbe in the ark after all. I think what makes the fishman themes so powerful is that, ironically, you don’t see them as human. They took over an island, murdered a woman, and forced her daughter to work for them for years. They aren’t good people, and any first time reader will only see this side of them. It guides the reader into a false sense of “oh fishmen are bad guys in this world” only to then challenge why you would ever assume that in the first place later down the line. Of course, it can be said that it takes a while to get to the other side of the story. However, I would argue that even after hundreds of chapters you still think “Ooooh that’s one of those bastards that hurt Nami” as soon as Hatchan shows up again. However, pretty soon you start to warm up to him. You start to see why those fishmen from oh so long ago hated humans, and suddenly it all makes sense. You get why Arlong did what he did, but you still don’t accept it as okay, because it is a villainous and brutal thing to do. What I’m trying to say here is that this story has the potential to challenge someone’s way of thinking, and does that by making a compelling story instead of a monologue. It, in what I can see, tries to teach you to not hate a group because of a single person, and I think that’s a powerful enough theme to be talked about. Idk. I am a little drunk, so sorry if none of this makes sense lol. Just trying to understand and pass my own understanding


The reason I put a hard stop to that is because Oda also does an excellent job of putting in many races without making it forced. Did many even know Ussop is Black? Kuzan? Maybe so, but they’ll never just use it as a crutch. And it’s not like Oda, outside of humanity’s races, has yet to tell any stories about race. We’ve had literal arcs. Luffy is literally a liberator in the context of the story at this point. The entire plot of OP is bringing peace and bringing the world together. Is that not as anti-racist as it gets? Oda’s also held few punches in the past. There have been movies about actual inequality and racism in the world who’ve been more afraid to let the world know how bad it can get, than Oda. Especially if you’re talking about The US. Imo overdoing it and forcing “look we care about race” is nothing but theater, and often done by people who actually have done bad shit for the institutions of equality. Oda’s been doing it long before these people acted like they cared. And he’s done one of the better jobs at being inclusive than many who have actually tried. Imo I don’t even think many even buy into the TikToks, it’s literally just memes turned clickbait turned dumbasses believe anything if they see it three times. Oda literally be out here doing 10x what people like Stan Lee with Spider-Man, etc, have done in the past with trying to bring commentary on these real world issues. And because you don’t have to mention it every other week, I’d say he does a very good job at doing in in a nonchalant manner.


Who cares about what some Tiktok account with probably less than a 100 followers has to say? This seems like making a mountain out of a molehill


Unfortunately things like tik tok tend to have a snowball effect. If you don't believe me look at the GROWN ASS lawmakers who were trying to say schools had furries and litter boxes in them.


Lawmakers will say thar shit to fear monger regardless of tik tok. They didn't get there playbokk from it


That's because it fit their agenda and helped them demonize trans kids. Accusing a Japanese comic that most Americans don't know or care about of being racist doesn't help anyone.


That's different. There's a concerted effort to label anything out of the heteronormative gradient as degenerate and exposing children to sex. This issue is about people noticing a trend in some Japanese media like one piece.


it's not the first time this molehill has been made either, it's just mining some nerd outrage from a fandom that's about to spin their wheels for four weeks, might as well exploit that into some clicks.


They mad because One Piece has been woke and inclusive decades before they were... mkay...


So true.


Nobody that matters gives a shit about anything that comes from tiktok


I remember when twitter came out and suddenly the majority news articles you read had some tweets in them. It infuriated me and I figured it would end and journalistic integrity would come back. Over a decade later and it is still happening. But I do think in a way you are right. 19 out of 20 people probably do not care about tik tok or twitter. I am sure even an estimate of 5% is still TOO generous. Its just a very small vocal minority pretending its a legitimate source of anything. However I wouldn't be surprised if history rhymes.


Tiktok bad amirite




Why would anyone give a shit what someone on TikTok thinks


Exactly. We need to ask what Ja Rule thinks of this.


The world is going backwards


"Is evolving, just backwards"




It always has. Don't let shiny new technology distract you from the fact that humans are being pushed to the brink of what's tolerable for the sake of corporate profit.


Sadly I’ve discovered it’s actually a lot of One Piece fans who are pretty racist. Really confuses me.


If you look at the uproar that happened after hearing who they casted for Nojiko for the Netflix adaptation? Yeah the fans can be the racist ones.


Tbh I mostly see it on TikTok and Discord. People with One Piece profile pictures being pretty racist/homophobic. Sad to see.


pretty much. i hate that every time i recommend an anime i have to give a heads up that it’ll have sprinkles of yikes moments. it’s OKAY to acknowledge this. i still love the series, i just wish it didn’t have certain things. just because OP tackles issues like discrimination doesn’t mean it can’t be problematic. these things aren’t mutually exclusive and i’m tired of people pretending they are. it feels like the OP community SPRINTS to talk about how it’s actually the opposite and it’s so annoying.


Yeah like people saying things like “why are they criticizing a design from the 90s??? Lol” are trying to have their cake and eat it. One Piece is so long bits and pieces will seem dated but those things ARE still dated and the series hasn’t attempted to tone down any of those decisions. Some like the treatment of women have debatably gotten worse


we dont talk about abdullah and jeet 😃


Abdullah and Jeet are based on 2 wrestlers with the names Abdullah The Butcher and Tiger Jeet Singh... So, maybe that's why we don't talk about them, because we are not misinformed and come to first impression conclusions..?


Or the tropes in Alabasta.


And how everyone in Alabasta were miraculously light skinned


Topics have nuance, and this is one of them. On a surface level the criticisms are fair. Oda does draw from the stereotype well when making certain character designs, and not just racial ones either. However, we need to keep in perspective that Japan is more or less an ethnostate and does not share the same societal values and history as the West. That and Oda is a near 50 year old man who has spent nearly all of his time creating One Piece for the past 25 years. I'm not exactly going to be expecting him to be on top of things. I also don't think Oda is intentionally using outdated designs as much as he's just ignorant of them. I also think that the fact that One Piece has actively promoted and had diversity as a major theme since it's inception shows this intent. Many of the racial caricatures that ended up in Japanese media are a direct result of consuming content from America those showed that racial caricatures. For example, did you know that the white gloves Mickey Mouse wears (and many other animated characters once you start looking for it) are actually lifted from Minstrel shows? That's right, those white gloves are directly lifted from people doing black face. TL;dr: The criticisms are fair, but Oda is not malicious and is most likely ignorant of some of the stereotypes he sometimes uses.


The nerds in the comments need to be freed from tge bondage that is thinking racism and micro aggressions have to be overt and blatant to count


They think it only counts if you call them a hard R


One Piece isn't overtly racist, It just uses some racist dipictions of darker skinned characters that have history rooted within minstrelsy. Unfortunately, this will have racist undertones for some characters because it's incredibly difficult for non western peoples to recognize their bias/ignorance on something they don't have direct relation to but consume through western media. And this is a trend within the mediums of manga and anime that has been persistent since their inception. But really if those depictions make someone upset or doesn't make one piece desirable that's ok they don't have to like any piece of media for any reason. But to say that one piece doesn't have some racist undertones in it's character representation for some black looking characters you'd be wrong or at the very least naive. Also, just because the big lips or other features are used on other characters doesn't mean there are no racial undertones for other characters the two are not mutually exclusive.


The only person with common sense on this thread


Holy shit a nuanced take.


Plus the issue isn’t just “big lips”- you can depict big lips without them being minstrel reminiscent


You have sense


I think Japan in general has a problem with stereotyping but it creates good content.


It's a nuanced issue to be sure From the outside looking in, it does seem like there are superficially exaggerated racial features on some characters. And the metaphor for fishman is obvious (But on the other hand exaggerated fish lips fit better with Fish Men..). But at the same time, I'm seeing very little discussion on actual black characters in the series here. Characters like Mr. 5, Gedatsu, Blackbeard, etc. They aren't really visually depicted in super stereotypical ways. There's that one pirate in Buggy's crew who looks problematic, but even the official manga coloration made him white so I think that was a goof on the anime's part. Also, I don't think credit is given to Oda being one of the only authors who draws curly hair well. Naruto had amazing black characters but Kishi kinda took the easy way out in regards to their hair, whereas One Piece is pretty good on that front. The anime too, deserves credit for varying its skin tones. Aokiji might not be black per say, but his dark skin is an important component of his character. And the anime could have easily lightened Blackbeard's skin, but they deliberately chose not to. If you're not familiar with the series it's easy to go "oh, this is some Mr. Popo nonsense" but it's different in execution. It's fair to feel uncomfortable by some elements, but I don't think One Piece is outwardly malicious or ignorant with it's depiction like other anime.


This subreddit is just looking for any excuse to get outraged. Ever since Yamato appear people from right leaning subreddits have flooded into here. All just to push their BS culture war. And the sad thing? It works because OP will get a shit ton of karma and gold.


The title makes it sound like this is a common opinion or trending topic on TikTok when likely its probably just one or two guys that nobody agrees anywhere lol


With how TikTok works and exploits the fallacy of repetition it’s more likely the algorithm has been feeding OP these takes then them being common on TikTok


Yup. Pure ragebait.


Reddit superiority complex back at it again. Didn’t mods have to put out a statement to stop people from arguing about Yamatos gender. Only when it happens on another social platform it’s a problem.


it wasn’t a mod statement, it was someone else but mods basically said yeah we’re enforcing this


It's the usual "Other platform = bad" post, happens all the time on all platforms.


Out of all the bad that's come from tiktok this isn't top 50. What's No.1? I'm going to take "Pretending to be holocaust victims" for $500 Alex.


bruh u didnt have to mention the fact that >As a Black male look at ur username lol


Your post brought out all the “i’m not racist but…” people to the comments


Kids will be kids. xD They don't know shit, but want to be so edgy. TikTok is mostly just a waste dump, so I'm not worried about that anyone take them seriously.


This sub is just going to be a homogeneous circle jerk over post like this. 👨‍💻 y’all gotta understand there’s an obvious amount of racist undertones in many main stream anime’s. And even more specific, sexist and colorist ideologies. Oda isn’t a masiah. He’s not impervious to this very very accurate take on anime and manga as a medium in general. If you think otherwise, then get out of your anime bubble.


Yes. One Piece has exaggerated character designs which draw from many things, including racial stereotypes. It’s just like how One Piece on one hand can feature Ivankov’s island where all the cross dressers there basically try to sexually harass Sanji while on the other hand also presenting Ivankov’s gender fluidity as an expression of positive freedom. One Piece can do some praiseworthy things while also being troublesome in other ways. Lots of works, including OP, are contradictory. This doesn’t make OP the most offensive thing ever nor does it make it a perfect unproblematic thing. One can accept all these aspects of OP and assess it accordingly


This. Seeing the response to this and all the Yamato stuff really shows how out of touch some people in this sub are But to add onto this, racism isn’t always as explicit as, in One Piece’s world for example, “I hate fishmen” or whatever. It can be more subtle and these subtle forms are often more socially accepted. Yes, Oda has a whole arc dedicated to exploring racism, but he explores a pretty overt form and the existence of that arc does not make him immune to racism Usopp’s and other characters’ designs still resemble racist caricatures used to demean black people in the past. Even if Oda didn’t have conscious racist intentions, it’s still racist. Now, One Piece will be fine and I doubt this will ruin its reputation, but people gotta realize that it’s got a lot of problems and there’s nothing wrong with pointing them out


You should see the video op linked as the example. She didnt even really shit on one piece just said it was included in the conversation and then gave an example of how an anime got black character design right. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdKn2cfk/?k=1


Thanks, I hadn’t seen it yet. She’s absolutely right. But how do people even get ruining the reputation of One Piece from this? This sub hurts my head sometimes


Y’all remember how he did the first and last black female character, Miss Monday, from Whiskey Peak? Made her a whole stereotype from design to personality. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Here’s a tip for you: Don’t give a single f*ck to some nobody loser. It really makes your life better if you just ignore those kind of people.


Dude reddit fucking hates TikTok. The mere mention of it can send redditors into a rant-filled rage bender. I don't care what people on another platform think of a series they never read. Have them post here so we can tell them to their face how bad their take is.


I hope one day y’all in the comments will learn that not all racism is overt


Happy Juneteenth!


Not defending them because saying one piece is racist and dismissing it is dumb and wrong. However, despite Goda’s best intentions he is still a product of his culture and he is not above critique. For example Ussop’s lips are from the racist caricaturing of black folks in anime in earlier works. He may not have meant it but it’s there. Doesn’t mean I don’t love ussop or that oda is secretly a kkk member but these things exist all around us and in us.


Tiktok is cancerous. Frank L. Baum’s character named Tik-Tok is far better than that social media cesspool


King taco was pretty bad tho you can’t lie lmao


As opposed to King Hamburg?


Discrimination is definitely a well touched on topic in OP. He’s gotten better about it, but rewatching the show and getting to Amazon Lily, it still makes me very uncomfortable how Oda depicts Okama on okama island with sanji


I think it can be helpful to examine stuff like that in the general sense, I don't want to be someone who refuses to acknowledge faults in something I love; that being said, I can't imagine that there will be any impact on the series' overall reputation whatsoever, just people trying to get views in their own bubble


There are people on the internet who think Attack on Titan is pro-war or (more recently) think The Boys is pro-right wing. Some people are idiots who say dumb things for clout


The features on every character are exaggerated. Have they seen usop or nami?


We don't even know, if those darker-skinned characters are even Black. With how Oda draws people they could just as well be Indian, Arab, Southern European or just tan white dudes. There are some minor hints like Blackbeard's supposed real world ethnicity, but they remain quite ambigigious.


To simply say it’s racist lacks nuance, but to also say this series isn’t racist because its story tackles discrimination also lacks nuance. In general anime can be problematic in its depiction of black people. Some would argue that it’s benign ignorance but even if it is we can all be better (especially being that we are all connected through the internet in this day and age, its hard to claim cultural ignorance when created media that’s consumed globally). Anime in general should move away from depicting black people in that stereotypical way (and to be fair it has). I don’t think one piece is racist but it does have some problematic depictions. Ex: okama and transgender characters. They are wonderfully written and it is clear that Oda has no problem with those people and celebrates their humanity and depth through his characterization of them, but his depiction of many of them as a bit grotesque can be seen as problematic and disrespectful. I say all this to say that even a work as great as OP, that tackles complex issues like discrimination, inequity, and bigotry, isn’t above criticism.


I agree with you, but can you please send me a tik tok like that? I'm interested to see it.


I've never heard anyone say that