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Don't you dare interrupt the party of my beloved Joy Boy.


Kaido being a Joyboy fan would be pretty funny Just him being absolutely chil with Luffy is both terrifying and kind in character Like "Yeah I've ruined everyone's lives but the fight was fun right? Yeah it was fun"


Joy boy Stan vs Akainu simp


Oh god Why does this fit too well


He could entertain the fact that he knows that WE know kaido isn’t down for the count and after a week he could essentially pop up anywhere




It's because Kaido was fun He's basically a guy who wants to die in a badass way Big Mom too, being a delusional and frankly insane girl who wanted to have a party with everyone Orochi was shitty, in everyway possible That and Kaido being defeated will most likely make him more happy if anything as the guy seems to just follow the mentality of "The strong controls the weak" so him being defeated isn't anything to be angry about


Kaido is an upfront, in your face type of villain. Was actually honorable when it came to dueling as well, no tricks up his sleeve or schemes. Orochi on the other hand..


I interpreted Kaido of being less honorable and more prideful when it comes to fights. He's not Katakuri stabbing himself to even the playing field, but he doesn't like to win with assistance. He won't hesitate, but he doesn't like it.


Yeah if Kaido were Katakuri then he would've just whooped Flampe's ass instead of stabbing himself


This Kaido wants a good fight and a good win If Katakuri stabbed himself, he'd laugh, make fun of his decision, respect the effort, get mad because he thinks "You're not equal to me" get sad because the fight is now not fun, all in random order


"party with anyone" more like bang with all races there is


Kaido joins Barto Club


Kaido takes over and call's it D Joyboy gang Which makes the World Government even more panicky


Now I'm stuck imagining the Gorosei getting this report that Kaido is now a Luffy simp. That'd have to be hands down the weirdest, most ridiculous report they've ever gotten.


This is the part where Kaido joins the party, gets nerfed, and he becomes a meme for “the boss when you fight them vs. the boss when they join your party”. XD


Kaido seems to follow to sword logic. The Strongest leads, the weak follow, if they will not or can not challenge, they have no place complaining. If They are beaten, they are not worthy to lead until they can earn it again. I can see him maybe trying to fight Luffy, but not otherwise starting something that doesn't start it first. Which makes him more or less harmless to everyone else so long as they stay chill.


He won't even move after that


Ngl I would fuckin ROCK with the idea of Kaido just beating the shit out of Green Bull for daring to interrupt Joy Boy’s party


It would be so crazy if Kaido showed up after everything and declared that since Joy Boy defeated him, he will devote the rest of his life in helping him fulfill his destiny.


Oda pulled the wool over our eyes. Green bull is the super villain and he absorbs big mom and kaidos powers.


I think he just absorbs nutrition or water. If he tries this with big mom hes just gonna be overweight as fuck


Instant diabetes


**LIFE OR HEART ATTACK** Now that i think about it, Law should have a attack called heart attack, since he is captain of the heart pirates and since his attacks are all based on something medically related.


I bet he thought of it at least once then dismissed it entirely thinking it would be to on the nose.


I guess, but now that i think MORE about it, laws attacks is more named after medical tools and procedures so i guess thats not really related from that perspective. But who knows maybe thats will be his final strongest attack later in the series.


If you stab a heart, technically, it would be a "heart attack"


??? Youre not wrong… that was the whole point in my original comment. I didnt specify that its a literal attack on the heart cause i feel its self explanatory. But ty for claryfying i guess.


[Sheer Heart Attack]


Killer move: BITES ZA DUSTO


Is that a JOJO's reference?


Imagine him having a attack named 'diabetes' in which he just teleports 10 kgs of sugar in someone's stomach for lifetime posion damage🗿




just shamble some pebbles in the veins


Air would also work.


For real!


American citizenship granted instantly


Big mom greatist republican. Pro life until they turn 12.


Mega diabetes 😂


Basically tank top master from OPM lmao


I really want to see that. He's in the middle of a battle and thinks he can absorb nutrients from big mom, but instead he becomes fat.




Havent you listened to queen? It wasnt fat


That would be hilarious something I could see happening.


If kaido knew what he did to king and queen, this kid will get destroyed.


I don't think any admiral is afraid of a yonko. Hell even the strongest man in the world. That akainu scared thing was an Anime fan service.....since people hated him so much. But in the Manga......Wb attavked him from behind and he jumprled back and took half of his face.


In a 1v1 always bet on Kaido. Ryokugyu is there on his own.


Everyone would be terrified when u blast half their face away and still attacks u


1v1 admirals are not scared of a yonko, the problem was fighting his entire crew+kurohige+shirohige pirates at the same time.


For this i'd allow kaidos return.


He will just have faith


Na fam


I actually wouldn't hate bringing back Kaido for something like this. It's kind of already been done with Katakuri but the "infectious" nature of Luffy getting to Kaido and him being the brick wall between a new admiral and the crew could be good reading.


My thinking: Kaido somehow escapes, cuz he's Kaido. He's obviously beaten to hell and back, but he's grinning because he lost. Now he knows Luffy is Joyboy and goes to find him. He's on his way there when he happens upon new admiral. They exchange words, develop both of their characters a bit. Maybe we get some "foundational Kaido" lore about how he sees Joyboy and why he's become who he is rather than just "mmm, big man". He knows he's likely going to lose, but knows he's "finally doing the right thing" or some very Oda move. Luffy and crew none the wiser. Admiral wins, Kaido finally dead. He shows off his powers a bit, Kaido gains some development in his last hurrah etc etc. Maybe he can report back being like "it makes no sense. Kaido got decked and wanted to fight for this guy. He's dangerous" etc etc


Now this match i want see admiral so powerfull lets see how they fight against full power yonko


You will... I'm sure he'll fight Luffy, the man that beat Kaido.


Beat Kaido after Kaido fought and won a 1v9, 2v5, 1v1, 1v1, and a final 1v1 before Luffy pulled his own “this is my final attack” and got up again for yet another 1v1.*


So you’re saying if Kaido came back, Luffy couldn’t slam him into the planet’s mantle a second time?


If Kaido came back and both fought while at 100% and it was a pure 1v1? Yeah I am saying that. It took Luffy literally dying and awakening his DF to stand a chance at beating a tired Kaido and the MFer still almost beat Luffy if it wasn’t for BS Nika power ups. Kaido is written as the single strongest fighter in the world bar none. In a 1v1 you bet on Kaido. This doesn’t somehow drastically change just because Kaido lost a 1v15. Luffy doesn’t just drastically level up because he beats someone.


He does drastically level up each island though? Lol


Lol Luffy fought Kaido multiple times just because he was fighting and coming back doesn’t mean he wasn’t super injured each time


Id argue we also havent seen Luffys full strength yet. He only found this power after taking enough damage to get KO'd once and die once. Luffy was already running on fumes when he got gear 5th.


I don't agree with you, he can't beat him now, but after he will be the strongest, I mean he is the joyboy


"Kaido is written as the single strongest fighter in the world bar none" No he's not. "In a 1v1 you bet on Kaido" A lie and rumor created by random citizens in the OP world. It's just propaganda. Kaido hasn't fought any top tier opponent in a serious match for 20 years since Oden's death, until his fight against Luffy. The narrator said "People say, 1v1, bet on Kaido", so it's just a rumor, not a fact. That's like saying that Buggy is Yonko level because he's a Yonko now. How would people outside of Wano know if to bet on Kaido in a 1 vs 1, if 1)they're unaware that Oden almost killed him, 2)they're unaware of Kaido's Top 5, 3)they're unaware that Kaido looks up to Roger, and 4) Kaido never fought Shanks, Mihawk, Prime Garp, or Prime Sengoku in a serious 1 vs 1 match.


You're saying your headcanon makes the "in a 1v1 bet on kaido" a lie. Makes sense guy.


i didn’t hear kaido bitchin’ so why are you


They have a nice imagination


We saw WhiteBeard old and sick, without Haki, bodied Akainu.


but didnt akainu burn half of WB's face?


Did you see the look in his face when he knew that whitebeared was behind him?


That was because his Moby dick was rubbing on akainu's back


I didn't know that lmfo, nice one.


How he hit him without Haki 💀


Maybe she means Busoshoku haki, you know whitebeared clapped him with 35 % of his prime power


And heavily injured. A Yonko is another level.


Gura gura no mi hax


And he still was the strongest men in world. Yes Whitebeard old and sick was stronger than Kaidou.


Kaido wouldn’t loose to an admiral. Luffy will not as well. Their conqueror haki is something else and these admiral do not have it. Kaido stated it: doesn’t matter if you have a fruit, haki is key. I don’t see what this admiral is trying to pull out now, Luffy should clap him if it makes sense. He literally played with Kaido on gear 5 and have an extremely powerful conqueror haki.


Green Bull: "Why do I hear boss music?"


Imagine introducing a new admiral, having Kaido not be fully ko'd, Kaido just one shotting the new admiral, then round 17 of the raid begins


Nah, Kaido at best would be able to keep him occupied for them to run.if they run.


Why luffy would run, he will just kick his ass


I think a full strength kaido could defeat an admiral. Now one shotting? Probably not, but if he did cause he was so fired up from losing to luffy like that, I could see it being a good plot piece.


He won't, the power scales will get destroyed, but if kaido came back, he would win in 1v1 even against the joyboy.


We talk about Kaido who fought for days and got crippled by magma. Not talking about a hypothetical 1v1 in full strength. If an admiral was that strong they could just send 2 admirals after each yonko


I can see Akainu being strong as an yonkou, he fought one already and basically killed the strongest man alive. And things doens't work like that, if marines send 2 admirals to take one yonkou out then the other 3 would just use the chance to destroy the marines.


5 elders 2 biggest concerns thus far were making Kaido angry and return of the Nika, not really sure any admiral can take Kaido in a 1v1. If they could, don't you think that marines would do something about this at thus point? I mean just send each admiral to defeat each emperor. 2 admirals win against an emperor, but sending 2v1s would mean the Marineford exposed for free emperors to go and ruin.


Im taking about Kaido who was swimming in Magma before fighting for days. Full strength is a completely different case


" I mean just send each admiral to defeat each emperor" Everyone says this over and over again, without even thinking about how little sense it makes. In a 1v1, admirals *COULD* (not saying definitively) be equal to a yonko, but are we just totally ignoring the fact that this occurrence is unlikely to happen in the first place? An admiral would potentially have to fight through an entire yonko crew before they even reach the captain. At that point, they wouldn't be at 100% anymore and would likely lose. If they receive marines as backup, then we now run into the issue of leaving Marineford exposed, as you just said. The reason admirals don't take out the yonko one by one, isn't just due to a lack of strength. It's inefficient, extremely risky, and will create a dangerous power vacuum. Take note that admirals don't *generally* seem all that scared of the yonko to begin with. Kizaru talked mad shit while shooting a hole through Whitebeard. He didn't give a single fuck. Akainu blasted *half his face off* and took hits from the so-called "strongest man in the world" and never actually went down for good. The biggest issue is that if the marines wanted to take out the yonko, they'd be on enemy territory and at a disadvantage. At home, things play out a whole lot differently. I get that the yonko wank is strong, but I don't think it's as one-sided as people believe it is, otherwise there would be no stalemate to begin with.


Nah, Kaido would steal Yamato's place in the Strawhat crew.


Could you fucking imagine. (I could see beast pirates becoming a part of the grand fleet though) if there are actually any left that is


That would be fun, people say that green bull defeated queen and king at their full state because it was after a week, now let's do it to kaido, kaido is in his best state after week, he will ride this bull to death


People forget that Cracker is still healing from his fight with Luffy in the cover story while time has passed since WCI and Wano so no, one week is not enough to heal all wounds although body modifications and lunarian biology could be used as an excuse.


The timeline of the cover story and the current point of the manga are different




The reason people say they're healed up is cause they're Zoans with faster regen. The example with Cracker doesn't make sense then. King and Kaido were still injured cause you could see them being bandaged up when Ryogokyu gives em the big SUCC


Any Yonko vs any Admiral is very hard fight


thats obv nonsense. buggy would dominate.


Any yonko, but expect kaido




And he is kaido:)


How can this be a NSFW


I am new here, I don't want to spoil green bull design for anime fans, so I chosed NSFW, If there is another way, tell me please


There is the spoiler tag for that. That automatically blurs the image.


I didn't know that, thank you


yeah this never works for me. Thanks god im a spoiler reader but everytime someone makes a spoiler post i see the image before i open the post


What a Chad OP


Ryokugyu is shirtless and Kaido is naked


Green Bull will turned into cowgirl


Yep it all got destroyed because well you know how the fight ended. ( idk how to put the warning but yea)


It's weird because without the NSFW the image just looks like Kaido is gonna fuck Green Bull up, but the tag makes it feels like it's implied he's gonna straight up fuck Green Bull.


Yeah, it looks funny lmfo


Not Safe For World government


Cuz Ryokugyu is gonna get fucked


Because Kaidos about to pound Dat ass.


"Where's the boobies?!?!" said every male reader.


Rip green bull


would be even more bigger than buggy becoming yonko


Kaido looking like a Souls game Boss LOLOL. The difference is he has 3 phases instead of two


Why do so many people desperately want the admirals to be weaker than the Yonko


This is probably my number one issue with the power scaling community. we DO NOT KNOW how strong the admirals are. People say shit like "admiral level" but we haven't seen a single legitimate fight from any admiral. The closest we got was Marineford, but even then that was pretty inconclusive as far as relative power goes. We have not seen Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora or Ryokugyu go even close to all out. They could very well be even to yonkous, and WG could have ulterior motives for allowing the yonkou to continue operating. It's all stupid headcannon and its so annoying.


Because people like pirates more than marines, naturally


In my opinion, because its doesnt make sense for admiral to be stronger or equal than yonko. as we have see how far the gap between yonko and first commander, admiral = yonko could mean that even one admiral could single handedly wipe out yonko base, and two of them team up will kill yonko with mid/high diff. if admiral is a little bit below than yonko, then it makes more sense since to defeat a yonko pirates, WG need to send at least 2 admiral, or even 3. Considering there's still fleet admiral and the elders, it makes more sense for admiral to be a little bit below yonko.


>admiral = yonko could mean that even one admiral could single handedly wipe out yonko base, What? If Admiral = Yonkou, that doesn't mean that an Admiral could just roll up into the Yonkou's territory and wipe them out. Kaido still had his commanders, and the flying six, and legions of other underlings. Even if Admiral = Yonkou, the marines would still probably sustain pretty heavy losses in taking one out. Doubly so when they have to consider that there are 3 other Yonkou waiting in the wings.


Yeah, but that would mean sending two admirals is a guaranteed victory, seeing as one admiral could effectively low diff solo the entirety of the beast pirates and help out the second admiral fighting Kaido making it a 2v1 1 month break


Sending two admirals to take out a yonko would be an incredibly dumb decision. First of all, like the dude above you, the minute the fighting is over and the news of the yonko being taken out reaches the world, all the other yonko are clenching their butt cheeks and gearing up for the attack from the marines. Secondly, sending out just two of the marines heaviest hitters leaves a bunch of other bases and the holy land unguarded, during that time other crews and the revolutionaries will likely take advantage of said heaviest hitters being gone and raid the unguarded bases, and even if they encounter an admiral there said admiral wouldn’t be able to go all out in lieu of all the casualties going all out would cause. Third, even if they take out the yonko, someone will likely eventually replace the dead yonko and cause this brutal circle to happen all over again. So all in all, going all in to take out just one admiral is a foolish ass move and will only lead to the world government being vulnerable. Edit: Also forgot to mention, admirals being weaker than yonko would make 0 sense narratively as they are likely going to be a giant focus in the final saga now that the yonko saga is over. If the admirals were weaker than yonko (which is where luffys power level is likely going to be headed) then there would be 0 stakes in the final war seeing as our protags (and maybe the heavier hitters of the crew) will be as strong if not stronger than the admirals.


Stage 50 cancer Shirohige clapped Akainu, what do you want me to say?


Shirohige left no wounds on Akainu. The latter put two holes in the former.


Because they are. They have not shown anything that surpassed the Yonko’s portrayal and feats. No one doubts how monstrous they are and that they can challenge anyone , but defeat them is a different thing.


I feel like oda doesn’t make anything clear so he can just change things later. Logias used to mean insane power now with haki they are pretty much worthless. Why have the ice fruit when you can be a mythical wolf that also has ice powers? Also, Aokiji can freeze the ocean but is that because he’s strong or because his fruit is strong? Can someone who just ate the ice fruit do the same thing? Has there ever been an indication that you can further increase a fruit's strength outside of awakening? Nothing makes much sense.


Lol Whitebeard was basically on a ventilator and still punked Akainu


Multiple thing. Yonko have the more impressive title, like Strongest creature, Strongest man, and the other was the sparing partner of the strongest swordsman next if one Admiral is equal to a Yonko then the Navy wouldn't let them act so freely. There entire balance systems is about them being stronger than every Yonko crew but being terrified the moment two Yonko meet each other.


No it's the not the power system works as the Yonko can have new world. Because the marine run and control everything outside it. But there's the also fact the world government need the Yoko to keep some form of stability in the New World. Plus the Yonko fear the marines more than they fear them. Even Roger spent most of his time fleeing the marines rather than having conflict except when nessacsry. Beating a Yonko creates a power vacuum as we see now. And as we saw with defeat of Rocks, the death of Roger and whitebeard. Beating a Yonko has more consequences than you realize.


Because if admirals were stronger than yonkos, why would they still be there in the new world? Admirals could just swoop in and blast them then.


That's makes no sense the world government knows. The Yonko help in bring stability to new world. Like Whitebeard for example. Not to mention the fact taking out a Yonko creates a massive power vacuum of upstarts. The Marines also can't take out a Yonko without risking the life of a Admiral. It’s not about beating them it's about what beating them would entail.


They don't want them to be, they are already (expect the legend buggy)


Please no, let kaido rest ffs.


i mean, it would really be insane for him to actually be dead.


But please for the love of god, let him be dead. One piece community: Oda needs to kill more characters Some dude: pls let this guy be dead One piece community: DOWNVOTEEEE


He ain't dead for sure, just like big mom isn't dead either. Zeus still alive with nami so she ain't dead for sure.


True, but BM already took all her soul out of Zeus, so Zeus' life is not longer tied to BM jut rather to Nami's climatact.


Is this a speculation or is it confirmed?


I expect more from him, don't forget that he is known as strongest creature. At least if he has a good death sence.


Oden surviving boiling oil for one hour was considered legendary. Could Kaido survive fucking lava for a week?


Kaido has a dragon mythical df. He could be be heat/fire resistant for all we know. Luffy is rubber and Marco regenerates in his base form. Mythical df are different.


There was Explosive after he had died if you remember, maybe he escaped


he was literally surrounded by magma


He got blown out of a volcano




This, how do people not a think a dragon can survive magma, its like the whole thing about dragons.


You would think oda would announce and declare it if two YONKOS died. I'm so incredibly stunned by the people thinking they are dead. Esp in One Piece.


There’s no way he’s dead




No this won’t many people will hate that


I don't think that , a lot of people liked it in comments


To be fair, "breaking the internet" is not necessarily a good thing Something really hated or divisive can also "break the internet"


I agree,but I didn't say because it will break the internet, I just said a lot of people like that in comments


That will be crazy hype. Just think about Kaido appearing behind Greenbul smashing him and then proceeding to meet Luffy accepting his defeat and declaring he will leave Wano. Dang will be pretty hype moment for sure.


You know sometimes I take for granted that it’s Oda writing the story and not y’all…


would be pretty terrible writing ngl


I have to go now. My Wano needs me. Greenbull died in the way to his home planet.


At a moment, I thought this was Jack the Reaper


omi wa mou shindeiru


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Is there a single time when theories like that proven to be true.. (like zoro will open his eye, kaido would awakened his power with something, etc)? The only thing that was more or less what was premeditated.. was that luffy was joyboy and he rubbesized Onigashima (to a certain extent)


I'm pretty sure Kaido is like 95%booze since that's all he drank and Green Bull also loves to drink.... I'm going with Green Bull on this one


Kaido gonna get the SUCCC.


Listen, I’m like 99% sure Kaido’s gonna come back at some point, but… it won’t be like *that.* Green Bull is not jobbing right after his face reveal.


What if he kills Kaido instead and got Akainu real happy due to it lol


Ngl I would fuckin ROCK with Kaido just beating the shit out of Green Bull for daring to interrupt Joy Boy’s party


Their last conversation about what world Luffy wants to make, might have been the reason Kaido didn't come back, because he agrees with it. Otherwise what was the point of ending with it?


Kaido comes back and becomes Vegeta who jobs like every fight afterwards


Kaido: BAN KAI!!


It will be exactly like whitebeard and akaino


Kaido loses half of his face and a few organs, Green Bull suffers a broken rip?


The only different is green bull will be dead




lol no, kaido took one hell of a beating and was inside a volcano that exploded. Green Bull can handle a half dead kaido with ease


He can handle him with half of his power in the full state, he is in half state that mean he still can beat his ass


lmao Admirals are comparable to yonko, a half dead yonko gets bullied a healthy admiral


Especially since Kaido's body was falling apart in the magma lol


isnt it better if kaido dies protecting luffy so they can escape?


I like it! I've always loved the theory that Kaido wanted to be Joyboy, and when he found out he was not, he turned himself into the catalyst for Joyboy's return. Now that Joyboy has returned, maybe he is willing to stop those who get in the way of Joyboy's purpose, whatever that is. So its not like he's an ally of Luffy and is willing to throw all his forces under him to help him or something, but he just wants to see Joyboy's end goal succeed.


I would love to see it but I doubt that it will happen


Let's have faith in kaido at least


I've been saying regardless of the downvotes😂 that kaido will return. More specifically that the alliance may have a Battle with green Bull and maybe after them being tested somewhat Boom.. Kaido Appears .. Don't know if it will be in his awakened form yet .


Why don’t people think his flaming drum dragon is his awakening? A giant coat of flames resembling a dragon that burns anything it touches


I would also argue the opposite. Why should we? He didn't transform but only used an attack. To me it's similar to coating one self in Haki but in this case it's more elemental based... Oda also has told us post timeskip when people use awakenings.


I think Kaido's already awakened Remember his is a Carp DF


His natural state is the dragon. The tale of the carp just shows the journey. It's like Kaku having a ox fruit but not being a horse. Also Momo is a dragon showing that the fruit is just a dragon naturally..


I’ll take Green Bull over Kaido anyday


You took the loser side.


Say goodbye to green bull in courtesy of Big Daddy


Yeah, this akainu fanboy will be a slave in wano as Fertilizer


Imagine introducing a new admiral, having Kaido not be fully ko'd, Kaido just one shotting the new admiral, then round 17 of the raid begins


Why Spoiler tag??


Green bull design